BIU ^ XpokB- ■** ^ " ^da Mr*. tJ. " Str'* Otadlll f» rec60tlr moTed Ifito -Mr*. J. by^ koffl* at Monotain aad Mr*. Frank KtlUlea, of ala, former reeldents of city, are here rlslting Mr. Id Mr*. Jimmie Andenon. ifr. Jam,M C. Haboard Is oon- tirom a tonsil operation fomed. at The Wttkee Hoepl- C. E. Leaderman. well n*avohant of Wilkeshoro, ntly had his store building ^4«NAuted. Mr. I*aac Duncan spent the treek-ond In Raleigh and attend- [.ed the Carolina>-State football te. •Irs. J. I. iMyers is getting iong hlcely following an oper- !>a for tlroat trouble Monday at a Charlotte Hospital. Mr*. Bdlth (.owe is now back the Ideal Beauty Parlor. tk*re.Ahe will be pleased to re her many friends and cus- len agalm' ^rn,,to Mr. and Mrs. William “ ■^Rtoyer, Jr., of New York, on er 19, a son, William, •Mrs. Player is remembered as Miss Nell Caudill. -Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Kilby, llt- ' Jimmie Kilby, Mrs. E. D. and B. D., Jr., spent Sun- In West Jefferson with Mr. and Mrs. Oale B. McMillan. .frAttomeys Archie Elledge.Jack k^ell* and Buford T. Henderson, ^f ^tflMtton—Salem, hare been at- Kteiidfng court in Wllkeeboro this ; week. MMh Ducan, of Roanoke, f Va-, spent the week-end at the of her parents, Mr. and fr*. W. M. Duncan. ..jMlss Elizabeth Barber left for ^Jptaiflnnatl, Ohio, Mondays to at- the General Conference of itl^>jPlitocepal chttrob. She plans away about ten days, and 9in. Hatpid Riley return .to^.Utptt'4litS^a in irday af)Mir avj^i|lt of I 'the homes Mr. and Mrs. George on, and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. orn. and Mrs. Joe Mott are ilng a few days In Wilkes- ro with Mrs, Mott’s parents. nnd Mrs. C. H. Cowles, before Oing to DeLand, Fla., to make heir home. Mrs. Andrew Kilby, Misses luhy Blackburn, Louise Vyne, Dd Lillian Stafford, attended a jtea in Statesrllle Saturday after- ^iioon at the Country club given by les Pearl and Sue Holland. Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Riddle, of ^Peach, Washington, are here tor Tlgit wit.h Mrs. Riddle's mother. Irs. John A. Glass.and other stives in the county. This is Irs. Riddle’s first visit home in about 35 years. «/"■; ,-'1 xxxi„: teriH JpabUshed Ma BSB5ro, n* c^TKtisabAyi^l Of Wilkes County Several Other line* Are Constructed During Re cent Week* in County SERVES MANY HOMES Rural ElectriHeation Ha* Made Rapid Progress In Wilkes County The Duke Power company, continuing Its program of con structing rural lines In Wilkes county, has approved construc tion of a power line extension in to and beyond Traphlll, 20 miles from this city. Septembe r27, 1937. line extensions of the year for the local system, extending from a point near Mountain View by way of Traphlll to the home of D. B. Swarlngen. During the past year remark able progress has been made In construction of lines in rural communities In Wilkes until at the present time the network of electric lines extends from this city by way of every state high way and many county roads, in cluding the Traphlll road. In addition to the main lines along the highways many miles of branches have been construct ed Into outlying communities, placing electricity for the first time in hundreds of homes. New York . . . Confirming re ports that he is to retire soon. Postmaster General James A. Farley declines to comment on speculations as to his successor - ri 'tifi a Titles In Order to Jiasten 1 jb Iflakaif Paymoit Fw 7,000 Calls Meeting To Discuss Public Buil^g Project Wilkesboro Mayor Calls Meeting To Be Held On Ttt^ay Night Tn re^Knue to suggestion from a number of public spirited citi zens of the town. Attorney J. F. Jordan, Wilkesboro’s mayor, has called a citizen’s meeting to he I held at the courthouse on Tues- I day night, 7:30 o’clock. I The meeting will be for the i purpose of discussing the propos- I ed addition to the federal court building and other public im provements in the town. A liberal allocation was made for an addition to the federal court building and the money was included in the deficiency appropriation bill passed by con gress this year. All persons interested in public improvements in the town are cordially invited to the meeting. Next Week To Be Air Mail Week Residents of North Wilkee- boro and surrounding communt ties are making ready for db- servance of “Air Mall Week” October 11 to 16 and It is ex pected that several hundred let ters will he ready for malllifg when the air mail plane visits the local airport on Tuesday, Octob er 12. It will be the first time that an air mall plane will officially visit North Wilkesboro and Is a part of the observance of Air Mail Week throughout the state. J. B. Williams is air mail week chairman for North Wilkesboro and in an