'V ■ a: ■■■ ' . .. V..? S a-,'‘»'t¥'-. Bdftor t» • i'. odhM etofi«» will M foUowss 01i«ie No. 1 U ihe * 1* Aycook wl» 9fi^ 4r K^ Fe«*»o j; Tlia 'jiiuiT »» •* JUm«,. of" thl«^ jpltTc Vs., trfto wss is^ jlaitlng •tstpi,' weriT'reifii lUgstiti^Ats^isf i«o. plsT. bsr fSc' I ii[^ffi.,ri»|;ni.. if ^ OBtertyaod . St hof'Koi^o ' ThanilKjr •i time tlTe .tsblee l^/br brtdce and one >'brides ot the enm- Brnce ^sngh and Mre. were honor guests Hb'.ue seining, each recelTing tenrsi* vemembrsnce gifts from .'i|m bteteas. Mrs. Waugh is the Miible Hauser, of •city, and Mrs. Moss before 'marriage was Miss Julia Bell IVirt BJt. Airv. f _¥he' llrlng room and sun room mate, attractively decorated in Bffited euf., flowers while tallies yun In bridal boniuet designs, ntoee wlhnlng prizes in the game were Mrs. W. K. Sturdivant for Wgh score in bridge and Mrs. J>ed Pope low. High and low •core in rook went to Mrs. F. C. JVwester and Mrs. E. E. Eller. When cards were laid of h«r 'parents.' Mr. and- 'Mrs. C. A. Lowe. 1b Wll»«boro Friday evening honoring her brother, Mr. Arthu# Lowe, who leaves aooo to eater the University 'of North■* Carolina at Chapel ' Hill. Among the guests were a number of other younr people who will be leaving soon to eater various colleges. Decorations for the borne was a mixture of tall flowers emphasiz ing a color note of pink and white. During the evening punch, cookies, and mints, were served in the dining room by the hos tess mother, Mrs. Lowe. The din ing table, spread with a lace cov er, had for its centerpiece a bowl of mixed flower?, and was in soft candle light. Dancing, music, and games provided enterlainraent for the twenty-five gueets attending. ^ hoMe H#s. OeBio Oard^l o^Kog^ia, »!80 p.,m. \ Oairthep etadir . >« ^ home of Jim. Md Gardam with Mrs. Hampton McNeil aa eo-bostoss, 7:40 Ik m. a TBio Franklin Clrcte at the home of Mw. Waite# Newton with Mrs. Jack Brame and Bfirs. John Ton as co-ho«t«^, 7:00 p. m. given Mnl ^ylo^^utcfiina al her home 00. |1' Btreet Thniaday iftemoon with gqe«l» snl^iant tor thr^ tables- boinFlT. invited. The count of srardh at eoncluion of play, gave Mrs.' B. Carter top -icore award with the-travel er's prise being inittt’*by Mrs.' Ira Payne. A salad and sweet course followed play. iktae^^ii^bllt th^ woatS ’ # “Have vou be«n lookin’ at the Lar^o nodded- Chnek l-Mnlh im #o»tt seed > pm. n«**ris Jiia ' -a' goW(’»» ffte st^," Chuck ,j,g»lw . ^ Vllan! Somebody's sis rl^;',tb» can use solid gold, bits f«a. erg^ horse in thMr 1f^le. Vfhb owSs .--' J. ..*>■ .wi. - ft? The PreebyterUn circle* are meeting Tneeday with the fol*, lowing as hostesses: ' Circle No. 1, at the home of Dr. Carolyn Taylor with Mrs. Bare as co-hostess, S p. m. Circle No. 2, at the home of M^ James Smners with Mrs. b7^4. Shook as co-hostess, 8 p. m. Circle No. 9, Mrs. W. H. Mc Neil, 8:30 p. m. Circle No. 4. Mrs. M. A. Vlc'aery, 8:80 p. 111. THE FUED AT SINGLE SHOT Imredo shook precisely: “Not‘6e.*-Nbt- 'the-Jah- per ihat’? 'been minin' it either.*" “You mean' somebody thU doesn’t own it has done this work?’’ Laredo nodded. “He flggered it would be b's some day, so it wasn’t wasted.” (Continued next week) hlnBis hbo ha «he MIR eirte-o# t Vance ;|4o«itihp or tha-.i >«eji'l4Mtor8-- Othi fllda - tbmmi: Rock Mbore flrblsiMSifa The Lmie gthtL Uberty Tihndh- suer's Cafe .... Mathews Cafe Try Me Cafe , Snappy Lunch Central Cafe _ C Orado Beeches Place Wonder Cafe ——— Miss Elizabeth Neal Theatre Party Hoste.ss Miss Elizabeth Neal was hos- aside i tess at a theatre party Thursday Mrs. Absher had the assistance of j evening honoring Miss Celeste Mrs. Bill Absher in serving a I Spivey, of Rich Square, who was Imit salad course a'ith accessor-! i"-ere visiting her aunt. Miss 'The Episcopal Auxiliary