•V \ 5' •- •i CUMMINGS IX) QUIT WAaliinfton, Xov. 15.—Presi dent Roosevelt announced today that Homer Still© Cummings, at- tomey-gereral during the five years of the n°w deal, will leave the cabinet in .Tanuary to fulfill a long-standing desire to resume the private practice of law. Cum mings thus becoff'es the first member of the cabinet to leave of his own voli'^on. Only previous changes were occasioned by the deaths of Secre'arv of the Treas ury William H Woodin and Sec retary of War Georee H. Dern. BinLDING DEFENSES Washington. Nov. 15.—Presi dent Roosevelt declared today that United States security de pends upon adequate defense for the whole Western Hemisphere and called upon Canada and the 20 Ijiitin American republics to join this countiy in a common military stand designed t o strengthen and preserve democ racy. Mr. Roo'^cvelt said at his press conference t'lst his rapidly expanding defense program, which is expected to reach a rec- ord-sinas'’ing peace-time high at the next se.ssion of Congress, is being approaciv'd from the stand point of ccntinenta' solidarity a- gainst attack f"om abroad. PANTS ARE BARRED Hollywood, Nov. 15. — .Miss Helen Hulick, a kindergarten teacher who wears evening clothes i-i the evening and pants in the daytime, marched into Judge .Arthur Guerin’s court to day. 'ooki-d .he judge squarely in the eye and dared him to make her take rff her nams. Tt was a show down he'weee Judge Oucr- in's campaign to keep ladies from wearing pants in c'crt rooms and Miss Hulick’s e-iually determined I. crusade to defend a lady’s right the larg-st docket the history ^ to wear what she likes where she of fejoral court at M'dliesboro. likes. Hulick l(>st. 1 oung lady," sa'd the judge. "You are ^ In contempt of covt. Five days.” I Coils Festival To Open Beginning 21st Federal Court to Convene In County Building; County In Federal Room When federal court convenes in Wilkeshoro on Monday, Novem ber 21, liiere will he a conflict between it and the term of su perior court now in progress and an exchange of buildings has been arianged in order that the business of both courts may pro ceed. The term of superior court which beg.an Monday of this week with Judge J. .A,. Rousseau, of this city, presiding is scheduled to last for three weeks and there will be about two weeks of fed eral cou”!. over which Judge Johnson J. Hav“s, of Wilkesboro. will preside. There aie no cas"» of major in terest on the civil docket now being tried in superior court and naturally the attendance is small and ean he easilv accomodated in the f-'iieral hui'ding. On the other ha"d. the federal court has a heavy docket of about 2'‘'0 case^ and *he federal courtroom is not 'urge enough to seat the defendants, to say noth ing of court officials, otficers, jurors, witnesses aud interested speeiatOT's Regular acl'vity of federal al cohol tax investigators lias placed many cases on tae federal docket and mass raids whirh developed from work o* ;i special secret agent, have swelled the lotul niiin- lier of cases to v.liat is considered GOVERNOR VANDKIBILT Elias Tambviritza Serenaders November J25 i Weekly Events Are Sponsored By Civk Club.' November 25, December 2, 9, and 16 are Dates; at School Building OFFER SEASON TICKETS Music, Magic, Fun, Lectures and Drama Included In Four Events EUAS TAMBURITZA SEKENADERS—A gay and fast-moving en- cntertainnient of Balkan music, presented ^ a company of five Charles, Anna and Martha Elias, and Mary Fiiipovitch all Jugo-Sh- vians, artists on the tamlmritza, native instrument of .lugo-Slavia. TIui assisting artist on this proprrarn is John Ilika, tenor, I'tuiio church singer of Chi*a^o Krom polished boots^ to scarlet tunics, theii picturesQue peasant cost.unies set olT the uniQue, tuneful ^usic of their native country. They also feature familiar, popular American selections Piano and violin augment the various tambuntz»as, ami Martha and Charles present a very alluring folk dance (when sta^c requirements permit). The quaint, hauntinjr strains or the tambunt- zas hi^Mijrht Mr. Tlika’s tenor solos. Loring Campbell Company December 2 IN TAKE .TEWS WEALTH ' BeMin, Nov. 1 r».