^ -Iwafid •mtcvneM Iw 4^^Mer, 1>. XUby on Sktnrdar. iH( KimaBbMv n&io- Moatyod •^B&.^^thtrtj^oovoD. ^^nikenboro, ^oith ^ Ci^roj r ^ ■ 0 Xny Brame M.pofMftoM .etom •t 8:ae o-doA *t mo :«tf^.XIn. 1. p, Jfporo, Br. ^|rj - The RendMvoo* M Cbmpter of the D. A. R. noeC Tneoilnr oftenoon at o’elo^ in mci bone of >&•• ^BrethoR . ^ Brotholl and RntU 'Ktreii, wore; married ‘'Hoeonber 14^ at the ot the hridet paMor, ReV. r^CttiU. Baptist retired, in tn a Tei7 quiet cere- OBlj xelatiree and a tojdmalo 4 friends attending, dimplo ,returning from a spent aereral days with (room’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. Bretboll on the Brushies ‘b^re returning t o Charlotte arliere they will make their home. The groom is well known in .mikee, baring graduated from ^VlnjjWITi Mfll and later Brnm piw UnirerBity. Since his MPadnation, he hsf been employ- SNt By Duke Power Company, artfk headquarters in Charlotte. Cti drier.iildtii Sirs. H. Brown, associate hostess. Street FHday »» me aembers bdr t >i e luncheon, whMJt Faa. ser^ at one ^cloek, two. *e«efe»ere Jof the high scort prise- going to Mw. Hill Carlton. ^ Held Ifonthlr ftMtimes Both dlrlalons rf the Music lipTera bluh hare recently held meetings of mnd> interest, nie of note '^ '1mpa^, I iey 4S7 feet to a stake; thm No B,on , ^ one 'Court Hoase door, to jgeat comer rf Lot No. 89: 4' degrees with the line q| I !o4 No. 29, 150 feet to PalmS SIteet and eontinning 80 feet in monthly meetliMr of the senter l^qp yrfM held at . the home of ■' 'fOontinued on page fire) ... ^furniture.J3eR^'wi|& aandwicj^ Iwaa aerred^Suriw^l ioelal hdjir to the lame attending. JoMior WtimaA’s Qub m fifonthly MeetiiiK ' ,'Mrs. N. • S. Forester, Jr., and Mn. F.. D. Forester, Jr., were heetessee to the Junior Woman’s etah qg North WJlkesboro at the home of the former Monday aft- wnoon. The new president, Mrs. W. K. Sturdirant, presided for the business session at which time some work was planned for ThanksgiTing.. Mrs. J. B. Carter, the welfare chairman, is to be in charge of a basket of food to be glren to some needy family at the Thanksglring season. Prbr Mrs. gram chairman, Mrs. George For ester, presented Mrs. Bill Absb- who gave a paper on colonial 'IdTewise tlob Met -With Mrs. A. H. Casey » Idlewise club members, with a number of additional visitors which Included several of the teachers, were delightfully enter- Uined by Mrs. A. H. Casey at her home Friday evening. Pinner was served at seven o’clock at the dining table and four small ones. The main table, sprrad with a lace cloth, was centered with a Thanksgiving centerple^. Following the dinner guests engaged in a period of handwork while, others played bridge. Books were exchanged during the eve ning. An out of town guest pres ent was Mrs. James E. Tharpe, of Statesville, who was a houseguest of Mrs. C. G. Poindexter. NOTICB HIF BB-8ALE OF K^L ESTATE UNDER DEED OF TRUST State of North Carolina, Wilkes County. Pursuant to an order of the Clerk Superior Court directing tlm undersigned to readvertise and sell the property hereinafter describ ed, and by virtue of a power con tained in a certain deed of trust executed on the 8th day of Octo ber, 1936 by Miss Nora L. Ellis to Codie Shatley, Trustee for Miss Ruth Shatley and Gordon Shatley, recorded in book 178, page I'f, m of Deeds, Wil- "the ioBcNrilg deairi^ ti^ts tg phgeels. ofifejiA ■ FSrst TiriMiKttKSWwmO at the interseetioa ^i ’^Ordildu Street and the. MtSbetnr Soad,, «» Ae bank of aaiiLi roadM.-an^.^r^bie Northward of said road 88 fe^ thmee Weatarardfy parallel.. Orchid stiert 89 feet to a ; ktate, Whaley GOreath'a! to4r ,tl»Bnee Soulbwmrily parallel with HtdbCT- ry read 86 feet^to the Nortii s de cf .Orchid Street: thenee^i&st- waray with tte North side of pr chard St^t 69...feet .to the. Mul berry road, the point of beginning and being Lot No. 9 as shown on| the Map of the Pairolains Dovcl ooment Co., North Wilkesboro, N C. ■ ■' ' Second Tract, BEGINNING on a stake on the South West comer Palmer Street, 460 feet westward- ly from OrchaH • street and runs South 72 1-2 degrees West 487 feet to a stake; then North 5 de grees West 180 to a stake on the South East side of Center Alley: then North 72 12 degrees East to tho beginning, contateing 2 1-8 agl^ more or less. , said: sale will nd the last and hig^ieat 1' m'tinr SL be required to dsMiatt hi _ of the Clerk of tte Sttpnfer Cbttrt of Wilkes County 16 Jpfitcmit of tho last and highj^ or the land a lady otit^-lwr—but it only-1 will be inunedlatdy reHKdd. This the 8th day of November, 1987. . Morgan Shatley, Substitute. Trustee, North Western B&nl^ Snecessors to De posit and Saving Bank, Assignee. 