i-i.- ^ i!'4(OC^‘.«1 „^_fcgJ^»P^®ott8l3r (ioat- ^ th« congre- '%et. Grady Bur vna, v«ad>. tiM scripture lesson tiFom siia& chapter Bpl'stle to the Romans, and m>oke upon the ^ “Spiritual Siguiticance of Bap tism.^ Rev. Mr. Burgess urged the congregation to hold a B. T. U. study course in the near future because of the interest it creates In Bible reading and study. At 2:30 there was quite a gath ering present at the Yadkin River SnU|l'at ' snd .i^e h^dittoBB, ^jaree^p bapUsOL ^ “sde to The Bonda Baptist church iMks qude invijting and attrac tive due to ■ the painting of the Intel lor which has been complet ed in recent weeks. Quick Action Rates: Ic A Word (MINIMUM CHARGE 25c) (Each Insertion) FOR RENT FOR SALE OR RENT: Ju.-t com pleted six room house, two miles out of town, arranged for one or two families, Fairplains road. Frank Tomlinson. 4-28-tf FOR REXT: Two stoiy eight room house with garden and cow pasture seven miles from town $10.00 per month. Apply to S. V. Tomlinson. It-pd FOR RENT: Nice residence in Wllkesboro. completely reno vated inside and outside: all modern conveniences; good garden; large lawn; cool in Buipnier. Rent reasonable. Call Or write The Jourual-Patriot. FOR RENT: Furnished room, centrally located on Main street, Wilkesboro: reasonable rent. Phone 47G-R or Journal- Patriot. It Air . iBhel Brief Happenings At Pattons Ridge of PATTONS RIDGE, April 27. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Green, Patterson, visited in the home of Mr. and'Mrs. Jacob Waters, Mon day night. Mrs. Pearl Greene, of Patter son, who has spent' a week’s va cation with her parents, returnee home Saturday. . Mrs. Emma Waters and little daughter, Aileen. vi.sited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grady Church, who has been horn*' from Hatters Island, is now inorried to Miss Cletns Greene, the daugh ter Of Mr. and Mrs. Irvil Greene, of Stony Pork. Mr. and Mrs. Wat ers returned home Monday frr.in Patterson, where they visited friends and relatives. Mrs. Ola Ballard, of Maryl.and. visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob C. Waters, Sunday. Mr.s. Edith Owens visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred Waters, Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Orvil Greene, of Stony Fork, visited in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. C. 'Waters, Sunday. Mr. Austin Greene and Mr. Dudge Greene, of Patterson, visit ed in the home of Mr. Jacob Wat ers, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ben Church visit ed in the home of Mrs. Rebecka Welborn, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Zeb Baker and children, of Patterson, spent Easter with Mrs. Baker’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Waters. FIVE-ROOM HOUSE, large roome, bath and hall. On F street between 8th and 9th. • See or call Mrs. R. L. Well born, Wllkesboro, Phone 282-M ‘ '6r see Harry Pearson, North 'WMlkesboro. 4-4-tf FOR SALE GOOD FIVE-ROOM house, {food garden, 200 foot front, .eood barn, Lonnie ^ Canter home jflace, 1-2 mile but on 421. See G. A. Canter at Wilkesboro , Manufacturing company. .'>-9-41 ' -•* ^ CX'T PEONIES—50c dozen. Old fashioned *m i x e d bouquet, pinks, veronica, painted dais ies, sweet peas, etc., 2 5c. Give Mother cut flowers. Ogilvies, Phone 27-F-04. 5-5-2t FOR SALE: Fresh strawI>erries picked when ordered, delivered anywhere in town. 15e quart. Call 469-W. 4-2-2t FOR SAU5: Cabins, filling sta tion and garage, all new build ings, three springs, any amount of land. Located 1-4 mile west of Blue Ridge Parkway on new highway 16. M. G. Marsh, Obids, N. C. 5-2-2t-pd TOBACCO PL.1NTS FOB SALE: About May 10th. 3 1-2 miles east of North Wilkesboro on Boone Trail Highway. M. C. Williams. 5-2-2t-pd FOR .S.AIAC: One good ping horse, one extra good r.