V rfe y^' fc»---^v:+n . ,. . .—^ pattanw ' jqjt ^l«nr«ik fomd flint ':4.iock|ilMfid trMa tbe qtutri^ nrar ' ^be Mnrar ¥adklB bridge. , 'J. Braiokshk«^ "fioKimaii ol ■treet l’niMof««ient project., . tbduy exhib’tod here ^ ‘ sp^imeits bf ll^ peculiar stowT which cnnie ■ from a depth of forty feet in the bl«ti — Al^oreiitly the vefriatlon in acea;gone by had become a part of the store during the process of formation. Geolog;^' students who hare, seen specimens of the stone are ef the opinion that the twig.s 1 became a part of the stone many thonsands of years ago. ^ A . pleco of the stone which plainly shows the evergreen pat terns Is now On display at The Journal-Patriot office. f« Mmi Mfwtl WiO^estK 'ii-# Awards |c>r Safety In Drhiag To Be Given On May 3rd At the Courthouse Carolina Motdr Club Spon soring Safety Meting On That Date w Chas. Pearson On Election Board Named To Fill Vacancy Caused by Resignation F. D. Forester .» Charles Pearson, who is in charge of the Unemployment Compensation Commission office here, has been named a member V-Tlkes county board bf elections. Mr. Pearson succeeds F. D. Forester, also of this city, who wa.s appointed by the state board and was elected chairman of the county board. He resigned several days ago. The board is now composed of Mr. Pearson. F. C. Johnson, of Rock Creek township, and J. C. Grayson, of this -city, the last named being the Republican member. Wilkeshoro High To Close Tue^ay s hr' W. M. Cooper To I. G. Greer Com- mebcement Speaker MANY SIGN PLEDGE In Contest For Awards For Lonj^st Record Safe Driving “In 1900 there were only two automobiles in the entire State of North Carolina. One was owned by G. D. Rhyne, who has since died, which was a French car with a motorcycle engine on the rear wheels, which never proved satisfactory, and the other was owned by Osmond Barringer, who is today very much alive, his car was a Locomobile Steamer, said Walter Y. Ho.sier. safety director of the Carolina Motor Cluh to The Journal-Patriot today. The purpose of the Safety Campaign being conducted by The Journal-Patriot and the Car olina Motor Club Is to determine just who have been the safest drivers, the greatest number of years in Wilkes county, and to award them a Gold Star Drivers Certificate for meritorous driv ing. at a public meeting at the courthouse at 7:30 p. m. Tuesday. May 3. There will be twenty-five awards by the awards committee, and all ties will be also awarded a certificate. To gnalify for this safety contest come to The Journal-Patriot office, and at no cost whatsoever to yourself, sign a slip provided for you, certify ing the number of years you have operated your car without person al injury or property damage in excess of twenty-five dollars, and that you have never been convict ed of drunken or reckless driving. The Gold Star Drivers of Ameri- ‘ V win ca Is a national of^nixation with* headquarters at Charlotte. Mr Roberts is its pres close a successful year On Tues day. April 26, when I. C. Greer, superintendent of Mills Home. *nioma8vnie. will deliver the com mencement address and diplomas will be presented to a class of .t5 seniors. The commencement season be gan this week with a recital by 'the juvenile music classes under ' direction of Mrs. R. E. Prevette. . The high school music pupils will ' appear in a recital Friday night of this week. On Sunday night at the Wil- kesboro Methodist church Rev. Watt M. Cooper, pastor of the North Wiikesboro Presbyterian church, will deliver the com mencement sermon and the class day exercises will be held in the school aiiditoriam on Monday night, at which time athletic a- wards will also be made. The senior class is as follows: Jesse