Nd^i? -.- .■- -r.r.... -■-„. f:..^rf-,-.^.^, II |||| „ Rnd .Thgf^!TNOBTHiyi;feBORQ. N. t^g^^ DEC. 9, ll^tl.60 m THE STA^^ rHBj tile News of ide* old 3s PREPARES FOR RAIDS Londoa, Dec. 7.-—Sir Samuel Hoare, Britiali home secretary, told Parliament today the yovern- ment regarded the: question of eracuatlnK ciTiUan population In the event of a!r attack as “very urgent." He Introduced a new clause to tbe air raids precautions bill darigned to enable the gov ernment t.0 proceed with plans for trsupfeirluf papulations, as well TU pro^diuji tor the care of refugees la war time. ilei^ Fffr ;3 !«m^ To Boo^ GenOfoI BusraeM I^oun^aln Area Sup«rriaor Her* Buys Materials for First Quart' er Of 1938 TOTALS ABOUT $27,000 kD MAN CLEARED hlngton, Dec. 7.—Andrew to. H^on, won today, three liiiniiLlihia death, formal ^dn«Klon of.4ucome tax fraud. ^Tbn^^unlted States board of tax appeala tlirew out^' the govern ment’s fraud charge unanimously and In a divided ..opinion on^ oth er issues slashed the goTemra'ent claim tor additional tazra on Mel lon's 1931 income from 133,075,- 108 to. about $700,000. FIRES CABfPAIGN GUN Washiu^B, Dee. 7.-—Senator a^sbvrt R-' Reynolds today prao- 'Beally opened his campaign for re-elestioir on the wages and hours bill, which he favors, and which his 1 opponent for the Sen ate, Representative Frank W. Hancock, opposes in its present form. "I shall do everything in my power to see a wages and hours hill, which I voted for when before the Senate, enacted int) law,” said Reynolds. Street Project For North Wilkesboro To Get Un der Way Next Month As a .part of a natlott-wlde drive on the part of government agencies to stimulate business, materials costing $22,000 for area 10 of the Works Progress administration have been pur chased for the first three months of 1938, It was ’earned here to day from T. D. Heffner, area supervisor for the WPA In eight counties. Requisitions for $18,000 in ma terial wars made out yesterday IH aaditlod to $4,000 previously this month and there is likeli hood |hat other purchase orders amountlBK to $8,000 will be made for the area before the end of the year^ he said. Sponsors of projects, Mr. Heff ner said, are being encouraged to buy materials now for the months of January, February and March and a majority of them have al ready done BO. Mr. Heffner said that the WPA will start the North Wilkesboro I street improvement job early in I January, or as soon as the sewer j project in the Finley Park addi- jtlon to the dty is completed. Here’s a worm’s-eye view of an avalanche In the mi^Kingr. LdWer- ing himself into a huge fissure at the top ffif the “moving m^tam” in Los Angeles’ Eysian Park, a daring cameraman shows how the everwidening crack is being checked hourly to^detemine courw and extent of the next in a senes of huge eartb-slides ^^at have alre^y sent millions of tons of rocks, earth and tiws tumptag 360 feet mto Riverside Drive, Dayton Avenue, below, and even mto the dry bed of the Los Angeles ri\ter, 1,000 feet away. to the dty is 7—Returns I ferred to the street job, which , J i calls for improvement of several from the house-to-house unem-!*^®"® lor iuijmu ^ Schools To Reach 500 Applicatioiis Rlidtem Vacation l^rF^ Benefits SHA»£fflNEW IMANTLOi >. Ill .1 I I Sev«itMii C^mtioo In SllM Sdcota^ For Loona To * Umite8~Nttmhor On December 21st Sent Tins Week Larger Schools To Disband For Holidays On That Date UnGl Jan. 3 Wilkes county schools will complete the first half of the 1937-38 term on December 21 and 22, it was learned today from C. B. Eller, county superinten dent of public Instruction. In contrast to a year ago when several schools were forced to close because of road conditions, all the schools this year have operated on a uniform schedule from the house-teahouse UDem-|ca“3 ployment census check conducted! a total cost of about ^tion in the time they complete in Charlotte and other North 1 r.r™ Carolina cities between Novem- J , 'being used on the sewer project er an jie,* ] under fVireman McOlmsey will i ^ the. cbristma.s boU-, s the the first half of the term. 