kniffig the * • m ?• 3S MAMIE SOCKWELL, Editor Telephooe 216 CtttoT'EHedge Biuriaire Vows Announced Jlrs. G. G. Blledge, of North MIlkwboro, announces the mar- riiMpa of Miss Mary Louise Canter, , to Mr. Claude Ray Elledge „ on abnday, November twenty-sev- •nth, nineteen and thirty-eight, at'Calax, Virginia, with Rev. W. the ICE OF SALE OF REAL E3STATB Under and by virtue of the power of sale contained in a cer- aJn Deed of Ti-ust, dat^ __ day *rf September, 1936, which is re- mrded in the office of Regrist« jf Deeds for Wilkes County in Book 169, page 419, from Boone Trail Apple ^chards, Inc., to A. H. Casay, Trflstee for Deposit & Savings Bank, to secure the pay ment of a note therein mention ed; and, default having been made in the payment thereof, and de mand having been made on me; I will, Therefore, on Tuesday, January 3, 1939, at the hour of ten o’clock a. m. at the court house door in Wilkesboro offer for sale for cash to the highest bid der the following described real estate, viz: First Tract: Adjoining the lands of W. J. Palmer and others on the north; on the east by the lands ef Spain Whittington: on the west by the lands of Eugene McGlam- ery and others; following the iourse of the old Jefferson Road so the Sonth; Beginning at a persimmon tree at or near the old Jefferson road (bow the new State Highway) and running South 57 degrees east 17 poles to a stake; thence south 48 degrees east 38 poles to a stake; thence south 43 1-2 de grees east 19 poles to a stake Bear the old Jefferson highway, the comer: thence running north 12 1-2 dejfrees east 66 poles, more sr less, to a stone in Whitting ton’s line: thence North 4 de grees east, crossing a branch 63.1-2 poles, more or less, to a stake, the northeast comer of die tract; thence west crossing the branch 19 2-5 poles to a dog wood; thence south 74 degrees west 11 poles to a white pine: thence south 85 degrees west 42 polks to a black oak; thence north 7 1-2 poles to a white pine; thence west 82 poles, more or less, to a stake, the northwest comer »f the tract; thence south 20 poles to a stake; thence west 22 poles to a stake: tlience sonth 34 1-2 degrees east 17 poles to a stake at sr near the highway: thence south (6 degrees east 22 poles to a stake at or near the North bank »f the old Jefferson road; thence south 73 degrees east 37 poles, more or less, to the beginning; containing 68 3-8 acres, more or less, as shown on the plat made by 8 ■ G. Elledge, Surveyor, dated Nov. 8, 1934. Second Tract; Bounded on the north by lands °f T- B. Finley. bounded on the east by Lands of J, B: Nichols, et al.; bounded on the south by lands of Hy. Steel man, anti others; bounded on the west sold S. E. by T. B. Finley property, and others and described as follows: Beginning at a maple at or near che branch which is just south of t^ dwelling, and running north 66 degrreer v 17 poles to a per simmon tree; thence west, cross ing two branches and running al most parallel with the third branch 50 poles to a persimmon tree, the Southwe-st comer of the . tract; thence north crossing road and branch 16 deg. west 56 poles to a chestnut oak, comer of the Fialey tract; thence east 67 poles more or less, to a locust, comer M. Bunts' officiating, using ring ceremony. The bride is the youngest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Canter, of this city. She is a graduate from Wllkes- horo higih' school, and hhs held a position with the Wilkes Hosiery Mills Company here. The groom is the son of Mrs. Gertie Elledge and the late Mr. Grant Elledge, of this city. He attended North Wilkesboro school and holds a position with the A.merican Furniture company, The young couple will make their ibome with the groom’s mother r.sar this city. Their many friends wish them much happiness.—Reported. •dhool (dass of lASlL BnoopkjiWro!!^>on‘ of Mr. ana ilHrs. D. J. Brookshire, is a gradu ate of Wllkeahoro high school, also of Draughon’s Business Col lege, of Wlnato'n-Salem. He is now employed by the State High way Commission. For the ceremony Mrs. Brook shire wore a suit of Boy Blue with Dubonnet accessories. Mr. and Mrs. Brookalhire left for a short wedding trip and are now at home on tb new Statesville road. Mary Louise Inscorc Is Wed to Mr. Brookshire Miss Mary Louise Inscore be came the bride of 'William Jay Brookshire on Saturday, Decem ber 2'i, at the home of Rev. J. L. A. Bumgarner at Millers Creek. Rev. Mr. Bumgarner officiated. of the Finley tract: thence south 17 1-2 degrees east 34 poles to :i locust and maple; thence south 44 1-2 degT.-.