5 RArLROAD STRIKE Cincinnati, Sopt. 10.—Repre- sentnUTes ot railroad unions wore called today to meet In Chi cago September 26 and a spokes man said tbelr answer to rail manacement’s proposal for a 15 per cent wage cut effective Oc- ■tober 1, would be to “fix the the hour of a nationwide YOUTH KIU.ED Pilot Mountain, Sept. 11.— ■Roy O. Meadows, 21. of King, died In City'hospital in‘Winston- Salem early this morning as a result of Injuries snstalned when the motorcycle on which he was riding with John Willie McBride, 24, .of Winston-Salem. cra.=hed head-on Into an automobile early yer-te.’day morning. McBride was hilled instantly. BUSINESS EXPANDS Washington, Sept. 11.— The i'>--aommeree department reported ly that business activity ex panded further during August. Although the rate of increase in important lines of Industry and trade has slackened in recent weeks, major lnde:.es averaged higher in August than in July, the department said in a month ly survey of btisiness. MAINE VOTES TODAY Portland, Mo., Sept. 11. — Maine political candidates tonight concluded a torrid campaign with pleas to the citizens who elMtlon—the first in the nation. While the old adage, "As Maine goes, 80 goes the union,” met a setback two years ago when the state teamed with Vermont in Re publican ranks during the Roose velt landslide, political observers will carefully scrutinize tomor row’s election for possible trend Indications. Patrolman Reports Number of Arrests Por Reckless Driving In Wilkes NONE BADLY INJURED Car Wrecks While Csurying Injured of Another Car Wreck to Hospital The past week-end was one of an epidemic of automobile acci dents Highway Patrolman Car lyle Ingle said today. In spite of the four accidents in which property damage soared into the thousands, no one was badly hurt but several narrowly escaped serious injury or death, according to reports of the crash es. Billy Roberts and Buster Wil liams were alleged to have been driving cars which crashed head- on about two miles east of Wll- kesboro on highway 421. Mae Jarvis and one other sustained minor Injuries. Mack Edgar Woodruff passed by and picked up the injured and was bringing them to the hospital when his car left the road and crashed in to a telephone role. The highway officer charged him with driving while under the influence ot liquor. Oeorge Herbert Smoak was driving a new Ford near Wllkes- horo on highway 16 and IS when the car left the road and crashed. No one was seriously hurt. . Drivers figuring in all the accl- il vote tomorrow in the state (jpnt.s have been arrested for ANTS EAT MAN Jasper. Ark.. Sept. 11.—Scant "hope was held today for the re- ■l»vsry of Hartsell McCain. 20, of Atkins, who lay naralyzed for eight days without food at the Ipttom of a canyon 28 miles outb of here while insects fed on his body. The canyon into -which he fell from a 20-foot cliff la in one of thr most remote sec tions of northwest Arkan.sas. Mc Cain was found late yesterday hy Morlind Dodson, a woodsman. IfyOain told his rescuer the only • -^ter he had hcd was that which fSll in Ms fa-'- during frequent ■mountain showers. Ants had eat en ^he hair fro-u his head, some skin from his side end even .some of his clothing reckless driving, Patrolman In gle said. On Sunday morning about one o’clock Mr Ing'e arrested Harley Pennell, ot Taylorsville route 2. near Mil'ers Creek Pennell was charged with driving while un der the influereo of liquor. Fiye-Diiyi Event This Week FAIR PRESIDENT TELLS ORDER OF BIG PARADE TO OPEN FAIR J. B. W’lllams, president of the be used in the parade. Several Northwestern Fair association today announced final and com plete arrangements for the elab- orato parade which will open the well as other features and ex- Tuesday, September 13, will be “Governor’s Day North ^ f —- a X Vf wail v,* v • Wilkesboro. Governor Clyde R. Hoey will review the parade of Soldiers, bands and school children at 10:30 a. m., and will spsu at the opening of the fair at 11 o’clock. Business ho.uses of the city will be closed from 11 a. m., to one p. m., in honor of the governor. Asks Bnr^ and j Dean Withdraw! D. C. Phillips Says He Be lieves He Can Win In November Election MARK SOT^RES DE.