-PAti^^;;H*s^tAZED "i%t; ^Af^r' ■ "r; -'" ■'v’ >yi'' *i'm -f^ fe Newttftf roi^. >P|: BLESSES U.X " ; ’/^T^Ocan CUy, March 7.—X ^6aiu4ictlon on the people of t&d tkiM; Staten was given today by •Pdl^e-'f'lus XII'as lie received in a«dt«ke William Cainllna! O’Con- "*iudl and George Cardinal Munde- .'’Iflini' sarchbishops of Boston and ' Chicago. The blessing, -which the JiOly Father said was imparted particularly to the people of Bos- ■ ton-' and Chicago, was given in two'^clal half-honr audiences wWfctwo of the American cardln- 'aV^Mo participated in the elec tion ,oI''^^e new pontiff "March 2. -r^ -T-->r "V SS£d: ■jt; ■: 'WIMtSUSI iiilB SUCXIESSOR CHOSEN? f ,.9an Francisco, March 7.— |ipt. Fritz "Wiedemann, long-time bnfident and personal adjutant .of Adolf Hitler, took over his du ties as German consul-Gerraan at San Francisco today, and disclos- • ed that Hitler’s successor as ,J relchsfaehrer has been chosen. “The succession has been fully arranged,’’ he said, “but no names have been announced.’’ Wiedemann made the state ment at a press conference. He declaimed any political signifl- in his assi.emment to the ■v gHhfic coast. VOL. xxxn, NO.lt PabBshed McuUsys ibd W io: CCBtMr «f f/iTJj' IW' Farmers Prepare For Parttqjj^Hon In Soil Program Any Who are Nl>t Already ParticipanU.Aaked to See County Agent RAPS NEl^TRALITY ACT Washington. March 7.—Presi- ’ dent Roosevelt expres.sed a con viction today that the neutrality act had not served the cause of - peace, asserting, in fact, that it • may have encouraged some na tions to threats of war. His state ment. which immediately stirred i predictions of another struggle i between the chief executive and ^ the senate’s “neutrality” and iso lation blocs, was made almost simultaneously with a senate vote Thbii^hdi ■^^^fHV^AY/:^R’qg 9. IN.t8E.STA’ ■iv T& OUrOF^THlJ ■ .. ; J. aarr Any farmer in Wilkes, county who did not participate in the soil conservation program last year and who wishes to- have a part this year should sign a work sheet immediately, Lawrence Miller, chief clerk^ot the county agricultural conielwatlon associ ation, said today. He pointed out that work sheets for practically all of the more than 3,000 farm units in Wilkes were signed last year and that it is not necessary for those who participated last year to sign again. He pointed out. howSver, that there doubtless are many new | farmers and some few who did not take part durIng-1988. They should sign a work sheet as early as possible as the first step to- •ward carrying out the practices for which payment is made. 'During 1938 more than .3.300 farmers carried out pi'uctlce.s for which payment is made and the total sum to be received in the county for 1938 is estimated at more than $80,000. Those who have farms which have changed ownership since last year or those with farms which have been divided should • call at the office of the county 6 Months In Jail For $5 Theft And Is Then Acquittei Would Authcffue approving the bulk of the admin- Istration rearmament program. lECK WRONG HOUSE Ne-w 1'ork, March 7.—,\n em- harra.ssed tVPA wrecking crew (o4a.v set out for the secoiid time to raze a three-story frame tene ment in Brooklyn. A bank which owned the building asked the city j adjusted to the Mr. Miller said. proper acreage. Home Club Flans For District Meet housing authority to tear it down | ^ a« part of a slum clearance rro-j WUlce. Club Will K WPA crew was dispatch-! Have Part m FederAiibh ' am. ' ed. Later hank officials called up to InQuire why the building had not been lorn down as promised. ‘•It i.s torn down.” they were tn’d. Investigation disclosed - y o u guessed it* tiie crew had razed the building next door. Neither building bore a street number. Meet In Taylorsville m GABLE DIVORCED Las Vegas. Nev.. March ..