^SLAZl jfehoob Ottm *&>op«imtiob In Ev«st :: -*^imii JTWlMI>.Tl.nnt ot Ae»ert- w»T«^tyn’* dUlBK^^kt* UTMk Ot aeftim «lnfW3 ir« - co- OPArtlttBS. Mayor R. T. McNlel Issued tho toltovtng proclamation: ‘‘wheroas, the IncreasfhK loss ot life and limb upon the public . streets and blghewys ot r*«ur state hare reached enormous pro portions, and, •‘Whereas, there Is a great need tor erery cltlsen, man, ■wom an and child to appreciate and as- anitift their own indiTidual re sponsibility in preventing street and Mshway accidents, and. “Whereas, the week ot Novem ber 8th to 14th has been desig nated as ‘Public Satety Week’ in North Wllkesboro and Wilkes County by. post No. 126 American ■bwion, R. T. McNlel, mayor of the to'wn ot North Wllkeeboro, N. C., do hereby proclaim the week of November 8th to 14th to be ‘Pub lic Safety Week’ In North Wil- kesboro, N,i^ C., and Wilkes coun ty and 1 her^ty call upon all good citisens et every race, in tits In- tetest ot htuaaMty. to lend Ihelr co-operatfon In the efforts now being made to bring about a re- dnctien^ stf^^ wd'Jtlghway ac cidents, not only during the week of November 8th, but throughout the y«vc- This co-operation can be gtrctf by simply taking time nte drive caretnUy. to observe aH VOL. 3CXXU; NO. 7, Published Mondajm and ^uysd^s, ssssssssassssssar'vtasfsesafsssassmim NOHT^'' Ip eOfive ,tidied To Direct AmnmhRed Cross Membersbip CaD Furniture Makers At FaU Ezpoi^ Chapter Chsormsut Ansotmo es Persona T# Tirect An- nusd Call in Wilkes TO BEGIN NOVEMBER 11 Rev. Watt Cooper North Wtlkeaboro Chairman; Story in Wilkesboro the nma. to obev, alL ““1 emergency drives In ®wS'to few-y^ Wilkes people ,^«S g6l#e^le upon the^reets remarkably well hiSlways as they would In 'Jtff hv^^hfuf thetr own homes." certificates of merit by the na- 4j. Bj, Eller^ county superlnten- Attomey J. H. Whicker, chair man of the WllkbS chapter of the American Red Cross, ha.s an nounced the appointment of Rev. Eugene oUte, pastor of the First Baptist Church, as'Iteneral chair man for the annual roll call to begin on November 11. Other appointments inc'udo: Rev, Wati, Cooper, North Wilkes- boro chairman; Ptcf. T. E. ^Story, Wllkeeboro-chairman; J. B. Wll- liame, treasurer; supplies, Mrs. D. S. Hill; house-to-house, M», Pauline HOtton; business, J. C. Reins; committee on publicity, W. D. Halfacre, Dwight Nichols, Mrs. Constance Garvey and W, B. Pharr. During the annual roll call . RepreeehtatirM: of locsft furtt ture mannfaoturlng companies are attending the fbll furniture expoeltlon hi Chicago. Local people at thg show’ In clude J. D. Moore, Henry Moore and Jack QUlnn, Of -BHne OhSlr company; John Justice, of Oak Furniture company; N.' O.' Sm^k, of Forest Furniture company; and two salesmen representing the American Furniture company, Laying Plaiis Fw Gathtfing Singm Thanksgiving Day Session of Countjr*Wide As sociation To Be Held At Courthouse dent ot schools, In. a letter to Commander Frank E. Johnson, endorsed the movement: ‘‘I. heartily endorse the Amerl- .Legion Safety Compalgn in the schools of this county. I feel Vthat this is a very worthy project Bd one that wHl mean much to welfare ot the people of this punty and -state. I want to Ige to yon bur full eoopera- in thlg Una project.’’ - - - ,1^, tional organisation of the Red Cross. It is hoped that Wllkee people, who have not been vic tims of any geiteral disaster, will Respond llbrnrallg and help to build up the utional fund of the great hufflahltartan organization. Noveodl# Term Court Pn^esstt The many WUkee county peo ple who are Intorested In pro motion of sacred -mnsic are eofr erly anticipating the county-wiaa singing to bo bold twice annual- fourth of July and ThanksgMng 9ay. It is expected that the aeeofi- ation this year will be largely attended and that many singing classes and quartets will takg part in the all-day program. Conunisnoners Pass (hi Nundier County Matters County Board Holds Q«^ Sessron Monday; S«ver> al Orders Passed Wilkes county board ot com missioners, composed ot R. C. Finley, chairman, M. F. Abahw and Lset PopM, met in regnli^. J4orony^,.s(f(^ Monday, BORO, N. CJ., THURSDAY, NOV. 4, iiMm’tBMsTJ a ray b Equipmettk in " Buil fnstaiW Other City^ hunter Ilf CHARGE All bc] - ShH> Ti In El *'W ef EXrisiom The-Sighth highway Dlrisioa machine shoP' has been com- pIOMt vt Is now be ing used,. It,: wjttjibscned today frdm divisidB’i^l^y officials. The dtvisloa^op consists of garage and building,- sign shop, service tool house, gfb^. pit an4>#l^ shop. It is located near the'lower Tadktn bridge a!ros#^ths river from the -eatieihthe^'pad of North Wil kesboro. ■ M' if. During the- past esveral days s ly at the courthouse, on Uisr Hftvek'sy'hag'bUiMi graded from tha end of the ft :e to the gar- buildihgs R. F. Hunt«i5:Of Winston-Sal em, is highway.{i^Tl8lon mechan ic the shop, ^rr^of thg. o^t^ibSeiit has been Installed and It 'fa^isgpected that all d^partoetdi of '^e shop will ks- fuBctioiriiig ^thln a tew days. me Chaylas McRpBl, District Pranden^J^ of Gath ering “ 17 Welfare and-jl^ the noHhwsste* meety^n Boone U -mlir 'fitoounce Cl rkers ot let will Bber 17, - today by ANNUAL FmJ) DAY IN SUNlpfi WNGESS Wni SPEAK Uhited Dry Fotoes bf, Npr^h Carolina haye p^ned an aanuai; field day for rdifikes cohntr.' on Snadayr November 7. ji’ Anno^osopvM. j>f^ thn was made hennurdhy by Refi’ A. AdahBs, field worker for the United pry«‘ Cale .Kv ^ ,9f^' dent and ietl'Ve leader of the dry forces in the state, wUl deliver thP^ addresses Sunday in Wilke* county, ending the day!* activi ty with an address bMore a union service at the Wllkesboro Baptist church at 7:30 p. m. At 11 o’clock Sunday Me Bur gess will speak at Harmony Bap tist church five miles west of this /L H. Oasar atl Mount Pleasant Raj)tist church; Attorney J, B. 'VPhlcker at nW Hope Baptist church: Attorney J. F. Jordafi at bravlan Phils Methodist churoh; Prof. T. B. Story at Ooshen SkpHst'Chardi. Mr. Burgess will speak to the afternoon. 2:30 o'clock, at Motth- tain View .Baptist church. The day’s program was so ar ranged as to give people In vari ous parts of the cunty an oidmr- tnnity to attend one or mbfd ot the special field day servlcM and large attendance at each point li ^Ljfected. Rev. Mr. Adame an* nounced that an offering will be city. Speakers at other points the same hour will be Attorney I expenses. Negro Bb^g Get I Secondary Roads b I Being/ Improved d In 8lh Division Four Take Car From In This City Saturday Night; Sentenced Crushed ^ Stone Surface Be- - ing Placed On Many School Bus Routes P^ur colored boys here' Satur day Slight decided to take a car belonging to Yadkin Valley. Mo tor company and ■ are now In in stitutions of confinement retlect- ing on their conduct. Wlllle McConnlehead. Arthur McConnlehead, J. T. Little and Bozy Williams were the bojB In volved. Wlllle. McConnlehead was the only one Of the quartet ever 16 years of age and he wan sen tenced In city court Monday Jo a year’s labor at the county home. The| other three'were tried hi^ore Jureniler-Judge C. C. Hayeg, and a«;t to Jackson training . waa parked n^''^e reaidence ot.pr. B.v,X> BUtiduerk: ■^.