-Los- AHareles. March 31.—Mrs. ,t»^Dora^A. Dvachnson, 77, who she prevloasly had been .Married eiaht times, and William 'lUihia Styer, 6i, an Insurance n^Mwan. applied for a marriase here, today. Styer said he married once befi.re and la ’ g^^rWower. Mrs. Dnneanson, wkfeSihmtlfled herself as an or- dgiWM^ininister of the Psychic iSe^nL ahttrch. said thev would t«i3&led JEaater. SPINACH New l^k. March 21.—A new dfink that makes men strong was , announced today at the Long Is land C’ollege of Medicine. The yhik is about one-third of a ciip- al dally of ordinary dry gelatine dissolved in orange and lemon juice. Results, six men doubled their muscular endurance in a- bout a month and a half training at bicycle riding. On women there was no effect. The an nouncement was made by Dr. G. R. Ray, J. R. Johnson and M. M. Taylor. It is planned to try gela tine on football players and other Mhletes in training. The gain in ength 'in the teats lasted a pg time and no had effects have been found. AGAINST RFDITCTIONS Washington. March 21.—Presi dent Roosevelt threw cold water on the congressional economy drive today, saying that any sub stantial reductions in federal spending would have to come out of relief and other Job-making funds. If there were some guar antee that governmental re trenchment would cause business to take up all the slack in em ployment, he told his press con ference. the idea would be worth considering. "I doubt, however," the President added, "whether I this would meet with popular ap- ^proval if it were tried and the re sults were not attained." Agendes Working For Farmers Plan Series of Meetings MISS TELEVISION Wilkes One of ,-11 Counties In NiH^hwestem District to Receive Program TO CLASSIFY LAND Extension Service, FSA, CCC and SCS Will Cooperate In Land Use Work Wilkes county is one of 11 counties in the northwestern dis-j trict to be chosen for the begin- , ning of a land use program this! , , fqt ^Freedom of BengeDeatKCase Coroner’s Jury Recovwnends! Dodson Be Held Without Privilege of Bond Sam Dodson, who adibltted^^ holding the gun which sh'ok andj' killed John Andrew Benge, hts j father-in-law, was ordered held | In Jal! without privilege of bond i following completion of,'a coro- "i ncr’s investigation yesterday aft- 1 rrnoon. The shooting occured Sunday afternoon at Dodson’s home In The land use program. County , ^ Ag°nt Holler said today, is an Miss ' Peggy Knapp, Jackses extensive survev to be conducted Heights, K>w York, was named Mlsa cooperatively 1 y all government' Television ».r a beauty contest held agencies which have as their pur- P»‘»" recently. Judges se- pose helping the farmer, and is far reaching in purpose. He also pointed out that the land use program a.s authorized by congress neant more than a survey because the findings of the survey are to be carried out as far as possible for the agen cies participating. During the next month educa tional meetings will he held lected their winner from televised reproduction. Surplus Products Help Many Needy In Wilkes Counh the. S»i-nw community on highway 31.I. Benge was shot through the } chest end died within less than janTioiir after the shot was fired I from a ,22-callbre rifle. ' Ev dence in the hearing con-' ducted hr Coroner I- M. Myers be fore a Jury indicated that Benge was approaching or passing the ■ home of Dodson when .the shot was fired. i Dodson testified in his own be half in *he hearing, saying that; nad struck him and was wiestliiig with him when the gun went off. I Persons near the Dodson home , said that Dodson and his wifej had been quarreling during the ‘ Sttnry " and Yadkin I>«qMe> ,9fa^ Jlnpresentatives PM I * in BiU« For WHke», A vvwmnvavu. n a m mmotA . r IbUd Be l«r 3 '4 ASK FIXED JAIL FE^ . t Bm Would Fix Jan ^ Minimnm 50 Gauta am#^’ Jail Fee of X ** —— . * UJ* I , Raleigh. March dened by previous succesM^y. Democrats enfiladed the haraMot ' Republicans of Wilkes co«a|^.. With a. crossfire from Demoentte retpresentatives of two neigWtojp- counties today. • A third