— llywood’s Mo. 1 romance l>e- een its top-ranking male star, Clark Gatile. and one of the best of its comediennes, blonde CaroK Lombard, had the last obstacle to Its culmination in marriage re moved here today. Maria Gai>le. 49-year-old wife of the 38-year- t)ld actor, divons d him. It re- , quired bm four minutes, for j Judge XViltiam K. Orr to luar her j (l.*sevtion anti sign tlie| decree. Thtis tin' way was pavei' for the dark-’iairi d and liand ^ some Ga’de. b?arl throi> of iin-1 told thousands of feminine film fans, and Miss l.ombard. his companion at frequent screen if- fairs. to wed and move into tho San Fernando ranch home which he recently acquired. Tlie white boxes being loaded aboard ship in Shanghai, China, contain “HeroiK’ Soifls," ihe'«kbei«f "Japa- nese soldiers who have been killed in battles in China. Every ship leaving Chinese ports for Japan carries these tctUale white boxes. The Japanese admit 51,000 were killed in 1938. Previobsly they admitted 115,000 before llio end of 1937. Foreign military experts estimate Japanese losses, killed and wounded, at from 150,900 (o 600,000 since flgbting began July 7, 1937. Court Disposes Of Many Negro Is to Be Tried For Life In Assa’lilt Case Demonstrations To Be Held Soon Forest Warden Explains Danger In Bjirniiffi Brush I All Who Intend to Bum Solicitor Said He Would. Have Otto Hampton Arraigned Today , County Agent Dan Holler has announced that he and Jesse Giles, assistant agent, will con duct pruning demonstrations at the home of Jim Gray at Roada Friday afternoon. March 1 0, I I:30r and,.at the hpme of ^G, C. ' Gray at three o'clock.. Demonstra tions in peach and apple tree * pruning will be glven 'and all In- Brush Should Familiarize Themselves With Latvs Heariiig Friday On Welfare Measure The Better Cotir.se Miss Harriet McCJoogan, Wilkes I home demonstration agent, and Mrs. C. F. Bretholl. of Moravian Falls, president of the Wilkes county federation of home dem onstration clubs, attended a meet ing of home agents and conncU pre.sidents of Alexander. Cald well, Avery and Watauga counties I i.i Lenoir to lay plan.s for the dis trict federation to he held in j Taylorsville on May 19. Miss McGoogan said llmt it is hoped that each club in Wilkes will send a large delegation to tlie district meeting and that members from Wilkes will plan a prominent part in the program. Mr.s. liretholl will be on the pro-! qi'ani for response to the address] of welcome and the main feature ■ ! of tile afternoon program will he' 'a leant demonstration tty t-H i I'liib members from Wilkes. j Wiikes club members of tlie various district convention com mittees are as follows: i-egistra-1 tion. Mrs. Blanche Critcher. of j Moravian Falls: transportation,' Miss Flossie Hendren, of Gil- reath: courtes.v. Mrs. O. D. Rent- Wilkes superior court for trial ^ of criminal cases h^. rpa^ig *M! i inroads Inf» 'tl»~Iboket oT mufr; than 200 cases during the first three days of court. Judge Wilson Warliek, of New ton, is presiding and .\valon E. Hall, of Yadkinville. is prosecut ing the docket for his first time in Wilkes as solicitor. The bus: ics.s of ihe court ha:; been functioning smoothly am! many cases have lieeii disposed of to date. Solicitor Hall said this morning that he will arraign Otto H.amp- ton. negro, on Ihe caoital charge jAftc of criminal tile ca.se will be set day next week, Hamilton will be ! tried for his life. he heiiyg 'ch:>v.gcd will) eriminal assault on , Mr-'. Kmma Miistin. white woman, 'at her home near Roaring River I a few montb.s ago. He bos been i in j'lil since the alicRMl assault j Raleigh.