iOOTTO^iiPATRlbT.S^ BLAZBD'TI ••' ■•. liFtr ■ •' • ” ‘Miss Helen Bumgarner, a stu- ^nt of ‘Woman’s College In rRTMOflfi M XiJ .tdii VOL. XXXII, NO. 68 Publiflhed Mondays and ThoriHtAy- Oreensboro. is spendtn.s the spring holiday period In Wilkes- Aoro with her mother, Mrs. J. M. Bumgarner. Mr. T. |i, .. 0. Trjvette, member of *vthe feed advlBory council of Pu- |j rina Mills and who bolds a posl- H«a with Hayes Hardware store, wUl 'httend a meeting of feed oAawefl members at Henderson- Tllle Monday and- Tuesday. . Mr. James Pearson, son of Mr and Mrs. Rom Pearson, is a j»a- Eller Re-el^ed Superintradent Wilkes Sdiools Board of Education Met on Monday; Shepherd's Term Si* Years Chelsle B. six years Eller, for the past Buperin’ebdent of BlIU Mia. x>vxai a x-«» i .-.s./aa» »o ^ 6 A 1 a Ot*l/C»s»* tlent at the Wilkes hospital. He ^ Wilkes county schools, ^was re- waa seriously 111 Wednesday but elected to that office 'by the _nffh Improvement has taken i^ace In his condition since that time, friends are glad to learn. Mr. W. S. Hensley has returned to his home on North MMIkesboro route 3 from the government hos pital at Oteen. where he re'eiv- ed treatment for four weeks. Much improvement is reported in ■ his condition. Rev. J. C. Gentry, of Hayes- vUle. formerly of the Moravian -^WIb charge, will help conduct Easter services at the Mora vian Falla cemetery Easter Sun day morning. Everyone is cor dially invited to attend. Miss Margaret Vestal, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul J. Vest al. of Moravian Falla, underwent • ,•-tx»V'tu>n at the Vilke.s ho>p>tal Tuesday. She is rcMing along fine, we are glad t. *nfe. in county board of education regular April session Monday. Mr. Eller was elected superin tendent in May. 1933, succeeding the late C. C. Wright. He was re elected for his second An ’ third two-year terras in 1936 and 1937. He will begin his fourth term on July 1, the beginning of the fiscal year. All members of the hoard of education. C. O. McNiel. chair man. R. R. Church and D. F. Shepherd, were present at the meeting. Mr. Shepherd was recently ap pointed by the legislature to buc- Saturday U Last Day To Register For City Election .AccordlBS to the resolutions by the eleetloii board calling the North Wflkesboro primary und eleetlon a.s.. required, by law, Hatordny’, April 8, will be the liwt opportunity to register to voto in the elty primary and election. W, P. Kelly is the registrar .and hook.s will be open Shtur- da.v at the city hall, which will he the votbqj pinoe In the prl- iiiaJT Apr!].. t7.- and., election Mji,v 2. .‘tttentlon Is called to the fact that the reipstrotlon books tor ihe city election are separ ate from the genernl election books and to qualify to vote In the city eleetlon a voter must be registered on the city regfls- f ration books. NORTH sssamtsias a^fcrrtn- ■i-r uii i ii lu m >Wjiinii’iwi ■'/ iiii I siSirafgip. ^or^mutiis.r centsr'd# Hi North CsrMlMi; ■ ' — Ukj." 0: N. C..SHUrtSDAYiiWeiSg AO EKf DtJT or.'i ISTAt'i Fairplaim Sevevfd; ing'Hf ■iH: Cmpll lT3^ SaYes A Mioi' On BiMng Hom| Narrow .'i^^llMOiuits of how a dtqg ^ ' from a bamtuic bnl|[(Bif „ jniiiii «Rni|ei.