m =t:4j^;.;-- , •«-, •Pal ondays and ,■ * • 10. N. C.. 'dra Mieetiiig IMi At thetlira^SiodM State Anthorit’es to Explain ProTuions of 1938 Farm Program tWCH INTEREST SHOWN At Meetings Held nroagh- ont the County During the Past Two Weeks Gayly %nt Christm^ HMys Street HoEday lights May Be h Use Tuesday Fights Aatu gent ■j'f' ^ IHQS Seals cReuujcs CrlVOCtR, livSTr nlW T farm aide me farm^ the eos Saturday, As a ellmax to an educational gram to acquaint fanners with of the goTernraent for 1938, a county to which every tTited will be held at bnse in Wllkeeboro on December 11, begin ntnrat ten o’clock a. m. Daring the Past two weeks County Agent Dan Holler and L. W. IfUlart^ clerk of the soil con serration association, have been fining appointments in various communities in order to let the fanners know wks^io expect in wny of government aid lor coming year. Mr. Holler said that attendance many of the meetings have »n beyohd expectations, indicat ing a maximum of interest in the program the government has to offer for the coming year. They have shosm an active Interest, he said, and'4id not hesitate to ask questions'relative to any provis ion they did not thoroughly un derstand; 3Hie meeting to be held at the courthouse Saturday morning will be along the same',lines but there will be state authorities present to gjve a>ithorltaf!ve information ahot^ the new program* which is designed to afford greeter. heno- 4.V; Decorated Stores and At“ tractire Window Displays Add to Holiday Spirit program whl^ wflit en- a'tinner to plan^hls opera- tldos many months in advance and manage his farm to secure the maximum in cash benefits •‘and incidentally to bring • about greater improvements in the soil. The opinion has been freely expressed that Wilkes farmers should cooperate fully wi’b the program. MOM Wins TO r' SHOP Mrs. Lonnie Kflby Succumbs; Result Of Wreck hjuries Vannoy Resident Victim of Wreck Three Weeks Ago On Highway No. 16 Funeral service was held Fri day for Mrs. Grace Kilby, wife of Lonnie Kilby, of Vannoy. She died' Wednesday niglit In the hospital here from injuries received in an automobile wreck three weeks ago on highway 16 near Millers Creek. She was 21 years of age, a daughter of Ed and Dora Darnell Dancy, of Vannoy. Surviving are her parents and husband. Funeral service was held at the church near Vannoy and the Roe Chhreh, who was said to' Through the cooperation a- mong the business people of the city, North Wllkesboro streets are rapidly taking on a gay holi day appearance and it is expect- j ed that the street decorations will I be completed and the lights may I be ready to turn on Tuesday. The value of adequate holiday decorations is not to be denied and the merchants and other hnsinees men of the city who made street decorations possible have accomplished something that will be appreciated by local peo ple and the thousands who will visit the city during the holiday S^A30H> And while the spirit of Chrlst- nas is beginning to permeate the atmosphere and thoughts turn to the most joyous holidays of the year, North Wllkesboro merch ants have prepared to serve the people of the rapidly expanding trade territory as never before and amidst a holiday atmosphere. Many North Wllkesboro stores have already made the holiday decorations and several windows reflect talent In arranging hol'- day displays. The wide variety of merchan dise now ready for the holiday trade which Is expected to get in full swing this week htw van- sa^alkers on the Public S]agxfrliiin are remind- he rad flag shown above they. I‘mi|^t’’ dart across CLEVELAND . ^ , * ed that by using the „ , 'the street agamst traffic lights. It’s all a part* of a traffip safety campaign to reduce the mounting number of attfo dCathe. Public Weased Wmi Traffic Light System POSTAL REClam GAIN Lenoir, Dee. 3.—Postal receipts for the first 11 months of 1937 ara showing a gain of |2,S07.04 over the corresponding period of 1936, Postmaster N. H. Owya stated, t^ay. Postal reraipts .for the^ii£rat 11 months of tbe year yl^iptailed $37,886.77 as compared ‘ SHlh $33,687. 73 for 1936. AmericanL^on {Went Into Use District Meeting' Here Saturday Will Be Held Wednesday Night at Taylorsville; Aaxilis^7 to Meet The annual conference of the. 15th district of the American Le gion, which, comprises the posts of MooresvillS, Statesyllle, Tay-. lorsvllle. North Wllkesboro, West Jefferson and Sparta, will he held at the .itiexander SMM gt Tay^ lorsvilie Wednesday.^lght, De^ Pedestr'ans Urged to Walk With Lights; Vitdators Wni Be Given Tickets The newly installed traffic light control system went into use in North Wllkesboro Satur day- , The lights were turned on at two IntersectlpBS on D ^street Prt- and on t^isrday the'corner Latl'^wsOf. Staht.