11^22-8t (M) wreck-o0t;Of^AiMnl ianelHIm: r-V:'-? 8| "-tnpjjjj", Pktve s imEimoH I Ui office of Register - — _ kes copnty, to secure a certain along the East side of Center al- Men! What Valnea. Bece^a { your opportunity to suit yourself in a Imuid now unit for the holi days. Just recrived a Mg lot of men’s snlta. Coao»*vative or sport modris, all Amerlcaii hand tailor ed, made of the finest all wool materials. Smart netw winter ors and a size for everyone. We urge you to see th^ outstaading values at $12.50 and up.—liie Goodwill Department tSore, The Place For Bargains. Conttti^ HOUDAY PRICES-lOe auid 2Sc ALL NOW SHOrWING: - Katherine Hepburn and Ginger Rogers “STAGE DOOR'’ JOURNAL-PATRIOT ADS. GET QUICK RESULTS ! Mrs. Frank Johnson Tea and Topics Hostess Mrs. Frank Johnson was hos tess at her home on Vance Street Friday evening having as guests meniibers of her Tea and Topics club. An Informal hour was spent together In sewing and conyersa- tion after which refreshments were sen'ed buffet style. H. R Smith Gavei Luncheon-Bridge Friday. Mrs. H. B. Smith entertained at a luncheon at her homo cn D • Visit Spainhour’s Basement and buy your Winter needs now. Spainhour’s are offering merch^dise at Sale Prices now, instead of waiting until after the holidays. Buy now and be convinced that you can supply yowr Winter ne^s at Spaiuhour’s where yo^can-TOVe. QUALITY MERCHANDISE AT A SAVING! . . MANY EXCLUSIVE FEATURES MAKE THE OF WOMEN EVERYWHERE Spainhour’s Basement Store i C' Tto ROLLER WATER REMOVER -Maytag’s exclujivc method of removing water from clothes, has a flexible rubber top roD and firm bottom roll. Every thing evenly dry—no wet spots, no hard-to-irdo wrinkles. Maytag also gives you the one-piece, cast-aluminum mb, sediment trap, auto-type shift lever, and many other advan tages. Mayta^s available with fflsoline Multi-Motor, It irons evetyibing. Saves haii your - time ar.d^^y..^.e hard wojjt., Six rn^els 3l e widS jjfice range. Ask iori few trial irohiag ' _ V' S. V. TOMLINSON North Wilkesboro, N. C. The Maytag Company - Manufacturers - Founded 1893 - Newton, Iowa TWO-PIECE Snow Suits Trimmed in Beautiful Bright Cf lors SKI PAIfTS 2 to 14 Snow Suits $1.98 years 5^ In. Compote Sv.OO Cake Plate $v.35 A Reg. $2.00, for A Reg. 11.50, for 44-INCH WHITE, CREAM, BIEGE AND ECRU CURTAIN MATERIALS YARD 7V2C ARMSTRONG 9x12— LINOLEUM RUGS EACH $4.95 70x80 PART WOOD— DOUBLE BLANKETS PAIR $1.94 CHILDREN’S 2 TO 10 YEAR SIZES— OUTING PAJAMAS EACH 49c CLOSE-OUT OF— BLANpT REMNANTS YARD 23c g-Part Reltoh i^JUg. I2-T6, for 1495 .95 Console Set Reg. $7.00, for FECIAL INTRODUCTORY PRICES for a limited period these “MASTER-ETCHED” pieces • can have “Master-Etched” crystalwares for i«arly one Never hefore have they I’.ren available at such low pn^l ormri" of this timdy Christmas surprise is Foston^ 54-Inch WOOLENS A Close-Out of beautiful new patterns ..» celebration that invitea you to get acquaints "Master-Etched*' /favarre Yw win 69c and 95c yd. Dish Cloths, ea. .2c 70x80 Single Plaid Blankets 49c. 36-inch Father George LLSheeti^ ..7V2C 10 yds. limit to a enstomer Chiffon-Service WL, Ringlesg Silk Hose.... 48c Outing Flannel.9c Each Large Selection Notions 2c LADIES’ Large Selection • Black • Wine • Brown • Rust Each selection 49c PILLOW Each CASES 12‘/2c CHILDREN’S Each COATS 97c 2 to 6 Years Big assortment of Print Dresses to go for— MEN’S HEAVY Union Suits $9c EACH . Long Leg% LonR; SUgwga CAIiL W; STEELE "YOUR JEWELER’* DRESSES _ fl"* 1'^ 2'^ V’ )We are now offering to you our entire line of Dresses and Coats at prices we cannot duplicate. Be sure and shop our Basement — Ready-to-Wear Department! COATS- 4.77 Ladies* Suits Now .$3.88 Shoe Sale! Big reduction in Ladies’ Style Shoes. We must make room for Christmas merchandise, which is ar riving daily. Our loss is your gain! CHILDREN’S Pair Shoes aud Oxfords 97c ONE TABLE Pair Lakes’ Style Shoes 77c $1.98 VALUE Pair Lakes’ Shoes $1.87 STRAPS, OXFORDS AND NOVELTY; $2.45 VALUE Shoes $1.87 CHILDREN’S Dresses for your own home, or as gifts ■ i-'-t'-iction for dav^ this sale, .arc limited to wt u-i-; you to do thopp^ early