—Wilkes county Dem- jocralic leaders appeared before fcnate judiciary committee num ber two this morning in support of Ashe Representative John- .ston’s bill to change the method of selecting the superintendent of mibiic welfare in "Wilkes ooiinty. According to County Forest Warden Homer Brookshire of Wilkes County, approximately SOO forest fires burned in North Ca:'oIina during 1938 as a result of brush burning. These 800 for est fires cost the State of North Carolina tbonapads of dollars damwo *tr t4mhbf ««A wllrf-lfl«'t»f'-»' say nothing of the effect the fires have on such as soil erosion and the aesthetic value of woodland. Every single one of those SOO fires repre.sents a case where someone was careless with fire. Tlieerfore, County Warden Brookshire takes tills opportun ity to remind all." who Intend to hum brush, sedge, or debris of any kind in connection with their sprlrg farming and clearing, to t'iimi.iarizc themselves fully with the .''rnrtli Carolina Forest Fire Boyd Darnell, resident of Union toWn^p, spent six and on»balt motttlis In tlte Willcai| Jail Mroitinc trial on. a charge^ .of stealing a guitar vahied a(' .fixe doBars ahd’them went free becanse the state did not hare evidence rnongb to convict. Solicitor Avalon E. Hall put up a number of wttne.««e« which told of circum.stancee ivhicli seemed to implicate Darnell in the five-dollar gui tar theft but ■'"hotfiiiyj conolus- tve of guilt. A defense motion for directed verdict of acquit tal was not resisted. However, ft developed that Darnell had not been Imprison ed so long for nothing becsiuso in another case a fe^v minutes later he entered a plea to a chai^ of disturbing I'eligious congregation. Judge Wilson Warliek, sajing that he took into consideration the long thne in jail awaiting trial, gave the young imui 12 months on the roads suspended for three years under 'very strict conditions which he said .sbonid serve to protect the people of that community a- jtadnst* further misconduct by Tiamell. For This Cooi^ Senate Bill Woh^ -^Aj^ropnatnm lieizing COURT BILLriarW ». W'.S; Would.’Gnist:^ Cov/les’ Bill Commissioners Power Establish Court Domestic Course Held Thk Week Miss Sharp, Miss Malone and Miss BenntA Instruct Domestic Workers Raleigh. March 8.—Two bills of general intere.st to the north west and of particular importaneo to Wilkes county were introduted in the senate today by Senafue C. H. Cowles of Wilke's.' The first, senate bill sou'd set up a r«:order’» eonrt for Wilkes county. A special sec tion of the bill provides that tbu judge and the solicitor of the court would have to be from dif ferent political parties. After the senate session. Sen ator Cowles said that the bill was worked out by the Wilkes county bar and approved by the majority of its members. The bill 'was referred to tho senate courts and judicial dis tricts committee. The second bill, senate bill No. 262, would put Wilkes in tho forefront of North Caroilna coua- ties telliug the world of their ad vantages. ~4f "pvtitlde# for -the board' of" ■ county commissioners and tho beard of commissioners of tho town of North Wilkesboro each to appropriate $.300 for 1939.. and a brief licariii.? the matter i I.aws. isiiiilt today and tbat-w.'i.s coiilinued and for trial one I and ha.s not been given privile,ge of linnd. Follcfting i.-: an account of tile cas''e in wliicb jud.ament baa been rea riled: Kd Jennings, larceny, eight i months on roads in one case and ll3 months suspended in another ■ count. ! Thomas B r o w c r. trespass, will come iipj Before burning deliris of any foi fiinlier hearing before the kind between April 1 and June committee Friday morning at 11,15, secure from the Comity For- o’l'Iock. cst Warden, of one of his autlior- W. H. McEIwee, attorney and ized representatives, a iinrning Democrat of Wilkes, appeared be-1 permit, fore Ibe .'