I' to iifrttkdiur Bt i. = turtlto yrorii- a doao ot Btrrcb- »nd died, poUoe )UNTERFEITER Ant. !#•—Im O. ‘ efuit’ In eharge. an- today that the federal serrlee h a4 aireeted j,,'WllUama, of KnoXTlUe, Ashevlll« on. a charce IwMdncitooiintertelt |10 bills INWth Carolina and adjoining tatee. ITE YIELD Waehlncton, Anc- 10.— The devartin««t)i Ananst ahomd ' V 9^1^ dMi^na #1 itat-tn- .oC/tobalBoo. Prodnb* SoiajpareA. irtth an estimated In- yHid of on >iir 1- 1,«^04S,000 >p estates Ao*.‘^^i0.—The ni estimated eoA crop today at buah^e and the ■crop at 00,419,000 bnsh- Hb. Those forecasts, based on condlUoh of the crops Aagnst 1, oempare with 2,571,851,000 bushes of com and 882,287,000 of wheat forecast a month ago from conditions prevailing July 1. FIND DEAD BODY ' Norris, Aog. 10.—The man- [gled bbdy of a man about 60 old wee found today be- .wm Om PLAK^mi^ILL UNE Line Enat^Mird ,im Highway 421 Wai Ha^e Bnuseh- ea ta Other Sections Through ctHistrucUon of new power llake hf.- ^ Dake Power company many homes In Wilkes county this yean will be served with electHolty for the first time. M. O. iBatner, Manager ot the local branch of ihe I>uk«i Power com'pany, said today that a line ot about II tnilee extending eaet- wsrd from Wllkeeboro on high way 421 haa been approved and win be constructed in a short tlmew Branohee from ^le line will ratend northward to Clingman and BoathWard Into the Windy Gap commute, affording elec tric service to a total of more than 100 homaa. ’ PliuM are uihler way foij con struction of a line Which will ex tend from the end tof the present line near Hays to TraphlU. How ever, tho plhhh.are in the pre liminary stage but It Is hoped that A will be approved and can be constructed soon. Branches from the proposed line would serve other commuiilt.'.es In northeastern WUkeS, making a thorough coverage ot the more densely populated communitiee and adding many eustomers to the system. The proposed lines and those which have been constructed during the past year denotes great .progrees In rural electrlfl- catiou In Wilkes county. Hr. said rf^tlvp to. other n Clwiitff flaiiiers Invaded this lut week and several merehaabs have only reoewtty laanwd that the timdcs they cashed were no #ood. PemoBs of Idewtity unknown to local inerohants made a number of brtvial paRbasee at several stoeee and cashed tb« worthlem checks to c to tal amoont of aboat gSOO. Ihe Aeito were Mveries on contractors on the ^ Bine Bidge Faricway, some on Meilo Teer «™t otheib on Imnbert Brothers. Hie stgnatnres wore not only forged or fictitloaa bnt the ehecAs themselves were forgeries ta tiist they were not printed by order of the come panies and were mt some bank in Texas whltii does not exist. 4 Sisters Kifled By Lightning As TheyStringWeed Creedmoor, Aug. 10.—Shock from, lightning inst^tly killed four daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hester, of Creedmoor, bout 4 o’clock this afternoon while they were stringing tobac co at tho Hester farm, one mile north of town on the Oxford highway. Tho girls were working togeth er on one side ot a bench, across from their'fa^er, thelij brother, Joe, and Roy^Mangum and Gene Rogers, their cousins, wh^ Urged Tk«t Be PiwseDt e«0»«!dlii Day, of 1937-193(8 Term ■ TEXTBOOKS TO BE FREE Basic Textbooics For £!«• mentary Grades Freei to Rent Extra Readers Arrangemwits are rapidly be ing comideted for opehlnc ot Wilkes county schools on .>Mon- day, August 30, K was leanied today from C. B: BUst, ophjBty superintendent of schoolSj, , A unlfom opening date Is planned In order to facilitate the various phases of bushioss la connection with the schotd sys tem, particularly •the free text book system for the elementary grtdee, to go Into effect this year for the first time Itf thli state. Contracts tor transportation and for furnishing fuel have al ready been executed and detaJla requisite to school openiitg are being arranged as rapidly s^pos- slble. Another successful school year is anticipated. 9upt. EHer urged In an Inter view today that parents make a special effort to send evpry ehUd of gdiool age on the first day. This will insure early distribn- tlon of textbookij Mid the chil dren win have an even start. While basil textbooks will be rented without cost to children In the elementary grades this year, there will be another added feature to the school system. 