fOTT- ^'OriWlsr, near lajorfd in lant Sarinc '•gottaned in a teMpltal l Sdu fail- ^ from |l«ntsg koad and snatninad when ck ka «M a imwwd- febLLECT 6 ..^JMklpK BwraU, Vlormant compenaation. ^d G- ■*?inam- cOmmis- jGiioUaa Imd paid Id tka jhanigtlon ■pai^ k. par d pa7 and :;«MI W rolU. fficss HCQRT An*. 8.~Dr. C. BS. local Tofarlnarr surgeon ad op^tor of an animal hos- anstalned a fractured ;l|ioktder and sarere bruises aent him to thp hospital d arken his motorcycle on which ke waa riding yesterday atter- . soon w*8 struck at a road Inter- aeetlon in tho ontaklrta of Jones- TlUe t>y a car driven hy a Brooks Cross Roiuis serriee station ope rator. .• S'" I" E.j . I w Jo^eCigiiiait to Pr^tdeatAagust SesnwCd Court Electiom Ciaae Holds Spot* lislit; AlkW 175 Crim- inid Gmm Pending New Naval Aide GETS BIG FEE Washington, Aug. 8.—A state ment i>y Attorney Qeoeeal Cum mings disclosed today former Qev. J. C. B EJhringhaua, of Mitrth Carolina, received $10,000 ensatlon- from January 1 to June 30 aa a special assistant at- NO NEW liUiU>ER CASES Mnajr MadMOaaanor Charges^ Reach SvperiiM* Court; Terfik Por Two Week* A sgl^lrbena was Issued 'Tues day fimk tka office of C. C. Hayes, WUtM SMrk of superior court, hearing the names of 411 witnesses tumUoaed to appear in conrt to testify in the Bwar- ingen veran* Poplin election suit, wherein SVaringen, Repuh- llcan, la suing - Poplin for title to office as a mamher of the county board of oommisaloners. The 411 named in the sub poena, cohttsel tor Swaringen said, were those who have “sworn on tho Bible” that they cast votes for Swaringen in the election held on November 3, whereas thflrreturns from Bock Creek credited him with 341. This repreMktk the contention in the suit) Poplin having been cer tified as winner of the election by a maJoHiy of two votes in a total vote ih the county of ap proximately 15,000. Swaringen k |;lBg Ttolatton* 0* a 19S4 act banning munitions shipments to belllnger- •nts, in South AmMica’s Chaco war. BIG GRAIN CROP Chicago, Aug. 3.—The liatlh.n’s richest grain harvest since 1929 was envisioned today by Chicago crop experts. They predicted in their monthly forecasts yut the United States would reap 4,813,- 1000,000 bushels of major gr^ns —wheat, corn, oats and rye— this year compared with 2,964,- 000,000_hushels la 1936. At. cur rent market prices this huge golden ■harvest would have a value of $3,114,760,000, or 14 per cent greater,than last year. Wilkfe»boro*8 New Drug Store Will r Open Tomorrow Will ^ Known As Newton’s Cut- .Baie Store; liocaied Opposite Oourtboase. . Wilke^ro’s new., drug store which will be known as Newton’s Cut Rate Store, will ibe opened to the public tomorrow. 'The new store la located in the brick building known as the J. T. Fwguson building near the eourthonse which has been com- ..^tetely ■remodeled emecially for • drug store. The interior of the knlldiag has been repainted and new tile floor has been, constmct- baa. Kgi(«j^ie olwgated ier tie yiaUgpsteat of Mr. ' -Jifawbg? v«0.' wilt he as- .by’^ Jpr. a n. Craven, ■tered fdmriiiaciat. managemenb. of the new ^^eordlalty taa^te* the patron- ifee paople of .WtikeifiOTO coun^, and will he klghly M have them lay the bsrw drag store * vlalt. alUiKit^oaia kave«MU Ik ll^^wia votes accorded other Bepablican candidates. This battle in the courts, and which has already made a trip to the supreme court on a de murrer decision, has attracted much-Interest. Judge J. H. Clement, of Win ston-Salem, presiding over oourta of the 17th judicial district for fall terms, will preside over Wilkes court beginning on Mon day, August 9. The term Is for. trial of criminal cases, although the quo warranto election case takes .precedence over any other cases 'before the court. About 175 cases are pending trial during the term but it ip interesting' to note that few are charged with felonies and that many misdemeanor charges have reached the superior court, many by appeals from decisions of magistrates'. No murdw case has been dock eted foi Wilkes court during the past six months, an unusually good record for Wilkes county during recent years. The term will be for two weeks. Washington, D.