^ Draw Jvonrwk fetm nf X Job* In Privftte lixlurtry For 71'ApplMaaU was aUegk^'f'''I? by his in>th»r«. * during an , Sprinkle home the rfrssHy on the night of 25, died on Tn Plan For Easter 1 A de«'r knife j throat severed he suffered m 1 blood befofeJM^ j pltal here. , 1^; j .been regarded leral days prior tS I Vernon Sprink^ jail at \Vilkeshof^!to_. I altercation and i without privilege r'lOW'^ Ipn had •for serv- .deoth. ^lodged in i^.fter' the held A eontinned increase was re ported lir,jJSjP^onts.^ on private Jobs -by WMkeshoPo branch of the State Employment Service for the month of March. .. - During the month the service found regular and temporary em ployment with flnns and individ- apo in the northweat- nna- part of Reddles River town* jdllp wpre told l«*re today. ° '^mn CoIUns, a younif map who had been making his bon^ in an old store huilding belopi0^ to W. A. (Boat) Bumgarner, wpe awakened by his dog Just in ttwq for him to escape from the apl* lapsing hnilding in his under* wear. When the dog’s barking a- wnkened hhn U»c fire, of un* Ogthgatkin ApptmXi, For School BaHtikiB: For School at Cricket nals.’for'Tl appHcanta as Com-(known origin, hud gained anA n * O * ’ The deceased wadit .splti of the jUnnSC 06rvice.late W. a. SprinMe-jljrt Mrs. Mah , la!" >v. A. OKI— ! tie Pprinkle. In addtnon to his ceed himself as a member of the' c„„J-v Mom-^ mo’her he" leaves stk^^Srothers and board. He is now entering a six I Will Be Held Sunday Mom- year-terni. Tender the plan now in force the term of one member rf the hoard will expire every two yvay. ing at St. Paul’s Church In Wilkesboro two sisters. l*^ F'lniGral service Wed- uesdav at WoodJsVfn ^ Baptist It V. H. A. Biiliis will preach or Srndny morning. 11 o’clock, u: ll'i-mnny Baptist church flvs Tax Listing Will Begin On Monday The annual Easter Sunrlae service will he held at St. Paul’s Kpi.Bcopal church on Easter Day I at sunrise. .5:30 a. m. This serv ice in St. Paul’s has been an an- Innal affair for the past sovoval church here. pared to 61 for February and 24 for March, IAS8.' However, due to lack of major projects, the public placement to tal for March was only 67 com pared to 124 for February of this year and 162 for March 1938. There were 287 new applicants for work In March, representing a slight Increase over the 258 who applied for work in Febru ary. The local branch office, located on the second floor of the Bank of North Wilkesboro huilding, serves Wilkes, Alexander, Wa tauga, Ashe and Alleghany coun ties. headway that tho building on the verge of falling hi and the lied on which rollfaus was so soundly sleeping had ea fire. He jumped from ‘he bed and out through the d« or. He had no opportunity to save W» clothes or any of his belongings. The small fivinie huilding burned rapidly. Re-Surfacing Of CobUestone Soon on west of thi.s city and F i.p'.v evening .'■t 7:30 at the Se...-(1 Baptist church in this ..-(.(tj, 11'.e public has a cordial in- I ^jjtntion to both services. 10. in practically all townships. Notice.s have heeu posted in the ! to'vnships telling the appoiut- Mr. and Mrs. James I fender-1 uiciits of the township list takers son are spending >his week in , and people of the county are v' i" eshoro with his parents Mr. ; urved to list on the earliest con- pud Mrs.J.R.Henderson atid in Ihe'veiiient date in order to avoid the rrr-nberry community with Mrs. I rush on later dates. Henderson’s father and mother. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Jarvis. Mr. -..