Ne»$tR’ te • Ni^km Biic^ JMfeBtt»ZED TBE^TR^^CT ,iVj ,-^w w. \iX>R BABT —.^rr, S. C., s«||g 14.'fj A yr«B«tar» whit© tiahK taC'© Qoand and a haU ^ blru, ttiotTed In an nlactric lhanbator at tha Trt-Connty hospital to- alght. When born Sunday night, th© infant could be held in the -‘yidni of the surgeon’s hand. MANY FRESHMEN Oreensboro, Sept. 14.—More ta©n 700 new students were a^^omed to Woman’s college to day toy Dean W. C. Jackson and in©« Harriet Blliott, dean of W&en In an assembly program te which Dr. Jackson defined ■"^Uege experience as “a Joyous thing.” VOL. 3QCXI. NO. 96 Published Mondays andJhuwdMrsir NORTH WlLjCji^O, N, G. ^^THiaS^YVSEPT.16,1987 flseffliraBSTATE-lg^C f •- .. —^ - •'> -^ m EXPANDING SERVICE Washington; Sept. 14.—^The cial security board announced day apprornl of grants totaling i,24S,706 to defray July 1-Sept. 80 .costs Of expanding employ ment. .serricas in 12 .states. The gfhats CaroMna, I.OL’^r snd 122,976. I i&LlifeD;‘¥35lT ^ ^ WamosTlll«> Sept..^iA—^I>ao Bla^, .:i«, ^ the fi^itaboY sec-, tfon of BUtywpod cohnty, was 4a-' tally Injamd'^ 6:2(1? o’clock this morning'wt^ ptrack toy. a truck while wiOktal on hlghsray. 10 near Sannooh, fonivmiles west oP Waynesyllle. ‘ Mathis' companion, ffobart Ruff, 25, of the same section, also was hit by the truck, but escaped serious in jury. Legion Baseball AppikatioBS Are^ Ed^ a Snccessi{iil|Seiit' to Raleigh Season In Coimty;'F o r 31 In, Plan County Team Security Prbgrh^ jji '■-‘f-i'.’sq |An Pqpirtiteiits Exceed Fofl^ Player© and Fana Have En joyed the Firat Year of Junior Btoaeball MORAVIAN CHAMPIONS Good Players In All Com munities to Be Gathered For a County Team Saturdar-mark^^ jbe end of,^,^ the first season of American Le- e«T,t(>mber under Total of 130 Checks Will Be Mailed Out for Month of September APPLICATIONS TAKEN Welfare Office Working Dil igently on Receiving Applications A total of 130 Wilkes County glon junior hasdtoall in Wilkes county. The first year of the project under this CirlC organization proved very suoosdsiul with the players and baseball fans in eight communities Closely following the proceedings. Every team In the eight-team walking i^gue put up strong competition in the race for the league cham pionship, which was won by Mo ravian Falld with 11 victories and three defeats in the fourteen game schedule. The project cost the Legion post approximately J300 for WANT CROP CONTROL, WashingtOBy Sept. 14—.Admin istration leaders began to pre- - -- pare today for stricter cpntrol of I eq^^lpment for the various teams major farm crops In 1938. Call-ib^t much of the costly equipment Ing in more than ToO Stata AAA I in good condition and will be officers, State agricultural com- n«‘ lowering mitteemen and others, they can-'^*^® cost of the maintenance of vassed prospects. The men from | ll*e league next season, the States reported that recent According to present plans a declines In crop prices were lead- S«od team will be gathered early ing more and more farm#s to' "tf t -summer from all parts of deelrp production controls. take part in dlstnct. CENSOR ADVERTISING -JUlelgh, Sept. 14. — Cutlar , of th© State Id' Emission, announced to day that after October 1 the board would censor all liquor advertising in North Carolina publications. “This is just a con trol measure,’’ Moore said, “to ©top wild promotion of liquor sales. We are not promoting the sale of whiskey nor are we ad vising anybody to drink It.” state and national competition. The season this year was design ed to give training for next sea- a,4in and ali^Aojjlaxed this year ^^. • win S; ciWble^^=s^80n:^ ’riottrtng -smh « CONDEMNED TO DIE ^ Winston-Salem, Sept. 14.—A Ttaperior court jury deliberated B6 minutes late today and con demned James Sermons. 