-j.», va 1 JOUBNAWAraiOT. NOBTO I ^9mtmai ciwwag T ~ TAKE COOKS — T c e € And B« Relieved USE A. /1J IVaf^ ton Qukk A(W0N Rato: Ic Afraid (lONli^ CBA]|^ 26e)' Ibi^ liuMtiton) FOR RENT FOR 4 rooms and Nth. T29 Kensington Drile. J. I. MYERS 7-7-tf iffiotoe Id FOR boro; .all aiotfern M^Venences; on bardsarfaVed street, ptaona 146.J. • 5-2'7-tf.-' HOV19E, re^, large poVbiies, good SEC-] 8tr basd^i^nt and large Write Mrs. R. E. Paw, ory. yard. Hlck- 6-2-tf PCm«AtE 10—785^ acres, the Commodore Hntchcns farm, known as W. A. Biakap. place; two-story dwelliifg, bottom, land, orchard, branch and good apring; going at your price. What, will you give? -Worth 02,- 000. On Congo road. 20 minutes drive from North Wilkesboro. 12—The HempMlI home and 8 acres land, on top of hill; grand | view. Has 10 or 12 room house,' water and lights. Good summer borne. See me at once! Going to Bell! 14—New brick home, not quite finished; 7 rooms, hardwood floors.’ bathroom, cellar; 15 lots face the highway. Best buy in Fairplains. Brother, don’t let this pass. Good terras. Don’t wait for me to see you. jCopie in and see me now! 16—^n highway 18, six minutes from North Wilkesboro. Don’t tell me after I have sold this that for S.U.E: Hhvc several-S^^d m Srow^’ tor- ol -tb« eobneff is ijltoVa ;anr ^ safely foUtoed. Like the other directors of the association, Mr. Waugh serves without compensation, but gladly gives of his time and ability In Ihbking after ’he "affairs of the association, and is. one whose opinion is always respected by his associates. He has at many times driven from hta mountain home on ralby evenings' to attend a building and loan directors’ meet ing, which shows that he Is very much Interested and wants to do his bit In helping make the asso ciation stronger and better. The entire board of officers and direc tors of the association consider Mr. Waugh one of their most valuable members. FOR .S.4Ii£: Nice ice refrigerator, good condition. R. J. Hinshaw at City Barber Shop. 7-ll-2t W. H. H. WAUGH ifaughPori^Mes lililfognantHere Manufacturer tmd Orchard- ist Is A^so Valuable Board Member Boonor cheap that you would have bought j 1 I it. 1 am telling you that it is go ing to be sold. Five-room brick house, car shed, smoke house, two acree land. ..Cheap—a beauty! 18—Six-room bungalow close in can be bought with, small down payment and balaiice very good terms. Nothing like it. Will pay for itself. Kun in before I sell it. Wake up, don’t let all the bar gains pass! 20—Nine-room house, large lot, bath, lights, water, close to .school and churches; good neighbors; plenty sbrnbbery. Can make into apartments if wanted. Has ga rage and cellar; two closets. Come on, man, get a good home. Best terms can be made. 22—Listen, got all kinds of lots cheap and higher. Buy some lots' POSITION WANTED: Yonng man W. H. H. Waugh was born in Ashe county, near ■what was then Gap Creek postoffice. He moved to North Wilkesboro in the year of 1908. His common and high school education was received mostly in Ashe county and par tially in North W’ilkesboro; his prep school education was receiv ed at the Appalachian Training School at Boone, afterwards he took a business course at Oak purebred Jersey milk cows and I Ridge Institute After finishing j heifer.s. Fresh cows with reg-1 school his early work was in istration papers: also of ac-|Nortn Wilkesboro where he work- credited herd. John T. Eller. I for a short time with the Hor- Purlear, N. C. 7-14-3t-pd | !on Drug company and also for I p, very short period for FOR SALE—Oldsmobile car; old model, in running condition and at a bargfain price if sold quick. Cheap transportation for any one working in town, living out. Apply Journal-Patriot office. FOR SALE: One good farm horse, priced cheap. United Supply Company. 6-27-tf A. M. CUT FI.OWERS, D.'ihlias and Gladiolas. Prices reasonable. Mrs. W. E. Snow. Fairplains. 7-18-4t-pd-(.M) PIANOS FOR .SALE: iwerai slightly ii.sed Pianos, good as new, and new apartment sizes; also spinettes. Write Albert F. Johnson. Troutman, N. C. 6-6-tf MISCELLANEOUS and build you a home. Can bor row money easily. Times are picking up. People have got to have places to live. 26—If you want to sell, see J. I. Myers. If you want to buy, see J. I. Myers. If you want to rent, see J. I. Myers. If you want rents collected, see J. L Myers. i thoroughly experienced in all kinds of corn grinding desires position. Knows how to hold custom trade. May consider leasing small mill. Expert rock .sharpener. Reply X-32 care of Journal-Patriot. It-pd Been at this business 30 and just getting started Glad to have you come in. years, good. BUSINESS IS PICKING UP! J. 1. MYERS REAL EST.\TE FOR SERVICE—Poland Cltina- Berkshire boar; parents on both sides entitled to registra tion. See 0. C. Bumgarner. (Back of W. A. Bumgarner’s home) four miles west on Highway No. 421. 