^^TJenderson holds a position with .-X nerican Bakeries in Ueaueke. • Va. . The task of listlag property for j years and each year more inter^ taxation will get under wav in , est m manifested no, onf ly _ . 'Wilkes county on Monday. >i' | congregation but by the whole Dr. Jester apo Lead Seiwes Fw Two Weeks Woman Suddenly Dies While On Way To Job Wednesday Citv Commissioners Take Ar-lion to Improve Hill Section Ninth Street I North Wilkesboro board of i commissioners In April session ' Wilkes county board of e«mt- iifsSionera In sesalon thia week truMcted routine matters, t>- eiading drawing of jurors for tto Nar' term of court to begin i* Wllltea on Monday, May 1, wltk Judge Wilson Warlick presIdlBg^ Civil cases will be tried dnrtug the twe-weeke’ term. All members of the board, eoH- posed of M. P. Absher, cbAlrnuiu, Dr. W. R. Triplett and C. p. Bidden, checked reports, audited Claims and attended to other regular business Monday. In the afternoon a delegation appeared asking that the county build a modern school building at Crick et three miles west of this city on highway 421. Several ettisesa I pointed out that the old and dt- iapidated frame building now la use Is inadequate to hoase the large school, which has six teaeb- orr. and an attendance of over 20n. Jurors drawn by the commle- sioners were as follows: First Week J. V. Barnette, Brushy Moun tain: I. J. Hroyhill. Boomer: K. S. Hawkins, Elk: Carl Church, Stanton; C. F. Henderson. Wil- cornniunity as well. Prior to the service in the church, a vested choir, accompanied by flute, clar inet, french horn and baritone, will render Easter music in the cemetery of the church grounds. From there the choir will march in procession, led by the crucifer. Union Evangelmtic.^^Services to Begin In Tktt City Easter Sunday A two-week's’ seflSs Of evange listic services will begin in this t Mr-. Edith Brown, who ha.s | luH n undergoing 'reatinent at ii Bb-'imoiid. Va hospital, returned^ to the borne of her parents. ^Ir. i and Mrs. T. M. Foster. Monday, j very mui-h improved in health, j fvif-rds wTl be glad to know. Miss Mar School Finals At Mount Pleasant Sloan Hill, to the chancel of the. city on Easter Snptoy ’.‘"r ^ne Natural caus&s. According church where Ihe Ante-Cgronaun- LBaptiat, rendered hlm5 Mrs- ion will be read from the sanetu-1 , ,.ongregations. Minton had started from her p I terlan congregations. Will Begin On Saturday; Graduation Program to Be Held April 22 I Tlie commencement program at Paul's congregation commemo aret Hubbard, trained nurse. , puasant high sclioi 1 was wiio lias bi-‘II ••'Mb h'^v in Bidi nrv hv the Rector. Reverend , . „ , • » M.- Lackey. Then will J;;”""' I S and who'for rnmmnnion will he ‘’'’’f1 Jj^^pf^'j^j'^Vitirdi ht Winston-S;t!em. ,0 bv Bill Moore of „,es will The service iviB '>eg>u « ’ • 'O j ^ ,, pyent a. m. The public ts cordially ^'7, ;Christianity, no, ,ited ,o attend and w„h Rt.|’n^|^ Mrs. Jane Minton, wife of D. K. Minton, fell dead in the road near her home in the Millers Creek community 'Wednesday morning while on her way to work at Millers'Creek school. She was the wife of Decatur Minton. Coroiygf I. M. Myers investlgat- ueath and s ed the said that it was Minton had started from her Crppn-jhome to work in the lunch room many I at Millers Creek school when she First' was stricken dead in the road. I Surviving are Iter linsband and 'K-’asam m]uii m in'» • *»o-i rati* muh i , rs,.