, rAtPATfUOT-'iAS -I ■ijui£. Fiffir'rKW » N*C-1-'*" -L. Of „lwm Told ^ BridBy 4 t ‘S-- TOBACrO $3?6^2 WiUBton-Sal»ra, Oct. 4.^Wln- Oton^aleto tobacco markot sold today approximately 1,250,000 poonds for an averaee ol 126.52, modlum and lonr grades contlau- ed fi^m, with marked advance on hotter tyoes. VOL. XXXI. NO, 102 PubUflhed^ondgya and Thulra^^ giiiiii '. M..W1M ;; ■■■" ■•■■■Tr "SlfM r. ■ ■'’•m ., . t. .»* - . - Ta ,£?iL f0EO.> N. C- 4»4d ||, , .. ... { WW ■gWJMHI SS&'. tAm^.oooii!r KILLED BY CAR Warronton, Oct. 4.—A hit-and- run driver killed E. M. Short, 40-yeaj-old Embro farmer, found dead early todcy on a highway near here, a coroner’s jury de cided. Coroner Jasper Sbearln, of Warren county, said Short appar- eatly was killed about 2 a. m. HOLDUP IN CALDWELL Lenoir, Oct. 4.—David Sprin kle. prominent local youth, was the vlctiin of a holdup Sunday night In the Lake Lenoir section near the dty. A masked man fired a gun at the rear of his car and robbed Sprinkle of $10 in cash, a billfolder. wrist watch and set of kef's. ♦ City To Receive Grant Of $14,850 Of Federal Funds Toltal Coat of Building Set Up in Pinna at Approxi- Mately $33,000 TO BE THREE FLOORS K. 71 Fi GOU> STAR MOTUm PAY TWBOTE-Vtew tf the 1 oi At Unknown SoWlM to Arltaqtoo NoIIobbI Cmaatory. ■ I Woshiagton. of St® Moih«rt» a» part el te ansndi i ' coUbraUoa ploead a wrooft on the To«nb. WOMAN IS KILLED Spencer. Oct 4.—Mrs. Jesse Wilson, 25, was instantly killed while pick'ng up waste coal along the rallmnd tracks, two miles north of Spencer, this afternoon ■when struck by a southbound freight engine. She apparently did rot see or h°ar the train. She was Miss Lula Honherrier before her nian'iage and be.sides her par ents Mr. and Mrs. T.ove Honher rier. of Rowan countv, is surviv ed bv her husband atid two small children. ’ MORE ARMAMENT Washin.cton, Dot. 4.—Senator Kin.g. Democrat Utah, said today that last week’- developments in Europe might make it necessary for the Tinited States to “spend Auudieds of millions of dollhrs more for military purposes.’’ He said Great Britain and France, by ‘ a spineless attitude’’ to ,ard Hitler, h.ud “Etrengthened the forces which make for war and the .Joailration of peoples and nations." For that reason, he was of the opinion that -America must take every defensive precaution. LETS PRISONERS OUT ■Cfexlngtoh, OrC. 4 —Shut away In a jail cell, blonde and buxom 22-year-old Lula Kimel cried herself to sleep tonight as two youtl'S she freed from the jail ■were hunted in North Carolina for kidnaping, 'uurder and high way robbery. She was locked up by her fath er. T. C. Kimel Davidson county jailer whom she had assisted un til glih-tongned James Godwin persuaded her 'o free him in her father’s ah.sence. The jailer’s daugnter. awaiting a h€«rine todav on a charge of “aiding, abetting and a.ssisting prisoners to escape,’’ will he .giv en a hearing tomorrow liefore County Judge n U. Pickard. Godwin. 19. took wi'h him dan gerous young Bill “Bad-Eye’’ Witcon. 21. of Hickory as he slipped out thi-ou.gh the jail’s front dcor to Imgin the foray in to High Point that started with tie. kidn.’ping of a Lexington driver, climaxed w’th the killing of a High Point textile worker, and ended in flight in an appr:- prlated taxicab Jailer Kimel ottered his resig nation to Sheriff Raymond Bow ers. and went 'o his farm after locking his daughter in the cell from which she had freed the young bandits. News that the Public ’Works administration has approved ap plication by North Wilkesboro for a cUv hall project -was received here this week with much inter est hy those interested in the pro ject. wire received by I. H. Mc Neill. Jr., city clerk, said that the application for a grant of $14,850 had he.'n given final ap proval and PW \ officials urged that plans for the construction of the building be rushed in order that work mav begin before the January 1 deadline on PWA pro ject.s. The total cost of the tmildiing will he. approximately $22,000. of whicli 45 imr cent is repre sented by the PWA gratit and 5.'