^C. . . . Captain Walter B. Woodson of Lynchburg, Va., whom the Navy Department has announced 'will become Nav al Aide to President Roosevelt. Bufldioff Larfife Bn^ On Blue Rit^e Parkway Will Be Largest Highway Structure in Western Part of the State If driving over loose crushed' stone is not too obnoxious, a motorist may drive over all the Blue Riige Parkway »between th© Vlrglnla-Carollna line and .tfna.'ipK Roadi In WPA Engineer Says Better Regnlts ,^re BHhf Ob* tained Than Formeriy OUTSTANDING mOJECT Greater PMrt of WPA Labor Being Used on County* Wide Road Project With the ,klgh5|«„ better coopentloa from more eqtnpmeiit avallatne Works Progress administration laborers In W«kes lUsd fehUa* rapid pro- gress placing' a etiuked stMe surface on leading secoodarr roads, and school bus rootca^ It was learned today froB ..T, > D. Heffner, division engineer. Through oooperatira effort ha- tween the highway commission and the WPA many mUee of see- oUdary roads k*ve I>la(^ In condition fpr^l wmther el. Some rapid progress has been mad© in surfacing the Brushy Monnteln road, work on whlMi is now nearing comple^ou. Three crews have bew ua^, one to construct drainMO and shape-Mte grade, on© to out rock and the other to Wofk wit)t tlM» crush er and distribute tb» stone on the road. ' The Ciigket-Hendrlx road has been sou’fabad and the road from Mountain View to lAberiy has been greatly improved. The county-wide road projee^ f under the dttsiftion of F’ MeOteseyj,^. iladdtea Bv -yoskakly hau.^^ stay^ ijj^bbine tog to liis inmi ..... Ja a ; rasH with B(r. jtayder it sWf ejl^thaS h« had .kdea eomkhwiae to ’lyilknuliiiiut, iwil; twice to bis Ilfe,'Oaoe U^^aJ yoaiv omul and again a'awW'j time later wlien he had to go 1 to the ooan^rls capital on boaej inesa to: nqgnsittnpi trittt toatloa for enltfltoent in tbel w. ■ ■ -.D. ' : '■ It was learned fnftber tbst Mr. gnyder had never keen id oowrt ae a defendant or wit* ■ese, to fact he baa nowtr st- tended a trial to bla life. Sibber Phillis Hold Local N^o On Theft Cl^e Cltntou Hnckett Bound to Court For Theft oi.. dgt* Dancy’s Pickup Irs. Lott Lon Adgms, a*n'd$, died jiy at Seir koaia te ItediHaii towigdug foltewj^ t dt ptraly&.’ |i|>© dg swrTtved ^ three chll Rick Adas$fk of WUkerimro. of y,. Clinton Hnckett, local colored man who recently saw four montha action on the roads tot; larceny, 'Is again in tolls of the Ua^ thto time for stealing a pick up Monging to Jim Dancy. Ha took the pickup from where it was p.arked on yoraster avenue, drove it) for some time, and •wrecked It on highway 18 In the northern outskirts of this cl^. He was tried here Monday la city -eonrt, sentenced to tour months- on the for driving -while under .the Influence of li quor, and bound over to mmer- ior ounrt oa tka charge of asto lareMy. All the pleted and contraetora on the projects on the southern end Of the stretch are putting crushed ston© surface as rspfflTy' as 'possible in an effort to pat on the finishing touches .before the severe winter weather on the Blti'^ Ridge, ,whlch makes work out of doors but of the qnei.'iion. And as the work progresses to the point where a motorist filled with curiosity can 'get about over the grade, be"begin» to realise the magdltudo of this hlg public vrorks Job Inaugurated and 'being carried to-completion by the New Deal. The route of the parkway waa so laid out as to provide inter esting variety all the way for vacationists. Following the main summit -of the Blue Ridge, it criss-crossee the divide. At 090 point one may be gaslng over the green hills west of the summit and after traveling a few hun dred yards be on the east side, which affords a georgeons pana- romte view of the foothills and fac, into piedmont North Caro lina. At intervals of about 40 miles the vacationist will have added variety In the way of way- sid© parks, 19 Of which are planned. •While nature In the rough is tb© predominr.nt attraction, there will be one man-made wender. Near Laurel Springs workmen are making rapid progress on a hug© bridge across a creek and ravine. The bridge will 'be of con crete and steel conatmctlon, 546 feet In length and 110 feet high. There -will be five uptns of 105 tOet each, supported on tb© tiers by steel vnuau that length ^ eight feet wide. This gigantic stmcture, largest bridge in west ern