f*5iBkiiown oii^a Mat«B«ch ^ tl»& bfttta^cttcontained « t a r w«^‘M f^a laaf tobacco.'ted- ^ daa aikM'd|tt^ liftTa pradmd VIRirojSJlEWAI 6b, l^re.. '‘i^l^^M.- _ _ ilUta dacidtd«''fr*B8- ’’ tar inj|^]^*8 saTing of $9,230 I to bank, bat lost the Am BBldentitied man return- ^ock a|M) IBont?. Hera's Bal- , J505^ “Fot‘ drunk, nerar gat Ht ^tii,'alwa7s pay my bills. Now, I got Shy money back.’’ Prize of $^.001$ Offered School b Be$t Showing A Royal Visitor TO PROBE CHARGES' Washington, »Anf. I|8. — The sanats* campaign ex^ditftrea committee directpd its inrestiga- tions in Tennes.see today to check j.on complaints-from Senator Ber ry, Oamocrat. Tennessee, that WPAr officials asseased relief woirkeib|;ani|;,j|^|]^ID^ against -Jklin when be inw mflfeated for re- aomfnatlon Inlhe Angust 4 Dem- atie primary. Soldiers to Take Part In Parade Through City On Opening Day GOVERNOR IS COMING Governor Hoey Will Be In Reviewing Stsuid On Main Street iT 12TH GRADE Raleigh. Aug. 23.—The com mission studying North Carolina’s education system heard reports from tour clUes today that a 12tlr fc school yesfr seemed to.'justly Its cost, brjiw%t a higher petdrot- age ot pAmotlons and j>leas^d Jj4- trons. The -reports came ^frnm superintendents of schools In Charlotte. Roanoke Rapids, Rocky Mount .and Washington, N. C„ which have nine-month, 12- ^ade schools. BUSml^S UP New York, Aua from Detroit that makers were preparing to spend many millions of dollars for parts and materials 'n speeding manu facture of 1939 ears cheered Wall street today and sent motor shares to the head of an advanc- Ing stock market. Nearly $100,- 000,000 was added to the mar ket value of General Motors’ 4 3.- 500,000 shares in the rush to get aboard automotive Issues. The stock clo.sed $2 higher at $49.50 and touched the highest prices .recorded this year. Chrysler rose ' but $3 to a new peak for 1933 at I $75.62. .HUNT MAD KIU ER I Cleveland. Aug. 23.—Detect- ilves picked up a 59-year-old junk Idsalar tonight for auestioning in 'Icoancction with 12 butcheries trc^ascrihed to a "torso killer.’’ ^ action followed identificar 'of a quilt wrapped around parts of the latest woman vic tim’s' body found on a dump here last' week. A harber gave police description of the junk man to The Great Northwestern Fair will he formallv opened during the forenoon of Tuesday, Septem ber 13, with a parade over streets of this city and before a review ing stand in which Governor Clyde R. Hoey will be honor guests. W. A, ’VIcKiel. secretary and general manager of thp fair Association, said today. In the parade, which will form at the corner of 10th and C street at ten o’clock, will be na tional guard companies of North Wllkesboro. Morganton and Stat3.svllle, 105th engineers band, the hand engaged by the fair, and school chMdren from the fifth grade up from schools of Wilkes county. .Also Included in the pa- 22.—News rade will be floats and other at- automohile tractions. The reviewing stand will be located on Main street at the in tersection of 8th. Mr. McNiel announced that the fair association will give a cash prize of $25 to the school making the best showing in the parade. •J. B. McCoy Is parade committee chairman, he said. After the parade reaches the fairgrounds Governor Hoey will deliver au address at 11 o’clock. .All sctiool children will be guests of the fair association on opening day and will be admitted on free tickets. Fair officials report much in state highway maintenance forces are now bnally engaged In covering up some old landmarks in North Wllkesboro—the cobble stone surface on fith and 9th streets. The badly needed work is being financed through highway main tenance funds due North Wllkee- boro for the year, the allowance being computed on the mileage of state highways over the streets of the city. A black top asphalt compound surface is being applied on top of the blocks of stone, which were laid more than two decades ago in preference to asphalt or con crete to prevent slippery surfaces and were designed to assure horses sure footing on the hills. But the cobblestones became uneven and were worn