■ r '»?■ - “' >Mn. R. M. Houck, oi r, TMtod Mra. W. A. Sy'ditor J. Ci«r«nc« Handy, ot Dehart, huainess visitor in this city TH^etdsy. A.' ’■ ' ' f'i;: Mn. Paarl Hartley, member of Wllkseboro school faculty, LWiirapend the summer in Boone. 't0«^ Alfred"Paul left today for ^^Icstko after spendltatr two weeks ^Ith friends here. kt. and Jdrs. .Gltmer Caudill kpekt Monday 1 B Greensboro looking after business matters. Mr. ;Dana W. Sale, of Cycle, Was in thb city yesterday attend ing to business matters. Mrs. Lucille Paimer and chil dren are visiting Mrs. Parmer’s sister, Mrs. Lane Atkinson, at Valdesc. Mr. and Mrs. O. H, Bracey, who have been living in the Sydnor Apartment, have moved to their home on Ninth Street. Mr. H. C. Whittington, of Pur- lear, was in this city one day this week looking after business mat ters. Mr. R. C. Tindall, of North Wilkesboro route 1, was a busi ness visitor in North Wilkesboro today. .Mr. Cherles Hawkins, of Myer City. Montana, is spending ten days here witn his pasents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hawkins. Misses Rosale.- and Ruth Os borne, student narses in Davis hospital, spent Sunday with rela tives in Wilkesboro. SHIRLEY’S BEST-OF-ALL MUSICAL k. ... WITH HER CAST OF CASTS / Q.y/.v temple FlBtCCA Of [RANDOLPH SCOTT JACK HALEY GLORIA STUART PHYLLIS BROOKS HELEN WESTLEY SLIM SUMMERVILLE BILL ROBINSON t lArpoKB scon ouintet ALAN DINEHART IJ. Edward BROMBERG A 30th Ctntvry-Fvx Fktw* TODAY AND FRIDAY — ATTEND THE NEW AND GREATER — OrpheumTheatre YOUR Sherwin-Williams dealer says |j'- The Book that Solves Tonr Decorating Prohlems Packed ^wilh illusiraiions showing Ihrilling color schemes lor every room, for Ihe exleriox of all fypes of houses. Filled wifh suggestions, helpful informalion. Actual color swatches io plan and work wilh. This 1938 Sherwin-Williams Home Decorator will make your rcdecoraiing an inieresling, enlerlaining game. Il's FREE. Drop in lor your copy Icday. SpbecdcU,, .UiM.wesk! Shehwin-Wiuiams Sherwih-Williams Porch Paint Semi-Lnstre Eo»t to c.pplr- Ehes overnSght. Th« omoitnglY wa»habl» wall ' Whhstondi: T.*c-or crd wecith*!. finish for kltchsns, baths. Mrs. H. B. Smith and daughter, Anne, have returned from a visit to relatives at Kingstree and Cheraw, S. C. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Kilby and family, who have been living on Ninth Street, d^e moved to the R. E. Paw rwiaence on Trogdon Street. Mr. and Mrs. Brice McLaugh lin, of Charlotte, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Eshelman, Sunday. Mr. McL«ughlln is a brother of Mrs. Eshelman. Representatives of furniture manufacturing plants here will leave the latter part of this week to attend the furniture show in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Wagoner, former residents of this city now ' living in Philadelphia, are expect ed to arrive here within a few days to visit friends. Rev. O. L. Hawkins returned today to his home in Nitro, W. Va., after spending several days here with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Hawkins. Mr. C. N. Myers, former citi zen of this city now in business in Elkin, was in this city yester day visiting friends and relatives and looking after business mat ters. Representative R. L. Dough- ton spent a few hours in the Wilkesboros Tuesday visiting his son, Sheriff C. T. Doughton, and looking after business matters. Rev. D. C. Clanton will preach at the new Second Baptist church in East town Sunday evening at 7:30 o’clock. The public is cor dially invited to attend. Mrs. Wade Marlette and little son, of Hebron. Maine, and Mrs. Andrew Wilkerson and two chil dren, of Blackstone, Va., were guests over the week-end in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. John son. Mrs. W. A. Sydnor returned a tew days a.go from an extended visit to relatives in Idoyd, Talla hassee, Jacksonville and other points in Plorida. Before return ing to her home here she visited Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Houck in Le noir. Mr. and Mr.s. Emmett C. John son announce the birth of a son Emmett Edward, at the Baptist Hospital in Winston-Salem, Tues day, A jl 19. -Mrs. Johnson and baby ha io been removed to their home here in Finley Park where both are doing nicely. Mr. James Larkin Pearson, of Roomer, often referred to as Poet Laureate of North Carolina, at tended a meeting ot the