JOURNAl^I lOT. N [THE SPRIlte .SHOWER OP HITS, KEEP COMING ^Si^EHTY Ahr«v« the Baat AU Wtyt TUODAY ONLY S jiwSJN.THE CLOUDS! - Ib>if0 lov«... and a thrilling -hV' :ss MAMIE SOCKWELL, Editor TMophooe 216 10c WEDNESDAY 10c C«^ you msk for more entertain- M«t Yahie than . . . JOEL McCREA EDWARD G. ROBINSON MIRIAM HOPKINS “Barb^ylloast” TbPptRs »*«- MO IN TROUBLE AGAINl THURSDAY - FRIDAY Sued by his wife ... Pursued by a , blonde...Plagued by police...Pest- j •red bypronki! Ail Paris is shouting j ■ “Whofto Man Topper" ond Fifty- | Million Frenchmen Con't Be Wrong! Siv.w OMHOA N. Wilkesboro P.-T. A. , , Met Thursday Afternoon • ■TOe April meeting of 'the North Wilkesboro P.-T. A. waa held in the school auditorium Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Palmer Horton presiding In the absence of the president, Mrs. C. C. Faw. Mrs. Gordon Finley led the devotional period after which the usual business session was held. j| A An interesting, ^wogram was given by the high school glee club, and ,the'C»#i8 from the sixth and ses-enth grades, under the direction of Mlsu Hasel 3het- rill, with Mrs. Frank Johnson as accompanist. Miss Harriett Mc- Googan, home demonstration agent, made a talk on the pro posed curb market. Attendance awards went to Miss Kathryn Troutman’s room in the elementary building, and it was a fie in the high school be tween Miss Nonie Gordon’s room and Miss .‘Svelyn Sharpe’s. Wilkesboro Juniors Entertain Seniors The Juniors of the Wilkesboro high school delightfully enter tain^! the members of the Senior class at their annual banquet on Friday evening, April 14, in the home economic’s room of the school building. The room was artistically decorated with the senior class colors, blue and gold. Blue iris, white spirea, and for- sythia, were attractively arranged in howls, while the tables were lighted by means of blue and yel low candles. Programs, in bookie’ form, were yellow with a dark blue iris [ printed >n the front, and tied to- I gether ,vith a blue cellophane rib- (bon. Entertainment for the eve- I ntng wa.s presented in the form I of .T Mav Day, 1 Immediatelv following the in- ! vocaMon, which was given by Rev. i .T I, A. Bumgarner, the May i.iueeii. Margaret Vestal, anired ■e grsee ihe occ.ssioii. and was .-repted by the Queen’s Courier. Mary Charles .Mexander. after which the following program was given: .A dance for the queen, ".A Wanderer of the Woods.’’ by ' Billie Barnes: Jnmes Hemphill j cave a toast to royalty, which was I followed by several musical num- I hers, given by a group of stroll- I iug musicians, a snecial feature I .if which was a duet. "Sweet- i hearls” by Peggy Somers and Bob iU-iw., Flake Steelman extolled the beauty and loveliness of ' "Woodland Flowers,’’ and Mr. T. ! E. Story spoke on the ‘‘Merry Social Calendar lla. Holman Bible class of the Wilkesboro Baptist chnrcli will meit with Mrs. Cola Pwlcer with Mrs. J. B. Douijhton as a-SHOciate hostess on Friday afte^oon at 2:80. 'The North Wilkesboro Meth odist Auxiliary will meet at the church hut ’Tuesday afternoon at 3:80 o'clock. The Franklin circle will have charge of the proffram. > SiN3S3t4 ’ -IWU I HHddox aas iZVH3 aH3M M.VIHl .101 .41 j Due to the meeting of the Presbyterial at the Firs* Pres byterian church in Winston- Salem the 17 and 18, the Pres byterian Auxiliary will not meet until Tuesday afternoon, the 25. Month of May.’’ One of the outstanding events of the evening was a jazz wed ding given by Joel Bentley, the Queen’s jester, and others, ^eggy Church gni'p a Tnpst to the Qneen’.s council, to which council man N. O. Smoak resnonded. Judge Johnson J^^ayes acted as King of the festival. The entire junior class joined in chorus to bid farewell to the seniors, who would soon he leav ing the Queen’s court. After the court disbanded, the group engaged in various forms of amusement, the most popular of which was partaking of re freshments. which consisted of nectar of the fairies, woodland fowl, 'brown gravy, goblin's fav orite, cif greens, butter oun beets, queen roils, to-ipei'-to iiasket sal ad. May baskets. May apples and morning dew. lAM-vjMUrdj O. M.^. P»rk®rl OhiaM® checkers i^.trodli TW'Tfao the knmt to J.’ MlM ffep^'.’ .SUlk.: 1* tli#' Chlhese Chec’vpre went to Mr*. Claud Miller,"while Mrs,. John son took.the low score prize.. At the close of the play the hostess es eerl^:'a delicious salad and rweet easrM-.^ Mrs. Harrji Pearson Entertais^ For Houseguest Mrs.’’Harry Pearson was hos tess at a.lpve^ partjjkt her home on Rediiclikatoa • ttuv*- 'Saturday evening to honor her houseguest. Miss Elisabeth Campbell, of Hick ory.’ Two tahles of bridge and one of rook were In play. The high score prise in bridge went to "^'B'ianche HilK was hosthss to Intermediate. O. Ai^* No. 2 Thun- night at 7:gO; Ten , JrjpPiiiMt'lSMi t»wo‘gtjie^*%ia 2 W. W,v Ha»' aBd-.Mlee NtMT" a*fi. ^iltke program was 'on Ptt^- Xmerican Cdnfereitee.”y^ TtaoM participating wefe Mildred' Caaip- bell, R»by Wanda Pardue, Allw Wells, Mary Poster, Mable kithr, Oselle A.ndrows, Clara Porter, and Mary Lois Frasier,-Mrs. ,W. P. Jones led the ddrotionele. Aft er the 'hnslnesa seeslon the hos- tea8,'8wfsted Mrs. J. .W. Tialli and Nell .Ttail, -served delicious refreshments., Mot^ Co. ^;.V^ Pfxtv-Sixth Wedding Anniversary Celebrated Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Whitting ton, of Reddles River, celebrated their 8Sth wedding anniversary Mies Mamie” McNeil and In rook 19. 1939, of their to Mrs. B. S. Cooper. A corsage of red roses j p ^ ^ p g honor^glft for Mis^Ct.mpbell and j Whittington. Millers Creek. Mrs. ” “ A. M. Whittington and Mr. W. H. 'Whittington, of Reddles River. A number of the thirty-one grand- ' • ■■ iff?*’ The removel of the Ser vice Selee' cotapadr; fMaa tin buiidtag tlMp have ^..tteealdM- for eeT'eral years to. lerget a^ feet^ guarters o« the 'dpipeYeit^ and O streets, which wes fprpEs^ occupied by- the ^’United Supply Co., was announced today. £1;. The companyl * which neiis Chrysler and Plymontb aiUomo- bilc.s and GMC trucks, has added I new Mnbrieattng equipment and modern equipment for a radiator repair department. ' ’The new location provides am ple space for display of new care In the building and used cars di rectly across the street and on the second floor of the building. The change *n location was made In order that a more com plete and better service could be rendered the firm’s many patrons Hof tbe'iiiid n seven children only four were in Wilkes and adjoining counties, present, Mrs. J. C. Crysel, Wll- 39 LAWN MOWERS sold last aea.son. We save you money! CARLTON’S Hardware Mrs. A. P. Cosey T.s Hostess To Her Club Mrs. A. H. Ca.aey was hostess to the members of the Current Topic club and a number of visi tors at her home last Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Hoyle Hutchens rresided for current events and the exchange of books after which rook was played at fiv® tables. The high score prize in the game was won by Mrs. Johnson J. Haye.s while the low score a- ward went to Mrs. J. Q. Adams. Mr*- Dp” Cartp-r Ts BrM«r* Club Hostess Mrs, Dan Carter entertained the members of her bridge club at her home on Kensington Drive Wednesday afternoon. Following play table prizes were awarde.1 to Mrs. John