>5^1' All _.^JB£aMfHiflmBfir t«»t iBter “You M»Uy (Hd»,^mto»?« “Oh. V ]t«ta n*B*i peate’* v4 f«ty ■•V- *>v P’A:-?-' ’“'T— —-'^’•^■"^■BaearaaaaBBBa J-iWTlCE OF SALE OP REAL H8TATE / Under and by virtue of the pw*r of sale contained in a cer tain Deed of Tiua^ dated day ®^^Septemher, 19U, vluch is re ^ office of Roister and the oommiin’ty at large, of Deeds for Wilkes County ' — . ~ iui- fTUKes »./Ouniy in Iwk 169, page 419, from, Boone Trail Apple Orchards, Inc., to A. H. Caac^, Trustee for Deposit & Sa'i'ings Bank, to secure the menr*of T*not^men^n- Winnie Speers. Sunday. iJ^oke the dial on the radio and the community congratulates ' ’ * ' * The Yellow Hill Sunday school . father’? fonntain pen to her on the honor •Mwsi, V* a UUM5 taerein menuon- ed; and* default having been made In the payment thereof, and de mand having been made op me; I will, Therefore, on Tuesday, January 3, 1939, at the hour of ten o’clock a.' m. at the court house door in Wilkesboro offer for sale for cash to the highest bid ADVERTISEMENT yesterday in the Sunday j^orth Carolina, Wilkes County. . . . . ® described real enloved much by Notice is hereWy given that the estlng trip, Board of Commissioners of the — Mr and Mrs. Demnsey Church Town of North Wilkesboro, North and Mr. and M.--S. Atris Greepe Carolina, will receive Prop^als were guests in the home of Mrs. for the erectiw of a Town Hall, estate, viz: First TVact: Adjoining the lands listeners of W. J. Palmer and others on the north; on the east by the lands of Spain Whittington: on the west by the lands of Eugene McGlam- ery and others; following the Eourae of the old Jefferson Road on the South; Beginning at a persimmon tree at or near the old Jefferson road (now the new State Highway) and running South 57 degrees east 17 poles to a stake; thence south 48 degrees east 38 poles to a stake; thence south 43 1-2 de grees east 19 poles to a stake near the old Jefferson highway, the comer; thence running north 5S 1-2 degrees east 65 poles, more or less, to a stone in Whitting ton’s line: thence North 4 de grees east, crossing a branch 63 1-2 poles, more or less, to a stake, the northeast comer of the tract; thence west crossing the branch 19 2-5 poles to a dog wood; thence south 74 degrees west 11 poles to a white pine: thence south 85 degrees west 42 poles to a black oak; thence north 7 1-2 poles to a white pine; thence west 82 poles, more or less, to a stake, the northwest corner of the tract; thence south 20 poles to a stake: thence west 22 poles to a stake: thence south 34 1-2 degrees eas. 17 poles to a stake at or near the highway: thence south 65 degr-'-es east 22 poles to a stake at or near the North bank of the old Jefferson road; thence south 73 degrees east 37 poles, more or less, to the beginning; containing 68 3-8 acres, more or less, as showTi on the plat made by G G. Elledge, Surveyor, dated Nov. 8, 1934. Second Tr;ict; Bounded on the north by lands of T. B. Finley, bounded on the east by lands of J. B. Nichols, et al.; bounded on the south by lands of\Hy. Steel man, and others; hounded on the west and S. E. by T. B. Finley property, and others and de.scribed as follows: Beginning at a maple at or near the branch which is just south of the dwelling, and running north 66 degrees west 17 poles to a per simmon tree; thence west, cross ing two branches and running' al most parallel with the third branch 50 poles to a persimmon tree, the Southwest corner of the tract; thence north crossing road and branch 15 deg. west 56 poles to a chestnut oak, comer of the Finley tract: thence east 67 poles more or less, to a locust, corner the Finley tract: thence south 1-2 degrees cast -34 poles to n locust and maple: thence south 44 1-2 degrees east 4.5 poles to a chestnut oak; thence so'.ith 70 de grees cast, crossing the 'oad twice, :34 poles to a pine stump near the bank ot the brunch- thence .south 51 1-2 degrees eusl. following the general cour.sc of the branch and crossing the same. 36 poles to a pine at the bend of the branch; thence .'i'ai'.;’. 