\D Lenoir. Sent 11- — Mark Squires, 60. former member of the state Democratic executive committer and long prominent in affairs of the we.stern section of the state, died in'a Lenoir hns- pltal tonight at 9 o’clock fol’ow- yite an.illness ef leas than a week paralysis. He had been in ill health for several years and last Tuesday suffered a stroke which left him In a coma from which he failed to rally. Long promi nent in state politics. Mr. Squires probably was b"3t known tor his tight for enebllng legislation •which assured the Blue Ridge parkway for North Carolina. He was a leading proponent of the measure in the 1937 state legis lature. Mr. Sqnire.s had been ac tive for many years In develop ing western Nerth Carolina, but was widely known throughout the state. Offenng Water Safety Courses Claiming that neither could be a true representative ot all the people a.s the result of the hitter election dispute t'nai has been raging since the second primary in July, D. C. Phillips of South ern Pines call= upon both C. B. Deane and W. niirgin to ■with draw their names tor further con- sid'-'rition and rave the way for his mimination hy the congres sional committee. Mr. Phillips, ex-serviceman and traveling salesman who has won quite a reputation as an orator, announced shortly after M r. T.ambeth’s resignation that he would he a candidate for con gress from this district, but did not tile when he learned that Mr. Burgin #ould enter the race. It was in the upper end of the dis trict. and particularly in David son county, home of Mr. Burgin, where Mr Phi'.Pps expected to receive his strongest support. Mr. Phillips was a visitor in North Wilkesboro Thursday, where ho discussed his proposal with several political leaders. Business Houses To Close Tuesday 11A.M. To 1P.M. Governor ot. In hoi^. of NtmtkJ at Ihe open^.g oSf thrflSlr,'’bus iness houses of Nortli WUkes- boro have been asked to close from 11 a. ni. to one p. m. on Tuesday, September 13. .^nnonnoement of the two- hour closing was made today by the Wilkes County Merch ants’ Association. The decision to honor the governor w-ith a two-hour closing in order (iiat all employes might hear his address was reuelied in the lust meeting of the association. Game Protector Points 0«| Laws Several ^eal4rs Tom Brown Dies In Fall From Car Aged Colored Porter Alioost Instantly Killed Between Wilkesboros Saturday Tom Browe, colored porter, did not show up to work at Call hotel on Sunday morning at his usual time of five o’elock. Homer W. Brookshire, Wilkes county game protector, today called attention to the open sea son for taking game known to this section and listed dealers from whom hunting license for the current season may be pur chased. Hr. warned that persons who take game out of season or hunt with-7i’t license are violating the stale laws and v,riH he prosecuted. Th'' open seasons are as fol lows: Squirrel. Sept. 15th-Dec. 15th. Opossum and Raccoon, Oct. 15th-Feb. 15th. Rab’olt, Nov. 20th-Feb. 15th. Ruffled Grouse or Pheasant, Nov. 26th-Jan. 1st. Quail, Dec. 15th-Feb. 20th. Trapping, Nov. 20th-Peh. 15th. Anyone may obtain license from the following: Sheriff’s office, Wilkesboro; Newton’s Cut-Rate Drug Store, Wilkesboro: Horton Drug Store, Great Northwestern Pair here Tuesday, September 13, 10:30 a. m. The big parade which will be reviewed by Governor Hoey will assemble on “D Street near the intersection of "D” & 10th Streets, where it wilt start, going down lOlh to ' D” Street; then down *‘B’’ Street to Sixth Street; then via 6 th Street and Wilkes boro Avenue to the fair grounds. The parade will be reviewed by Governor Hoey and other prom inent and distingu*shed guests from a revlev/ing stand on “B” street near 8th street. In the Governor’s party will be R. L. I Doughton, congressman; J. G. Hackett, highway commissioner; Judge J- A. Rousseau, Judge Johnson J. Hayes, Judge T. B. Finley. Governor R. A. Doughton, Captain H. J. Hatcher, of Mor- ganton, member of the governor’s military staff: Mayor R. T. Mc Neill, Postmaster J C. Reins, J. B. McCoy, chairman of the Gov ernor’s Hospitalitv Committee, and C. B. Eller, superintendent Public Instruction o f Wilkes county. The parade will h'' perhaps the most elaborate ever assembled in North Wilkesboro. It will be headed by the 105th Engineers’ neginMlMxl Band, of Charlotte, _ . ^JSHton Co|Ht®y “P>’ of 9tatesvllle, of the lH6th Engineers regiment. The Boy Scouts of the 1“cal units will al so participate in the parade. The school children of the county and a full account of the town are also expected to march ernraents ■. finances, including in the parade. Three bands, in ' beautiful will also be used. Miss Pearl'^Haynes’ troupe of drum majofA.wIll participate, as hibits from the West World’s Wonder Shows. Captain R. R Reins, of the lo cal National Guard Dnit, will be In charge of the parade and It is hoped that those participating will cooperate fully. Immediately following the pa rade and oh its arrival at the fairgrounds, the Governor of North Carolina, Honorable Clyde R. Hoey. will make an address. There will be a large number of dlstingiil-hed guests on the plat form with the Governor, and It Is regrettable that there is In- sitff'cient room to invite all of the honored guest? who will be present to the speaker’s stand for this occasion. No traffic will he aljowed on 10th and ”B’’ streets during the time of the paiade, and no dou ble narking will be allowed. Tuesdav will be one of the big days of the fair. ^11 school chil dren will be admitted free and should secure ticket? from their teachers. Publish Financial Statement Today For Wilkes County The statement of financial af fairs of Wilke? county for the yssT which ended Junej^, pnbllshed in tlBs Issue of The Journal-PatHot. The statement, released by W. P. Kelly, county accountant, gives in the parade. Tnree oanos, in- revenue and expenditures. Airy, i,noiiBBuu!