Ni^ 'AGENT BANGS 8BLF StktMTlU*, Vyb. . tS.—^CaU'iB HL Pitta. Matriat iMsassr of tho taanranee com- . •OBJ, teacad htaaaaU today in tbo caraco of hia roaMonce at l^rmony. Coroner K."D. Tomlin reported. ni health iraa giren as ^o reaeon for the act. An inquest ihm not considered necessary. Mr. ntts Tfas a natfTo of Cabarrus ooanty, coning to StatesTllle a- hont M 'yeare ago. Since that time he Tra> Tinea CTfl in the Insurance bnaineaa. Hia wife Is a mentber £if the Harmony school faculty. MONTHS’ TAX UP ; Rialoigh, Peb. S8.—The Febru- ' ary tar report, taade ipubllc today the state department of roTo- ^ine, disclosed that for the first time this fiscal year collections were substantially above those of the oorresponding month in the prorions fiscal year. Total collec tions daring February were $5,- 141,847.27, compared with $4,- 841.C28.20 In February, 1938. General fund receipts were f2,- 989,826.34, an increase of $193,- 689.79, and highway fund re ceipts were $2,202,522.30, an in crease of $106,329.28. VOU TXXn. NO. 68 Piibliihed Moodape ^ Thuwdaya. — ' NOllTH :V. C,*^"fHURSDAYt. MAE. 2. 1989 INT^fiTA lovrt „/AP HUSBANDS Reno, Nev., Feb. 28.—Two Ro- ' Chester, N. Y„ Troanen who shared ' an apartment in Reno for six ' weeks, then obtained divorces, were en route hc>me by train to- " day—planning to complete an ex- . change of husband-s. It was learn- „ ed from a reliable source that Mrs. Jane Snow Mitchell, who di vorced Dr. Howard Douglas [Mitchell of Rochester h.sre yes- i. &rday, Is planning to be married fe'to Horace 8. Thomas, an official ^ of the Eastman Kodak company. Mrs. Marlon J. Thomas, who dl- tvoiced the latter, is to become the wife of Dr. Mitchell. ELECT POPE VaGcan City. Feb. 28.—The floiemn conclave of 62 cardinals -by ^vhom a r,ew pope will be opmis tomorrow. Vatican Srs^ predicted the Mkprt because or to Is ,,0n- UpwaufTrend State Employment Service Office Has Good Kecord For Month February . gensr 9t» pessmlity' Choice. __ mentioned at the vacant chair of St. Peter Bight be filled before Sunday, fifty-five of the princes of the Church inspected the improvised cells where they will live apart from the outside world during tho election. Four already in Rome did not Join in the inspec tion. lV|MDIE in crash »^^^5^>ston, Feb. 28.—Six persons. Including four girls and a bey of Mhool age, died today when a street car hurtled from its rails bemuse, the operator said, "the brakes didn’t hold" at a curve, on a sharp downgrade near Approximnte- The employment situation here continues on the. uptrard trend and placements for February showed a marked - Increaae over February a year ago. B. O. Gen try, manager of the NCrth Wll- kesboro branch of the State Em ployment Servlcei eeJd today. In February this year the local office four 1 Jobs in lafthctry and with private employers for 51 people as compared to only 32 for February, 1938. Public place ments also were more plentiful, there being 124 In February, 1939, an Increase of 80 over the figures for the same month last year. New registrations for Februaiy totaled 258 and the month ended with an active file of 1,542 ap plicants. Mr. Gentry called attention to the fact that the tiles of appli cants are revised each month and that names of all who have not renewed their registrations are taken from the active and placed in the Inactive file. This means, he said, that when there is a call for labor that the active files are examined and the order for workmen is filled from the active files if possible. If the order cannot be filled from the active files the inactive lists are then examined. Registrations may be renewed by personal call at the office or iby mall. Servants’ School To Begin Monday tLe Short Conrie Franklin Park too. Iv 40 injured persons were treat- «d at city hospitals and first aid in the course, Iniiudmg a lecture ^ nvaVklon/Toa hv n TftTV- A short course for domestic servants will be held at Lincoln Heights school on Monday, Tues day and Wednesday nights, on March 6, 7 and 8, and the first three nights of the week be ginning March 13. The school is being sponsored by. the North Wllkesboro Wom an’s club, and the club is asking that every colored domestic work