North Carolina Poetry Society in Char lotte last week. Dr. .Albert Keiser, of Lenoir-Rhyne. was the prin cipal speaker. The Journal-Patriot has been requested to announce that the Christian Chafauqua of Rev. J. TV. Luke’s will open at the Deep Cut Sunday night, May 1, and continue through May 10. Preaching services will be held at eight o'clock each evening and Bible .school will be held at nine to 12 a. m. Good teachers and a splendid preacher have been se cured. People of the community are invited to attend. twer^ a* numW ^oit hy-iho tsh tbe poUtlcai con- dttlons ot the An added feature ot talk wae her pertTJh# Wlflllft of Chi nese curios. Miss Louise Vyne, chairman of (Continued from iNtge ondl or conceals property for the.. , pose of evading taxation, ehalf.^li^ the department, presided for the meeting and both guest speakers were introduced by Mrs. Frank Johnson. At the close of the aft ernoon the hostesses served love ly refreshments' to the large num ber attending which was made up of members of the Literature de partment, also the Senior and Junior Woman’s clubs. Miss Pearl Johnson Spoke To Baptist Women About 36 women gathered at the home of Mra. Tip McNeil Tuesday afternoon at 3 o’clock to hear Miss Pearl Johnson, a Bap tist Missionary to China, speak pertaining to her work in China. Mrs. McNeil, president of the Missionary Society of the First Baptist church, pre.slded and Mrs. C. D. Coffey, Sr., led the devo tional period to open the meeting. Miss Johnson was introduced by Mrs. J. N. Shockey and spe cial music, a vocal duet was ren dered by Mrs. Tal Barnes and Mrs. Ralph Duncan. Accompany ing Miss Johnson here from Elkin were Mrs. Eph Whlsenhunt and Mrs. Irvin, of Middleburg, Ky„ who was visiting in Elkin. Be sides the meeting Tuesday after noon Miss Johnson spoke to the young people of the town at the First Baptist church Wednesday afternoon and at the prayer serv ice in the evening. i guilty of a misdemeanor ; and aBjF person, firm or corporation aid>. Ing or abetting the removaS . ,or concealment of property fa| :ifhO purpose 0 f evading ta^b^ shall be guilty of a misdemte^r. The failure to list shall be tti^sm facie evidenee that, such fikitim was wilful, and the board of county’ commissioners shall . pre^ sent the names of ai such'per sons, firms and corporations to the grand jury.” List taking in North Wiikes- boro township is being continued through this week at the City Hall, and the list takers for Wil kesboro Township will be in the Commissioner’s room at the courthouse on Friday and Satur day, April 29th and 30th, and the list takers for Edwards Township will be at Shepherd’s Cross Roads on Friday, April 29th and at Ron- da on Saturday, April 30th. The list takers still have the tax ab stracts for this year and all tax payers for any township in this county, who have not listed, are urged to see their respective list taker and file their returns with out further delay. -SOCIETY (Continued from page four) North Wilkesboro Woman’s club held Tuesday afternoon .9t four o’clock at the home of Mrs. F. C. Forester with Mrs. Jack Branie as co-hoste.s.s. Mrs. Whisenhunt, a native of China and who has spent about 22 years of her life 'here, told about the life and the customs of the Chinese people and then spoke on the “New I.,ife Movement in China,’’ especially CJUAR'. Spccia' 95 QUART Sp.«ci Ml RT Qffc ial Ukf ARE [Paint Headquarters . North Wilkesboro, N. C. SHERW/fl/- WiL LI A MS PAINTS OUR OFFICE Is now stairs in located up- JENKINS HARDWARE CO. building. Please come there to transact any business with us. SMOAK FURNITURE CO. (Business will continue same as ever). Woman’s Bible Cla&s Met Tuesday Afternoon Mrs. W. P. Horton, Mrs. I. E. Pearson, and Mrs. A. L. Aycock combined hospitality to the mem bers of tbe Woman’s Bible class of the North Wilkesboro Metho dist church Tuesday afternoon at the home of M^s. Horton. Mrs. R. M. Brame, the president, occu pied the chair during tbe bu.siness session. Devotional leader for the afternoon was Mrs. W. E. Shu- fprd. To close the afternoon the hostesses served delicious refresh ments. 