North Carolina, -will be com-' pleted in a few months. present projecte' Bg- under .iiiyJtow; h$p^ot 1m Aboat^todid Says Tbose Who Refns# th Constrflet Fihries Will Land-Ill Court G. Odell, county sanitary Inspector, s^dibdjiy.that any Who have not Complied with the iaw requiring sanlta^ privies on the ReddiOe River watershed ' .aST b© hailed into supeiior court, . While tho movement tb hledn up the -tvatershed has met with good support, generally speaking, by the home owners In that ter ritory, there are still a number of- .peopl© who disregarded the law and must 'be prosecuted if they do not make arrangements im mediately to construct a privy of the type approved by the health department, Mr. Odell said. The discovery of tbre© cases of tj^iboid In homw on the water shed has renewed activity In ‘the clean-up drive. Labor for construction of privi es will be furnished through the WFlA provided materials are placed on th© grounds by the home owners. Was Sgwpgwly Intomd rWken Thrdto^iiitoTm ofTlot - -’’‘’Mash by Mooashmers A news tfsiwrfcbr from Wash- ■ loglon, D. 1C& yastaritoy. «4d‘ I¥es4d«at ttooem^ bad slgoed a biU pay SlKiber PblUlps, well knbwp clHbea cff Um Fer- gimoB eesiteMii^t f9|B00 for tojaries skstaiaed wbea he was -titfown toto a vat of hot niash while oldfag federal MCMan to Jestroj^« meoapkiliia itIU and arrssi the nib aftoir took ^ace on Hay 87, and hfr. PhUUps waa feverei^l^ared add little hope W9W;hd||.-' toi^|ils'-recovery tor ,- bewiribiBWp ■ OlpiMto,: Hirflywood, > Cal. . V . -IttriMr Baxtwr, film stair, reoelv^.a pat* ant . for a phbtb-elect^ .egll dr tachmett for any'gnh'. aL tsefied, the eenfer of the beam of light, cast 189. yards away, can be pierced by the bullet. Andemm Adiiy Head d IMitrict NCSES Office Now in Chargo ot TeHi-Ciwni* ty District; Hickory Is New Hegdquarlers W. N. Almnder TiAea‘% Death Fuflwral Servie^ Wfll Be Hmld At UNii^ Grove Friday .AHeraoon James M. iUiderson, head of the North Carolina State dkaploy- ment Service for a fivo-oonnty district for th© past year,- has been named as acting Stenagsr of the first district nniter.the new been a^- up at Bie Mr. Andersen Is tempon^ly in charge. However, the office will con tinue hero as In the past but will be a subsidiary of the dis trict otfiee at IRokory and will serve four counties, Wilkes, Al leghany, Ashe and Watauga. Alexander oounty, formerly serv ed out of the office -here, -will be served fronl the Hickory office. No major change'is antfcipated in the personnel of the North Wllkeeboro office. Answers 2 CaDs l Fire Threatou Dastmction of Shoaf Residence To day; Another Fire Forest Furniture Wins Over W.O.W. D. J* WHFTE TO PREACH AT SBHTH CHAPEL 15TH tidi: D. J. WhltA'^ Ronda, will prearil at tonlth Chspol imtr {^The j]|ter Union Orove oa Angnst If.' that date bei^ near his 7ftk btrth- CjMir anntrersary. Theipakllc is Inviuid to wfll l^ at U Forest Furniture, of North Wllkesboro, won from Wi O W in a fast ball game gt Clingmaa Saturday by an 8 to $ seora Bill jXMgue let the woodmen down With S hits while hto team mates ,70t 10 hits off MsMla. B. Long and Uardlag led the hitting for Woodaea, while BmvIs, , Tk Wllea and Iceahour M the^ktor tlif; for •, .make^ itare ,has a - k^^^ad the thsy; Upright Rooster Walks Like Man ' rnmm I - . ^0^ la the AngosC 1 lakae of “The Grit,” a atiHeasHy kaowa weekly pabttcatioa pcteted to WIliUaiMporty Fa., tiMHe ap peared aa article about a mem ber of F. O. (Tom) Forester’s ICO collection. The article fol lows: “Stop rlsfht ap, folks,, aad ©•© the ceiebnaed Ptymootli : Rodk- eoi^ the oaly msie arisia- her of toe efaJckeu family ttoit wailm like a msat", that’#- a* boaS -too way a barker at a okv cas wmrid describe Mils odd loofetog snoptor tbst. grew tk«4 . of m kted always wsHWig iwnad wdSi A .hwtebed-bead.'^ he dtolPSrtI rrntom "id&- WllUam Nelson Atexander, 76, hl^b* esteemed cUi^n of Rook Ureek tdwnWllp, tiled atlila home on; North Wllkesbtjro route A'wu. wv , , W-edWdhy Irilowlng a brief «1- rlFH UCPSUTllllCDl mm of jjaralysia. • ’ He .ifks born^July 29, 1861, a son'^'the late Nelson D. and ■Mrs. Evoline Brewer Alexander. H© wsa„jipf$i1ed to Mlsa EiUa- both'%lobdjl6ff'and to this union were bom 11 children, nine of whom survive; Mrs. J. S. Bi llot, Knottvllle: O. M. Alexander, Roaring River; Mrs. W. F. B'lack- bum, Belews Creek; J. S. Alex ander, Wllkeeboro; C. C. Alex ander, Winston-Salem; Mrs. John W. Goodman, Raleigh; W. A. Alexander, Rocky Monnt; Mrs, Bruce K. Jones, Wheellh*, W. Va; Hiss Bva Alexander. North Wilkesboro route Z. PMaeral service will be held at Liberty Orove Baptist church Friday afternoon, two o’clock. 