m KT •Mtodem bj'Un t'^ ' lAt hoa» ..on itnrmh to ti** membera of her brldgo rtWO .raiepiw^ the follovtns rlal- C. D. Coffey, Sr., . S^lnhonr, R. B. SeroKga, ^pMtey, R. P. CMey, Andrew y ?• 6. Poindexter, J. Q. Hki C. B. Bller. .0 eourae . liincheon waa itt one o’clock with corera ■H'tor saesta at fire amall placed about the roonia' ihixed cut flowers made •CfMiTa MsoJhitions. ' Poliowing r^ was played with RSa cf B. Bller winning the ;k aedre price. An exchange of was.made during the aft- sNaMB- Members iCrs. Tal Barnes 'Itn Mr. andTtr '«a kogyi inamberg of the Idlewlae %hiV*1MNn^aHds were delight- tally entertained at a picnic sup per Iltursday evening at the Fine JUdge picnic grounds on the Mo- ^ifarian Falls highwa.y, Quests oth- '*ar than club members were Mr. >iha* Jto. Z. V. Stewart and Mrs. .'Alice Stafford. V Btr& Cari Coffey Is - - Bridge Chib Hostess : « Mira. CmI; Ceff^ was hoateaa dab at her home on D Street Friday afternoon. The game waa followed by refreehmenta in two conij^. Mra. H. V. Wagoner of PhtlMelphla, Pa., who ia houaegneat of Mrs. Coffey, was remembered with a gift and Mrs. It M. Nelson was winner of the top score price in the bridge game. Corrina Finley Feted At Birthday Party Mrs. T. A. Finley entertained at a children's party at her home on P Street Saturday afternoon to honor her daughter, Corrina, On her eighth birthday anniver sary. Around fifteen boys and girls came to celebrate the oc casion with her and were led In a number of games on the lawn after which they were served Ice cream and cake. The white cake topped with eight pink candles centered the birthday table. The honoree re ceived lots of nice gifts and the children were given novelty fav- ods. ih^ay I Pat O’Brien imd I Kay Francis — in — '^Women Are, Like ^ That” Also Cll^lie M^arthy “At the Races’ Today ' = and Tuesday Ajj^bBad the New and Greater H E A T R E U. D. C. District Meeting Held Here Friday The address by Mrs. John Huske .\nderson, of Raleigh, president of the North Carolina District of the United Daughters of the Confederacy, featured the meeting of District No. 2 of the U. D. C. held here Friday morn ing in tbe North Wlikesboro Methodist church. Mrs. Herbert Wall, of Lenoir, district director, presided. The invocation was offered by Rev, A. L. Aycock, pastor of the church, after which words of welcome were spoken by - Joe E. Johnsoi), president of the hostess chapter, to which G Moore. Jr., president of the Ganite Falls chapter responded. The salute fo the American and confederate flags was follow ed hv the grotip singing D’*'® after which John Kermit Black burn sang Kipling’s "Recesslon- al” Mrs L. M. Nelson was ac companist for both musical se lections. . Chapter.,presidents in the dis trict pre.sent were presented by Mrs. Wall and following this Mrs. Ward Eshelman. regent of the Rendezvous Mountain chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, of North Wilkesboro, bronght greetings from the local clubs. , ^ During the business session the following names were endorsed for electiem at the state conven tion in October and are as fol lows: Xrs;:S. P. Cooper. Mender- son. state "president; Mrs. Gwvn. Lenoir. 2nd vice president: Mrs. Henry L. Riggins. >* w*"" ston-Salem, honorary president, and Mrs. G. F. Reid, of Lenoir, honorary vice president. In a Confelerate quizz con ducted by Mrs Anderson, Mor- ganton and Lenoir chapters tied in answering the questions. An- othei state officer present be sides Mrs. Anderson was Mrs. John .S. Rowe, of Hickory, who is recording secretary. .drs. J. M. Moretz, of Boone, was elected as incoming district director and Boone is to be place for next district meeting. At the close of the program a luncheon was served at the Legion hut with covers being laid for 53. Dining FMelto BoptM dimveb' iHn mMt Vpwr- (Uy «v«idig, TiM. Hb «■>« •»«» ot Mm. with Ito. Bd !