■ CP' i? I%uak SOil^CwkUi,' editor l«e*hoito«i Icttrette 1A » ^mj)l» but impreealTe *»«p p«renU, Attorney and Mrs. J. fmaay it- tbp Baptist parson- hi Oreenaboro, MIm Virginia . ^tbertne Rarrta and Thomaa S. JA|U|Mte, o( Greensboro, were ^IBRif’m'tearrttge by Dr. J. ,^4e Tamer, paator of the Plrat fiHiillfllt fbiiieh.. in Greensboro, Mabwrdair afternoon at 6:30 o’- isrljpi* bride waa attired in a loye- ’Xr^irttfe'abeer navy and white wait with matching accessoriee. "Her eoraage waa of white rosea, 'tiaby "breath, and lilly of the ral- *W. .IiBiBediately following the .eeraaitoiy the couple left for 'polpts bf interest in eastern Horth Carolina and after June 15 will be at homd at 201 South Mendenhall Street, Greensboro. Annoandements of the wedding baTe been received in the city. Mra. Jenretto, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Andrew Harris, of North-H^ilkesboro, attended high set^oi .here and was graduated fHI^||eett>borcbCoIlege with the class of 1937. While in college she was outstanding scholastical ly, having been a member of the boner society. She belonged to the Irving Literary Society and „ Jgaia oflhe Internation- Relationii club and Spanish club, of which she was president. 'as atodent assistant la thg^BiMnish Department durtng ber Junior year In College. Mr. Jenrettc. A native of Fair mont, attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and for the past several years has been a member of the Greensboro high school faculty, in which ca pacity he serves as coach. He is also connected with the City Rec reation Department of Greens boro, and has lived at the Cava lier club since being in Greens boro. St a lovely bridge party gltan by Mias Jane Whicker at tte home of TSJi SocUac4a«d^ Meet Monday aWirii« »* o^ctack at Gio fcbmb of Mrs. K. M. PWHlps with-Mrs. M. O. > lOdwaMs as twsoelate hbatosa. H. Wblcker, Friday afternoon. The three honorees and hostess are graduates of Greensbora Col lege. Mrs. Hulcher, ■the former Miss Adelene Jones, of this city, was married In January, announce ment having recently been made of the marriage. Miss Harris was married last Saturday afternoon in Greensboro to Thomas S. Jen- rette, of Greensboro, and ■ Miss Faw’s wedding to Dr. Rufus Mor row, of Mexico, will be solemniz ed Saturday. Six tables were arranged for bridge in a pretty setting of gar den flowers and at the conclus ion of play Miss Cynthia Prevette, another Greensboro College grad uate, was awarded the top score prize. Miniature brides and grooms marked the positions of the three honored guests while the favors were silver shells, dec orated in lillies of the valley, and filled with green and white mints. To Mrs. Hulcher, Miss Harris and Miss Faw, the hostess pre sented crystal in their wedding patterns. When cards were laid aside Miss Wnicker had the as sistance of Mrs. Robert L. Huff man, Jr., of Hickory, and Mrs. A. B. Johnston ii serving delicious refreshments. Miss Anne Elizabeth Faw Feted At Bridfte Party Mrs William Marlow was hos tess at a delightful bridge party at her home on F Street Thurs day afternoon t o compliment lire. J. D. j^tertoined iWdge Cl^ ^Mrs. J. D. Mooro, Jr., entertain ed at bridge .at her home Thur^ day evening having as gue^ members of her bridge club. The ggne was played at two tahlM which tempting refreab- ments were served. The scorer, gave Miss Myrtle Norris the top score award. Mrs. J. T. Hubbard Is Auxiliary Hostess Mrs L T. Hubbard was hoa- tess to the Episcopal Auxiliary at her home in Wilkeshoro Tuesday afternoon with an attendance of » M«. V. W. B.rb.r ,h. pr» went, ■««> 1« It* I usual business session. Rev. ^ M. Lackey, of Lenoir, led the d^ votlonal period and also gave the program. He too, told about an Episcopal meetin^e ly attended at Tryon. A social hour and refreshments were en joyed at the close. Missionary wn- kesboro Methodist Missionary So ciety was held Tuesday afternoon TL b.». •> M"' “•«*' ler. Japan was the theme f study and was given by ^>^8. A_ W Lynch. Mrs. H. A. Cranor. and Mrs. N. B. S>«*they, with Ihe^e- votionals being led Kiter Bower. The president, Mrs. B S. Call, presided for the busi ness period. The twelve memheTS Hi two visitors attending were served refreshments during the social hour. Horton-Kauertz , Marriaire Vows Announced ’^Kuncement is made by Mrs. KENTUCKV MOONSHINE a Sit: .'