will meet. Tneeday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of Mrs. Joe E. .Johnson. Ila les. Bible Cl««ts Mt>t With Mrs. R. L. WeUbom Th-i August meeting of the* Ila Holman Bible class of the 'Wil- keaboro Baptist church was held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. R L. Wellborn with eleven members and four visitors present. Mrs. Pob Turner presid ed for the usual business session and Mrs. J. W Neal led the devo- tionals. Intero.sting talks were made by Miss Klter Bower, Mrs. George Johnson, and Mrs. Otto Whittington. At the close of the afternoon the hostess, assisted by her daug.'-.ter, Mrs. Harry Pearson, served tempting refreshments. The September raeet'ng will be held with Mrs. Charles Howard. Mr. Arthur Lowe Ls Honored At Part\’ A delightful socl’al affair of the weel: was the party given by Miss Connie I.nwe at the home Holman. The group made up of five couples went to the Orpheum Theatre to see Jane Withers in “Keep Smiling.’’ afterwards go ing to the drugstore for refresh ments. Mrs. Rav Barnes Gave Party For Miss Yates Miss Mamie Yat“e, who leaves I The season of prayer for state home missions will be ob served this week by the Mis- sion.ury Society of the PTrst Baptist clmrcb, at the church on Tuesday and Thursday eve- nings at 7:.SO o’clock. The m.Mating Tuesday evening is the regular monthly meeting of so ciety. Jonesvllle, and the late Dr. Hart- this week to r’sume her studies! j,pjj jjg t|,ld8 a position with as a Junior at the Asheville Teachers Norma), a' .Asheville, was honored at a small party by Mrs. Ray Barnes last Tuesday eyening. Two tables were made up for rook with the high score prize going to Mrs. Rufus church. After the game the guests were invited into the dining roo.m where refreshments were served carrying out a color note of green and white, class colors of Miss Yates. Minature college girls dec orated the tab’e and also were used as tally card.® in the rook game. Miss Yates received a .shower of handkerchiefs from the guests which came as a com plete surprise. Th» wortt bo4y tStr DM froBi P.O.— I pamlralioii i dar Um arma. I Taka 1 mlnau M ‘ aaa Todora —aaw, amailiic daodoraM : oraam tkat works dlraetlr «■ andararta axcraUoaa. Hormally •aewa o4*r I to S doga. lodara alio radsMi . MMimd of parvpIraOoB. aa-A- wHbout lard—Todora la Ktany dU- I tmmt trout aUB. •»1b|' paataa: (1) ’ smooth aa faoa eraarn. (1) Laaraa ao attofey to o« Un-r. Miss El’a Joyper Brame Is Feted At Luncheon Appointed with unusual artis try was the luncheon at which Mrs. Eugene Spainhour. of Elkin, and Mrs. Sloan Payne, of Taylors ville. entertained Saturday at the Horel Wilkes t-i hono’- their sis ter. Miss Ella Joyner Brame, fall bride-elect. Miss Brame’s ap proaching marTiage with Charles Jenkins is set for September 16. Given gracious welcomi from the rostosses. the guests found seats at one long table, on which were bowls of roses and snap dragons. twined with clematis, while briftal cards served as nlace cai-Js .A thr^'o-course luncheon was served at one o’clock with covt'-s laid for thirtv-three. The honoree wa.s given a lovely remembrance and to Mrs. Walter Moss, who prior to her marriage was .Miss Julia Bell Foy, of Mt. Airy, the hostesses also presented a gilt. Ch.at.hara Manufacturing company here. Upon their return from a short honeymoon, Mr. and Mrs. Hartsoll will be at home, tempor arily, in Jonesvllle. The bride’s father Is a son of Mr. .and Mrs. O. C. Holcomb, of North Wllkesboro. Rrame-Jenkin«: Wedding Cards Are T^sued Wedding invitations Inscribed thus have been issued In North Wilkfflboro: "Mr. and M^s. Robert Marvin Brame request the honor of your presence at the marriage of their daughter, Ella Joyner, to Mr. Charles Edward Jenkins, Junior, nn