79 (le- grees e::st 29 poles to a ni’’,e: thence south 5H 'degrcc.s ea.sl 12 pole.s to a pine; thence N'orth :i degrees east 5 poles to a stake; thence south 88 degrees ea.sl 28 poles to a black oak, .1. B. Nich- corner; thence son:,; 1 dcgrei* rith his line, it being a con ditional line, cros.sing the road, 19 poles to a souvwood; iru'lice south degrees west 9 poles to a stake: thence south 6 1-2 degrees east 15 poles to a stake in the Steelman line, the same being the southwest comer of tract; thence north 88 degrees west crossang a hollcw. :10 poles to a pine, Kdby s comer: thence north It. *y- ereos west 113 poles to a stake at or near the branch: tr.encc north 82 degree.s wes* 2! ;>iues. more or less, to the begmnng; containing 57 3-4 acres. m i.- o; of 17 west ^‘7 deatriedfOM of w> maigr ^ SmniMt Yidiuty SUMMIT, Dec. 6.—The new lunch room which was recently Installed In the Summit school Is receiving nice cooperation from the narenta of the school children. It Is generally believed that It win be a great help to the school Mr. and Mrs Carr Church vis ited Mr. and Mm. Coy Church. Sunday aftemoc.n Miss Snmer Greene visited Miss is progressing nicely, with a good attendance. A nice talk based on the Suiidav school les son text' “Thou shall not bear false witness against thy neigh bor," was made by Mr. Noah Be- Greene’s and Mrs. Church’s broth- aft- Heating. The Building is to be located on site situated on '“B” street in the holds er, Mr. Coy Church, Sunday ernoon. _ Mr. Aldren Greorc, who holds ^‘,^"£''jf^orth'Wilkesboro, North a position with h'.s brother-in-law. Carolina. B. Church, of Harley, a.11 Proposals to be sealed and visit •(! his parents. Mr. and Mrs. addressed to R. T. KcNiel, Mayor, J s during the week- North Wilkesboro, North Carolina. Proposals will be received until M- f'bi.rrh who had 10:00 A. M„ E. S. T„ December M [./aronera 15, 1038. at the office of the Clerk his tonsd- remo,ed and Treas-Jrer at North Wilkes boro. All Bidders are hereby notified that they must meet all legal re quirements and comply ■with all provisions as set forth in the spec- stake in the public road: then Mationai »anK ouuoing, m'^vemn inuu north 9.60 degrees west with said North Carolina, upon the Naomi Rilling«; ..,^...1 nny] V» 1 c« livin K TinlPS! 10011 1 _ •». AA /"lAmtAWkl x ly. 1i(^ tUsy «U1 mniUui* vi«lt our communltv regul*rly. The Infant •■ih pt. Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Blackburn which has been seriously ill for some time, died Friday, Dec. ,2. Funeral services w€ie conducted at the family cemetery Saturday afternoon at two o’clock, by Rev. L«e J. Church, pastor, assisted by Rey. Levi Greene. Xtte^fW'AfBdi^ Bhnauie Mr. and ACn. day ^ Rfehardao^ Lftrle Blao 'Twas the day before Christ mas. Willie Jones broke a window with a snowball, passed his mother, got his new suit full ot . i Mrs.\ WUUfMM to the Davis Hoepltal on abeount of a severo lllhaw laat week, Tlie latent account Is that she 18 resting very well and her friends and neighbors are anx ious to learn of her recovery. Mrs. S. B. Milter, of Denny sec tion, was awarded first place In the ounty In the home demon stration canning conteet and sev enth place in the state. ^Is Is quite a distinction for Mrs. Miller and took father’s fountain pen to draw pictures with. “Thank goodness,’’ sighed Papa Jones, “My boy Is not hypocrite!’’ her on the honor Among those attending the pro gram of the Political Union at Chapel Hill Monday at which time the Preeident spoke weret Homer A. Carlton, Miss Blanche K. Ferguson and Mr. T. W. Fer guson. They report a very Inter- 4WF. . , NORTH W1LKK3BORO, 1, Dee. 4.