'The larger schools with the ex ception of Mulberry and ’Traphlll ormation on these^ cards will he I Pfo^ement Job, Bsed to deck the thoroughness's™^®' ““d f°“® voln.l.ry T.- Which Includesj her 21. Traphlll aiW . tnrns made through the Charlotte area. end of the city and widening Forester /.venue. LONG WAR SEEN Washington, Dec. 7.—Spanish j Ambassador Fernando de los Rios 1 said tonight the Spanish civil war j "Is just beginning” Declaring, that the Republican Tgovenment | is overcoming lack of arms and; ammunition by ^ectiag^war ma terial factories'on a large scale (283 factories up to now), the bearded ambassador told news papermen the insurgent offensive has been postponed, and this is "a definite sign of weakness.” Cranor Chairman For President’s Bail January 29 Wilkes Chairman For Bene fit Evenf Announced In New York City WOMAN HTttvTFD Monterey. Calif.. Dec. 7.—The hunt for Mrs. Sarah Flavin. Broadway playwright’s wife who has been missing since yesterday noon, was concentrated along the rugged Carmel shoreline tonight mes.? uimiiuic. ..... after searchers found her tripod 1 of the organization camera but one foot from the:.. . .. . 1... t,_*v ^^e of a 30-foot sea cliff. The ''Ti-year-old wife of Martin Flavin. Pulitzer prize winner, disappear ed while taking photographs near their home at Carmel Highlands. New York, Dec. 9.—Keith Mor gan, Chairman of tne Committee for -the Celebration of the Pres ident’s Birthday today announced appointment of a number of ad ditional County Chairmen in North Carolina for this year’s “Fight Infantile Paralysis” cam paign. These chairmen will have of their respective counties, both for the founding of the new Nation al Foundation for Infantile Pa- win close on the following day. Ail'the central schools plans to. resume work and start the sec ond half of the term on January 3rd. The smaller elementary units will observe only one week for the Christmas holidays. Street Decoration Lishts Beautiful Gay Holiday Decorations Lighted Tuesday; Ap preciated by Public Lights on the gay holiday street decorations in North Wil kesboro, the shopping center of Northwest North Carolina, were turned on this week and now present a beautiful holiday ap pearance to all visitors to the city. And suggestions of the holiday * season are enhanced by beautiful All Farms Expected To Be Checked; Other Applica tions to Be Sent Soon MEETING PLANNED Hope For Large Attendance At Meeting To Be Held Saturday Morning Together with an announce ment of a couaty-wide meeting of farmers Saturday to discuss the 1938 farm plan offered by the government. County Agent Dan Holler said today that one fourth of the aPpUcatlons for payment under the 1937 program are he» Ing forwarded to the state suthor- ittoL^ JWM^, ^ .^^PMfidrs We -Mio' _ Omar jbt^est in the soil consw- vatlon "plan for 1938, Mr. Holler said, and a large attendance is expected fori the meeting to be held at the courthouse, begin ning at ten o'clock. State authori ties will be g)resent to clear up any questions the farmers wish to ask, The remainder of the applica tions for payment under the 1937 program, Mr. Holler said, will be forwarded as soon as possible. Some farms have not been check ed bnt supervisors are expected to complete the task In two weeks. There are a total of .more than 2,000 farms In the county under work sheets and the number of appHcatlons to be sent off this week will be approximately 500. However, payment for the entire number in the county will be a- bout the same time early next year, Mr. Holler said. Wilkes county Is one among the seventeen.'