article released last week urged observance of the event and asked the people of this vicinity to use air mall ade quately during the week and es pecially to mail a liberal num ber of air mall letters for the plane stop on Tuesday. J. C. Reins, North Wilkesboro postmuter, Mtlmated that bOO, locally but since the estimato wa* made It Is believed that the num ber will far exceed that figure. Mr. and Mrs. J. X. Tulburt, of West Jefferson, visited his half back i brother, Mr. R. L. Wellborn, last week. !16th Session Brier Creek Baptist leld With Oak Forest Church Oct. 1-2 By RUTH LINXEY Last Friday and Saturday, at ^Oak Forest where it had not met the~116th gather- Associ- ■for 47 years lag of the Brier Creek ^'Atlon was made unforgetable by {the splendor of Valhalla, sweet singer in Israel,” used often to preach at Oak Forest. Beautiful, dynamic, and chasten ing to the ego w'as Rev. William Ernest Linney’s sermon, vivid as from fetwo fine sermons and a good in spirational address. Certain por- t^na of the session became cha otic and, tedious from apparent ItuAility to distinguish between the Important and the trivial. Rev. Nf'T. Jarvis and Sherman ^ O. Crater were re-elected mode- • Aator'and clerk. The 117th ses- tj.jlon will be held at Holly Springs -fi*q>tl*t church, Iredell county, lay and Friday before the dnnday la October, 1938. >rs expressed themselves as sed with the savory dln- U Aots at Oak Forest and the at- tlvo and picturesque appear- Ce of the ancient grove and re- old church. >Aaide from the sermons, the aotaworthy feature was the talk on Christian educa Son by Rev. Eugene Olive. Be- -'^orace Mann, the churches client Is the next gen- ivk.” -ItopAlcally, Mr. Olive how the lives of men c. Campbell of Bale’s Creek ;tho profeoeor* at Wake For- |4mcraved thamaelvee upon the tA student* like words *n .by a atylu* on tablets of apA impressed them far deeply than mere learning book*. Kij on scgr* tiurmen Aepict- ''The Sdhool of the Propb- rRer. W.>,Jtei«ra, ,::' ‘‘But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excel lency of the power may be God, and not of us.” Preaching on the subject ‘‘Is life really worth living?” from the book of the Bible so doleful and lugubrious that it is called ‘‘Ijamentatlons,” Rev. W. T. Comer showed that the answer all depends on how you live It. X life dominated by desire for gain, world-appmval, sin, and in dulgence Is a life in the barren wastes and shadow-land of fu tility and not worth living. Really a good sermon, typical of the venerated moderator, was Rev. N. T. Jarvis’ inspirational address giving reasons for a Christian life, filled with ‘‘things that are lovely” and ‘‘of good re port.” The Brier Creek ‘Association has alwa^i placed an almost medieval ' emphasis on evange lism. The Spanish say "An open book is the door of light.” In the short history of the Brier Creek Association the clerk proposes to write will emerge through the door of light figures as humor ous, simple, and good as Dr. Primrose and Parson Adams, from the homespun tapestry of the ninteeath century, out of the illuminated mannscript of the Charlotte, N. C. September 27, 1937. My dear Stamp Collector: The Postmaster-General has designated October 11-16 as Air Mail Week for the State of North Carolina, and The Honorable Harllee Branch, Second Assistant Postmaster-General i s a'nxlous that this week be put over In a big way. I have been named as Chair man by the North Carolina .Asso ciation of Postmasters to have active charge of this work. On October 12, a plane will stop at all offices in the state having flying fields and pick up the Air Mall for that section and rush it to the key cities, Char lotte and Raleigh, for direct dis patch. A special cachet is being fur nished to all the towns having ports which are as follows: Asheville, Asheboro, Black Mountain. Burlington, Chapel Hill, Charlotte, Cherryville, Dur ham, Elizabeth City, Elkin. Fay etteville, Fort 3ragg, Glbsonvllle, Goldsboro, Greensboro, Hamlet, Hickory, Hendersonville, High Point. Kings Mountain. Kitty Hawk, Lenoir, Lexington, Lum- berton, Marion, Maxton, Monroe, . Morganton, New Bern, North Wilkesboro, Ocracoke, Pinehurst, Southern Pines, Raleigh, Rock ingham, Rocky .Mount, Salisbury, Shelby, Wallace, Warrenton, Wil son, Wilmington, Winston-Salem. Air Mail forwarded to the postmasters In these cities unde* cover in time for dispatch on Oc tober 12 will bear the cachet, and as they are not on a regular line, a cachet can not again (be secured. This Is sent to you for the rea son that I know that you are vitally Interested In stamp collec tions. Very truly yours, PAUL R. YOUNTS, Chairman, Air Mail Committee. Tryinff" To; Fbut ” jy^wt of '' The North