1 -V and ThurMays. PART , ' 31.—3lite»to'8 aceideBt ww ca* today whe* ■ Tnak .ice, is, ttiot bima^l in tbe ^band aa he cleaned bis re in ^^ration tor firing at'inidstght "«kPER PRICE Oft.,, Dec. 31.—Sub- _boa iRicea tor the three At- Bta daili; nWnpaper* will be in- ocreaaM frosi 80 to 25 cents a *%W|C aCfevtiro tbmorrov, puh- -Mah^ onaonncements rerealed /todayr'Tbe moBtaly rate advanc- :ob Irefc 90 cents to 31.10. Higb- ^er airMuction costs were cited. MomUiimPark i\ctual CbiMbvction of Hotel Must Be With Prirate Fundo, DIreetor Says FIRE LOSS ThierUVinston-Salem fire depart- _ midnight Friday night ^4be best year in its bis- seiaoiu soi u, le department protected elevationa'. of the .^..^'■wtth an assessed yalu- - - — n ation of substantially more than , a hundred million dollars, hold- tte fire loss to 319,775. ACaDENT FATAf. eUfiv Ml tUT? VT *wwsv*..f, >rjj(^j0ec. 31.—-tUsdonj the Bluffs Park, a short distance le, 21, dledjn the hos- afteruoon, elCf aceideut- fl 6-year-old Tie youths ig in the Beth- heriand were [k froi^ brook Tgun camd by dlschargeYvas It ^g set down. > TRIAL ipa. Cal., ^-'staa Laurel will Att itSth® Russian oin"* S"* bride. Laurel, da top comics a pterBatlonal famdro^hpgif ^ lookihg part-|et\ rOliVer Hardy, im lies, will ba. The National Park Service has selected a tentatlTe site for a new hotel to be built in the Bluff Park and believes its added ac commodations would bring great er appreciation of the Blue Ridge Parkway to visitors. Actual con struction must be accomplished by private funds. A. E. Demaray, associate director of the park service said. Demaray, pointing out that development of the parkway came after Carolinians discov ered they had been missing beau tiful natural vistas 'simply be cause they seldom got up to the Appa lachians from where the real scenery of the country could be seen, said the probable site for the new hotel and a separate camp ground would be on the edge of the plateau overlooking off the 'Blue Ridge Parkway be tween Sparta and North Wilkes- boro. the Bluffs Park comprises about 6,000 acres of plateau and valley terrain. Othei- Plans The associate director also said that plans were being con sidered for constructing a tea house and motor service center at Rocky Knob Park. He added that the park service could make no statement at present as to when these facilities ■would be available, as they must be con structed and operated privately under the recommehdaliona a Gives Up Aker Charged Wiki Denies Wat»iTofl Nanking . . . This photograph, one of the first of the Nanking bombings, shows a peasant car rying his dying child, an inno cent victim of the terrific mili tary bombardment w'hich lasted for ten days. Dazed and shocked, doctors allowed '.he anguished father to place h'is child in an ambulance. Party to‘ Fon dcet Long Manli,nnt 1^^ Satur day When VmSd^r Siip- rendered to aT^RUty WAS STARWD OUT Officers Had Takdn People In Custody Who Had Given Him Assistance ’ V Sets Time Limit On Tenant Loans After leading Wilkes officers and others a merry ^as^ for an entfre week "Diamond Bob" Vau- noy, alleged brains of a check forging racket, gave himself up Saturday afternoon to a' Wflkes deputy sheriff near Ms homh at Vannoy in the Blue Ridg® moun tains. After the week of hiding and running from officers Vannoy readily denied any connection With Odell Wyatt and Odell Key, who have confessed to passing forged checks on Montgomery Ward and company and Lambert Brothers, contractor. They said that Vannoy furnfshei^-y .with ... OzMmbet", DEARBOBN, MICH'. ; ljBM*rteIy after s recent finding that Ford was guiMy of violating the: National Labor^Rela'doiiis Act by Jri- leged intimidation and coercion of employees acjite in'orj^nisihg units of the UAW, a CIO affiliate, 400 members of the TJAW repeated at tempts to distribute literature in front of the main gato ofcthe Ford River Rouge jdant and were ag^dn ousted from the area from which they have been barred by a city ordinance. Above, one 'Of the girl members is being arrested by a Dearborn policeman. Rather Die Than T^l^ Ag^st Her Sweetheart, i6-Vear-6ld Girl DrownsHerselfln a Shallow Pool Louella Eller’s Body Found Near Home In Pool Eighteen Inches;Deep; Coroner Says Death Was Suicide Funeral service was held today ^surviving: Pilmore, Elmore, Arn- few weeks ago. ^TSaker ^^1. 