-v'^ar- old horse. Paul Ve-tal at T’nit- ed Supply Co. 4-7-tf WANTED WANT TO RENT nicely fiiniish- ed apartment or small furnish ed house. Call Journal-Patriot, Phone 70. It-pd W.INTED AT O.XCE: Housekeep er for family of three. Must be good cook, in good health and of good character. Box 126, Wilkesboro, N. 5-2-tf M1SCEUANF.OUS drilled WELLS—.Are tlteaper, yet more sanitary, affording an abundance of water that is al ways clear, pure and cold. For prices write or call. R. E. Faw, Hickory, N. C. Telephone 700-J. 5-2-tf learn BBAIT'Y CULTURE— Enroll now—prepare yourself for a well paying.pasltlon. Call or write for rates. Hlnshaw School of Beauty Culture, Box 4«, Nbrth Wllkesboro, N. C. 4-28-tf. Obituary Of Brother George Lafayette Payne Born September 21. lS6i, and died March 8, 1938, he was mar ried to Channie A. Wellborn on the 3rd day of January. 1894. and to this union were born five chil dren. Brother Ira D. Payne of North Wilkesboro. Claude D. Payne, of Deep Gap. Fred E. Payne, of Stony Fork, Mrs. Annie Wellborn of Newton, and Mrs. Bynum Triplett of Deep Gap. Brother Payne joined the Stony Fork Baptist church in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Nine Hundred and twelve, and his re maining posterity is nineteen grandchildren and four great grandchildren. He joined the Ashlar Lodge No. 451 in his early manhood, and lived a loyal member to his church and lodge. He served his church as one of its great Sunday school teachers for many years and his class mourns his passing and feels the loss of his wonder ful council an.i the tender friend ship shov.'u to all. George Lafavette Payno served a.s Master of his lodge for a per iod of four years and during this term be showed great interest in the work, willing to serve his fel low members at all tirae.s of the night or of the day. His church has lost one of its highly inform ed teachers, and his lodge has lost one of its highly honored members. O’ how we all miss him. W'e can only submit to our Heavenly Fatlier, by saying His blessed will be done and further feel that a great man has fallen in Isreal. “A dear one from ns is gone. His voice from ns is stilled. His place is vacant in our home, Which never can be filled.” REV. LR'\'I CrREENE. n, L. STANHURY, W. :.I. GREER. Coiumittee of 4shlar Lodge No, 4 5 4, A. F. and A. M. Dated at Deeji Gap, tliis the 2 day of -April. 1938. ' Upwarili of MD bnlldln* who loan exec^ives Dwn all parts of the State r»re fik^ted to, attend the 35th’4nnnaLMeeting of the North. Galina *' Building and Loan League which will be held at The Cl^oHuai Plnehurst, on May 11. 12 and 12. Already near ly 100 delegates have made reser vations from all parts of tllb State, bringing with them* their ladies and groups of friends. N. Mitchell, President of the League, of Winston-Salem, will pr^lde at all of the Convention sessions, program of speakers celebrated in financial, real estate, and govern mental fields will address the delegates during the three days session along thrift, home financ ing, and management lines, and a special entertainment program with novel features has-also been arranged. Governor Clyde R. Hoey will be the speaker at the Annual Ban quet which will be held Thursday evening, May 12, at 7:30 p. ni., and is a highlight of the conven tion. The governor was a director of the Shelby Building and Loan As.sociatlon for thirty-two years prior to his moving to Raleigh, and is expected to give a stirring message on the subject of the North Carolina building and loan associations and their service to the communities. The Wednesday afternoon ses sion will be devoted to Manage ment and Management Policies, at which Ralph H. Richards, pres ident of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Pittsburgh, will give the keynote address. The Thursday morning session will be devoted to Advertising and Business De velopment. John W. Ladd, Man ager of the Advertising Business Development Division of the Unit ed States Building and Loan League, Chicago, will deal with this subject at length, and on Friday morning the subject will be that of ‘‘Lians.’