a». &»Tid Ball apent hoUdaTB la Raleigih. Loeil* Ward »p»t Cbrist- te Oalax, Va. Mtos liucll® FhlllVP*. of Tlitted relatlTea at Purlear Sat- mrday. • Mr. and Mra. Ira D. Payne tIs- ited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. jSt. Bamlardt, at Concord Sunday. Mr. and Mr*. Howard Jones ^ent Chi'lstmas with relativea at Badln. Mrs. It. It. Turner spent Sunday ' In Salisbury with lier sister, Miss Beulah McNeill. Mr. and Mra. Q, Gentry ha^ retained from a Ylslt with "nrtv tives and friends la Reidarllla.' •n ’''^1 ',a ^ I#- -i .:>;jir. an.l Mrs. Owen Duncan, of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Trader, # spent OJiristmas here Morganton, were holiday «uoe^e ^^^ ***■• D«n«d>t’s mother, Mrs. of her mothw, Mnu in the home of her mothw, Mi;8. Wk R. Hlx, at Moravian I>Vtlla. v 5, Mr. and Mrs., Lawrence MUleir Mrs. H. M. Blythe, of Prince^ “®“ ‘ Haywood, have returned ton, Ky., has been visiting Mr. and Mra W. W. Miller and oth' er relatives in Wilkesboro. Mr. Johnny Allen, who bolds a position, in Kannapolis, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Allen, daring the holidays. A dance will be held at the Community House in Wllkeehoro Friday night. Mr. Jack Spainhour has return ed to New York city after a visit here with hl» parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Spainhour. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Canter visit ed relatives at Independence, Va. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. O. P. Bambardt, of Danville, Va., were in Wilkes boro during the holidays' idsltlng her mother, Mrs. Hayes Poster. Mr. and Mrs. Johnson Sanders ,ted relatives at Stratford dur- the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Mabel Lottes and daugh ter. Helen, visited her mother, Mrs. W. R. Bumgardner, at Moun tain City, Tenn., Sunday. motir. and Mrs. A. C. Payne, of talU^I Hall, visited her mother, of . F. B. Hendren. Sunday, pres and Mrs. Carl W. Steele P Bons, Harry and Ralph, vis- , her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. S? Coe, also Mr. and Mrs. Harvey ota. qner hel« Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Crook, of Jacksonville, Fla., apent a few days here this week with rela tives and friends. Mr. W. J. Caroon, cashier of the Northwestern Bank, spent the Christmas holidays with his fam ily in Newbem. at Rockford Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Hall, of Cleveland, Ohio, will arrive Sun day to spend several weeks with Mrs. J. B. Hall. c oats galore. It’s a general up. Seldom do yon .see val- like these. Jn.st a lot of style, aality and value for snch a lit- Je bit of money. Ladles’ plain fool sport coats, beautiful styles B(1 materials, values up to $6.95 .S.S.95 each. Children’s coats Jto up to $2.9.’». You’ll marvel at Ithfir value. The profit is yours, f Follow the crowds to the GOOD- WTT.L STORE. The Place for Bar gal AS. HAPPY 3 NEW YEAR and best wishes fer 1939. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. McCoy and children spent Christmas with relatives and friends in Mecklen burg county. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Knight, of North Wilkesboro Route 1, a daughter, Sarah Lou ise, on December 21, 1938. Mr. O. L. Cheek, well known citizen of Lomax, was In this city Tuesday looking after business matters. Messrs. C. H. Wellborn and W. H. ElWge, of New Castle town ship, were in bhis city Tuesday looking after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Spain- hour. of Elkin, visited their par ents here during the Christmas season. We greatly appre ciate the patronage ,of all our friends, and trust we will continue to merit your confidence in the future. Mr. Joe Brame has gone to the Rose Bowl game at Pasadena. California. He went on the speclaj train going out for the game, and Mrs. How^l Gahtdel, this week. Mrs. Mary Sloope, of Wasihing- ton, D. C., was here for Christ mas with her parents. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Brame. Miss Ella Brame, of Charlottes ville. Va., came home for Chri.st- mas to be with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Brame. KENERLY Radio Service s' Call Hotel Building North Wilkesboro, N. C. Repairing All Kinds Radios a Specialty Mr. and Mrs. William Brame, of Winston-Salem, were here for Christmas with Mr. Brame’s par ents, Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Brame. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Hodges spent Christmas i n Charlotte with Mrs. Hodges’ parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. DeLaney. Mr. Ray Hemphill and daugh ter.’ Jean, of Columbia. S. C., are spending the holidays in Wil kesboro. Mr. John Pennell, of Moravian Falls, called at The Journal-Pa triot office yesterday and renew ed his subscription. He reached his 81st birthday December 24. Happy New Year TO OUR PATRONS and FRIENDS We want to both wish you much Success... and... Happiness during the coming year, and thank you most sincerely for your generous patron age in the past. May our values and service continue to attract you whenever you need merchan dise in our line, and may we continue to deserve the business you give us. J. U. Tait, Owner WESTERN AUTO ASSOCIATE STORE IWext Door to Duke Power Co. home after apcmding the holidays with relatives at Louishurg. Miss Cora McNeill, who is teaching this year at Lowell, spent the holiday vacation at her home near MUlers Creek. Mrs. Charlie Duimgarner visited her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. Ma jor Lyon, at their home near Ronda Sunday. All are invited to attend the Junior Woman’s club dance to bo held at tba Wilkesboro Com munity House on Friday night. Mrs. Katherine Lott was a guest of Mrs. Max Barker In Salisbury during the Christmas holidays. ‘ . ittfle BitfftA Brame, t|l^t Ba&day - hwe sHth Mn. Pinrhe’s parent*. Dr. and Mrs. R. M. Bmme. Mrs. T. K. Thomaa, of Wood- haven, L, I„ New York, ia spend ing this week with relatives here. Mr. Thomas was here during the weeP-ond, retnmlng Monday. ite Cfedli h- j, , Mr. Ralpb'^iiiUw ,an4 of Beaufort. viait|^ i hi* fatheir and,mother, Mri A. Miller, during the Mr. Miller la aup’erintendeht of Beau fort schools. , * Miases Vania and Bessie Lee Anderson' will return home Frl- daaiFAfhW spending the holidays visiting'frlehdb and relatives in Oorlnvh, Miseisalppl. Miss Euja McIntyre, who holds a position in ^ty, spent Christmas at Bllerbe with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Mc Intyre. Mr. *and Mrs. N. S. Forester and daughter, Joan, spent Christ mas at Elkin with Mrs. Forester’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Church. Miss Kathryn Hendren, who holds a position in Raleigh, spent Christmas In Wilkeakesboro with her mother, Mrs. F. B. Hendren. Mr. Davia Hix, who is worjcing at Morganton, spent Christmas at Moravian Falls with his mother, Mrs. W. R. Hix. Mr. and Mrs. David Wright have been spending the holidays in Wilkes. Mr. Wright Is teaching this year in Anson county. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Leckie, Mr. Charlee Leckie and Miss Evelyn Leckie visited their daughter and sister, Mrs. Fred Terrell, in Greensboro Sunday. Miss Geneva Young, of Slonx City, Iowa, Is visiting her father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Young, at their home on ’Trog- d-on Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Winter, of Claremont, visited her mother, Mrs. D. G. Wiles, during the Christma.s holidays. Mr. I. J. Broyhill, well known citizen of the Boomer community, was In this city Tuesday looking after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. MeCulley and children, Billie and Edwards, of Salisbury, were guests Sunday of her parenU, Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Eller. Mr. Lloyd Phillips, who Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Parks ahd daughter, Barbara Anne, of Gain- ^ille, ^a., were holiday gueuts of his father and mothw, ML and Mrs. H. E. Parks, of Roaring Riv er. Mrs. Robert L. Huffman and daughter, Lacy Prevette Huff man, of Hickory, spent Christmas in Wilkesboro with Mrs. Huff man’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Prevette. Miss Bessie Clo Rhodes will re turn to Woman’s College in Greensboro Monday after spend ing the holiday vacation hero with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. John Rhodes. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. B^lwards, former residents of this city who have been making their home in Ashe county for some time, are spending the winter with his son, Mr. Raner Edwards, in St. Louis, M(x Mr. F J. Hartley and daughter,' Miss Anne Hartley, motored to Charlotte Saturday and were ac- conupanied home by Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Hobbs and M-lss Edith Hart ley, who were their guests during the holiday season. ■Mr. KBd Mtw, ot w j9mmn the IK Mr.: and Mra % T. ’i Mlw MSw. . oI Ormpi*- i/L asd ef w ;$A, and'd&dr^dallv^:l^,dtes with ing the OUMniui ieasdlr’^^ Congresaman and Mrs. John M. Coffee, and son, John, Jr., of the state of Washington, spent C|iriatmas with Mr. and Mrs. James Ritchie, of Pores Knob. Ml.Coffee is a cousin of Mr. IHtchie’a They made the trip »r cron the oonntry hy auto, and are on their way to Washington, D. C.,' foi* the opening of Cton- grees. York 8t waekv, with them. • Mr,, and Mrs. J. Wright Foki and children, J. Wright, Jr., otby and Mkrtha Bidwell, Stokeedale, Mr. and-Mlia.:T,’ Hutae and children, Mary, of Durham,-Mrt Paul Withers and Miss' Jettie Hams, of Gastonia, were Ohrlstmas day in tha kanh’ Mrs. W. V. WIHlaras. been in the trucking business in South Carolina, is spending the Christmas holidays with relatives and friends in Wilkes. Miss Lucile Hartley, who is teaching at Seabord, and Mr. Nell Hartley, a teacher in ^ebulon ; schools, are spending the Chrlst- '■..s. E. G. Hnlse and daughter. Iiene, of Durham, spent Christ mas vacation in Wilkesboro with their mother, Mrs. Pearl Hart ley, and Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Story. Friends are glad to learn that Mr. LinvlUe Bumgarner has re covered from a sudden attack of mas at Moravian Falls with Mrs. 1 ninees. He was stricken ill while Hulse’s sister, Mrs. er, Sr. J. C. Crltch- Mr. A. R. Miller, well known merchant and farmer of the Van- noy community, was a business visitor here Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. James Isaacs and daughter, Mary Jo., of Winston- Salem, were holiday guests in the home of Mrs. Isaacs’ mother, Mrs. James Brookahire. in this city Saturday and was taken to the Wilkes hospital for treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pearson and daughter, Elolse, of Lenoir, spent Christmas with relatives at Mil lers Creek. Mr, Lloyd Pardne, who holds a position in Charlotte, s t e n t Christmas at Momvian Falls with his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Pardne. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Hubbard, of Hazary, Ky„ spent Christmas at ,an Falls with his parents, Ulrt. W. R. Hubbard. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Giles, whose marriage on July 2 was announc ed a week ago, have established residence in the Clements apart ment on Sixth street in this city. Miss Rirtftt Laws, who holds a position in (Miarlotte, was at home duj^l^ Oie^ holidays with her mother, ti- B. Iaws, at Moravian Falls. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Gaddy had as their guests lor the day Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. James Mills and daughter; Elaine, of Greensboro: Mr. and Mrs, C. B. Hudson and MrJ and Mrs. C. C.' Hudson, all of Reldsville, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Cox, Miss Stella Hudson, and Mr. Dock Whitley, all of Albemarle, Miss Ruby Hudr son, of Wadesboro, ahd Mr. D. A. Hudson and Mr. Jim Hudson, from Norwood. . GET UP A wm PARTY \jhL SUNDAY- JANUARY 1ST On Stage On The Screen NEW YEAR’S AT 12:01 MIDNIGlft* and Screen screen 1 6VJT. TKt RALPH BYRO STmr • WHIY TOMLIK Ij Moaning’ Moun- 'fi tain Music smd Mad Mountain- eers in a Merry Shotgun Jamboree. ON THE STAGE— “THE ALL STAR VAUDEVILLE REVUr SINGERS DANCERS COMEDIANS GIRLS SWING BAND And More Gals! The Show That Has Everything! Fun For All! SUNDAY MIDNIGHT AT 12:01 Admission: Balcony .... 