' A ' na- ttoMl markettss^ifw^ of ' 7M,- - na- Air-RaM Shelters Will Protect ^fid^on ^00,000 ponndr for fhie-cBred to bacco in the mftrXettM ■'year -be-, sinning July 1 1939, vas an- noanred today hv Secretary ot Agrlcnlture Honry A. Wallace In accordance with the provisions of the agric”U«ra1 adinstment act of 1938. BUSINESS BETTER Washington, Nov. 22.—Secre tary of Labor Perk'ns announced today that 248.000 persons re- turn-jd to private i^bs In non- agrlcultura! lln«i dnring October. Km^oyment of this type has Arhown a outra-seasonal pickup **^or three oonsecnti'-o months, she added, and 900,ooo persons have •gone back towork since July. “Weekly pay rolls (of factories) rose more shsr;ly than employ ment," M'ss Po'-kins saidt The gain of 3 3 per cent indicated an increase of anproximately |5,- iOO.OOO in weekly wage disburse ments to 'actorv workers. FARLEY IS BUSY Washington, Nov. 22.—White President Roosevelt is basking under suiv'y (r'0’-gia skies. James A. Parley is beginning to make hay with the prospective dele- ^hteiraRnuh Course Ciyen By Watson Inspector For Department of Labor Conducts Very Successful Course Workmen have completed one of the trenches dug on the grounds of the Imperial War museum in London during the war scare that preceded the Munich pact. Authorities will maintain the trenches as a permanent air-raid shelter in the event of future war. Safety measures of all kinds have been widely inaugurated throughout all of England as well as London. Eiglitcn completed the Red Cross fir=f aid course for indus trial employes and succeesfuliy passed the prescribed examina tion, W’. K. Watson, department of l.abor inspector who conducted the course, said here this week follo’ving the examination. A total of 32 people, including factory f'.remen, sunerinteiulcnts and laborers, was present for at i least part of the course of ten lessons given at night. Industries reprerented during the course to taled 15. « Mr Wiitson said that the re sults of the ex'tmination at the end of the course liave been for warded to Red Cross headquart ers and thpt certificates would be issiirrl the successlul applicants by that organization. IQgliteeii To PriswiiFw^ t Liquor Charge Federal Court In MidM ' Of One of Largest Dodketa In Its History " to the lb40 Tlcmocratic na- tlonal convention. Scarcely before the Ink has dried on the election returns November 8, the post master general has begun to build his )re-conventi,''n organization. He held Private conferences yes terday in Nevr Yo'k with Demo crat! “ governors, state chairmen and national committeemen from 21 southern and eastern states. He vill meet in Chicago Tuesday with similar groups of party lead ers and off’eia’® from the western state.'. First Event Of Collins Festival On Friday Night May Include Wilkes In Expanded Soil Conservation District Kiwanis, Lions, Woman s Clubs and Scouts Are to Share In the Profits BE ^AVE IT A'VAY New York. .N'ov, 22.—A net Estate o*' $2fi.‘10 33T - some $17,000,000 of t in government hond-'—was left hv John D. Rock efeller, Sr. fooriJer of one of the mightiest ot all fortunes. This was •lisclcsed in a transfer tax appraisal -a sten legally incident to the collection of taxes—which - today, nnd the aamo time attorneys estimated that aft- ‘ er the ctiyment of federal and istate lev'es the estate would a- mour.t to some .10.000,000. In all the securitier lef‘ by the capi- ,talist there w.a^ but a single $43.94 share of stock of the vast Standard Oil e'l'Tprlse which he had fashi.med many years ago. Rockefeller’s holdings once were Walker, Waugh Kill Large Deer In Pisgah Hunt Headliners in Lima Pan-American Parley I Farmers tO Hear Plan Explained I'olice (liief J. K. Walker and W. H. H. Waugli killcxl two of the l.vrgest deer taken ill the hunts at Pisgah nation al forest last week. They spent only one day liiiiiting Chief Walker's buck weighed 160 and t*ie one killed hv Mr. Wauedi 167. estimated .at close to Sl.OOO.ooo. 000. but in the last year of bis I re a”!! progres.s of North long life- he was 97 when be |-^yiikoshoio and co'iimunity is died 18 months ago—he bad con- Earnestly desired. Season tickets fined his activ'ties substantially are i vail- t'Ie for only one dollar to giving away vast sums. To tbe Lad, go-id for the four events. ^world’s philanth'-oni'' agencies he | — "^Ijiad donated 8a 10..930.000, The Collin'- Festival, four week'y events of exeellent enter tainment. will open at the North Wilkesbo’-o school auditorium on Friday n.