—Economics Minister Walth- r F*uiik tonight announced thai $s00.000,000 of Jewish wealth, of nearly dne- third of the hnldinys of all Ger man Jews. ha^‘ been taken from them in the N r/.i drive to olitni-, nate Jews fro-i Ih- Reich's cco-I nomic life. Tli • nution's TiUdOOu Jews, he said. w.U i'e completely obliterated fro-u the ht'sine.ss world. Metinwivie Adolf Hitler’s elite ‘3. 3” stermtroop organiza tion, angered !'v .\mericnti indig nation o.'er the Reich s anti- Semitic drive, .vanned that Ger man Tews will suffer further pen alties if anti-Nazi agitation coii- tlnue.s in the I'nited States. 110 Examined In Orthopedic Clinic Held On Saturday Many Cripples Examined In Clinic Here; May Be Made Permanent li'ie to the iufi Uiat there is tip- Itar-.o'l need for an ortliopedic cliittc he"e as shown by the one held Saturday it tlic Wilkes hos pital, the activity may be con tinued w’tii clinics on regularly appointed dates i)v .V. J. Eller, health oficer. said today. A total of IIU cases were e.\- amin-d in the clinic, which was held by I'r. (). R. .Miller, of Gt.ar- lotte. and. Dr. W. M. Roberts, head surgeon it the state ortho- 1 pedic hovniial in (.nstcmia annoniiced proof d- . * I ' Of this iiiiinher tr> were new VOTE AFTER QI OTAS Washington. Nov I-d.- J. D- Hutson, assistant ,\.\A adminis trator, today ur© for fstahiishinent of 1939 . , , , flue-curen tobacco m.itndage quo-jca.ses. persons wnth bone mal- tas and acreage aUo'ments. Hut- formations or other physical de- son said "the method adopted is feds who had never been tn a with re-mmendations clinic. The others were those^wbo in K ep .I I nrovieiisiv treated for mads by committeemen and oth- | have been previously er represent at'\'es from the flue- cured states at a 'wo-day confer ence on October 2i and 25. The quota and allotment figures should be furnished to farmers prior to the referendum on De cember 10.” The procedure pro vides that upon the recommenda tion of the eoinmuntf’ and coun ty committee 'he 19'.S quota for any farm, may be- aijusted up ward or downward not more than 20 per cent. Officer Recovers Car After Chase Lofing rampbell is more than a magician and vontrilnqiiisl; he is a .great entertainer. His magic and ventriloquism are li a c k- .ground for a grand evening of fun of all kinds. Assisting Mr. Campbell ag tisiial. is Katiiryne fAIrs.) Campbell and with her help a more elaborate and enter taining rterformanee is possible. Is there an accomplishment more tnarvelotts than for two iieople to entertain an audience .so eoiii- 'Tlietely as to make them forget their troubles end feel young again—at least in spirit'' This re quires an liiiHSttal nei-sonaiity and hotli Coring aiifl Kh'iiryne Camp- 1)1 11 have it. When yon ace the Uoriiig Cumpbe!! rotnpaiiy you wit ness a iierfoi miniee that is dif- feretii. as .Mr. Cumphel! lia.s origi- iialed .some of the tiiiest effects in magic For twelve years liis work has been acclaimed from coast to coast. .A io.v iii.ght for all! Hon. Geoffrey F. Morgan December 9 physical defec's and who attend ed the clinic for a check up. The c'inic was sponsored by the .North Wilkesboro Kiwhanis club, which heretofore had been fiin.ishine transportation for cripnles to clin'os held in Gaston ia and a' Lenoir. The clinic Sat-, iirday was the first one held here during the past several years. Cowles Majority For Senate 161 In The District Hmi. Geoffrev E. .Morgan, lec- tnr^'f. educator li'gi-httor. lias had ample opnortiiiiity to gallier and develop niateriiil for ids vivid platform discussions. Dorn in England Dfty vears ago. he was Itrought 'o Galil'ornia at an early age: secured his .A. H. degree at Stanford and his Al. A. degree at Colu-nhia- wa-- in Itirn teaeher. princ'pal. city sttperinteiident and profeisor in Ohio lUiiver.sily. He finaliy left tlie school room for civic and political life, and is at present a memiier of the Gal,- forithi L“gislal'ire. Kor :i dozen year- "Who’s Who in America" has listed him. M'' .Morgan is a brilliant -neaker. with ra’-e wit and I'lil ai’siasm. IHs talks af' prac'ical. interesting, sthiitilaling