^in North' Carolina in which fibhi loans' to aid tenant -tami loans' to aid tenant farmers ,hecomO owners^.wlll he made, it was announced today In Raleigh. ’ iv ■ . Dm to. limited funds for first, year's operation, of the act, a max imum of tdn«ad minln;nm of flye tefs^ PQjf^uisa.jaaiu will bp made '(h the 17 designated conn- tfes. The loan conntiM aiw Caawen, Chatham,' ,Clev4fah’d,'^dB^^^8mhe, Franklin, 'Onllford, Handmon, Hertford, XfedeU; Madison, slow. Orange, Rtchmond;^' Ro^ son. Union, Washlhgton aO'4‘ Wilkes. ' The state farm tenant com mittee recommended the above donntles. Their 'action was proved by the Department ,.of Agriculture. North Carolina wlH receive $527,060 of the $10,000,- 000 appropriated under the ten ancy act. B Street Parking Limit I* One Hour The city board of commis sioners In session Tuesday n*ght passed an ordinance re- dnclng the parking limit on B street from Tenth to 8th streets from two hours to one hour. Everybody is asked to keep dlls in mind and $g|.^vlo- late th© Mdlhance, fogfwhlch violations are one dollar for the first offense and five dol lars each for snbseqnent of fenses. Among other tnudi^ HudRedH [Membenliqi' Period it Exti 39 Teaching ProfeoMon . H Aa ContribnteA Owar 70 Far ' CentOf AnMNBkt $8 ; ONLT 878 MEMBIEKI Wilke* Ftf Behind Of Last Yaak) Odwn May Tat Miami, Florida . . . After Initi ating 126 new members, a picked party of ^ansmen raided the La Paloma night, club on the out skirts of this, tlty, paddled sever al ehtertaiders and chased out the otwtomerS, It was explained that neighboring residents wanted the club closed ,but were afraid to en ter a couA complaint against the owner. These two were caught by the camera-of a fleeing patron. Dr, Cook Tidk$ Of Aiminty Plan Fortheteadiers Head of Education Depart ment of W. C. U. N. C. Addresses Teachers Dr. John H. Cook, head of the department 'of education at the Woman’s College of, the Univer sity of North CaroUna,,^ Oreew- tapi^^d .to WBkes ‘4oi^ ■ A chockhp on memU«»'W’tta annual Red Cross roll ea&, M Wilkes county this year ieW^ the fact that so far the UMumUr profession has 'comtrtk|4M n large majority of the 'totsl umbs- bershlps for the county aM Huit the total number of membtia fa distressingly low in compaffson with the 900 who joined last yaa& Of the only 376 people jahe have contributed to this, greats^ humanitarian organisation dhrtas the 1937 roll call 229 have h«aa teachers. Chapter officials sad Others interested hellevo that there are many other people fa the county who will take up the challenge offered by the teachesa and raise this total for the epha- ty by several hundred and that the people of the county will not allow the year to pass witbovt doing more for the organlsatioa which through many years has done so much for underprivileged and distressed people in Wllk« county and in practically every community in the nation at some time or other. In view of these facts the roll call has been extended a few mor« days in order that others may have a part in the roll call and contribute a dollar each as mem bership contributions. Those who are not contacted may mail dr personally lake or send their dot- window displays at many stores. These displays depict the holiday ai sounaauon lor In all Its joy. ralysis and also the multitude of j decorat: benefit entertainments to be held Saturday, January 29th, in cele- RAPS ON CONGRESS New York, Dec. 7.—Members of Congress unwilling to serve 'Nie "national interest’’ by help- jng to halt ’‘nnUmely, uneconomic bration of President Roosevelt’s ; birthday. j The chairmen appointed ■ low: I H. A- Cranor, Wilkesboro i The street decorations were fi nanced cooperatively by many firms and individuals in the city. fol- Legion Auxiliary Meeting The American Legion Auxiliary will meet Monday night, 7:30, at the home of 'John Hall with Miss Toby TnrnM and Mrs. Jack Quinn associate ■'hostesses. expenditures” and to balanc© the I (Wilkes CoMty), were denounced tonight! Marion hv an administration fiscal officer jW. Picquet. ^uthern as nnm to hold their jobs. Sucb| (Moore County); J. C. P^s. Tad- .tops of retrenchment. 