^Na^ Toll-Briefly CAPT. BRISTOL 101 Morganton, Dec. 8.—Capt.'W. Bristol celebrated his lOlst birthday here this afternoon and filled in high spirits before a eri>wd of 20O Drho attended a par ty given la his honor by th* United Daughters of the Coated- erecy. EFFINGER GIVES UP Lima, O.; Deo. 8.—Portly Vir- gll F. ‘‘Bert’* Efflnger, 67-year- old accused head of the Black le gion, surrendered here today to tiglit charges of criminal syndl« calism filed against him in Mich igan. The f»ld former electrical contractor tku; ended a 15-month period' of triteness since he waUfc^ ",.out'> of an extradition hearing in CoWmbus oh August 26, tfkf;,! and disappeared. NORT^f? CAROLINA IITH WaShWgton, Dec. 3. — Pive states improved, their population ranking lu the last yeadi^-jthe cen sus he^a roiled to^. the bareao*d'estimate'of population Ezteiuion SA#vteft O? #««.•- ~ Home COST For CamOj^ Paid br Slim* oral GovpntBMNIIp^ ,1'j Wllkes county bomnl'hi ^ missloners in December sessKte today paved the wvd^or a JtOB|a demonstration agent tor .WiHMt county. - ** Under an agreement with state extension service tbe ^eiim- missioners agreed to ap]||ropiMa $600 as 'the county's part of ^ cost for the fisesl^yesr to beite. on July 1, 1938. It Is understood that the Sk* tension service offered a horn* demonstration agent to t^Ukea without cost to the comty.nntQ July 1 provided the county ooik- mlssloners would give assurance that an appropriation of . $600 would he made for the next fis cal year. In other wordsJthe homa demonstration agent would he furnished to the. county fdr it months for $600, ' ^ Since It becamo known a few days ago that the services of a home demonstration agent could be available at such low cost and for six months at no cost the Po mona Orange, Parent-Teacher as- Bociatlona and other civic organ- igatlbna eadarsed.. the pvqpoaal on Pl»e^ Hos^ commisrioa- have been drinking and was the driver of the car which collided with the one driven by Kilby, was arrested by State Highway Patrolman Carlyle Ingle and is being held o n manslaughter charges. large North Wllkesboro has a trad ing territory with population equal to that of many of the larger cities and in order to jus tify this trade expansion the merchants have prepared to fill the demands of all the customers. Two Are Injured In Auto Accident ^Millard Johnson and Charles :;iiii^eui. Jr., of Ashe county, were Apple Recipes -Now Available The United States department of agriculture is aiding in the movement to publicize apples and painfully injured Sunday when to boost the demand for the king Iheir car left highway 16 near Jumping Off place and crashed into a tree .about 140 f^t off the roadway 1»n the side of the mountain. Johnson and McNeill were brought to the Wilkes hospital, where they are receiving treat ment for their injuries. rs Homes Burn Lt Moravian Falls Residences of R. Don and S. R. Laws Destroyed By Fire Last Friday of fruits throughout the nation. It is a part of a national drive to make people “apple conscious’’ and Wilkes county Being one of the leading apple producing cent ers in the nation it is expected that local residents will show con siderable Interest. In fact it is hoped that they will show interest to such an ex tent that local consumption of apples will show a marked in crease. And in order to facilitate this apple publicity the bureau of home economics In the nation’s capital has issued an attractive booklet of apple recipes which tells how to use apples in dozens of delicious dishes. These booklets are available at the office of the county agent or . by writing to Bureau of Home j Economics, U. S. Department of ! Agriculture, Washingrton, D. C. Fire late Friday afternoon de stroyed the homes of R. Don Lews and Sbafter R. Laws and -threatoaed the destruction of the entire village of Moravian Falls. Tt -was the second time in three years that the home of Mr. Laws, publisher of the national- known Tellow Jack'/t, has been •troyed by fire. f|P6!; v'** discovered about ;80 and had gained much head- IW- under the roof. Defective 'wring'was thought to have been .0»e cause. A wind fanned the lirom the home of the eld- r Mr. Laws to the home of his 'and efforts to keep the fire. ^ , v, Veetra«;||^^, reeidence.a rnember ot a trio whdeh consplr- '^re In valm^^wfed also carried m Ura to the roof ta tb» Baptist 'Ahtth hat people of^th^. com- yjsr'e'aUe to extinguish "010 ^ the'sparks d1^ roof Foil Plans For a Moonshine Run Officers Cut Up Large Out fit Near ja County Road Before Liquor Is Made Sheriff C. T. Doughton and Deputy Odell Whittington foiled plans of moonshiners for manu facture of holiday liquor one day recently near