31.—America ner upon our tra- Did approved system of ptorprise or submit to |lTe state of socialism," W. Bailey (D), N. C., state-wide radio ad- ^t. Ph-equently a critic ^velt administration, rth. Carolina sena- I policy of stability vay to recovery.’ ' 15 ILL |ton, Dec. 31.—^Illness iwst week swept over family of 15—eight anmonia and the re- en in a critical con ing one dead and ; the birth of a child to ■ of the family, danger- blanket-like descent I2pght a cheerless hol- fr. and Mrs. Hugh pn. Route 1, res- jcnown as the hsection of 5HOT -‘T didn’t sobbed er a re- T»nat1i»lSgte wlro Wish ■^t.’^ 'htere will be stone furnaces for cooking, tables and benches hew’n from forest logs and ■water piped from moun tain springs. Footpaths and bridle paths will lead off from the parkway at various points .Although the park service Apvi^tkma r^r ^ Mi»*t ■*•'****** [forgery ■y ISth The time farm tenants ■will have for filing applicatiwis with the Farm Security Administration for loans, from this year’s allot ment of land purchase money, to ■ buy and improve farms will be is I limited to about 30 days, accord- I ing to a statement made by Ck)un- by will face now primarily concerned with|,„^ mauc uy ,^un- getting the road constructed, jty FSA Supervisor W. Bryan 01- much time and thought is being Mver, at his office in the North given to future plans which make j'W^ilkesboro Bank building. North the parkway the most attractive j'Wilkcsboro retreat travel in Eastern United States for tourists. All of West ern North Carolina, from the Vir ginia line to the Great Smoky Jlouiuaius Park, will feel the good effect from the heavy tour ist business along the parkway. Name Committees All applications for purchase loans should be in his hands by February 15, 1938, Mr. Oliver! said. It was pointed out that the clos ing of applications will apply to funds appropriated for the coming season. A time limit has to be set on applications now so that the County Advisory Committee may go ahead with choosing the small forgery charges in Wllkto, ait^ it is alleged that home’ and -tbht. 1i did the actual c^ck citing' lit Kannapolis. Lexliigton, DaStonia, towns in South Carolina, Virgin ia and Tennessee. However, attempts have been I made to connect him with break ing and entering a home in Kan napolis a week ago Friday night. The home burglarized was next door to the home of Vannoy’s daughter and Odell Wyatt, who was captured in Wilkes Monday night, was charged with the of fense. Although Vannoy admitted being in Kannapolis he denied having a part in the house breaking and Wyatt has collabo rated his denial. To a Journal-Patriot represen tative Vannoy readily told his life story in the courts but con tended that he “was innocent the diamond swindle w’herein he n a choosing the small convicted of getting $2,777 WllkfeS "'orth of diamonds '• jean be made between now and 'July 1. In order that all ■who ap ply may have equal consideration, it is necessary to set a closing date and place all applications be fore the committee, Mr. Oliver said. The supervisor said that farmers ought not to pick out a farm or to get an option on the farm they J. M. German Head Commit tee; Wilkes One of 17 Counties Chosen Vance E. Swift. State Director of the Farm Security Administra- tionl U. S. Denartment of Agri-l I frame culture, h-.. names before asking for a . loan. That can be dono^er^tij^' mtitvitenant find»-*fiG is iff' l^£laa>MBiP*iXi — ^ -^-SaiTr-^‘“«t5^bse -^o nope of, receiving atolM from a New York firm through a false credit rating and through his official capacity as postmaster at the lit tle mountain settlement of bis own name, this happening some time after he served as secre tary to a former congressman. Ho also claimed that he was framed on a liquor charge tor ho^a^CDipICte^jnd at Poplar Cove Baptist church In. Union township for Mif.s Tjouella Eller, age 16, who drowned her self, in a shallow pool near the home of her parents in the Beav- ir Creek section Saturday rafUer 3||^tify against her sweet- charge of attempted as- It on her^tl®r?6n.