er and all other colored people interested in domestic work at tend. It is also asked that em ployers of domestic workers in the Wilkesboros assist by having their servants attend. Several topics will be taught quarters set up in apartment bouse vestibules near the acci dent scene. The crowded car left Its rails, lurched across a wide street intersection and came to a stop, leaning at a 45-degree angle against two trees. HEAVY SNOWSTORMS One of the heavieet snowstorms of the winter roared over upper Michigan (Tuesday) after leav ing a doE«J states in the. western \ ^half of the nation drift-bound. I^T^eavy tains continued, meantime, ‘'^trom the Mississippi river east ward' through the Ohio and Tenn- 1 valleys, along the north At- coast and In the sontheast- V;w The snowstorm slid off ti^diu>6ky mountains Snnday and Ut-toe Texas panhandle Monday. M ^ 4Mposlting six to 17 Inches In Biftem Colorado, northeastern New Mexico, northweertem Okla- iMBia and western Kansas. Xwo Are Hurt In j^yOn Monday Ciooui Dawis Howard Davis, Hurt In Fight On Monday In WUkeaboro Cloms Davta and Howard Davis painful Injuries In what wii described as a drunken fight at the home of Margaret Foster in WOkesboro Monday night. Margaret Foster Is said to have admitted to officers that ahe strack Cloma Davis, Inflicting Isnjrstir— and bmlsee. Officers T^ holiteS » Woody stick of lo*e wood as material evidence. «praties wese called to the sJ(Op tho fi«ht and they j^ad the two who wore In- .Margaret Foster and -Oavla. ^ ^*ar« Darto received only woands in the fracas, of- on electrical appiances by a rep resentative of Duke Power com pany: cooking, by the home eco nomics teacher in Lincoln Heights school; systematic house clean ing, by Miss Rhodes; Table serv ing and setting, by Miss Evelyn Sharpe, vocational home ecenom- ics teacher in North Wllkesboro schools: personal cleanliness and -- i. " . Bennet, public health nurse. Court Open Monday Morning Criminal Cases to Be Tried During the Two-Weeks’ Term; Warlick Judge March term of Wilkes court for trial of criminal cases will con vene 1 n Wllkesboro Monday morning, ten o’clock, with Judge Wilson Warlick. of Newton, pre siding. A calendar composed of more than 200 cases has been made out for the term by the solicitor and the bar association. Avalon E. Hall, of YadklnvUle, is the newly elected solicitor of the 17th Jndklnl^district and will be prosecuting the docket for his first time In Wilkes. The court calendar was pub lished In The Journal-Patriot earlier this week. Lions Will Meet On'Friday Night; Good Program North Wllkesboro Lions club will be treated to a good pro gram in the meeting to be held Friday evening, 6:30, at Hotel Wilkes. Lawrence Miller and Otis Keel ing will have charge of the pro gram,. which will consist mainly of novelty dance mnnhsrs and a motion phdnre. Policy Weather Fumishee ' V; 4 T'JJ..' . ,-T„- 1 MnrA caias. iBr.’iWseiiesdgy, lamb ai^ ntiardlMs of iriistliiSr o* not It goes ^'Rkd * Uen, it got a good stast In ttou direction thiruionteir.Tp Wednesday was a mild day taamibig clondhiew in T the aftmnoon bnt^mo one B>r spectsd that snow would be a* boot two Inch** deep 4hia morning. A depth of three toebea, was ^repotted oo^'the mowntatoi, ^ ^ Ashe^erffi Is- Hdifiug Man For [Shootiiig Church Suapect With Wounds On ' Facie Is Wade Blackbium, a Former Wilkes Man tow AvlJahie For ^ West Jefferson, March 1.—^As officers d-Uved further into the ambush-shooting of 69-year-old Enoch Church, a possible break i.' SjmjM troopers pritected members of the bund tonight whw T is i1?ilSfBgrai»hcr busy snapping picinres of a smaU iold Sheriff Edd - Thousands ol anll-Nail demonstrators gathered outside "Itaihon Square Odrden fa New York recently when the German American bund held an “Amei icanivatloil?’ r»Uy insMc Jhe bnfldJiig. Mounted peUce and hundreds of pctrolmcn were necessary to quell riots. fvnn^c memhe.s of the bund bv palroUins '-he aisles during the meeting. PieSured here riot in wiiieh 2t9 took part. R.F.D. Exam At Reddies River Examination Will Be Held Here to Fill Vacancy; Brief Time Is Left An announcement has been re leased stating that a civil service examination will be held here soon to fill a vacancy caused by the retirement of the rural mall carrier at Reddies River postof fice Odell Whittington is now act ing carrier. Other information relative to the examination and job is con tained In the following statement contained In the announcement: The date of examlnatio.’