. I>er cent to bei paid hy the city. However, city bonds sufficient to cover the sponsor's part may bo issued without an election, that amount being less than the a- raonnt of bonds retired during the vast year. The building will be located on Eighth street fronting B street on that portion of Eighth street, which has never been used as a thomughfsre and was condemned by an act in the special session of the legisi.ature. It will be approximately 45 feet wide by 86 feet long and *bere wDl.-be. an opeiv spftce jpt 7 1-3 feet on each side. 1'enta.tive plans call for use of the ground floor for police de partment the city jail, the water department and for warehouse and storage. On the street floor will be the clerk’s office, the Wilkes county public library and the tire depart ment The ton floor will be the hall and courtroom, whiich will seat .200. There will also he two small conf-'rence rooms on the top floor. As soon as p’ans and specifica tions are completed the city will adve'tise for bid.s. County Wide Meet Republicans 14th Three Chibs Sponsor Coun ty-Wide Rally To Be Held at Courthouse Clubs Plan For Canning Contests October Meeting of Home Demonstration Clubs Will Feature Contests Republican clubs of North Wil- kesbero. Wilke.sboro and Mcra- vian Falls will sponsor a county- w'ide rally to be held at the co.irt- houso in Wilkesboro on the night of Friday. October , 14. beginning at 7:30 o’clock A ,':pecial invitation is extend ed everybody to attend, an nouncement of the rally today said. A prominent speaker will be obtained for the rally and fur ther announcements will appear later. Chicken Stew Friday Niffht Th,^re will be a chicken stew at Pine Ridge Picnic grounds on the Moravian Falls road Friday night at 7:30 o’clock. Sponsored by the Ladiee Aid Society of Ba^ tlst Home churcA. Proceeds will be used for the church. The pub lic to cordially Invited. llcxiGO scientists report Seven of the eight home dem onstration clubs ill Vv ilkes county will .stage canning contests in their respective October meetings. Miss Harriet McGoogan. home demonstntion cgeiit. o^id today. Each 'uemher of each club is ask’d to carry to the club meet ings one quart each of canned fruits and ve.vetables. They are also asked to exhibit a jar of jelly and jam. Prizes will ne given by the Ball Can company and every mejnher Is asked to exhibit be cause the number and value of the orizes will be determined by the mimh'’r of entries. The exhib its will he judged according to the ■scorecard pul out hy the com pany. In lieu of a canning contest the Ronda club will have a demon stration in preparing school lunches in the meeting to be held at the school on the afternoon of Tuesday. October 11, two o’clock. Canning contests will be held at the following club meetings, all at two o’clock in the after noon of the dates mentioned with the exception rf Moravian Falls, which will meet at three o’clock: Mountain ’/lew at Teacherage on Wednesday, October 12. Ferguson on Thursday, Octob er 13. Parsonville on Tuesday, Octob er 18 Moravian Falls on Wednesday, October 19. Boomer on Thursday, October 20. Gilreath on Wednesday, Oc tober 25. Maple Springs on Thursday, October ilS. Municipal Building Will Front B Street on 8th Street Location wad SHAKni whicli wliJ T(i,k*y-, ! d«voHou !o (h- “‘•y» I ccuso O* Inter ualional peace. Ten Mles Hig, Neflo Teer Low Bidder OdJRjqi^ Legion Will Plan Armistice Event Wilkes poet of the American Legion will gather in October meeting on Friday night of this week at the Leffibn and Auxiliary clubhouse to lay plans for observ ance of Armistice Day on Novem ber l . Ot h^mportant matters will be before the post and attendance of every member is desired. $166,592.70 Is Low BM “' Grading and " CriuAieiil. Stqne Surfacing' m BIDS SATISFACTORY Courthouse Heat Plant Proposed Commissioners Make Appli* cation to PWA for Heat ing Project Kiker and Yooftt Will Bufljl Structures On Section For $64,479.20 ‘ WOMOrS TENNIS CHAMPION—Alice Marble, ol Beverly HiUt. CalUoraia. with the cup emblemaUc ol the Womeu'e WatlonaJ Teimli Single* Chomplonihip. alter her one.eiided victory ovar Miai Noncy^ Wynne, ol