-* tndav bv members of the;,he Resurrection of our Blessed, Dr. Jester will preach on East ■ ' i . ox* tJniirlfix* nini’nilllT Sit till* AlGth' that most wonderful event. 1 rounding communities. « lOnd. returned Iro'.vu. home with Mrs. ■ i miftined I faculty. I Tlip first program of tlie coni- : im ucemHit season will t>e on Sat- Ncp’r*'* Slashes Throat , "'-day. Ari-n s. ,s:im) p. • > A ££ ’ ' sophomores will present The In Cousins Arrairi j ,,,,5 Clodhopper’’. (’.'•scrihed as I a rip-roaring comedy. The Kver- Gene Carlton, negro resident of |y quartet will supplement the the “Rquirreltown" vicinity near, p,.ogram witli tuuiiliers bvtv.een Boomer, was badl.v wounded on . ,ics. Sunday night when his throat was ; (>„ Saturday uichl. April 15. cut in an altercatioii witii his',,,,, pommencement program wiB cousin. Roy Carlton. 1 continue with preseutatirn of 'he According to some aecoaitts, play entitled "The Butch rendered officers wlin made the ^ B,^lecfive. two children, also two sisters. >Ifs. Samantha Laws and Mrs. Ella Church. Funeral service will he held Friday. H):30 a. ni.. at .Arbor (■rove church. I,ord. , er Sunday morning at the Moth 1 odist church here and will begin 1 the evangelistic services at tlie i First Baptist, where services will 'continue eaeli day and Tiight for two weelts. o,i Ka.ster Suiida.v night. On Sunday morning. April __ 9. be will prearh at tlie Bresby- Ban L'fted'On Taking All leriar, church. oan lieu Meetings of church organiza-, I lions scheduled for this week are | 1 devoting much time to prayer and i consecration in preparation for Homer Brook.shire. Wilkes :Uu- evangelifvtic services. Holiday Fishing To Be Permitted Several Places To Be Closed Monday with Mayor R. T. McNiel author- keshoro: Jim Cook. New Castle; ized a major street improvement w. N. Haye.s, North Wilkesboro; project to begin as soon as wea- T. B. Jarvis, Moravian Falls; ther conditions permit. The board took action on the proposal to place a black top surf ace over the cobblestones on Ninth street from the intersection with E street to the top of the hill. lilnglneers estimated that the re-surfacing joh will cost In the Danery Eller. Jobs Cabin; N. A. ■Wyatt, Mulberry: J. A. Eller, lypwis Fork; G. H. Vannoy. Ha- ion: John K. Tharpe, Edwards; .Tames F, Caudill. Boomer; Troy Foster. Wilkesboro; J. A. Caa- din. Mulberry; John Edminsten, Elk, Branson Benton, Stanton; n. S. Johnson, Walnut Grove; nefgkbSrfiood of fl.DO.O. C«y aH-i.Tim Poplin. Edwards Ihorlties said that whatever state highvay funds are available for maintenance work in Nor’h 'Wil- keshoro will be used and the re mainder of tile cost will ite paid iiv the city. ^ The plans call for the same j Stout. ■Wilkesboro: type surfacitig as was used .a yearj Hendrcn. Somers: W, 8. Brewer. Rock Creek; Howard Royal. Reddies River; W. W. Darnell. Edwards: TV. H. Darnell, Edwards. Second 'Wwk If. C. Prevetle. Traphili: -T. R. Barnev M. Travis Eller, ago over tlie cobblestnm*s ,>n Sixth street, wliich made a very sati-ifactory smftice. The cobblestones, wliich vere .laid in the early days of street I surfacing licre in lien of asphalt r.cwis Fork: Chap Fmgiison, Beaver Creek; J. B, Rdwaids; R. C, Miller, Wil- kf'slioro: Berry Lowe. .