so slick that they were more hazardous than a smooth surface for motor traffic or for the horse, which in this age seldom Is .seen on the streets. Tlie workmen began putting the surface on 6th street and are working one block at a time whi'e traffic ir detoured around the block. It Is estimated that abput two weeks will he required to complete the surfacing job on 6th and 9th, depending on weath er conditions. The surface being applied Is similar, to that placed over the Pol'.ce Round Up Gang For asphalt streets last year and is highly recommended for durabil ity .and low maintenance costs. Southwold. Knvlnnd. . . • King Gconte, shortly after his return to England after a Sta e visit to Paris. sj>cnt a day at the Duke of York’s cantp, oi' ivhich be was patron before his-accession to the throne. Negro Holds Up Storekeeper and TakesCigarettes F'obbery and Theft Of Automobile Tuesday Clinton Hackott, colored man who had ju=t completed 12 months on the i-oac’.~. for stealing an automobile, on Tuesday held upr a country etr-re keepef at" the point of a pis’ol and took some cigarettes. Dater in the day ho .stole Chris Williams’ car from w'here it was parked in this city and was cap tured by North Wllkesboro po lice on highway 18, Chief J. K. Walker said. A party of colored men com- oiiiciaiE reui.M L iuuv;ii . terest among farmer.s. orchards Posed of Hackott B.U McCon^^ whom he said he sold the qnilt. Nerel said the tracing of the quilt was A® “impor'.ant link'' in the ••arch for the mad man who Km decapitated five women and 'aerou men in the last three years. TANK EXPLODES 'West Jefferson, Aug. 23.—A- bout 9:45 o’clock Monday night J^ferson residents heard ;oslon that caused their homes to tremble and a number window panes to shatter. Some thought an earthquake had A large truck car- and other in plans for placing products on exhibit in competi tion for the $2,000 in cash prizes offered this year. On the midway of the fair will be a renovated West World Won der Shows with 15 new rides and shows. I’ollyanra Revue, so wide ly acclaimed tor performances last year, will return through booking with George A. Hamid and will have a sparkling new revue. Other grandstand acts in clude the Moreen troupe in sensa tional acrobatics. Georgeous fireworks each of the five nights of the fair, Wil son’s Hell drivers on the race track one day during the fair and automobile races on Satur day afternoon rounds out what is considered to he the foremost aggr'>gation of attractions ever offered the public in this section. jl? »tnick town. ^ Tying a load of liquid tar belong- “ ■ Construction Ing Tvler OWHSWiy twd caught fire and ex- pKMHi at the govenimont -atock- white being loaded from a tnat car. Truck Driver Eugene Cra«wl''and his companion were ■In the process of filling the enor- mon» trnck tank when Craven climbed on the top of the tank, •trnolc a' match and peered In- Mde to see If It was filled. It was. hpbntTpe.\ks ]^,j>Mk. N. Y.. Aug. 23.— "t Roosevelt asserted to- p. Intefvention by members tn „™'|mrty'ln the primary eleo- ttoBpt another destroys a funda- I aieotal principle .of the American pMty system. The President dis- •Maed particularly the Idaho ■Haation where Senator James P. ^^^the administration candi date, was defeated tor " ip'the DemocraUc p. JWoTth Clarh^:|’t>pc» Will Play Hanes Cubs On Sunday North Wllkesboro baseball team will play Yadkin all stars at El'kin on Saturday and on Sun day Hanes Cubs comes to Uils city Jor a game at 2; 3.0. The game Sunday Is the second of a 3-game series wiih the Cubs and a lively contest is expected. Car builders make certain high claims for speed of their autos, butr let them do the proving. head. J. T. Little and Bozo Wil liams engaged a taxi here to car ry them to Roanoke, 'Va. Near Mc- Grady Hackett asked the driver to stop because they wanted to get some cigarettes at a store and service station operated by John Miller. Hackett, McConniehead and Little got out of the car and went into the store, where Hack ett drew a gun and demanded cigarettes which Mr. Miller hand ed him. They went back to the car and the taxi