and well seasoned wiiii liitmnv. He will discuss here "Yoitr Mon- ey or Year Life.” Don't miss Mor gan. Under sponsorship of three leading civic organizations the Collins Festival, four weekly events of high type entertain- meu'.. wt'l be presented in the North Wilkesboro 'school auditor ium on Friday night, November 2.5, December 2. December 9, and December 15- The 01 ganizaiioti.o sponsoring the Calling Festival in North Wil kesboro are Dte Kiwanis club, Ike Lions cluh. Ji'ii'or and Sen ior Women’s clubs. The Boy Sco'its, although not sponsors, will shaie equally with the three above named civic organizations in the pr.ifits from the entertain ment series. Collins Festival has been pro moted in several leading North Carolina cities and at each place has been a pli"nominal success and has been widely acclaimed. Descriptions of the four week ly events is given with illustra tions alongside on this page. Each event is a headliner in the enter tainment world and the sponsors can unhesitatingly recommend every one of the four programs to the fieoplc of this section of North Caroline. The first event will be oti Fri day night of next week, 7:30 o’ clock, by Elias Tamhiiritza Sere- nad-“*s, and will be u most varied and fcntcrtainir.g program. The second will he l.oring Campbell company with a galaxy of magic. venf>iloqtvsm and fun. tlie third a leettire hv Hon Geof frey F. Morg;':i. “Yei'r Money Or Your Life” wiD be tils subject. The final even' on neceniher 1C will he 0 broadwgv comedy en title 1 "Mary’s Other Husband”. Season ticke's will .go on sale for the very low p*'ieo of ?1.00 and season tickets for school chil dren will be 50 cents. These pric es are much lowc than offered for any similai se.ies of enter- He may be Gov. William H. Van derbilt to the social register, but he is just plain "Bill” to a host of friends. This socially prominent young resident of Newport was elected gtpivernor of Rhode Island, carrying A^th him a slate of state officers, •. He is a son of Alfred Gwyniie' Vanderbilt, who went down with the Lusitania. North Wilkesboro Offers Refunding Bonds of $48,000.00 New Bonds Will Be Sold to Replace Five P®r Cent Bonds Due Jan. 1st North Wilkesboro will sell re funding bonds in the sum of $4 8,- 000 to retire water, sewer and street lioiids of that amount fall ing due rn January 1. 1939, it was learned today from city offi cials. The bonds to h.> refunded are five per cent bonds. The new serial bonds to he dated December 1 will mature in the sum of 2,000 for each of the years from 1945 to 194 8. in clusive, and will he sold in De cember in lime to take up the' old hoiid,-! to mature on January 1. The local government commission has already apnroved the move on the part of the citv’s governing body. North Wilkesboro has never de faulted on its bonded indetited- ness, which lies been reduced ai e.xcel- lent credit in financial circles with its bonds ilwavs in demand. According *o the plan as ap proved by the local government commission the citv will continue tainment even's of a high type, rfdurUou of nz ever scheduled here. that af'rr 1948 the aver- I afe yearly biideet for debt serv- I ice will lie less than $6,009 unles.s I additional ob'igatiens are incur- I red. In view of tne city’s splendid credi' it is expee'ed that the new seriil bonds to be offered next month will be taken at a rate of intere«: miieh lower than the original five per cent and will effect a 'iibst'intial saving Cooking School li; Attended by Over 600 Home Midiers Three-Day Program Which Closed Today Was Out standing Success Tha thvee-day coking school of fered th.3 home-mal.ers of this section by The Journal-Patriot closed today. The school wa.v a success from every standpoint and The Journ al-Patriot is Fincer^ly grateful for the way in whi'h it was re ceived. Total attendance at the school was over 600 and the picture, “Sta- In My K'tchen” proved to be more interestine, entertaining and helpful than advance notices had predicted. By means of the ialking screen every pe.