(.yolifift r|POrt- IC kV.' is.—^Tbe Mty»l L-i^ 4>» hfl4 tht th» MMOiile ia WMt Blkln OB Aafnut Sf, th» com- too arrtiiisemWla Om »b- OatteroB -Morris^ of kriott% tormM ' Gotornor of Oandina, i» «*P«oted to bllrer tli» picnic addrws. KraoMT IRON LONG Jkam^ IS.—iHoapltal ^ taprwemont Itton of eUrloy old davbter x>f aCr. and Mn. Caril Eranse, irio was jdaced In an ‘'Iron tanc" for Creatmont for Infantilo paralyali. big crop Ral^h. U.—6Uto Do- partmsnt ol^ H|^i0|t^^tficiala osttmatod today Noir^ Carolina tarmara would harrost S4C,940j,- 000 pounds of totacoo tills year, triie cow torocasti. .made as. of AuBUSt'l. was t>ai^ on an . ex- ands SB In the Bg good weed." ?^"Yori?^Affl« ifc-Strangl- itly ratlalied, the 'Of louirvynar^ld Joan] u i Jn |G|s €^^es Priia ^ bibitora^^r the Ceti^hst Eyi^ PATE"« sept. 14 TO. 18 KnleOw.. was found In a lonely marslAaBd Aungalow on Staten Island today. The dlscoyery add ed explo^)ip lnpdiin to, a cam- liH^jSt im !■ iha ooarts and polio^ltlbertiMat as A zesBlt pf two sdai^ lUsyiesa within a 'jffw nioBthA Ite HAD. A JOB New tolea^ Aug. 13.—Bdgar v .. . .u W. Burton.. S»-year-ola uu«0> »cU hare toeen hooked through r_ ' . w.n JLs. ^ itfaiitiur M¥\n.*AKlA RhmmAljhr And West WoftiSr Shows On the Midwi^t JsA Thirty-'Cer' Rwilroed Show' Orwr 2,000 copies of a prem turn list otOatlmg liiberal cash prlxen -W every department have been printed and distributed by the Great Northweetem Fair, which will .hold a five day expo sition In North WlHwsboro be ginning BepteMer The Northweetafif^i#hlr Is suc- ceasor to tte Ofeat WUkss fair and Is organised for a large group of Wotthwestem North Carolina coanties with the ex hibit hall being open .to .e^gbtbits from Wllkee, Aileghany,^ Ashe, WatABga, Cgldwell, iredeil, Alex ander, Yadkin and Sjirry coun ties. The amount of cash premiums, covering every department of farm and home. Industry, In this section, far exceeds premiums offered at prwvloos fairs held here and is expected to attract a great! array of exhibits, especial ly of the products for which this section has become widely known at larger expoeltiona And while special efforts have been made to assnre an unparal leled collection* of exhibits here, the other departments of the fair have received special attention. The midway vfHl be occupied by Weet Wonder Shows, grandstand did burbulenttWfcy' to apply- for a Jeb. iHe was attired In a dtraw hat and smiling when be arrived. He didn’t get the job but he did get some clothes uid a nickel for the fare hack. WAGES ARE BOOSTED Chicago, Aug. 13.—Fourteen railroad brotherhoods tonight ratified a $98,000,000 annual wage increase for the 800,000 Bon-operating employees of the Btion’s railroads. ‘‘The men Ididn’t think the five cents an fbonr raise was enough but were ' adlllng to accept it under the ciroumstances,” said George M. Harrison of Cincinnati, chairman of the unions’ wage committee. FOSONS Cmi^REN Ang. 13.—^pry-eyed 1 and composed, Mrs.