> eluding the engineers’ band, will statement appears on pagejhree. fjfth grade up, floats and other attractions. SPEED PILOTS FOR RACES Many Attractions^ Await Thousands In Five-Day Event Biggest Crowd In History of City Expected On Opening Day of Fair Tuesday EXHIBITS PLENTIFUL Many Compete For $2,000 Offered as Prizes For Best Products Final arrangements for open ing of the Great Northwestern Fair here tomorrow (Tuesday) were completed today and tho city is making ready to receive one of the largest crowds in Its history as school chiV’.'en will be guests of the fair for the first day. Formally opening the fair and greeting the people of this sec tion will be Governor Clyde R. Hoey, who wl'l speak at tho fairgrounds at 11 o'clock follow ing a parade through the streets of North Wilkesboro. Welcome signs were erected over the street? here Friday, a silent announcement that the big, annual gala event for the people of northwestern North Carolina is almost here. The fair this year offers a full program of varied entertainment calculated to Interest each and every visitor. In the {arade which will form _^.'onu)tly at J:en o’clock at the In* terseefton of Tenth and C streets will be three companies of 105th Engineers — North Wilkesboro, Morganton and Statesville com panies of the national guard, lOSt.i Engineer? band from Char lotte, Wagner’? hsnd from Mount Airy, thousands of school chll— Driver “Death” Car Is Arrested I Nort.’i Wilkesboro; O. P. Eller’s On Saturday even'ng he fell i store. North Wilkesboro; S. S. from a truck between the Wil-! "’''ov®: W^ W. ke.sboros and died of a fractured , Ronda; H. G. skull at the hospital here with- - in a few hours Stony Fork Man Is Charged With Death of Boy Riding Bicycle Harlev Jeffer.'^on Smith, a resi- Tom, who had almost reached the alloted three score and ten. had worked as a hotel norter in North Wilkesboro for 35 years and was a familiar figure on his job and walking to and from his home in Wllkerhorn. His dally Green’s store, Cllngraan; R. L. Spencer’s filling station, Benham; W. G. Simmons store, Thurmond; Walt McBride. Traphill; Bret Cothren, Traphill: W. E. Bell, Springfield: Leonard Taylor. Mc- Grady; I. R. Vannoy’s store, Day- lo; Coy Miller. Wilbar; Gaither - - Vanney, Wilbar; Lee A. Beshears, walks between his job and home j Davis, Congo; oc nnn ^ tvheeHng’s store, Ferguson; totaled over 25,000 miles, or more than the distance around the world at the equator. With the exception of two weeks when he was sick he had ^ not missed starting work at five Cricket To Play B. E. Greer’s store. Boomer: Jim my Scroggs, Moravian Falls; Floyd Hendren. Gilreath. a. m. by five minutes during the Will Be Given at Boone By Red Cros? Representative September 19th-23rd dent of the Stony Fork section. | five years that I. M. Myers had has been arrested on a man-1 been manager of Call Hotel. Mr. slaughter charge growing out of Myers .said today. Everybody Asbe Champions Cricket junior baseball team. accident in which Reely Smith, knew “Uncle” Tom and he was: Wilkes county champions for the ‘.if - -it Charles A. Mix, a representa- ra of the NaMonal Red Crosi^ 1 conduct a Life Saving and Safety instructor course at Wan State Teachers Col- Boone September 19 to Cross officials here were •today In a letter from hoadqaxtters. tea to be eligible for ali6a|i be over 18 w .oflsaisnhyelcal ites. any age 16, was killed while riding a'sure to get the business of wait-, season, will play Grassy Creek, bicycle. ing on traveling men who paid Ashe county champions, in a play- Hlghway Patrolman Carlyle regular visits to the hotel. ■ off series to decide a two county Ingl'3 made the arrest of Smith, But on Saturday evenin.g he championship and the series will who lyas alle.ged to have been j did not walk to his home in begin! at West Jefferson on Sat- driving the car which struck the Wilkesboro. He had flagged a; urday of this week hoy. Smith claims that the boy riding the bicycle was on the wrong side of the road. He will be given a hearing in Boone on Tuesday, September 20, one o’ clock. the officer said. ride from Elisha 'Bdminsten, who j Plans call for a five-game se- was driving a