9 a 1 d ' klnvllle (Yadkin County Wayne C. Taylor, fiscal assistant R- Price. Asheville ’Buncombe secretary of the treasury, in an County), . . av s, • address prepared for delivery be-1 (Dare County), W. E. Brooks, ;re tbABronomlc club of New i Plttsboro (Chatham County) J. >ork WCTO “minimum national Claud Allison, Sylva (Jackson ^W9^o requirements." Home And Grounds H£^y JJskting (^n«d street northward he cFfiiod and be in^(M la the W#A street Imiwovement project soon to begin. Will Present Play Under sponsorship of the Par ent-Teacher association a hilar ious comedy, "June In January,” will he presented in the Wilkes boro school auditorium Friday night, 7:30. A more detailed ac count of the fun in store for those who attend is-carried in another article elsewhere in this news paper illiivo to A retfremeht' anaM)jf(' toachers. It was a very inthreatlng ad dress In which ho outlined a plan of security for the teaching pro fession, who are not affected by the social security act. The Plan he proposed, and which was re ceived with favor among th© teachers, would call for contri butions by the teachers and the state toward the retirement an nuity fund. Following the regular teachers meeting B. N. Peeler, secretary of the state textbook commission, addressed a principals’ confer ence. Checkup Shows That WPA Workmen Are Only 80 Per Cent Regular on Jobs Mrs. Rufus Barlow Funeral On Friday Concro Citizen Is Claimed By Death BTTSY FIRST LADY ( Washington, Dec. 7.—The rov ing rt»t Lodg threw sway her time-tables today and settled down at the 'White House for the „wiBtea. Without waiting to un- wfhtNP fiWIii ate bought to Ke# York, Sthanof Ro^welt NtTr;*i*r hushed, h^d at.j,press' "" entortalned lihlnet ladlea »t luncheon and gave two iMg She reeled off a schedule tor ihe week that left newspaper women gasping—a housing wn-j •* tofti-— pen-women’s meettog, a symphony concert in addi tion to the Gridiron Windows’ stnot party, and half a doM teas •bo la^Mng at the Whtte House. JkMU to MR 0*4 Ar# aad'ehU4,. at the i aed gerikic aleag Cdunty): Blount Rodman, Wash ington (Beaufort County): R. F. Holland, Charlotte (Mecklenburg County). A. G. Eller, 72, citizen of the Congo community, died this morning at his home. He leaves three children:. Mrs. Coy Foster,' of Congo: Mrs. Genine Bussel, of North Wilkesboro; Verlie Eller, of California. Funeral service will he held Friday, 11 o’clock, at Pilgrim Baptist church with Rev. James T. Nichols in charge. Schoolmasters To Meet December ft In keeping with tte purpose of jpromotiag projeots tor a more heautiful'clty, .the Garden Depart- Wnt of the 'N^orth • Wllkesboto woman's OInb In apomioiingft home and grom^ R^hUng con- teat for'the hollitoy 8i&i»Oh in North WGkoshpre:"''* Husband Progratn Centered Around School Problems WiH Be Csurried Out at Meethag The next meeting of the School masters’ Glnb to ho held at Wil kesboro school Wednesday, De cember 15. six p. m., will feature jt general disenssisn of school Lob Angeles.—Hra, Osa John son, wife of Martin Johnson, the noted explorer, had a $602,639 damage siytson file here today against an air transportation com pany for the death of her hns- band. The Johnsoiu were flying Garden DiqHurtBMnt' .Wom an’s CliA %MMMbr je4 purbg'Holida^ Mrs. Rosetta Barlow, 61, wife of the late Rnfus Barlow, died today at her. home on Boomer R. F. D. Funeral service will he held Friday and burial will be in ^lie family cemetery. Rev. S. I. Watts will conduct the la it rites. Surviving .are th© following children: Mrs. Carrie Walker and Theodore BWlow, of Foster Barlow, of Independence, Va.; Spencer Barlow; of Morgan- ton; and Heath Barlow, of Boom er. All Workera Encouraged to Put in Every Hour Allow ed Before Holidays Following a checkup which re vealed that WPA workmen put in on an average of only 80 per cent of the time allowed them, area WPA officials have decided to check more closely on the workmen and may drop from the payroll those who are very ir regular In reporting to their jobs. Iflis generally agreed that a Baomer; Menient policy toward 'WPA labor ers has encouraged Irregularity hut the practice has on 'several occasions seriously curtailed pro- and the 'WPA -The Duke Power co^ipany Is donating $16 for cash, prizes. In th«.contestrajiiA il7^0. Orst problems and the program will ho here from Salt Lake City on ^ a In chtrge of R. V. Day, Millers lecture tour last January 12, .Cr««* PrinclPftl- . .l irhon the Western Air Bxprew , It will ho ft dinner meeting and plane , enwhod on a mountiUn tSutocftB attend arte asked peak. A ^ ^-4 to poUfy Pjrof. T. B. Story not, — ^ later Imp December 16 of the- »'GhrietaaM SooJis t .idmyaT piuater of plfttm ^ ho » prize, $5.00''second'- and - $3.60 third. Judges who arO’:to fc selected goon will make a-tour of the city bn the evening of December 28rd to.'