4->bs. Jewel Lard 39c At Red Cross Pharmacy Friday and Saturday Only. SALE OF LYON ELECTRIC COMPANY ANNOUNCED The sale of the Lyon Electric Company to Messrs. D. R. Parker and Sherman .Anderson has been announced by Mr. and Mrs. Guy Lyon who established the busi ness several years ago. The firm in the future will be known as the Parker Electric Company and the business will be carried- on in the future by the new owners as ft has been in the past. Tbe same lines of radios and electric refrigerators and oth er appliances will be carried in stock. A complete service depart ment and electrical contracting will also be conducted under the direction of Mr. R. L. Creasman. Mrs. Lyon wishes to inform the public that she will continue to be at the company’s place of bus iness for collection of all accounts due the Lyon Electric Company and will npnreciate early settle ment. ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE liavirT fiuai’fied =:s Administra tor of James M. Adams, deceased, late of Wilkes c-'-v'.t'-. Strt*e of North Ca:olinp„ i- to notify all persons having claims against the es'iite of the said dece-'se.! to exiiibit them vo the undersigned at his home Rou’c No. 1, Wilkesboro. N. C., on or befoi-e ttie 2(V‘ -k.v of Anril. A. 1).. K®). or t’-i-;. notice will ho iilc.'.ded in bar of Ih'Mr I’ecovcvy. fVi] jiorsons indebted to the said est.He v.il! please make immediate oavmcnt. Tiii.5 26th dav ''' April. 1938. WILL ADAMS, Administrator of the Esta’cc of 6-5-6i(T( James M. Adams, dec. A. H. Casey, Atty. _ NOTICE OF SERVICE BY PUBLICATION North Carolina, Wilkes County. In the Superior Court Wilkes County vs. John Yale. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Wilkes County, North Carolina, for the foreclosure of tax sales certifi cate for the year 1934, and for the foi-eclosure of tax liens for the years prior thereto, and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Wilkes County, at the Courthouse of said County, in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, on or before the 25th day of May, 1938, and answer or demur to the com plaint in said action, or the plaint iff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said com- nlaint. This 25th day of April, 1938. C. C. BAYES, 5-19-4t(T) CHerk Superior Court R. M. BRAME & SONS OFFER FREE SAMPLE OF DRUGLESS AID FOR High Blood Pressure Relief High 'olood pressure sufferers m North Wilkesboro are urged to go to R. M. Brame and receive a free sample of ALLIMIN Essence of Garlic Parsley Tablets, valuable for the'^elief of distressing symp* torns of high blood pressude. These are the «Lblets tested by eminMt physician 6f New York City with which he reduced blood pressure and relieved dizziness and head aches by using the tablets accord ing to directions on the package.! To determine cause of your high blood pressure, see your doctor, j Get interesting booklet along with your free sample of ALLIMIN to-1 day and try these DRUGLESS ailment cipmpany wiR oh the Hardwa! oak Pn 'iiyild by fli*i bave bus! WImm , Gnw(I ^ 6o«b AlwayB the Bdii AS Wajw.. /->' Starting SATURDAY., / SHOWING THRU MONDAY amd TUESDAY The greatest castj ihe roxBaxtee, tkd mort Aindung mI- venhue thrills ever photographed —all combined to give you the biggest picture thatM-G-M ever made! &ght hundred airplanes! Cast of thousands! tlMKEUlE MyRMLIlY Cdntiouous Showing ALL DAYS NOTE: with LIONEL BARRYMORE Kit Carson Serial and Our Gang Comedy Will Be Shown With Test Pilot on Saturday. Now Showing Thru Friday “CoBege Swing BURNS and ALLEN MARTHA RAY BOB HOPE BEN BLUE BETTY GRABLE EDWARD EVERETT HORTON JACKIE COOGAN tablets for yourself. 6-6-6tT DON'T MISS THIS WEEK'S ^BARGAINS ^AT PENNEY'S SUN BONNET Printed Batiste • Fast color • 36 inches wide NEW PATTERNS 10 yd. ONE TABLE Fast Color Prints 36 inches wide 3 to 10 yard pieces 9 A REAL VALUE! yd. GAS! . Sour stcntacb, heart bum, acidity, ilalanc- etory dysmpsia, acid osis and internal discomfort due to cx- , cessiYe. eating quick- ‘ % "reBetw' vvith Sn- per Gestlve. Sold and GUARANTEED by HORTON’S DRUG STORE YnOkael^ 1C C Just received, 300 more ladies’ WASH FROCKS g$ J.OO Fast Color LADIES’ BLOUSES ► Cool Linens ► Acetate Crepe ► Slub Broadcloth 98' Each ONE TABUE SILK SHORT LENGTHS 17v • Rayon Satins • Printed Rayons • Plain Crepes BOYS’ COW BOY OVERALL PANTS 69c Sizes 6 to 18 BOYS’ Rayon POLO SHIRTS 49 c Zipper Front — Lace Front BOYS’ OXHIDE OVERALLS 43c Heavy Denim BOYS’ TENNIS SHOES 69c Black with grey trim CHILDREN’S 88c pr. Elk uppers Leather naiddle sole Compowtion outer sole LADIES’ • Cool cut-out uppers with leather soles It’s While Oxford Time Now! 7^1