E. Justice and Mrs. Palmer Horton. Refreshments were served by the hostess at the close of the afternoon. Ads get attefithioB —aiut Millpr, Mrs. Parker DeliehtfnUv Entertfiin A party of special interest was the one given at the home of Mrs. ALL THIS WEEK] Horton s Drug Store PHONE 300 WE DELIVER (f)filtjrcpn Otnifj Stni'C Mrs. W. H. Droy, who is going to Lexington for residence, was re membered with a gift. A color note of pink and white was emphasized in the decora tions while the Easter idea was predominant in tally cards and the two courses of refreshments served at close of game. Presbyterial to Meet In Winston-Salem The Winston-Salem Presbyter- ial will meet on Tuesday and Wednesday, April lS-19 at the First Presbyterian church 1 n Winston-Salem. The meeting on Tuesday will begin at 2 p. m., and on Wednesday will start at 9:15 a. m. The executive committee will meet at 11 a. m. on Tuesday. A number of ladies of the lo cal T’reshyterian church, some of whom are Presbyterial officials, will attend the meetings. FAIR ATTENDANTS VISIT THIS CITY fCniitinued from page one) mrnt of this fruit. “In the famous apple section of the Brushy Mountain, a few years ago, one acre, in a large orchard, produced over one thousand bushels of "Stark's De licious” apples, that were sold and measured in the orchard for $1.50 per bushel, total over six teen hundred dollars for the ap ples on one acre in one year! This wa'. a rare price and a rare yield but shows possiollities under proper culture and treatment. "Nearly everythin„ ’hat i s canned for food be raised * successfully in Wilkes county, therefore, this is a fine location for a large cannery, with a popu lation of over one million and five hundred thousand people in a radius of 125 miles to consume the products. This would include the ponnlation of Winston-Salem. Greensboro. High Point, Lexing ton. Salisbury, Kannapolis, Con cord. Charlotte. Gastonia. Lln- colnton. Statesville. Hickory. Merranton. Marion and t.enolr. in addition to the rural sections in this radius. "I.adies a n d Gentlemen. I might tell yon of many other Reductions Bus Fares Announced .!»; C^- W-. >■ ■' ^ . Stomach Specialist of UiMil#’' ^ bojio, N. C., will be at^Pr-.^lt M. Hutchen’s office, Nortji Wilkesboro, N. C— ON MONDAYS ONLY Beginning Monday, May letr 19.39, nnd on each Hondey thereafter until further notiee. children and twenty-nine great grandchildren were present. Also several relatives and friends. Mrs. j Whittington is 87 years old and Is very feeble, while on the oth er hand Mr, 'Whittington Is quite active to be 87 years old.—Re ported. Mrs. Edirar Hambv Died On Thursday Mrs. Edgar Hamby, age 42 years, died at Merdltbville, ’Va., last Thursday, and funeral and burial services took place there Friday. Mrs. Hamby was the daughter of Mrs. MoIIie Jolncs, of Wilbar. and a sister to Mr. John Jolnes, of this city. Mr. S. R. Joines, of Franklin. Mr. Dock Joines. of Wilbar. and Mrs. Carl Jones, of Wilkesboro route 1, Also surviv ing are the husband and five children. Those attending the ^funeral and burial services from this county were Mr. and .Mrs. John Joines. Mr. Dock Joines. and .Mrs. Mary Haraly. The Greyhound bus station lo cated here has announced that substantial reductions in long distance bus fares are going into effect. Certain fares were reduced to- j day and othenr have been an-i nounced to go into effect Mon day of next week. Many reduc tions apply to fares within the state as well as long distance and will mean worthwhile savings to people using bus tragsportation. “DynamiteDah” Kills Itch Gems in 30 Mthiten 50c $1.00 L, - Red