'Vt/ • *ji—„p_ iiAii.V.i.i.".'i MAMB aOGKWBUi, ISBtor TvI^thoarSJk ^ . ^Sbc&l _ ^orid Day'Of Payer** Te ^ Be Obaerved Friday Tk* ,”World'D«jr of Prayor’' wOIrW obeerred at the North WtUlmbOK Meth'odtot church but FrWe>'*^ltdMtW^ ltarch 4. Tbe vrocAie, '^hieh' wUl be led .:^ lUw46unie Bookwell, will begin ptdWwiF J^t 2:30 o’clock and will lact'^r about an hour. Several of the Methodist Mis- •lenai^ Society,will assist with the pcocnin. , An laritntiott has been extend ed^ a>wd>era of the Prea- byteidan . and. Baptist Missionary Societies to join in the service and it is hoped thai a large num ber from these two churches will attend. A cordial invitation is ex tended to ahfSne else who de- vires to have a part in this hour of worship.'The hour is set early so as not to conflict with any other meetings for the afternoon. Another meeting scheduled for candies formed the background for the ceremony. Hiss Elsie Nichols, pianist, ren dered the nuptial music and prior to the ceremony, ^Margaret Hlx, sister of the brlde;'^ sang, “I I,rf>ve You Truly” after which the bridal couple entered to the strains of Lohengrin’s wedding march. During the ceremony Miss Nichols played muted notes of ‘‘Sweetest Story Ever Told’’ and played Mendelswhn’t wedding march at the clo^ The bride wasfatflhred In flow ing white chiffon, made'" pflncess style; the tightVfittlng bodice held in with white brocadpd gir dle. She wore a sholder corsage of Lilies of the. Valley and Sweet heart roses. The bride is the third daugh ter of Mrs. W. R. Hix and the late Mr. Hix, of Moravian Falls. She attended Wilkesboro high school and now holds a position ^VThe To«iw lAdim* dans Of the MetbodM Snttdiv school wiU .Iwte a ssi^pw-. ist the "chnfdi; hut, Ttiuimy nlng, March 8, at 6:80. Ibis will take the place of the regn- ,lar basiness meeting. • ’nckets are being sold to daas mem> Ihcn at 25c eadi. See an offi' ce»- of the class for your ticket. ,’f! the djurch is the zone meeting with a local firm. of the' Missionary Societies to be held at the church. Tuesday March fS. beginning at 1C:30 in the morning. Just one • session will be held and will be followed by a p8:nic lunch at the noon hour. The new district secretary, Mrs. T. V. Goode, of Statesville, plans to be present. Mrs. B. S. Call, of Wilkesboro, is zone chair man, .and she and Mrs. Goode both urges for all societies in the zone to have a large representa tion ah the meeting. Miss-Jlorothy Hix Is Wed To Hendren In a simple but beautiful cere mony Thursday evening. Febru ary 24th, 1938, at seven o’clock. Miss Dorothy Hix and Mr. Hoyt Hendred were united in marriage at the home of the bride. The bride’s pastor. Rev. J. C. Gentry officiated, using the impressive ring ceremony. Only members of the immediate families and :i few friends were present. An arch of ivy and tall w'hite pedestals with white cathedral CARLTON’S Mr. Hendren is the son of Mrs. Effie Hendren, of Grand Rapids. Michigan. He is a graduate of the local schools and Patterson Col lege. He is employed by the Scott Chee.se and Butter Company. After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mr.e. Hendren will return to North Wilkesboro, N. C., where thev will reside. Jphnson-Shumate Of interest to a wide circle of friends was the marriage of Miss Era Johnson, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs, T. G. Johnson, of Abshers, to Laurence