Auetraiia ot Foreet EiUe. N. Y. Hardin Appointed iKiwanis Clid> to Head Campaign For John R. Jones Solicitor Will Make Aggress ive Campaign For Seat In Congress Plans Projects Crippled Children’s Clinic Plaimed For North Wil kesboro in Future Solicitor John R. Jones, Repub lican candidate for congress in tbiw efghtb congresswnat district will put On an extensive cam paign throughout the district, he said today. He announced the appointment of Boone Hardin, ot Yadklnville. as his campaign manager. Mr. Hardin is a graduate of the Uni versity of North Carolina, is an outstanding lawyer and has had wide experience in politics. He is a son of the late Dr. Hardin, who was well known throughout the state. Mr. Jones is completing has 12th year as solicitor of the 17th judicial district having announc ed '»arly this year that he would not ,;>e a candid.ate for re-election to that office. He holds the dis tinction of being the only Repub lican solicitor ip the state. H? is a graduate of Wake For- e-st College and before his elec tion as solicitor was law partner of -Johnson J. Hayes, who at that time was .solicitor of the 17th district. He has many friends, who point out that he is a “good citi zen, educated gentleman, bril liant lawyer, friend to the poor, progressive farmer, leader in pro duction of purebred cattle and is a staunch Republican.” Ha is the owner and operator of Meadow Brook dairy farm north of this city, where he spe cializes in purebred jerseys and production of milk. To CoOect Toys Friday, Oct. 14 Boy Scouts Will Call At Homes For Toys in Christ mas Cheer Project Boy Scouts will call at homes in the ’VV'lkeshoros on Friday. October 14. for the purpose of collecting toys donated to the Christmas Cheer project iiraugu- lated by the North Wilkesboro Dokies club. The D. O. K K. will attempt | Cardwell, chairman, Dan Carter, The hoard of directors of the North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club held fts regnla' monthly meeting at the Hotel Wilkes on Thursday evening- The board jdlned togeth er At 6:20 *iwlii«»»-ses- sion was called to order at 7:10 in the sample room. T, E. Story was .lost to the meeting. The following members of the board were present: A. ft. Casey, J. n. Reins. T E. Story, J. B. Cartel. W. E. .innes. A. F. Kilby. R. ’W. Gwyn, E. G. Finley and Ki- w a n i s Educational Chairman Genio Cardwell Reports of Coininittees Watt Cooper, chairman of the boys and girls committee, wrote a repo-.'t stating that a Father-Son hannuet would oe held on Friday night, October 28, at which time Dr. Waller L. I ingle, of David son College, would he the speak er. His report called attention to the 'ecent religious census re cently taken of all the children in the North Wilkesboro school and the Chairman believes this can he used to fine advantage. He slates that the Woman's Club 1. s sponsoring the making of a park and tennis court for the boys and girls of the community and he thinks when they are opened that members of the club should attend. Uefier-Privile.!ed Child chair man J. B. Williams reported that his committee in conjunction with Mrs. Bell and Dr. Hubbard are working on a project to get a crippled children’s clinic here in tbs near future. Such a clinic would perhaps cos* locally about one hundred dollars and it is sug gested that the club should spon sor the raisina of this amount. It is Indicated that Dr. Miller, of Charlotte would likely be the orthopaedic surgeon tor the clin ic. The Lyceum courses to be held here November 25 and December 2, 9 and 16, under auspices of the club were discussed. It was decided that season tickets for adults, would be $1.00 and for school children .50. and singles would he 35 and 15 cents. The following committee was appoint ed to have charge of the sale of tickets and arrangements: Genio Woman’s Club To Erect Buildiiig As W.P.A. Project File Application Through City For $7,746 Com munity Structure 111 behalf ot the North Wilkes boro Woman’s club? the city of North Wilkesboro has filed appli cation with the Works Progress administration for a project call ing for erection of a stone veneer ed community house witli an es timated "ost of $7,746. The cost of the project will be divided between the sponsor and the federal government with $3.