“ht. November 25. 7:30 o’clo'k. Collins Festival, which has won enthusiastic praise in every city isited. comes to North Wil- keshoro for the first time and und^r auspices of the Kiwanis Club, the Lionel Qupf iJbO-Senior and -JunTo?*VfomEiW%:Tnbs and the Boy Scout?, each of the four organizations to shn'"e equally in the profits from tickets sold. The Tamlniriiza Serenaders will put on Friday nivht's program and 'ithei good entertainers are sche.’iiled for the remaining three weeicly events .4tt°ndance ot all who lik“ to he e-iturtained and _ u i : who wish to aid the civic organ- day evoning at Wilkesboro school’ izations In their activities for the Schoolmasters In Novemhef Meif Supervisor of Demonstration School at Boone Talks On Subject of “Tests” W'lkes cmit'fy schoolmasters cluh in November meeting Tues- In Meetings Soon I Facilities For Terrace Work Would Be Available to Farmers of Wilkes year in Veraes- CH.\R(iES \I.“ED Raielgn. Nov. 21.- Democrats and Repuhlicai’s today tossed charges of illegal and fraudulent voting, a" l!io state board of elections •'egan a probe of alleged miscondiu* in the general elec tion of N'vomher 8, The charg-?s | revolved mainlv about alleged | misuse of absentee ballots, hut ' attorneys for some of the defeat ed candidates asser'od that votes vere oper.,y purchased and tiiat ’ drunkennuss. violence and gun- Adjust County Accountant Pay Allow W. P. Kelly Salary as Tax Supervisor and Purchase Agent W Ikes county board of com missioners with all mombers pres ent "let 'n recess meeting Tues day and pa.ssed *he following res- I olufion relating to the salary of heard with interest an address | by John T. Howell, Drincipal and supervisor of the elementary dem- 1 onstration school at Boom. j Prof. Ifowell whn spoke on i the subject of "ITsfs of Tests in | Schools.” was presented hy T. F,. ^ j Story, p'-esident of the club. He : 1 advo.'!ated the 'ise of tests mainly i I to enable the teacher to discover students’ weak noints and not as I a basis fr r grading and promo- ! tion. [ The meeting was attended by I 40 eachers from *he leading | schoi’s in the county. flra*y j .q Miller was pro.vram chairman. Vo cal mimbi rs bv Bobbie Laws and Goldie Erickson, with Mrs. R. E. Prevette accompanist. supple mented tne program. Alfred M. Landon, 1936 ItepabUcan presidential candidate, haa been named as one of this country’s representatives at the Pan-American conference in Lima, Pern. Appointment of the former Kansas governor by President Roosevelt was regarded by some students of political affairs as an example to nations who do not countenance two-party systems or presidential opposition. Dr. Carlos Concha, right, minister of foreign affairs of Peru, will be president of the eighth international conference fire on eloction day terrified poll holders ir some precincts, pre venting a true count of returns. The board recessed late this aft- eraooTi after hea>-ing, but taking no action, on. nrotests from,'Alex- anaer, Clreroke». Cltiv and Tyrrell counties. The investigation will fjaumed toipo'"row morning, when' complaints from Graham and Ashe counties will be con sidered. \V. P. Retired Fa'^mer—“Gues.s I’ll rest a while, I’ve hrough* in the egg.” "Well, you haven t counted >he cow.’’ Kelly, who b.qs been serv ing ,’s crunty aceoiiutant. county ta.x supevisor !