Hm Briefly tv SUICIDE [0. Dec 11.—Decasrto Earl ^ trial for the znnrder >e«A. ajfo of Jamefl JJugehe ^BaaoHrtt, AnnapoMs. Md., naval etrlllaa eonployee, strangled b>im- to d^ath 1u the King county here today Jail attaches said 44, serving life term in tl^'state prison at Walla Walla ao^.^ haMtual criminal, strangle ihlmsolf by stuffing wads of papor down his throat and then lashing his month shut with 'his bel^il^ap. SEA VOYAGE ENDS fy BHDcAD PROGRAM * Ittiaicrh. Dec, 11.—A broad ^egMative program, calling for increases in state services, confront North Carolina’s assembly ^h!ch convenes "here JanGar>- 4 The program, for the most part has been shaped by' vajdors commissions author-1 Ised by the 19^7 legislature, as 'W^ell as by the advisory budget commission, which already has- drafted reoommepdations for tax es and sp^'-nding during the 1939- 41 biennium. Wiikeboro High School Pianning To Build a Gym Proposal Put Forward Dur ing Football Banquet Thursday Night Wilke.^boro school, largest unit of the county sysLem, is laying plans for the erection of a gym nasium. i The movement gained momen tum Thursday uiglit in a banquet for the footb?.ll team at which tirhe the yropo^'*! to erect a gym- (Continued on page eight) BAN ARMS EXPORT Washington. Dec. 11.—Repre sentative Liidiow I'D). Indiana, sed today that Congress tile flow of war materials rom this country to Japan. He said he would introduce a bill to prohlliit the ?hipping of muni tions to foreign “non-American*’ countiles. either \n peace or war. Lud'ow declared the United States had a “moral guilt” for the bombing of Chinese civilian popu lations because it had sold muni tions to the Japanese. Frank E. Clark. 54-year-old Eng- lish-American sailor, docks in Sa vannah. Ga.. after a thrilling solo voyage from England In a second hand 30-foot fishing boat. The voy age took three months, with Sailor Clark running through one hurri cane. Wiles Ordered To Sign Voucher For Accountant’s Pay HIS BUSY YEAR Judge Rousseau Says Signa ture by Register Deeds is Mmisterial Act PREVENT HOT.DI P Ahoskie. Deo II.—Sieriff C. W. Parker reported todas that Hertford office •*? slew ;i masked ’negro and shot and cap(Ured an ker last night in thwarting an ^tempted holi-up of a filling ation near W*"ton The sheriff ' said tihe negro killed was Ernest Jones,'2R, of Cofipld, and the Wx'jjed negro. Fred Douglas, officers eaid. had entered hlUnp itdtion -and was hold- Joi Judge .T. A. Rouseoau in a hear ing hf'ld Saturday morning allow ed W. P. Kellv Wilkes .county accountant, a writ of mandamus compeling Did Wiles, register of deeds, to ^ign a county voucher in the amount of J966.66 made pay able to Mr. Kelly for back sal ary -IS county tn\ supervisor and coun+v purchasing agent since April. 1937. The defendant Tav© notice of appeal to the *^uprme court. In granting the thfiJudgiB State Master To Address Grange Caldwell to S^k kl Open Meeting of Pennema On Wednesday Night Tobacco Quotas Are Defeated In Harry B. Caldwell, master of the North Carolina state Grange, will deliver an address in an open meeting o** the Wilkes Po mona Grange to be held at W11- keeb-iro school on Wednesday nighT. December 14. 7:30 o'clock. T. W. Fetrgueon maj^ter of the Wilkes Grange, oldest county unit of ^he farm fraternity in North Carolina, made announce ment of the meptlng, saying that hhe .state master would address the open meeti^a at 7'SO and that the Grange would meet in closed session following the ad- dres.s. Officers for the year will be elected and may be installed by the state ma*Jt^r. he said. Mr. Caldwell is recognized as au O'ltstunding speaker and the public is cordially invited to hear him Wednesday night, Mr. Fergu son = aid. Twenty-Five Take First Aid Course Twrnty-five persons, including WPA foremen and suporvisors. passetl a f'rst- aid course given by C. .1. Jones, f’’rst aid instructor. Ten lessons we”o given and the final test was givf^n on Tuesday niglit. The cours*' was conducted at th»j city hall. WHISTLING CHAMPION An employee of a large map mak er’s establishment in Berlin works out the boundaries of the new Ger many and Czechoslovakia as a re sult of the Munich agreement. :ore Kitchens 'or the Contest Miss Pauline E. Gordon, exten sion **peciali5rt in home manage ment and hoiisp furnishings, will visit Wilkes countv during .Tami- ary or February *to score the kitch»-'ns of Home Demonstration club members who are planning to make ^me improvement in their kitche*ns during the next months. This sc('ring will open a kitch en route t in '' hich every club woman ih*‘ countv eligible to enter. Th^ foHowiup, «core card will be used to rate kitchens at the beginning and the end of the con test which will over sev eral months. The women of the county asked to study this score card carefully in order that 'they may bo prepared to work ijpith -Misr Cordon on their kitch- Kitchen and T/Ocation. b. I. Location of Floor Area. Size. c. Shape. II. Background. 