shot came from setute. Judiciary No. 2 committee with a favorable report on the bill pre viously passed by the house to re peal the law enacted by this a»- sembly regarding the Norths WU-, ketboro municipal court and te give Mayor Tip McNeill wldar powers. The fondneM. of Elira tlHon RbinM. Midety diverort, for gsiag about hi WDOlen^pajiniMW coavin^ police cblefo W three New Jersey towns that the almdk^ biy'tatqwrted’' because she attracted toe much atteatiou. She thea Wrete (or a badge aaylag "Leave this girl aioae. she’a alt rit!iL*'Hrt«^ioli[tpea is pictared here with HoUy- wood’s Feter the Hermit whom she shortly after her divorce in 1931. tional meetings will n" n t r 'dav and intimated that domestic throughout Wilkes county to ac- Qvgr 3,000 Indmdunla Cer- ^ shooting. FOR ALLIANCE London, March 21. — Great Britain called for a combination of soviet Russia, France. Poland quaint the people with what may be exp’oeted from the land use projjram. no-prescntatlves of v a r * o u h agencies working for the benefit tiAed For Aid During Month of February February certifications for re- hud herself against German ag-(of the farmers have agreed that ceipt toniflht while clamor in-{the principal problejnjs lai^use taled 218.645 ' wme form of' «o«-land theprogram win he Vt, result relief «n North r,arolln»T ItWat home to fit the na-^ of that decision, for new European responsi-1 Agencies -to have a primary ■bllitieo r’nri'tvn Minister Vis-^ r>nrt in Ih? land use program to conn' nalitax asked the three | pe carried out in Wilkes include countries t.> sicn a declaration | the Farm Security administra- ■ with Britain announcing a com- , tion. headed locally by J. M. 1 mon pcl'cy of resistance to ag-, Highsmilh: soil co.iservation ) eression and binding themselves, service, willi local headquarters i to "consult as to the action they .,t Yadkinville: the extension ’ would take" if rhanc.ellor Hitler service, repre.sented by the coun- ■ attempted non - Germanic coii-jty agent and State Gollege: and wunests Definite military commit-, the Civilian Conservation camps. ■^Lpnts were envisaged by thej,,,e nearest one for soil erosion declaration, on which Rumania, j control work being at Dobson in Turkey, Greece, Yugoslavia and jt-ny county. with Wilkes county welfare rfu- f.hoHties listing 3,190 persons in .50,5 cases as on the eligible list. Arthur E. Langston, State direc tor of commodity distribution with the State Board of Charities and Public Welfare auuouuced this week. Seven hundred and ninety- three .school lunch rooms of the State were certified during the month to disuihnte free commo dities to 46.049 eligll>le children in the graded schools. Wilkes county, serviced from Bulgaria also were approached j Two or more meeting will he •wlth'a view to iliei,- possible ad-! held in each township to acquaint herence later. | the people wil.i the program as 1 the first step and representatives WIFF TC lot the above named agencies will t.aurinbiirg. March 21- pre.sent at the meeliiigs. Sec- Edmund Langley. - 1 ond meetings will he held later to wife of a local tex'ile "orher. : recommendations In the was in jail here today because j nothing com ber husband is out. Among North , Carolina's statutes is a mandate that a wife shall not be forced to the surplus commodity warehouse at North Wilkesboro. is 'ii the district which listed a total of 2.116 cases representing 10.734 persoits certified eligible during the month. Government Lime Is Now Available Couifty Caw^&ll Killed B^ Forest F»e Is |By A First bomb of the day cane lx house bill No. 908, Introdnced *y Representative Henry Dobson of Surry by request It would Ox the fees for the Wilkes county jail, over which Democrati. Sher iff DnpghtOTi now has control. , Wilkes Democrats said the pur- 1 ■ I.. Flkwii ReA**ed 'hver T«n Mile Froiit'in Forests In Vic’nity Caldwell Line What is described as one of the worst and most di-astrous forest fires in years in this part of tlio stale is raging in \v''«teru Wilkes and near the Caldwell