-s east 45 poles to a chestnut oak; thence south 70 de grees east, crossing the road twice, 34 poles to a pine stump near the bank of the branch: thence south 61 1-2 degrees east, following the general course of the branch and crossing the same, 36 poles to a pine at the bend of the branch; thence south 79 de grees east 29 poles to a pine; thence south 68 degrees east 1? poles to a pine; thence North 3 degrees east 5 poles to a stake; thence south 88 degrees east 28 poles to a black oak, J. B. Nich ols’ corner: thence south 1 degree west with his line, it being a con dition^ line, crossing the road, 19 poles to a sourwood: thence south 3 degrees west 9 poles to a stake; thence south 6 1-2 degrees cast 15 poles to a stake in the Steelman line, the same being the southwest comer of tract; thence north 88 degrees west crossing a hollow, 30 poles to a pine, Kilby’s comer; thence north 16 1.2 de grees west 113 poles to a stake at or near the branch; thence north 82 degrees west 21 poles, more or less, to the beginning; containing 57 3-4 acres, more or less, as shown by the survey of G. G. Elledge on his plat dated Nov. 12, 1934. The same being all of t: owned by the Boone Trai! Orchards, Inc., as described them in a Deed of Trust dated the 28th day of October, 1927, to C. T. Doughton, Trustee, which Deed of Trust is recorded in the office of Register of Deeds of Wilkes county in Book 146, page 348, containing therein three separate tracts. .\iso: Together with all person- I..! property belonging to the said orchard; including two mules, har ness, wagons, me old and one new sprayer, plows, harrows, tools, field crates, baskets, laHtters, cider mill, apple grader, supplies of every character, and all other machinery and equipment, also the entire apple crop and feed, including the crops of apples grown on the above orchard for the year 19.36 and all succeeding yeaj-s until the payments secured by tiiis Deed of Trust have been made in full. This the 3rd day of December, A. D., 1938. A. H. CASEY, Trustee for The Northwe.stera Bank, Successors to Deposit and Savings Bank. 12-29-4t tlfe land aiF Xpplar ribed T55 Miss Jones Becomes Bride Of Earle German Tha Baptist church of Boomer was beautifully decorated Satur day afternoon and at 2:30 was the scene of a beautiful wedding when Miss Wilna Mae Jones, of Boomer, became the bride of Earle German, also of Boomer, in an Impreeaive ring ceremony performed 'by their pastor, the Rev. E. V. Bumgarner. The 'bride is a beautiful and charming young lady, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Jones. She conwpleted a course in nurses’ training at the Davis Hospital in September. The groom is an ex cellent young man, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E. German, and is con nected with the Woodside Dairy of J. E. German and Sons. Immediately after the cere- mony they left for a trip to j some of the northern cities. In a | tew days they will be at home in ^ their attractive five-room bunga low erected on the Woodside farm. The union of these two Christian young people and their estaMisihiing a home in the com- j niunity will he a blessing to the j church and to the community In general.—Reported. Mrs. Pearson. Miss Woodruff Hostess To Their Club The Christmas party of the Rusiness Girl’s Sewing club was held at the home of Mrs. Harry Pearson Thursday evening and o.ther ihostess for the occasion was Miss Grace Woodruff. The first part of the evening an exchange of gifts was made after which rook was played at three tables. Those receiving prizes were Mrs. Pressley Myers for high score and Mrs. E. S. Cooper tor low. The decorations and appoint ments emphasized a color note of silver and blue while red and green was the predominant color in the refresihanents that followed the game. Mrs. Marion Shell was a visitor of the clu'h. Miss Kilby, Miss Somers Hostesses At Dance .\n outstanding social affair of tho Christmas holidays among the high school set was the dance given by Miss Grace Frank Kilby and MLss Peggy Somers at the Le gion clubhouse Monday evening. The spacious room was attractive ly decorated in Ohristmas greens about which were placed red candles and on the stage of the room was a beautifully lighted Christma.s tree. The cha'peioncs were, Mr. and Mrs. .Andrew Kilby. Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Somers, parents of the hos tesses. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Half- acre. Mr. and Mrs. .1. B. McCoy. Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Finley, and Mr. and Mrs. Tal Barnes. Around eighty w'ere present and were served punch and cakes >iy Mrs. Ilalfacre and .Mrs. Barnes. F'avors for the girls were minia ture cqrsuiges and for the boys candy walking sticks. Cross Marks the Spot Mother—Well Jimmy, do you think your teacher likes you? Jimmy—I guess she does; she Mr. R. SagrwM of ffienda spent' Tneeday i»i Black 'Mountain. " Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Roberts and daugihtera, Helen and Edith, ■were bedtime ignesta of Mrs. M. V. Segravee, Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Gwyn Walker and children, of Elkin, spent the Christmas Holidayai with Mrs. Walker’s sister, Mrs. Lois Rob erts. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Jarvis accompanied them home Monday afternoon. Mrs. Arthur Sale visited Mrs. R. C. Segraves Tueaday after noon. Rev. N. T. Jarvis is slowly im proving at'tlhe Wllkee Hospital, where he was taken for treat ment recently. His many friends are wishing him. a speedy recov ery. Miss Irene Sale and Misses Al ma and Annie Mae Mathis spent Thursday afternoon with Miss Bavanah Segraves. Mr. and Mrs. Coy Mathis were North Wilkesboro shoppers Thurs day. Mrs. Minnie Johnson spent Monday night with Mrs. Arthiur Sale. Miss Savannah Segraves visited Miss Mary Elizabeth Mathis Wed nesday. Mrs. M. V. Segraves and Miss es Tra and Eva Swaim visited Mrs. R. C. Sc.graVe.s Wednesday. Mr. Dana .lohnson, who has been quite ill, is Improving, his friends are., glad to learn. Mr. and Mrs. R. 0. Segraves and daughter. Mias Savannah, were 1,1 North Wilkewboro shop ping Friday afternoon. Mr. Sam Smith visited Mr. Jolhn Wood. Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Mathis were in North Wilkeebopo Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Brooks spent Saturday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mark Mathis. Mrs. M. 'V. Segraves was the dinner guest of her son, Mr. R. r. Segraves, Sunday. Misses Ruby and Grace Wood were North Wilkesboro visitors Saturday. Miss Pauline Smith came home for the holidays with ihor parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edd Smith. She has been staying with Mrs. Granville Green at Cllngman. Mrs. Nancy 'Vaughn is im proved and able to be up and a- round again, her many friends are glad to learn. mW’-. L.v. I ■ AND YOU Friends and patrons who haVe stood by us for so many years ^t is to you that we want to express our heartiest best wishes for a... HAPPt^D PROSPEROUS ^EWYEAR and express our appreciation for your generous patronage during 1938. .iM Wilkes Hatchery, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Gambill Telephtme 458 North Wilkesboro, N. C. Ads. get attention—and results! To Every Patron May Bring You Much Joy and Prosperity, Coupled With Good Health i We Wish Also... ' to take this means of thanking our friends for the generous patronage extended us daring the past year, and hope to merit an even larger share in the future. United Supply Co. (Incorporated) Telephone 499 North V^^Ukeaboro, N. C. NOTICE Under and by virtue of power of sale contained in a certain deed of trust executed on September 26, 1936, by W. A. Hudler and wife, Lura Hudler, and Paul Hudler and wife, Metta Hudler, to Earl C. James, tiuistee, recorded in book 185, page 428, in the office of hte Register of Deeds of Wilkes coun ty, North CaroHna, anci default having been made in payment of sa'd note and deed of trust, the undersigne'.i. trustee will on the 23rd day of January, 1939, at 2:00 p. m., in front of the courthouse door, in Wilkesboro, N. C., sell at public auction to the bid der for cash the folio-wing de scribed property, to-wit: Beginning on a stone on the '■IS* side of Ronda road (Chester Billing's corner), running north 69% degrees east 92 poles to a stone on a branch; thence south 85 degrees east 24 poles to a white oak (now down); thence south 79 degrees -west 133 poles to a red oak near the road; thence south crossing said road 8 poles to the old white oak corner (now down); thence east 3 poles to said road: thence south 40 degrees vrith said road 8 poles to a stone; thence a west course 8 poles to a rock; thence a south course 27 poles to a small white oak; thence north east 10 poles to a stone on the road; thence down and with the said road 37% poles to the be ginning. Containing 60 acres, more or less. 'The above sale ig made subject to a deed of trust held by the Greensboro Joint Stock Land Bank in the sum of 61,310.00. 'Dus the 23rd day of December, 1938. EARL C, JAMES, Trustee. W. M. Allen, Atty. l-19-4t(T) MAY THE NEW YEAR 1-9-3-9 Bring You, Our Patrons and Friends, An Abundance of Joy... Prosperity and Good Health WE GREATLY APPRECIATE THE BUSINESS GIVEN US DURING ’THE MANY YEARS WE HAVE BEEN IN BUSINESS, BY OUR FRIENDS RESIDING IN WILKES AND ADJOINING COUNTIES— SOME OF WHOM HAVE TRADED WITH US FOR THE PAST 35 YEARS. IN FUTURE YEARS WE HOPE TO SERVE YOU EVEN ■ BETTER AND OUR SALES PERSONNEL EXTENDS YOU A HEAR-Y WELCOME TO VISIT US OFTEN DURING THE COMING YEAR. J. T. PREVETTE, Owner PREVETTFS STORES • R. F. McDADE • C. B. HIGGINS, Jr. • R. L. WOOTEN Boone, N. C. • J. R. PREVETTE • H. S. PREVETTE • W. C. PREVETTE General Ofees: 916 “B” STREET Telephone 164 \f- y North WHkesboro, N. C. : ■ .Sfl

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