rat' i> by vuiif UHt' on ‘LMi« Ior“ Jewa*. .«^ ttiat no astter wh^e .Mo if you am n ohfld of Qod, ba of DodlM Street 'W4*‘to Wlkeiboro *Mt Sottiter to TWt, ^ ^•®o* T.(,Nlchola, fofiaer t oad organiwr of Qirttpn :^w8iiozi. After old A^mdnt- -'•M >060 reBeered. we i»th- tato Eer. Mr. NlclMrta' Urine whem « eerrice waa hrtd. aones ■were eoae, after Hot. Mr. Nlob^ gare a Tear PreaerliitlOtti FflWi — A T CROSS PHARMACY (Hb .Racktered Draniat on daty at aU hoora. S^t • 'Phone M Suffer With Colda*Pain t — TAKE COOKS — 7 CCC And Be Relieved waa alwaya ready to help if we aroald only call on him.,He told of hla Ute alnoe he had moved to .WHkeaboro and how,hk home waa homed two years ^after he mored, hat by the heip of Ood hft had been able to rebuild his blame. Hie aervlce closed with a talk and prayer by Rew. John H. KUby. After the eerrice dinner was aenred and forty persona gathered around the table In, a grove of trees a aonall distance from the home. After dinner we gsttored again in the home for a BOna service and special music was given by Dudley Street chor us. Mrs. Walter Lester gave one ot her poems In honor of Rev. Mr. Nichols. Goodbyes were ssld at *:15 and wo left for our homes happier for our pleasant visit. Some of those present were: Rev. and Mrs. James T. Nichols, Earl and Arllne Nichols; Mr. and Mrs. Avery Sealey. Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Griffin and son, P. G., Jr., Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Willard and children, Mearylls, Nancy and Freddie, Mrs. H. N. aOT^nsale — OF — 46 — Beautiffi] Homesites — 46 In Spainhour Heig'hta, on the Main Street of WILKESBORO, N. C. Saturday, Oct. 9,2:00 P. M. FREE PONY and valuable CASH PRIZES Sale By GREENSBORO REALTY & AUCTION COMPANY For Information Regarding This Property See J. I. MYERS, NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. , Wwd" a^' JetUe, Bather and Bruce, Mrs. Walter Lester and Rcmitid. Jvau. and Ltt Ann Le^, Mrs. Bvelyn Boggs and loiter,^ Norman Bomb* Mlsoea Thomas, Ftavel Pttts, ^.VlvlM^ Nichols, Opel Cardwell, Margots* Beck, Messrs. W. O.ftLemOM, Woodrow Dlmm. Aubrey Vaughn, a p. Ht^der, Thomas Bishop, Broce Caldwell. C^e Btow^ Rev. J. H. KObyrJWieB Nlchota and Mrs. Mary Wood. Written in ^honor of Rer. Jnmee T. Nichols, of, Wllkesbw, by Mrs.‘ Walter Lester, ot Win ston-Salem. Fiddlers Conventiem Those "wflio are In charge of arrangements for the Fourth An nual Old-Time Fiddlers’ Conven tion and music festival to be held in Galax high school auditorium on Friday and Saturday nights, October 22 and 23, have pracU- cally completed plans for the event. Since the 'beginning three years ago tihls event, which Is Jointly sponsored by the Galax Parent-Teacher Association and the Galax Lodge, Loyal Order of Moose, has attracted visitors and music lovers from practically all sections of Virginia, and registra tions from six states were re ceived last year. An unusually large registra tion is expected this year, due to the greatly increased popularity of the annual affair and to the fact that no music festival has been, or will be, held on White- top Mountain this year, such as has beeu held there annually for the past four or five years. Chicago, Sept. 21.—Thirteen- year-old Joanna Xenos who com pleted her elementary schooling in two years and two months, to day was the youngest student ever registered at Mundelein col lege. She enrolled in the liberal arts course for a major In chem istry. Of Phitt ^eek 17.—Mlos Keep The Home Comfortable This Fail And Winter With A RHODES-DAT HEATER We can furnish you with any type heater you want—from a Sheet Iron to the Genuine Estate Heatrola. Our large line of Heaters, Circulators includes many sizes, and we have them for both coal and wood. See oui* big new stock before you buy. Heaters (double lined) $1.85 up Circulators $33.75 up Estate Heatrolas.... $52.75 up Headquarters For Heaters DON’T FORGET WE ARE HEAD QUARTERS FOR GOOD HEATERS AND CIRCULATORS, AND THE ON LY STORE IN THE COUNTY WHERE YOU CAN BUY THE Genuine Estate Heatrola Come in today and let us talk over your heating problems. Furniture Co, - **iUwa7s Outstanding Furniture Values” jr - t: r NORTH WHXESBORO. N. . PURLBAR, €tept. n.