county line. The fire, which raged Tnes-: day. M'ednesday and today was said to have a ten-mile front and w a s approaching dangerously near the virgin timber tract of, Elk Creek Lumber company, one of the most valuable acreages of | timber in western North Caro lina. j C. C. camp members and vol-1 nnteers from a wide area have | been waging a relentless fight a-1 gainst the flames hnt the fire _ fighters have been hampered by j In'One Hen Nest TIicix- should be no soaiwjty of eggs «t tile lienie of fivrk of Court C. C. Haye; jit Por- Iciir. Win»* working iilKHit the h;un on .Mr. Hayes’ farm Bon- 7j\ W.vatt found a hen ’ nest contuiiUng five dozen and five —sixty-five eggs—and none of them were spoiled. Would Organize A Men’s Chorus I, pose of the bill was to prevent : the new Republican hoard of I connty commissioners from cut ting down the fees- for the jail. Woodhonse Has Bill Second shot was fired by Dem ocrat FranU Woodhouse. of Ynd- kin. who Introduced by request and "with pleasure" as wrlttoil OOetbO bUl. a meagure to.provtdo z., of Wilkes. , commlasionerti and lo 'dl'Tdo 'county into three districts for ithis purpose. The bill is similar In purpose to the one which thoi General Assembly recently passed for Yadkin county. — i Republican S’uator Cowles of • 'McElwee, Doughton and Me-^informed of the two bills, Niel Appear In Opposi- [said he would oppose both and 1 .. . D * i would make a strong fight a- t on to Bar_s_Measure | rtmtricting Dili. • Raleigh, March 21- "This isn't Following Is the text of the my bill I introduced it by re-j hill to he entitled "An Art to Fix 'quest and favor it, but don’t let|h mv advocacy of it pvrjud cc your , Fee for the ShenTf oi W ilk^ vote." Senator Charles H. Cowles | County and to h'-x the f uMody and Management of the .tail of Have Recorder’s Court Organized: The following announcement which is self-exeianatory was giv en The Jonrnal-Patxiot today for testify against her busthand. But. as it was in the armv, it may he that they ran make h-r wish she had. Langley was convicted, in recorder court, of severely heat ing his wife and Judge J. B. Mc Kinnon sentenced him to the state roads. But Langley appeal ed- and then got on' on hond. after several days in jail. His wife -bad testified against him. voluntarily, in the lower court, but when taken before the grand jury she refused. In Superior court Langley was then set free for lack of evidence. Then Judge ,.F. Donald Phillins, himself a war veteran, sentenced Mrs. T.angley^ to 10 da.vs in jail for contempt! of court, which she is serving. 1 Tells How i - , ,, _ I publication: J wind which spread the fire even I ..attention, men. a.ges 16 to [after it appears to 9C; An effort is being made to trol. Homer pulsory. Mr. Holler said. Following the meetings the land in each .section will he classi fied according to its productive : ahilitv and fitness for various, County Agent leiis rxuw f^^est uses ■ Lime May Be Obtained i warden of Caldwell county have Also to be aascertained in the I 'Very Low Cost I 'hnen directing the ,g m a meetings are the various needs I of the residents of various com munities. -'received in the county agent’s of- If the comm inity needs roads. | efforts will he made to secure j road construction. I If there is need of better school , facilities, the cooperating agen- I effort to get the fire under con- Definitp instiuietions have l.cen ! trol. to-1 Mav &irofl Now For CMT Camo J. B. McCoy Is Enlistment Chairman for Wilkes and Has Application Blanks T R Mc''ov. rit’’"‘'n’s Xlilttsvv Tra'ning Csmp chairman for Wl'kes county, todav called at tention to the fset that he now b«s B.nnllcation Man.cs available to young men who wish to en list this summer for free train ing in the C. M. T. C. "kho quota for tABlkes county this year is exnected to he the same as in 1938. which was 14. Tbe nroeuretnent neriod has al- onefied and vonng men who are*^nterested are asked to file pn»tcation as parly as poMdble. Mr. McCoy called attention to he fact that the r‘''5emme,nt