1'. a. Floor; (1) Type. (2' ^3) Cov ering. b. WalU and Woodwork. (1) Finish. ^’olo-. c. Win dow Arrangemp-n:, fli {'nrtalns. (2) Shades. III. Convenient Arrauigement of W'ork Units. 26. a. Storage of food. b. Storage of equipment, c. Relation of tables, cupboards, stove, fuel, wa^er. etc. IV. Height of Work Surfaces 15. a. Titles, h. Cabinets, c. Sinks, d. .-^tove e. Wood bo.x, Y. Sanitation 15. a. Screen.^, b. Dispoxsal of wa5t^* water, r. Dis posal of garbage, d. Caro of dish towels, e Flies, roacli'^. rats. etc. f. General Clep.ulinrss. VI. Vcitilation. 4. a. Doors, b. Windows. VII. Liylinng. S’, Na’nral. b. Artificial. VIII. GenerU Appearance. 9. as clerk to the board of county commissioners was ministerial and hat the register of deed has no discretionary now^'rs on claims. The niPtier ^roso out af a reso lution parked hv a majority vote of the old board of commission ers on November 22 allowing the rounry accouni^ant $966.66 in ad dition to the $200 per month he had receivel a«j salarx'- for coun ty accountant. Mr. Kelly had al- «*'rvc1 as coiin^v tax supervis or and ns county purchasing a- gen‘. Thr' riwolulion stated that .Mr. Kelly had taken the job with the understanding tha* he was to re- reivt’ $2 5t‘ per month. Mr. Kelly was presented iu the mandamus action hv .Atforn^v W. H. McEI- weo. In answering thf* mandamus Mr. WilfK wlu' ’vas represented by A. H. Casey, now county at torney, alb'ged that when Mr. Kelly was employed as county ac-| coun'ant and given ihe extra du-j ties of tax supervisor and pur chasing agent, that the commis- aion^rs nassc'd no order saying what hi.s .salarv would be for the extra duMos. Announce Awards In. Control Lacks the Necessary Two-Thirds Majority In ^ the We^ Belt CARRIES IN WILKES Control Is Favored Heavily Here; Cotton Quota's are Endorsed In South ' Farmers throughout the tobac co growing area® on Saturday turned thumbs down on the to bacco quotas for next year and as a result of their votes the ref erendum on quotas ae provided by law failed to give the neces sary two-thlrda vote for control of the 1929 crop. However, tobacxjo growers In Wilkf.8 gave control a big major ity, /oting 255 for to 120 a- gainst. -MthouTh cotton control received the necessary twoithlrds throughout the south, the 34 growers in Wilke® county voted .against cotton control 22 to 12. Tho voting OP tobacco is con strued to mean that the pound age allotments which have been given for the next year will be null and void and that the pnly method of control will be vested in the soil conservation program in which the a'^reage quotas may be used in the voluntary control method whereby formers are paid for growing soli conserving crops and planting only the allotted to tobacco. To Include ROYAL SOLDIER Kg Majority For Proposed Plaiw Only * Few Voles Are Cmat Against Proposal In Ref erendum Held 10th The Viscount Lascellcs. eldest son of H. R. H, Princess Mary and the earl of Harewood. is merely an other soldier daring field day at the Eaton college officer’s training corps in England. Raleigh, Dec. 11.—The possi bility that rejection of crop con trol tor flue-cured tobacco would be reflected tomorrow in lower prices on North Carolina’s tobac co auction markets was seen to day by some farm experts here. Most of the ?tate’s flue-cured rc^. however, already has been Holiday Trade Is Reaching Peak In North Wilkesboro ^Xiifts For Everybody^* Fea tured by Business Firms Throughout the City Wffltkins to Amxc^ce ners in Keesler Memorial Contest December 19 sup-' in The awirds for the slogan con test of the building, .saving.s and loan asafK-iations will be an nounced on Monday. December 19th, it was d^^closed by J. B. WilMams chjvrma.n of the Kees ler Memorial C4immittee which has •'harge of the contest. A iarge number of entries were rei^eived in the contOvSt which closed midnight, November 30th. New?pap?