-. will be stated on admission cards mailed to applicants after the close of receipt of applications, and will be about 15 days after that date. The salary of a rural carrier on a standard route of 30 miles served dally except Sunday is $1,800 per annum, with an ad ditional $20 per mile per annum for each mile or major fraction thereof in excess of 30 miles. Cer tain allowances are also made for the maintenance of equipment. The examination will be open only to citizens who are actual ly domiciled in the territory of the post office where the vacan cy exists, who have been actual ly domiciled there for six months next preceding the closing date for receipt of applications, and who meet the other requirements set forth in Form 1977. Both men and women, if qualified, may en ter this examination, but appoint ing officers have the legal right to specify the sex desired in re- A*he County Farmer l8 Killed By Auto ' ■■ ' •‘V 'Wi ' West Jefferson, fob. -;25.— Reeves Perry, 76, , county farmer of the Horse^fe^iP^sec- ;tlon, died tonight in wRkes hos pital of injuries he s^ered this afternoon at about 1 olfclock when he was struck by an antomoblle reportedly driven by Roscoe El- dreth, of the same coiiimnnity. Mr. Perry was stan^ng on the side of the road near hl« homo, talking, with Jxis son Iv® neighbors, when thn a^omoblle swerved from tho hfcgJlpfay and struck hlm,*-tt waa ‘ with In Tip-Top Shop Keon Sense of Smell Leads to Discovery of Fire Be fore Damage Is Done SJCUUUID, pc?*ov»AAc»A jQ SpeClLy tUt> Ot?A su care of children, by Miss Eloise questing certification of eliglbles T-» A ^ 1 VM1WOA —~ _ J ^ Form 1977 and application blanks can be obtained from the vacancy office mentioned above or from the United States Civil Service Commission at Washing ton, D. C. Applications must be on file with the Commission at Washington, D. C., prior to the close of business on the date specified above. At the examina tion. . .. Comhiunity House At Moravian Falls People of Community Will Meet at School Friday Night For Discussion Citizens of Moravian Falls, a progressive rural community four miles south of Wllkesboro, will meet at the schoolhouse on Fri day night, 7:30 o’clock, to dis cuss plans for a project calling for erection Of a community house. J. M. Smith, area supervisor for the National Youth adminis tration, and W. R. Craft, county NYA supervlMr, will be present to explain what h^P the NYA could be to the propte in carrying out a community house project. In discussing the matter today, Mr. Smith called attention to the fact that the NYA is In position to furnish labor for the project should tho community furnish the necessary materials. In addition to the laboi' the NYA would fur nish tools and supervision, Mr. Smith said. In the meeting Friday night methods of providing the neces- saiy materials and actual plans for the structure will be taken up. All-people of the community have an Invitation to attend the meeting Jimmie Piperis’ keen sense of smell led to the discovery of a Hr© in the basement under the Tip- Thp Soda ahop about midnight Tuesday night. While serving a customer in bis cafe next door to the soda shpPi Jlttunfa remark^ that there jMncj|. ln .the nlr . . ^ened his ihveetIgatTon. He dis covered that the soda shop build ing was full of simake. He called firemen and the fire, which was smouldering in rub bish in the basement, was put out with chemicals and little damage was done. In discussing the discovery of the fire Jimmie recalled that he had been quite handy in discov ering fires in the past. Once when he was riding along highway 421 west of this city he saw flames in Harmony Baptist church, locat ed several hundred feet from the highway. He-gave the alarm and several gathered at tho church and removed a burning organ, which had eaught fire from an oil lamp and was burning rapid ly- Postpone Legion’s Bingo Party Here Announcement was