—:i4r— [ii^AT^OT-: HA&^ ^^j,A^D wa-ljll m EMmAt Town (EUetioo* With F^o fr*i, g , Motticipitl elecUona were held |^•Tae•d»r i& th* WUk««]>oro» with teuy people lugMiwlng by the -httUot their cohtidence in the tick ets to he Totcd oa. Only onh ticket was before the people in either town. North Wllkeeboro had a contest .. In the primary April 17 and a ‘ tteket was selected for the voting. . la Wilkeeboro there was no oppo- ; sitton to the present administra tion for renominatlon or election. In North Wilkeeboro Tuesday 296 cast rotes and the tabulation of rotes showed the following: ^Mayor R. T. McNlel, 162; for ^Vmmissioners — J. B. Carter, 203: A. G. Finley, 200; W.* K. Stnrdirant. 127; H. M. Hutchens, 101; Ralph Duncan, 164. Duncan and Hutchens are in cumbents and the other three commissioners were nominated from the "new ticket" in the pri mary. For school board J. B. Wil- Qs polled 174 and W. E. Jones They had no oppoelt'on in ^mary or election. Wilkeeboro Klection In Wilkeeboro 63 straight tick ets returned Mayor J. F. Jordan and Commissioners W. A. Stroud, W. E. Smlthey, Dr. G. T: Mitchell and Jamej L#owe to office Tues day for another two-year term. loftk sakHMnMaw# yoU'XxxU Commissioners Of County Meet 76 Meoito!* 4; 1989 il.601|r!3 Alkged RdMtIrs Are icers iiieiii V-P- Aubry and John WUl Face Auto T^ft Count In Wythiwfe, Va. ■ . Aubry and John A. Kitts, Blue- field. W. Va., mkh’'ifrested in a tourist cabin near here last week on theft charges and ai Suspects in the Sparta Motor company robbery several W4*ks ago. have been released to Wythevllle, Va., authorities, it was learned today] from Wilkes officers. The car the Kitts were using at the time of their arrest was identified as having bedtt stolen from a Wythevllle concern. In the ear were vsrtpus types of merchandise valued at several hundred dollars anfl'.VkIch was identified as having been stolen from places of bdsiPMa in several Virginia towns, officers said. Wythe county officefS, tdok the men from Wilkes Jail Monday. >■ '*V Succeeds Butner Wilkes county board of com missioners met in regular month ly session Monday and Tuesday for transaction of county busi ness. Routine matters Cripple CImic Announced For Thursday, 11th All Persons With Physical Handicapj May Be Ex amined Witbout Cost More Definite Plniu To Be Announced Nent Week; Watch This Paper ' In conjunction with a larjfe number of merchants and business firms of t^e city, The Journal-Patriot is plan- nine to issue a Tirade Event ^ition. the exact date of which has not as yet been def initely decided. The Journal - Patriot will augment its already largre cir culation in the local trade .area with extra copies which rrill be mailed or delivered to adjninnig counties. The spec ial Trade Event edition is ex pected to carry worthwhile messapies- from local merch ants which will be of much in terest and benefit to the thousands of people residing in northwest North Oarolina. Robert S. Gibbs, .Ir„ fonnorl.v with llio Duke Power com pany branch ot HendersonviUe, who ha-, assumed his duties as local Duke I'owei- rompnny niiinager suceeetilnj; M. G. But- ner, wiu> was killeel in an au tomobile aeeiilenl last we-k. FfeTriai Ci?3 Acdons NowhPwjgwss Four Divorces Granted Dur ing First Few Days Of Term; Others Tried Four divorces were granted this week In Wilkes euperior court. Judge Wilson Warllck, who is presiding over courts in the 17th district during the first half of tidf year, is on the bench and civil cases are being tried. The divorces which have been granted were as follows; Trexle Moore versus Wttey Moore; An nie'Mae Warrick versus Charles Warrick; John Ripop versus Jnlla Roop; Viola Syloer BUlIngs ver sus Lree BirHhgB. All divorcee were on grounds of two years separation. Several other civil actions have been disposed of but there have nuruiweai. ivw qeen aisposea oi uui luvie WTiile plans are not as yet b^n hut few .trials by "JIiit. A complete in regard to enter-!number of have gone off tninment and other phases of by the voluntary non-suit route and by consent Jo^menU. .Al cripple clinic to be conducted occupied i auspices of Ihe Wilkes the attention of the board ■-a^hroughout a greater part of the I '*lwo days. All member.s were present. The board is composed ot M. F. Ab- sher. chairman. Dr. W. R. Trip