\x . ■ --...lafc ^ ■, Special attention is being given the task of stone surfacing lead ing secondary roads and. school bus routes, It was learned here today from officials of th® eighth division of the highway depart ment. i It Is the jiurpose of the:high way officials. Commissioner J. G. Hackett sai^, to place the roads In condition^, for all weather trav el In order that busee may make their runs regularly. It Is recalled that central schools in Wilke* last year were forced to dole tor several weel^ beeanse of bad roads. Elijihtay workmen, trucks and rock-'o^shers • ay* used .to «>»- The U. S. Portal.3eirwito tk K, ^ • liver Cairi to “ Nowembor I«dr#“ *| - . . . . -a-r -.r i -f.PTV' F. D. R WAjitS Pi Po*tal Persons ... .'iSij O' During this mfinUi government is VBiMrtaltinj SUB of the natloi^j: v , The count* oi, the ones Is to be by volto»t«7 , . tlons, It be^ gnUelpated . those who are rgrtly out ^Wprk and want work v^l go to' fbo trouble of filling out a card. The project WS^^authorlzed^by the last session ^congress' attM. President RjObsegielt Issued tho. followlng'btatem^ addressed to every worker In utile nation; “If you are' -unemployed or partly unemploy^ and are able- to work and are seeking _ work, please fill out this report car*. right away and mail it heforo- midnight, Saturday, November 20, 1937. No postage Is needed. “The Congress directed me to take this census. It Is Important to the unemployed and to every one In this land that the census be complete, koneet, and ate. If you give 'me the facts,"' I shall try to use them for r tiio benefit of all who need and want It.’^ work and do not now have The government desires ’ thw - registration of: pertums wholly , unemployed and who want won^.>^ those who formerly had own bu*-j^ iness but who are now lobkli for jobs, those who are Ifl^ forrtbeir first Job, pmraops tlally employed but' rtW ' •'-i*- wf^ :»*rsom “* '4© hism that the Wilkes County Post of the American Legion will sponsor Safety Week on Novem ber 7-14. Please accept ray best wishes and hearty congratula tions on this timely program. “Safety education Is one -if our main th-vnes In connection with our teaching program this ses sion. Each teacher in grades 1-5 receives the Safety Magazine. This monthly peridlcal Is especl- _Jly designed foruse of teach ers and contains many valuable suggestions, stories and articles on the teaching of safety. “In connection with the Eco nomics class-^Jii the High School we havft planned a short course on automobile safety and in this connection shall use the book en titled “Man and the Mhtor Car.” ^U^h that It were possible for 5*!!to make some arrangement for holding classes for those stu dents ■s'ho -will soon apply for drivers licenses. I am referring to classes In actual driving of automoblU-3 under the supervis- of State Highway patrolmen > or officials. I believe a project ot this kind ■would be worth while, and these young people who will soon receive drivers licenses would have an opportunity to learn the correct way, and prob ably avoid future accidents." T. E. Story, Wilkesboro school superintendent, gave this en dorsement in a letter to the post commander: “Every jKJSsible occasion should be taken and used that will tend to lessen accidents. Your pro gram for safety week Is In ac cord with this idea and I am glad ^'to express my appreciation for the interest your post is taking In this matter and shall he glad to. cooperate with you in carry- fag out any of your proposed titans.” Are The November term of Wilkes superior court Is now in the midst of the first week of the two-weeks’ term and considerable progress has been made. .Judge J. H. Clement, of Winston-Salem, is pireeiding. On Monday two divorce cases were tried: James Fox versus Elssie Harris Fox; Doro Grinton Smith versus Archie Smith. Both divorces were granted on grounds of two years separation. In the case wherein Edward Lackey was seeking to re-open a padlocked service station he won the case, the jury returning a verdict in his favor. Last Rites Held For Mrs. Somers 170 (jaDons Taken From SmaD Truck .Dwghton Destroy* illicit Spirit* tisf week Sheriff C. T. Wgiton captured a pickup and * load etf 1?9 gallons of Illicit itlBkey^wtof Stone Mountain In tie