■Al The Great Ajaerican Motkm Pletare 1 ^ ^ TYRONE POWER • ALICE FAYE • DON AMECHE I N TODAY and FRIDAY TODAY and FRIDAY —“IN OLD CHICAGO"— NEW YORK CITY . . . The Roman-striped blazer worn by the girl in the folding chair is made of silk and rayon jersey; her slacks are of a navy blue mohair mixture. Her companion w^s the bra top and swimming shorts of a four-piece suit in brightly pmted linen weave; the two othen pieces are a button-on bodice and skirt. day aiiernoou lu -toie r’ViiuDSwa Miss Anne Elizabeth Faw, a popu-jgteele F. tL mar- Bliss Jane VrTticker Is Hostess at Bridge Party Mrs. Charles B. Hulcher, Miss Anne Elizabeth Faw and Miss Virginia Harris were honor guests READ Nmiday’s Paper For Dat« Of Big Fire Sale!' lar bride-elect of this month, who is to be married Saturday to Dr. Rufus Morrow, of Mexico. Bridge was in play at two tables with the high score prize going to Miss Cynthia Prevette. Remembrance gifts were given to Miss Faw r.nd Mrs. Charles B. Hulcher, who before her mar riage in January was Miss Ade lene Jones, of this city. A variety of cut flowers, with pink and blue predominating, made fes tive decorations for the home. In serving refre.shments in two courses at the close of game the hostess was assisted by her sister, Mrs. Jack Bpame. , SMOAK Furniture Co, North Wilkeaboro, N. C. IJ. D. C. M«t With i Mrs. E. F. Stafford The final meeting for the pres ent club year of the Wilkes Valr ley Guards chanter of the D. Cv? was held Monday afternoon at the homo of ,^rs. E. F. Stafford with Mrs. Jo^ E. Johnson, the president, in ffeharge. After Swing ing “Carolina! Mrs. J, R. Finley, the chaplain,gave the dovotion- als. For the ptfcram. which was arranged by j|n. C. D. Coffey, Sr., a study of Jefferson Davis was made and also of iron, a pro duct of the Southern States, some product being studied each month. Mrs. Coffey was assisted by Mrs. W. C. Grier and Mrs. Johnson, each reading a poem. -An announcement of particular interest to V. D. C. members is that Mrs, Lamar, of Columbus, Ga.. will broadcast over the Blue Network, station W.IZ, June 15, at 115 about Sidney Lanier. street FMnt, Mich., of the mar riage of her daughter. Doreitha Zane. to Herbert John son of Lt. and Mrs. Theodore ^ Kauertz, 2304 Joliet Street, Flint Mich. The wedding took P^ace April 21. 193S. at Columbia C ty, ^fd , with the Rev. Val Hemlng officiating. MVS. Kauertz attend ed Central high school and Mr Kauertz is a graduate of North This marriage is of interest to the many friends of Mrs Kauertz, • „ nf Mrs W V. Williams, of piece ol Mrs. ' this city, who has visited here many times. The Misses Cal’s Honor^ their home on btree day afternoon honoring Prides and a hride-to-be. The 'Lides are Mrs. Fred C. Hubbard S . the former Miss Mary G^n Williams of this city, gnd • S„... B. H.l.h.r, .r».ry Miss Adelene Jones also of North SesJ?rn. The other ho-r guest was Miss Anne Faw, who is to be married Sat urday to Dr. Rufus Morrow ^t'a festive setting of Queen Anne’s lace. ^ other cut flowers four tables :‘.“e r,ad, ap prizes being high score. Mrs. Charles Hulcher, low score. Miss Sue Moring Clem ent, and travelers prize to Mis.s Helen Dula. To each of the hon orees the hostesses gave lovely remembrances. , , At the conclusion of play the hostesses with the assistance of their mother, Mrs. C. G. Poindex ter, served tempting refreshments in two courses. Miss Cynthia Prevette Is Hostess At Bridge Continuing a round of inter esting social activity Miss Jyntbia Prevette entertained at a delight ful bridge party at her home in Wilkosboro Wednesday evening as a courtesy to Miss Anne Eliza beth Faw, whose marriage to Dr. Rufus Morrow, of Mexico, is to be solemnized Saturday. The high score prize in the game, which was played at two tables, went to Mrs. Darwin Smithey. A dessert course was served following the conclusion of play. Remembrance gifts were pre sented to Miss Faw and to Mrs. Charles B. Hulcher, a popular bride, who before her marriage was Miss Adelene Jones. An out of town guest was Miss Irene Yarborough, of Thomasville, a roommate of Miss Prevette at Greensboro College. She too was given a gift. Ladies’ Contest To Be Feature Fly Casting Tourney Banner Elk.