lett and C. C. Sldden. Jurors were drawn for the term of court to be held in June. A list ot the Jurors will appear la * a later issue ot The Journal-Pa triot. *Mrs.T.B. Smith Claimed By Death ^ita Mrs. Thelma Harless Smith, wife of T. B. Smith, who resides near Wllkesboro, died this after- m. 2:.30, in a Statesville hos- tital. Mrs. Smith, who was well and favorably xnown in this section, had been critically ill since Sat- urcay, when twins were born to her and a caesarean operation ■was performed. Several blood trfinsfuslon.s were given She is survived by her husband and four children. Funeral service will be held at the residence Friday afternoon, four o’clock, and burial will be in Mountain Park cemetery. county health department and sponsored by the No.rth Wllkes- boro Ki-wanis club will he held on Thursday, May 11, at the Wilkes hospital, it was announced today. Dr. 0. L. Miller, orthopedic surgeon, of Charlotte, will make the examinations, which will be without cost to the patients. Health officials .in ma^g the I announcement urged that people I of the county In need of ortho- I pedic examinations or treatment attend the clinic, which will be from nine to twelve o’clock. All cripples and all people with rhysical .‘landicaps are asked to be present in order that it n,ay be ascertained whether or not their bone malformations or oth er physical defects can be cor rected. Adults as well as children may attend, the announcement said. Program Records At Kiwanis Meet Club Members Hear Own Voices In Program At Luncheon Meeting No^ Wllkesboro Officers Assumed Duties Wednesday Tax Listing Will Close Tim Week Persons in North Wilkesboro Who Have Failed to List Asked to Do So Now Rangers To Sing In Program Here On Friday Night The Rangers, a male quartet which has gained wide popularity rt-cently over radio station W8T and in personal appearances be fore large crowds in many cities, win com© to North Wllkesboro nMay night to give a program in Ike North Wilkesboro school andUorlum. The North Wllkesboro council of the Junior Order la sponsoring U»« program and a large attend ance is expected. Admission charge will be only 16 cents for children and 26 cents for adults. National Hardware Week May 6-13 Local hardware merchants are making plans to observe National Hardware Week—May 6 to 13— by quoting special prices during the week, not only to save their patrons money on their purchases, hut to make the public conscious of th© week which has been set apart as special recognition to the hardware stores of the nation. Local hardware stores will be pleased to have their friends and patrons call during National Hard ware Week which begins Satur day. b, Music Recital To- W Be Friday Night Pupils ot Mrs. George Parller’s ^ music class will appear In a re- eiUl to be held at the Community f5>'‘Hons« In Wilkesboro on Friday night, eight o'clock. The public ^ is ewdiaiiy ;-\- T. H. Settle, Wilke.s county tax lister for North Wilkeeboro towi.- .ship. and I. H. McNeill, Jr., tax lister for North Wilkesboro town, have called attention to the fact that tax listing will close here this week and urge that persons who have so far failed to list look after the matter before the end of this week and avoid the penalty prescribed by law for failare to list. Both list takers may be found at Mr. Settle’s office on the sec ond floor of the Northwestern Bank building. Director School House Planning Is Visitor Here J. B. Williams, program chair man, treated the Kiwa lis club Friday to a program of recorded’ n’.’mbers, the recordings being of the voices of club members. The first recording was a song "All Will Be Well," by Rev. Eu gene Olive, followed by a short sermon the subject of “We Shall Reap If We Faint Not," by Dr. John R. Jester. A dialogue be tween J. B. Williams and Genio Cardwell, In which each member of the club was mentioned in characteristic manner, was the concluding recording. The pro gram was well rendered and heartily enjoyed by all present. Following the invocation by Rev. Eugene Olive at I rfday’s meeting the club stood in silence in memory and respect to Malcom G. Butner, whose tragic death oc- cured two days previous. A me morial committee composed of J. H. Williams, Henry I.andon and W. D. Halfacre was appoiu'-ed by President D. J. Carter. Directors