Trapidli eommunlty. The drlver'df the vehicle made Is escape when the sheriff ap- rosebed and no one was nppre- anded. Funeral service for Mrs. C. H. Somers, whoi died Sunday after noon, were held at her residence in Wllkesboro Tuesday morning, 10:30, with Rev. T. C. Jordan, a former pastor of the Wllkesboro Methodist church, in charge, as sisted by Rev. A. W. Lynch, pas tor. A large crowd attended the funeral rites, many from adjoin ing counties and from distant points. Mrs. Somers was a mem ber of a widely known family and many friends were saddened at the news of her death. Among the out of county visi tors attending the service were ' Mrs. G. P. Bingham and son, St. I John Bingham, of Bristol, Tenn.; I Dr. Ollie Bingham and Dr. Dick I Bingham, of Watauga county: Rev. and Mrs. B. M. Lackey and Mrs. Margaret Moore, of Lenoir; Joe Williams. A. E. Hall and W. B. Rutledge, ot Yadkinville; and many friends of the family from ; Statesville and other points. The abundance and beauty of the flowers were a fitting tribute to the life of Mrs. Somers. Pall bearers were C. G. j-oath, L. P. Somers, Jr., L. Spalnhour, J. B. Norris, J. Dula, J. H. Leckie, James Bkbkard and Presley E. Brown. Burial was In the family plot in Mountain Park cemetery. Mr*. R. S. Sboaf and daughter, glM -ARM Shoaf. were . ylrttors » Triartrrfi *T~’r- Satordar. Gll- S. W. c. Fidelis Class Meeting F7dells class of the Fhrst Bap tist church will meet Tuesday evening 7:30, at the home of Mrs. Fran'k Tomlinson with the fol lowing as associate hosiesaes: Mrs. Dewey Minton, Mrs. Wade WallMe, Mrs. Mable Lotte* and Mrs. Bnren Tate*. thonStafa HlgS' commission. One of these peti tions asked that Cain Creek road be repaired. • A resolution was adopted de signed to abandon roads along the summit of the Blue Ridge in Wilkes and which were obliterat ed by the Blue Ridge Parkway new under construction. The board allowed a claim of 124.56 as one half the bill at the state sanitorium for Louise lings, daughter of "Van Bllllngs^ up to November 5. The order stipulated that Mr. Billings la«to pay the other half and the car ry further expenses in the case. Tlje Duke hospital was allowed a claim of $33.85 as one-half the bill of William Watkins. Belva Watkins was admitted to the county home. An order was passed calling at tention to the fact that the law does not provide payments for markers in elections and ordered the county accountant to hold up any vouchers Issued to markers for services In the 1936 election. Old Wiles, Wilkes register of deeds, was instructed to proceed with making out county tax re ceipts and to have the books ready by December 1 If possible. He was allowed a tee of $400 as cost of the job. itfra, workers, niembers ot city welfare depart ments and III other social work ers from the) ten counties in the district have an open invitation to attend, Mr. McNeill said. Among the speakers will be Mrs. W. T. Boat, state commis sioner of welfare; Natban H. ■Yelton, director of the division of %ublic assistance of the State de- .jpartment of welfare; Dr. Pepper, if DartMwr, member of the state board of charities and public wel fare; and Mr. Btansbury, chair- ttah -Of tile GttitfOrd'county board of commissioners. The coqiplote program of the .district mebtisg,- which will open at 9:30 and close at 2:30, will be announced soon, Mr. McNeill said. Benefit Card Party To Be Given By Sr. Woman’s Club A benefit card party will be sponsored by the Senior Woman’s club of North Wllkesboro Monday November 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tomlinson on Memorial Avenue. The hours of play will begin at three o’clock In the afternoon and at eight in the evening. 