- 560 to be furnished Oy the spon sor and $4,186 by the federal government. The Woman’s Clubs will furnish the sponsor’s share of the cost, city officials said, but under the rules of the WPA the project must be handled through the city or county government as sponsor. Th» building will he 42 by 50 feet dimensions and the project will also include landscaping. It is understood that a location near the Trogdon Park now being de- veloned is being considered. Wilkes county board of com missioners in recent session made application to the Public Works administration for a project call ing tor install?tIon of an auto matic heating system for the county courthouse. Total cost 0* tl\o project was set up at approximately $5,200, 45 p°r cent of which would be fi nanced by a direct grant from the federal government and 55 per cent to be furnished by the county. Proposals to install a heating system in the courthouse have been under consideration for some time and grand juries dn several occasions have recom mended that a plant be installed. The opinion has been expressed that a stoker and heating plant can be operated more economical ly than the present antedated manner of providing heat from open fireplaces and stoves. Routine buBinees held the at tention of the board’s members in regular October session Mon day. All members ot the were present. board Few Diphtheria Cases Reported Health Officer Warns Of Dangers oft ^Idemic; Urges Vaccination Buy Additional Traffic Signal New Stop Light Will Be Erected At Intersection Trogdon and Hinshaw to make Christmas a day of cheer for the underprivileged children bv this project, in which the Boy Scouts and the National Youth administration will play an. important part. The Scouts will collect the toys, which will be repainted and repaired by those employed by the NYA Any donations of toys which have been broken or good toys which are no longer enjoyed by their present owners will be higbl/ appreciated and may brighten the holiday season for poor childraB.. wIm otherwtoe i.'.ght have id enjoy »t Cbfisimaa 0. G. Da’ , A. F. KHhy and C. O. McNeil. ”’he board voted to allow the local scout troups one-half of the clear profit realized on theso pro.grams. Twenty-eight members and two guertts from this city enjoyed an inter-club meeting with Lenoir Kiwaniaiis on Friday night of last week at the Carlhelm Hotel in Lenoir. Albert H.; Parham^f the Cand ler section in Buncwbjt i^hhty raissB two good coH year And his .tiares '^t. ’df Work'over .16 The city ot North Wilkesboro has purchased an additional traf fic light to be installed at the intersection of Pighwny 18. Trog don street and Hinshaw street. Mayor R. T. McNiel said today. The installation of the traffic light at that po*nt is expected to reduce accident hazards and will facilitate travel. Installation of the light is ex pected to be completed within two weeks. Dedicate Church At Welcome Home Sunday, October 9 Welcome Home Baptist church located near Cricket will be dedi cated in an all-day service on Sunday, October 9. A program was announced to day for the occasion a» follows: morning—Sunday school at 9:46; song by choir at 10:45; devotion al at 11 o’clock to be followed by church history. Rev. A. W. Eller, pastor, will deliver the sermon. The dedicatory prayer, songs and quartets by visiting singers will close the raomieg program. Lunch will be , served on the grounds at 12:20. Tfie afternoon priigram: will open at 1:46 by a BOng service and , tha fMAtiye., addrai^^wUl *e by Judge Johnson J. Hayea at two o’clock. The piRtUe te'-r cordially , Inrlted to attknd. Dr. A. J. Eller, county health officer, said today that a number of diphtheria ca.ses have been re ported in widely separated sec tions ot Wilkes county, sufficient in number to cause considerable anxiety among parents. However, he said that there is no immediate threat ot an epi demic of the disease, which he described as 85 per