25c Lower Floor 35c BRING THE GANC 1 LIBERTY .'1 .'i Miss Harriet McGoogan, home demonstration agent lor Wilkee county, spent the Christmas holi days at her home at St Pauls in Robinson county. Mr. Sam Greer, who holds a position •Ih’ Whrtton-Salom, was at home during the Christmas holidays with his mother, Mrs. Octa Greer, at Moravian Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Prevette West moreland. of Tihomasvllle, were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. E. BiUlngs at their home at Hays. Mrsi. Gay Iddings. of High Point, was a guest of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Harris, at Moravian Falls during the past week-end. Close-Out Sale! Mias Pearl Bumgarner, teacher In High Point schools, spent the holidays in Wilkesboro with her father, Mr. L. Bumgarner, and other relatives. Maurice Carson, son of Logan Carson, local colored resident, died Monday in New York City. The body will be returned here for burial the latter part of this week. Re-conditioned Mr. R. M. Church, well known resident of the Millers Creek community, was in this city to day looking after bu.siness mat ters. Mr. and Mrs. David Klmbrell and daughter, Millicent Nell, re turned to Charlotte Monday after spending Christmas with her par ents. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pardue, at Moravian Falls. Mr. W. M. R. Church, Miss Frances and L. C. Willard, Jr., of Wilkesboro Route 1, are spending the holidays with Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Church at Troutman. Mr. Carl Edward VanDeman, orchard specialist in charge of the research station on the Brushles, has been attending meeting of scientists and research men at Richmond, Va., this week. CirculatingHeaters Mr. and Mrsi A. G. Yates, of Oxford, spent Christmas in Wil kesboro with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Yates, and her moth er. Mrs. A. C. Dennis. Mr. Dan Holler, Wilkes county demonstration agent, has return ed from a visit to Union Millsv Wihcre he spent Christmas with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. J. Holler. GOOD AS NEW - AND LOOK GOOD AS NEW! One at Miss Rosalie Pendry, student of A. S. T. C., Boone, spent the hol iday vacation at Hays with her parents, Mr. and Mra O. C. Pen- dry. Mrs. Minnie Phillips, of Elkin, and Mr. and Mrs. Athel Phillips, of Mount Airy, were guests of relatives, and friends in the Pur lear community during the past week-end. One at $19-75 One at $20-00 Mr. E. E. Myers, of Lymau, S. C., spent Christmas with his mo ther, Mrs. T. C. Poster, of Wilkes boro route 2, and with his sister, Mrs. M. P. Mastln. Mr. R. M. Dockery, of Clark. Colorado, has arrived to vlalt his mother, Mrs. E. M. Dockery, and other relativea. He may remain in Wilkes for several weeks. Mr. Charles Crutchfield, who holds a position with Hanes As sociated Mills, New York selling agency for Wilkes Hosiery Mills, has been spending a few days with relatlveo and friends here. One at $2250 One at $2500 Mr. and Mrs. Rufus Morrow,, of Yale University, are Siendlng the Ibolldays here with Mrs. Mor row’s parents. My. and Mrs. C. C. Paw. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Eller, of thia city, Mr. and Mrs. Wayns El ler, of Evansville, Indiana, have been spending a few days at War saw with relatives, returning to thia city yesterday THESE RE-CONDITIONED HEATERS ARE BEING CLOSED OUT AT BIG BARGAII^RICES BEFORE WE TAKE INVENTORY. HURRY FOR YOURS! Miss Mary Jo Pearson, student at Salem College in Winston-Sal em, is here for the holidays with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. B. Pearson. Mr. and Mrs. Claude Robertson and son, Claude, Jr., returned to their home In Raleigh Wednes day after'spendinr several days with Mrs. J. B. Hall and Mr. and Mrs. James Lowe. Mrs. J. C. Smoot and Miss Liz zie His’le were in Charlotte from Thursday until Tuesday vlaltlng in the home of Mrs. Smoot’s daughter, Mrs. R. M. Pound. Miss Ella Sockweil, who holds a position in Durham with Ellis- Stone, was here for the week-end with her nister, Mias SbelK vrelL Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Church, son. Forest, and daughter, Peggy, and Miss Fay Wright returned Wednesday from Richmond, Va., where they spent the holidays with retatlves and friends. Bi^.Now—Pay Next Year! Rhodes-Day M Fuiniture Co. Dr. O. W. Taylor and da^h- ter. Miss SaraJh Taylor, of Moored vUle, and Dr. and Urs;, B. C. Tay- lor, Ob '’Alwayai Oatatandiiis Furniture Values’ ■.'•i . f NINTH street; NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C. Dr.""

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