Meet The club directors met on Thursday night with Edd Gardner as host. Each committee chair man had a good report for the meeting. J. B. Williams gave an impressive report of the under privileged child committee, in which he pointed out that Mrs. Bertha Bell, county nurse, had made 17 trips this year to the state orthopedic hospital in Gas tonia for the purpose ot carrying children to and from the hospital for treatment. the special trade days, it is announced that the dates will he Thursda.v,'Friday, Satur day, May 1^19-20, three big days for North Wilkesboro and the thousands of people that are expected to come hei'e to trade. It is hoped that the event Avill be city-wdde and that a brrre nirmber of the business fn-nis mtII co-operate with the c'ty officials in the hope that the trade days will be a suc cess in every way. With better roads leading into North Wilkesboro fi-om all directions it is only logical that the city take its place as the leading industrial and [merchandising center of this ‘ section of the State. Pre-School Clinic Here May 9?ukl’W ' * ' ' 'v Children Who Will EnWr School, ThU Fall Are Urged to Attend The anhhftTpre-sChool clinic at North Wilkesboro graded school was announced today for Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons, Mry 9 and 10. Dr. A. J. Eller. Miss Eloi.se Bennett and Mrs. Bertha Bell, of the county health department, will be present to conduct com plete examinations Of the chil dren. Children who will be 6 years old before October I and who e.x- pect to enter school next fall are invited to attdnJ. A committee composed of Mrs. Jay H. Johnson, Mrs. J. O. Schaf er, and Mra. C. C. Kaw from the Parent-Teacher association are assisting in promotion of the clin ic. Parents are being urged to, Hutchens. bring their children to the school I Sanitation—W. K. Sturdivant, On the above dates. | A. G. Finley, Ralph Duncan, J B. Carter and H. M. Hutchens. By order the Bank of North Wilkesboro and The Northwest ern Bank were made depositories i for city funds. No action was taken relative to re-appointment or appointment of city employeee. N.C.S.E,S. Office , Wai Be Clowd On Wednesday, May 10 In accordance with the usaal cuBtom, Confederate memorial day. May 10, will be observ^ as a' full holiday by ail offices of tke North Carolina State Bmployment Serricq, including the Unraiploy- ment: Compensation division. Claimants reporting on Wed nesday are requested to report lor that week on Thursday, May IT, officials of the office here to day said. Masons, Eastern Star in Banquet “Challenge” Is The Subject Of Address Delivered By Judge Hayes SeJ: m Intere^V Jf - • Future Progi’irit Aaether Maas Mey^tii^ Business Men Cdliw|.:F4>ir.. Meat New and Old Boards Held Meeting; Committees For City Business Named North Wilkesboro officers for the ensuing term of two years took office last night. They were; Mayor R. T. Mc Nlel and commissioners Ralph Duncan and Hoyle Hutchens, In cumbents, and three new com missioners, J. B. Carter, W. K. Sturdivant and A. O Finley. The officers who' served until that tlme...wt., ao • Wednesday night, officially adopted th© city election result and transacted business pending. After adjournment City Clerk I. H. McNeill, Jr., administered the oath of off lee to Mayor Mc Nlel for another term and Mayor MoNin! in turn administered oat In to the five commissioners. J. ]'.. "arter was elected mayor pro-(H:ii. .V resolution was passed laud in'; till retiring officers tor their services to the city during their term of office. Organization of the board was perfected with appointment of the following committees, the first named being chairman: Finance—Ralph Duncan, A. C. Finley and H. M. Hutchons. Streets—A. G. Finley, W. K. Sturdivant and J. B. Carter. Fire—H. M. Hutchens, J. B Carter and Ralph Duncan. Water and Lights—J. B. Car ter. W. K. Sturdivant and H. M. ) Members of local Masonic lodg es joined with the Order of the . Eastern Star Friday night in a I banquet held .at the American Le gion club house. Judge Johnson J. Hayes, ot the middle district federal court, de livered the address on the subject of "Challenges." H e listed three challenges which he said is facing all at this time—the foreign challenge, the national challenge and the chal lenge which comes