{ Lenore Bling, i .Iield for the poisoning of her 6- year-old son, told police today she planned the death of her self, the b^ and his sister be- cause a man had spurned her love. Officers awaited a coroner’s ■' Inqneet tomorrow morning -be fore asking Circuit Attorney Franklin -Miller for a warrant charging the 27-year-oId woman wiyi.’lpnTlng killed her son. Jack King Jr., by giving him a ham- berger sandwich on which she had spread poison. j, highly reputgbto p^motw and » AlspU^ five nights of the fair, Racbe are also planned. As an added inducement to at tendance and Interest the fair as sociation will give away a new automobile free and cash ■prises will total $200. North Wiikesboro Water Proved OK Analysis by State Laboratory Shows No Typhoid Bac teria in Water Despite the fact that three cases of typhoid have been re ported on the Reddies Rver wat ershed in homee without sanitary priviee, th& analysis ef the city water made by the state labra- tory on August 12 shonved that It was free from typhoid garms. Analysis is made once -or twice monthly and no adverse re ports .have been made of sam ples submitted, indicating that cara is taken in purifying the water for human consumption. North 'W’'l;ke6boro and Wilkes- boro have the same water sup ply. mmACCO 25 CENTS Saports from markdt centers North CarollnarSonth Car- border ffituceo belt Indi- ontid^iBBterday that brisk sales tmi ttm prices marked the first of trading. Few bids were daring the week, dls- .from aroand the belt farVien •unt* reported Pleeigd. Official stelp- -M# ipHiiig rl^m - niArkete Indicate a pnse of ^around' 26 cents a or iwospecte her prices uter when bet- grades are offered. Stone Mountain Singing Aug. 29 WUl Be Held With Mount Piegsdi Church; All Sing- «re Are Invited Next eeesion of Stone Moun tain Singing aeeqgfgflon wilt be held with Mt. church on the fifth Sunday ht^Augbst, 29th. ^ ’]%• ainglhg. arae^ly will open at ten o’clock with devc Rev. It. B. Hurray. '^All singing cl interested are Invited t^^^iftend and take part.. levotional by claslito and o^ers Invited t(fc.Bl|tend -A Na- yiiirito- tiokO ts- aUp VlrglB- rg ig now In pragrteei Mas Afisrfean nysteiione ghost Jones Is CoitiinR'To Wilkes Next Month O. S. JoosA field sman for the rural electrification d^rtment of the come to extearisa to WllKSS servlosk dUd not today as a taking i cruisM beneath the Falls. Roosevelt Will ' Drop Fight For Wage-Hour BiU Washington, Aug. 16.—Presi dent Roosevelt has been c-.mvlnc- cd by his House leaders that his embattled wages-and-hours bill Is dead and he will not hislst upon action on the meaeure befors Congreee adjourns, it was re ported tonight. A final blow will be dealt the bill tomorrow when Representa tive Martin Dies (b), Tex., will offer a resolution proposing that a House labor subcommittee be directed to investigate the whole problem of maximum hours and minimum wages daring the re cess of Congress in preparation for revised legislation at the next session. Berisw BUI Kindergarten WUl Open September 13 Mra.*J. U Cleirienls, who !has successfully taught klndwgaitsn classes here for many years, hag: anuouncod that klodecgartsii* will open this irear dh e^tembsr 18, one week "after school begins on September 6. Parents who. are interested In placing children In kindergarten are asked to see Mrs. Clements wtthln the next feW 4hy»- Bnt Ro' NO CAPITAL CAJES ‘ -i Several Roaii Meted Out While Many Are Taxed the Costs Many cases have been cleared frein «b|B dociisl of 'Wyikra su perior onurt, now in the midst of the Angnst te^' for trial of ertmlnal aetlona. Jodge Clements is prSeldUig and Solicitor John 3. Jones Is prosecuting the dMket. - Mo eases' of major IntsrsSt hays been tried but It Is rapect- year-old Mainret -Ri — gd that Wallace Taken By Federal M^ Find Quantii^ of £44^^ Qn Premises of iJlil W^ lace officew|^ ■ t*{\ far 'less conagstsA - condlttHi the