WOke*boro police .department has on ihand two' barred rook hens and would like to find their owner,. The hens, believed to have been stolen, were found In the Woodlawn section^ of^ tihe olty Wednesday night, ^e hens were In a burlap bag. Owner may have the ohlckens by calling at police oftiop and Identifying them. Tr^c Lights To Be Installed WidiinSODays City Board Makes Purchase Of Stop Lights For Six Intersections HeM is pictured the ta| J. H. Scott, of Grassy ' ing man from.4b than in North Caw^^ He is pictore North Wilkeeboro iboard of al dermen In October meeting exe cuted contract for the purchase of traffic lights for six Intersections In North Wilkesboro. The traffic light system was purchased at a cost of approxi mately 11,500 and It Is expected that it will be Installed and In operation within 30 days. The lights will be placed at the Intersections of B and Sixth, B and Ninth, B and Tenth. D and Tenth, D and Ninth and D and Sixth. Four will be of the overhead center type and two will be cor ner lights. The comer lights will be placed at the intersectlMiB of iilnth and HoMy Depoiifcadt WW^F* end Court Ptf .Ownenl Amount Opika* ^ - EXPECT EARLY ACTION^ Landowner* Have BeMi Gi*^ ’ en Job* As Moan*, of Sup* port This'Year Condemnation pros *6 di n g * ^] have been insituted In-the'mi^ die district federal court sgalaat titles to about 7,000 sem la th» Bluff Park In northern WHkM and southern Alleghany connti**. It was learned here from Sam P. Weems, of the national pafic service. Mr. Weems, who has charge ot development of 19 wayalde park* along the Blue Ridge Parkway, said, however, that the condem nation proceedings are entirely a friendly action taken In order to*:^ facilitate payment for the land, optioned about two years ago by the government for park pnrpoe- He said that the delay in mak ing payment for the land to tba many landowners was due en tirely to the condition of thelr^, | titles to their lands and was cause titles which would pass la- spection by the department of justice could not be established by the records. The total amount of the op tions has been deposited with’ the- clerk of federal court and tlH*. money will be paid to the laaft.' owners when the court - deter mines their intemt In ^ ^Xbey are i> ifleT is^'YelSr^L feet, three indies. , he weighs 290 pounds. S' mum height three years Mrs. L. A. Scott, of prai ily are normal in height. V . -.ireu ~- muscle. _ L,. He is now 24 years of age, « Creek, and the other member* '-V.''rr Children Escaj^ Injury As &|N>pI Bus Overtuits OH H^way No^lfi At Millers Creek Monday Memoon Mr. and Mrs. J.‘ S. SiraTtln re turned Sunday to their home In er, Mrs. R. M, Yale, and Mr. Yale. Mr. Earle Martin, a broth er of Mrs. Yala:,*afd ntii*uFJill nephews, Margarette, Catherine and Joe Edwards, all of Winston- Salem, accompanied them 'iloztt*. The latter had been visiting here^ for some time. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Jarvis in North Wilkesboro shopji . one day recently. V'rircsS:’- Box Supper Oct. 8 Mulberry School A box supper, sponsored by the Parent-Teaoher Association, will be held at the new Mulberry school building Friday evening, October 8. An evening full of fun Is being planned for all those who attend. A voting contest will be held in which people will vote for the prettiest girl, the ugliest man, and the most love-Slck man. The public is cordially Invited to be present. Bus Overturns When It Leaves Highway With Load of Children Junior Order To Present Fli^ And Bible For School Special'. Dedicatl«fn Service To Be Held At Mulber ry Sunday Afternoon A school bus loaded with forty cl.ildren going from Millers Creek school to their homes in the Mountain Valley community ran off highway 16 about one mile from the school Monday after noon and overturned. Although a few children re ceived minor lacerations and bruises none were seriously hurt. H. D. Caudill, age 17, was driving the truck when It loft the road -and overturned. It wag re ported that he was attempting to pass another bus when the acci dent occured. Following the ac cident he declined to'operate the bus and one pf ,thft:,tewhers has been driving It while a successor is befbg selected, , Glc^^^yiyml At Liledown Church The traditional Bible mnd flag will be'presented to Mulberry central school on Sunday afterr ( church1* noon, October 10, 1:30 o’clock. It was learned tod^ from local Jr. O. U. A.- M. lead^srs. The special service as. a dedi cation of the new and handsome school building will be similar to those held .by the order-for vari ous schooih' and ts expected to attract a'large crowd. Among the prominent speakerb to take part la the program will ,he Mr. Shufbrd, superintendent ot the Junior Order orphanage at Lexington, and B. C. Sisk, a past state conncilor. nniiirnawi Rev. S. I, Watts, pastor, re ports that a most successful re vival closed Sunday'at Liledown He was.sisOlsted In'the. 