\lora- \inn Falls: C. G. Glass. W'lke.s- Imro: R. L. Wyatt, t'nioii: S.'ier- borses. have been tlie source of i mitcii annoyance for several ypiivp. ^rhf* cohhlGstoiK's in ninny Banks, Postoffice, Employ-! ment Office and Ltbrary ill order to make sure footing fori man Snots. Norilt Wilkesboro; Fish Except Trout Easter Sunday and Monday iirface had worn slick, ill addition to action on the to Observe Holiday' Jrtreel Iniprnvemenl job, the eoin- imis-ioners transacted rou’ine j Seveial idaecs of hiisiness in 1 Nortli Wilkesboro will ob'^ei'vn a i holiday on Faster Alonday. April in, and will bo clo-ieri t'lrough- Iiiesi iiliiy ever written. r>n Sunday afternoon. till- arrest of Roy. lie siaslied GcMc s throat with .a knife as Gene was advancing on him with a razor. Gene's throat was badl.v cut and his condition is described as ser ious. He is a p..’'.ent at tlie AVilkc.s hospital. The affair was described as very similar to tlie altercation which occured a week previous in the Fairplains commiinity when:,,],,,,,.,,. ,vill lie made. Tlie public Tom Sprinkle’s throat was cut by ,, r„r(jial iiivitatinn to all pi’o- hls brother, Vernon Sprinkle. I grams. often termed tl'e fun-jcoiiuiv game proteetor. said to-! .\ visitation program mnt the day. (day that the state denarlment of will carry personal invitations to' Roth banks will be closed Mon Anril 1R. | eonservation and development the services 'o the residents of three o’clock. Rev. F. C. Norman j has lifted the lian on taking all the city and along highways for coiniiicneement fish exeent trout for Faster Sun-' several miles in eaeh and Monday. .April 9 and H>, ' has lieen outlined and will dcliv sermon. The final program of tlieionlv. school eommencemeni will he at ] two o’clt'c'K on the afternoon Auril 2'- wlieii the gradimtion ; fish are warned to avm tliem- cxeroises and presentation of di-|s(.ive-; with a fishing lieense. Mr. Ttrookshire anii.miiced 'hat direction will be I carried out this week. I The trout season will open on of I Anril 1-'. and all who intend to Wilkes Wilkesboro Has Only One Ticket Wilkes Marriages Easter Egg Sale Here On Saturdays the following will s.-B license; Saudwieh Slinn, oon--.-.j . !w Drug Store, and ft. F. Eller's , present Mayor and Commis-. required to report on store in North AVtIkeshoro; New-j ,ioners Unopposed For Monday to sign unemployment , (1;iy ami those who havo hnsinosa tto attend to with tlu* hanks are • asked to rememher the I'nct in border that no inconvenience will result. The postoff'ee will not lie open for biisiness Monday and to avoid a stamp shortage business firms land individuals should stork up Saturday. The Employment Sevvic.. office i will he closed Monday .and those report Icouiird Mayms. Traiiliill: M. (’ficVrvhain. Tratihill: J. T. Wood, Klk: .l'«' '\ineicr. rnion: F. P. Bluir. .Tr.. North Wilkelioro; H. O. P.irsons. Stanton: K. A Nor- Tranhill: Roosrvclt il.ancy, I'nion: .lohn F. Hamby. TrapuBI; S. A, Sinhy. t'liion: .1. Grant monthly tmsiness in the meeting, j Ti-tnli tt. Lewis Fork: G.',thep All members of the hoard, S. V. 1 Haffmiin. I'nion: ('■ fb Tomlinson. Ralph Duncan. T. S. iR,.avi r Cicck. Kcnerly. Dr. R. 1’. Casey and H. 1 Saunders, AI. Ilntclicns, tite mayor in dtiv niglit. were present with