1% that Bupidementary ^^etsy,*' lefti^j^ years old, and slidar •‘Betty,'** atoost^li.ysarli old, have yleldedii^r8' tons milk, ralilid large families, wrt skhw ring hcHiors, but are still oa Jthe Job as producers In y, U. Obekfi^h Jersey herd, Oiendale, Arixona. PobBcybbry Cveuiyidd is Centeml Libgajry Here Hm IxiMBed B*^>to 3>6pp Since EntoWished The Wllk'W county public li bra^, establlshied only a few months ego, is TSpldiy growing In popularity and. so. far the cen tral UH^ry bew^ exclusive of .six biwches In niral sections, has. loaned- hooto to A total of 500 people. The estimated num- ■ber oS 'books, r joan^ by the branches would Iner^ise the clr- oQlatl^ to afOttiid Moo, . The library' was established M a project of tto Wilkes oounty e^cil of social figenoies. Book d^attocu aad.-Aenatktns of esA as'Cueo^betshlpHtoa ,ln the oonn- have made injordl fil Fafl Frani^ AMo , : Afl' . BflUe Sber^ Age ScM Haa Fractured SlttiR ^ and Other Injuries * Billie ShertU,. seven-yto*^* son of Mra. Elis Hae SbertU, «f Mooreeville, received a fractdrM shall and othey serious injurito late yesterday, afteidloon wiah to fell from an aptomdbUe to pavement on higlivtay near Moravian Ealls- ft ’ ’ Mn. W. A; Amlth was drlyihg the car and .the child In: the ba^ seat ptarted to raise tha glaia and, took hold of ‘ tier wrong handle. The door opened and he. fMl to tho roa^.^ , ^ Hel was car^ to the WUk^ hospital lor treatment ' ji-iitcBi [die": . \ 'Ihe^totocst ont in Wflkes coniT Judge J,. H., ClemA ;: less than 8 nor years In the: state for Robert HIU, Major Rev( ner, col highway HendMuon' iSaol ored nan. this city by the monthg ago. Phillip ItokA eteallng from Chrey :dr«w a seaUgtoAf ^.y«M^lK|:' the roadsjg^p^.. ■- ' James iMRey Sslti' had' bton the sonreo ot poatiaBal wn»y to; eafoTswkM^f^i offloena was ssetoneed to)»^' ’ months oh the roads tor laysstor of ah antomohito Ruby Jobies'was ssntenoed to three month* in Jail tor laresatr of‘an au(oau>bile belongtng to M resident of .T^lorsvllle. , , 4- v Two dlvoroea. haye been' hd during thb tsnh,-one 1»^.^ onto of M, A. Wellhom Tsi|in. Bsesle WeUbore and tto nCkto' In the case of Vecis Prevetto tori ms D. H. PrpT®*^ ■ The manslaughter »- gainst Arthur Hagar, indicted to. tonnectioh wtth a fatal auteato tole accident a few years Jtok iriiS dianiln^* dp, tbe^ qai|p .pi ^ack Ma^ D. H. Ramsey said a ^ .seeailty hard In the man’s pTipooket bore the name of W. V. Gardner and the address, At lanta, Ga. PROVIDE FUNDS Washington. Aug. 10—The in- h' terlor department appropriations .bill signed today by President sev^t provides 24,500,000 the Blue Ridge parkway and ,600,000 for the Natchez Trace ^ ghway. Tho bill provides that E[:$40,000 additional shall be avail- v-wble for administrative expenses connection with - additional (truction of the Blue Ridge JlfMrkway. ^FARM INCOME OFF ,:r Baleigh, Aug. 10.—Dean I. O. Bchaub, of State college, said to- . day farm Income from the sale crops rose in every South At- ^,‘ Iantlc state but North. Carolina 'during June. Farmers In this V'^^e received 25.828,000 from '^'Itoeir products during that ^inonth, .Dean Schauh said, basing figures on a report of the tederal bnireau of agricultural i-iiieouomicB. ticipatod revenue will Justify the’ expenditure. As people learn to use elec tricity adequately, he said, they will find that they can use It profitably in many ways other than for furnishing light. Jones Coming To WilkesMonday Rural Electrification Field Man to Meet With Wilkes Fanners D. E. Jones, rural electrifica tion field worker of the extension service, will spend Monday. Au gust 16, In Wilkes county. Although great progress has been made In extension ot power lines in Wilkes there are still some central communities which have not been reached and Mr. Jones will confer with several groups relative to proposed lines. PASS COURT BILL Wlaahlngton, Aug. 10.—The 1^ to alter procedure In the low- dk eonrts won the final approval to4v of the senate, which aI^■ Lpsum glad to get rid ot the slx- montto controversy about the The IsglMstion, a sh^l of the original court ^oposala of PreMdent was embodied In a report signed earlier itog hy housej and senate Only the tontine ap- tto hoato to toeesstotc " Sai goto to 'the">Rrhite lie, Atig. 10.