—Members of the fair sex will have a chgnee to compete for casting prifes in the Southern Fly Casting Tourna ment and Trout Derby which will he held on Elk River and Wild cat Lake at Banner Elk June 23, 24 and 25. Johnny Mackorell, v/ho will be in charge of the tournament and derby, said yesterday that a la dies casting contest had been ar ranged as a feature on the pro gram of casting events scheduled for the afternoon of June 25 at Wildcat Lake. Boomer News Items In Brief of Rev. S. I. Watts filled his regu lar appointments itt Goshen and Macedonia Sunday. Miss Grace Kilby has returned home after spending a few days w4fh her sister, Mrs. Nelson Carl ton, at Granite Falla. Revs. Finley C. Watte, Glenn Huffman and A. W. Eller, of Purlear and S. I. Watts, of Boom er, attended the preachers school at Mars Hill last week. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Greer and family were visitors with Mrs. Greer’s mother. Mrs. Mary Rog ers, of Taylorsville, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Phillips, of Lenoir, visited Mr. Phillips’ mo ther. Mrs. Julia Phillips, Sunday. Mr. Willard Wdlliams and Mr. Millard Carlton were visitors to Lenoir and Blowing Rock, Sun day. Aunt Maud Gilbert is very sick at this time. Misses Virginia and Hazel Staunton and their brother, Thel- hert, all of Berea College, arrived here Sunday to aislt their cousin, Mrs. Arthur Caudill. Attend the Air-Conditioned OrahemnTheatre '' PENNEVS « • FCAYURES New Lower Prices On White Goods enjoy the SEASON’S HITS Liberty Always the Best All Ways LOVE vs. THE “DEATH KISS” MONDAY-TUESDAY First Baptist Mission^y Society Met Tuesday P. M. Members of Circle No. 6 of the North Wilkeshoro Baptist Mis sionary Union presented an in teresting program at the month ly meeting he’d Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Chal Mc Neil. A study of Brazil was made witn talks being given by Mra. W. R. Absher and Mrs. C. B. El ler. Mrs. Eller gave the devotion- als, Mrs. C. S. Sink sang "Work ing, Watching and Praying’’, and special prayers were offered by Mrs. J. N. Shockey. Mrs. Eller, and Miss Lunda Hendren. The letter from Miss Pearl Johnson, a missionary from China, read by Mrs. Shockey was of much inter est. Due to the absence of the pres ident, Mrs. Tin McNeil, the meet ing was presided over by Mrs. Eller. Fifteen were present. THE STRANGEST and mystery ever TALE OF TERROR LIVED BY A MAN AND A GIRL I whotr'»ir«,rr -ittVX?" foe” in ieD>‘ «iii> iL,Vnfl WOW- * Today lICKI lEYS LAU6H RIOTi S A T U R D A Y R O Y ROGERS Newest Singing Western Stor IN — and — Smiley Burnette ALSO A STAR Most Definitely Is Born! • “UNDER WESTERN SKIES” KEN M A Y N.A R D In Bis Newest Picture ‘SIX SHOOTIN’ SHERIFF” Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Duncan and son, Issac, and Mrs. C. B. Lomax, were Charlotte visitors Wednesday. 'V\”'.ile in the city Mr. Duncan and son attended the 20th anniversary celebration of RCA Victor, and shewing of the new 1939 radio models. The name "Rotten Row’’ given a famous street in London, is a corruption of the original name “Route Dd Roi.” Save postage with BY'TEX FLIGHT Printed Stationery . . • it’.e as liglit as a cloud ... you can send 10 Single Sheets or 5 Double Sheets for only Sc by ordinary postage ... or 6c Airmail. And look at the envelope linings . • • very .smart and gay in Bine, Aqna, Dubonnet or Grey stripes. On sale for June Only . . • ouly SI 200 Single or 100 Double Sheets and 100 Envelopes printed with Name and Address.