'aeries of rn'Oetings by Rot.' C/’CT,^Hand. was trans&ted. 3* - Interest Legion Begins A Memberslup Drive One Hundred Members By Armistice Day Is Goal of Wilkes Post The annual round-up of mem- ibers for the Wilkes County Post No. 125, American Legion Is under way, and an effort Is be ing made to re-enllst the entire 1937 memberahlp and to round up the AWDLs of the service men who bave not been members ot the local post. The 1937 membership roll has been divided Into two groups, the Odd Fellows, captained by Jack Quinn and the Even-ups, captain ed by Ralph Reins. The contest will terminate on Armistice Day, November 11th, and as a penal ty the losing side will furnish the program for the annual Le gion banquet to be .held on that | day. They will also have as their i standing wayside .jot fl6HB did not aUoif- sbK 1 tlvaAe their lands aiu|.4QUi^hl|i|^| not had money with whteh buy elsewhere. - i Mr. Weems said that he sn others who have been wdrklDg pa the problem regret the del*y b«lr] of course could not anticipate gt the time the options were talm the legal work involved befort payment could be made and that every effort had been made settle each by direct pur chase and as early as possible: However, they found It Impos sible to establish titles to tb» property, many deeds which, were* I never-placed on record having'| been lost. The landowners In the jrparlc.| area have been given steady em ployment on park development work and it is understood that the employment has been wel-, come compensation and( a good substitute means of support for loss of crops on the land, muck of which was unprofitable for cultivation. However, Mr. Weems said that every borne was allow ed to grow a garden and to bavn. ( grazing land for cattle. The Bluff Park will be the out- park of 19 lACCO AT 2« CENTS jk salee.'eni'fniiK-ffric^ tex tured ^spirited IddfiSfe-p® the yesHaiMV''. ed 'Aj;-1,000,000 pounds, selling at *a'‘^eetlmated average of 26 cents a pound. Clearing skies and sunny, weather brought more to bacco to the warehouse f^ors. guests, the Moravian Falls Jun-1 planned along the parkway and lor Baseball team, which won the I wUl be the largest of these place* Legion Junior 'Championship the recreation and stops for vaca- past summer. Commander Frank B. Johnson and Adjutant John Hall will be the judges in this In teresting contest. There were 69 service men en rolled In the local Post during 1937, against 17 for 1936. The slogan for the membership con test Just started Is “One Hun dred Members by Armistice Day.” Already' a large number have en rolled and the result of the con test will be watched with Inter est. tionists. It contains wh»t-is now considered as some of the out standing rugged mountain scen ery in eastern America. Of tit* 7,000 acres In the park, 4,000 are in Wilkes and 3,000 In A1Isk-| ghany. ^ ' ^ tatlon to attend and all memibere of the order ifb "eanS^y :• re- quktod to ®fe*ent ?»of " the service. ■v 'i'. Neiv York, Oct. 6.-^mporta- dictad chaigi^ vloliU NjtoPi KKLED HIS CHILD' Gastonia, Oct. 4.—!*■ W. Clon- inger,' 42-year-old father of sev- en| children, was charged today wtth the death of his own daught er, Ruth, 13. Investigating offi cers said Cloninger, extremely drunk,, lost control ot- hts truck In an accident on a county road near last night and plunged into aidttch. .The ttu|*ti»r, riding II throurn' hfr'anj. ^ otfieers said; Home Coming Day at LI^-McRae Oct. 8th Banner Elk, Oct. 5.—^A full program is planned for the en tertainment of the friends and graduates of the three .institu tions of the Edgar Tufts Memor ial Association who will gather here on October 8 for Homecom ing Day. ‘ ' ' *11x1*0 who will return to Hon- ner. Elk Friday fOr Homecoming include the formOT'etadents of Le*e-lfcRaa College'^ and Grab* Hospital School of Nursing, and thoM who have, been at -Grand- Orphanage, as ,weirqg'"a .large''number of friends^of the Associhitlon. " Laying PlantFor W.C.T.U: Meetii Ministers From Rvhl don* and Nearby Toem* Invited to Attend In laying plans for the st meeting of the Woman'*...Christ: tian Temperance Union to be| held in North Wllkeebofo Octob- , er 15, 16 and 17 it waa 'aniot ed today that a special Invitatioil is extended to all ruraj mlaiat and ministers fram‘'neai>bf to^ and cities. The local unlt pt -th* org* tlon is leaving u6 stone' *nt in hwkiiig prepar*il^'' to#^ OTMit and a.T^su vention ia anticiMted. Mr. JelMTi family to W(ttk«gb«h>' ■2 ■ **AS' 1^^^' J Sts'

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