'The committee on arrange ment is Mesdames F. C. Forester, A. B. Johnston, J. M. Crawl^rd, Ivey Moore, Hoyle Hatchpnac Ralph Duncan, and Mrs. C. G. Poindexter, and anyone desiring to make up a table will please call one of the above committee. Rook, bridge, and setback, will be played and price of play-, er Is twenty-five cents. Priwim) will be awarded and refreshb)/ ments served. The public Is In vited to attend and it Is hoped that a large number of people will be present both In the after noon and evening. Ice Cream Supper An Ice cream and box supper will be hold at Beaver Creek Baptist church on Saturday, No vember 6, seven o’clock. The pro ceeds Will be for. ih*,.benefit of the church and everybody is in vited. ■ Sheriff s Force Has Busy Week Investigate Service Statim Robberies And Raids On Hen Houses streeit someonii saw ijfai tried to get them to stop, four Iboys jumped from the car and it proceeded without a driver until it crashed Into a truck be longing to Queen Trucking com pany, causing considerable dam age. Wlllle McConnlehead, driver, was B o on Apprehended -and through him Officers learned the idenilto of the ftiree other boys, who were soon arrested. Hold Singing At Sirmi Creek Sheriff C.. T. Doughton and deputies experienced a busy week investigating Sheriff DotigMSu on Tuesday morning InvestlgrtAd robberies of W. R. Vannoy*® •'Service station betiffeen the Wllkesboros and Elliot service station on the Boone ^rail. Gaqollne were taken from both stations. Chief Deputy Odell Whitting ton Investigated a robbery of Fred Vannoy’s poultry farm on Reddles River, where on Monday night' someone had stolen a case of eggs. Mr. 'Vannoy on a prev ious occasion has missed a case of eggs and a number of chick ens. The Honda Singing convention met at Swan Creek church last Sunday, October 31st. The meet ing opened with singing several hymns led by the chairman, W. H. Jone®, W. T. Myers and Fhrank Stroud and devotional was by the secretary. Rev. R. R. Crater. Songs were rendered by choirs from Swan Cre^ and Bethel churches wtlh 4^riets from eaej; place, and a beautiful duet wa9 sung by Misses Blanche and Irene Myers, accompanied by Chas. T. Jones at the piano. The Nance quartet ■was also present and gave several selections. The service closed for a period for recreation and lunch. At 1:30 o’clock the congregation re-as- sembled and sUng, “Savior More Than Life To Me,’’ to open the service and Rev. P. C. Parks led a prayer. Name Cobumittees For Sale Of Seals Woman’s Clubs Hopes To Raise Sum For Tubercu losis Prevention Committees have been named by local Woman’s Clubs' to carry out the annual Christmas seal sate campaign In Wilkes county. The sale Is conducted for the purpose of raising funds with with which to fight tuberculosis and is invariably successful. The Woman’s Clubs of the Wil- kesboros will again carry out the seal campaign In Wilkes and at tention is called to the fact that 75 per cent of the funds derived from the sale of the little deco rative holiday stickers is used within the county, the remaining 25 per cent going to the state and national fund of the tuberculosis Association. In a recent meeting here Miss Jann, of New York, a representa tive of the association, met with committees and laid plans for the holiday seal sale drive. Mrs. R. T. McNeill was again named chairman of the commit tee, with Mrs. I. E. Pearson and Mrs. Ivey Moore as the other members. Mrs. G. T. Mitchell is cbairitaan for Wilkesboro. Activities carried out locally A big class that did some fine iton Is Claimed By Death J, Aj-Jitoo8toii;age 82, well known resident of thls| city and father of a large family of chll- .drqn, digd last night at his home following an 'Dtoess of two days. Funeral service will be held at the home 10:30 Friday morning. Further account of Mr. John ston’s life and news of the fu neral wHl he carried In The Journal-Patriot Monday. PEG CORN PRICSES -i, .'1'. WasiltngiOB, Not. 4.