-rs were the advertising medium for the co'^pe-rative cam paign conducG^ by the building, .savings and loan assouations to announce thi.s the pur pose of which wd.s to procure a slogan for the 175 building, sav ings and loan associations in North Carolina Quartet Singing To Be Held Sunday Mr. Wiles a’-o alleged that on OctOU'T Finlrv. I u a •:en statemimt by R. chairman of G. the soloiS'S air invited to hoarn of countv commissioners, and on invitaDo’' (ronfiniiod on rage eight) The Blue Ridge Quartet Sing ing Conv''ntion nil* convene at Friendshin Methodist church near Millers Creek on Sunday. Decem ber IS, 1:30 p. in.. T. A. Eller, .secretary, annciinc^il today. All quartets trios, duets and take part an iiivitatio" is extended everybody to attend Home Lighting Contest For Holiday Season Sponsored By Woman’s Club Arlene Lomas, foor-year-old New Fork city miss, is the winner of a gold medal and the champion of the city’s whistlers under eight years of age. She won the title at the city’s first annual whistling contest sponsored by the department of parks. Morgan Speaker At Kiwanis Club Noted Lecturer Tells Club Taxes Not Be Lowered; Bundle Day Planned PRESENTATION SET Pvthiaiis, Dokies In Banquet Here Mambers of the North Wllkes- Pythian lodgt and Dokies \were hosts at a delightful nJ.Tht meeting at Hotel ox Thursday evening. L. Vyiie Aave % toast to the la dles and then following a pro- .'^mn of humorous eBtertalnment ir d&ection of R. Jennings, bapqup* wait largely at- Md rejected the interest lodge and tb© Do- 'Vr ttiefr many members. j Fifteen Dollars Cash Prizes Will Be Awarded Three Most Effective ■ 1.North WilkoHlyoro Wom- I an’s Club will ugain sponsor a I home lighting it was an- ! noiinoed today and prizes total- I mg $!.'> will be awarded for the most eff^'ctively lighted homes during the holidav aea.son. I The prize money will he donat- I ed fty the Duke Power company, ' members of the club said, and the first prize will be $7.50. Sec ond prize will he $5.00 and third !$2.50. Miss Eleanor Roosevelt; niece and namesake of Mrs. Franklin D. Roosevelt, will be presented in Washington at a White House dance to be given by President and Mrs. Roosevelt (he latter part of Decem ber. Her father is Hall Roosevelt ‘of New York city, brother of Mrs. Roosevelt. The judging will take place on the evening of December 22 but who will ^nter are asked to notify Mrs. A. H. Casey not later than Monday, December 3 9. Attention is called to the fact hhat ’.hose who wish to secure to effective lighting of home and grounds for the holiday season may tune in on radio station WBT December 13 at 5*25 p. m. or WSOC 9:30 p. m. on Decem ber i6 and 9:15 p. m. on De cember 18. Oolfr‘.*y Morgan, of Los Ange les, PHlifornia. hf*re with the Col lins ontorlaininenl festival, dc- ligihlrd the members of the North Wilkslioro Kiwanis club Friday with an interosMng address on tihe subject of “Taxation.’’ In a short business session prior to the program. Jir. A. C. Chanilxulain. J K. Finley and Ppt Williams were appointed on a committee to arra.nge for bun dle day. In his addres*:* Mr. Morgan first paid his respects to North Caro lina and 'be South saying that he was ^ visitor in these parts some fifteen years ago nnd he recalls a state of mental stagnation which he now finds is rapidly passing away. He find«- people not so muc!) now living on the. glory of the past hut th^^re is progress and efficie-ncy in every line. He thinks it would he well for an other Henry Grady to write an other book entitled. The New, New South. Now there are better schools. better roads. better farms but still too many red old hills in Carolina, he said. "V/e fought the Revolution be cause- we said there was taxation without representation and we maintained that tyrany. Now on many hands we hear the tax ation we fought to possess called tyrany Itself. There are every where leagues nud organizations to oppose taxet.ion and we hear in some psirts rumblings for a see a decided price slumo tomorrow. Other officfals and y/iarketing experts said farm ers were anxiously awaiting the opening of market** to see what effect, if any. resnlis of yester- day’^i crop control referenda /Continued on hack page) MASSIVE TOY additional information relath'ettajc payers strike. Well, a taxpay ers strike is tyrany. Why this dissatisfaction^ Because they seem to he higher than they used to be. But the truth of the mat ter ia they aft not. True endug^; •liff ^sibnle commlinlttA "while (Continued on page el^) This giant locomotive is a big toy r so small a fellow, but Paul Del .10, smallest man in the world, has grand time as be rides the head- ght of this engine on a visit to the franklin Institute in Philadelphia. He Is only 19 inches tall and weighs 12 pounds. With many early shoppers taking advantage of first choice large stoelq^: -of sfiolllping was well li'n-" der way in North Wilkesboro last week but is expected to increase rapidly in volume this week. It can he said without fear of contradiction that business hous es of North WllUe‘;boro are more fully prepared for the holiday trade than at anv I'mt* in the his tory of the city Because t h merchants of Nortlh