driver put them out when he saw the gun and became su spicious. Hackott is-alleged to have returned to North Wilkes- boro, where he stole Mr. Wil liams’ car. Miller Identified Hackett as the negro who held him up for cigar ettes and Hackett is now appar ently headed for another stretch for robbery and auto theft. A hearing was given the ne- gros yesterday before Magistrate J. C. Wallace and Hackett, Mc Conniehead and Little were placed in jail in default of bonds. Hackett’s bond was set at $1,200, Little’s at $1,000, and McCon- niebead’s at $500. AU three of them have conrt records, police said. Bozo Williams, fourth member of the party, was acquitted be cause he was not in company with the others when Mr. Miller was held up or when Mr. Williams’ car was stolen. Cricket Juniors Wm Deciding Game And County Title Here Wednesday City Sh •' ;«nd R«x. C»ri Byers. Playing their beat game of the year. Cricket baseball team shut out Traphill 9 to 0 here Wednes day in the fifth and deciding gamfe of the county series for the junior baseball championship, l^dnglng to a close a very success ful year for Junior baseball again sponsored and _ maintained by the Wllkds LdRlon'post. The live game series proved to be as eiolttng and close as was exjiected.-Traphill won the first galhe. Cricket the next two and Traphill came back to win 6 to 3 Saturday *®t stage for the decUSSy ga™® yesterday. the series by virtue of leading in in the gad B- C. - Paraona »irt gwao « he had to that one run. Cricket posted four HiylM- more in the second and continued the scoring at intervals with base hits off Spruill and loose fielding by Traphill. Parsons allowed only two hits. Cricket and Traphill went into reunion. post to be hold soon. Advance interest is shown in the two-cdnnty title e deCllBBB sauiB • — - —• uvbui Cricket op ^ leadi et and Grassy Creek, Ashe county t^mpiona. . A five^gaine. jmries w^th ^imes aiternating hiRween wiin gsmea aiierDSUM owvweeu yMr. Cllnen^Wnt^ Of R-_^ North‘T^lkeghow ^lfragt Jef- iflreT, waa In thto city yc^f^ ferson ia planned. / ‘ i—i—— — —■ Ken Maynard Enjoys a Visit To This City Ken Maynar.l. western screen star and idol of millions of chil dren as well as many grown ups, came to North Wllkesboro Mon day and thrilled large crowds in his appearance at the Orpheum Thea’re. But his visit was equally en joyable for himself, he said in effect In f.n interview with a rep resentative of The Journal-Pa triot at his room in Hotel Wilkes following the night performance. The he-man star of the west erns said that his plans,-were to spend the night in WlnstOH-Salem after the shew here but that he had been treated so cordially, liked the peopie so well and found hotel accomodations so good that he remained here un til late forenoon Tuesday before proceeding to Rockingham, his next performance. . .. With Ken Maynard were his gchool building, secretary, property man, two western actors who assisted in his stage appearances and his famous horse, Tarzan, which was carr'ed, in a truck but stage ac comodations did no* permit fhe famous horse taking part in the show. However, the street in front of the theatre was roped off and hundreds saw the horse which has shared in the acclaim accorded Ken Maynard pictures over a period of several years. That the people enjoyed his show and that he enjoyed his vis it to North W? keaboro was ap parent. in conversation tbe screen cordial, making a very favorable impression and reflecting his trern'"nduous popularity. McNeill Reunion Sept. 4 Will Be Largely Attended Judge Johnson J. Hayes, pro gram chairman for the McNeill family reunion to he held at Mil lers Creek school on Sunday, Sep tember 4, Is preparing a program of- Interest to all who attend the .no u, Attend.snce at. every reunion broken leg and other the western and eastern leagues bas shown an Increase and it was , , . Tuesday when a road’oll of four teams each. Cricket-had learned today that members of ^ ^ been undefeated In the regular fbe family from many counties schedule? The county title trophy and from several states are mak- wlll be presented the winning