>nd county pur chasing agent. The resolution passed by a vote of two members of the board w?.s as follows: "Whereas. W. P. Kelly, coun ty accountant, tax supervisor and purctiasing agent for Wilkes county, accepted appointment to these off'oes wHh the under standing that he would receive a total salary of $2.70 per month, and .vhe.'eas up to tiiis time the said W. P. Kellv has been paid only for his servicos as cotnty (Continued on page fivej ■i Special Gifts In Red Cross Roll Call By Business Firms Now Total $212 ;i! lb.'omplete returns from the Red'Cross Roll Call includes spe- claT. gifts ^fom the following in- dlrMnals and business concerns: Amarlcin Furniture Co., Line- bofry Foundry Co., Wilkesboro Co., Pepsi Cola Bottling Co., Wilkes Auto Sales, ‘ ,0. C. Pennov Co.. Belk’s De-j officers -^esire. to express the v.oii; whicn has been already decided itnon by the chapter'of ficers. ^ , ,4t this time it i.s impos.siblfe to make a full report from the membership drive. This will pos sibly be done vithin the next week. The roll call chairman and their na#tmeB+ Store. Yadkin Valley j heartiest ’hanks to all those who P".™ Tikeatre. Good- have had a part fa the canvass, Moboir Co.. Liberty 'rteatre. Good-, have Department Sjore, Motor , those who heve responded! e ^les Co., Meadows Mlll^ so gerercusly. It is hoped that all G. F'nley. Wi^es Hot . responded Co., Forest Furniture' - . ^r. R ^ery; "“iFfaW,' Home|to the Roll Call will do so at ' CO. ' * ■ total amount of these spej except! One isn’t hurt in thinking well 1,to the local treasury North Wilkesboro and Wilkesboro Play Scoreless Tie In Annual Game ,\n(l When Policeman (to mol.ii'ist wh" neav*}' coil'dedt— uon’t you kiu>w that you should alwav.s "'vp ha,; of the road to a wcuian d-i'vcr? Motorist—! :.'wavs do v'v :i I find 'uit whica half ut the rmid she wants. Will) tu'lh t'U'ms keyed to the i)i|ch .'”id playin.g Ib.rii' best game of the season. Xortii Wilkesboi-') and Wilkesboro led 0-0 Wed’ esd"y afternoon i n their annuril foot'ia!l classic hen'. With the sid'lines lined wi;'i I'nthi'sia’iic si:riior’."rs of botli teams, rcfU clin'g some of I lie rivalry b'-tween th«> two gridiron .-Icveiis, the t'o’uts mfii'clii'd 'i" and down the field, playing about evenly but nev’-r able to datiger- ou.sly threaten the goal. as N.) ono play r was outstanding •lams li'ii"''!! gamely and do.g-t'dly I'ont'eted every inch of gain. The l''::!ns 'viit into the un- uiial .game w'l'i records about v.'u. ;;l:iion"'; Norffi Wilkes- l;nro's 2"-(i vi'’orv over Taylors ville. it tr:nn. 'vliicb had twice beaten Wilkesboro this year, boo.ded the Lions’ stock in the pre-game dope. The tie game clo.sed the season for both local elevens, who won one game each this year. Annual Goober Derby Draws National Champs Twenty-five national peannt-pusiiing Icliarnps rooted’for honors fa an Edeglon, N. C., race, celebrating thC opening of the largest Tar Heel market. Schnozsle snubbers of »dhesive ta'pe were invented to prevent wear and tear caused by friction. Best of the'go'ojier racert tfas James SmaH, 6 toot 5 inch high school student who won the race by a nose. The eveat/.held yearly, draws huge .crowds who cheer their favorite De»»nl pushers to the finish line. Lawrence Call, burg. Pa., prison. The foi'owlng defendants were placed on probation: Cs’^ter Miller. ,Tobn C. Hub- hard. CIpek Lane, John Wallace, W’altyr Adkins A. D. Triplett, Jaim.-' Hirnby. Vernie E. Davis, (Rowan Pounty). Garfield Allen, Gonly Wirebarcer. Armfield F. Baug'iess .John (’leary. Raymond Par.K.s. George W. Elmore, Willlo Call. In conjmict’on with the refer- ! endnm on crop control to be held on December 10. farmers of Wil ke? lount.v will .at the sanie time express their views relative to the . proposed expaifion of the soil „ itttmsrrvariwt atsfrief In TadMnf^ y®'” Atfaat*. county to 'ncl’.’de all of Wilkes county. It is u"derstood that sentiment among W'lkes farmers is very muc'i in favor of the proposed expansion which would bring with'n reach of Wilkes farmers facilities for .ideniiately terracing their lauds and carrving out oth er measures for nrevention of soil erosion. .series of "'eetings were an- uouneed by Dan Hollar, Wilkes county agent, to be held prior to the refereridiim on December 10. The soil coneervation program for '.ne coming yea'" and crop con trol will ’’p disc’ssed at the meet ings. to which all farmers are invili’d. In addition to the information MU crop control W. D. Lee. of the soil "onspi’vation service, will be nicsci'f at the meetings and will give full info'-mation con cerning the pronosed expansion of tiie --oil conseri'ation