Friday evening. Sep tember the sixteenth, at half after seven o’clock. North Wilkeshoro Methodist church, North Wilkes*- boro. North Carolina.” Th- annourcement of Miss Brame’s engagement to Mr. Jenk ins, which was made recently, was greeted with great interest throughout the state. Plans have now been completed for the wed ding which will )>' a leading nuptial event for North 'Wilkes horo for the fa-I .season. Several parties are being plann ed for the bride-elect, who has already been extended pre-nup tial courtesy. OB oioUio • gaf bMck ft oot tfolicbto^ TrttJ oiao rftB- oovpon. DIODORANT CRIAM • • :FR£E! tar trUJ Band ooop ■tM to MeKoaaoe » Robblao. ratr(lal4. Ooaa. Dopt. V-1. FLdt'ombllartseil Klkin. Sept. J. .Miss Margaret Pryaii Holcomt was married to Will'am F. Hartsell, of Jouesville and Klkin. in a quiet ceremony fhis tiiorning in Independence, \'a., with the nastor of the Bap tist ch’irih there of'iciating. The iirU'.' is the eldest daughter of .Mr. and .Mrs. John Marshall Hol- ."omh of Klkin. 'Tb ^ bridegroom is a son of Mrs E. F. Hartsell, of Tuesday Only , IN THEIR LATEST JUNIOR G-MEN PICTURE ITheMauchTwins^BoVar _■ V . mi-x,rirTV TTTNTTnD n VTr'TTTW. “Penrod’s Double Trouble 77 Special Shorts For the Kids Two Cartoons and “What Every Boy Should Know’ Robin HooH Is Back! Rosa ERROL FLYNN 4 4 ind Russel • Patricia Knowles OLIVIA DeHAVILLAND Walter Connolly • Hugh Herbert IN THE YEAR’S BIGGEST LAUGH RIOT! fours a CROWD” Miss Rovno.’ds Hostess For Miss Hubhavd Mia.s Gwendolyn Hubbard, of North Wllkesboro, and Miss Mary Ransom Norris, of Raleigh, were honored yesterdav afternoon when Miss Sue Reynolds enter tained at a bridge party at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Reynolds, Sunset drive, Irving Psrk. Miss Hubbard is house guest of Miss Reynolds, and Miss Norris is visiting Misses Suannah and Mary Barksdale Wimhish until Saturday. Miss Norris has also been guest of her aunt. Mi=s Flo;.a Creech, at the O. Henry hotel. Handkerchiefs were gifts from the .hostess to the honorees. High score award, a crvstal flower holder, was presented to Miss .Anne Coulter. The hostess was assisted by her mother in serving a salad course. The game was played on the porch. Nearly every day nas held some courtesy for Miss Norris who ar rived last Saturday not to return to Raleigh till Saturday of this week. Last night she and Miss Hubbard with other girls and boys of Greensboro were guests at a dance at Sedgefield manor. To night they will attend the DeMo- lay pre-school hall which is the main event of the coming week end.—Greensboro Daily News, Friday. EZ this is a movie QUIZ CONTEST PICTURE “aIk. "S..urd.y Night S«^g C^- -_A BOBBV HACKET .ni hi. THURSDAY AND FRIDAY your “MOVIE QUIZ” HEADQUARTERS Theatre Miss Msn' Jo Pearson Gave Party For Miss Brame Pre-niiutlal affairs started for Mis,? Ella Joyner Brame Thursday evening when Miss Mary Jo Pear son entertained for her at a pret ty bridg't party at the home of Miss Pearson’s patents, Mr. and Mrs. I. E. Pearson, on Sixth Street. Four tables were placed for bridge in a festive setting of dahlias and gladioli while bridal tallies marked the guests posi tions. Miss. ■M''lvlna William? re ceived the prize for highest icor*. Mi.ss Brame, whose mar'"e''e wth Charles Jenkins will take place in mid September, was giv en silver in her wedding pattern. lIra,;.j;rod Hubbard, Jr.,_^ ^tormer Mias Mary Clwynn (Continued from page six) butt scrape loudly on the rock. The guard whipped around, raised bis tgjfle and a lance of orange licked out. Rosy fanned the gun despevately waiting for a bullet to pick him off and send him careening down among the rocks. He saw the limp body of the guard Inch down the wall un til It rested in the