* in . which Joseph L. Suiter, State Director for the F. H. A., will explain the new Federal Housing Program. Included among the other dis tinguished speakers are Charles M. Johnson, State Treasurer, of Raleigh, who will give a talk on ‘‘State and Local Government Fi nance”; and A. J. Maxwell. Com missioner of Revenue, of Raleigh who will speak upon the subject of “Taxation.” Dan C. Boney, In surance Commissioner, of Ra leigh, will also be present at this 35 th Annual Meeting of the League. T. W. Atkins, Director of Field Service of the United States Building and Loan League, of Chicago, will give a brief sketch of the National developments in building and loan. J. B. Williams, Secretary ot the North Wilkesboro Building and Loan Association, of North Wil kesboro, will give a report of the activities in his district. William A. Stroud. Secretary of the Wil kesboro Building and Loan Asso ciation, of W'ilkesboro, is a mem ber of the Convention Promotion Committee. The following will represent the local associations at the meet ing: J. B. Williams and Wm. A. Stroud. - McT^l, iPeggy PeStton, Reihl;;\ Catherine Vannoy, Shui^te, Nancy Rousseau, Hmlljf Jute' OJive, » » 11>« Blllle-Jennings,-W*nda Campbell,- ^eorge Wells, Ada Sue Kilby, Doris Casey, .IB. ' J^lceV j^aulUie Lowe, lilniy Frances Par- Joe ^ Bley^tb rtne,'JMoirtbBjt/r , i.2»ftabe|ib r AtbbA'i'd, Beaman^; lltetb r EUledge, Ralph Bowman,‘CHwrlea ^WBiJcker, Laaple Minted' Schaefer; Ralph Crawford, Donald Hortb'n, 'IJaiftttf'fcO! Fifth Grade: Billie Gabriel, Paliapr. HortoW, Sloan Hill, Car- lies jifinton, iJfijk Underwood, .Ce-’ cll wVatt, 'Vir^nia Blackburn, Mary . .Evelyn Crook, Marie Eller Nancy Forester, Betty Waugh Hutchens, Margaret Jones, Ilivian McNeill, Edwin Long, Richard Reins, Curtis Welborne, Dennis Hurley, Sadie Cornette, Harrlette Crutchfield, Betty Gwyn Finley, Mary Elmore Finley, Mary Lee Gardner, Eliza'beth McNeil, Patsy Ruth McNeil. Sixth Grade: Willifim Halfacre, William Hayes, Jimmie Moore, Annie Ruth Blankenship, Mari- lena Colvard, Peggy Finley, Mary •Moore Hlx, Frances Kennedy, Gla.dys Templeton, Lewis Hill Jenkins, Fred Miller, Henry Waugh, Charles Williams, Lucille Casey, Joyce HaYrold, Frances Rousseau, Betty Jane Turner. Seventh Grade: Margaret Rhodes, Mildred Elledge. Hill Carlton, Jr., Jnal Walker, Blllye Wade Estes, Pauline Maxwell, Fred Jennings, Wade Palmer, Joe Clements, Mildred Stafford, Carl Gwyn Coffey, Betty Hill, Lucielle Covington, Grant Stew art. Eighth Grade: Betty Halfacre, Metta Joines, Wanda Kerley, Hel en Phillips, Betty Rhodes, Faye Williams, Henry Landon, Ran som Key, Lucille Rhodes, Raye Miller. Ninth Grade: ;Mack Miller, Ray Jennings, Dorothy Jennings, Paul Haigwood, Lorene Jones. Jack Seckler, Cora Pruitt. . Tenth Grade: Corinne Faw, Florine Craven, Virginia Morri son, Ozelle Andrews. Mary Lpu- 4ue, Gladys Wiles. Bhnmaker, Edith Da AND MBS. CtK)PER ' TO ATTEND CONVENTION Dn E. S. Cooper, chiropractor, will attend the state chiroprac- toi*8’ convention to be held In' Durham Friday and Saturday of this week and his office here will be closed both days, he said to day. He will be accompanied to the convention by Mrs. Cooper. MATTIE LEE ANDERSON IS CLAIMED BY DEATH oxcl^rd 1^' Mr. A^ jliirdkth' W^dnesdap Mri 'Vanue^p. demb^trated ,the method# of thoronghttess of epraylng;, with hia-moun^ spiEy- «B well Es Identification ot in- se^te pn some ot^tbe most com mon orchard (Bseaqes,.since many growers are imable to recognize apple scab In Its early state.-'' ^ • ,'Thorough Jn_j)rder to control hazarhj to fruit .growing was stressed being ver.v,_ im portant. -j ^ J, ^ : Mattie Lee Anderson, colored, daughter of Fred and Minnie An derson, died Friday and funeral service was held at Brown ceme tery. She is survived by her parents and the following brothers and sisters: Elizabeth Kelly, Virginia Anderson, Kathryn Gilreath, Hel en and Jo Anne Anderson. JOHN CALVIN TIDLINE IS TAKEN -BY DEATH John Calvin Tidline, well known colored resident of this section, died to^ay. Funeral serv ice will be held at Sandy' Creek, although the date had not been fixed early today. He leaves four children: Car rie, Glenn, Charllp and Arthur tidline. ise Clements, Louise Day, Vivian agent. Randolph county farmers re port the finest prospects for small grain in many