Cross PHARMACY tOth Ft. North Wilkesboro Reading the ads. get you more for lee money, Trf It! Reading the ads. get you more] for lee money. Ti'y it! • SLCOH^ MmiN ^ounmm ^ull Pint Bottle for ff^NESIA moF l^unpkit /for PILLS SHAVING CREAMI lUfONO for ffie i OIL Bottle /for' ISc ■ Pint ' ICE CREAM ^2 for 16c (No deliTcdiep on lee, Crenes) THRIFTY 30-Ft. ROLl 5 WAX 2i PAPER Ltmll 2 PAPER NAPKINS PK. 100 7*“r WMlihmmfmt/ i3:: Tek Tooth Brush 2 for 51c ' Woodbury's Soap 2 for 11c i4f0c Aut?ooptic 2 for 51c I.oo Lucky Ti#er Hoir J«n^ 2 for $1.01 Bmr Towo^r —: “ * CASTtll OIL d-GS. Sft« . . . OGntel PerbGrat* OrFif, 5*gz. . . UNIMIprr 4-mM, . . CLCAMING FLUID •tHyJrtgtn, H„ TAtOUM - AtlfmrpmM . . . Z'wSK 30c Vatitlfa ffull pint) . 25c LJ^rinb Shaving Cream 60c Coldz Talcum Powder .... 20e Silvtt Nip - - Sbc'l^il^ 'Juioe fsrm prnrtiict.s of ’his county but; time is too limited— "We also have m.snv manufac turing establishments prosnering in our littlo city and community, including in nart. a large Tann ery. Chair factories. Ho«i-rv Mill, Claas Factory. Corn Mills and cnu-mills—Casket Facto/y. sever al Furniture Factories. Budding V.a’crial Factories and Cotton M’ll. Cheese Factory and seyerai other manufacturing enterprises —a'l causing this place to grow rapidly and with hard surfaced roads centering here from the eight adjoining counties this is one of the finest trading points in this section of the state. Over 100.000 people can reach hero in an hour’s drive and many of them come and trade "with and thereby increase the fast growing trade of our merchants. "With free stone water, fine air and a health record iinsur- ppesed. Wilkes county offers many'attractions to investors and to new citizenji—and we ask you to convey this message to the public as our representatives at the World’s Fair in New York.” - The following attendants se lected to man the Nbrth Carolina Fyiiibi’ at the New York World’s Fair which officially opens on April 30 and closes November 1 were in this city on an Educa- -iiiSnar To'iTr of North Onroliha. wh*ch tour started in Charlotte .Anr’l 10 and which will be con cluded oh April 20; Miss Miriam Converse .lohn- 'on. Chief Hostess. Aberdeen. N. C. Miss "lA n n a Corinne Tones. Nashville; N.-G. Miss Anna Bellamv tVilliara- son. WilmT.gtoa, N. C. Paul Leroy Lambert. Cherokee. N. C. C-rtre-' rjsrence Courtney, Jr., I Lenoir, N. C. I voit Gilmore. Winston-Salem, I 2 for 26c jq (1 . , . 1 2 for 61c f ' U. Benton Blalock, Jr., Wades- .ZforUftC .2fr76« 2 for 31c 2 for 2fc 2 for boro, "N. C., :'T. v|L.,ipW»r4r >., nil Beg •iptvt tue» ,d»y at Mastercrah LINENS exceptional values! exceptional large selection priced to be a .sen.sation 7 .X ,34 Madei'ia Linen Scarfs .31.00 ih lO'-i Maderia Linen Xapkin.s 6 for 3 piece Vanity Set.s ... .31.00 $1.00 X 14 Finger Tb’p Towels 6 for .SI.on 3 piece Bufiet Sets $1.00 3 piece Chair Backs -$1.00 34 in. Tuscany Centerpieces $1.00 •5 piece IJnen Bridge Sets $100 Applique Guest Towels 3 for $1.00 0 piece Bridge Sets $1.00 3 piece Applique Buffet Sets $100 16 X 53 Applique Scarfs $1.00 ■3 pc. Mosaic Chair Backs 25c to $l Embroidered Pillow Cases, pr. $1 5 piece Applique Bridge Sets $.1.00 Petit Point Guest Towels 2 for $1 3 piece Chaii' Sets 2 setg $1.00 Embroidered P. Ca,ses, each $1.00 7 piece Luncheon Sets $1 00 1C X 45 Tuscany Scarfs $1-00 Cutwork Guest Towels $1.00 16.« 54 Tuscany Scarfs $?-.00 Elmbroidered P. Cases, pair $1.00 Extra Special for Early Bird Shoppers! 70 X 80 Banquet Cloth —— $1.00 13 inch Napkins ® ^or $1.00 18 inch Napkins 6 fn*" $100, Set $3.|00 Spainhour-SydnQr ^ MAIN FLOOR,**" miff‘d~-r' Cl "’5-- lALL