IE' tWr^WARNEB ; vpwwurdv ^vUnd, Dec, 4.— Warr, a cabinet mln- llf^, w«rnod German; todax not 1914 mistake of thiuctnil;; Britain decadent and of a growlntc Bn?liah wnrictlon that "oal; armaments can speak ef- faetlrely.” The peer. In the cahl- ne>£ %s president of the board ednoatlon, also disclosed in addrMB hero Britain’s disappoint ment with the Nasi state since tin September Munich agreement. GtflTEY FOR F. D. R. Washin^on,. Dec. 4.—Senator Gufley (D), Pa., came out flat ly today for the renomination 'resident Roosovolt. Declaring le 1940 pree'dontia! campaign would be a history-making strug gle between “the liberal democ racy of Franklin D Roosevelt and “the camouflaged fascism of powerful flnanc'al and industrial intereets masquerading under the colors of the Republican party, the admini.stration sjrpporter added: “The one man to justify the Roosevelt '•eoord is Roose velt. JAMES IN BUSINESS Hollywood, Dec. 4. — James Roosevelt, eldest son of the Presi dent, today became a motion pic ture tycoon, joining Samuel Gold- wyn Productions. Inc., as vice preeldent. Goldwyn, gray-haired veteran of the motion picture bus iness who has organized and headed more major companies than any other man in Holly wood, announced young Roose velt’s appointment in a brief formal statement: “It is with great pleasure that I announce that James Roosevelt has joined my organization as vice presi dent,’’ he said. fi^ral CoiirtMay CfinVeiie Again On , Jan.'^ No Bills Presented to Grand Jury On Evidence By Undercover Agent G-MAN IS WITNESS Youths Indicted For Intimi dation of Witness Freed By Directed Verdict President Franklin D. Roosevelt is the guest of North Carolina to- d^, being scheduled to deliver an address at 4:30 this afternoon before the Carolina Political Union, a student organization of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. SPEND FOR SAFETY Washington. Dec. 4. — Louis Johnson, assistant se‘retar>’ of war,'-declared todav that the na tion “must sp°nd money” for more and better planes and anti aircraft guns to assure “mini mum ’ safety from attack. Fight ing in Spain and China has shown "the havoc which a hostile benbing attack could and, in the event of war, doubtless would, wreak on onr unprotected cities,” said in his annual report to Sec- retarv Woodring. Recent advanc es in other countries have equall ed or excelled the quality of A- meriean warplanes, which alrea dy were far surpassed in num bers by the fleets ot some foreign powers, Johnson renortert. $5,730.52 Will Be Paid This Month To Wilkes Needy Freak Egg Opened Needy, Aged, Dependent Children and Blind Will Receive This Amount Among the pgas gathered on the farm of J. M. German at Boo.mer recently there was one e.xceedingly large egg, which was described as being as large or larger than an ordinary goose egg. When the egg wa.' opened it was found to have two yolks, one Federal court adjourned in Wil- kesl- )i-o Thursday afternoon after almnst two weeks work on the criminal docket Judge Johnson J. Hayes an nounced that couit would again convene in Wiikesboro on Jan uary 9 and instructed the jurors to rftuip on that date unless otherwise notified. Due to tihe fnet that attorneys in several cases calendared for >(trial in 'ederal court were engag ed in a lengthy trial In Wilkes superior court, which was also in se.ssion Inst week, a number of cases in federal court were con tinued. The cases res;i’t'ng from work on an ‘undercover’’ agent in Wilkes recently, in which about 40 were charged with conspiracy to violate the federal alcohol tax lawn, ■R'ere not presented to the grand jury. It '? understood that the Attorney General advised that a co-npromise has been proposed. Local people heard a G-man testify in court at Wilkesboro for the first time Thursday when ft There meeting of the American Legion and Auxiliary in Statesville on Saturday night December 10, Wallace 3. Clark, special agent o’clock. The department commander of the bureau ot investigation, recounted results of an invwtiga- „reeident of the state Auxil- tion he bad made into charges preaen* Those wisih- a number of youths of the attend are. asked to please that PurleaFi community had attempt ed TO int4midate a government witness by riding by his home and Funds to be paid rni^ for old age assistance, aid to dependent children and aid to the blind in the .state social security program Wllkc"^ county for the month in each end, and a conxplete hard^ firing a number of shots in the shelled egft in *he center, about uio the =ize of a partridge egg. t (il^tlon of his house. jitlPHaST6y'’lCoster was th« witness WANT MEDICAf vSCHOOl. Raleigh. Deo 4.