-son in the audience was trearsd to a close up view of how to prepare many delicious foods which should please husbands and be I'le means of greater do mestic happiness and trinqulllty. The instructions relative to the culinary art were cleverly inter woven into a eomedy-drama plot, minimizing the dullness of rou tine .0 ef’en exnerienced in hard boib^d in"tnietlon. Included in the crowds which saw the picture during its three- day showing were domestic sci ence clasres of the 'Chools of the Wilke.shoros ard some of the large’- schools of the county, in cluding Millers Creek ;uid Moun tain view The Jeiirnal-rali’ot wishes to express appreeiatlon to the New Orpheum Thea're for the use of the thea're. its splendid facilities and 'vliolehearted cooperation on the part of the management. This newspaner also wishes to thank each and every one for their attendance at the school. tVe 'rust that voii thoroughly en- joye-1 “Star In My Kitchen” aad that in addition to the entertaiu- ment it afforded, that prove beneficial. it may Christmas Seal Group Named cording to the original schedule. Sale of Seals Sponsored By and the city has a most e.xcel- ,,, . • ..r... ^ Woman’s Club Will Open On Thanksgiving Day Two-Day Holiday For Big Schools All thf. larger schools in the county system and practically all of the smaller units will be closed on Thu>-“day and Friday, November 24 and 2.5, for Thanks giving holidays. C. R. Eller, coun ty superintendent, said today. ■Noah WilkeRooro city schools! for the taxpayers, will also have two days off fori The $^8,000 in linnds to be re- Thanksgiving. 1 funded were issued in 1909. League of City Officials Favoring Number Changes In Tax Statutes The oKicial conn' of county re turns by the slate beard of elee- , , tions Tiiesda.v revealed that C. - ' H. Cowl-’F, Repiihlieaii, was elect- ingle Successful In Chase led to ills state senate over Dr. W. With Car Stolen In j t. Shore. Yadkin Democrat, by a ii.ajorily of 161 votes. The total vote was 13.175 ''or Cowles and i:i,i*1 1 for Shore, Mor,, than two- ith.ii i-s of the total vote was in ; \Vil!;e« county. ' Dr Shore caii'ied A’adkiii by j 11 cU'.l Davie by 59. Gowle.s led i Play, “Mary’s Other Husband,” Dec. 16 Statesville fM' I 5:, Carlyle Ing'-. ='ate l:igliv.ay patrol corpor.tl, ’•.■(■■'vered i stol en car Tuesda- on bighwey 11 a and .arrested H-rman Lowe, of near State-vi" - who was charged with the theft A 1938 mo(.e! Ford tiidor se-1 dan beloT-ginc Pf'i Lackey, of Taylorsville, wa.s stolen ^ Sun day from the streets in States ville 'While patmUng hi.ahway 115 tetwoon this ci'v and States ville the officer .saw the car and a ch.vse hegar. ending after a- bout two mile- run. The dnver of the car jumped and ran but was talf^n lat-r In ♦he day. Ho was identified as Herman ,Lowe. age 19. who recently com pleted a term for stealing a sum money He was lodged In Ire dell connty ja'l. P f V^' in Wilke‘S by All three emm- -UKl Iierctnrnr^ polled sub- \t! :;i:uorit.Ies ffi’* Iho Repiib- liFUD noniMiee lor senate. yi 'S'' i Last Bights “And ’ow is your ’usband get- tin’ on?" can't coinplaiu* •*lly Is 'e tk«t bad?" Amateur Program At Roaring River \)i Ci ■* "T ; •T- . " ^ .An ai’iateiir prog'-.sm will bo presented at Roaring River school on Saturday night. November 19, eight o’clock. The contest is open to any per son or group who wishes to sing. "MARY’S OTHER HUSBAND”—The problems and bewilderment of a wife and her efforts to impress liar wealthy uncle, form the basis of son or group wno wisnes to sing, plot. Uncle Elmer ami Husband Hervey clashed by mail after dance, pltiV any kind of musical Mary’s elopement, and Haxwey is resolved that they shall never meet instr iment or P'lt on any. When Uncle wires he is cominff to dinner, Harvey refuses to reniain act home, though Mary must produce a husband to meet her uncle, .