i^g plans to be present for the team In a meeting of the Legion reonlin this year "Tabs”, mother cat at the home of Mrs. J. W. Brooks, is shown here affectionately looking after her mixed litter of three kittens and two 'young rats. The collection representing an old freak of animal behavior has attracted much attention since Mrs. Brooks found the cat 'witk the newly born kittens and young rats in the 'barn more than a week ago. One of the rats died. (Photo by Cour tesy of Winston-Salem Journal). Beniai’d Lilies Elected Coach At City School All Candidates For Football Team Will Meet the Coach September 1 Bernard Lilian, honor student and letterman In football, basket ball and baseball at Elon, has been elected coach and math teacaer at the North Wllkesboro high school, Paul S. Gragan,, sup erintendent, announced today. M r. Lillen succeeds Ralph Barker, who resigned to accept a position with Curti? Publishing company in the Carolinas. He is a graduate of Elon col lege, whe»'e he made an outstand ing record and In addition to be ing a honor student he was editor of the college newspaper, was a football quarterback, guard in basketball and plAyed shortstop position In baseball. Before en tering college he engaged in semi- pro nlay of the leading sports. 'He has had extensive exper ience as a playground director and in summer seasons he has been physical instructor at sum mer resorts. 'While in college he taught night schools and did edu- catloaal work in C. C. Camps. He will arrive in North Wil- kesboro on Augtlst 30 and on 'Thuraday, September 1, ten o’ clock, he will meet ail candidates for the football team at the high Wilkes Man Dies Of Injuries In Accident Sunday Clyde Hemric Killed Sunday Night When Car Over- turns Off Highway Clyde Hemric, age 25. died in the hospital at Elkin Tuesday morning from Injuries received Sunday night when bis car left the highway and overturned sev eral times off an embankment Into a cornfield about five miles east of Elkin. Hemric suffered a skull frac ture, broken ribs and internal cheat injuries. As the machine catapulted from the highway Hemric was thrown many feet from the demolislied car. which is said to have contained about 100 gallons of liquor. Hemric, who had been staying in Winston-Salem for some time, is survived by his father and mother, G. M. and Rosa Gambill Hemric, of the Wi^dy G.ap com munity, his wife, Mrs. Nadine Hemric, ihree brothers and four sisters. Funeral service was held to day, 11 o’clock, at Macedonia Baptist church with Rev. R. N. Jarvis conducting the last rites. Highway Commissioner J. G. Hackett and Mr. W. A. McNiel left yesterday for E.ienton, to at tend the dedication of the large bridge at that place. Court Defers Decision In Election Argument Over Deane Nomination Faculty Millers Creek Will Meet Attorneys to File Briefs and Judge May Render His Decision Next Week R. V. Day, principal of Millers Creek district schools, has an nounced that members of the faculty of the central school will meet at tbe school building Fri day, August 26. two o’clock. All Raleigh Aug. 24.—Judge W. C. Harris ended late today a hear ing into W. \). Burgln’s action for an order directing the state board star was extremely pleasant and other teachers In the 3iai rrao onhonl nn SotlirdaV meet at the school on Saturday morning, August 27, ten o’clock. Elverv teacher In the district Is asked to be present. ^ed Mari Hurt In Auto Crash F,. Henderson Critically Ifijured When Truck Hits His Car C. F. Henderson, age 74, su- There will be an all-day pro- gram and a basket dinner at ‘“' noon. Complete program for the: Ouvvvu an w ^as w.v vavaw QOOH. ava series to be played between Crick- occasion will be announced peart XVITVli wao « a.* -r ..7^ looking after bnetnees ouiltonk truck atr’.ck and almost demol ished his car us he was turning on highway 421 near his home abont two miles ^ oast of Wilkes- boro. Mr, Henderson was carried to the Wilkes hospital, wwMife ex amination .jshpwed that hW^ left leg was broken and that kfeyant' lered lovere laceratjoiiflg on,%,^; of .