district to includ'? Wilkes. I. (). S- I'aub. dean of the exten sion service and chairman of tho| state soil I'onforvation commit-j tcp, ssiied the fol'owin.g article j relative the soil conservation j district expansion: ' Last whiter 'b.e first steps were 1 Tnesday in .As'ie. Wednesday November term of federal tteart is'In progress at Wilkesboro wftlk Judge Johnson J. Hayee presid ing. . ' The docket, one of the lal^dst in the history of the clrputt, to being prosecuted by District At torney Carlyle Higgins end assistants. Henry Reynolds to court clerk. ’ [ Before i-our* adjourned yeeter- day afternoon for Thanksgiriac a total of eighteen defendaiits had been sentenced to prieon aad the reforinatorles. Fifteen wero placed under probation. Cases In which prison or ro- formatory sentences were metod out follow: George Bars’on Gentry, It months Chillcothe. ( John C. Hubbard, year In At lanta. Berley Baiigues«, verdict of guilty. ' i Ernest Saltz vear in Atlanta. Ga.’nle O. Billings, year la Chilllcothe. John Colbert Davis (Guilford county) five years n Cblllicotho. No.ih ?tanes Walker and liestor V. Pardue. year each in Chflll- cothe Columbi.s Herber’ Sturdivant, 60 days in jail. Nathaniel Bme, vear in Chllli- cothe. Hubert Bailey, year in Atlanta. Olln Baiiey, year in Chilllcothe. John Neal DeBerry, 5 years in Atlanta. '■ Marshal Harrs, v^ar in At lanta. June Holloway, year in CBll- licothe. Edwin Williams, year in Chil- licot'.ie. Coy R Staley (Yadkin county) Better Service By N C S E S Office Representati've Will Spend One Day Each In Other Counties In District Th' Offiee S(ati‘ North Wilko'-boro branch the .Morth Carolina En'',iloyiiient service has 11 provided for weekly service to the four other counties serVbd, it was learned here today from B, G- Go'itry, manager. Tl'.c :r’'hedu!e now calls tor in land-owners in Yadkin ; Alleghain'. Thursoav in Alerdn- takei. l)y County to Iiave a Soil Conserva tion Dis'riet established for the purnose o? selti'ig up an organ ization of farmers for the control of soil (»r";sion and for other con servation work The State Soil Goii'.-!"rv:i*:nn Committee, after conf-ri ring with representative farmers of the county, decided on those poition.s ilrained by North der. and Friday in Watauga. A rep''esentalive will be at th» courthouse in each county on the designated day. The hours for rayiorsvili'' wi'i be 9:4b a. m. to 3:15 p. n and in the other counties tlie hoc's r. ill be 10:0# a. m. to 'l.'OO " in.. .Mr. Gentry said. Tile ii"o'ines o ih" Unem- and South Dee'.i and Forhiish : ployment Coinociisat'ori will be freeks. The iimiuded area is the i carried ut on tb" d"si.enated central pimtion -of Yadkin county.! days alo’iv wit'' t!>at of the em- and the name—Tri-Creek—was ploy men* servic", he .said, derived from the fact that the 1 area was .droned by the three', above-narred streams. A referen dum was conducted to det,n miiie \ whether farme*-? wished to estah-. lish a dlatrict. At this election the| land-owners voted almost nnani-j mou3ly in favor of such OTtab-' WilkesbM-o Key to Blue Ridge Parkway” Is I City Auto Plate HasKeyEmblein lishment. A charter was issued by' (Conttnii*-.. "11 [rage loiiri Lions Dance To BeHeldTonisht Stubby Taylor and his orches tra will furnish music for the Thauksgtving Dance to take place at the arir.ory b«i] tonight under auspices of the North Wilkesboro Lions Club. The dance is expected to be one of t ie highlights of the fall, season in social circles in this part ot the state and shonld prove to he a very delightful af fair. It will begin at ten o’clock. the Inscription North Wilkesboro 1939 au^>- niobile tngs, which will go op sale along with state HcePse plates or December 1, will hitfa the same color design as ,t^o state tags aluminum letteiisg a maroon background. The new city tags will be ilh the form ot an attractive advf^ tisement for the. cltv, bearing an 6mhloni',(J^ n -^he In scription, “North Wllkesbo'ro Key to Blue Ridge Parkway Th* price of city' plate,will|1.00 and they will be sAld.lifi-the^CSa^- olina Motor cl«b at'ttii ‘ ottiei’>0m B street. i ■A

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