.pfok the mo8tkmtl|nlj)r li|^ lE^'^wn. hn^ It ti ,4^red that the d^boratlona te^ pliiced te>«arly: as ph^le ia ord^/to tte appearance of the homes and Aha dty aB4kto - ere4to^sP h«9dag at ptosphbfp, S * ■* ^ hM al william T. Finley. ”aie »n4 about >0 Is the high- JyMrnm was; ^ to of tbOrtc ^ ^tday i^Oth aanlvers- ^^ihreon- itlon. gress on projects now. is striving to get work done'titnte families ,wlth speed that would compare j on Sunday Sheriff Donghton. with what would be expected of j and Deputy Whittington leairoi^ a private contractor and in many'^ij a gigantic outfit on the Brushy cases the goal Is accomplished ,de- j Mountains. Included. .In the op^, 'spile workmen who seem to workwere a 200-gallon "capa«|r • “ whenkhey want to orwhenneces-jatlll and'over 3,000 gallops oC Ag^ Wid^drives them and at no other jpear. no arroBte;W*r« ftia*|^ - 'As-i.n example a WPA official "" pidd .that 40 men were'assigned ' the wilkesboro school hulldlng Win T. Finley La^tRit^HeM Known Wilk^ Fwaily *^''-P4dad» 'Ak-: Hiwe llles, died Mbuiuy evonl^tti^ homo on the Brhsh'jT IfoniftalnB. He is 8urvt,7®d Iqf’.hMrwttu.'Mrs- 'err TtebiOte,. tor,- [ewTMri. B. a. Bl^r- W.MW^ * * ’ '" 8b^#a;wa|i held Wed- ckdit- idiiW-ftt the iode ^h K -jl. :J«Tla lP-tteTK«,' M»l)rted te Rev. . Watt M. Cooj^, of .this city. Butlal - vras' l*f ,thO .Freehytsrlan cAdtorr'Wfc' a ' g ■ .^6 splendid way-: In'' teliehea’j^l^ded' thia. yeay ’ la shown hr the fact that tow dte tricts were 100 per cent In meiU^ bership. North Wilkeshoro, Mdt- berry, Mount Pleasant and R^ftr- ing River districts have a record. Union, Ronda and WB- kesboro school teachers lofhed 100 per cent. Three Men taken At Still Tuesday Federal and County Officer* Make Successful Raida oo Moonshine Plants No doubt the supply of illicit “holiday spirits’’ will be dimin ished by activity on the part of federal and county officers who have raided' a large number of stills in Wilkes county during the past week. Sheriff C. T. Donghton, Deputy Odell Whittington and a number of federal officers made a suc cessful raid Tuesday In the vicin ity of Blackburn hollow in Lewis Pork township, there they do- stroyed a large still, conflscstojl 900 pounds of sugar and arreetod three men,'Llnney and Joe 'Wood- le and Rom B. 'Whittington,' who pere placed under bond for tolid In federal court. _ ' -y ■' The sugar was turned ovqp*to the Wilkes county welfare depari^ I ment to be used for relief o^^^S:• boldest and test kp^,^: ^ •fTlS Is directed tokrard all the work- me$if puusy' of ■whom Jm^vo. raised tnulT#^ gt^eiu add who lalhrvals ;iio .edris . loc 4j8a wops,. hstrtier: $goigA and nertermL sindlsr and ^ 4utmm tasks. sfn>A VT>J The area WBA-Offtclalz are an-. — --- ~ - oonregtog^ery pereox-to irtriai^iftia list taxes to Wi. ». hour ftllbwsd.- hstore: ktef $2,.dhen titok«t,j^^ tors Ghristfias sndk.’^'TldS jnlatod to not only ^isnlftfe teBUnSss trat*^ Wbenaftstol to f; workmen who will. liwpfs;!- ,3k full nay ehesk for hclld^ For TliO Shertft.C: T. DoAfthton Is s*> pected to nreks sstUi'msnt-kUs week wlth^ths! ebnnty hoard/ st ’edmm^dosiers and will recite the Jfi»7 - tax' hodte which teija- hss$,reAa nR :«5^iM» now ,hsitogt ...-S' . .. RSeslpts for'those wh^' bar eponty aoeonntant, mr* hs^:'ts ^ moved, from Gtp books, comlnl^ners »re. 'BM^ thik''Wiief' ment wtthl^thd 1 _ taxss..an4 order, the 18] thrnsd over to tte sf lection. ^

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