Shumate, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. S. Shu mate, of Reddies River. The wedding was solemnized Saturday, February 26, at the home of the bride’s parents with T. G. Johnson, Justice of the Peace, and father of the bride, officiating. Ou4\ the immediate family and a fejv close friends were present. Tile bride was attitred in a navy blue suit with white acces sories. She wore a shoulder cor- sa.ge of Talisman roses. Mrs. Shuniate was educated in I Traphill high school, and for the Mid-Winter Soap Sale is|’^«‘ years has held a re sponsible position w 11 h the Jioing over big! Octagon, Wilkes Hosiery Mnis. '^ie groom _ « n J n (finished his education at Wilkes’- Soap .. .2c; Powders ...2c The W’. C. T. IT. wUl meet Tliursday evening at' 7:86 o’- dodr at the home'of Mrt. R, tM. Bnuue. "'r . The North WUkesboro Meth odist drdee are meeting Taes. day as follows: No. 1, at the home of. Mrs. ^ R. J. Hinshaw with Mrs. At well as co-htistess. Time 8:80 p. m. Mary Bimne, at the home of Mrs. I. E. Pearson with Mrs. A. L. Lippard as co-hostess. .3:80 p. ni. Franklin, at .the home of Mrs. J. C. Reins witli Miss Et ta Tnmer as co-hostes.s. 7:80 p. m. Gardner, with Misses Chrlsr tine and Mildred Irvin. T;30 p. m. The Presbyterian Cii-cles .ire meeting Tuesday with the fol- loiving a-s ho.stesses: No. 1, Mrs. IV. .1. Bason, 8 p. in. No. 2, Mrs. H. V. Ovorca.s!i, 8, ]>. ni. No. 3, Mrs. .V. A. Cashlon, 3:30 p. 111. No. 4, Mrs. L. M. Nelson, ,3::JO p. ni. Dr. R. P. Casey DENTIST • Office Now Located On . Ground Floor Northwestern B» nk Building North Wiikegboro, N. C. transfer businesa. , After the ceremony the bridal 1 ford and Ray Rarnes for honors, couple left on a wedding trip to j ^frs. G. A. Mitch^l, of -ou other i orsport, Pa., who is here visiting roint.o o( interest, ‘aft'eiy Raleigh. Durham, a P d , . „ , , , v.hich her sister, Mrs. Frank Johnson, was remembered with a gift. they will make 'their- home Reddias River. ’ at Mis> Cynthia Pievette Mr, and Mrs. F. C. Tomlin.son Ts-Bridge Club Hostess Hosts At Dinner Part}’ ' Mis.s Cyutbia Prevette V.as hos- ,A.n outstanding social event of ^ less to the members of her the w-pek -M-as the dinner party, brid,ge club at her home in Wll- given by Mr. and Mrs. Kr.unk . keshoro Thursday evening. Two Tomlinson at ihoir iiome on Me-j tables were made up for the mortal .Avenue Thursday evening game with Mi-s. Frank Allen when t'.ey entertained for the scoring high and Mrs. James ATTEND THE NEW AND GREATER Orpheum Theatre NOW SHOWING! FOR THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE! Bob Bums - Jack Oakie in “Radio City Revels” jQc _ WEDNESDAY — JQc The Monster Is Back! BORIS KARLOFF — as —• ‘THE INVISIBLE MENACE’ On Our Stage IN PERSON Admission 25c and 50c Matinee and Night FRIDAAY MARCH 4 JESSE CRAWFORD The World’s Most Famous Organist! Direct from the PARAMOUNT The atre, New York City—at the console of his $10,000 Hammond Organ! Organ ^ Recitals 3:00 5:00 7:00 9:00 P. M. ON OUR SCREEN: ' A I^ugh From Start to Finish ! GENE RAYMOND ANN SOTHERN PARKYAKARKUS, in “She’s Got Everything’’ The Season's Biggest ^ and Screen ' Show!' THURSDAY ONLY They turn the capitol funnyside up! KAY FRANCIS a ANITA LOUISE PRESTON FOSTER in FIRST LADY SomWii al&oi tk* honor .prUe. -iLt^tlth :coB- play., the WIttt ^ Ira ..Meffl^ra of th.e club number of extria tors yrejre delightfully entertained by Mrft 'ffa' Payne'-at- her home on Flfpi Street Wednesday aft ernoon. Mrs. Jv M. president of the cltib,' , prbii^ed for roll call at whieh time; ’the members responded with' news items, of iinusual interest -Rdok was played at- four tables and the. traveler’s prize was captured by Mrs. -Weaver Starr. " 'Visitors were Mrs. J;-Q. Ad- ani's; Mrs.’