wUJ expenses of the, youths in trninlnx. including railroad faro to tJiOM Hrlng more than so xstleo fko«> Jfort JlTblif- cies will lend their efforts ward filling the nerd. If the people need electric pow er efforts will he made to secure a rural iine extension, In classification of land for u.se 'h ship or section—6*0 acres—as a unit and the success of the pro ram. snonsoring agencies say five for securing ground lime stone. and the price on this is $2.40 .per top. delivered to North Wilkesboro and Honda in ' open cars of .541 tons. I Aciite Shorta*r« Of of AViikes pleaded this morning I cfore the senate committee as it made ready to hill his measure designed to relieve court conges tion in his county. The commit tee sinv the hi'.l. Wilkes had a liig de legation of advoentes. mostly Democrats, and the opno.«ition was headed by Sheriff Claude Doughton and Democratic Attorney W. H. Mc Elwee. In sunnort of it. former Democratic Wilkes Represenf’- tivp^Hugh A. Cranor. form-r Ro- pwbiican Representative F. J. 5?c- Dnffle. former Alexander Repre- esiauiiBiieu sii ' scntstlve and present Wilkes at- aiid are interested in joining j Burke, and Eugene a chorus, are requested to attend 'pi-jyptte, busy lawyer, spoke. _ -p» w- Hall . Brookshlrie, ^ , ^ypanize a'Men’s Choms for *h warden, and the community and surrounding ter ritory. AH men who are interested In seeing such an organization established in North Wilkesboro. _ _ (a meeting to be held in the hall Wnricer* I'■®®™ Wilkes Hoto] on Domestic vvprKers,^j^^^gy 27th at p. in. if you like to sing more a’lout , I 7:30 p. m. if you i There is an acute shortage of i ,^3^^ is domestic workers in North 'Wil- singing he sure to attend. I asking thai producers who file or- j kesboro. according to information ■' The county agent’s office j ders get together in their employment "You donB bawe to be able to sing like Caruso. If you can car ry a tune come on*to the meet- • • 2—. * I iTlg. own I RRined from the community and order a car to-[service here today gPther through the county agent's _ There are now 15 unfilled ealls . , -- .office, Since there is no means of : for cooks and honsekeepers. .1 ». »-■ I program will consider a town- .^pont the on!'- means ; white and colored, emmo^en . Buildin£r FoT ! ■■ o dividing a car would he in [ service officials said, and the or-. I stretching a line across the ton [fire is asKing any white or color-| Tcilth StfCet SoOTi, lof the car. and shovel’ng to a cer-jed girts who will accept Attorney McElwee did the ora- toricals for himself and the sher iff, the son of Farmer Boh Don cl'- ton contenting himself with a one sentence expression of hostility toward the bill. Widely Favored Mr. Trlvette said that the vast (Continued on page eight) will depend greatly upon coope-1^-ords. t>ie j umrk^o register at the offioe^ri ration shown by the people in the i„. for 1 building on Tenth Street rnrnl sections of the county. fam,prs one community to office personne ^ _ near tfie location of Beeche’s Appointments for meetings in order a car of 50 tons, then there j their files and have ma^de a^num-, huDding wIB be 40 and approximately 70 Juniors to Hold Class Initiation rounty. :s in which the land use nrogrnm will h*. exnlained have been annotinc ed as follows: .April it Holhrook’s- slore at 1:00 r--. n -. r. r. nrner n ear OT nU tons, i iiea - . r mi. ” would he no misunderstanding In her of personal ‘ JJp ''■''the rii-tribntlon of the liinesione. |secure workers to fill the ca.ls. Copty Road Is Being improved This limestone imes prenaid '"d is charged against the check, ; that the producer may earn on' representative of C. Conservation Pro-' jgrrm. Anv producer in Wilkes' Traphill school. 7:30 p. giijripie renre-sentative of C. G. G- jstons. Five cars Somers school. 4: no p. m.. rep-, submitted, resentative soil conservation serv- | _ ice. i BislxGtp TO Vl**t St. Pajil’s Sunday The Right Reverend Robert E. '^olen'Ud Program Being Ar- For District ft^eet- ir*g to Be HeW In City District number 7 of Jr. O. F A. M. will hold its spring class InHiation in Xor'h M’itko'boro for this Hme- have already feet long. The new store building has I hern leased to Jlr- T. Bare. proprietor of Bare's Fair Store.