30-year- old negro, to death for the mur der of a tobacco factory night watchman last November. Ser mons rose steadily to his feet and said, “I’m not guilty, I didn’t kill no man,” as Judge E. C. Bivens sentenced him to die in North Carolina’s gas chamber at Ra leigh November 12. DEATH SENTENCE Marion, , Sept. 14. — Mann Smith, negro, wa) sentenced by Judge Felix Alley today to die In the state’s gas chamber Oc- "tober 15 upon conviction of crim inally assaulting a 12-year-old white girl. The 15-year-old negro received the sentence calmly. Strict precautions were taken by a special detachment of state highway patrolmen and sheriff’s deputies after Smith was struck on the head In the courtroom last week by Frank Anderson, a phimber. will be eligible next s^son, ■“ a long with any new material with in the age limit. In Saturday’s games the league champions, Moravian Falls, lost to Boomer 7 to 11. Wilkesboro did not even get in the game with North Wilkesboro as Templeton hurled the North Wilkesboro boys to a 17 to 0 victory over the lads from the south side of the Yadkin. Cricket defeated Clingman and tied for second place. Clingman and Cricket plan to play an extra game soon to de cide second place position in the league. the month of September under the state social security act, it was learned today from Charlea McNeill, superintendent of wel- fare. ■ W w;- ’-.: ' This representor the total num ber of appllcayons. aPPrOTed by the county welfare board Tor old age assistance, aid to dependent children and aid to blind. Of this number 103 are for old age as sistance, 10 families for aid to dependent children and 17 aid to the blind. The applications approved at the last meeting of the board, composed of Dr. W. W. Miles, P. J. Brame and Wm. A. Stroud, were 27 old age, 4 aid to chil dren and seven blind. The total amount expended during the month of August was $867.22. It is interesting to note that the welfare department has ap proved for general relief a total of 415 families In the county. These families, include 2,329 in dividuals and that number were aided during the month of Au gust throu|$h grsnts^.^f .^.W, ties. .Meanwhile the welfare office staff and case workers are work ing diligently on additional ap plications, which will be passed upon as rapidly as possible. Ap plicants are being notified of ap pointments at the welfare office when applications will be filled. 7;.r, ‘v " v Shanghai leaYing thi^'anar that ■ y-’-.+jg- of Better PirotbicU In the opinion of judges, ©pec- ialtoto in the various lines of agriculture, Wilkes is making (good progress in keg ^baMo induiF exiposiUon has prored to toa ghat leaYing TijHitMg becam^ ab kenvy part of th® cll!^ wf y.-: ■ . .r at Queen o£ Auto Race Day Expected to Draw Larg^ Crowd rf Week at Exposition Da^ng knighto of the roai^ ttg road will * «ek gold, glory the lead In the 1937 Atlantic .States Autol Racing Association’s championship at the Great North- ksestern Fair, North Wilkesboro, b^ .Saturday,-fSoptein-ber 8, in jghat-to bo the moat evM' dished ww. DRIVE ON SYPHIUS- Raleigh. S«pt. 14.—Dr. Carl ' „V. Reynolds, State health'officer, gprdp(L^^le» today that W? d^ ptortibset intended to Intensify th® -Vaf ' on jsyiphilis In, * NiMth pi[|l^na4krMdhrntpi.-og^ laws re- qUjiliig treatment of Infected ine^gta. “If those who are Infect- efN^^noi begin treatmenf'^wlth- la^’W hours after receiving first noUbb,’r. Dr. Bsynolda said, “they wpij .M jiJJed-ifad' forced to taka 'ti^tmeht nnder the provision of diljgii^'' 296, section 3, public Of , i^VC«ES EMBARGO j Washington, Sept 14.