^d Xct or ^rimLsinn will be on- indiscreetly boastful, Mary has to produce many other things, inclu^ ^ 1C f H fii h expensive furnishings, silver, a town dar, (jrand pia^, and a but- ly 10 and 15 cents and the school j^ighbors help bungingly; the baby is apparently kidnapped, will benefit by the proceeds. Harvey sleeps on the dining-room table, and gasps of amazen^t fol- fow hard on howls of laug^hter. "niis succesrful Broadway Pl^y written by L^rry Johnson, author of the Belasco production, It s )a Wise Child’’, and has a cast of five. If the “solar” is taken out of a system, we will have no system. Daylo Resident | Want Ten Per Cent of Autc Is Taken By Death' Tax Money and All On Miss Dickie Winvler. age 35, | Intangibles The North Caro'ina Loaguc of. Municipalities has r broad and ■esidciit of the Dat’ln community, died Monday and funeral service was held at Pophar Grove. She is xiirvived fv her niother, reaching program to present Mrs. Ma^**ba Wingler. and the . follo-ving brothers and sisters: | >o if gtsia'it’e t wa.- Effm Ann Marv Jane, Willie and | brought out here Tuesday in a Ambrose Wingier. . Hi^inn ...ncMn,. nc Careless Hunters Start Forest Fires district inneting o'” the Le.iBne. Representatives of the League present 'at the nieevimr, attended by city Officials here and .several from other cities and towns in I this part of the state, -ivere Pat- I rick Healy, of Raleigh, executive — ' secretary, and W. II. Newell, Blazes This Year Result Of 1 field consiilter. Camp Fires Left Bum- in the legisiati'-'-- program the ing, Warden Says ^ state for a ] refund of ten per cent of the There have been several forest i gasoline and automobile license fires in rhis sccDon during the:'.axes, to be used in construction dry fall season and all the fires and maintenance of streets. resulted from hunters leaving fires iiT ihe forests, Homer Brook shire, county forest warden, said today. He called attention to the fact that it Is a violation of the state law to leave a fire in or near the forest without taffiing due precou- tions and without extingulshinf it thoroughly. Mr. Brookshire urged that hunters he careful with fire and warned that the law provides fines or imprisonment as punish ment for neglect reeultlng In fire spreading into the forests. It is' understood that the League Will ask return of the to tal amount of the tax on Intangi bles, legs the actual cost of col lection. "Jf. wan pointed out that municijA&ties and counties have suffereirhoas of revenue by the law wh^b took intangihles off local taif books. The League also f.avors making the tax listing date as of Jan uary 1 each year instead of April 1. Tills change, if brought about, seals generously. would make North Carolina’s 11st- Appoiptment of tnemhors of llic> local Ghristmac Seal commit tee for 'he 19.18 cempaign was announci d today by Mrs. R. T. McNeil, general chairman. They are: Mr.s. Lewis Vickery, Mrs. W. M. Gooper, Mrs. George Forester, Miss Louise Vyne. The Christmas Seel sale which is sponsored tiv the Woman’s club, will open Thanksgiving Day an 1 will continue tintll Gliristmas. It has a two-fold par- po.se: Ihe raising ef funds to fi nance the orga-’ized rampaien a- gainst I ebei culosis and llie dis- ■seminalit It of information on tu- lierc'ilosis to the public. "Cenirr'ttee members and oth er w".rker« in the Christmas Seal sale rive generously of their time, em l ev ai'd ability,” said Mrs. Mc Neil, ciiairman. 'This spirit of volu’ifarv assistance is one of the chorished tradi'ion- of llie antl- No Holiday for TB Every 7% minutes, one person dies of tuberculosis in the United .States. In 1908 this dis- ■.'use took a life every 31^ 11 i n u I e s. , J r i sIma s deals enable tuberculosis associations to help the medical pro fession to wipe out thi disease from this nation. tuberculosis campaign. Willing workers in every community give voluntary service !n this busy season in order that tuberculosis may be conquered.” ^ It is time now to revitalize our efforts and for all to unite in re newed determination to conquer this enemy. What could be a bet ter rallying call to arms than the slogan for the 1938 campaign— “Protect Your Home From Tu berculosis” and the warning— "No Home Is Safe Until All Homes'Are Safe!” Christmas Seals will soon be oa sale everywhere. Become a part ner in this great campaign—Buy The committee suggeeU tke , ing date the same nr that of ad- following ways of using tk* joining states (Continued on nack fktio)']'; Hir ftHm iSr- m