made today that the American Legion’s Bin- go party scheduled to begin on Friday night has been postponed to a later date. The party will be held later in order to raise funds to finance junior baseball. Mi’lers Creek All Stars Enter Y. M. C. A. Tourney Millers Creek all-star basket ball team has entered the Win ston-Salem Y. M. C. A. Tourna ment and will play their first game Saturday afternoon at three o’clock. ANNUAL GOODWILL BASKETBALL TOURNAMENT IS IN PROGRESS AT SCHOOL GYMNASIUM HERE Miller ho in on escaped convict. Blackburn, a Wilkes county man, was arrested four days ago in a Blnefield, W. Va., hospital, suffering from gunshot wounds in the face. He told officers then that his name was Herbert Law- son and that he had been shot near Hlllsvllle, Va., Thursday night. Blackburn however, refused to give deUils of the shooting. He denied knowledge of the amhnsh-ahooting of Church, who was’sittlng In his home when he was fired upon. Church returned the gunfire. Blood on a fence rail set offi cers to checking all hospitals In the -beUef that Church had se verely wonnded toe m*n^ ^KoU’tie UBitio . , at RiUelgh last July IB.-He said he was convicted in Cataw ba enperlor court on a charge of kidnaping an officer in Welch, W. Va., and stentenced to serve 25 to 30 years. This was in 1935. Since he escaped last summer, Blackburn said he had rambled through several states in a car he stole in Hickory. He told the sheriff he got into another mix-up with an officer in West Virginia and a state patrol man shot him In the left lung. He (Continued on page eight) Benefit Party On Monday, March 6 North Wllkesboro senior Wom an’s club will sponsor a benefit party to be held in the Poindex ter building next door to Rexall store on Monday afternoon and night, 3:30 and 7:30. Bridge, rook, setback, Chinese and old-fashioned checkers will be played. Funds derived by the admission charge of 25 cents will go to the clubhouse fund and all are invited to attend and have with them cards, checker boards, etc. Prizes will be awarded and light refreshments will be served. Those desiring reservations are asked to call Mrs. I. E. Pearson, Mrs. C. G. i-oiudexfer Mrs. John son J. Hayes or Mrs. Edd Gard ner. Bare’s Fair Store At Boone Damaged SttgfestecF Thai ^.Haatinc Plant Majr Ik- ^ . Installed a« Project SEVERAL CARRIED OUT. The 'Only. Coet to Spoosor U Ftjaiehhig of Matariala NYA Pay* Renaicaler , ■’w.k't' ’The National Yooth adniiahA_' tration is in position to fnmlik,^ labor, tools and supervision oa'^ county^ municipal and socianaaM' ity projects, J. M. Smith, arsa^ supervisor for a district compose^ of five countlee, said todty. He pointed out that the cost of., a project to the sponsor is the materials. In this connection he said that ■ It would ’i>e possible for an NTA project to be. made up caHlna for installation of a heating sys tem in tho Wilkes county court- ' house If the commissioners desire to take that step. Installation of a heating sys tem for the courthouse has beea under advisement for several years and last year the commls- Moners made application for a Public Works project calling for installation of a heating system. The project was not acted upon in time to reach the PWA deod- line and its fat© probably wlU rent with the matter of further ap propriations for PW.i. Mr. Smith said (bat in case the PWA project could not be carried out that tlM-NYA is in poaitiooi to carry out the project, in whieh case the coet to the eonnty wohld be only the necessary, materthls. The NYA during ^ paM few years has been carrying put a ^ number of prejeeta which il to-.tobwmd>»,-»iS|»jii cottage at Honda, obnicrnctlon ef school desks, office desks and aq- dltorium benches for schools, making garments for underprivi leged children, and many other projects. Teachers’ Meet On March lOBi All Teachers of County Are Asked to Attend Meet ing In Wllkesboro Annual Goodwill Basketball tournament held her© by' the North Wllkesboro high sch^>ol for the purpode of promoting good will and -portsmanship among the high schools of Wilkes coun ty got under way Wednesday afternoon and night with four good fames of the cage sport. In Wednesday afternoon games Wllkesboro girls fought hard to overcome Mount Pleasant 13 to 11 in a game featured by defen sive work of both quints. In the other afternoon game Mount Pleasant boys displayed remarkable pdwer to overcome Wllkesboro 36 to 12. At seven o’clock Roaring River girls put on- bhb Morlng pressure to take a one-sided ;Contest over Traphill -67 to 18. At eight ofalock Roaring River boyt: had Uttlu. trrt>lne In defeat ing Traphlll 2'8 to 14. ’The flnM gome last night was b^ween Mountain View and Ron- ft*.