7-7-2t-pd DRILLED WELLS for all pur poses at prices the lowest ever quoted. For estimates call or write at once. R. E. Faw, Hickory, N. C. 5-2-tf HEARTY Congratulations TO THE North Wilkesboro Building & Loan Association AND ITS Officers and Directors Church & Sons, operators of a general merchandise store. He then secured employment with F. n. Forester & company as a £al':s:nan but only continued as a salesman for a very short time. He was then transferred from the sales department to the account ing department, where he kept the books of this company for a period of twenty years. Mr. Waugh is perhaps one of, if not the best, accountants in Wilkps county. A few years ago Mr. Waugh became intere.sted In fruit culture and purchased what is known as *he Beuna Vista orchards, located o n Brushy Mountains, which he operated very successful for several years, and only a few years ago he pur chased the Gold Medal orchards, also on the Brushy Mountains, where he now lives. The two orch ards combined make Mr. Waugh one of the largest, if not the largest, apple growers in this sec tion of the state. His orchard business provides work for a large number of people. His operations are carried on in the most mod ern and up-tc-date manner. Mr. Waugh was appointed receiver for the Wilkes Milling company a few years ago, although not know ing very much about the milling business, he carried on the ope rations of the milling company in a very successful and satisfactory manner and got the institution into shape where the receivership coul'l be terminated. Recently , Mr. Waugh purchased the prop erty of the Wilkes Milling com pany and is today the owner and manager of this going concern, who are manufacturers of corn meal, flour and feed stuffs, as well as large dealers in coal. Wilkes county is proud of a citizen such as Mr. Waugh, and although like many residing here, he was not born in Wilkes but has made it his adopted county and is just as much interested in the county’s welfare and ad vancement, if not more so, than some of the native born citizens. Mr. Waugh, prior to moving to the Brushy Mountains, was a member of the North Wilkesboro M.'. J. Gordon Watts, of South Bend, JHch., arrived Tuesday to spend a few days with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dodson Watts. Mr. Watts Is employed by the L. G. Ballard Creamery there and we are glad to learn that he Is making good. Quite .a number of people met at the school building last x/eek to discuss or lay plans for a new school building, community house and play grounds. Enthusiastic talks were made by Supt. C. B. Eller. Mr. W. R. Craft, and Miss Harriett McGocgan. We are proud of our community and the splen did attitude it has always taken in the education of its boys- and girls. So let each one again pledge his support to this good cause and make our community a better place in which to live. The Boomer baseball teams played a double header Saturday afternoon when they played Pur- lear anfl Cricket. The larger boys defeated the Purlear boys in an •interesting game of 5 to 3. But the American I.egion Junior team was defeated bv “The Crickets’’ 12 to 0. A new grandstand has recently been constructed, which has added much comfort to the large crowds who attend these games. Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Carlton mo tored to Roaring Gap Friday and also several miles on the Scenic Highway. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Cummings, of Charlottesville, Va.,'spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greer. .MiisB Louise Landis, of Win ston-Salem, visited Miss Marjorie Hov.’ell Saturday and Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Phillips and son visited Mr. and Mrs. Con rad Eller at Pores Knob Sunday. Miss Hazel Staunton, of Hen derson. Is visiting her cousin, Mrs. M. A. Caudill and family. She expects to return to Berea College in the fall. Mr.s. Parks Lackey, of Hldde- nite, who visited her son, Edward Lackey, and family and her sis ters, Mrs. Lafayette and Pink ney Swanson last week returned to h-ir home Sunday. Rev. S. I. Watts has been con fined to his bed several days on account of illness, but his friends will be glad to learn he Is Im proving, Mrs. Minslow Randolph and Mrs. Will Abernethy. Jr., of New ton, were visitors at the home of Miss Hassle Wall Friday. Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Jones, of Summit, visited his parents, Mr. (Continued on page three) ENJOY THE SEASON’S HITS Liberty Always the Best AH Way* Monday TUES. BUILD YOUR HOME THROUGH THE BUILDING AND LOAN FAULITIES AND THEN SEE THAT YOUR INVESTMENT Properly Insured ALL FORMS OF INSURANCE AND BONDS t.. Insurance Co., Inc. C. C. FAW,-5ec’y*-Tre“* Coi^ratnkdions To The Niorth Wilkesboro Building and Loan Association upon reaching its 35th ANNtVERSARY and also upon its -fina recorej of service to the community it has served for so many years. • Now is the time to build your new home . . . and when you need electrical work we invite you to get our estimates. —•— Day Hectric Go. Electr^-iii Contr^^^trs Te||^ltone 32B Pulse- Pounding Adventure The Most Discussed Picture of the Year ! Madelein Henry Carroll Fonda * Leo CARRILLO — in — . "Blfifkade” • Heart-tingling love ... as 'a natiH> aeS^ndk in flames 1 TODAY - FRIDAY A -r.' Can Oto Home—yie... BiliUto aid Lom Way .oan Aasototto, ifewCidimiltolib CAN QUICKLY ARRANGE FOR YOU TO OWN YOUR OWN HOME. SEE THE LOCAL B. & L. AND THEN SEE US FOR LOWEST BUILDING MATERIAL PRICES. This Firm Cordially Congratulates the Officers and Directors of the North WffloesiHH’o and Loan Association For the Good Work They Are Doing on Behalf of Home-Owners and Shareholders. The association is a Great Asset to Our Community, and We Wish For It Continued Growth. Telephone 138 NoiHi W^esboro, N. C. THIS BANK EXTENDS ITS CONGRATULATIGNI TO THE OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS WHO HAVE MANAGED THE AFFAIRS OF THE NORTH WILKESBORO BUILDING AND LOAN ASSOCIATION so successfully. The association has a record of 35 yesurs of fine service to the people of this community, and is a financial institution of which we su'c justly proud. Bank Of NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C OFFICERS: DIRECTORS: J. R. Hix, .. President J. R. Hix E. M. Blackburn S. V. Tomlinson, _Vice President S. V. Tomlinson Ralph Duncan R. W. Gwyn, Cashier R. G. Finley J. E. Justice, Jr. W. W. Starr, Asst. Cashiar R. W. Gwyn Memhm F^eralDeposit InsaraiiceCtok

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