-W. E. Joneei'-Mfs.-C. H. Smltbey, and Mrs. G. ArMitch- ell, of .Couderhport,- Paii who Is a bouse guest of her sister,. Mte. Frank Johnson. Mrs. Mitchell re ceived a lovely remembrance from the hostess. Mra. W. R. Absher, Mrs. C. B. Eller, Misses Carrie -Bell Stray- horn, and Nonie Gordon came in for thei refreshments that -were served at the conclusion of'. the game. The George Washington idea prevailed In the appoint ments. An exchange of books was ] made during the afternoon. tn Mrs. ‘ S. C. Yarborough Presley Myers teigt^^i# at the home of Mrs. Tt I^oeday orenlng' jfor tpeii^li of 4l^.j^i|iliiess Girina. Sh^gf &ah;; iMteiad of the navis' seWi^ , G>a- g^ts' ot roplt^itt^^ the top score prize Mrs.. Harry .Pearson. were fri play, ' During the evening an ex change of bluebird gifts was ^de and as a compliment to Mfs9 .RoSa Billings, who is mov ing ipto her apartment soon; the ciab .Showered her wHh’ -^mtsoel- lapeous -gffts.'-Visttors of Che- club we're MiaS Harriet' McGoogan and Mrs; Mau'rtco ■ Walsh.' Th4 patriotic colors were pre- ’dontiha|nt.'"'Jh .the appointment while japottidas/ jonquils, 'and freOtia. ,,^^rat^,. ".the Uvjng room. Refreshpjehts'l'n two ebufeh es were served at the close of the evening.* ' thp Worth _ jq^cht. Satnrday* M Btore, on ato. a^d .inyoae gkiug a plane estt Jim. tL M."ltr»(nSif,pre(lident Of the class. Music Recital In School Auditorium Wednesday P.M. L The-music pupils, of Miss Ellen Robinson will give a" recital in the sdhool auditorium .Wednesday afternoon, March 2. The program will begin ,promptly at 3:30 and j "My Love Lies Still,” by James the public is cordially invited to Larkin Pearson, and given by attend; Mrs. Pharr. The concluding num- Wilkeisboro Wonann’s' Oub Met Friday AfUmeon v i , Selections of - North Cafcdtna Uterature featured the monttaJy meeting of the Wflkesboro Wo^ an’s club held Friday afternoon at the hocne of Mrs. O. T. Mitch ell -with Mrs. W. W. Barber and Mrs. Tom Foster as associate hos tesses. Mrs. R. B. Pharr 'Was pro gram leader and presetted the program as follows. A rnding of one of O’Henry'e short stories, ‘‘The Ransom of Red Chief,” by Miss Elizabeth Faw.. An,, article written by Ray Erwin, “Another O’Henry," telling about Joe Mitchell, a new North Carolina writer, given by Mrs. Barber. A piano solo. Mrs. R.'E.' Prevette. A poem, "Naming Wild Animals,’’ by John Charles McNeil and re cited by Peggy Church. A poem. the h^tessos.^ A pfotaatop of MWinr .I«tn06^a(U«d .^J aiihowharej'41ipT|a«tf Hiss Mjrde -Venablei 6f tanburg, 8. C., was a guest of the clnhr being hero on.' a vlsU ' ' ' i- J^rsrjtltoheH. Neal-Mafshall ' Mrs. E. L. Hart announcee the marriage of her daughter, Mrs.''’tit..-1^ Alvah Hart Neal, to Charles drew Marshall, at Hillsvllle, Va,, 'S ' January 16, 1938. They are at home at Mt Airy. W. H. McNeill, of Moore coon- ty, said he received at least $1,000 more for the crops sold from his farm last season because of the terraces that had been built. CARLTON’S Mid-Winter Sale Saves You Money! Scrub Tub 2Sc; Pall 19c Brooms 15c; Chum $4.79 members of the Idlewise club, of which Mrs. Tomlinson is a mem ber, the husbands, and several additional friends. The hosts re ceived their guests at seven o’ clock and after finding their po sitions at eight small tables placed about the rooms were served a delicious three course dinner. Mrs. Tomlinson was aid ed in the serving by her sister and nieces. Mrs. C. G. Poindexter, Misses Nina and Wilma Rose Call. 