Shepherd’s Cross Roads. The still, a modern outfit for manufacture of illicit beverages, was located within 20 steps of a much traveled road in that vicin ity but was well hidden by under growth. Four operators fled from the scene when the officers approach ed but there were no indications that liquor had been made. Ap parently they were well prepared for extensive operations, having made excavation for 12 mash boxes (boxes are placed in the ground to prevent freezing 1. T.'A. Finley, of this city. Many state, officials of the T.,egiott, Auxiha^ and the 40 and 8 will be in attendance at these meet ings and Interesting programs have beeq arranged. The banquet will be at the ho tel dining room for the thrae or- ganizatjions, and will he follo-srad by a program which will feature an address—by. .the State Com mander Hector Blackwell, of Fay etteville. Many liegionnalres and Auxiliary memVera. ot this place expect to attend this meeting. The 15th DistrIcC, according to the District Commander P. G. Wright, of West Jefferson, is leading the state in percentage of membership. All Legionnaires and Auxiliary members who expect to attend this banquet and meeting should notify Adjutant John Hall. Phone 223, not later than Tuesday aft ernoon, so that reservations can be made for the local delegation. 'be >Iae(^ Ji' w today. Altliongh“f»fflO;' lights were new to North Wilheshoro and to many-who nee the streets, little confurion result^ and apparent ly the lights ^Ined the approval of all coneerned. Mlemhers pf the police force were stationed'at the principal in tersections and, found it necessary to stop but few drivers for wlo- latlon of the signals. Police Chief J. B. Walker said today that he hoped that pedra- trians would more generally walk with the lights. It was apparent Saturday that d' great many walk ers disregarded the lights. Chief Walker sdld that the lights were for the safety, and convenience of walkers as well as motorists and urged that people refrain from "Jay Walking.” He warned that tickets will be given drivers who violate th© traffic signals and'that they will be cited to court Comity Welfare Officer Cdminends W. P. A. House Keeping Aid Project The Wilkes county house-keep- th© project get started. Any one who has anything to loan nr do nate that will help furnish a kitchen, Jiving room, breakfast room or bed room, will please call -Mrs. Pearl Rhode* telephone 170, Have your (^stmas Seals been ^^liig for children In ' sickn. ing aid project Is set up for the P’urpose of giving work to women eligible for WPA employment who can b© better housekeepers, ^ coarws In farnfUrfe of tlie project, or lie tacked away in some nook or cranny? Why not get them out and pay for them and 'aae them? ‘DIAMOND BOB’S’ HELPER GETS TWO YEARS ON FORGERY COUNT Wyatt Pleads Guilty to Forgery Charge In Davidson County and Implicates Bob Vannoy and Odell Key Odell 'Wyatt, who said he was ed to print and forge over $1,000 ! worth of checks on Montgomery . Ward & Company, was sentenced in Davidson county court at Lex- * ington Friday to two years in the of the home furnishings''P**^ e of R- Don I-awa on‘ his car brought about his arrest. Wilkes officers aided in the search for "Diamond Bob" an^ Key bnt they have not been lo-! from a physician and In. health, bedsMe care, feed ing the family,.and all problems consacted with the rufinlng and management of thh homo. Housekeeping aids will have at least two weeks training before they are sent out to give free traihlBg’and service to nrady famlllea' certified for relief by the p.nblic xielfare department, where Illness, hllndnees, death or infirmity make it impossible for the housewife to e«xi7 o® the work of the home ^thout extra help. HousekeejHng aids Trill not attempt to handle health prob lems withouL.written instructions Virginia each jumped a numfidr to 26th .and 2.6th, wUne Kansaa feR from 26th to 27th. KILLED IN CRASH Banner Elk, Dec. 8.—One man was killed and two others seri ously injured early tonight when a truck and light coupe crashed head-on between Cranberry and Newland. Lum Sluder, 30, of Newland, driver of the coupe, was killed Instantly. His two com panions, Coy Calhoun and Gurney Calhoun, both of Newland, were hkdly hurt. They wer© brought to Grace Hospital here. F. D. R.’s GUM SORE Miami, Fla., Dec. 3.—President Roosevelt decided to cut three days from his vacation schedule today and to start for Washing ton tomorrow due to what he de scribed as delayed healing of his gum. 