— Com growers received assurance to day that goverament millions would bo need to guarantee them a return of 60 cents a bushel on average grain from this^ year's >bto, prloe4lep^irt^,orop? singing from Shady Grove church, led by Avery Coleman, Joined the band of singers. They also had a quartet and several special singers. Several duets were given by the Bray Sisters from Fall Creek church that was enjoyed much and a trio by Mr. and Mrs. Chas Jones and Eugene Jones. during the past year from funds deriv^ from the sale of Christ mas seals included the mainten ance of nutrition classes for underprivileged children In North Wllkesboro and Wllkesboro schools and paying expenses for a child In the state sanitorium. A large crowd was present an^ ^ faculty of Millers Creek a good day for all who lovb tb' sing and to hear mnsic. For the closing hymn “The cloudy Day’’ was sung by thp* congregation and Rev. Guss My ers led the prayer. TTie next singing la to be held at‘j|Riady Grove church about 10 mils® east of Wllkesboro the fifth Sunday in January, 1938. sCh^l will present a three-act ^medy, “Who’s Crazy Now,” in .til4 high school auditorium on Satnrday evening, November 13, beginning at seven o’clock. The maximum in entertainment is assured and the public 1® invited. Among those attending the Carolina - Fordbam football at Chapel Hill Saturday were Messrs. Carl A. Lowe and C. D. Cof^,' Jr. Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Caaoy and two 'children spent Sunday with her brother, Mr.' J. H. Leolde and FACULTY PLAY NOV. 13 MILLERS CREEK SCHOOL Sunday Services •.' Rev. A. __ W. Lynch, pastor of the 'Wllkesboro Methodist charge, announces regular services Sun day; 11 o’clock, at Roaring Riv er, and seven o’clock in the eve ning at Union. 1%e pnUlq hs« A cordial invitation, to the servicee. family. Mias Mamie McNlrt spent tost vetk wun’ Miss Annie Vannoy, a student at Meredith College. 5 ib’?S¥eraiMnt registrations or persohs hove regular Jobs, regardlent o* whether or not they 'want ts change Jobs, or those-Who ^re^oilr ly temporarily out of Job and'Whw have a job to report to, persons too old for active and regtfUik work, persons not able to work or any who are under regular working age, a bulletin to th* postal department told. The cards which will be carried tO| homes on Novejnber 16 and which will be avaflabre at post- offices must be mailed by Novem ber 20. No postage will be re quired. WPA Street Job Waiting Approval No Word Has Come From National Headquiurters; Hope for Early Action Although the project calling for Improvement of varlou* North Wilkesboro streets wa* made up several weeks ago and has been forwarded to national headquarters of the Works Pro gress administration for final ap proval and th© go-ahead signal. ’The project’■edW'fbr widening of Forester Avabn* and gradihg and crushed sto^^ surface on several streets in 'to® eastern «n* of the city. -,«>-• , The total cost ,pt. the projart w approximately $19^,000, which 4s shared betw**n-the cUy a»-;pV- sor and the Works - Frogr^to*^!*^ miniatratio|^.' City authSritijp. anO terested are bdphljf that too’pro ject will receive’early and favbr- able action aii*ry»t work.', can be started wlthlif a' few weeks.’ Mrs. Funeral Funeral service .waa Atid .T|iaa- day at Pleasant Grove Baptlek church for Mrs. RetUe Ptene Chambers, wife of i L C. Cham bers, of New Castle townishipi. She died at }i^ home Sun^y. She was a' datokier lit the late Felix and MeHa Johnson Stone. R6T„ |T. T.^ Jarvis conduct ed the fnn6*»V.*gfftok..whj*%,l^. held at U rtelo&^piart wto the chuiA leindto«r.^;'^r '■■'Mr. danghtem.'. Km.'T»aim Maygae- rr. and tm Ma* Somen ’ township Sfifth WllkeaboTO vlaltom ’

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