—Carter- Hubbard Publishing Company. WTiether yon’re “airmlnded” or not yen’ll take to RYTEX FlilGHT l^rinted Stationery with the colorful striped Envelope lin ings in Blue, Aqna,' Dnbonnet or Grey. On sale for June Only . . • 200 Single Sheet* or 100 Denable Sheets and 100 Envelopes . , . f 1 including Name and Address on Sheets and Envelopes. ‘ Crisp, White lliihtweJj^t paper that will ave many a ppetash pesmyt C® Pnhliah- 'Prtp; Resident Roaring River Is Buried Funeral services for Mrs. Ma tilda Jane Johnson Prevette. of Roaring River, 71, who died in a hospital at Elkin from compli cations of injuries received in a fall, were held at Rachel church in Wilkes county Wednesday morning at 11 o’clock. Rev. Grant Cothren and Rev. John Burcham officiating. Burial^ was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Prevette. daughter of the late Joseph and Diana Byrd John son, Is survived by four children, Mrs. Amos Shepherd and Clifton Prevette, both of Roaring River; Mrs. Marshall Harp, of Ronda, Mrs. Pholey Sparks, of Old Fort; and three brothers, Joseph and Mlcajah Johnson of Roaring Ri'- er, and Newton Johnson, ol Grant, Va. Magazine Editor Visitor In Wilkes Bert Bowdan, associate editor of True end Master Detective Magazines, was the distinguished guest ol Bennie Elliott Rothroch and little son. Harvey Elliott Rothrock at the home of her parents, Rev. and Mrs. J. R. El liott. Mrs. Rothrock is a writer for Mr. Bowdens magazine and is lo:ated at Leaksville, North Carolina. , Since this was the second Lime Mr. Bowdan had visited thm state they spent most of J"® , the mountains where they vis ited Boone. Blowing Rock and the various towns. In his exten sive travels during his connection with tie MacFadden ^ Mr Bowdan remarked that this, section of North Carolina even, surpasses the great Ozarks in its natural beauty. Mr Bowdan left Tuesday for his home office in New York City. Examinations For Drivers’ License Corporal Carlyle Ingle, of the state highway patrol, has an nounced that he will be at the police headquarters In ‘J® hall at nine o’clock a. m. Mondays and Saturdays for the purpose of Riving examinations to persons auplying for drivers’ licehse. Ap- puLrioL maybe obtained from the license bureau of the Caro lina Motor Club, located at I^n- dis tire store on C street, M,- Ingle said. For Camp, Lodte®, Cottage or Country Estate • • • RYTEX IAKE blue Printed with clever Uttle ’’sommer’’^ sigBS in Blue and Aqua o« blub Velliun paper. 100 8he^ and 100 Envelopes . . «aly f» and Addresa ^ Nation Wide Quality SHEETS 69c Ago $1 bed 81x99 inch full, double size! You seldom see viidik serviceable, well made sheets at savings like this, so stock up now! BATH TOWELS ISc 22x40 Double Loop Seldom do you see such a value! Heavy Towels in solid colors. Hurry in for your share. MUSLIN 5Cyi Bleached or Unbleached 36 Inches Wide Strong and long-wearing —a real money - saving value! Come in for yours today—it will sell fast! 81-inch SHEET!N(I This is the first time we have offered this smooth quality 9-4 Sheeting at Such a Low Price 16c yd. Rayon Taffeta SLIPS Extraordikiary Value 44c Every popular style, tail ored or prettily trimmed. Buy several for all sum mer use. Crepe Twist Srik HOSIERY Bargain Priced! 5 5c Ringless! Full fashion ed! Perfect quality and they’re exquisitely sheer and lovely; new colors! Cotton Dimity Spreads e.oi, $1W 81x105, in beautiful stripes. Guaranteed fast color Tailored Curtains p.i, 49C 2^-4 yards long, and tailored of fine Marquisette 42x36 Pillow Cases Made of a good ^ quality bleached B Sheeting. I T17PPV Wash Cloths 3. A full size Cloth in all desked colors. Priced 4^ Bargains, Children’s OXFORDS $1.00 Pair Children like this neat plain , toe s^le. You’ll like the big saving! Of soft wjiite glove leather with long wearing leather soles. WwLmade. ~SH1 Cool, Shew. ms • Dotted smreK tdelightful colors.' 52; ■’ - e Flock Dot Vofl^-