cent prevent able thro igb vaccination and par ticularly urged that parents have their babies vaccinated when they reach the age ot six months. Any children who have not been vac cinated should be at the earliest possible date, te said, because several weeks must elapse before the vaccination makes the child i.mmiine. Those 'vho are in doubt relative to the effectiveness of previous vaccinatlous may have the Schick test administered. The test tellBMioncluslvely whether or not a 'child is immune to the di sease. The state highway and public works commission on Tuesday received low bids on more thans one million dollars worth of road construction. O," particular interest to tho people of this sirction was the let ting of a project calling for con struction of highway 268 between this city and Roaring River, a distance of approximately ten miles. Nello Teer, Durham contractor who has constructed many of th» leading highways in this section and a gi’eat part of tlie Blue Ridge Parkway, was low bidder for grading and cni.sihed stone surfacing in th° amount of $186,- 529.VO. 7he contract for the structures will go to Kiker and Yount, of Reidsville, who placed the low hid of $64,479.20. The chief ergineer of the com mission, W. Vance Boise, said that bids on all the projects ap peared very saiisfaolory and con tracts may be awarded as sooa as final approval is given by the federal bureau of roads. There were two other project*, let in the-;‘eighth division, one calling for construction of about ^ two miles of highway 16 between | ’Warrensville and the Wataag* I county line the other widening of | about one and one-fourth . mile* of high wav 421 west of ’Winston- Salem. Blythe Brothers bid off the Ashe county project and the other went to a Winston-Saleim M firm. Right-of-way has been secured hy the city ot North Wilkeeboro j for, an entrance of highway 288 by way of second street. Secoind ■ street will be ge-Kjeri and surfaced through to highway 18 northward in addition to the spur connecting | with highway 268 a short diet-' ance from the present intersec- | tion of the temporary highway | and highway 18. At each inter-, section two lares will be con- ' structed entering into present highways in such manner as lessen danger of accidents. on- j J Special Meeting Spanish War Vets And The Auxilary A united meeting of the Span ish War Veterans md members of die Auxiliary will be held in the courthouse in Wilkesboro on Saturday, Oct. 8, at 1:20 p. m. All persons eligible for member ship in either the Veterans or Auxiliary are invi’ed to be pres ent. Mrs. Loula L. 1/Ogan, depart ment president, of Shelby, has been invited to be present. New members will be mustered in and other important matters discuss ed. Edge'wood Revival Is Now Under Way .Revival servlcoe are in progress this week at Bdgewood Baptist (^urch. The pastor Rev. A. B. Watts, to asstotod by Rev. A. W. "’Jicr. Services are held each eveninc st 7:16 and the public Is cordlal'y Invited to attend.. Begin inspectiem j Of Meat Markets! Sanitary Inspector T e 11 •; 11 Boarding House Opera- i i tors of Requirements The program of :anitation snp-l i ervision ’has expanded to IncludO' ; meat, markots .and hoarding hous-J es. G. S. O’Doll, Wilkes countyj ^ sanitarian, said tooay. A prelminary insneetion haa.j been made of markets and board-' f ing Houses but the ratings, all of j | Ij which were low, were not made. >, public and the operators were • ' en an opportunity to meet ro-'* qiiiraments before another !•- spection when grades will b* published. All markets operators were told in. detail the requlreiMtolll of tlic law and were instructed to meet the requirements, Mr. O’Dell said. The cafe ratings for the cur rent month were as follows: Grade A Tip Top Soda Shop — Goodwill Lunch Princess Cafe Wonder Cafe Eller’s Cafe . — Broadway Tourist The Little Grill - — Busy Bee Cafe Grade B Rock Diner — — Moore Brothers Mattiiews Cafe Liberty Lunch Southslde . - — Beeche’s Place Bnaippy Lunch*-- Centnd Cafe —: Trym© 0.fe ——— .PMksea’B Oaf* --~i-

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