—Miss Nanhie Cntd^' and MHDe. friends enjoyed'a to Hickory. Sunday. Mr. Bill CaadlM and soma friends enjoyed a rabbit hunt Sat urday of last week 'They killed eleven rabbits. ' Mft. Ruth Woods -uid daugh ter, Mae. moved from her father’s home to her own 'bungalow near Falrplalns. Friends and iiergnoors are very sorry to rnow of tlie sickness and death Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rev- ■ baby, which died Saturday is’ The motion picture perform ance at the school building last Thursday night was a decided night. Bnrial will he held tomor row at the Baptist church ' near falrplalns. Mrs. Opal Stoke?: and children, also her sister. Mrs. Isla Davis, of Falrplalns, visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. ano Mrs. U. S. Richardson, Sunday. Mrs. Bessie Shumate and lit- YffiiliS* SAYS LKB8 €HAN6|!D '.IT ’V' RlUlto, Arlione. Dpc‘'-1,.1M8.. EMitur Journal-patriot: 7 I have been somewhat slow In aenjdlng von my "chock for sub scription renewal.' However, j^n will ilnd It hmre attached. I had a great visit to mv old birth place in Wllkns after a continued ab sence of 21 years. 'That qountry sure has chancmt for the better since I first left there May 14, 1891. I zm planning on another visit back there in the .summer of 1940. On our return last year we made a s’de trip down Into Flor ida—had a’ fine ^ left ..down there, only loo much ruin. Imagine the difference! We go six months at a time without rain enough to wet a person, but not so In Flor ida. We also made a side trip too jr»b c4 jaMgg Je«» #fth home toad' Yourw r. F. "Yd^’ un^ seeniji hwraHr.” ^ 7-Hard- of hisiiiWJ beoondootodw Anwlinx oB tito to' 'mtan] T. H,’WiniMHi' Oldamobile' Bear Frame OM'vtti ^ Wheel AfigBiMirt General Auto Wrecker Service—Etoetria 'd Acetytene Weldinf,y»? USED PARTS—For all „ and Bodds «f can aad *ni||pKii for the erection oi a lown nan, ; “ nme«ntation .1,0 „p„.K Prop.,.1. o» Ptamf- if’ “V,™ ’.T S of a motion picture and sound progi'am. It wea well attended and another show will be given soon at which timo. some educa tional plcturee will be shown. Honor Roll 3rd Month At Traphill if a candle had three ends. • • tion performed at Hospital recently, is improving. HLs main friends hope that he will soon be ab'e to resume his position as school bus driver. it is reported 'hat two distil- ifications. lories we-t' destroyed in tho Pat- 1. Consideration will be given tons Ridee comm'ini'v during the only to bids of contractors -who past week. The law abiding citi- submit evidence showng that they * fhsnVfMi for the are licensed under An Act to zens are very Regulate the Practice of General coope-anon givm by the officers ^t^g.ting,” ratified by the Gen- of the law. in putting down the of North Carolina liquor traffic, which has been March 10th, 1926, or as licens ed by the “Board of Examiners of NOTICE OF SALE Plumbing and Heating Contract- Under and by virtue of the pow- ors’’ under AN ACT raUfied by the er of sale contained in a deed of trust executed or. the 23rd lina on Febraary 25th, 1931. day of December, 1935, by Rob 2. The Bidder s^hall attach to Adams and wife, Ida Adams, to Proposal a certified check on a the undersigned trustee, recorded Bank satisfactory to the Board of in the office of the Register of Commissioners of the Town of Deeds of Wilkes county, in book North Wilkesboro, in the amount 173, 'page 63, default having been 5% of amount of bid, or in lieu 176* papT6 vt>, ueiiiUiL QJ 01 amuunu ui uiu, ui in ncu made in the payment of the notes thereof may offer a certified check thereby secured, and at the re- for 2% of the bid plus a bid bond quest of the holder of same, the 3^^ gf the bid. Certified checks undersigned trustee ■will for Proposals shall be sale at public auction to the high- jrawn on a Bank or Trust Com- sst bidder for cash, on iuesday, authorized to do business in December 27, 1938, ° ’ North Carolina (Section 1, Chap- P. M., in front of f alter Well- ^a^g ^933 born s de- and Michie’s N. C. Code 1935, Sec- tion 7634 (o) and 1316 (a). ’‘^bSK on a stone at the old 3. No bidder may withdraw his comer on the west bank of the bid for a period of 30 days after oublic road, H. C. Cook corner, the opening thereof, nmn^ng north 22 degrees west 4. Plans, Specifications and with his line and the old road 10 Contract Documents are open to pole.s to a stake; then north 9 de- Public Inspection at the office of grees west with the same 10 poles; the Clerk and Treasurer, North then north one-half degree east Wilkesboro, or may be obtained loles with the same 