smoking fire. Rosy pulled himself over the rim and hullooded loudly. Dave answered him dinjly from below^ Then he turned- the body over, struck a match and saw the man was dead, three bullets in his chest. He loaded his Colt thoughtful ly, shrugged and let himself down the slope. Dave was waiting with Dorsey at the pass when he reached it. It took Laredo three minutes to get a saddled horse from the livery stable after he had left the sheriff’s office. He rode slowly north up the valley, leading the horse. When he was out of sight of the town, he left the road and started up the mountains to the east. Where the mountains broke for the rail road tracks In a deep pass he parralleled the tracks for three miles or so. When he heard the freight train come slogging up the grade he watched it qiiietlv. As the last three cars disappeared, Laredo saw a man swing off the caboose. Then the man turned and sur veyed the country around him. Laredo stood up and waved an arm and the man walked over to him. The newcomer was dressed in laced boots, clean but faded breeches and an open-necked khaki shirt. He was a middle- aged man. broad of face and quiet of eye. he smoked a pipe set comfortably In a wide mouth. He greeted Laredo quietly, a glint of amusement In his deep- set eyes. “Hullo cowboy.’’ “Howdy, Chuck.’’ They mounted and started back over the same trail Laredo had come. Laredo’s companion studied him. Finally, he spoke. “When are you goin’ to tell nr what this is r.'l about. Laredo? Wli.v all the secrecy’” “It’s a long story. Chuck. A lot of ’t I don’t know, and I’m de pendin’ 0.1 you to tell me.’’ “What about?” “I dunno,’’ Laredo persisted. “That’s what I got you up here tor. .411 we got to do now is to ride lor a while and then you can tell ne.” “Ride how far? I should catch the iiight trait, out.” And after that Laredo did not talk. When they had passed the lake on the way to the D Bar T. Laredo loft tho trail that angled down to the ranch and picked his own. The two horsemen skirl cd the base of Old C.irtridgc which jutted down to the lake and headed rortn toward the mountains. As du»k settled into dark. Chuck gave up trying to keep di rections and let his horse have its head. With the precision of years of practice. Laredo went deeper and deeper into the can yons. They had r'dden an hour in this when Laredo drew up. He dismounted and Chuck heard him go off a short distance. When ho returned, something clanged .at his side. “Here’s a lartern,” he said. “Light up and come with me.’’ Chuck did as he was bid and in the flickering circle of light cast by the lantern he followed Lare do. The canyon narrowed until its width could be spanned by stretching the arms, and a cool dank smell of wet rock surround ed them. Suddenly they stepped out of the bottleneck on to the sparse grass of a little amph ■ theater. “Here’s the place,’’ Larodi said. He equated on his heels by the lantern and rolled a cigarette carefully. “For a month, off and on, ) been watch in’ a hombre dig hero. What I want to know is, what h It he dug?” He picked up the lantern and moved over toward one of the walls. A tight-mouthed tunnel ap peared before them and Laredo motioned Chnek Inside. Chuck set hIs .IMnll* Oh- Ferguson News FERGUSON, Sept. 5.-^Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Monre, of Dalzell, S. C.. visited their aunt. Miss Janie Spicer for a few days last week. Rev. J. C. Gentry, of Moravian Falls and pastor of the local Methodist chnrch conducted re vival services here last week. The attendance was very good and quits a bit of interest shown. FERGUSON, Aug. 31.