'Tlie tables were attractively appointed in bud vases of jon quils and place cards carrying the sprliu; motif. Japonioas and oth er early blooming spring flowers were used about the rooms, .^ft- er the dinner bingo and rook was played with a number of prizes being awarded. In Bingo the -high .score awards went to Dr. R. P. Gasey and Mrs. Andrew Kilby. Those winning out in rook 'vere Mrs. Ra.v Barnes boro high school, and for 80tnbi#®l( Weaver Starr for Mis time hae been engaged in- th#I«l McNeil -and Prank rmnl.n-, son for low, and Mrs. J. M. Craw-, CUT. RATE ’Phone 300 Eve^ Day... HORTON’S DRUG ’Phone 300 6lc nat Save You Money This C^ificu^ :In Worth $2.39 rs- 17;! riTJ 61c- New Streamline, BulleV Shape, ^Genuine Durium Tip Point, Inde ■ '■ “■■■ ■ 'Tef “ “ ^ structible Vacuum Filler Sackless Fountain Pens. Visible Ink supply. A lifetime guarantee with each Pen. Lodies'^'men’St’ifcys’ sizes. A limit of 3 pens to each Gertificate. Mail orders 11c extra. Bring this Coupon and 61c only. New plunger filler—One pull—it’s full. PUREST 50c REXALLINA Epsom Salts I Cougli Syrup 5c ■ SCOTTS Nose Drops Relieves Headcolds L^rge Bottle 25c SOc Rexall Asthma Powder 39c PURE TEST Aspirin 100’: 17c Pints FREW- : Grapf Juice 19c 15c 35c BROMO Putnam Dye 8c ■as Quinine TABLETS 24c 60c Alka-Seltzer 49c $1.00 LUCKY TIGER -Hair Tonic $1.00 Conqnerine 69c 53c 50c Bisma Rex 39c .81,00 PURE TEST Cod Liver Oil 59c OCc—This Cert-’Bcate is Worth 35c—^5' A Word to the Wise Is Sufficient*. riiis Coupon arrJ 65c in ca.sh is good for a full size SI .00 bottle of OW Indian Kidney and Liver Tonic. This is the Pionec-t of all Indian Med.cmes and h:!.s relieved thousands of sick rao:i, women am! oh dren all over the United States where many other medicines have failed. ’This wonderful mediciiio wdll give you a new , lease on life, make the eyes brighter and ck-n- up the com plexion in just a fern- days time. . , Relieves Colds, Grip, Fever m one day r t me. Re lieves Rheumatism, giving quick relief fpm pain. Re lieves Bladder and Kidney troubles, Indigestion, Con stipation, and Sick Headaches. Takes the place of Calomel without any restnct.on of diet. Drives out Malaria, builds up the entire sys tem, purifies the blood and makes life worth living. Be convinced! A VALUE! Tam Pax BO.X OF -ii’e 20c ;-.0c JERGEN’S Lotion 39c. 55c SOc VICK’S Nose Drops 24c FREE! FREE! FREE! CITY-WIDE PRESCRIPTION Lady Esther CREAMS 39c 50c PETROFOL Mineral Oil DELIVERY SERVICE CIGARETTE Popular Brands, 2'"25c ' We consider filling Prescriptions the most important part of our work. Bring us your next Prcscr ptita and be assured that it will be filled by a Registered Druggist, exactly as your doctor has ordered, from a fresh stwk PUREST I CJUU«(»y Cl3 yvJur XiAO' I,of purest drugs, and at HORTON’S MONEY-SAVIhlG . PRICES! ^ Prescriptiona-Called For and Delivered! PRINC$ AlBfl^T Smoking Too^co ic«"10c MORE CONy|0Ey;|vj^|^!4|]U^^ CUT- RATE -TELEPHONE istspin:';- ^ --.‘-.r !->'*■ ■ .'“i ''i; ;■

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