to each indi vidual. His address, which many pres ent describes as one of the most inspiring they had ever heard, was well received. There was a total attendance -at the harquet of 90 and a sump^ tnouB dinner was served by the ladles. , V A movement described as tier, reaching In purpose was ' -hogSftr- here Monday night in a mM» meeting of North Wmtesboro bn*- iQees men when the organization of North Wilkeeboro’s Commerce Bureaus was proposed. The proposed organization au described In the meeting -ronld coordinate efforts of all pt see of business toward further gromtll and progress of North Wllk^-- boro. • The meeting was well attend ed, there being between 40 and 50 business men of the city, rep resenting various phases of bnsl- ness life, present. J. B. Williams presided over the meeting and called on John R. Prevette, who originated the idea, to explain the proposal. With the aid of blackboard diagrams, Mr. Prevette explained the purposes and objectives of the proposed organization. Control of all the bureaus ".'ould be vested in a lentral board of directors, three each from six phases of business life. The directors would name a president, secretary-treasurer and four vice presidents, each of the six officers to head one of the commerce bureaus as follows: Manufacturers, Merchants, WkMelUilers, Credit - Coilectiens, Advertising and Publicity, and Better Business bureau. Acting as 'a go-between for the [Individual bureaus and the board of directors would be the execu- American Legion Will Meet Friday I tive secretary, who would handle all matters of inquiry or business The regular monthly meeting of the American Legion will be held in the Legion-Auxiliary club rooms north of the city on Fri day night, May 5th, at 7:30. A full attendance is desired to plan for the summer activities of tho post. and refer them to 'he proper-bu reaus for attention and action. Mr. Prevette In a most convinc ing manner explained, how every bureau could function, not . only for the benefit of thq line of bus iness which it would represent, but for all business as a whole in a city. Such an organization, he said, would not only provide for" better 'cooperation and greater' .coordi nation of effort, but would 'ke* ‘ somewhat in the capacity of n Owortunitr^fered To 12'chamber of commerce, encourag- One Wilkes Boy Enrolls In CMTC More Wilkes Beys For Training This Year Legion Program Here Is Success Dudley Myers And Robert Peck, Jr., Both Are Win ners In Baby Contest W. F. Credle, director of the division of school house planning of the state department of educa tion, spent a few hours in Wilkes Tuesday conferring with Paul S. Cragan, superintendent of North Wllkesboro schools, and C. B. Eller, coutity school superinten dent. While here he inspected school building and discussed school building plans with school authorities. Everready Quartet At Beaver Creek The Everready Quartet will sing at Beaver Creek Baptist church,on Sunday, May 7, In th© regul'ur Sunday school service to begin at ten o’clock. The public has a cordial invitation to at tend. VESPEIR 8ERVIGE Vesper service at St. Paul’s Episcopal church Sunday after noon. Hay 7th, at four o’clock, in charge ot the rector. Reverend B. M. Lackey. Visitors and friends are isrlted y> attend thia tarrlee. Asking All T. B. SuspecU Attend Tubercular Clinic Dr. A. J. Eller, and all other members of the Wilkes county health department join in asking that the people of the county take full advantage of the adult t. b. clinic to begin on May 16 by en couraging attendance of all who have reason to suspect they may have contracted the disease. In making the request the health officials point out thit the one bright hope lor tubercular patient is finding out that they have the disease while It is,In the early stages and has done, lit tle damage. By -beginning treat ment, he said, before the disease is far advanced a complete cure is not only possible but highly probable, Those who wish to take ad vantage of the clinic should call at the office of the health office in the courthouse on Thursday, Friday or Saturday this week or next week, have a test made and make appointment for ensnina'- Uon if the test riiows thirt^'ithe The Legion program, which in cluded a beauty contest and a baby contest as well as numbers