. -V- \ iDilir^ , New fork. Dm. lOlMlr !w fleklMlager eimonneM •asacem&Bt and marriace of her I. w- todnr fortto-com- daaghter, to Hr. Henrr Berdar who ^l|mo8t got the darllghts kneeked Wit ol him reeentlr when his ^Mtomobile collided with one 'ibtren by the bride-to-be. Becdar crawled out of a doov across a crnupled fwder and snarled: “My name's Harttor; let's see your drirer's jnrmlt." - •'My name’s ScWeslnger—Ruth •*Oiinip women like yon got no business drlrlng a car. "Where do yon llTO?’’ ' „ . He wrote down hw name and address and said she smnld ^ he bearing from him, all right,' and maybe a lawyer could oome a- ronnd, too,''If she want^ to get tough about paying the damages. Just as a parting shot Berday said "Women'like you ought to be home washing dishes and tend ing ■ to your babies instead of drtring automobiles sronnd ' the street and running into iteople.*’ ‘I’m not married," Miss Schle- singer yelled, pretty angry her- 'Md I 'hisrsil’t M H * NOTICE The Singer Sewing Machine Co. will give FTIEB a toyBew- j» Machine with every Mlectno .. Sharing Machine bought twtll Chflidmas. We also Mil 'Toy Sewing Machines. If interest ed, write— A. W. HENSON Box 143 North Wilkesboro, N. C. ' fmnhiifi Linii- conveP!0Pt • d63n • full CAUSE: " People ^ appreciate the finer, more expensive tobaccos in Camels self by this Ume, got any babies either, Bewiay hras very bnstneosllkn hrhen he nailed at her *ho!!n». to, dlaenas tkh'.ambnnc of damngwl ftehlesfiMNN.** the girt said, "and I’m so Sony t smash^ ybw new automoHle."-^ •jSorry, hell.’t Rerday rafiUed. H^had a Ust of things that had happened' to his antamoUle''attd an estimate from a garage on it would cost to fix erery- thing. . "We talked about Ine daidagM tor about halt the Bteolng, Miss Schleslnger said today, “and I guess both of ns still were pret ty mad.’’ In the latter half of the eve ning, however, they seemed to drift off on other things such as whether Loy is better than Die trich and is swing music here to stay? At the end of the evening they agreed that the digressions had made it impossible to clear up all the business about tho automobile damages and Berday suggested they have another con ference the following Sunday night. Miss Schleslnger said she guessed that would be okay Pretty soon they started hav ing conferences twice a week and then three times a week and every once In a while they would i^et around to talking about the damages for five minutes. The wedding will be Sunday at the Broadway Central Hotel. Miss Schleslnger plana to give up her driver’s license immedi ately after the ceremony. (Contlni ■— nothing that P eople tie appreciate extra-mild—extra fine-tastiag tobaccos. And to mtUlons on millions of smokers— that means Camel cigarettes. Camels are a matchless blend of finer, MORE EXPENSIVE TOBACCOS- Tutkish and Domestic. gORPHEUM^' lOe-'— WEDNESDAY, DEC. 15th — 10c * A TWO-RING -AIR CIRCUS! First Chapter of the thrill-packed Aviation Serial “The Mysterious Pilot with the world’s fastest airman at the controls— CAPTAIN FRANK HAWKS 15 CHAPTERS of breath-taking air battles and blood- chilling aerial thrills! FREE FLYING LESSON with each chapter, given by CAPTAIN HAWKS himself! There’s never been anything like it before! DON'T MISS A SINGLE LOOP OR TAILSPIN! ALSO Those Two Daredevil Airmen of the Screen JAMES CAGNEY • PAT O’BRIEN In Their Most Thiilling Sky Adventure ‘‘CEILING ZERO” Reading the ads. get too more —tor less money. Try It. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of District Supervisor, Al- '•ohol Tax Unit, Bureau of Internal Revenue, Baltimore. Maryland. December 13, 1937. Notice is hereby given that on September 3, 1937, one Chevrolet Pick-up Truck, mod el 1927, Motor No, 3237044, with accessories, was seized in Wilkes county, North Carolina, for viola tion of the Internal Rtvc"/; Tjaws, td-wit: \ Section 3456, United States Revised Statutes. Any per son claiming an interest in sa'd property must appear at the office of Investigator in Chargee, Alcohol Tax Unit, Charlotte, North Caro lina, and file claim and cost bond as provided by Section 3460, Unit ed States Revised Statutes, on or before January 12, 1938, otherwise the property will be disposed of ac cording to law. R. E. Tuttle, Dis trict Supervisor. 