Byrd, Boyd Cook. Archie Ellis. Paul Cleary. Jean Laws. David Miller, George Ogilvie. Jimmie Pnrker. Leonard Parsons. Arnold Pruitt. Bllllie Pruitt, Commie Sales. Roger Wellborn. ' Edward Wiles, L. C. Dillard. Gladys Beamer. Jessie Byrd, Nola Broyhlll. Myrtle Bowers. Irene Bumgarner, Pauline Church, Mai- garet C. Gentry, Hileen Davis. Al ma Dennis. Rachel Foster, Mar jorie Hart, Ruth Howell, Gladys Holman, Faye Hendren. Mary In score, Clora Love, Connie Lowe, Nellie Lowe. Grace Marlow, Ruth Martin, Kathleen Mathis. Mar garet Mathis, Pauline Mathis. Vertie Mathis Melba McNeUi, Mac McLean. Pearl Mink, ^ir- ginla Miller, Jennie Parlier, Nel lie Parsons. Inez Pennell. Be atrice Sloop. Constance Smithey. Frances Smithey. Blanche Sparks. Willie Mae Tevepaugh. Janie Watts. Mack Brock. Mozelle Jar vis and Ellamae Moore. Improvements At Spainhour’s Here Many Changes Made For Convenience of Shoppers; New Departments Spalnhour’s, one of the best known .mereanttle firms in this part ‘6t the state, has made sev eral ebanges their store here ^ ^ - [.which ^re eSpeeikUy designed to ^ Hubbard, W. W. Barber, J. C. Ida to the convenience for tlieir H„bbard, J. B. Carter, Don Cof- Jsany patrons in Wilkes and ad- - - i:' *'^lning counties. .v...., Included In the new features at Holman gnalnhour’s Is the newly Installed children’s depari- Soleman W. Roberta is ident. and their aim and purposes are to reward safety drivers in America, tor having safely ope rated their automobiles. In North and South Carolina where the Carolina Motor Club operate it is being planned to offer a very handsome trophy to the driver or drivers, who can show the long est years of continual safe driv ing. tree from accidents and tree of conviction for violations of all motor vehicle laws. At the meeting May 3 at the courthouse the awards committee will consist of T. E. Story, of the Kiwanis club: Paul Cashton. of thf» Woodmen of the World; Dwight Nichols, of The Journal- Patriot: Blair Owyn, of the Lions Club; Frank E. Johnson, of the American Legion. When the campaign closes this committee will check over the ap plications and the 25 safest driv ers for the longest period of years names will be selected and for warded to Charlotte, where the certificates will be prepared and presented at the public safety meeting at the courthouse, Walt er Y. Hosier, safety director of the Carolina Motor Club will make a talk on Safety, as well as other influential people interest ed in safety. Funeral Service For Mrs. McNeill Burial service was held iu Washington, D. C.. yesterday tor Mrs. Anna Gertrude McNeill, who died Monday morning in this city. Mrs. McNeill was the widow of the iatc James W. McNeill, well known Washington. D. C., at torney and former resident of Wilkeshoro. She was the mother ot Dr. J. H, McNeill, of this city. Funeral service was held Tues- dav morning at St. Paul’s Enisco- nai church in Wilkeshoro with Rev. Mr. Mack, of Rutherford- ton, in charge. Pall bearers were Palmer Hor ton, W. J. Bason, Dr. H. B. Smith, Dr. W. K. Newton, Dr. F. C. Hubbard. W. W. Barber and Dr. J. S. Deans. Flowers, a beautiful tribute, \?ere carried by Mesdaraes J. P. Horton, W. J. Bason, J. E. Jus tice, Marparet Coffey, Dan Car ter, J. E. Spainhour, C. Call, F fey, George Forester, C. E. Jen kins, and Misses Toby Turner and Pictured above is A Cm will render a program Son no Four beef calves have been pur- is'^oMlata In every [chased by 4-H club boys of Pitt *arriM a fan at«c|c of eoonty and will be grown out for pirst Bantist church here —- wd “to Clean-1 TheWftei^rds ro THE CITIZENS OP NORTH WILKESBORO, OREteTJ^G: Whereas, the week of April 24 ‘hrou»h April mW'w designated throughout the.narion