PATRIOT ^ _ m Sbdb Told feit|^ if#" BK VOLUMKSlim^ WMhl^CtcnwT^AKil X — Tb» c«iuw tni^« netted toalftat elgar«Uaf «0tMtHated alveat one- kfdt AM |l.St4,7»7.«8 totid ral- M ol v^aOseU tiRiied out by Hortk OwoUna'a (ndautrta] estak> Hc-kmoot* )k 1M7. Tbo report mM 16 epUbUihaiMU produced cIgpreMfls Talued at $SS6,915,‘^ on. aad paid |14.B3.810. to 1I.4S1 trace earners. Durtnc the paar the state had S.&96 manu- ta^firlng eatabttihments, inclad- iaC %ctatluK sod publishing paid 1189.285,474 to $258,771 workers. The 1995 flguroe were; z,S99 establishments, $148,928,987 to tal wa«ee, 227.100 workers, $1,- ' 0S.9i0.930 total Talue of pro- duets,., YOL. X2^- - . • • l-i7 ' ■ .1 City Mondhi^ Wd ThurKfatyj Hoi_ ioftii CaroUa*. Niitti mmmfm ¥*r h '■ ■■I|T| •" m, ; iHMi ■ Hill, PJB3L' 9^ lasd: igtl.60 in the 3TAtR-42.00 THE STAT|U£ . ,J,~' ” ^ It :T ■;. : ■ V :.. •'-j—^ .W [ates S£RW(B ■ - TAX REVENUE UP RaleU'h, March 31.—income tax collecUone, although less than In March, 1988, already have ris en $481,569 above original esti mates for this fiscal year. Reve nue Commissioner A. J. Maxwell said today. In his monthly fiscal report, Maxwell said returns from the levy for nine months had to- led $9,256,669.97. The original itimate for the full year had >n $8,775^000. Collections In Marrch were $7,311,821.80, com pared with $8,476,101.53 In March, 1988. At the end of the first nine months of last fiscal year, $10,608,277.40 had been collected. JAPS TAKE ISLAND Tokio, March 31.—Japan an nounced today that she had as sumed jurisdiction over the Sprat ly Island, 247 acres of coral reef strategically situated In the South ee follows; ^ 9ee Ralph R. Reins ^ Is Candidate For Mayor This City S'x New CandiditliM H§.kC Piled For Conupisaitmera For Primery, Electioe' V- 7,.A.^. , For the first time in ' sev^l years contents tH^ the mayor and commissioners of ifoTth Wilkes- boro have developed. In addition to the pteient may or and board a new candidate for mayor an^ six eandidstes for the five places for commissioner have filed notice of candidacy with the county board of elections. The new candidate for mayor is Ralph R. Reins and the six new candidates who have , filed for commissioners for voting In the primary April 17 and the election May 2 are J. B. Carter, J. E. Cau dill, W. K. Sturdivant, F. P. Blair, Jr., H. L. Moore, and Gor don Finley. The statement of candidacy Is sued today and signed by Mr. Reins and the above named can- didatee for commissioners was „ /ATFIRST^w^. „ i^fuollna. la" "*®**®* us 1» Canoiewte bifUkeiiboph i ' mT ■ ' In'v North China sea and claimed by France in 1933. The group of Islands, important principally a.s a pos sible base for seaplanes and sub- ^ marines, lie equidistant—about 350 miles—from the PhllipnlneR off the northeast. British North Borneo on the east, and French Indo-China. on the west. They are about 600 miles from the great British naval base at Si igapore. Stating the Islands previously bad baen ownerless, the foreign office annooucois "Ifilnid assUined h‘4i jurisdiction over them for "the protection and regulation of lives, property and enterprises of Japa- j nese nationals there.’’ SOON TO .ADJOURN Raleigh. April 2.—^".’he general assembly will dispose of miscel laneous legislation tomorrow as tracks are cleared for sine die adjournmpTit. expected at ;iOon Tuesday. Both houses will meet , ^Jomorrow afternoon. The repre- ^jpentatives will resume argument of To the citliens and voters North Wilkesboro; "After being selected at a mass meeting of a large number of the citizens of the town, we have filed our oames with the election board as candidates for mayor and commissioners, for the pri mary to be held April 17, and the election to be held May 2. “After eight years of the pres ent Administration, duztoc which UaM~,. Mtru . water •ertme i|«Miiff^tbe ef| 1 IfaPtW; . ‘ Presr fy coBgnfa^iu bn 8uu^«^ daj momlng’^fOBShrinfc^’'^- ‘ Dr. Jester was for thirteen ^ears paator df tl|p Bap- ' ^ church of ’W&ston-SalOT, ‘ - land is well knoutu in North ^WHkesboiro where hd was In^'^ a two weeks' meeting with the ^local First Baptist church more than three years ago. For the past few years he has de voted his entire time to evan gelistic work throughout the South.