—Carl Home Coming* At Blue Ridge Held The annual home coming was held at Blue Ridge Aug. 8th. The service opened with a devo tional period led by Leo J. Church, followed by a program given 'by the young people of the Vacation Bible School. After this Mr. M. M. Phillips took charge of the singing. Choirs from Big Ivy, Tellow Hill and Hickory and a quartet from Hickory participated. The aftemoon( was devoted to plans for 'building a new church house. Hon. Ira T. Johnston act ed as chairman and- l>r. B. B. Dougherty and Prof. T. B. Story detlVered inspiring addresses on this Subject followed by a pro found and stirring address by Judge Johnson J. SfOtoe. It bis arm J~hhiig~' strask tbs ^.utoy was getog Crom to hls hi^si, on dead when relativee ruehed' to them. Details An- liacUng It was not Immediately learn ed where the lightning struck. The dead are Maurice, 24; Vi vian Mae, 19: Mary Swain, 16, and Edith, 13. They had been riding from their Creedmoor h'ome to the prosperous Hester farm each day. The eldest of the four girls wais a teacher In the Stem school, and Vivian Mae recently com pleted a business course at a Ra leigh commercial school. The young girls attended the Creed moor school. The bodies of the sisters show ed no affect from the shock, per sons who viewed them after they were brought to Creedmoor said. Funeral arragements were not made immediately. Though It had begun! to rain, the Hesters and their cousins had not left their work when the girls were killed. A wagon was standing nearby but there' was no other near shelter, according to reports. The Hesters, a well-to-do fam ily, had lived here for a number of years. JSoys. See Waghington aBltorTuoSTdf Mr. and gttd H». f‘ 0. MlUor, M. A. Bo- toeuw, Jr., and D. P. Besheara, Jr.f^ IMY* Just rtourned from,' . a tfto Trith ttoK.37.-t. M. G. A. ^^ys bf High Point. Hr. Edgar Bartley, T, secretary petwmally conducts these trtpcf* visiting a ntnnber of hiotorioal ptaces In Virginia, Mt Vwnon, | Artington Gemetory, Washington dlona- mei^ 'ths federal buildings, mu seams, airport, soo and Bebo lugh'^e Federal Officers Take Paul Pruiti Large Still la Raided Near Traphill Sunday; Pruitt’s - Bond Is Sot $1,000 Paul Pruitt reeident of the Trapbill vicinity, was arrested by federal officers In a still raid Sunday and following a hearing before J. W. Dpla, United fitates commissioner, In Wll^esboro hb was placed under bond of |1,09(K tor appearance in . the Novetobto' term of federal oourt. The still was^wald to have been one of the largest located by the officers In sOVtoal months, and large qu^tlties of materials for loanufaeture illicit llquof were destroyed. OtUoon C. B. Felts, E. A. Ben nett, Roy Reesek Leonard Roop and Deputy Marshal W. A. Jones made the raid. are Tequlfemeats of school and SUpt. Eller,-eKplatata^ that this year wlS. b* the first time that rural schooR in WlllcBB will have had the oiiport unity to use supplementary readmu. How- evM, tbe rental charge pt these supplementary readers will be small and it is hoped, that peo ple will cooperate fully and take advantage ot this forwdnl step in education in the rvral com- munitlee. High school - textbooks -wRl -be rented tor one-third the retail price, the same as last year. gii^jrth thiji, oooptoHtfoa of the state II- cea|tiUselon, which has Farm Corpliaiice Worit Win Begin On or About September 1; WUl Use Air Map, Of Farms in County Work of checking compUance in the 1937 soil conservation program In WJlkoe county will get under way on or about Sep tember 1, according to Informa- tloi^ received today from the of fice of A. G. Hendrto, Wilkes county agent. Work was scheduled to get under way this month but was delayed temporarily because the air picturee had not been entotg- ed for the compliance supervis ors. However, the atr plotnrea will greatly facilitate the work and WUl make possible Its «om- pletlon In a short tlma Tho pictures were nuule from alrplanee and are nOw being en larged to the scale of one square into repreeenUtig ten acres. The pictures will be made into maps and with ‘them the. compUanoe supf^sQjM Uft,. aaticlpatiag no difficulty in mp4d checking. Tayleravfflie Man Tf^cco S^^ialift Ralegh, -Auft . 18.—Appoint ment, Of W. P. Hedrid; of Tay- Ibranfille, Alexander ronnty, aa tbe tint, tobacco apeoialist am- pleggA in. tiia.