— HsssI Moigan, t of 8tstesvliu4*“‘“j^: :sp6Bt the week-end with Mr. sad Mrs. Clsnde~ Peerson. Mr. end Mrs. Roseoe Vaanosi, of West Jetferaoa, were here Sunday visiting rriativee and tendiiig eburoh at New Hope. Mr. and Mrs. Hale Smith, of Detroit, iMieh., and Mlseee Mar garet and Cletna Cooper, of Florida, spent last .week ^',wIUi thrfr brother, .Mr. R. D. Cooper. Miss Cletus has been here and at Hickory with hw" sister. Mrs. Jiess WatU, the^past two monfibe. Miss Mangaret~spent six weeks visiting Interesting places In the old country. They are sH leav ing for Florida this week. Miss Harris Eller’ entertained some of her friends Saturday night In honor of Miss Clair Cockeram, who has moved into th© settlement. Her father has charge of the roller mill at this place. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Goodwin and son, R. €., Jr., of North WU- kesboro, spent Sunday with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Eller. Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Cooper and children, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Smith, Mlssea Margaret and Clet us Cooper, Mr. W. S. Fletcher, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Cooper, Mr. Guy Church and Miss Judena Cooper motored to Blowing Rock Sunday on a picnic trip. Mrs. W. A. Eller was operated on at the Wilkes Hospital for ap pendicitis ten days ago. She Is getting along nicely and will soon be at home, her many friends will be glad to know. Mrs. Sarah Eller spent Sunday with relatives here. ( Diphtheria Now Quite Preventable Raleigh.—“I am tired of treat ing diphtheria, not that I mind the work but because I hate to see little children suffer and die from the effects of a disease that is 100 per cent preventable.” Thus, a prominent child spec ialist living in an eastern North Carolina town wrote Dr. J. C. Knox, Director of the Division of Epidemiology, State Board of Health. This physician, in hla private practice, insists upon the immunization of all children coming under his care. “I agree with him absolutely,” Dr. Knox said. ‘‘Diphtheria Is one of our most serious childhood di seases and, as this doctor points out. It Is strictly preventeble. By immunizing the child we not on ly Insu-e it against suffering from this disease, but cut down the death rate as well. In 1936, there were 192 deaths from diphtheria in North Carolina. These could have been prevented. Of those who died, approximately eighty-five per cent were under six years old. In some of our counties Immunization against diphtheria is required before a child can enter school. This Is a step in the right direction, and the requirement ought to be statewide, that is, every child should be made to present a certificate of mmunization before entering school, but the fact still remains that a majority of those who contract the disease and die from it are of pro-school age. The age for Immunization, there fore, should not be six years but six months. It Is well to bear In mind that the earlier immuniza tion is done the lesss discomfort is experienced and protection Is afforded at the time of the ahild’s greatest susceptibility. “Despite the fact that we have known about immunization since 1914, there were 2300 cases of diphtheria in North Carolina last year. All this suffering could have been prevented If parents had seen to It that these children were Immunized. Immunization is attended by no danger and very little pain. I heartily agree with the physician from whom I received the letter above refer red to that parents should wake up to a full sense of their duty in accepting this 100 per cent guarantee against dlphtlheria.” Trades Dog For Car Statesville, Sept .13.