‘feccorthw* to- for a number or- years, and as sued here this week, soon as completed this firm ■will stone move into its new quarters. Task of regrading and . surfacing the main road leading Mujjcal PrOSTTani m V«*Vk_ I . _ Benham school. 7:30 p. m., representative soil conservation service. Mulberry school. 7:30 p. m., representative Farm Security ad- m'nlstrafion. Vtrgll Church’s store, 4:00 m.. assistant county agent. Concord school, 7:30 p. m., as- from Mountain View to new high- j way 268 at a point near Roaring] River Is going forward. -., ■ Tbe road^ one . of tbe leMing Grlhbin. D. D.. Bishop of* the thoroughfares on* the -aeconflary Western Diocese of North Caro- system, in that part pf the cbim- Jj|k/gyin make his annual visita- ty.*Jr belbg Imiirored ’ by WPA p. tfen ,to St. Paul’s church on Sun- workmen nr » ,Wrt of the Wpjity irch, 26tlu The service will wide road,jirqjML . # •'1 jf;. 'idW at tour o’clock- in -the' The ' afternoon and the bishop will, out on .the TOad At Austin'Sehool founty agfnt. ,. # Hope Churcb, 4:00 p. ra.. ]pr^cB and administer the rite of InjC - county agent. Holy Confirmation. T'he pnWl.o atbn*' aurfittlng. Champion Champion school. 7:30 n. m., is cordially invited td attend (Cpntinued on page eight) service. , 9Afiir Wade Mainer and Upr’iSons of the Mountaineers',’’ Inelnding Bill and' Joe with their , sirortn* RVU fara, tiddllng BteVe Wford. ■Wtpde Mainer with-hla' flvMtr'.ng banjo and Z, E^ Malnar-iirith fiddle, wiU all'appeal- ki pet sop. Ift lot «h«rcl$'jand jUl-are" invUodjj, 4 The North Wilkesboro connC wilt he ho.st and thw mect ng wi” Ho held on March 28. 7:-3® " Tlic sevontb district^, inrlnd*'” Wilkes, Yadkin and Sil^'y enuu- jle.s; A splendid program has been arranged for the^iocongipn. The urogram will Include, cnnferri .* d4(rfr^ bv the .Noefk' Wllke;- hnijo degree teath bud -^|*wr.-ff.a tnres. A’^arions entertainment i*«ps of the prpgoin^ arranged giid refreshinenta ’4 be 3jKyed,yi*ea^eri W'*tKB cnmi^ Wilkes County.'* .Hihei-itf N GliModiuii "Section 1. That the siteriff of tVMkos coiintv is herohy desienal- ( rt a= the rustodian of thf W'lkes county j;'il and he snail iiave- coninlete manacement and con trol of "aid jail. "Sctien 2. That the co'tnty comniissioners of W'lkp- county are herrbv authoiizerl. emno-yer- cd. and directed lo anprop-iat® from the general funds of said countv to the sheriff of Wi'k«a cof'nt.v a minimum of forty renta f.(nci per day for ach and every prisoner imprisoned or kept in s.ntfl jail. "Seeflon 3. That the county commis.eioners of Wilkes county are hereby authorized, empower ed. and directed to nay from t)ie general funds of -aid r.otint\ n minimum of one dollar i$1.00) turn-key fee to the sheriff of Wilkes cnimty: the said one dol lar fSl.dhi minimum turn-key fee to l)P pa'd on cceh and erery prisoner imprisoned in said jnll. "Second 4. That Hie .amonnta set out .at'Ove and directed to paid to the sheriff of WBkes county shall he naid to sheriff on each and every ealrn- dar month. Wilkes Bin Only “.Section .5. That this act sh«U anniv to Wilkes county only. “Sect'on 6. That all laws clauses of laws in conflict wlth- this act are hereby repealed. ’Section 7. That this act shall be in fulV'fo'rce and effect from end after its ratification," / Following is the text of bill to be entitled "an act (o dJa- irict Wilkes county for the p»r- pose of tbe nomination and el«o- tlon of members of the'bbkrd pf county coramlssionora. Lt.) .-s-, .. The General Assembiy iof Xp^ i Carolina do en*ctt'[.. Section 1. Tbat for the p.«t>p;|». of the'.nomlnatlon and ele«lloi> of the members of tbe board of county comrolaelonera of^'Wfl^e* bounty’and; aatd county.U*'hereby Into-Uiroo dtetrjcte, might, ,4l*rch>T.^tiieprot^^ ^ ^ jb and from-tSST 4 ■yl W

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