«■«. )Cn.. .A. H, mkd MM. A .a CJM^nAei^ boatoMimV ; by the luncheon a prq«nim-of danw and song was giv|si^ by three little girls, Betsy Bax^hev Betty .OWyn Finley, and .^PeggT .’Fl»l®y> '"^***‘ Miss Myrtle Noifris. as, aecompan- ist. ; IN MEMORIAL Mr. .Arthur A.' Fioley Beloved by all, but most those who knew, him, best. ' A pfodefer ih Ih©' feulldlng of the North Wilkesboro Presbyterian church, Sunday school^ and ever faithful and ‘eh^rgeiic in work ing for the up-building in the canue for Christian advancemdht in church, school, civil and moral life of the Community. “Truly a leader in all walks ofilfe.” ’ When the story of all men’s lives shall have been written and the binder has laid down his tools, when none of , the facts shall have been stinted and the deeds of the wise and unwise shall have been written by proph ets and sages and hound in the raw hide of man. Then God will blue pencil Its pages as only the Almighty can. He’ll find in the life of our de parted brother all the characteris tics that go to make a real man; God loving, God fearing, a real benefactor—“Truly one of God’s nobleman.’’ His home protrayed hospital ity, devotion to f.imily and friends. In civic life a shining ex ample. In church life consietent and true, with all men honest and open. “A better friend no man ever knew.” His passing !ias ci.st a shadow o’er the path he trod in this life. Early he found tr.uth and lived up to it. to the letter, with a heart free from rancor and strife. •vVhen the Great Proof Reader who traces man’s record right back todhe flood,, may we like our departed brother find a iiier- cifi’.l placing in that Imok that i.s written in blood. LEONARD V\NF. 0®Btry,, ArjMleh^twBT f^^.oFtbe North GniroUBa . flenrlc© h^,wfttr»il‘'-'l^. tolryiaw at his .pifles lieiw pacawity.^toF workers renewHiii ^beir raghgt^i tjj>n • cards .at in ordar r gva% thems^ves of ppntblo opes- !^s In the ooming activity - la .^nic Parkway construction. . Many workers, and> applicants for Jobs on the" Rarkway do not bar© social security numbers, and it is- necessary to'secure these be fore a worker will be employed by the contractors,' ' Mrj Gentry' reiterated his re cent 'anBounpement that unem ployed workers who have ■ eX' hjtusted their benefits based on thalnwork dhrlfag the first thrra quarters of 1937 and who woflt ed some in the last quarter of Mat yean* should re-register tor iieih- flts at-their iibeal employment of fice now so that they can begin to get additional benefits baaed on work the fourth quarter, which became available April first. In order to get these addition al benefits, the unemployed work er should register again at the office, even though he has sign ed up the continued claim? long enough to use up his benefit a mounts. In such cases, the central office will figure the benefits' a- gain, including the fourth quar ter earnings of last year. If a worker has been employed some of last ye>r and on through the first quarter of this year, then the earniugs during the last quarter* of last year will be in cluded in figuring the benefits in case he became employed after “I hear *my son Imp owed,you for a suit of clothes for three years.” “Yes, sir: have you called to settle the account?” “No, I’d like to myself Vn the same terms.” ^The WiUtesb^ BuBdiiw^a (-AMoeiatioi, M ii«^ to/ i%» ,tln»e iff the jleir'* " fmggd by ilSi UHflei, Loan Leagu*: '^7^ a^pmation h** itteti^rwC the L«a||^ , KHni!|i^|w.thi8 orggBhAtWn^^’ tHlet^^to/ioelnsioh in tory which.also Data oU savings, building and loan usooi^ ations all over the country wblcK' bave taken out memberoUp. . 'Its assets are listed at 4156,61 and there are 242 faurssthig mena hers and 121 borrowers. Theod figures are as of the date of the directory’s compilation. J. H. Johnson is president and Win. A. Stroud is secretary-treasurer. The association is o n e' of the 4,100 members in the l^eague which entitles it to ’inclusion in the directory yearly. The direc tories are distributed to all mem- berk of League and in addi tion are placed in libraries, uni versities, banks and other finan cial institutions .inasmuch as the League is the national trade or ganization for savings, building and loan associations. , "to - of jjliSkly ffgiK to laaatafH vlgproos l%ct vt %tU ..and ntatoritir of toe qpp., .