—Establish ment of a state-supported four- year medical school, meeting eve ry requiroment o^ a Grade-A in stitution. was roco.-umended to day by a spw'sl .-^tudy commis sion authorized bv the 1H37 Gen eral Assembly. Thoiich agreeing on the feosibility and necessity for the proposed .school, commis sion members disagreed on its lo cation. Four members said in a “ma.ic-rity repo-"’' hhev believed the school should be estahlishod at Chapel Hill. Two others—O. M. Mull of .‘the'hy and Dr. B. J. Lawrence of Raleigh- attached dissenting statements, explaining that “responsible parties” bed promised a “large donation’ from private funds to snpnlement a state appropriation to build and endow a four - year medical school,” provided the school was built at a desvnaied city in the state.’’ of December total $.'i.7.30..'>2, it was learned today from the of fice of Charles McNeill, welfare officei. Checks total ng $3,870.52 for Uecembet old age assistance pay- rnen's to 4 7-1 residents ot Wilkes county have been received and will be mailed out as .soon as they are nigin d by the proper county officials. T*'P amount represented in check- for aid to dependent chil dren is .$1,330.50 and will liene- fit 3o5 children. A total of $4'.:0.52 was receiv ed from the state commis.sion for the blind to be distributed to the 36 blind residents of the county who have been certified as eligi ble to receive this aul. Wilkes Fanners To Cast Vote On Control Dec. 10 County Agent Announces Polling Places for the FauTners Dec. 10th W. Grady Gaston Dies In Charlotte Mennber State School Com mission Was a Former School Head Here Marriage Licenses Marriage licenses were issued during the past ‘wo weeks by Oid Wiles, register ot deeds, to the following: Roy S. Cavenaugh, Wallice, and Carrie Mildred Bry ant, North Wi'kpshoro: Lee Walker. Wagoner, and Stellie Sheets. Sherman ■ Hayes .(arvis and Mozelle Peavis, both ot Wilkesboro ro-itc Janies R. McNeill. Millers Creek and Irene Hazel Walsh, Purlear: Artjtiir Sebastian and Dorothy Mae Col lins, both of North Wilkesboro route 1; Dan Rhymer anc,'Edna Oliver, b-dh of Champion; Will Brown, Wilkesioro. and Corda Curry, North Wilkesboro: J. F. Taylor and Genie Johnson, both of Hendrix: Roher‘ Cardwell and Alice Webb Cardwell, both of North Wilkesboro. W. Grady Gaston, a member of ? State School Commission, >d unerpectfdlv Wednesday in Charlotte hospital, -where he was thought to be recuperating satisfactorily from an operation a ■week previous He was 4 8. Gaston, a native of Gastonia, had been executive secretary of that city’s chamber of commerce for 10 years. He was superintendent of North Wilkesboro schools about 2 years ago, serving in that ca pacity until he enlisted for service the World War. He made a good record as a school adminis trator and during the latter years of his life served w’ith distinction on the state school comm>-^Sa. He received his educati^ the public .schools of his. home city and at Duke University, where he was graduated in 1911. He iater became president of Duke’s General .Alumni Associ ation a post he held at his death. Active in the religious and civ- Wilkes county farmers will go to the po'ls on Saturday. Decem- iber to, to vote as to whether or not compulsory marketing quotas will he rendered in the 19.39 crops of flue cured tobacco and cotton. Thpolling places of the dif ferent townships will be as fol lows: Edwards Township at Benham schoolho’ise; Traphill township at Holbrook’s store. Traphill: New Castle and An1io‘h townships at Clingmaii' Somers and Lovelace town.ships at Somers; All other townships will vote at the Court' in Wilkesboro. At the same time that the vote is cast on cotton and tobacco, all voters wi'l be aIio'''ed to vote in a separate ballot box, as to whe ther or not Wilkes county shall be included in the Tri-Creek Soil Conservation Di.