end of 'the terin. Which wtU adionm this. Whefc. .' Follo^ng. are brief f)$gffBonntfl of the cases In which seitencee werb pgssed since the last regort in thts ’papey: John Wadd^I, convict^ ' of driving with 'Inadeuaate. brakes, ■waa given a road sentence su spended on paj^ent of coA by the November, term. A notice of appeal to*the eupnme court was given. Clay Holland, Jr,, who suhinjl^ tM^a plea of forrihle trespdas, was given Si sentrace of |nar months on the roads^ auaganded on payment of cost a»d thiee. yean good, ^hablor. T!he''tBand Jury failed to return a true MH agylnat Avery, Hutf- maa,. of L^tr, who was driver of a.oai^Meh 'Titt^M ^ Others iind.l W^DMERE, L. I. . dureh metnbera of a party w^ ' were Dset boat ro ahoib; to sommon aid for metnbcdn of a clinging to an upset Goodman S^^dfer At Fnnt Grower’ Picnic Aoj^ 2dt)i WUl Be Held mt Pine'Ridge Picnic Grounds; Affair Is an Annual Event The Brushy Mountain STutt Growers at their .picnic on ]^lday, Angnst 20, at the Pine Bldg# picnic grounds will have as the principal apeakef, John 'W. Goodman, aaUStant director of agriculture of the extension bprice at North citw^ng TO IMPROl rA celabratiea also «« the conn-' - ty some time to 3epteml^, the “^^.date to be annhuaeed lateV. Sir ;c*«y,* bin to hoj^tiaely snarled. H» conferred with the. Prealdent..toat week and while he refused to discuss the topic of tbeir talk, it waa understood that the pair re viewed the wages-and-hours fight which Southern conservative Democrats are leading in the rules committee. Other congressmen who have ta'.ked with the President during ihe past week said tonight that tley got the impression that he is willing to let the measure go ove,' until Congress meets again in r.>feular session next January or earlier if a special sessionj is called to enact fgrm legislation. Mr. Roosevelt, however, has per sistently refused to discuss 'the wages-and-hours scrap at his press conferences. Although House Maorlty Lead er Sam Rayburn (D), Tex., in sists that the ieaderahip will not abandon efforts to get the wages bill to the floor until “the last gavel bangs,’’ Speaker William B. Bankhead (D), Ala., already has applied a coup de grace to the measure. Appears Impossible “I have no hesitancy In saying that it now appears to me and to other House leaders that It will be Impossible to get the] wagee-hour hill up at this ses sion of Congress," he told thel United Press. Bankhead denied reports that leaders are plnJi- ning a parliamentary conp to wrest the measure from .the! deadlocked .rules.'ponunlttoc-' * “No measure of shCk vast-im portance to the cohntiT' as this one should be enacted until It has-been debated ppdperly and considered adeanat^y," be ( de- clarsd.. Meantime, QoBgraag' preparad to enter what may,he the last week ol ■ the ■ nsseioa. Bankhead said he planned to bring up tomorrow the bill to seal loopholee In thb reventie act and warned that he would: try to keep the House In session until It passed. There la very little op position to the measure, how ever, and a late night session Is not autlci^ed. a Forest Winners |n Fast Ball '^meTteel r Crest l^ii^ltttre hassiiaU] teanu vriiioh iabiKding.a lecordj las one of theARinitofli^l tin this part il gafloda bf 1l(nfi5p; Following preliminary heail^ before J. W. Dula, United 9t4% commissioner, Wallace till e,4 bond of $500 for appearance !h the November term of federal court In wiikesboro. Investigators , Reese, R o op,, Felts, Fortner and Howe partici pated in the raid. - Good Gam^Bt JdMoir lAagijre Boomer Pitcher Tuma in the Beat Peffoiianaiice With Shutout Over Rivals Phillips, pitcher for Boomer, turned in the best pitching per formance in thO junior league Saturday by a two-hit .shutout over Champion with Boomer ■win ning 11 to 0. At Moravian Falls' the best game was played with Moravian Falls winning'6 to 3 in .a contest that held the tense interest of the spectators. Cricket ■won' over Wiikesboro at Wllkeatorp t^y a'seoce pt f to 3. Wiikesboro trowed much im- proyamaat ovor tho typ*: 00000 the. boys bad been playlnl^' . North. Wllke^ro scored an uppet by ^fadttog. OH^msn here 6 to 3. Team • Moriivicui Falls _ Boomer Cricket CUhfwah ~ ’Traphlll -A— - N^. ;V0ikesbfm _— Clai^'li^ Wlikes^ro JL im ; toteat to w^it rape was rdtofiied against Lee MuUis, Glonn.Staley, Charlie Sparks and JparU Hester. The Indictment chargsB.tbey entered the home of Maude and Hazel OreMe on July 24. In another Indictment hy the grand’^fury Hai^ Roach, of Charlotte, was charged with the deaths of Lee Estep and his son, Andy Estep, .in an automo bile collision near Wiikesboro on August 7. Basil Holloway; who 'plead guilty to auault with a deadly weapon, was given a sentence of 60 days on the roads, suspended on payment of cost, $10 Gne and good (behavior. Otis Bowers for assault on a female drew four months on the roads suspended on payment of cost and good behavior for thrte years. Hotel ^McGlamery, whose escapades have worried dfficerB for yeara, received a total of eigbit months In. jail on the fol lowing charges; vagrancy, resist- 1^ officers, driving while nuder Inhawe pf llanor, assaulf and reckless driving. Other charges ■were nol prossed. Cases •against the following de fendants have been nol prossed: Tine Billings, Nell Hawkins, Es ter Hawkins, MatVln Joines, Rom Billings, Pressley Adams^ Pai)ks LoveRe, Marcus Redding, Dock Call, Reuben Davis, Cballie Ellis, Sallie 'Festal Muepby,. Rufls Wagoner, Avery Pllkington, Jones Shepherd, Ertle - Church, Dennis Pierce, Montrose Camp- Alma lAdd, Wesley Hainby and Jfaul TTK»as. K„.,ii.«rlA>aiL ?tls hottsii litf sW powers In the’"*dlsS^ will at tend with their-families'and the baalrats, that make Broohy Mountain picnics tomous The program In- full: Assembly 10:30 a. m. Welcome hy president, Robert L. Morehouse. Recognition of County Agents, A. O. Hendren, Wilkes, N. C. Shiver, Alexander. Short Talks on Orchard Prac tice, i>. 6. Broyhill, 'WilkesH. S. Deal, Alexander, local fruit growei®. Address, Jc^n W. Goodman, Assistant Director of Agriculture Extension N. C. State College. Address, J.' O. Hackett, State Road lOoihmdssloner. DlscoBSion of Orchard Prob lems, H. R. Nlswixiger, Extension Horticulturist. Prognffll^ for Woahen, Mrs Perry Lowe^ Chaiiunan. Jl^toket Dinner 12:3P. Every body bring a baskrt L—ding Ft ' to h Work Is isfaetory pace Highway Dfrlsloar shhiH' ocJbotte side of the Ysdkto: east and of North.' :^orksten h*ts “, plet^ the buMa atructai^ 41 binatlon rapil^^ah toMi with MmSdsloiia 6t it X feet. It is of fn$me-( aaMft constrnc$ion>^hp^ a* eon floor. T9ra next binding to he 'evsafcr ed on the S0'-ad:« track of' purchased by toe Ugihwsy partment will Re a paint sh(9 b;r 75 feet an^' work has htCtoA bn the foundation. There will also he a coal aliait 26 by 60; A aforitfe watnk0M» 26 by 60; a^blMhamltb shop hT by 40; a concrete'Wsh