18—13-20-27M TrapMIl Defats Mountain View Thursday-Friday, December 16-17th— He’s the Perfect Answer to a Maiden’s Prayer! ERROL FLYT^N in the Year’s Grcate.st Comedy— ‘‘THE PERFECT SPECIMEN” It’s Never TOO COLD TO WASHorALEMiTE at LANDON’S Our fac^ities f4>r Washing or Alemirin* your car are such that it’s never too cold to do your job when you want it, and we’re glad to give you that kind of service. Drive in, or call us. IANDONS telephone.12 RESALE OF LAND North Carolina, Wilkes County. Under and by virtue of the poW' er of sale contained in an order from the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wilkes county, in an ac tion entitled Fannie Anderson, et *VB. Dean Anderaon, et al. ^ undendgiied Commissioner having sold said land bn tiie 20th day of November, 1937, and an advance bid having been placed on the same, the undersigned Commis sioner will again offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, on the 27th day of December, 1937, at 2 o’clock, p. m., in front of the courthouse door in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, the following de scribed land: FIRST TRACT: Beginning on a branch of forked maples on the West bank of the branch near a spring, Fannie Anderson’s farm, and runs south 27 % degrees east with said line 26 poles to a forked Spanish oak, said Anderson’s cor ner; thence south 29% degrees east with said line 11 poles and 5 links to a poplar tree, said Ander son’s comer; thence south 27% degrees east with said line 7 poles and 15 links to a small persim mon tree, said Anderson's comer; thence south % degree west with said line 6 poles and 20 links to a poplar saplin, said Anderson’s comer; :thence 'south 2 degrees west •with said line 9 poles to a poplar saplin, said Anderson’s comer; thence south 36% degrees east with said line 9 poles and 5 links to a hickory tree, said An derson’s corner; thence south 22 degrees with said line 7 poles to a stone, Gaston Parks’ come:-; then south 87 dSegrees east with said line 65 poles and 5 links to a black gum stump, said Parks’ corner; thence north 3 % degrees east with Gaston Parks’ and Clarence Shepherd’s line 85 poles to a stone, Clarence Shepherd's comer in a hollow near the head of a branch; thence north 86% degrees west with Granville Harris’ line 12 poles to a stone, Granville Harris’ and C. H. Hollands’ comer, on the north bank of the brnnch; thence north 86% degrees west wdth said Holland’s line 60% poles to a stone, said Holland's comer; then south 3% degrees west with said line 3% poles to a stone, said Holland’s comer: thence nor+h 86% degu’ces with said line 33% po'es to a stone, C. H. Holland’s and Jim Pardue’s comer; thence south 68% degrees west with said Pardue’s line 2 poles and 10 links to a stake, Fannie Anderson’ cor ner, near the branch; thence south 3% degrees west with said lines 10% poles to the beginning, con taining 43 acres more or leas. SECOND TRACT: Beginning on a stone, Gaston Parks’ southwest comer near the branch and runs south -9 degree-s east with skid line 22% poles to a stone, said Parks’ corner in Lawrence Ancter- son’s comer; thence west with An derson’s line 24 poles to a stone, Lawrence Anderson’s and Fsmde Anderson’s comer; thence north ' about 43 degrees east with Fannie 'Anderson’s line 29 poles and 16 links to the beginning, containing one :md 7-8 acres, more or less. Said lands will be Bold for cash to the high^ bidder i This December 10. 1937. 1 p_ J. AttoriHy.' 18-804^1 Tttamey. • v 1^20-8t (M) , ^ ^ there was cooM do, TBe .'o^er girPs face had 4>ee|l ierrif;liig. when she stood ay aad ^creamed, bnt Katalie’s adnd 'vae tilth 'Hdht WaL toce knpa^ that now he bead* ed once more‘'adroiw dark watery on to flight to Nome. I ' (R^ers Were coming into the station imw.,The, word had gone out, of obn^. Jdbe Barton came and sat beeide the operator. ' Natalie wrote h« story—or b®: gan it, but she had to change the lead before it was finished fer the operator suddenly sat bolt upricb4,aad talM rapidly as he translated his message. . "Wallace down at sea,’’ - he said. Steamer in Bering Strait reports seeing wreckage of plane In fog. Hunting for it now. Prob ably Wallace." Natalie's fingers beat at the typewriter keys. She felt It was the only thing that saved her from collapse, that necessity of getting out the story of the trag edy. But when more news came, when It told of the steamer mob ilizing for the hunt out there In the fog, when it told of bits of wreckage that had been picked up, she almost believed. Then there was a sudden stir at the radio desk. Natalie leaped from her place and stood beside the operator as he read the message aloud Wrecked airplane identified,’’ he said. "It’s not Wallace, not the Sunny Marion. Russian ship try ing flight to Nome. Pilot safe.’’ There were cheers then but they died quickly. Where was Mont Wallace? Where was the gallant plane now many hours overdue at Nome? Uncertainty made the suspense more terrifying now than before. Natalie telephoned the office quickly and sent corrections for her story. Wallace might be down but this was another plane wreck. And even while she spoke there was a shriek from the lit tle group on the other side of the room. He’s safe. He’s safe. 