* His ministry has been attended by solid and construc tive results wherever he hiss labored, and he has been in vited to many places for return engagements. Next Sunday morning — Raster—Dr. Jester will preach in the Methodist church while other congregations will hold their regular services. On the following Sunday h e will preach in the -• Presbyterian church. Beginning Sunday night the union services will he held in the First Baptist church where services will be held thereafter morning and nielli dally. Pastors of all the churches,, members of the choirs, ushers, and the entire congregations are expected to work together to make this a M.,,r ..d All Pr.^ Ralph R. Reios, who has filed as a candidate for mayor of North Wilkesboro, along with six new candidates for rommissioners. Present Officers File for Offices In N. Wilkesboro ent Coaimissionera File With Election Board assessment two years ago dou bled our taxes, we believe there should be a lowering of the cost of our city administration. We cannot lower your tax assess ments but we believe we can lower your tax rate. "If elected as officers of your city we promise strict economy, more service at less cost and a square deal for everyone. "We urge that every eligible _ , voter see that your name Is on on a proposed constitutional a-jthe town registration book, as this merdment to raise the nay of as-1 is a different bwk from the gen- aemVlvnv^n from ST,on to $900 a j eral election book, and go out and sersLp Yc.sterdav. the legislators I express E. P. Inscore, chairman of the Wilkes county board of elections, _ said this afternoon that Mayor uMxidic' w.Hicq. I —T*»" 11——, . .w»w^..y.R.'-T. 94eNlol and all members' of rents have doubled and the tax the city board of commissioners at the authorized pa increases for the commissioners of paroles, labor and agriculture. The senate prob ably will vote on a bill to permit commissioners of certain counties to refuse to license the "qn prem ise” sale of fortified wine, and to prohibit the sale of beer and wine on Sundays. Tomorrow night the senate will Jiold its "love feast.” a biennial occasion at which any unpleasant word.« ut tered during the session usually are eaten. The house held its "feast” Friday night. Crippled Seal Campaign Is On I primary Aprd 17.” Negro Children Render Program Prof. Parker Presents Glee Club With Several Num bers Before Kiwanians Prof. Frank Parker, head of the North Wilkesboro colored schools, presented bis glee club as the feature of thp North Wil- kesbpro Kiwanis program Friday noon. Twenty-three boys and girls composed the club, which render ed a group of songs and were highly complimented by the club. J. R, Hix was in charge of the program. In the meeting a good report of the directors meetings held on Thursday evening was given by The annual campaign to sell Roster seals for the benefit of crlFpted children Is now in pro- g;rMS In North Wilkesboro and dti-MCbent the county. iU« of the seals is being handl ed through the schools with Paul evening was S.'“^g*h hef.ding the cam^Ign | p j carter. In North Wukesboro and C. B. . EUor In the rural areas. The pnblU Is kindly asked to potponize thJ children who are aelUng the siials and thus aid in a most worthy cause. The money raised will be used to aid crippled children in Wilkes con»ty. a fact which gives the ap peal to purchase seals added im- petaa locally^ Mrs. T. R. Ashley Succumbs Today Mrs. Amle L. Ashley, age 35, dtod at her home io Ibe Pores Knob community this morning, 2:30 o’clock, following an illness cf pneumonia. She was the wife of T. R. “Ashley, well known resident of the c-ommunlty, and In addition ■ to her huaband Is survived by four children. T. f The funeral service will be held Int WaliMit Grove Baptist church /Tniadar. H o'clock, Ftth Rev. C. Holland in charge. It was reported that the direc tors had recommended A. H. Cas ey and J. B. McCoy as delegates to the Kiwanis International con vention