a year and more farmers, have top-dressed 'their grain with nitrate of soda than ever before, says the county Mr^^fida Brown l^alU Mills jlrs. Linda Brow^-'^ge 49, wife' of J. M. Brown, of HSlls Mills, died today at her home. Funeral service will be held Tuesday, 2:45, at Rock Springs church with Rev. Monroe Dillard in charge. Surviving are her husband and nine children. ..m life info Iwr’ 1 > Bini. bnpl^a. nirnd tlMij boitto fro^‘ ; &ouBc^^»'bfe|ir with lii VMitb cause. The funeraCK’^bondfl Monday''morniBgI*h«rU . tol ing In .Hollywood ceiMta^M kin, r ■ . The deceased was & bIsIm Mrs. Dinah Wilkins, ot thia:i| . Seventy-five per cent corn projMts' carried .Jby'. members of Greene (7onil seasob is being plants' fled seed. ’Box Supper May 7th Benefit Gordon Chiirih Announcement has been made of a bo^ supper to be held on May 7 at cotton mill hill for the bene fit of Gordon Baptist church. Girls are asked to carry boxes and the boys are requested to be prepared to buy. Entertainment will include singing, siring music and the sale of a fancy quilt. Box Supper There will 'oe a box supper at Oak Forest Baptist church Satur day night, May 14, 8 o’clock. The proceeds will go for the benefit of the church. The public is cor dially Invited to attend. North Wilkesboro School Honor Roll For Fifth Period I HOME OWNERS— SpeolAl* prices drilling wells 4 to 8 iBChos In diameter account having materia! on hand.— Write R- E-'Yaw, Hickory, N. C 4-21-tf J*// Sh8 t Soos Of Ex-fionse A Crtftkesit Ml Of Grit, AMiiif Extr* Quart* of Oil wm Hot Holp A Bit, VPliM The Case It OponoJ, A»d OotutoJ Of Evorytltina, Fruh Oil It A Took That) Make* Your Motor Sing. Foil SOUW9 CCONOM Y. .. l>HAf#f REftLLYOVn CfMMKCASe WOW DICK’S SERVICE St -—Atlas Tiras — ' Telephooe 371 First Grade: Henry Church, Wayne Hurley, Gene McNeil, Dudley Moore. David Whitting ton, Mary Brown, June Finley, Jeannette Livingston, Madge Lov- ette, Patsy Pope, James Brooks, Billy Bason. Neil Key, Donald Mitchell, Julius Rousseau, Joan na Bush, Archie Barnette, Mary Ann Casey, BeHy Ruth Hodgqp. Eth.?l McDaniels. Nancy Toague, Richard Billings, Edwin Chip- man, Thomas Hayes, Billie Dnh- ling, 'Dick McNeil. Helen Agnes Eller. Beulah Huggens, Mnry Johnston, Blair Coffey, Lewis Mann Nelson, Betty Jean Mc Neil, Clara Mildred Pruitt. Second Grade: Mildred Cox, Juanita Frost, Corinna Finley, Bettle Blue Moon, Norma Ann Thompson. Nancy Byrd ' Turner, Luther Chambers, George For ester, Travis Lee Hutchison, Har- o 1 d Turner, Margaret Anne Hutchens, Stella Mae Jonor, Doris Ruth Kerbaugu, Margie Newton, Marie Seckler, Billy Fayo Shu mate, Blllye Jo Zimmerman, Shir ley Young, Rose Love, Jack Bad- gett, Bill Absber, Ray Bowman, Gordon Finley, Jr., Jack Gaddy, Eddie Shook Betty Campbell, Jano Carter, Pansy Foster, Ruth Hall, Agnes Kenerly, Edn.i Grace McNeil. - ’UtMIHUF Third Grade: Martha Abshor, Betty Grey Church, Maxine Hodge, Annie Ruth Jarvis, Gladys Wyatt, Nan^y' Pelts, George Pos- ;ter^. Frederick Gaddy, Cecil Grav^ •son,' Paul McGinnis, Michael' Quinn, Joe Donal _WhlHlagto% 'Warner, Elbert Bowman, ’ fy Crayenj J. ,0. Eller, Ji^ior (t, ’Dorothy Gabriel,- IreiU . meB,' Agned Miller, Etlial Pear^ ’ Ramona Sloop,>« Qhtfoii^e WaHs, Clyde ihlQ ITS OUTDOOR TIME AGAIN! y/ARM WEATHER CALLS FOR OUTDOOR LIFE, AND SUMMER FURNITURE. WE HAVE ANTICIPATED YOUR NEEDS, AND FILLED OUR FIRST FLOOR WITH BEAUTIFUL GLIDERS, PORCH AND LAWN CHAIRS, PORCH SUITES, BEACH CHAIRS, AND OTHER ARTICLES OF SUMMER FURNITURE TO ADD TO YOUR COMFORT. COME IN FOR A LOOK. V '"m Gliders THESE ARE STRONGLY CONSTRUCT ED, COVERED IN WATER-PROOF CAN VAS. IN BEAUTIFUL PATTERNS. COME IN EARLY AND GET YOURS AND ENJOY A FULL SEASON OF COMFORT. 14.50 to 37:50 ANY OF THIS NEW SUMMER FURNITURE MAY BE BOUGHT ON EASY TERMS. PAYUSAVISYT TODAY AND SELECT A FEW OF OUR OFFERINGS IN SIDDIER COMFORT Metal Chairs, priced each $7.25 Porch Suites (wood).. $8.50 to $14.50 Beach Chairs, each .... $1.35 to $1.98 Porch Swings as low as ... $2:50 Special on Hammocks .,.....,$3.% SPECIAL LOW PRICES ON UWK MOWERS V - ^ “ALWAYS DUTST re PS