as. Better ^mea W^k ,^. mg which all public institutions civic orgamaations^'cUur^ ".nd schools are asked to stress impor^^^ bet^«. homes ttrough a clean-up, fixup and pamt-up campaign, , , ^ Therefore, I, as mayor of North "Him the week of April 24 to 30 as annual Clean-jp m Norih WiSoro and ask that fullest cooperation be Extended by all citizens. The city administration gives assurance ttet t^ aamtery Hpnartment will cooperate with the citizens nnd re^wcwuliy askftTat rubbish be placed at convenient and designated places in order tliat it may be loaded and hauled away free of charge. Cleanliness and sanitation are not only de«r^ bu^are neces- >arv The appearance of our streets, sidewalks, vacant lo^, itLes of business and residences create impressions upon levery mdfvidual. Cleanliness and sanitation pay dividends m various ways. Yours for a clean and sanitary city, R. T. McNEIL, Mayor. proclamation Whereas April 24 to April 30, has I or improved housing, more wholesome family iite, and more beautiful towns and countrj'sides. Beauty cannot be had wnth- Dut sanitation. foi Therefore, I, as mayor of the Town of Wilkeshoro, N. C., dedicate and set this w'eek to stage a cleanup campaign that will ?«“h'inlo1w b.a alUy, SrbTck'SSe "dlrH The mayor and aldermen cannot alone rmn^y these tions- it cooperation. Yet when the individual hasn’t the pr^e’and^n not do his part, the city ^^ould assume authority The police wiH furnish conveyance to haul ofif rubbish, if each and every citizen will contact him. J. F. JORDAN, Mavor of Wiikesboro. In Wilkes_6p J Saturday, April 2^ line For Filinf - Notky' ~~ Candid^ R. G. FINLEY FILES Chairman Board Of. Gqini*-'- missitmers First 4o File For Office SOUTH CHIN'^ . . . With the Sino-Japanese “undeclared war” now nine mbnths old, Nipponese forces find themselves involved m the most bitter battle of their drive to break Chinese ically important Shantung front. Besides losing a?P« f troops, the hard-pressed Japs are reported tion for heavy artillery due to incessant raids on thenr commumca- tion lines by Chinese irregulars Presbytery Has First Quarterly Sessitm In City Carolina Motor Club To Retain Office In City J. R. Finley One Of Dele- General Manager Harwell gates to General Assemb ly in Mississippi Form Lions Club In N. Wiikesboro; Charter Night 28th Dr. H. B. Smith President of Newly Organized Civic Organization The Lions Club, a Civic orga4' ization which functioned effec tively here several years ago, has been re-organized. In the organization meeting Dr. H. B. Smith was elected pres ident, Z. V. Stewart and F. P. Blair, Jr., vice presidents. Blair Gwyn. secretary. Richard John ston, lion tamer, and R. A. Man- ship. Jr., tail twister. The members of the board of directors are the president, sec retary, and L. S. Spainhour, I. H. McNeill, Jr., and C. E. Jenkins, Jr. Meetings will be held on the first and third Thursday evi.ning.s of each month at Hotel Wilkes. The next meeting will he held at Hotel Wilkes on Thursday eve ning. April 28. at which time Judge G. H. Hastings, ot Win ston-Salem, will speak and a rbarter club. Olive To Speak AtTraphillHigh Finals on Friday Class Of 23 Seniors to Re ceive Diplomsui j^on Fri- ^'•^^phiri irigh sclool’will'close a successful year oh Friday eve ning, April 22, when diplomas ot high school graduation will be presented to a class of 23 seniors. Rev. Eugene Olive, pastor ot the First Baptist church of North wiikesboro, will deliver t h e commencement address at that time. Also on Friday night will be the class program in the form of “The Wedding of Miss Education and Mr. Experience.’’ The pro gram will begin at eight o’clock. Annouiivement has been made that .Mis- Pearl Johnson, a Bap tist missionary to Shanghai. China, will be in this city Mon day and Tuesday and will speak concerning conditions in war torn China. Announcements of ap- wiil be presented to the ! pointments are in the Social Cal endar. County Democratic Convention To Be Held May 14; Precinct Meets 7th J. R. Rousseau, chairman, anc C. O. McNlel, secretary of tlit Wilkes county Democratic execu tive committee, today announced that precinct meeting will be held In Wilkes county on Saturday, May 7, at two o’clock and that the county Democratic conven- U the precinct meetings, the ■::ouncement said, precinct or- •anizations will be perfected and I legates named to the county convention. The county convention will elect a chairman and secretary First nuarterly session of the Wlnston-S'alem Preshytery, which embraces Presbyterian churches ot several northwest North Caro lina counties, was held very suc cessfully Tuesday at the North Wiikesboro Pivsbytorian church. The Presbytery opened at ten o’clock and Dr. J. R. Cunning ham. pastor of the First Presby terian church in Wlnston-Saiem, was elected moderator for the parier anq Rkv. J. W. Wither- [g roll Fresbytery was well attended, there being 54 present. Dr. C. D. Hutton, who during the session was admitted into the Pre.sbytery from St. Louis. Mo., and who ac cented the call as co-pastor of Reynolda Presbyterian rhureh with Dr. D. Clay Lilly, nreaehed on the subject “Christ and the Cross.’’ Rev. W. M. Cooner, pastor of tha North Wilkeshoro Preshytei- ian einiiTli. gave a memorial tri- bne to the late Rev. C. W. Rob- linson. who for many years was I pastor here. Ladies of the North Wiikesboro church served lunch eon at one o'clock. Committees were appointed and it was decided that various reports would ^ be delivered at quarterly sessions of the Presby tery, the next session to be held with Obids church in Ashe coun ty on July 12. Delegates named to the gener- &T assembly in Meridian, Miss.. I on May 19 were Dr. Cunningham, Rev. J. W. Witherspoon, J. R. Fjnley, of North Wilkeshoro. and E. B.' Eldrldge. of Glade Valley, the last two named being elders. W. C. Cooper, T. F. Haney. Mr. Wells and L. N. Cash ion were named alternates. The Wilkes county champion to take part in the Win.ston-Salem Jonrnal-Sentinel end Friday night, spelling contest will be selected at a. 8pellin,g contest to be held Mr.-!. .1. R. aIcCalie and chil- HeCl a cnainiiiia umi U, a- - - and name delegates to the state | at Wilkeshoro school on Saturday dren. Francis and ^len Jane, ot tion will be "held'^on Uie'tollow- convention to be held in Raleigh morning, April 23, ,at ten !ng Saturday. May 14. ion May 19. i clock. Says License Bureau Will Be Maintained Here R. M. Harwell, of Cliarlotte, general manager of the Carolina Motor Club, in a statement to a representative of The Jouraal;Pa- triot yesterday said that a branch office of the club and a state an- tomobile license bureau would definitely be retained in North Wiikesboro. Some time ago the club pro posed that the license bureau be removed from North Wiikesboro. Since that time many Interested citizens, including the Kiwanis Club made. All Mjwfl .for the llc^ pointed ont ■ that North Wiikes boro is .the logical center for a wide area. Since that time representatives of the club have spent several days here and have met with splendid cooperation on the part ot local people. Debaters Leave For Chapel Hill Wiikesboro Teams To Take Part In Annual State- Wide Debates The Wilkes county board of elections met on Wednesday aft ernoon and named regjjrtrars ,to serve in the primary to be held on June 4. Charles Pearson, who was re cently appointed to fill a vacancy on the