t^aoido R. Jolun- HUt •week-end with Mr. Whiter Wood In Basset, Rufus Cundlff, well known lo cal color^ resident, has heon called to East Bend on account o the serious illneesi of his mother. Merry Christmas TO EVERYBODY Miss Rose Raws, a member ol Albemarle school faculty, is at home for the holidays with h«f parents, Mr,, and Mrs. R. Don Laws, at Moravian Falls. —tVour Barber Friends Miss Thelma Laws, member of the Oxford high school faculty, arrived several days ago to spend the holiday vacation at Moravlaa Falls with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Don Laws. J. C, MILLER H. A. WELLBORN VICTOR HAYES Misses Rose and Thelma Lawn, of Moravlaa Falls, apent a few days this week in Roanoke, Vs., with their sister, Mrs. Robert Hairston, formerly Miss Virginia Laws. ^ .liifh .MnyM U»_ jjaMstheir Dih'nritirw 9ai«a4ii,'7Ht. and Hra O. J*. Brhtholl, at MogaTian nuia, whare h» will lie enawed •wlOi! hia father in fruit growing and otlur horticultural intereata. Mr.. BratlKdl haa been away for aewaral yaacB, during which be waa eniMed in commercial, ship ping on the Pacific. Hlk work carried him to many parta the world and to many countries. Bunness Better Than Last Year At The Dixie Barber Shop. .Mr. Arthur Pharr, who la' teaching this year in Guilford county, is at hoime to spend the holiday vacation with his pap- p-nts, Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Pharr. He will return to his school on Januar>' 2. .Mr. and Mrs. Gaither Rretholl, who have been making their home on the coast of California since their marriage in Septem- By BOOBR W. BABSON Brunswick, Ga.—-Pew people thfa week-end are thinking albout their jobs, profeeelona, or husi- nessee. Por two or three brirf days the thonghta and cares of this troubled world are being for gotten. I have no intention of breaking Into these hallowed hours by emphasising the prob lems facing our country today. Rather, let me give readers two cheeytal tacts about current bus iness as an introduction to eight resolutions for the coming year. The two cheerfnl facts concern the activity and trend of business at this Christmas season: 1. ACTl'TITY. General busint,'s is today 18 per cent better than it was last Christmas. Early re ports show that holiday trade has practically equalled last season’s big retail volume. Nearly every manufacturing industry is now busier than it was a year ago. 2. TREND. Last year, general business was rushing downhill like a runaway freight train. Six months of lay-offs and hard times faced us. Today, business is swinging vigorously upward and a year of good activity lies ahead. Home LcNBi Washlngtoa, Dec. v^ilp^Presi- dent Roosefvelt today nunred to keep Representative Prank Han cock in goverammit servloe by ap pointing him a member of the Federal Home Loan Bank 'Iward for a term of six years. He suc ceeds former Revnieeatatlve Wil liam L. Stejthmtsoa., cf Cheraw, S. C., and bis aaiaiy will be $10,- 000 a year. Althougb his mune had been prominently mentioned in ^ edn- nectlon with , the . aii9o^n1;ment, Hancock failed to get the ' en- dorseanent of Senator Robert R. Reynolds and Senator Josiah W. Bailey and for. this reason there was a •wide belief, aronnd c'Vfasbr nigton that„thls high goyemi^nt position "would go to soone other state. Reynolds, who , defeated Hancock in the sejuttorlal pri mary last summer, endpfaed V/PA Director George W. Ooan Jf., of Wlnston-Salwn, and Bailey greed to go along with, his col league. Hancock must be confirmed iby the Senate ibut bis nomination is expected to be promptly approved with both Bailey and Reynolds returned today from abroad on the Normandie and his office in dicated no effort would be made to oppose Hancock’s confirma tion. While the North Carolinian did not have the endorsement of the North iCarolina senators, scores of friends high in public Ufe urged his appointment, including Representative Robert L. Dough ton, practically all members of the North Carolina House dele- Christmas Greetings And Our Wish For You: May Each Tiny Hope Come Completely True to .Make Your Christmas a Truly Merry and Momorable One In Every Way To our friends and our neighbors, to the stranger within qur gates, allow us to offer our best wishes for a Merry Holiday Season. DICK’S Service Stations DICK CASHION PAUL CASHION - -Tv- .