-tostory ot the fitate DeKartMbnt Agricalt«a annountod today-by Gamni.lsMpn NOBtbu In^e** to Com grows on^laad In Itoek- Ingham county tl^ wgs *" ’*“-J|fr[.'' tor two yean will pfmfwab dnoe twice the yiMd of oora^i mi loan^ bodka to thei library tto threoanoaths use with no coat to tha''libnu7 except transportation to and from Ral^b. However, there have been a number of Inollental expenses, including > express charges on books, and a rental shelf ot the latest and most desirable fiction is needed. r Meanwhile 'book donations or cash contributions will be ap preciated. Anyone may become a member In the library associ ation by a book or cash donation of not lees than 25 cents. Use of the library is not confined to mombers of the association. Wilke$ Teachers To Meet Ai^. 28 Win Be On Saturday Before Schools in the Couuty Open on Monday Wilkes county teachers will meet for tbe first time lor the 1937-88 school term' on Satur day, August 28. Schools -will open on tbe following Moi^ay, Angust 30. The meeting will he held at tbe school bnlldlng In Wllkee- btoo, and attendance of all who are to teach in Wilkes schools this year Is required. i Principals will meet with •C, B. Eller, county es^ertotmident ot sriKWla, ot Aokoot t^/ ityfo o^ or plans lor school adminUtra- tlon this year and to recotte su^ piles. grandfather’s home* aL' Moordl- vUle when the accident oecured. Friendsh^ Revival in' A'^spvtyaF mOet^ to begin oa Sanday. 'liigaat at Friendship Methodist Chul^fi* near Millers Creek. The public Js cordially In- vlteA to aMaait ^ revival ser vices daring the week. IMbrriiige LicumisiQ Lieensee to wed 4nri^ the paat^il ter of iMida foUoviac:, Cli riiy flegl*- iav ttoo Second Victim of Wreck Succumbs Andy E*t^, Age 17, Passes At Hospital; Funeral Held Wednesday Andy Estep, seventeen-year- olrt son of Lee Bstto, followed his father In detoh Tuesday aft ernoon, the second victim of an automobile collision on the Oak- woods road near Wllkeeboro late Saturday. Leel Eatep, his father, was al most Instantly killed In the crash of his car with a car belonging to Hubert Mathis and operated by Harry Roach, of Charlotte. The 'boy had been unconscious since a few minatee after tho wreck. Harry Roach, driver of the car which hit Mr. Eaton’s cai, was released from Wilkes Jail Tues day afternoon on bond .of 21.- 008. His companion, said to be Charlie Brown, of fSiarlptte, baa not 'been apprehended. Roach anffered-f-mlnor InJiiTlee. in the crash while Im Mr. Estep’s car two other boys received minor lajuflee. Fanetal for Andy Eetop was held af-New fHope Baptist church near'^Oflreath Wedneeday altar- noon. N«wton*s Drug Store Hat Fine Opening tahawsley ^Adaaix' ed to 29 d^ fn JaB ^ tien of the prohibition law, ttik as not to be famed If eoei paid by the November term. Three dtoendants recelved iMl^ tenoee for eteallng meat-- 4rc%^ county home when they r^ jr way from that inatithtl9h,:hivt|^ been sentenced at - prirroel term to work there. Elmeet ley drew six months work at em county Jail; Nnma Porter tour months work at the couaty home; and Charlie McOlaasaqr four monthe on the roads. For failure to support mlaor children and for abaodentaaig Thurman Steelman was seQtjPM^ ed to 12 months and'six moattas on the roads, tbe sontonetm 'gh run coDonrrently. Mack Gant was eentensug ta 18 months on the roads. . , Newton's Cut-Rate Drug Store, which opened for bnelaeas Friday pastor Jp tto In Wllkeeboro wlto a'^bomplel^ new stock of drugs and drug Rot. Marvln^Mann will assist the pastor, Rf^P. h. Barnhaidt, jnuidries, bad a-spIeBAfat bpsuli^ " ^ ^ ^Saadreds. ot people^ the towu surrounding Hw^unltiea paying the store el visit on ihg days. The new drag store Is an addition to the town-i^Sid eetved aa aigireciatiTe .w^c^ra on the iiart ot the peopla. tAl store win be operated under ib* manageemit , of lP*- tod, wRh C. B. Ciwmo, A" regto- Amounce Revival At Goshen Chuv^ Rerv." 8. I. Watts, pastor, haw announced that a revlvi^ 'w:^ b»- gin on Sunday^ night, Angd^ IS, eight o’clock, at Goshen Baptist church. He will be assisted fu the revival by Revs Finley -C. Watts. The pnbiiir 4s cordlailr fu" vltod. To Begin ReviyAt At Lewi# Rev. fk. H. #ay«% annoaneed that a - gin .On Sunday, Ata Lc^ Bepilsl Cii^sch.'’ will be held at ^^4 eight o’elodc p. hea a oordlal Ror. Leeter Ton ' ■ -V .tTr’ ChM Ai A'i .ta.alWtbo*^ traatim C. G-jPgy, ^ WllfcB»bo]x> lire tm^ tedur. -fium fireuMBls Shnvea^a Qipisaefea, He' fai’ til*' ^MXr yv€.-T

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