-pres ident Roosevelt Invoked tonight a pairiial embargo on shipments of -arms and munitions to the I^'ar itsrn war ©one. After confer- _ with Secretary of ^tote Cor- (|eU Hull and Josei^ Kennedy, cgSalnnan of the Maritime com mission. the Chief BxscatiVe is- tondtr a formal gtstomeat an- Bbtnclng.. tttat no bMrdhgst Tse^ ©e^ otmod'by this goTwnmo;^ be Jp^uiailtted to J,?. fd Chiu or Japanfp. futker BoUse.^" Dr. E. A. Branch Kiwanis Speaker Member of Staff of Stale Health Department Talks On Oral Hygiene Dr. E. A. Branch, member of the staff of the North Carolina State Health department, ad dressed the North Wilkesboro Ki wanis club Friday noon. W. D. Halfacre was in charge of the program. Dr. Branch talked about health as a general subject and particularly stressed oral health as a requisite to gen eral health. Of 900,000 children In school in the state. Dr. Branch said that 85,000 are sick in some way and do not know It. Of 400,- 000 under school age a propor tionate number are afflicted, he said. He‘.stressed caretof the teeth and espeotolly nutrients that tend to .prevent togth troubles. John Bumgarner was a guest of Dr. P. C. Hnbtoard; Dr. R. P. Casey, Dr. T. L. White, Dr. W. A. Taylor and Dr. A. C. Cbamber- laln guests of W. D. Halfacre; Mrs.cBertha Bell and Miss Eloise Bennetli guests of A. H. .Casey;. Dr. A. >'J.« Eller, gueet of C. B. Eller; and Ben Stlmpson was a guest of E. G. Finley. ' Exhibit Portrays Better Farmii^ Display Under Direction of County Agent Emphasiz es Value of Livestock A specially prepared exhibit portraying methods o f better farmin.g and soil conservation through production of livestock i.s attracting much attention at tho Great Northwestern Fair this week. The exhibit was prepared und er direction of Dan P. Holler, county farm agent, assisted by Miss Rosa Billings and other i member.s of the office staff. It Is a duplicate of the exhibit he prepared and put on display last year at the North Carolina State Phir. To study tihe display is to appreciate it. Miss ^ to^ mih^ the .chwkerod tag '©wlsbe© at t^e tkpe, an afternoon of thrill aim^is Is proindsed. ‘ ^ i The leading' independent dirt t drivers of the' DBA stars be in the bensisA 4 battles. six event program will toe y^tnred by the CTafoUna’s Heat ;Racfe, “The Battle of Champs” land the Dixie Distance Sweep- stakes. Saturday as “Auto Race Day” Is Long Beach, Calif. .' . Gwen Stith of San Pedro, was' at. the fair acclaimed winner of the first an- eut the largest crowd of the nual “Queen of Queens” contest week. Six events interspersed nual “Queen or yueens- conieei week. Six events mierspersea expositions In the state, held here. The contestants were with vaudeville, circus and Wp- further on th© sub girls who had previously been chosen “queens” of various events—Rodeo Beauty and so on. Rev. R. I. Moore Will Teach Class Rev. R. I. Moore, oi Provi dence, R. I., will teach thee Men’s Bible class of Wilkesboro Bap tist Sunday school Sunday morn ing. All members are asked to b e present and bring their friends. Opens ”It” Cafe Dr. Deans Speaker At Meeting 21st 'Dr. Jnle S. Deans, optoidetrlst of North Wllkeeboro, will be one of th© speakers on the education al program at th© meeting of th| Winston-Salem group of til e North Carolina State Optometric Society b^ng held Tuesday eve ning, September aist, in Mt; Airy. , will prec«4d tha meet. Ing at the Coifntry Olnb at i:M ‘p. m. Th© Ladles AnxUlair yJS also ^ &la 'ilme* Hollywood, Cal. . . . Clara Bow^ famous flapper of th©-'36s« who had It, ,for years fed th^ potolic ahteitainment, bnt from now wlh fee^ tto pec^le food. She and, her hnshahd, Bex Bell, hartTltoA opened a oale. Man Is Arrested For Violation Of Federal Statute Conley Stzmley Is Held On Charges Viela^g Mann Act; Hearing on 22nd ' ' • \i Conley Stanley, a'rwldent of this city, was arreted ;^d jail ed here yaeteMiw.^1^;; Deputy Marshal W. ' Av ■feafiS .tiiit.V war rant charging vioigwtf-' jf the Mann act.. ~ Sta^jr la altoged^.