pickup. While! rles alternating between West standing in the bed of the pickup | Jefferson and North Wilkesboro. he fell to the pavement near the H„. .,e Fr^d Reid and CTsrdriverrwhrv^ rbk their necks for g^d and glory in the automobile races at the Great Northwestern Mb e ureai ixornn»van=.i. » on Satuiday aft- n^7 September 17. The races will start’at two o clock and there will he no advance in fair admission prices. Many of Country’s Best Drivers To Compete In Automobile Races Here Motor Speedways Sponsoring Auto Races at Northwest ern Fair On Saturday ptates wittv. Slats Frerichs. ot Cedar Rapids. Iowa, probably be ing the furtherest away from his home base: Th»^y all drive regula tion racing ears and are protes- The management of the Great gjonal speed pilots, all being vet Northwestern Fair is expecting | Qj-ans of their profession, some unusually exciting auto rac-' es in the six events that are be Inf offered next Saturday after noon, September 17, as a feature of the concluding day of Fair. Thes.'? races are being given under the supervision of the Motor In order iha.t the public may be kept better informed through out the P.’X events, a public ad dress system v ill be used to ac quaint the’fans with the names of the drivers, the make of cars the supervision - .. they drive, and various in- Speedway? Association and the the drlv- Announcement has been made of postponment of the meeting of the North Wilkesboro Young Re publicans club from September 16 to September 30 on account rf the fact that the fair will be te progtsss here on tho'lOtb. intersection of highways 421 and 16 and 18 in Wilkesboro. He never regained consciousness. Tom, who had numerous friends of both races, Is survived by his wife and two children, Wil liam and Bernice Brown, both of Wllkeeboro. Funeral service will be hold Rt Denny .Qrore ebnr^: Tuesday. - L '-'-‘I FOR GARNER United States Senator Edward R. Burke, Democrat of Nebraska, la out for John N. Garner u the Democratic candidate In 1940. directing manager. Bruce Thomp son. states that approximately 15 cars have already been secured for the program here. •These driver? will Include some of the best In the South, such as Dutch Evans, Wild Bill Rogers, Al Fleming, Slats Frerichs. Dub McLeod, Johnny Grubb. Bayard Tewksbury, Woody. W r I«Itj#, ISeorge , Ferguson, and othe^' 1 He describes the Vice _ President as a “Progressiva, f^M^lookhr terestlng sMellghts on the drlv ers and their profession. It has been found that Information of this kind increases the Interest of the public two-fold in the evenU. The first event, the qualifying time trials will start at 2 o’clock and the other events will follow in rapid succession with the main aad’^fin^ evMii. to consist of 26 7^ around the track,'or aM>roxl milsf ■1 r'^ ■'i Today the exhibit hall was be ing (illofl by the largest collec tion of exhibit? over placed in competition for prizes here. The addition to the exhibit hall, a building 24 x 60 feet erected dur ing the past few weeks to take care of the exhibit overflow from the armorv ha'I, proved to he a very necessary addition. West’s World Wonder Shows, under direct snnervision of the owner, ih'ank V.’est. were filling the midway today with tents and equipment being unloaded from the speci.Tl train which carries the large aggregation of new and unique rides and shows. A preview of the large collec tion of amusements and informa tion from Mr. West and other responsible member? of the or ganization disclosed that the mid way shows and ride? have been practlcallv made over and greatly Improved over the midway at tractions presented hy Mr. West last year here. The free acts performers were arriving today and have been get ting equipment in order for a most varied program of attrac tions. Headlining the show of al most two hours will he the Polly- anna Revue aga'n this year, a de lightful open air musical and chorus featuring several highly trained young ladie® under direc tion of Miss Pearl Haines. They were highly acclaimed for per formances here last year and will have an entirely new program for the fair this week. The Moreen troupe of acrobats, high pole and trapeze acts from the ’’big top,’’ will round out tne regular pro gram. On Thursday Wilson Thrill Shows (Hell Drivers) will put oa a program of chilling entertain ment featuring auto collisions, motorcycle stunt riding, burning wall crashes and other acts In which the performers risk their necks to entertain. A brilliant display of fireworks. Op the gcounde and high In tho air, T/lU conclude the prograin each night. On Saturday afternoon Motor Speedways will • put on a roarl^ program of ante races with > ijf'SM:- find event of 26 laps arodnd ^ 'a 3

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