- da boys with Mountain View tak ing a 39 to 23 decision. Games start tonight at 7:30 with Mountain View and Ronda girls furnishing the first con test. Following this game, which should be close. Mountain View and Millers Creek -boy*, two of the strongest teams 1(1, ..toe tour ney, will play. „ \ . ^ - Friday night game ,wijl{ ^ Wll kesboro versus Roaring? River girls: Mount Pleasant 4a^ Roars- Ing River boys. Games b^a ^eit 7:30.'. . ■hie'flnals will be played on Mondf y nighit betereen wtohers of tonight’s and Friday night’s games. Silver trophies will be -r.ward- ed the winning teams and in ad dition bronse.basketbidia; Will be presented sixlslris tod, five boy» at toe el^ of toe tovrnament. The IfalfsMs«4.I>lto«w,tor the,*. #8^ 'frill he'selected by f vote i* dffteiali with of cto^es. playing ability, .ftoamwbrk and good sportsmanship the determin ing factors. Admission to games is 10 and 25 cents and all who enjoy bas- k^ball are invited to attend. The purpose cf thetourifailieBt Is beet expressed In the following excerpt of an announcommit of the tourney by Paul S. Cragan, superintendent of North Wllkes boro ochools: “We are Intepceted, , not so much In the financial side toe tournament nor so much- In the winning of trophleg,. as we are- in toe-buUdli^ of healthy bodlee.i active minds, and frieddly spirit of wholesome com-peUtlon v to sportsmanshlip. coeches and officials of.the^tonk- nament bedx'thls in .mind'.tod to set an. eocampfa the FOnng people In oto eharf* *0L-be vrise fov tieni^ to foDoTr>^U:;■■ ,Fire did much damage to Bare’s Pair store and other bus- inesa firms In the building at Boone Monday. The store, which is the proper ty of G. T. Bare, of this city, was badly damaged and much of the large stock of merchandise was destroyed. Legion Will Meet On Friday Night The T6igulflJ monthly ni66tlxiK of the Wilkes County Post of the American Legion will be held on Friday night, March 3, 7:30, at the Legion and Auxiliary club house. Play Is Postponed^ To Tuesday Night luon • -ss-i - ns att as: ^ ^ wm" " hy the Beta dob at iaifiiOTo high school, on Tnesdar. IVllkes county teachers will gather in W'ilkecboro on Satur day.,. March 11, to attend one of the (ew county-wide teachers’ meetings of the year. C. B. Eller, county superinten dent of schools who made an- nouncp-ment of the meeting, said that several matters of import ance to teachers will be taken up at the meeting and attendance of every teacher is asked. The meeting will be held in tho Wllkesboro school auditorium and will begin at 10:30 a. m. Ckai^es Made In Stale U. C. C. Act Base Period for Unemploy ment Benefits Now Csd- endar Year of 1937 B. G. Gentry, manager of top.. North Wllkesboro office of tha state employment service, wlt^ which the Unemployment Coai- ' pensation office for this territozy is affiliated, today esH^ • stt^ tion to changes made by tho proo- > ent legislature in the UCC set. >, 7‘he base period at tho prCMB^^ time, on which benefits for uS- employed aro computed, fa Qia- calendar year 1937. Another change made is thldr:. 'cj weekly beneflU will be paid aav coVdl&^m iSSIfSiit tolf>*>nar. instead of in exact eotnpntsUiifa which run' into odd canto - ’Rto; least weekly benefit which ■wm- «>e paid will 4)0 $1.50 nndar toa’ revised statutes. -i , •, Changes were also mods, to place employora to a SMirtt according to. too ampWSv ®f 94* employfasnl* ^ Wilket Murriug«8 Only two JlcoBse to Fod ww*; 9TO high school, on to ^ i; 7r«. The ptar wad briglfa- r selhedalod lot v Friday anight FriiMwa Widjtto tWi Wtok Imt WM postpoMl inia of‘the illness of a jSom- Pla McCHaasry, of tha SMt.,^- -r. , . ■ od #6Sito«l- ■ '

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