'Van couver reports him. He dodged the fog. Cut straight for Van couver instead of Nome. He’s safe. He’s in. He’s In. Nothing can stop him now. Natalie sobbed for joy and screamed into the telephone to Mack Hanlon. (Continued next week) TRAPHILL, Dec. 8.—One of the major upsets In Wilkes coun ty high school basketball occur red today when the fast playing little team from Traphill beat the Mountain View team by e score of 23-21. Traphill team has not lost a game on their home court this seia-son, and has a fast play ing, snappy team that out played the heavier Mountain View team, and won a decisive victory—the first time in a number of years. Gamblll, acting captain, starr ed for Traphill, scoring 18 points In the game. Jolnes played an outstanding game at guard. Glenn Hutcheson substitute for ward also played good ball. This game was one of the best games plaj'ed on the Traphill court this season, both teams playing fast, clean ball, with the O'ltcome in doubt until the final whistle. SM NOTICE Under and by virtue of the OU' North Carolina, Wilkes County, thority vested in me by deed of trust executed by John Hampton and wife, Julia Hampton, to secure a note made payable to Hugh (Chatham Memorial Hospital for hospitalization in the sum of $90.00, dated the 26th day of Oc- toter, 1932, wherein the under- sig:ned is named trustee, said deed of trust being recorded in Wilkes county, state afore mid, in book 181, page 382, default having been made in the payment of said note and interest and the holder of said note having demanded that I pro ceed to foreclose said deed of trust; now, therefpre, I will sell at pub lic out cry to. the highest bider for cash at 10:00 o’clock, a. m., on the 10th day of January, 1938, the fol lowing described real estate: Situated in the county of Wilkes and state aforesaid, and adjoining the lands of R. S. Gray: Begin ning at the creek in R. S. Grays and Mary L. Burch's line at ;fte foot-log, thence nearly south vrim Gray’s line near the top of the hill to a stone in said Gray’s Ime: then east to the llret braMh: thence north down said branch to the road at the foot of the hi^ thence west with the road to the beginning. Sale of the above swd lands will be made on the pThtnlses at the old home place of JAn Hampton, which is situated YMl haM lands. This 3rd day of Dec., 1987. H. L. JOHNSON, M. D„ Tjrtwtee Atty for Tr.'btee^ Ottis J. 9, 1937. licDUFnE.^ la-SO-Sb-IM) C. ■M K 'Hi l-raH Reddy Kilowatt Is In Cahoots With Santa And He Knows Mother Would Like These Electric Water Heater Automatic hot water service, 24 hours every day is no longer a luxury. It’s a necessity in the modem home. Our special low electric water heating rates make this service economical, and it eliminates many trips to the basement, dirt, ashes and other annoyances of the old method. Hot water should be as convenient as cold water—at die turn of the faucet. $ 5 MSH *5 bH, 30 Months To Pay Balsace MIXMASTER The modem kitchen is not complete without a MIXMASTER. It Is a great time saver- whips, mixes, extracts Juice, and does many other tiresome jobs in the kitchen. You will enjoy cooking if you use Mlxmaster. Your choice of ivory and green or black and white to match your kitchen color scheme—Ask about the many attachments. $23.75 $2.16 Cash $1.80 Per Month A liiesome Job, this beating. Let Reddy Itf :t for you for only J-10 cent per hour. KELVINATOR The Gift Supreme Mother deserves the best and no gift will flll her heart with more joy this Christmas than a beautiful Kelvinator. Mother receives this gilt but the whole family enjoys its blessings in fresher foods, greater varieties, richer flavors, year-round refrig eration. Then, as you no doubt know, with all its advantages, elec tric refrigeration actually costs less, substantially less, than ordinary refrigeration. Vtsif our disploy rooms jor the proper selection of the model to meet the needs of your home. $ 5 Casli 30 Months To Pay Balance Electric Range The Heart of The Home Let Mother prepare the 19S7 Christmas dlntker on HER new Eleetrte Range. It be ^ best dinner ever and will flu her ' heart with overflowing Joy. It not only means better eotflted meals, but banliiiet for ever that het fatiguing Utehen, and with its automatie heat eontral. It requires lets time in the kUehen and win gto mare letenre houra to enjey with her fandly. , VWt our display rooms to set gad select your model $10 for OM Stop* 10 MoaHn to Poy Momo » r ■; \\i.'•*. !■.. -i.v ' ■‘•'H •