■cnate committee and , Burning permits can he se- repcal' d the sjimc arguments in ; cured from County Forest War- favor of the bill that he used he-! den Brookshire at the slieriff’s fore the house commiUec last office and the following District . An NYA project sponsored by the Woman’s clubs of North Wilkesboro providing a course for domestic servants has been in progress this week at Lincoln Heights colored school. The first session was on Mon- jday night when Miss Rvelyne Sharpe, vocational home econom ics teacher in North Wilkeslmro schools, lectured on table service and setting. On Tuesday night Miss Addie Etiquette Expert—“It is wrong. ley,_of_ Ronda: re.solutiojis. j pj.,.,yHr for judgment continued on H iBat to between the woman he is escorting and shop ■windows”. Practical Husband—“It nray be .wrong. But, oh boy, it’s smart’. ..... ... ^ ;prnv... B. F. Proffit, of Maple Springs, (.ppdifion he keep cattle oft oth- Miss McOoo.gan announced the people's properly, apnointment of the following dis-, Hackett and "William robbery A^ENATOR STE.4MS . , , , , Clinton — trict meeting chairmen for oach j colored of the individual clubs -n the - firearms, mistrial, county; Ronda, Mrs. Hohsnn i j(,,pert Mathis, speeding and Blackburn; Boomer. Miss Annie gp. Lmi Fergu-son; Ferguson. Mrs. „„ condition he pay $25 Sam Jones; Gilreath. Mrs. Clar- and not cnee Hendren; Moravian has . ,„onths. Mrs. Grover Hix; 1 arsonyille., ^ Bossinan Souther, assault Mrs. T. T. Yates: Maple Sprnf.gs, j ^roth- ’ Miss Vera Cluirch. Miss A leen Greene, a Wilkes I county 4-H club member, will be week. He said it was not fair for the county commissioners of M’ilkes to control the whole wel fare program of the county when (Continued on puge eight) Wardens; Alansfield Robertson, Gilreath: Robert Cailowny. Hon da. route 2; R. L. Speuc’r. Ben- ham;, H. Y. Warren, Traphlll; (Continued on page four) Millers Creek Boys, Roari^ River Girls County Basketball Champions Coache. Fighter.^ asked to serve as a page in the district meeting. Community Meet At Moravian Falls Ojftr-Tuesday Night i er. George Souther, four months jon roads and IS months suspend- I cd five years. Ode Adams and Dan Rhymer, iarceny of lumber, not guilty. I.onnio Davi.s. four months on roads and 12 months .suspended. V.'ade Hampton, colored, enter-] pd plea of assault on Millard !KeI- ly. colored. Sentence not^ passed. .Tule Minton plead guilty to| charge 'of drunkennc.ss and slan der; Mrs. Jiile Minton convicted pf slander, sentenee not praased. James Harvey Starnes; covvIctT, ed of stealing auto, sentence not, pas?eA, Erncat Spicer • a n ^ iiRobei'V Nicholson, larceny, vordlct of" If ibe aeaate dtamber isn’t hot for North CaroUna’a Sen. B. Beynoids, he can al- vraya rely on the gymnasium sweal- feadL Ihrebtfh exercise routine he kom hbi weight down and stays fit A DeBM^ratie mem- ■i#'llie foreign reiaflens and «IF comrtMees, he .hai Another eommiinity meeting I will !;e held at Moravian Falls school on Tuesday night, March 1-1, 7:30 p. m.. when plans for a community house to be erected as a NA’.A project will be com pleted. The building committee ap- ? - . pointed at the first comraunity j gniity and sentence not^.^aBcd ■p'-etlng held last week will make Its reports and it is hoped that in the meeting all Tlans tor the building. Including'type, size and location, may be completed in or der that the project can be for warded to Washin.gton for ap- oroval. All citizens of the com munity” are asked to be present. Oiriie Pendergrass, -'Violation prohibition law, six months on road* and car ordered sold. > Hugh Smithey, a.ssault on fe male, prayer for judgment . con- tinned two yes rs. ; 7" . Herb;" Hest er, . basUrdy.t' »i* montbs on roe da - suspeaided on' condition he p«iy $200 for'swpoi’t'y of child, as Mt up tn.;' cpBselht gener- Wilkea again for 1910 from Ihei al funds to advertise county. It further provides for the two boards to appoint a committee of three or more to be known aa the Wilkes county adverti-’ing committee to direct the advertis ing program. The bill was refer red to the senate conservation