^lections to declare him the B. tion if Burgin’s op.nonent, C. Deane, as the nominee. At one point coni’sel for Bur- gin accused the state hoard of having upset Burgin’s apparent nomination because of a s'desper- ate effort” to get rid of the ab sentee ballot. Directed to .Submit Briefs Judge Harris directed the at torneys to submit briefs to him, and indicated that he would not reach a decision in the case natll late next week. Burgin’s lawyers said they might auhmit a brief by Satur day, arift'Xttorneys for the state board said they might have theirs ready.by Monday. Rdjg^^i^ortginally certified by “’^'icials showed Burgio me by abont 100 votes. TEACHERS EMPLOYED Many Buildings Have Been Repaired Durimr jthe Vacation Months About' ten thousand children in Wilkes county are looking for ward with anticipation to Mon day morning, August* 29, when the school bells will again- sum mons them to the class rooms and playgrounds for the opening of the 1938-39 term. Year by year the "little red school house on the hill” is dis appearing in Wilkes and Is being replaced by the modern consoli dated school. Last year three modern build ings were used for the first time and when schools open Monday another new building will house school children. The ten-room ad ditional building a( Wllkesboro will be in use, although much work remains to be done before it is pronounced finished. Two small schools. Edgewood and Miller, will be consolidated with Wilkesbofo this year , Teachers for the schools of the epunty have been employed and are now ready to begin anot’oei eight months work in their chos en profession. A majority of the teachers will be teaching in the ^-■sohools where they taught last year. School bus drivers have been employed and are now awaiting the opening morning when they will make their first trip and with a determination that noth ing will mar the success of school transportation d’iring the term., This will be the second term of f(ee s.chool hooks to children in the elementary grades and the books have been distributed to the schools in proportion to the expected enrollment. High schools books will be rented- or-said at the schools, the same system of distribution used last year. North Wllkesboro city schools will open one week later on Sep tember 5 under direction of Prof. Paul S. Cragan, formerly superin tendent of Ruffin consolidated school in Rockingham county. Ho succeeds W. D. Halfacre as bead of the schools here Following is the list of teach ers as released yesterday from the office of the county board of education: Wllkesboro: T. E. Story. Helen Bostic, Mrs. Jessie Pharr, Vaughn Jennings, Lillian Stafford. Ghlta Tuttle. J. L. A. Bumgaroer, R. E. Caldwell. Dorothy Lashmlt, Mrs. Pearl Hartley, Eloiee Starr, Edith Hemphill Cynthia Prevette, Ger trude Steelman, Lucille Scroggs, Louise Melville. Mrs. Grace Ed- wawrds, Mrs. Zola Barber, Mar garet Hansel, Ruby Martin, Mrs. Grace Henderson, Mrs. Willie Felts Arbor; S. C. Hutchinson, Edith Church. Boomer: G. ,T. Earp, Luclle German, Eva German, Eunice- Walsh> Cherry Grove: Mvrtle Smithey. Ferguson: G. E. Tester, ■-Mrs. Mrs Ray Bum- winner of the congressional nom ination in the eighth district. The end came after opposing Winnie Stokes, counsel had attacked and defend- garner, Mrs. Ro.xie Jennings, Bas ed the state board’s investl.zation si® Brock, Addle Casey, Bernice of the eighth district second pri- mary and its eventual certifica- Bertha Hodges. Mrs. Frankie Wll- -the state board’s In- , Windy rill'ei^ irregularl- ~ rotarnb r on W* Gilreath: Goshen; Hams. High Rock: .Annie Howell.' Lewis: Burris Day. - Loyelace: Bertha McBride. Moravian Falls: Zeb Dickson,,,^ Mrs. Janie Howell, Mrs. Maa^Hen^^ dren, Mary Louise Jones, Mrs. Wlille Dickson. - Mountain Crest: Lillian Lln- ney. Ml. Ptagah; Mrs. Katie Pelts. Mt. Shial: M. P. Mastln, Mrs. Alma Parks. Oal^woods: Mrs. Valeria Foster, MrsT Faye Davis. OsbornTille: ’lismle ProTotte. Parker, Margaret, Earnhardt. Plney Grove: Mrs. S'nady Grove.!;, Nol#^ Spurgeon: - Delia Bumga^ei*'’--' - ‘ ■- Mt. PleaiMnt 0. 0. Bttadg^ * (Coitlia«4 Mri Ofti

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