board caused by the resig nation of F. D. Forester, was elected chairman. The other mem bers are P. C. Johnson, of Rock Creek township, and J. C. Gray son, Republican member and sec retary. The first candidate to file no tice of candidacy for a county of fice was R. G. Finley, Democrat and present ;hairman of the board who will be a candidate for re-nomination and election. I. M. Myers, Republican coro ner, today riled for re-nominatlon and election. Mr. Pearson, chairman, has called attention to the fact that the time for filing notice ot can didacy expires on Saturday eve ning, April 23, at six o’clock, the deadline set by law. For convenience of those who wish to file the board will be in session in Mr. Pearson’s office on the second floor of the Bank of North Wilkeshoro building from 5:30 until six o’clock Sat urday evening. The registrars appointed for the June primary f^q Ww: T. E. Story, principal, left to day for Chapel Hill, carrying with li i m Wilkeshoro high school’s debating teams to take lie Holbrook; part in the annual state-wide dc vate. Wiikesboro gained right to par ticipate at Chapel Hill by vMue .f winning over Elkin and Mount .\iry teams in the triangular de bates held recently. The query is “Resolved: That the several states should adopt a unicameral system of legislation.” On Wilkesboro’s affirmative are Baxter Davis and Flake Steel man; the negative debaters are spelling jpan Laws and Virginia Miller. The debate at Chapel Hill will Boomer, Don Russell, Brushy Mountain, Coy Parker; Elk No. 1, W. O. Bar nette; Elk No. 2, Willie Horton; Edwards No. I, C. A. Burchette; Edwards No. 2. Conrad Durham; Edwards No. 3, R. L. Spencer; Jobs Cabin No. 1, .Alonzo Be- shears; Jobs Cabin No. 2, Dough- ton Foster: Lewis Fork, Commo dore Wplsli; Lovelace, C. H. Hayes: Moravian Falls, Walter j Reavis; .vlulberry No. 1, Mnncio Absher; Mulberry No. 2, Will Brewer; New Castle. Rich Par- due; North Wiikesboro, Hyde Waller; Reddies River. Tom El ler: Rock Creek, Paul Church; Somers, Mrs. Ada Mayberry; Stanton, V'ernon Eller: Traphill No. 1, Wesley Joines: Traphill No. 2. John Joines; Union. B. F. Staley: Walnut Grove No. 1, Wil- Walnnt Grove No. 2. Commodore Hall; Wilkeshoro No. 1, W. B, Warner; W'ilkesboro No. 2, Buster Winkler. o’- Miami, Fla., are visiting friends and relatives here. vfiTrHFl I rni.t.F.GE CHOIR TO SING HERE ON SUNDAY NIGHT 1 ■' iplwir from >Iitchell Oollege, wli^ Roaring River Finals Mon^y Dr. Daugherty Will Deliyer Address; N. C. Teague Sermon Roaring River high school will close on Monday night, AprH 25, with the commencement address by Dr. B. B. Dougherty, presi dent ot A. S. T. C„ Boone, and presentation of diplomas to seven graduates. f The commencement season win’- open on Thursday night this-week when the Dramatic club will pre sent “Aunt Jerusby on the War path.’’ On Friday morning, 10 o’clock, the seventh grade graduation ex ercises will be held, at which time Rev. Eugene Olive, pastor of the First Baptist church of North Wiikesboro, will speak. On Friday night class night exercises will be held and on Sunday night Rev. N. C. Teague, pastor of Southside Baptist church in Winston-Salem, will deliver the commencement ser mon. ' Medals and diplomas will b» presented at the graduation on Monday night. The seniors to, re ceive diplomas are Madeline Scrbggs, Thelma Mathis, Lon» Smithey, Ireuo Mathis, Tommy* McNeill, Dixie Oandlll and Ciande Tharpe.' . W. H. Davis Id priBolpal of school. April "L eight ofclock. lorsWfr of the glee club in';t Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Kbl J Miss Nora Bottdms,'of C llited. No admission. WiU-TO tomir— LAeftay expenses incurped North .WllkoiJwrt Ibe V S' • —*