^4 vafon seasonal ephditions ihp grow-- er must nse his own Jodigment os to these requirements. -Core most be token, h^ever, thok' the nitro-. kvn does pot come in omtact with tbe plants., as this may result in severe damage. An inspector was examining class in geography, and, address ing a small boy, he asked: “Now, sonny, would’It be possi ble for your father to walk round the earth?’’ "No, sir,’’ replied the boy vei\ promptly. “Why not?” “Because he fell down and hurt his leg yesterday?” Photographer (taking pictures of father and colICgh boy son): “Perhaps it would make a better picture, my boy, if you were to stand 'With your hand on year father’s shoulder.” Father: ‘"The picture would be more natural if he stood with his hand in my pocket.” piladr, pnimBionm* be^l'^^idrsd , .. web {httttrdpyjpi^r t; M pv m Wb ■ ■ pfitir boys and girls, f^qm eommnhity for tbs bensflt 'of the cbureliJ l«e4' exsl^ne 'give * h«>P^' Ing band •nd‘ moke this * snccessful one.‘-:-IlepOrted. «>s_ismii.^^i;;fs_HMl^ \ .^1 I SOLICIt your support as a candidi^ for Con^ss from the BiglimA.; District in the Demoeratlc Ads. get attention—and resnltat Primary June 4th, to suecead Walter Lambeth, who is re tiring. 'A SinceraJy, GEORGE ROSS Jackson Springs, Moore County Ge When the Crowd Gom YOUR THEATRE Liberty Always the Best All Wsys •f Stage and Senoa Hits Funeral Is Held For Mrs. Edminsten Funeral service was held Sun day afternoon at Edgewood Bap- t.st church for Mrs. Isab)felle Church Edminsten, age 53, '^ife (f R. G. Edminsten, of Ndrth Wilkesboro route 3. She died Thursday. , Surviving are her husband, four sons and two daughters, Glenn, Turner, Paul and Clyde Church, Mrs. C. H. Bentley and Mrs. Sherman Hendren; mother, Mrs. Alex Church, and the fol lowing brother.? and sisters: Mon ro^, Jake, Melvin. Garthey, Tur ner and Zollie Church, Mrs. Bert Ballard, 1 M^s-. Waters and Mrs. Grady iWatCrk. Pall . beairers iwefe D. C. Woodle.’ M. C. Williams, Cliffotd Moore, Buster Winkler, C. B.' Mayberry and C. G. Glass. Beautiful flowers were carried by the following:, Mrs. C. B. Mayberry, Mrs., l5. C. Waddell, Mrs. M. C. Williams, Mrs. Hazel Triplet, Miss Virginia Waters, Miss Hazel Edminsten, Miss Jack- oline Ballard, Mrs. Beatrice Bal lard, Miss Margaret. Church, Miss Virginia Church, , MIm Ruby Church, Mrs. D. J. Brookshire, Mrs. James Edminsten; Miss Con nie Edminsten,. Miss -.Winnie Eld- minsten. Miss Francis Keys, Miss Lillian Keys, Miss Mary Pennell, Mrs. Oma McClean, Miss Louise McClean, Mrs. Otto Church, Mrs. Atilla Pardue. w tsp-nz^ b 1 MOI^RNIZING? 'ate *«t modmmUmg lob. MDshUt w far BUnPMa OBAt*. Wo h«vo OTOfTtW»« T«> "T’*’ qM»y mi onr prleoo cm Ih# lowoot coosioisBl wlA BEPAmiNG? ^ vou roffolioiaoaa-wholhof M’s ■ irw iMt « hoortag or o corow -000.0.. doUvo* pro-ptlT. r BOHDEIG? Wo win bo glad to fumUb yoo wiib on oj^olo « oU ih. «lo^ \ M O ko»—0T0fT*toq bom *0 loundollo. I# «»o tool. CardweO '*^; jtorA Wilkeaboro, N. C. Ex-convict’s -wife: “Here yo’J are, just home after doin’ two years for arson, and no'w you can’t even make the kitchen fire di-aw.” ADMINISTRATOR’S NOTICE Ha'ving qualified as adniinistra- tdr of the estate of A. A. Finley, late of Wilkes County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of the deceased to present them to the undersigned at North Wilkesboro, N. C., on or before the 9th day of May, 1939, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate set tlement. This 9th day of May, 1938. A. G. FINLEY, Adminislratoi” of the estate of A. A. Finley, deceased. 