—A North Iredell citizen came to town yes terday in his old model touring car which he received plus ?10 in cash, in exchange for a dog. The car, although of rather ancient make, is still functioning satisfac torily, The owner was apparent ly pleased with the deal which gave him a motor vehicle and ten bucks for a bird dog. Llchnss* ^ wed havo keen 1»- ued during the pest several days 7?om the ofOce of Old Wllee, WUkee register ot deeds, to ti» following. Curtis Blerliu and PFeos, both of Norjlh WU- 8. L. Qourley and Della both of Reddles River; wrwjr Roberts and Edith Soots, both of Honda; Clinton aiddon and Nelllo Male Former, both of TraphUl; Raiy Sfaoqnaker and Lo la Foster, both of North: Wilkes- iioro; Elbert Watkins and Vic- torla Mitchell Brown, both of WUkesboro nrate 1; Maurice WalA and EHna''Kilby, both .;:ot North Wilkceltoro; Cfaarlee Fra sier, Taylorsville, and Ina Mil ler, Nm^ Wllkeeboro. Beading the ada get yon moN —for less monsy. It iChi^aoulieis now - a^pnUii^Mc as b^^MTuS^to plan ML^nlr toF niaiMMiraasere IsbmA 40Q‘|HveB wbfMtev tl " ” • “ qt^id it — in ana and the San Franciseo Bay Bite at the 193> Cob^ Gate b- Eipositlon. Ada get attention—and resuRs! NOnCB • North Car(dina, WSkea, County. In^t^Syrior^Coort. ^.. Jessie Walker vs. Kermit Walfc- r. ■ " - p- . Tbe defandawt, KermR Walker, win take notin that an action en titled as above is pending in the SiQwto Gonrt of Wilket coonty, Noeth Carolina, the sane being an* detiem to dissolve the bmds of matiimony b^een the plamtifT and drtbndahK ' The sheriff of Wilkes coonty having returned the summons » sued m this proceeding, defendant not to be foim in Wukes coonty, It is ordered by the Ck>ort that service of ,summons be made by the . >P««. Court ot Vnnees coonty on or . fore the 1st day of October, 1987. This 1|« day of SeptsB^n^^T. 01dtnuM« Sales a and Serviee BMetrte and Wrecfcsr Bcrrlee Day er Mghh Wilttsms Motor €o; T. H. WIUJAMA Oww. H Mile WiSt iTwiBcw*— Pli^fBtSM a THAT’S WHY YOU GET MORE FOR YOUR MONEY IN FIRESTONE STANDARD TIRES Firestone builds a first-jaality tire made of top grade materiala and sells it for less naonCT because Firestone passes savings along to you in the form of extra Taloes. Firestone controls rubber »“d cotton supplies at their sources, manufactures with KMter efficiency and distributes at lower cost. Because of these economies —• YOU GET EXTRA PROTECTION AGAINST BLOWOUTS —eight extra pounds of rubber are added to every 100 pounds of cord by theFirestone patented Gum-Dipping process. By this process every fiber of every cord in every ply is Lturated with liquid rubber. This counteracts dangerous internal friction and heat that ordinarily cause blowouts. YOU GET EXTRA PROTECTION AGAINST PUNCTURES—because under the tread are two extra layers of Gum-Dipped cords. YOU GET EXTRA PROTECTION AGAINST SKIDDING — because the tread is scientifically designed. YOU GET LONGER NOK-SKID MILEAGE—because of the extra tough, long-wearing tread. Make your car tire-safe now for fall and winter driving. Join the Firestone SAVE A LIFE Campaign today by equipping your car with a set of new Firestone Standard Tires — today’s top tire value. DON’T RISK YOUR LIFE ON SMOOTH WORN TIRES! DO YOU KNOW THAT last year highway accidents cost the lives of more than 38/000 men, women and children? Thai a million mere were injured? THAT more than 40,000 of these doafhs and iniunei were caused directly by puhcfurei, blewevlf and skidding due to smooth; worn, unsafe tires? Tirestons STANDARD FOR PASSENGER CAM 4-50-20 $8.7D 4.50- 21 9*OS 4.75-19 f»55 505-18 11.40 5.50- 17 1B.SO 5.50- 18 11.9S 5.50- 19 XS.XM HEfiWt OifT 4.75-19 lt,\ , 5J8-18 A4UBS othek ora moroimoMAittYtgw Firestone SCMTINIL 4.40-21 $5*05 4.50- 20 6*05 4.50- 21 6.35 4.75-19 66.7D 5.00-19 7«*6 5.25-18 8.06 OTHER aZES PROPORTIONATELY LOW Firestone COURIER 4.40-21 $5.43 4.50-21 6.03 14.75-19 $6.37- 2k)x3V4CL4»87 Sufferers of STOMACH ULCERS to HYPERACIDITY Definite relief or • HONiy BACK WILKES DRUG CO. O . At rifU b »itcimm tm$ fnm a om.nL iMr. bn, trisi am- dJd trbirtba wr» og. m db amibbm m lisih 080 OM SU»4$ti§t At Uft is ttcNm (mi /rmssuftr Pinstmt Have Your Car Lubricated With MARFAK^y See Your Nearest Texaco Dealer JOiNTHB / ^ ^s>NVVV\VXvC ;' Ai Zra t M ^ Ufwn to the Voice of FUrHuiee Mdedt^'eiNMHfrheef WtWteiHtitdhN.RCClSBrateNiviHb SB. NORTH WiubESBdRd. NOM^CAROLINA exaco'‘Semce ^atu