-^ve car ried a'woman' Mroet ike'^rth* Carolina-Tenn^^ state'' Una for immoral pnrpraes. An investigator from the Char lotte, ottic©.^ ,lj£ jiiSd^l sBu- reaU' of ‘iftVestlgatiMrt- ^^f^Man —ha© heen Ja'I^ltoeft durinir the past two^days Inv^igattog the chargee. Stanley will be given a pre liminary bearing on Septenrlter 22 before J. W. Dula, United States commissioner, In Wilkes- boro. are carded for pedrome acts “Speed" Day.” Included in the entries are Bill Rogers, Kentucky Cham pion; Johnny WohlAel, Detroit V. F. W., Speedway Title H®|der; , departments. Fred Bailes, Intermountain Cham- the kii irii.iT.n ( Exoe^Edkrii^&aL m, ISArntf Attractlmot^ F-Aihka 6^«ndi»«, Mmy Novel’ Featnr#il‘^1i» Werfid Worid's Wwidor Shows, We«i»er*s Rend roerionw Ffireworiss Clnnax Red Progrees^Twto^t^ to Go Given, Aeto Reces Sehirdey'Afternoon. „ _ State Mr As shown toy«,^iid ^ |of 'th9„€ahlWto -St- th©-,> Great North^»tera Outotandlng ^g^^he: st^d- polnt ef beauty the apple.'ex^ hlblts\wlth many » th® leading orchards of .the ^sfilee repre sented. > ’ Even the experienced eye and touch of H. R. Nlswonger, hdrtl- toulture specialist .frpjp State pol- lage, found dlfficntty In judging the excellent samples In the vari ous classes. He worked faithftol- ly for several hours In the task of judging. He described the ap ple exhibits as being far better than last year. The “Live-at-Home” farm ex hibits were well prepared and featured the best methods of farming. First prize went to M.P. Barker, of Roaring River, and second to Floyd Hendren, of Brushy Mountain. Wilkesboro a n d- Ferguson Granges lyid exc^ept exhlbUs. was"W2®eiP'Wlllf tobo was on the theme of ’'Vdg'etajblee and Health.” Ferguson's exhibit on crop rotation and soil con servation was a close second. L. F. Brumfield, county agent of Yadkin county, judged the ex hibits In the agricultural depart ment and commented on the va riety of products gathered togeth er for th© fair and the excellent quality of many specimens. C. J. Maupin, poultry apecial- 1st from State College, judged “Auto Race Day poultry exhibits, saying that expected to draw poultry show was far above the average except at the very Commenting further on the sub ject of poultry he said Wilkes Is recognized as one of the leading poultry counties In the state. The flower .show Is a spot of rare beauty In the exhibit hall In- To Begin Revival At HiHshaw Street Baptist Sept. 19th ^ AnnouncdmAnt •h|« been made of a revival to h^n on Sunday, Septem>ber 19, at Rinshaw Street Baptist church In Ala city.--The Sunday sOTTlce-wlR to© held at 7:80 p. ^ 5 J ; .. ne revlyaL w|l]|-be condneted tojr. Rev. 0^.' W. ;^,ed by. Bev. D,- putoHe to to erecy aerrloto pion. Chuck and Lou Gray, Lex ington, Kentucky; J. Ford Bur gess, Martinsville, Virginia; Bert Hellmueller, 'The Flying Dutch man; Larry Varler, Atlanta, Ga. Carolina entries are Fred and Ernest Rushing, of Winston-Sal em; John Whitt and Buddy Bleadsoe, of Greensboro; Roy Grubb, of ThomasvHle; Kerman Owen and George Ferguson, of Charlotte; Banks Loop, of Lex ington. Ferguson Is a native of Wilkes. Still Taken By Deputies Sheriff Large Plant Found in Trap* hill Vicinity; Destroy 1,000 Gallons Beer mry and ing adll k^Alaxand- Deputies Odell Whltllagton and Winfield Nichols raided a large illicit still ) near TraphlU last week. The still was of 150 gallons capacity and there was evidence that a considerable quantity of liquor had been manufactured. Wagon tracks Indicated • that a load had recently been removed from the scene but no one was found by the officers. Beer destroyed wa© estimated at 1,000 gallons. lly Invito* aftnlvetsary of" the Ooitotltatlpn iof the'Uhlted #tataa. eluding products of tho kltchin, were by no means neglected