6-13-6t-(M) NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Wilkes County. Wilkes County vs. Williams Mfg. Co. Under and by 'virtue of a judg ment made and entered in the above-entitled cause in the Supe rior Court of Wilkes county, dat ed May 9, 1938, the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 8th day of June, 1938, at 12:00 o’clock, Noon, at the door of the courthouse in Wilkesboro, North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirmation of the Court, the property hereinafter described, lo cated in New Castle To'wnship, Wilkes county, and more particu larly described as follows: Being 27 acres, more or less, in New Castle Township listed in the name of Williams Mill Mfg. Co., in 1934, and being all the land owned in New Castle Township by Williams Mill Mfg. Co., in 1934. For further descriptions reference is made to book —, page —, in the Register of Deeds office of Wilkes county. This 9th day of May, 1938. W. H. McELWEE, 5-30-4t(M) Commissioner TUESDAY OM.Y —— f:>' Thursday UP GOES THE NATION’S MIRTH-RATE ! Friday HERE COMES . . . “DOCTOR RHYTHM” B^^G CROSBY — RUFE DAVIS MARY CALISLE — ANDY DEVINE Laura Hope Crews — Beatrice Lillie -f »• NOTICE OF SALE North Carolina, Wilkes. County. Wilkes County vs. Mrs. Vetra Poindexter. Under and by virtue of a judg ment made and entered in the above-entitled cause in the Supe rior Court of Wilkes County, dat ed May 9, 1938, the undersigned Commissioner will, on the 8th day of June, 1938, at J2:00 o’clock. Noon, at the door of the Court house in Wilkesboro, North Car olina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the confirmation of the Court, the property hereinafter described, lo cal^ in Wilkesboro Township, Wilkes County, and more particu larly described as follows: Being 3 lots, or leas in Wilkes boro Township listed in the name of Vetra Poindexter in 1934, and behig all the land owned in Wilkesboro Township by Vetra Poinde-xter in 1934. For further reference refer to descriptions found in book —, page —, in the Register of De^s office of Wilkes county. This 9th day of May. 1938. W. H. .McELWEE, 5-30-4t (M) Commissioner NATIONAL Hardware Cast Your Vote FOR NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BILL BURGIN For Congress Democratic Primary June 4 V . a- - Under and by virtue contained in a certain deed of trust executed to A. F. Kilby, Trustee, and Yad kin Valley Motor Co.„ on the 9th day of September, 1935, by James Day and 'wife, Lue Day,, to secure a certain note therein mentioned, and default having been made in the payments thereof; and, de mand ha'ving been made upon me; I will, therefore, on •, Saturday, June 4th, 1938, at the iiptir of 12 o’clock, 'Nooii, at the courthoushT' door in Wilkesboro, N. C., offer for sale for cash to the highest bidder the " following described property, to-'wit: Beginning at a stake in the old Boone Trail at a branch and run ning with the branch with Virgil Church’s line south ,73. degrees east 6 and 3-4 poles to a walnut: thence north 66 degrees east 20 poles tp a stake; thence north 41 degrees east 20 poles to a little ooplar on the bank of the branch; thence north 45 degrees west 14 poles to a doubel black oak near the top of the ridge; ;thence south 64 degrees east 19 poles'to' the be ginning, containing 6 acres, more or less. ; The above mentioned property is recorded in the office of the Agis ter W Deeds of ;Wilkes county, in book 173, page 3. YADKIN VAiLEY MOTOR CO. . A. P. KIMY, 5-30-4t(M) T^ateej:|| ■ I j WILLIAM O. BURGIN) V LIBERAL IN MIND^ CAUTIOUS IN ACTION— OVEN IN SEfeVlCE^ 1WS IS NATIONE HARDWARE WEEK And While We Do Not Quote Prices Here... CUSTOMERS WILL FIND MANY SPECIAL PRICES THROUGHOUT OUR STORE ... IN CELEBRATION OF THIS SPECIAL Recognition of the Hardware.Trade COME TO SEE US FOR YOUR NEEDS IN SPRING HARDWA^ BUJB-'DING. MATE RIALS, PAINTS, WALLPAPER, GARDEN AND FASflllNGJOpi^. ^ We AppreciateYfor Trad^ -T Hardware — Pointa — W«B|»A|>W'1 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. ■ yv