to be held in Boston June 18-22. J. B. Carter and D. J. Car ter were recommended as alter nates. The recommendations of the directors were approved by the club. Jesse Giles was a guest of Pat Williams and Frank Buck was a guest of J. R. Hix at the meeting. Violation Of Law To Take Uo Signs Along Highways Highway Patrolman Carlyle Ingle today called attention to the fact that it is a violation of the law to take tip, damage or deface highway signs and that he has warrants for several people accused of taking up highway signs. There hnve been sofne instanc es of motorists who take np the signs and use them to prisd ntt oar wheel*i in Heii-of. a jdek and acoatli to not th* only lao- — „ Iff ■ dsai»iwa»-4t ^ aatlBMB s»ta as far «p*aa the UliM’- oafht tb be have filed notices of candidacy for re-election in the city elec tion to he held May 2. The board is composed of S. V. Tomlinson, Ralph Duncan, T. S. Kenerly. H. M. Hutchens, and Dr. R. P. Casey. The two members of the school board whose terms of office ex pire this year, J. B. Williams and W. Ev. Jones, have also filed no tice of candidacy witii the elec tion board. Conservation Project Begins Ronda 4-H Club Members Will Plant Plots to Feed Wildlife This Year On Friday seeds were distribut ed to 35 4-H club members at the Ronda Club, to start a project on Wildlife conservation. Small areas will be set aside on each farm where these seed will be planted and protection will be furnished by the club members for all wildlife. This project is being sponsor ed by the North Wilkesboro Ki wanis club and the seed for the project is being donated by the club. Ronda 4-H club was chosen be cause many members live near the Thurmond Chatham game preserve, and it is hoped that these boys and girls will become interested in wildlife conserva tion and help preserve the wild life of their community. Pat Williams, a member of the Kiwanis club, made a short talk to the 4-H club members before instructions for carrying out this project and the seeds were dis tributed. Stone Mountain Singing Apnl 30 Next Sesnion of Union Sing ing Association at Fair- plains Church Stone Mountain Union singing association will meet at Fair- plains Baptist church on Sunday, April 30, J. A. Ofliiam, chairman, announced today. The program will open,, at tea o’clock by songs by the home church choir, ‘ foUowedj at ■ loffi by dwoUonal hy the .pastor, R^. S. L. Blevins. Singing, by hU classes and quartets present'ItoUl begin-at. 10:45 and continue and country round about All church meetings sche duled for this week are expected to devote a considerable part of the time to prayer and jconseera- - tlnu-^n jmeanmtiite for-the speM- aetifes -S>t-Meetlggtr for special prayer will be^keld on FAR Hfsia Ito Vact» V, iipa Todkjrt ■' PLANS ' Dr. r: Tester invitation is extended to all to i attend at least one of these ser- | 'Itoeiii'tAftefnOpn' meotlelga will hn I®* 3;06 o’clock, and the evening Friday afternoon in the homes of .meetings at 7:30 Mrs. Edward Finley and Mrs. C. E. Jenkins; on Friday night in the homes of Mrs. Walter New ton and Mrs. Dick Cashlon. An Plans are already made fo/ a visitation program which will carry an Invitation to the two weeks’ meetings into every home both in North Wilkesboro and on the roads leading in every direc tion for several miles. The pad- torp,. of the Presbyterian, Metho dist. and Baptist dhurches are urging heartiest cooperation of all the people to make this a time of spiritual uplift and blessing to everyone. I-VII a IX A>sso. ^ —. , - _ Materiak Advanced to Help Fanners Child, 6, Is Killed Earn Maximum Government Payment On Sunday Near MiOers Creek Childress Child Dies j Lime, Phosphate, Winter Peas and Vetch Seed Funeral service was held to day tor Marie Louise Childress. infa> i daughter of Charlie and Marie Bumgarner Childress, of this city. She died Sunday morn ing. Surviving are the father and mother and one brother, James Childress. Baptist Pastors Meet Thursday Conference Will Be Held at the^ New Hope Baptist Church Near Purlear . Offered This Year "We are offering every encour agement