4.50 poles to a fj-ojn Uhas. C. Benton & Son, Ar- stake; then north 8.50 poles to a cj,itecls and Engineers, 509-10-11- 12-13 National Bank Building, First Grade: Wilhelmina Bil lings, Imogene Richardson. Ma rie Ingool. Lu.eenla Ray, Mattie Jane Wood, B Holbrook. J. W; Bryan, Holland Warren. Second Grade: Ina Fay Wood, Ila Mae Wood, Rosa Mary Ad ams. Roy Wood. Clyde Brown. Third Grade; Mary Lee Castev- ens, Peggv Lou Brown. Fourth Grade; Boyd Black burn. Fifth Grade: Greta Swarlngen. Nell Holbrook. John A. Absher, Glenn Brown. Thomas Sherman Bryan, Maynard Yale, Ira Casey. Sixth Grade- Ruth Bauguess, Ruth .lolnes, Marv Livingston, Louise Warren Seventh Grade,: Myrl McBride, Rosa 3’riplett. Von Wood. Junior Absher. Eignth Grade: Walter Brown, Leff Holl''way Robert Johnson, Jess Rus.sell, .lohn Spicer. Be atrice Castevens. Ruth Caudle, Lizzie Couch, Janie Hayes, Emma Harr’s, O'ene Holcomb, Kathleen McMenamiii, Mabel .Sidden, Ber nice Smith, Ruth Spicer, Reba Wiles Helen Billings. Ninth Grade: Lloyd Holbrook, Walter Holcomb. Mae .Alexander, Okie Lee Billing". Ersie Black burn, Lois Carter, Rosa Cleary, Eva Jollies, MeRa .lolnes, Maude Johnson, Roxie Mayberry, Opal Shaffner, Melb'* Waddell, Mattie Jane Wai-ren, Velda Warren. Tenth Grade- Sallie Bauguess, Annie Lou Collins. Sallie Gilliam, Hilda Honks. .Mary Belle Mc- Grady, .Nina Yale. Eleventh Grade' Buell Warren. Those who hum the candle pt both end# are borrowing tomorrow’s pleasure* for today. If a candle had three ends they’d bum them all. Then, there’s the fellow who never lights his candle at all. He’s bluffed by his fears of tomorrow. The destiny of our America depends upoa those who can see today’s needs clearly ... who can await tomorrow with confidence. Such was the spirit of our gallant fore fathers. Had they burned the candle at both ends, or, had they failed to bum it at all... they would have accomplished nothing. Instead, they left us a priceless heritage ... a land and opportunities that other nations envy. # .r> jCU^ ^ Ct/€AAf q^>£cLe4t m^im Cn^^cy /34dxlid/€i6£yt ...Ci/cty (fo&lcdt du>p dt Budweisw ANHEUSER-BUSCH Makers of the fyoTld-Famous Della Brooks, Hazel Cox. Mil- iia Dowell. Stella McGrady, Juri- leen Nickelson. Blanche Sidden, Nanev Sidden, Vena Sparks, Kath ,'oiui and his Imc 5 poles; then jg ogj^ of $25.00 for the General Margaret Browi north 29 degrees west with Construction Plans, Specifications - • same 19 poles: then north 30 and Contract Documents, and gi-e.-s west with the same 9 pole.s Plumbing and pEVhei noK “ft Dommenrs^SyTso") Walker. Maze. Warren. Opal wcst'v^trheMirfpolel per cent of the deposit for one set Warren. 'o a sLke: then south 80.50 de- of Plans, Specifications and Con- grees west crossing a small branch tract Documents will be returned •,vfth her line 5 poles to a Spanish uon the delivery of th6 Plans, oak now down; her corner above Specifications and Contract Docu 'he spring; then north 14 degrees ments at the office of the Archi east with her line 3 poles to a tects and Engineers, within thirty small poplar, just below the (30) days after the date of the -priny, in O G. Bagley line; then opening of bids. ' ' ■ ■ ‘ ’■■■ The Board of Commissioners of MAKE THIS TEST DRINK Budweiser for five days. ON THE SIXTH DAY TRY TO DRINK A SWEET BEER. YOU WILL WANT Budweiset’s FLAVOR THEREAFTER. kdweie' C-10 COPR 1938 ANHEUSER-BUSCH, I* ST LOUIS. MO. Pepsi-Cola Bottlii^ Co., Wholesaler - 312 Tenth Street 50 outh 87 degrees west with his ine 11 po'es to a large chestnut, ,iis corner; then north 67 degrees west 15 poles to bis comer, a Spanish oak, now down but now a done: then north 60.50 degrees west with the .same 1:3 poles to a Spanish oak and sotirwood, down, now a stone: then north 60 degrees west with his line 18 to his I'orner; a white oak: then north 66.50 degrees west with bis line. rossinjT S'Viin Crock at tho shonls 0 poles and 10 links to a large ,!'ick oak, bis comer: then south -i degrees west with Nancy Hamp -on's line, now P. M. Swainvs liir' 1.3 poles to the old comer; thrr, :outh 86.50 degrees east 10 polei :o the old Hiekory corner, knovvr s the Gilliam corner; then soutii 16 degrees west crossing Swii'i ''reek 17 poles to a stone on the =-ast bank of Swan Creek. Holnuia corner: then south 87 degrees eas 13S poles to the beginning, eon taining 71 and 1-8 acres, more or There is excepted from the I the Towpi of North 'Wilkesboro re serves the right to reject any and all bids, and to waive informali ties. 