rack feet long and a grease pit of tW same dlm«$itona; the reinatotoir building will ^he an. oil stmto^ ■warehouse and se^lce stati(to tor- highway equipment. W. LKvd OuttUg, ,oon W«tauks Caldwell and Tap counties. J ' In addition'to 'thp' sbbp Mr, OntUng is also as " for oonstrnctlon of prleoar caahpa in AUeghgny.and Avery eoontli^ Later construction, on thti toliB purchased by the slate here wiil incinde a 200-man prison caipri near the shop. In order to make the sbop.AI^ prison camp easily'accesslbto Rse road will be recOaitPUCted'tonito what Is knoiwn -locally ae Mto lower town bridge to higlqwgr 421 about one mile east of mih- ke^ioro. •• — Troop No. 35 At Camp Latter jp^liowtnv tiH> sehegMiw tor thb remainder of .|ile heasbi: ' '■’^.-AnEokfiMl ' ^ Moravian Falls at''Ghamprbh Boomer at 'Traphlll ' North Wilkepboro at Cricket Wiikesboro; at. CUngman. Angmi as . Chaasplon at Moravian Falls 'Traphll! at Boomer Cricked At North’ Wtlkesboire J*. ■ Clingmaiv at WGkssboro. Septetnb^ 4 at Bmmer -Traphlll «tCbampk>n Nprto ,WRIMK>ro..at .Yntke^ro Ciingmah at Crieket. it ■ '-it- Skull Fracture|?In Fall From Horse ' • , AJvto PeanoB, age 12, son; of toe lato G. E. Pearson and Hn. RosK^.earson ''Slelcq.mb, of MU-' lore Ctesk, wsA'asrsmly injured Fridsy ^afternpon; he was throWfi firom a heaSl at MtUera Creek, He reoelved a skiBl frae- ture and several toegnitions on bis keod, arms and legs. He Is a^patient at toe Wilkes hospital. The .hoya of troop number 36 Boy Scouts of America, under the leadership of Isaac Duncan, Scoutmaster, and Effagr EUler, Assistant Scoutmaster, were at Cai^ ^cssater, near Wnston-Sal- enr during tbs first three days of last, 'fotk. They aU zeported a very fine time while toey were therb. Ifnch was accomplished by toe boys ta-s^Duttog, ss'dadtrim- strnetlen was given la swtaunlng. first aid, and varlons phases of scout activity. As a resnlt many of the hoys will Im reUdr to ap pear before the local Court of HonM' when it meeto'again tor advancement In rank. . Troop nnmber 16 was reorgaa- ited early in - the^ spiring, and' since that tlms lit has mads steady progress, and to» present meabsrship Is aipnnd fourteen. The hoys are making rafiid ad vancement, At the meeting of the Court, of Honor In July two boys received Second Otosh dadg- ee,. and. It Is eqMSt^ lo Johnstm Speaks AtKiwanislli^ Frank E. JohUBOA, comii of Wllkea poet of the A« . Legion, was the speaker . Friday luncheon meetihg of ffto North ■Wiikesboro ■'ICwMtor^'^ “Youth*' was the ■ toi^ ■ 4liw cussed by Hr, Johnson and ea ts theme he used a BlblicaL^ parlson, toe poorly hnllt ships'hd Zion Zebar, which would- neC cruise heoause of faulty coBrtw» tioB. Using this as UVustrattato he said that many youths fallnred because they are' reared. . , wi. E Jonsd' ’wa^ .profid^ chairman for the day. Harrold OhancUer and 'Xiiilpfe O:- Morehouse were guests of Dr. Wtl O. Hubbard; EdMond mnndsen war a-*gnest af M oCoy and IHUiam E Mlllpp and R. L, Ehraidtay. of Were 'visiting‘KtoraiiAms; • At ‘the meeti^ on. Adtditv'^ R M. G. Bntner itoPTibgT man aud he preemted gene Olive, , who, made a ma lightening tin llglona mcksmsl^ tbe er, N. Y.,; cotAASuee' agd Is known as yw. Oxford, .Hj ment, which lj|$' reluaiA^ ports of mneh 'fttteirest to raUgloB. Oi^ Falls Hhonnation of ^ 1989 Goidsnj^'*"^ _ score of nine to 2. Tfte'hemef by j totoraatioBsl XhqMsition win bland • tonni team. dhHdayed a fMd bnaidr:«d I