to farmers to earn the maximum payment this, year un der the government soil pro gram,” County Agent Dan Holler said today in discussing the re sponse of farmers to the govern ment’s offer to advance lime at - - i- , ,,, $2.40 per ton with the payment. nej?friendship ’ for the lime to be deducted from j way hom« from Sunday sc oo . the government payment. Coroner I. M. yers , , , . , , neled a jury and held an By using the lime, which is be-| driven ing shipped here in open cars | t^at the the farmers will be able to seed ■' Evelyn Riggs, Age Six, Hit By Car Driven By Mrs. Dovie Pierce Evelyn Riggs, six-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Rich-j ard Riggs, of Millers Creek, was , almost instantly killed Sunday morning about 1_1_ o’clock as she wasvjralking alo^ highway 421 their land to legumes and to lime the land. This enables them to earn almost twice as much in government payment and in many cases the additional earnings be cause of the use of the lime will equal the cost of the lime at $2.40 per ton. -• With mOrs than 15 -.oars al ready ordered, the county agent The Wilkes County Baptist Pastors’ Conference will be held Thursday of this week from 10:00 a. m. to 3:30 p. m. with the New Hope church near Pur lear. Pastors of churches in the county and any others who de sire to attend are invited to be present and take part in the dis cussions. Deacons or other lay men win be welcome. Appearing on the program next Thursday will be the followln? pastors who will lead discussions on the topics assigned: Howard J. Ford, "Raising the Standard of Church Member ship”; Finley C. Watts, “The Kind of ^Revival We Need”; Eu gene Olfve, “Prayer and Reviv al.” ^ A. B. -Hayes, chairman of the group, will lead In discussion of i other topics rejatins to the work|j,„ j,jg soil, building practices for of the pastors and chur^ss, Myjthe year, TVA 47 per cent phosphate IS accident was unavoidable. Witnesses at the inquest said | that Mrs. Pierce was driving to-' ward North Wilkesboro end was meeting several children walking, toward Millers Creek. She drove' toward her left side of the high way, witnesses said, apparently to give the children plenty of room, when the Riggs child ran across the road after a piece of Sunday Effvu AI«Mle to coura^ IM Ib tko Proper' U(se of LobJ ■ ’-iiU— Today th« tyst meetings w«o in WilksjS'tonnty InaagntXt- iBg a land Me vrognun to be ssr- ' ^- rtod ofui thrwiiih eo9«RM!loa:or . all govommei^, ',; agenetos vlum ^ purpose It to ;to'lielp the WBkes was (Olected os ohe of 11 counties In-the northwssUn. part of tlye stal^ to get the loxi. use progtom thu year. Hie find meetings being held througbont tbe . counfy are for the sole purpose of explaining to the people the,objectives and par- poses Of the Itffd use progrui— to encourage and assist In pntUao the various types of land to proo- er and profitable uses. The agenciee^ cooperating 1» the program InUnde the extao- sion service, th^ Farm SeeuritF administration, Ifte soil conserva tion service and civilian conser vation camps. \ Following Ine meetings tha land within,the county will h* typed accordthg to its adaptabil ity for various uses and second meetings will be held at which recommendations will be madm The survey will also Include tha needs ot various communities. In cluding road^. schools, telephon# lines, power U^s, school bun routes, playgroushs, etc. The various agenctoa.cooperat ing will use thetr Inflnenee and efforts toward securing such'-fn- cilitM os ore loctogjpr proper community. Vaterprlses. Meetings were'scheduled for to day at Abshers, Traphill, Somera school, Benham, Mulberry school, Virgil Church’s store. Concord school. New Hope church. Cham pion. On Tuesday meetings will ba held at . the following places: Hunting Greek .church. 4:00 p. m.; Mountain View school. 7.39 p. m.; Millers Creek school. 7:30 p. in.: Darby poatoffice. 4:00 p. m.: Ferguson-^chool. 7:30 p. m.; Mountain Crest'scbool. 4:00 p. m. On Wednesday the appoint ments win be: Segraves store, 4:00 p. m.; Clingman store,-7:30 p. m.. representative of soil con servation service to l)e present at both meetings. On Thursday, .