by ttoe exhibitors. Begin Compliance Work On Monday Hope to Complete Task With Aid of Aerial Maps In One Month The Great. Norfhweatem- ndr has something (9kere; Cast everywhere on the - fairgroniiga Every department of the tolc Aerial maps showing the farms in Wilkes county will arrive at the otilce of Dan Holler, Wilkes county agent, within at few days and the task of checking com pliance In the soli conservation •program will Imgin on MMidsy, Septemiber 20, it was learned here today. The aerial maps made from pictures taken from planes will gt^tly facilitate the work of the compliance supervisors, who are -edjiiected to complete th© job In stooot 80 days. M(Ae than 2,000 farm© In Wilkes county are under work sheets In the program, which has proved far more popular than ithe Invalidated triple A.' bove;aII expeotatioss since ing flay Tuesday when the ftpr association was host to thooMUMto of school cbildien. People of Wl'kes^and adjola^ lag bounties were led to believe that several feett^e attraotloiiB had been contracted for the fair but they wer© taken, toy surprtoe with the magnitude of the expo sition. Playing on the stage oh front of the grandstand each after noon and night Is on® of the toest program of aeto ever assen- bled for a fair in the state. It to a big time show from ©tart to finish, the kind people In other sections shell out dollars instead of two^its to see. The fair association spent largei sums to get the acta through George H. Hamid,'of New York City, world famous promoter who books attractions for the North Carolina State Fair and other major events. The M® e^jofstjtlisjll^,^ |v* acrc^sjlh aeto, Inclo'di^ a na- satlonal balancing and juggUag act, acrobatic dances and a nm- ber of acrobatic stunts that muat be seen to be believed. To secure this aggregation ot stage attractions which ordinar ily visits only the larger citiss the fair association spent ap proximately $2,0(10. The grandstand attractions are climaxed by an uproarious dis play ot fireworks that have been sincerely appreciated toy fair vie- itors. On the Midway Is West’S World’s Wonder shows with shows and rides for young, mid dle aged and old. Included ia this largest midway carnival ev er to play here are many new shows and the most popular rid ing devices. The Octupus, a new ride. Is proving to be very popu-^ ^ lar. New Automobile Free Two cash prizes of $25 each have been given away and during the three remaining nights of the fair th© remainder of the $200 in cash prizes and a new 1937 model Chevrolet will b* given. Bar Assotsation Makes C^ndar For Chril Term WiBsm Court to Begbt Moifit^ Mominf, Octtrfber 4- Wilkes county'lato asaoqtotlom. In meeting Tuesday afternoon Mt the office-C-. Hayes, Ctort ’ of superior court,- arrangSd cal endar for -the October town Wdlkee court to toeiJn oa OT 4. ;■ Civil case®-Will ■toTtvlodt tofAi.A hundreds are pendlnjf. dtoPOiUtoto.- In the court. The calendar wnn made np In chronologlcal.oi^er^ Several years have ?^apsad. some of the ^cases. awaiting trial were institntedi Solicitor-Jones Constituti^ Day Speater Tonight Soltoitor. Jones wOl addraaa the Masonic lodge at- ^ Park tonight In a special meetrj ing ta otoorrMioe of the l^h chaw Rqiral ^‘Rehab” © Wfflrk Under die FamSean% 191© rural rejiatollltatlon aoper- vtoed loan program will ««oo- tinne a# heret^ore, under the nCKly eatabltoh^ Fam •; Security the n. 8. De partment of Ai^ulture, W, Bry an. Ollv», Sppervtoor In work In. ishe, AUeghsny a*^ Act, which the Wrtkw iSonatlea announced eawj (Contlnaed ly this week ^ from^io offlea fa North doUo»* - Ing saanrancea,. jraoatved frm. rector tot tite, wm weanvy^apw- mlntotratIon-4a fiaI4l|fc N* - -Mr.^niivot; stated- 3 rones

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