'The funds estimated to be avail able for these Contracts are as follows: General Construction and wiring, $27,516.00 Heating, 2,700.00 Plumbing, 2.. 1,200.00 This the 28th day of November, 1938. TO'WN OF NORTH WILKESBORO, By I. H. McNeill, Jr., 12-8-2t(T) Clerk & Treasurer mATiAU , pmt&EAOS! ^f^T'^ow; b7ti;;‘survey nfc;. I ai,eve boundary ten acres, eon G. Elledge on his plat dated N( v. 12. 1934. „ - V, I 1 The same being all of the land owned by the Boone Trail Apple Crrcbards. Inc., as described by ESfem in a Deed of Trust dated the 28th day of October. 192' to G T Doughton, Trustee, which Deed of ’Trust is recorded m the office ff Register of Deeds of Wilkes countv in Book 14o page 348 containing therein throe separate ‘"’’aIso- Together with all person al property belonging to the said orchard; including ne=s wagons, one old and one new rs W? J S'T’e.riSM a»d all suacadlnj D«d of -n-aa* **“ "irhiaV^Srd day of Decembot, A. D., 1938. ^ CASEY, Bink. ” *^12-29-4t SvrinFB Bank veved by deed'to W. C. Freeman: -CO bo'.ik 101. page 311. ^ .Mso si.x acres, convevod to .. M Hodges; see book 109, page 38’0- Also excepted 15 acres, mor ’ ar less, dosdc'.l to A. M. Ho'd;>v.-': see book 110, page 307. Second 'Tract; Beginning on a .stone, H. C. Cook corner on the west bank of the nubile road and running north 22 deCTees west. Eskridge’s line and the old roa; 10 poles to a stake: then north degrees west with the same 10 poles; then north one-half degree east with the .same 4.50 poles to a .stake: then north 8.60 poles to a stake in the public road; then south with the public road 31.25 poles to the beginning, containing one-half acre, more or less. ’Third ’Tract; Beginning on a rock. Parks Gregory comer and running westward with. Parks Gregory line 20 rods to a rock on east bank of the creek. Parks Gregory corner; thence up said creek 43 rods to a rock, Lillie Hoi Ionian’s comer; thence eastwardlv 20 ro^ with said Holloman’s line to a sotirwood i nsaid Holloman’s line: thence northward 43 rods to the beginning, containing 6 acres more or less. * ^is ihe day of November 1938. EARL C. JAMES, Sometimes you doritseetlier.r crossing intime tostop''"J)utywJ caasee us any time NOR'lK WILKESBORO NSURANGE AGENCY, Inc General Insnrance “Protection Plus Service” Bank of No. 'Wilkesboro Bldg. North Wilkesboro, N.,.C J. B. Wllltoms J. T. BraoM Bixsbeth Barber NIm GrB ' (Offic* Stttf) T T- lii TAKE A LOOK! New headlampS'^wider apart, closer to road —for s^er night driving! Better visibility in rain, fog, snow and dust! Fender grille guards, pictured above, at slight extra cost. Decide For Yourself! I T takes a heap of good looks for any car to s^d OTt m X today’s sparkling style paradel Frankly, wo thi^ Dodge does. But we’re not going to fnaist Instead we’ll leave it to you/ “Take a Look...that’s *U Dodge asks! And after you’ve feasted your eyes on its wuidstroameo beauty, its gorgeous interior, its “Jewel Case” i^ruinmt panel, take a look at the many new engmeen^ ideas that make this the greatest’e^ Dodge ever buUtI And then take a look et the price tag! You^ be sur prised—because Dodge prices are as much as $55 less than last yearI TAKE A LOOKI New handy gaaiahift near the steering wheel at no extra coetl Floor is cl6ar and unobstructadl IW^AL TIP TO FATHIR#* Here's how to end Christmas 'F®” ries right no-w I This yesr buy Just one gift for the whole family a DCW193B Dodge Luxury Uoer I - ' tame a UMMC! New'invlMbU luggage com- ptttment—completely .concealed, yet ii 27% laimr than old “trunk-style” compartmenti Three beUboys needed to carry luggage to fill it! ... FORESTER A1«|II|P^3

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