“trict which is now operating in Yadkin county. In addition to the regular poll- 'in q'lestlj'il and the offense was alleged to have taken place in May. 1937. Foster was a witness for the g'lvernment against Phil lip Yates, charged with selling liquor, but in the intimidation case the goverument wa's unable to chow that the alleged offense took place after Foster w.ns sub poenaed and Judge Hay^ direct ed a of not guilt/ ’ithout bhe case going before the jury. Defendants in the case included Yate.s. M nrren Kiiby, who was alleged to have fired the shot or shots. CIv’de Vannov, driver of the truck whi-' 'karried the party. Wren CouperV Jrl others SoB^Distriet V«te Will Be Cast On Saturday, Dec. 10 Huffman and Firecrackers Are A Double Loss Police Chief, Says No One Will Be Allowed to Fire Then In This City Ordering firecrackers tor Chrislraas celeh-ation is a waste of time and money if you expect to shoot them in North Wiltfes- boro. was the substance of a warning from Police Chief J. FI. Walker. Chief Walker explained that it to shoot is violation of the law .11 --1 .... 1— fireCi*ackers in North Wilkesboro ing places for the vote on tobacco limits and he said he was and cotton, there will be three polling places just for the vote on mentioning the fact in time to save people the t:’ouUle and ex- the con.servation district. These p^nse of obtaining the noise mak- places will be at the Mt. Pleasant school, the Fe’-vuson school, and the Moravian Falls school. All people in those communi ties are urged to go out and vote on tills program. Make Progress On School Building New Four - Room Building at Clingman Now Being Built Through WPA ic WPA workmen are making rapid progress on construction of a new school building at Cling- man, it was learned today from life of Gastonia. Ga.ston held county school authorities. membership in the Main Street The building under construc- j Methodist church, of which he tion at Clingman will be of brick was a steward, the Ctvitan and other organizations the He had served as president of ditorium. veneer construction and will con tain tour classrooms and an au- A similar building at Boomer, IU17 Southern Association of So- — — — cial Sectetariesyand was an offi- containing four cKssrooms and cer in the national association, an auditorium, has been oomplet- The fn»eral held at 3:30 ' ' ' ' ‘ - .m. Thursday- at Main ed and is now being occupied by , Street the school. It was also erected as MeChodiBt churrh in Oestonia. a WPA project with the cost A MlLtMTiBeirvire was held at the shared between the county and graveetde fedwral govenmeot. ers for the Christmas holidays He pointed out the extreme danger 'n handling firecrackers, especially for children, and urged bhat parents not allow children to handle them in any form. Chanfi[e Dates Of Home Club Meets Miss Harriet McGnogan, home demonstration agent, today an nounces change.^ made in the schedule ot home demonstration club meetings for the month as published last week. The Ferguson club will meet on December 15' Maple Springs will meet on December Boomer club will meet cember 9 De- Infant Dies Gracy E. Blackburn, three- Btiel.,,: Sheriff Claude T. Doughton, (Democrat), left, and Clerk of Court C. C. Hayes (Republican), right, today were sworn in for four-year terms.