■Vpril 0. 7:.30 p. m.. a representative of the Farm Security administration will ex plain land use in a meeting to be held at Boomer, school. On Friday, April 7. meetings will he held at 7:.30 p. m. at the courthouse an^flt Moravian Falls. Farmers are urged by the co operating agencies to attend the meetings and to acquaint them selves with the possibilities in the land use program. Wilkesboro Is Debate Winner Now Has Rdcwd 12 Wint, One Split and One Loss Out of 15 Tries For the i2th' time out of 15 : years of debating. Wilkesboro ! teams Friday 'won both sides la tita road. H» warned that all sveh-. -msMiS hava 9 f. ponoBs win. be prooaeiited. peclally concerning the flnonclat program Of Hhe•' le*i .4 church. Other pastors are expected to lead la devotionols and to join In I discussing matters of mutual expressed the„opliiibn..,'that ®®j-^bool literature which the wind many as forty_ cars may be order-1 blown from her hand. She ed' for'Wilkes farmers- during tj,g ggr on the left the year. of the road and died within; He said that the use of this' few minutes after she was car- lime will Increase the lime bust-j fled to the Wilkes hospital. triangle debates and will - ness here for years to come in j The verdict signed by Coroner t,,^ gtate-wido I. M. Myers and his Jury c^'j^ptates at Chapel Hill, posed of Guy Tuibert. W. P. Me-- -^vjikesboro’steama this year are Nlel. H. D. Caudill. R. D. Hayes, entirely of boys. The Burl Hayes and Monroe Faw was' affirmative te^ won two to one lly. as follows: “We. the undersign- the negative luter the government will as- ^ jujy have found according to I g unanimous decision over slst those who otherwise can not the evidence, that Evelyn Riggs j affiri^tlve Pridav. El- earn the maxiinum payment by, ^,^,th wa» caused by a car driven advancing Austrian winter peas t,y ,jtra. Dovie Pierce, which was and vetch seed, Payment- for the [ nnavi^dabto by •JjIt**’-” seed will be deducted from the! However, a warrant for Mrs. earnings,-' reltevtng the ,former of pieree was sworn out before Mag- the task of . raising caah to cOiry istrate R. Jennings and she was placed under $1,000 bond for appearance at a preliminary hearing to be held on Satnr^y, April 8, 2:30 o’clock. that it will demonstrate that lime must be used on a greater part of the soil in Wilkes in order to grow grass and legumes success fully also'available to thoso if tfr-’.flt^ program this year, Mr.. R^Im conepj^4 74;The confmreoce yccentty orgaa- BoisWt Vpostow of tht cduatr, those ^^'toorvlng charchM wltbia tt, to^hoWtog tt« — H”?. «•«•**' wl^; It* through the morning-imd otter- »^ -l>ro«9Mh- It !*Js er-—-_r nooh'«$Bsloia.'A» ’ilii|dl»« hto«9e^ ^oaeA thito ^H.the pastors wip bfr at the Coartttrohe. aaprteti And others who'jpsi|«oi* *W«»t ot4hto tlffli* to tyhp. Bgrt*-*- ^ — ; profp-nm snd tO, MA O* **>• opnttKSi^^ 1. - On Friday; AprU 7th', 'K'ijt. Nisoronger, Extension turlst, will give a dsinoSHta^lF»; on preimrtxg.vegetshlea fo)rir»r- ■ ket Hito ah^awtittlox I held at 9:9rfc;j)f- to the |lbue DpihonstrsttoB. at the boortlibri*^ AU 1W ,^-:whp are laterSsted to thto BroN$ for ore invAed to attend the dentonr-' Stratton. [kin’s negatlv'eCVon over Mount Airy affirmative. The query ^ year is “Resolv ed: That the iWIted States should establish an alliance with Orest Britain.’’ . Wllkesboroia^ affirmative i s composed of J>’B. Brookshire and Baxter Davife. The negative team Awll 8, 2:30 o’clock. Joe! BtentJa): and Flake Steel- : Funeral service for the ^%lmaii. ^ dent victim will be held Tues^J jg .yij^ of debatlng^tyll-? afternoon, 'two o’clock, at te«M’ have won' botk; atternoon, u™ v v>wv», — — Jjipsboro ubtw w«ii ihip -Mqtbodist church near Mil-12,.41jpee. split twjce.nnl' i^tdtotlr’kl^.oirty one tto»«. ri^4 ber .pqrea^ 7 TNf^tpTCQkwborD dehoteni to**' :thwe wid two ^ hiP in loteWiKj ^ ntea on 9Mty _ niJttowl eommndititoi npitto r|W A.'stMi EngMM ot Affrwa|tor4 Hnsw hjf _ to Dqhto^naidL I Vote Of the thrM dWMM betaC ««• Xv;, - O:

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