tile meeting Tues- Oid W'iles, Wilkes register of ; deeds. Issued ’f "J i The North wil^shoro Junior j Election On May 2 Drug store and! in Wilkeshnro. B. ■ Greer at Roomer: H. C. Wheel-j : at Ferguson; Claude Minton i At the exuirunoi, -o "—(t.rarr Ptiriear: AV. W. Harris at'i se, for filing of eandtdales for. tin’s Cnt-Rat( j sheriff's office the expiration of the time report on Epsle Darnell. Elkin: Russel Dar-|ly Roaring Rivev’ Ponlin at j AVtlkeshoro (own offices only one well and Marv Mvers. both of KI-i Saturday at Spainhom-Sydnor. ^ Spenoer at Benimm; ’ n- James 'k,e,Cher and Fine |company store in this c„y. T’lere , - -- Homer both of Idlewild: Blaine i will he a wide variety of colors, claims are asked to Tuesday. April 11. The Wilkes onniity public li- will not be open Easter Alonday. Stolen Sev/in? Machines Found Charlie Harrold Funeral Is Held t- lim riil service w.i'; held AVed- licMla-- at Zion churcli for Char- li,. .1. Il.irmtd, resident of th» llat w ciimniiinii V v. ho died Mon- day It the county niberctilar hos- Two Machines Taken From plti.l. B' v. Atonroe Dillard con- Mount Pleasant School '"'c’-l 'b- -'"•-u. asmsted hy Found In Gastonia W, MrT^rifle at Traplnll. » W I lU . I Mfl . »;r- : , ,T „,1 T .ic Rchas- and combinations. Patronage will Han Deha”r Donnie Kilbv,^ Van- b.. a,mreci:Bed by the club, which viola LUtic. Uavlo: | will use the profits ... tts pro- James AV. Nichols and Kizora , Juris hei e. of Millers Creek Huffman, both Charlie - Monroe At Roaring Gap^ ! Piedmont Yodelers l ocal Nine Is To Open Season Soon Tiic Piednu'nt A'ndelers, radio „„„ H.niiind stage stars from sta’ion Charlie . . radio! appear in person in Monroe hoy-’. la program at Wilkesboro school show, will appt*ai at Roannff irap, school Saturday night. April H admission 15c and 35c. At Wilkesboro High I fiood Baseball Team Is As- j sembledi; First Game On Saturday, April IS mayor ixmcYKn Two additional charges of em bezzlement were lodged against ■Winston-Salem Mayor, AA’. T. ■Wilson hy the Foravth county 1 Urnnd Jury Tuesday afternoon. FTbese hills of ind'ctni’nt brought to nine the total of embezzlement ^barges Mayor AA'ilPon faces. One \ill of Indictment found a true ’bill by the grand Jury yesterday chA’ged WllBon with takingjiary clubhouse on Monday night, North AVilkeslioro’s eontrilm- on the r.iglit of Saturday. .April 1 lion ‘o the national'pae'ime on •s. eight o’clock. i"s loO'b anniversary will open The program is sponsored by, the 1939 .season at the fair- the M. I. A. of the ctnirch of L. {grounds on Saturday afternoon, n. S. at Gilreath. .A very enter-I .April 15. H was annonneed today tainin.g pro.grani is assured all | b\' c. C. Sebastian, business man- who will attend. The admission i agev of the nine, charge Is 10 and 20 cents. 1 Hanes rnha, a strong AVInston- Saiem nine, will play here on that Dance Mc*r*day Night Notth AV’ilkesboro Junior Wom an's club is spon.sor of a dance to be held at the Legion and Anxll- date. Preetica has been in progress for several dnv« with some of the beat baseball talent from all parts of Wilkes county reporting f6r duty. pVas express the opinion Wilson witn UlXJllK|iary cilluuDuse oii luuuuay r aim ; :M11.53 from the account of beginnlnB at nine o’clock. Tickets .that North Wllkepboro ■stlljE j Jrtn P. Chnrlas. one of