^ ,R. F. G.. Ambassador Jo- s^liiis Daniels, PosUoaster-Oea- lial James A. Parley, and Cbair man John H. Fahey of the Home Loan Bank board. X To be a ‘^bewer of wood and a drawer, of water” is far more preferable than to b» a chewer of tobacco and a. drinker of liquor. NOTICE OP SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the iwer of sale contained in a cer- in deed of trust executed on the 19th day of Febmary, 1936, by R. H. Andeiaob and irife; Annie An deraon, the undnvigned tma- tee, to secure thOaPaynient ol a note therein mieimc^,. .which deed of trust recorded in the of- made in the p^ment of the indebt edness therein mentioned; and, de mand having.,been made on me; ,I, will, thei^re, on-r.^Monday, Jetnu^ 16, 1939, at. the .hour of ten o’6Iock, a. m., at the^ eonrt- honae door in 'WiUmeboror N. C., offer for sale for ea|in to the high est bidder, the following described real estate, viz: Adjohiing the.lands of E. E. Parks, Jalm Staley, Ida J. Staley and John Staley. w&Sb ... Mies to a large disatimt, F. B Parka' comer; thence with F. B. Parks' line 40 poles to two ■ ma- S lea; thencs east 21 poles to - a paniah oak; thenoe east 40 de- gnes south 54 pdes to begbming, and containing 9 14 acres, more or leas. Second Tract: Beginning at a stake two poles west of a marked Mack oak m line of Lot No. 2 al lotted to E. E. Parks, running south 3 degrees west 105 poles crossing the new road and a branch and a bridge road to a stone; thence north 87 degrees west with Staley’s line 133 poles to a. stake, comer of Tract No. 5, alloted to ,Ida J. Parka; thence north 21 degrees east with the line of said tract 75 poles to a. stake at the branch; thence north; 3 hi degrees east vnth Tract No.' 3, 46 poles to a stone: thoice south 87 degrees east with the same ,16 poles to a atone; aonth' 87 degrees east with line of, Tract No. 2, 96 poles to the beginning, contai^ng 77.25 acres, same being Second Tract No. 4, of deed of Bryan L Parks and wife. Emma E. Parks, of Uie State of Georgia and the county of Chatham, to Harrison M. Anderson. (All roads laid out aed shown on Map attached to the Report of Commissioners appoint ed to partition the land between ntads as «oa# me mad sbofe deienL.-. This 15th day of DeeaedNr> D., 1988. ^ ^ CA^ l-9-4t(M) ’ TAXICAB SERVICE Call For $ Low Rates; Good Drm^ Haul Load As Cheap • As One WHITTIJ^GTON BROS. At Mark-Down Fumitdiw Store. PHONE 447 Season’s Greetings! AT THIS GLAD CHRISTMAS TIME, WHEN HEARTS ARE FILLED WITH GOOD CHEER, WE WANT TO PAUSE AND SAY TO ALL OUR FRIENDS: "MERRY CHRISTMAS” Markdown Furniture Co. Avery T. Whittington, Managier North Wilkeaboro, N. C. CALL WHITTINGTON CABS FOR QUICK SERVICE • THONE 447 Merrv Christmas To All! Marlow’s Men’s Shop New and Correct Men’s Wear MERRY CHRISTMAS RING OUT! RING OUT YE BELLS! An age-old Greeting, but one we want to extend to every pa tron and friend in the warmest and most sincere way possible. Let the sound of Christmas bells bring to you all that you most fondly wish. May the joyous spirit of the season dwell with in you the entire year! It is the hope of those connected with this firm that you enjoy your happiest Yuletide season. DEANS MOTOR SERVICE SALES CO. Incorporated The Quality Gift Store Telephone 44 North Wilke»boro, N. C. North Wilketboro, N. C.,,; Of The Season... to You At no time in the year are we all so receptive to that heart warming fellow-feeling which is really the most precious thing in life. BECAUSE, we, ourselves, are so brim-ful of the spirit of the season, we want to pass on our own feeling of well-being to you, and wish all. . . A VERY MERRy CHRISniAS AND A HAPPY NEW YEAR Forester - Prevette Insurance Co. C. C. Faw, Manager Office In Northwestern Bank BtfflAng NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. rr^ ■'.'"r y0