'The chief executive had an infected tooth extracted Novem ber 18. Ho absorbed much poison from the doable pocket left by the extraction and one of these openings still was draining some when he left Washington Novem ber 27 on his fishing cruise on which he hoped to regain strength. rimr provided Uie Stratton agmit's - kfniiio satisfactory dvripA^ thej mo'hths’ period.' ' ' • . County Farm Demonstratloit Agent Dan Holler commsitted ffeT- orably on the action of the corn- missioners today, saying that apppintment should rasnlU more complete extension seryiije for the county. ^ ' ; The proposal yyns offered * thA county by Miss Armelia Arant. district home agent, who was In Wilkes a feif days ago.- ’The appointment has not beau made hut it is expected that lift - eztmislon service will make . pointment before January 1. City Auto Tags Are Now On Sale City License for 1938 Sold At License Bureau Mrs. H. C Land on ' s tele- Public Welfare Department, Thone 340. Legally consUtsted agencies sponsoring the'house keeping aid project are as follows: the de partment of public wpjfare, the public health) dwartment, the board of ronnty commissioners. City offIclals and local civic clubs are requested to act as co-spon- sors. The house keeping aid' project will reach homes In Wilkes coun ty where the training given wlU help to raise :0ie standard .of Jfyi la^, th»^ vork^; T^l ;t«»ch ,,' tliA ben^ts of ciewnlliiew aad'bwtar the rf^lt floor were saved and all .farnlshings of the home of SOB wdra carried out 1b time. t>^ damage amounted to tboasand doUara. .sinaU. fire track of the difiett to tifi Tb the' scheme. Wyatt said that he and Odell Key. also of th© Vannoy section of Wilkes, had the task of pass ing the checks while th© leader of the gang. Bob Vannoy of the dla- moBd^deal notoriety, had charge ■ot th(t chedk printing. ’Vfildi'Antoraft a plea of gnU^ gl^Bervlce station attendant Ucense nnmber Vunoy and Key. cated. After Wyatt was taken and before he made a confession im- .pllcating Vannoy and Key offi cers from cities where the checks had been cashed went Immedi ately into the Vannoy commun ity. Incidentally they met "Dia mond B(d>”, Who was not at that time under suspicion, and asked him at length abont who might j>e cashing the forged checlu. K^tmliy lesumed notl^ag., offlcera h«XB»! hUMLdo) bpeh UMwgpeufnl fB tHslr efforts €hidn, i The housekeeping aid pre ject is designed to further- community welfare by giving IntMUgemt con structive training and. Service'?^ to thora’ who'ara not phjU^ly or finandaHy able to ttsip- ’ them- selyee.^and its «i^8 M depend ent’msjulnre on com- support, he. loeid;#d fii jJWtihack the tits CONFERENCE FAILS , Washington. Dec. 3.—Confer ences seeking to end labor’s two- year internal war apparently col lapsed tonight with the failure of WHlUm Oreen, president of the American Federation of Labor, and John L. Lewis, bead of the^ Committee for Industrial Organ- the automobile and track ization, to reach an agreement in the second face-to-face meeting. No plans for further conferences between Lewis and Green or be tween subcommittees of a group named by each organisation to attempt to negotiate a trace have been scheduled. ‘CALDWELL HEARD ...Washington, Dec. 8. —The ^gsd adjourned until Monday to- Aakcln the middle of the tohaceo North Wilkeeboro resident aU-, tomobile license tags are now OB sale at the license bureau Ib charge of Mrs. Henry Landon..'. For the convenience of the torists contract for sal© of Mia city tags was awarded to theJUc-.? ense bureau. The buyer may pw^/ chase the city tag alobg with .sU)^ tags which are^now ob. ssla aijjl this means quite a eoBvenisuea-ia:. ers. . r ...,. ?" The city license plates are-of the same color as tbw,. 19,38. sfi|la., license and the cost is one ' dot*. lar for each antomobile or tru^ The law reqhlrss-tBai idl eai( trucks owned hf sity display the 1988 pit? January 1. ^ Rslnrtvo to this section 8 HriHg, motheif so traln*4 wffl number of' perfecting ' amend able. to train ttelT children ^ h» have already boon adopted better cltlxoni^tkq .houra .keep-1 ^ Instance of ReprMentetiTe Jng aid Wojeot.tt ) Mancoek. Harry B. Caldwan, ipao- mnnlty welfare endeaviy^lt tar of the 8late'Oranga,.retnriia# reaching Influanea, aad ««6|^ ‘!to Wta4»lngtoB today and con^ap- the suirport' ot an Pnl)l^ M^ Hance^ and with cltlsens who are , Intereste^^^ln jj,,, cooloy. ? a member /ot ' fto community hbttormsnt; 1 iHo ''Wfettoborov; Wrimt- Mn. Mo^ Edi^^ Wmif v-rV ■tp*: Sveeceeds W. R. CraR as parviMT Him in'Ti^'tkifmtleg —- ■' Mrs. ag|^ltnra commlttaai ragarding dent «d' tl^«l0ii|:j|« Rim the tobacco yrav^on. snporvlspr^of «dnlt .aad' Is'Supporting this, prov^on;, but not in Iripopathy wlUi dlf thW i^Sl^OhwiseoMatton wiU hold Its prtnclphw whloh afford Ua baois spSca *^haa * raraiar, mop^iy meeting. Thurs- of th* b%'8acratara-'W;al-. ndnoafioa,^ lA - Wta^Md aa^ asaatlos, ' . tt . Mm. litoore-SRssaeds. led to Ml.