his wards‘era now on sale *t tho Wilkes a er*dltahle" V^ittour toaii j’ tii^ 1 ■L MMii'ta* - ,pijug^gpB^ny, . , . ., . y,-. i ticket, the present officers, tii»d for the primary and the elrctiou. which will he liMd on Alav 2. J. R- Tfendersoii. town terk and registrar, said todpv. A'l present officers are eandi- diites for re-election and hnv* no opposition. The officers arc: J. F. Jordan, mavnr, AA'm. A. Stroud. AAL Dr. . Since none of the officers are eontested. there will l>e no pii- mar- and there will he only one ticket in the election. cfi-'-icc. assisjted i JN V. J. 1 '>itrvi v'lT' u’*' li'^ wift*. i T.’ilu Harroltl. Ilis eiolhcr. , N'a.icy Miiichev Harrold. ct'ildrcii. two i.irotheis at'd sisters. Mi-s. M ra. '’our two Two sewing machines identi fied as those stolen fro"i the home economics department of Aionnt Pleas.ant high schools were found a few days ago in Gastonia. Phavged with the Hieft AA’cltev Clitirrli. a fo'-no'r res'iRnt of AVtlkes. was nliioed under arrest ^ and hronght bac’t to Wilkeshorn. |;„-n'd i-w|. where he filled bond for Rrm.^nr- v|,i,„iag Greek sea-ion ,»"ce at the next term of cnmin-,^^ v-'!k-.>s d'ed Wedeesdav r’oriiT In the omnibus bill which re-{®' j Foneral s,.n-i,o? will be .held e.eptly passed the legislaiuie -f-* _ _ ZT ^ |'viirrs-ka-- afr-i no-m. two o'c'oek, - ■ * “ * Ris-a'! chuPiil witli Revs. ! Wallace, Brown Named Magistrates! Clyde Davis. 30, Dies Wednesday C. Wallace, of North ■Willt-is’ioro. and HartTn Brown, of TruiOhill F Smithev. .Tames‘Low;"and;to''’'^''l'*I’' reappotntod mag- p T Mitchell. ■ ' ships. Legion To Meet S’mrise Service On Easter Morning At Moravian Falls Anril meeting of the Wilkes ' of the American- liCgion will bo b 1-1 on Friday night. 7:30 o’ clock. at the Leplon and Anxil tarv clnhhonse. Matters of n.’-ti-ncs v,-iB be taken up and all members are asked to 1m present. Postal Receipts Gain In Ouarter Pomci-. Bi'ikley and i licinal iug Wright nar- L -Snrvlving . ill'/- his fatb' jDa'ia, Mire,. 'TOthei-' Pal r. C. -h Reu- -s* Three Months Shows Continuation of Steady Increase For C ty f’o'-ta! reeeints at Wilkesboro ros’offi'-. the North sho'ved an irn-!’’’creas'' over tuisin-ss for the n-iarifr in 19.3 3 it was Itmrned today from Postmaster J. c. r.dib*. bop .->nd De-k. and two sts'ora, A'ietnr'a and Jennie Divis: also Dm following lialf lirotbers and sisti rs, Isaac. Willie. Ray. Re.x, S. C.. Jr.. Gurney. Margaret .and Lncile Davis. Annonneement has been made 'M an Easter Sunrise 'serrlce to be held at Moravian Falls ceme tery on Easter Sunday morning, beginning flt 6:30 a. ifer • • The eervlce this year, In'srliteh congregations of both ■ be -tke TxAvrK’ WAtiTRI? MONDAY tv.Wiilc bo striking comparison DANCE EASUbK available, the trend The Junior .Woman’s 'clirh'. ftf! WllVesboro Is spohsor^ij^-.^ fitoeS' to bfe howto, beginning r«igKt o’clock.. oCif^celpts reprMented a contlnn ' of the Fteaiy increase oeWfll evldept in e'rery aqab- IrMort daring the pasj set- y.R Men’?> Chorus In , Practice Session .Twelve voices blended In AOn^ n’t Hotel AVIlkes on Afo'pday night, as the nearly formed men’s ehor- "i held.Its.-seebnd.iiwqtltiki'yw. F. B. Johnsqn icga-' pnaael - Hodi^‘ vak kejo--** relar.v-tre8!>ttt«‘' of ' th«. ■ nron^*' wwTiag .itst; siM ;wit !•■*

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