- The proposed amendment changing terms of office of sheriff and coroner from two to four years went into effect upon certifica tion of the vote in the state. Iredell M. Myers, Repifolican coroner, also began a four-year term today. ing to attend are asked to please notify the local commander or preeldent in order that reserva tions may be made Wilkes May Be Included In Soil Conservation Dis trict Now Formed Along with the meetings to ex plain the Referenda, which is to be held on December 10 in re gard to marketing quotas for flue-cured tobacco and cotton. W. D., who repre,«ents the Soil Conservation and Extension Serv ice of North Carolina, will explain the possibility of Wilkes county beeomming a part of the Tri- CreeV: Soil Conservation District, Dan ’loller. Wilkes county agent, said todav. In addition to the meetings which are scheduled in the tobac co and cotton sections, there will be three other meetings for the purpose of expluining the Soil Conserva'ion Service. These meet ings will be held at Mt, Pleasant school on Thursday, December Stii, at 3:30 n m.: Ferguson school Thursda,v. December 8th, at 7:00 p. m.: .ond Moravian Palls school Friday December 9th. at 3:30 p. m. .All favner.s and orchard men are cord’ally invited and urged to auend at le^st one of these meetings The vote on this district will be December 10th,. and the poll ing places will be the .same as those for flue-cured tobacco and cotton, ill addition to Mt. Pleas ant school. Ferguson school, and Moravian Falls school. Football Banquet Thursday Evening Enjoyable Occasion at the Wilkesboro School Anti cipated;'Expect Many On Thursday evening, Decem ber 3, Wilkesboro school will give a banquet in the home economics rooms for ’ the football team. which represented the school in •_ gMziina with fine way in eight games with will serve a good dinner T. E. :itory, superintendent ot uracy a. .. .... in-rtta- ’'Teacher — Johnnie, months-old child of E. J. and the schools, ha - ^ greatest amblt'on? Dovie Huffman Blackburn, died tk>ns to a number of citizens and iJOVie tlUIIHUtll u, ot Friday and funeral servloe was schCDl friends held Saturday at Stony Pork the banq.iet, w>>ich vrill not o y »c olmn*-Witli Rev. Fd Haye# in be an occasion of pleasure but cbMM. one fpr planning torofhfrt and ebten, and comxounlty irofhert and tUten, ana cotniounny »jai conaner the great IWid 'Paulliw Bliwkr Xhose Who can a^t» aaka* to notify Mr. Story. Three WeeksTerm District Meeting Legion, Auxiliary • k On Saturday Night (Jt OUpeilOr LOUTl here will be a joint district ^ . a Closed On Friday Several Plaintiffs Lose Ac tions in Civil Court; The Docket Is Lessened A \thrce-weeks’ term of Wilkes superior, court for trial of civil cases adjourned in Wilkesboro Friday afternoon. city, presided over tUe tWttf.Tri-. t._ t>, » scheduled which was originally for ‘wo weeks but another week was iddcrt in an effort to lessen congestion on the civil docket. The court was held in the fed eral building, in order that the federal court might have access to the county buildiug, which has a much larger courtroom. Following are the cases dis pose') of by Jury trial during the term ■ Lonnie J. Brown versus Dr. Popper Bottling company, plain tiff recovers nothing. Bettie Rash versu.s Walter Stroud, plaintiff recovers nothing. Elton ’TcGlamery versus Toca- Cola Bottling company, plaintiff recovers nothina;. Effner Eller ve>-sus Goca-Oola Bottling company, non-suit. G H. Tatum versus I. 0. Speas and Arnold Hunter, plaintiff re- cove-rs nothing. Two divorces were granted: one in the case of Flliza Mcdlure versus Fred McClure and th' other Rc'dmer Wood versus Irene Wood. In the case of Roy Sanders versus Dr Hugo Hoffman, grow ing out of an automobile accident. Sanders was aw'arded a judgment of $2,000 tor i>im8elf and $200 damages to his car. The case con sumed the greater nart ot the third weev of court. During the tenn several orders, and consent judgments were signed, resulting m additional cases being removed from the docket other than thoi»e tried by jury. Several cases in which the plaintiffs did not appear to prose cute their actions went off the docket by the non-suit route and a number ot p'nintitfs voluntarily non-suited pending actions. Sberiff;,Qeik AndCorfmerh For 4-Year Term M. F. Absker Named Cki^ man of Board of CopiVM*- sioners, All Repobficaik DOUGHTON DEMOCRAT