Wilkesboro are rendering a complete merchandising service, the rade area o** the citv con- thiuos to expand willi more peo ple ^7cr>' year realizing the ad vantages of trading in North Wil- kesboi’o. Miny Stores in North Wilkes- horo are presenting an appear ance of Christmas cheer. Attrac tively decorated and with merch andise displayed in such a man ner ihat Chri*-lrvis shopping is mad** easv, even for the nt^rson who is trying to decide what would be the rn^'s! appropriate gift for mother dad. brother, si: ter. uon, daughto*- husband, wifr. or friend By a one-sided vote farmers af Wilkes county on Saturday en dorsed the projK>sal to e:^ajid the Tri-Creek eoil erosion trlct in ^"^adkin county to include all Af Wilkes. The official vote . a.s tabulated today from all voting plaOMi showed that Wilkes famen voted 322 for the proposal axt4 38 against. There were 29 spoil ed ballots which were not count ed in the returns. The soil district election wm held alone with th*^ referenda om tobacco and cotton control aad in addition there were three other voting placee outside of the t#- bacco and cotton growing .areas in the county. The three plae«»- where votes were cast only ea the ?oil district proposal were Ferguson. Moravian Palls and Mount Pleasant. The vote of endorsement fee the proposal virtually assures farmers of the countv that WUlm will r>e iucludod in the disti4^ and that they wiD have at the^r disporai facilities for adeqoiUe terracing and other meemvm W prevent and control soil erafea. Dan Holler, Wilkes county agent. Bald today. A^Mi^oristsT* Ranh 0& Last Days of cember May Be Lensenedl By Elarly PurchaniiiR ‘HEART PERCH’ Chapman to Audit Accountant Books Commissioners Award Con tract In Recess Session Held On Friday Frank Chapman, of Charlotte, was ayarded contract for an au dit of The books of W. P. Kelly, Wilkes county accountant, and chec*:ing ,*iettlemcnts of Sheriff C. T. Douahton the contract be ing awarded by the Wilkes coun ty board of oommis.sioners in re cess .*»essicn Fridav M. F. Abaher. chairman, and Dr. iv. H Triplett were present at the meeting of the board. C. r. Sidden was not present. Chapman, it is recalled,^ made the audit of countv accounts two yearo ago when the board ..of comir.issioners composed of, two. DemcKirats and one Republican took office. • * r *In awarding the contract Fhi- day the board.'s order specified that i-he chairmen of the board and the county accountant sign the cbntract for the auditing. After all. Ham must have been rery .inueh Interented ih the-Z'si^r- ItuaP* welfare of'‘Ws daddy. If mot"*risfs w'ani to avMd standing in line fo** a considir- able Time and ■’"ant to be rid other inconveniences attached te buying antomobiJe license plat4i«, it is- advisable to purrha-se tke 1939 license platf*s now. Those w'bo buy their plats* (•arly will hav^ one worry sif their minds and will not he iu- convrnienced hv long wailiag lines at the liM*n*^c bureau, whick is locatfvi at the Western Aute AswM'iate state in Hotel WUk«« building next door to Duke Pow er company office The 1938 license will expire at midnight on Sninrdav. December 31. and those vho operate car* or trucks after that dale without 1 939 license will he subject to ThfTe will bf‘ no *‘Xfension. of time. The 1939 platen- are aUiminuM letters on a maroon background. They cost tihe same as last year for all types of motor vehicles. Those w’ho have leceived regi^ traia'on cards from the state rov- jeniio department should carry the card to ihe license hurwiu w'hen lliey go to l)iiy plates. Attention is ‘‘Iso called to the fact tliat the license bureau, of which .F, C. McTdarmid is man ager. will also s.dl the North Wil kesboro city license plates, which cost one dollar for each vehicle. City owners ar" r*'sn*'ctfnlly ask ed to puprehase city tags along with .state licence-plates. This abstract carving by George ChurchUI, "Perch for a Heart," will be shown this winter by the London Group at Hs winter exhibition in Burlington galleries in London. The oddly shaped pieces of wood were assembled by the artist with screw driver, chisel and hammer. Burley Growers To Vote Saturday The 22 growers of Burley to bacco in Wilke** county will have a chence to vote in the referen dum on huriev control on Satur day. December 17. It was learned today from-th(» office of the coun ty agent. There will be only two voting places', JUTift at the county agent’s office in Wilkesboro and bhe oth- the hom^ of J. M. Blevins 4at Sp/lng£ield WORLD’S SMALLEST •e*y Van Arnold E. Dftihiay ’.af Van Nnys,. Calif., throngb 32 yeavs of Ireedtar* fag only 1* oiuiccsr TBd ftea h yoara 7 > a . . fV- 1 ‘'r-r'?-* -- ''r'rnii i