—The outstanding event of the week here >vas the Walker reunion Sunday nt the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Walker who live at the old Walker homestead about three miles east of Ferguson. Early In the morning relatives and friends of the Walker clan began to gather until about two hundred people came after a years absence from the old home stead. After much handshaking and greetings the large gathering assembled around the festive board w'here a very bounteous dinner whs served. Prior to the noonday repast the toastmaster. Rev. A. T. Foster called upon Rev. J. C. Gentry to address the clan with an appropriate talk fol lowing which Rev. Mr. Foster de livered a very interesting talk, re calling many vivid reminiscences to the older members of the Wal ker family. Mr. Foster is extreme ly good In sulUng his remarks to any occasion and in this Instance he succeeded in making every one welcome and did much to cement a cotitimied friendship among all those present and to perpetuate the annual reunion of this very creditable family. These are the great objectives in having family reunions and too the annual as sembly of the kith end kin of any one family is one cf the greatest assets in perpetuating the prin ciple.? of peace and an era of good feeling. If we had more of the.sa reunions throughout the country ,ve would have far leas comriunitv strife and the peace and Aiood will of our state and nation would he in.siired. Among those present to enjoy the occasion were Mr. and Mrs J. M. Goble and Miss Minnie Go ble, of Lenoir. Mr. and Mrs. Ram Marley, Mr. and Mrs. Clay Walker, Mr.s. I.eis Caudle, Mrs. Myrtle McNeil, Mr. Marcus Smith and Clyde Triulett. all of Lenoir, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Foster. Mr. and Mrs. Wake Pavne, Mr. and Mrs. John Pavne, Mi.sses Zora, Gertrude and Belva Ferguson, Mr. J. B. Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Will Walirer. Mrs. Sidney Triplett, Mr. and Mrs. George Walker, Mrs. Ida Hartley and sons. Geo. and Fran'K. and daughter. Miss Nellie, Carl Tiioiett. Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Fergtison, Mr. and Mrs. F^lix Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Ed- minston, Mr. and Mrs. Annie Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Triplett. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Walsh, Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Carl ton. Mr. and Mrs. ,41bert Walsh, Fate Matherly, Mis? Mary Math- erly, Miss Janie Watts, Warren Walker, Miss Hazel Walker, all of Boomer Route 1, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. IValsh and Mr. and Mrs. Grover Walsh, of Valdese, also Mrs. Carswell of Valdese. T. W. Ferguson and family. T. C. West, of Ferguson. Mr. West is the father of Mrs. G. H. Walker and was the oldest person present be ing eighty-two and little Miss Frances Gall Smith, age 5 weeks, and the daughter of Fred Smith was the vounge?t person present. The song was “Blest Be The Tie That Binds.” After many hours of happy conversation the gath ering separated reluctantly with the expectation of meeting again next year.^ 1. — Mr. of mm ha» $ooit« 8nA'3^.4iwiWinfl togte.tel" Mdlthm. a.. viriT pleasajit . Sfc'fMfe'tWo ftsfy^ friSSt'm’tnd luti fiieile impljieir iMir sfat’- en of the ^i*4lw>Mi4tr Beaver Creek. 'The plenie' irw. Kiven In ipnur of.lfiw jenn Jl^erjtnsQii whp has. been vliitlnf' the 1*'oet^ hnd other relativee for two weeks. Miss Fergnson returned to her home in Jacksonville, Fla., Sun day. Warren Walker, who has been In the C. C. Camp at Newton, was home for the week-end and attended the Walker reunion held at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. H. Walker. Fred Sanders, who Is employed In a large dairy at Norfolk, Va., Is spending several days at home here and visiting relatives In Le noir. Miss Mary Coffev, of Lenoir,, is spending some time at the home