*-« Coroner I. M. Myers Investigat ed the death Saturday and class- . Jest unndbtoiiiiT. FonoWlw'''^kj finding of the girl*? body In a pool Only eighteen inches deep In the sprlpg branch near .the home, the parents recalled that the girl on Saturday morning before her death had played a phonograph record entitled ‘‘Will You Miss Me When I’m Gone,’’ and had Old, Rufus, Clyde, Richard, Ruth, Octavla, Earsie, Dorothy, Pauline and Georgia Eller. North Wflkesboro Buildjpg and Loan To Meet Qn Jan. 24 Anat stock- Hnildlsg . :->i will i)6*“ held January 24, ft' wu announced today by J. B. Wil liams, secretary-treasurer. 'The 42nd series is now open and stockholders are asked to boost the series. The year 1937 was a successful one for the as- soclation and it is expected that copied the familiar ballad on a many stockholders will attend sheet of paper. On an accompany- ] the foeeting to hear the year’s Ing card was a prayer scrawled report.' in her hand writing: "God Bless I Following is the notice of mother and dad, brothers and I meeting mailed to the stockhold- sisters.’’ j,ers by Mr. Williams: "Tho Regular Annual Meeting '‘ft Cu FARM^ NOT Gii^ff InfortiMtion fkirWaMt %«et wyi ifcih AiTtii* '^ Farmeiro In " . ~ Dan Holler, WfljKto agqW^’^ said today thiit it k very . desired thaJ''^ef«^ ' fif^rEWei^ Wilkes county sign, a ■^rli: to participate in the 1933 conservation program ;aj«ftnso6aH% by the government • j.- While it'la not probable every farcMr will be eligible benefits under the act, all: urged to sign work sheets and this matter will help in plannfiii^^- the .county’s part in the prognikc of farm aid fostered by thi ernment. r' " Signing a work sheet entails *o... obligation and those who give tfur information requested on the sheet make no promises nor do they obligate themselves in any way. Following are excerpts from -a letter by Mr. Holler to the -vart^^jj ous "committeemen which plains the purpose of the signott'^Z. of all farms in the county:^ "We have in this conntr 2,034i farm's already signed up, -which leaves over 3,000 farms yet to he signed. It is necessary :.,^that 'w* have you commltteenfen vielt these non-signers and make out \lbrk sheets for them on or be fore January 15th, 1938. We ■will be able to furnish you with a list of all farmers in ybnr oom,- munity who are not signers on the program. — "We are calling a meeting ol all con^itte^en and superrtlte ■ora Weitatofihy ksoriifif' 5®” at 3:30. to give instrncttoiis tor. Ing ail non-signers in yowr d0 raallae have Several days ago a warrant was sworn out charging Syco Hartley, a youth of the Ferguson community, with attempted crim inal assault on the girl, her fath er having seen him attempting to force the girl into a compromis ing position. A hearing was to have been, held Saturday after noon before a magistrate. ’The girl’s body was found with her head submerged in the shal low pool by a younger brother, who dragged her to the bank. of the Stockholders of the North Wllkesboro Building & Loan As sociation will be held In the City Hall over the Rexall Store in North Wllkesboro, N. C., on Mon day night, January 24, 1938, at 7:,30 o’clock, for the purpose of electing Directors for the ensuing year and to amend the charter of our Association so as to make it com'ply with the recommenda tions of the North Carolina Building & Loan League and WHO araggeu uer tu lut? uaux. cuxiuiii^ oc She had been missing from the 'with the provision of Chapter 93, house for about 30 minutes when | $ub-chapter 1 of the Consolldat- found. j.efl Statutes of North Carolina, A daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J.' C. Eller, she '^as a member of a i41y,_ (*^,phrt 01^ .l^larly Sectio«R5170 and^ “ ■‘^e'reof, and tne' transacting (hwbtlier^liusinesa as may commum "I hope thi that this is a very- meeting and that we will work fast in, ’order to complete the work by the 16 th. “It it Is impossible for you to do this work, or to 'attend the first meeting, please let ns know^ immediately so that we may plaii our work accordingly. "There la nothing compulsory about this sign up, but it does effect all signers on the 1938 program In Wilkes county, th«*- fore, the work sheets should be> as accurately as possible sine* our county goals are dependtas on this information.’’ Raise Large Sum: By Sale of Woman’s Clnfi Raporta of $4^3^^Rai^ T. TEU YW-J A^total oI^3423.4T5t4to* that sum i;ilaed 'IMirpugliout WUk ^ome at Bb and the gk the right id Jimmy Pos- Jght the wound- Me hospital here sist tens owners. The krrying to as- ■ bbaome (mmittees consist of three members each, all farmers. They were officially named by . the Secretary of Agriculture from JlUon, with thelgix farmers recommended by the punctured lung. I state FSA Advisory Committee .aed entirely stated Sheriff TVho investl- itroyed ' R^ the ^ iIttcE Uqpior anfaetured and obosen from lists sent in by the County PSA Supervisor and the County Farm Agent. These com- jhlttees will examine applltations, appraise farm applicanU propos ing to purchase and recommend applicants who have the charac ter. ability and experience need ed to succeed as owners of fam- Uy-slied- farms. to purchase and,recommend ap- , pKointe ■who have the character, ability and experience needed to succeed as owners of famlly-sisod farms. . The committee as announced in 'Wilkes County is listed t»- 0St one of the loans should try after taking tho‘>. get optibns or prices on farms, mountain girls ofjj mi^ht brine aboat a rise in land! prices which n#'be j'ljpigmond fied, B3.Moans c^^^fbeew 'going' strajghk-^- j can be made witT{freS«nt filnds to, ygars, that he was “ not more than from five to ten, of tenants.” he said. . I church In . his , Mr. Oliver stated that applicante ^as an elder afm Clerk oi may be citizens of the United sessions. . . States who are farm tenants, share | officers said they croppers, farm laborers, or othera tampered m search wh^btaln, or recently have ob-jj^gj because tained, most of their income from - ^ple always “ farmina I several people of Vannoy s com ^ Appheants also must live in tte, ^ the Blue Rldse counties which have been named .p4rimR3r given him every awlst- r T. Doughton ■WMttington do-1 low: ’ LgaHon stlU Friday' J. «- i.«onnMBity- »r- T- W. Ferguaoii, -Forgtu«: l*»nlo O. Biatogs. JJocktoTl Y; f^ryan Ottv«,BW^aat 6--to . DotoRF R»P*"risor ton Mdrih WUkosr Ttmrf excdlitr 3lR- COUnues waaava. to receive tenant purchase loaM during 1988. If otherwise accept able, preference -will be given to married persons and to families with children ,to persons able to make a down payment, or to fanu- llies who own livestock and equip ment needed to farm. No loans will be made to persons who can not got a lM»« enough 1^ at a joggonahle term to buy a f»rin. County ircomndttees of ««?• fartoaha will certify cants have the —y and experieneo neetod to wMi ofie of flte toana. - in his efforts to elude the officers. ^ ^ ■ Vannoy said he had run he cause his wife, a good Ktoklng woman of much less than his age ef 51, had urged him to do so. It was evident, that 'Vannoy s surrender came Btarving ont process-with . O' 0^' tody- a ntober et Vannoy^.' ^ "anjL-3riendB.^ho ‘ ~ itjtoiine >' lli Gity y. fita^tob--;.B^. Booorr’lfmnoRial wai W hSi dak. hto Mtoetow hetoli ^ aiwitoi jjN. ■o’ -h ■'■•'.ye tuthays m North w ik'^boW' ^ a hir' Vi -y ■ in Blaelttdg® country, it befag the prof^^ daye* ■'• ■eatly by the Ngii-^ ^ W'oman’a Cl«h. School ch^WBa throughput the county aHi^ , 'the movement andtoorti ~ PlMn in Wilkes VieH'fhoro sehoola sold BQ3 seals. The funds derived:! In .the fight Practically all uf. be ttsed In WiMwa' ed TEia Wdtlk hf Coonty ^jkfentiDnn HoUilr Rev. J. '•iX TwoHdWaX,, IbJSI P/ ftobertaon,: ot. Gil- marria^ btRaay Several farmers'" in Wllkea county are showing much tomjitoteriry i^d have begun UmteNstand improvement dM^ oi^k^tkms. County Agent DUffl Bolter said today..,- _ '^Ifnriaig- the past week he vislte af^^Wver ka* ^^'^»iivm "• thiniw 'three acrea ot »ho*^ and >d.acre of pine. t. W, L^ atteeti _ at, Bodmer has thinned two-scree of whtte plne^ and hardwp^ a^ Tv 'K'V^tley at '‘ha. Intd^’ conunendaW^ The pattyi on tianquef tor Hinn and ethi street: . Thft ... Injoyei awad-^: emher ah. stand • Unprpveiiiht acres of plnito that _y alWwbd-m^ cimiervsAton pregraes rbtpntonti; project lit irili I'm Tbe dnte of Rosnahee Has ctoaed:' It: never ce^; dt not;=4f ,*n^^ toink of Itj netj