'The body will He in state at the church from 1:30 to 2:00 and the service -will be conducted 1^ Rets. A. B. Hayes and L C. Wood; im NewBd£q[ls Gonig Up Here Henty Lsndon Eireeting Spa* CMOS Building oa Ninth Street In This Cky • Workmen are engaged In 'con- straietibn of a spacions building for 'Henry Landon ' oa Ninth street, adjacent to.tb© location of bis pyeseat. business location. Fos^ A ARea, contractors, ww awarded contract fqr the bBUding/ wilch, will provide mack floor space and be 6f brick and concrete construction. ’Tldf lot ims. been axeayatg qad j^^atlCT to the '■ ' '-It Fire threatened the deetructlon of the residence of Mrs. R. S. Shoaf on B street today when a bed 'cauebt fire but prompt work on the part of thei fire depart- aeltt : extinguished the flames be fore .mneh damage was done to the home. On Tuesday night there was considerable exeitement in the city when a ohlckea bouse on the premises of J. E. Deans eaaght flue and was destroyed. The Are department krilt the fliunes from spreading to other property. cappitaiT’ 5nKMrial Service For W. R. Savage Olendale Oprings,. Ashe county commnnity, .-will ofcasirr;- arlth memorial servicss the'passing offto the Rev. William R. Savage, retired Episcopal reetoA there 3 yean ago. Citisens of the W4ife«sboT6s,.{. tke Jeffenooa and th* ratal citl- SSBS plkn to Join, under the lead ership' of Rev. Mr. Sava je’s very close friend lA lite^ 4£ikr. Jobs Lake, to msenoriidtae l^ .kted- ly rid centlemaria .passing with , aK>%9riate sohn, and readtogi, etc. It Is wij^ reegUed h^ cbMe the life Frtbgr flssgge parellslM ^ good ItfS- Vf te* Christ and msny of ^ wlU look ferward te the T TwrW-iBid at.t%.uav.«Bjtt^:4 lopil' Leave Off Geoeral ing Fimil-' - TiiiitiLi I Oounty-wlde ensuing fliioal year was sek the Wilkes county board of « mlsslonen Monday at 41-66 each hnndred drilan salgatlon of g^erty, which nabnts a deoia^ of 4- under the f(Ue oi; $1.10'for year 1386. ' . ' However, the ralpk thjs was based on the dff of approximately $15^016^60 lie' comparaA vrith' the vatosiion oC approximately 118,850,060 fnr the year 1886. The tax rate of $1.06 ineloiee an added burden on the coualT government finances, that betag the levy for eld age autstanesk aid to dependent children,, aid t» blind and administrative eo- pense as required by the' state social security act passed in the 1937 general assmBbly,. a*A which made K mandatory that counties levy to pay their share of the various costs. In reducing the tox rate . $1.06 the commissioners foaoE ' It necessary to slash or »nit vav- . Ions Items in the teatatlto bag getii,jr*Jl* cglted foti a; teatativa budget'cos for which to building In Wllkealtolf but budget as finally adriked greatly reduced, on th^it^g^'*. Another major ir^ucmn the tentative bbAget elimination of a sinking >,fs $15,000. An Item of major expeinsej| left off the general lamlT as finally adopted when.'it decided to leave off for a beating plant for. tlto.c house, eetimateij to Various other rntncUTT^j^ tions were made In orto. to af fect a reduction la the for the current year.'^ ■' The $1.06 tax ntq to d^rattS among the different funds ,a» follows: General fund . .IK H^lth fund Poor and emergene/ relief . M Old age assistance ■ .ST Aid to d^endeijt children ., Aid, lo blind Administrative ’’ori, .fu Q-j Other welfare expense . County^wjde deW serriceL . School funding boqd font! School debt tervloe Schori capital outlay — ^ Total connty-wide rate ..—$1.6 The Nrirth Wllkeaboro shto raflirbad bond fnhd^tax waa inade Uiree eeatST. mahes the county tax rata North Wllkesjtero tQWtobiP H on each ' valnatlinn. M ThefcS^ on.aggh _of.50' year.jOf &e‘ . stoa4':;:*pvwt‘'j,,_ fund and fifty cents toHKtoJ fond.' ' ■' ’rhe dog tox Jite tor eatti mpte tor each fetoto ' ' 'Tiietox - ,

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