of Miss Beulah Ferguson. Miss Coffey is a former resident of the “Happy Valley Section” and has ?nent much time in Okla homa for the past several years. ’The local school started last Monday with about three hundred ' in attendance. About fifty pupils! from the Darby section were un-1 ^ •#.0 -•-nr? The revival services at Leban^-''^ on Methodist church began iMk ~ Sunday night with a large congre gation present. The services will continue ten davs or two weeka. The public is cordially Invited. t» come and worship with us. ,J. C. GENTRY, Pastor. able to reach the school for the! first few days on account of road I conditions which we trust will be ' repaired by the road authorities i at once. There are six elementary teachers this year and two high school teachers. The faculty con sists of '’rof. G E Tester, Mr. Fred Gilreath, Misses Addle Cas ey and Pessie Brock, Mrs. J. D. Stokes. Mrs. Floyd Jennings, Mrs. Ray Bumgarner, and Mrs. Ber nice Greer. Everything bids fair i to a very successful school this year and both natrons and teach ers .are showing a great enthus iasm. The Grange met Saturday ni.ght with several nemoers present MOTOR CO. TELEPHONE 3.34-J T. H. Williams. Owner ‘ Oldsmobiie Sales-Servic* Bear Frame Service and Wheel Alignment General Auto Repairing- Wrecker Service—Electric and Acetylene Weliing USED PAR'TS—For all aulcM and models of cars and trnefca and were entertained by a talk from Rev. A. J. Foster, who gave ; a very fine report of his recent ^ trip to the Cullowhee Normal School in Jackson county where he attended the school for Adult Teachers for ten days. We are advised by Mr. A. J. Foster that there will be McGhee reunion et Mt. Ploasant the third Sunday in this montbc^lr. Fos ter is secretary of the McGhee clan. McGEE REUNION AT MT. PLEASANT There will be a reunion of the McGae clan at Mt. Pleasant church in Wilkes county on the third Sunday in September. Eve rybody is invirod. “Come bring lunch and enjoy the day togeth er,” the announcement said. A program is being prepared, which will begin at 10:30 a. m. ll il m Nothing But insuratvce cartcomp^iisate forsom€ II1 j J 1 NORTH WILKESBORO NSURANCE .AGENCY, Inc General insurance “Protection Plus Service” Bank of No. Wjlkosboro Bldg. North Wil'Kesboro, N. C. J, B. Williams J. T._ Brame Elizabeth Barlter Ninm Call (Office Staff) ENJOY the SEASON’S HITS Lipberty Always the Best All Ways Today and Tuesday MEET THE BEEBES, FOLKS! The Gol-Darnde.st Family in the Whole U. S. A.! “Sing You Sinners” BING CROSBY FRED McMURRAY ELLEN DREW Elizabeth Patterson I's frsGl It'i funi h'l Mty to wiri Got tfoo booklot horol H lolli yo* how to got your 'lidta *t tho 5404 cash prfetM In tho froo Movie Qull Conloott IT’S A MOVIE QUIZ PICTURE MOTION PICU/RES ARE VOUe BEST fNIERTAlNMEtf,!- WEDNESDAY — 10c — “CRIME SCHOOL GRADUATE” He Learned His Bitter Lesson From the Crooks In New York’s Hell Kitchen! •nwoitthe Beaw; FERGUSON, Sept. Harley Sanders and family, Norfolk, Va., who have been vis iting relatives here and at Lenoir returned home last week. .They were accompanied back by Mr. and Mrs. G. G. Sanders, who spent several days there before return ing to their home here. At the suggestion of our genial rural mall dispatcher, John Ed mund Foster, a party including Mr. Foster and Mrs. Foster, Hiss Jean Fert^uson, Miss Beulah Fer guson, Mias Mary Coffey and this correspondent and family went on an afternoon picnic Saturday'aft- •eoi Bruce Cabot Beverly Rob^^ lOTH KID’ 44 ITS A MOVIE QUIZ PICTURE • Thursday - Friday i 3 GRAND ROLES FOR GRAND STA^ ... I JANET GAYNOR i • FRANCHOT TONE ROBERT MONTGOMERY a ‘3 LOVES HAS NAHIGY^ YOU’D NEVER ^ BEMEVE COULD BE SO ' FUNNY;, ... ■ .V-■:: 'i.

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