Oaths of Office Admiaia* tered at 10 o’Clock To day at Courthouse Wilkes countv officers elected In the November election were sworq In this morning at th* In Wilkesboro. Today Sheriff C. T. Doughtoa, Democrat, and Coroner I M. My ers, Republican were inducted 1»- to office for four-venr terras, tbs term of office of sheriff and cors- nor having been increased frost two lo four y lars by the ameod- men*. which was approved by ma- joriti' vote in ‘be election aad which went into effect upon cer tification of the vote in the stats. The oath of office was admta- istered to Sheriff Doughton by Judge J. A. Rousseau, of this city. Sheriff Doughton was tAe only Democrat elected to county office in Wilkes this year. Mis# Elsie Foster justice of the peace, administrated the oath of office to C C. Hayes, Repak- lican clerk of court elected for a second four-year term. She alao admiulstered ‘he oath of offtoa to Coroner Myers and Earl S.- Caudill, P.epubliean county sur veyor elected tor s second two- year term. The clerk of court gave th* oath of office to the newly elect ed board of commissioners, cooi- Insnai-.- bent. Dr. W. R. Triplett and C. C. Sidden, all Republicans. Thus the control of county gor- ornment passed today back into Republican hands two membera of the board during the past tw* years, R 0. Pinlev and Leet Pop lin, .lemnrrats, having been de- featej in the election. Th'i old boar-i of commission ers met this morning and ad- journ^'d, the n^'w hoard taking office. M. F. Ahsher. th" only incum bent on the new board and wh* has served for several terms, wan elected chairman on motion of Dr. W. P. Triplett oeconded by F C. Sidden. Oaihs of office were adminis tered tod'iy lo manv constable* nd justices elected in November _nd manv people from all parts pf the county were visitors at th* courthouse today, although no piiblle installation cereraonie* were* held. Special Meeting Spanish-American Veterans, Auxiliary Kiwanians Hear Of Soil District Extension Worker Says That Farming Furnishes Chief | Source of Livelihood .North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club in meeting Friday noon heard an in.stmctivc address bv W. I). L^,. of ‘he soil conservation depart- mont of the extension .service, telling of the proposed expansion of the soil conservation district in Yadkin county to include all of Wilkes county. Mr. Lee slated that "there was a time when perhaps lumber was the chief source of income for this countv, but ft has been mined to its deiths. Again, it may have been thought that industry is the chief source of income but not true. The truth is that farming and its allied interests furnish our chief source of livelihood. We have been mining it too as we have our other resources. ThC'^e All members of Wilkesboro Camp number 13 and Ladies Aux iliary are urged to attend the 22,800 acres abandon next meeling of the camp which , account of eroakm will he held at the 46,000 more acres so badly Wilkesboro, next ff'^rday, De-1 tilled at cem5er 10, at I o’clock sharp.' Special business of Interest to all la loss. There are only 120,00« a ini’? w«y til V ' Y • ■ , . * 11 other scshools ir this p^rt the members; Blect'on and installa- state during the g-idiron season, tion of officers. C/omrade Geo. W. sxaLe auims i-m ». ^ nvn y* — A good program bas been planned Hartley, .leparuneut commander, and the home ecp.uomlcs classes Fayetteville, will be present. ^ And Comb Her Hair i Teacher — Johnnie, what is Johnnie—To wash mother’s ^ A Red Crj^ ObrWmas Se^ on Christmas ,'card and’ -'W* ’wb|t* acres in the county under culti vation. The erosion caus^ by tb* wind, rain and. unwise culUva- tion not only has done Its h'urt t* these immediate lands but tb* damage is felt elsewliere. - Tb» bottom lends are flooded and cov ered, the power dams are tilled,, and the water supply, lor all c4- , ties dow^itream 14 injured. conBi^ratlon prpgi^WJsria ^ ^ coBHdete uptii toUowing.A'^ai “Wbftt 'is (Cowfinnsd lAm PM* ■ r-\ t-

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