and development committei'. Asked about the bill. .Senator t'owles said that he bad le-en re quested to introduce it by a Malone, home service speci.nlist j group of progressive Wilkea of Duke Power company, put on : eounliaiis. headed by Joe McCoy, demonstrations of use and care j manager of the Wilkes Hotel at of electrical appliances. Slie gave ] Xortli Wilke-shoro. and chairman a most interesting lecture and I q( h,,, (Jovernor's Hcpifality awarded several prizes. conimittee for Wilkes county. Miss Eloise Bennett, county I — public health nurse, lectured Adflress AVednesday night, the subject be-, ^ ° AGOreSS ing “Health and Care of Chil-; KlWailianS OH t* UlClay dren.” | The course was designed tn in-, ji,,,. \ }>almi-r. assistant ad- crease efficiency of domestic i verti-ing and mercliandising man- workers and as training for col-1 Duke Power company, ored girls who are interested in j ^yj)| on, guo.st speaker ai tho taking up that type of work. iKiwani.s club nu-eting Friday Coasleyjni for- ;> wh6 ,J* editing ■ .. fit For tlie second consecutive MiUera .Greek boy* won the county, championship in the annuaU-'good^ii! basketball 'toiirsani^i^'hold' her^' by ""MvJ .^orth'TV’ilkosboro high school for jthe.blgh schapls in the county syatoiD.. j Millers Creek retained ♦he ti tle in the finals Monday night by defeating' a etropg team from Mount Pliant 27 to 16. Roaring River ' girls became girls’ champions by edgin.g out a fast .sextet from Mounta'n Vi?w by a 28 to 24 score. The girls I frc'm Roaring River sho'wed re- 1 markable scoring ability throp.gh- ! out the tourney. Silver trophiee will lie present- ( ed to the winning" teams in special school program here next week, Paul S. Cragan, superin tendent of the city' schools., said today. Bronze Ijaaketball awards will be given td five boys and six girls picked by coaches and offi- |tlal8 from all the teams in the 'j county.^ the awards to he based j tMi wlaylng aWliiy. and sportsmansbip. I The tournament was an o* 1 standing succeisB and eviden' . served ^Its, pnrposc bf promote^ I goodwilland sportsmanship ; mong the high Mhoqls. gathe^'waj played' on ijchedul with the'b^t' of spirits, -howc jf zpite- ■y in evide^A^tJ Aviation Field Is In Need Of Good Mechanics team “In view of the improving bus iness outlook and l>ecause of the , increased activity in the aviation field there has been much inter^ i est concerning the availability of. skilled mechanics and machinist;;, i For this reason the Employment j Service offices are Interested in ; securing the names and oddness-j efi and a record of the experience I of all skilled machini.sts and me- | chanics who are not now work- i ing at their trade.who have had] aircraft experience or who would j ■be interested in securing training j in aircraft meoha'nics. All such >vlous yeglstrents should renew un registered mechanics and machin ists should get In touch with their local employment office. This is not to he construed as the •promise of a job, but ipay he im portant to the applicant when openings are presented.’’ B- G. Genti’y. manager of tie Bmploy- I noon m Hotel AVllke;. j G. Day will have charge of the program, which i.; sponsored by the Bu.slness Standards cora- iniflce. of which J. B. .McCoy la chairman. GLOVED GOURMET mj^t Service office located' on the | floor of-the'Baali estoro, said todzy.. ♦ *.Ar*' V ^Jl^irtlnrton, FVb:' 28.—"WPA :^i^eyraMit week ’ " iSBjF’ehruary iS^totaJ^' 2,016,-' compel^ •with' ^be Tan- iitfverage ot MIT-tMLiF. p. n. wroeka ^ofrw adr r, iiald to^ Rgaire' i^ 0d,268 Jwi^ertf-thaa flrls ndiateiiltW ^0 10 4t»r- tW^lfeok l.t- Either the «•(» Vh* ■»* •thto.'’aifi Miw*-;ek :«ant* N wait le take eti his stoves hrfe«* 4Haimt toto PJ dcHctotn tiic««h. Heto««ee(th»iitoM’^iM2>' ipry. toMtelcM .vsciMto led by *hw JvfMM .America aeip bHelMa' cVala to Detroit.