by Mrs. R. 6. Finley’s dancing classes, held at Liberty Theatre Tuesday night was an outstanding success. Mrs. Whltesell, who promoted the occasion for the Legion, said yesterday ' that she made an er ror in the tabulation of votes in the baby contest. An error of 900 votes was made in counting votes for Dudley Myers, small son of Mr. and Mrs. Presley Myers, Mrs. Whltesell said, and that he should have been credited with that number in addition to the num ber announced. The decision has been made to award., trophies 'to ,^both Dqdly Myers, whose sponsor was Betty Hill, and to Robert Peck. Jr., who was spoasofed by, Betty Blue Moon. ‘r Mbs Beth Jones, sponsored by Belk’s Department store, won the title of-,“Mls8 North Wilkeeboro." The., musical program by Mrs. Finley/a ebuilee was supplement ed by numbers by Hilttm Johnson and Bearie Lee Anderson, j * f ■ 81iuN>^;« «trlt can bo Program Of Club Council Meeting The following program will be carried out at the Wilkes County Council of Home Demonstration clubs In meeting in Wllkesboro Friday afternoon. May 5, two o’ clock: Devotional by Mrs. C. F. Breth- oll, president; reports from Mrs. T. W. Ferguson, secretary-treas urer; foods and nutrition, Mrs. T. T. Yates: kitchin Improvement. Mrs. P. E. Church; district meet ing, Mrs. F. T. Moore: song, “It’s a Good Time To Get To gether’’; Introduction of speaker. Mrs. C. F. Bretholl. Mrs. Cornelia C. Morris, exten sion economist In food conserva tion and marketing, will speak on "Points In Organizing and Carry ing On A Curb Market." Follow ing her address there will be a generaj discussion on marketing. The procurement campaign for enrollment of trainees for attend- i .' ance at the Citizens Military Training Camp to be held at Fort Bragg, from June 15th to July 14, 1939, is progressing very sat isfactorily so far as the total quo ta is concerned, but It is the de sire of the Government to open this training to youths of the smaller communities as well as the larger ones. Only one young, ^ man of Wilkes county has already ‘>etter known that a much qualified for attendance at this number will be present at the years camp. He Is Ray S. Pardue, m‘'«ting Monday night , of Wllkesboro. [ M»ny of those m attendance at There are still 12 vacancies In ‘he meeting held on Mo" j^y Wilkes county to be filled, it Is ! n 1 g h t expressed enthusuurtie ing industries to locate here and publicizing North WUkosbcro’a advantages. A committee on constltutloH and by-laws was appointed and is R. Finley, Joba R. Prevette, A. F’. Kilby, W. H. McElwee and W. D. Halfacre. This committee will have a proper certificate of incorporation drawn and is expected to report in the second meeting, which was set for Monday night. May 8 at 7:30 o’ clock in the city hall. It is expected that as the new* of the proposed organization is urged that young men between the ages of seventeen and twenty- nine desiring attendance at this years camp send In their applica tions without delay. Joe B. Mc Coy, of North Wllkesboro, who is County Chairman for this county, will render all assistance neces sary to expedite applications, and will furnish the names of the physicians who have volunteered to examine applicants free of charge. Information and application blanks may also be obtained by correspondance direct with the C. M„ T. C. Officer, Port Bragg, N. C. Lioiu Will Meet Friday Eyenina The bterth' Wllkesboro club Is airtlcfpatlkg' p good meob’ ing on OTenJng itbiei Birthday Dinner Given Minifter ' In obeervance of Rev. G. W. Curry’s B5th birthday anniversary many from two cburchee, tbb aqeoad Baptist of North WUkeak b6»*and Flint Hni, gathered qt Llongliite liom® daughter. Mm. ItWftiH”' Hemric, at Ronda and a “^^^l birthday - dinner . was Much good food vras ahd a fine time was MDOtl? all. Sponsora ef -the " 1 tbankp te for tltett 0«hfation.' - ■ praise of the proposal and pledged wholehearted cooperatlo* toward its success. Among those who spoke were D. J. Carter, president of the Kl- wanis club. Dr. R. M. Brame, At torneys J. H. Whicker and W. H. McElwee, A. F. Kilby, J. T. Pre- vette, W. G. Gabriel, L. S. 8p*te- hour, C. O. McN/el, B. G. Gentry, W. D. Halfacre. W. P. Kelly, J. C. Yarbrough, Dudley 8. Bill aM T. S. Kenerly. ■, The proposal will be in meetings of the North; boro Kiwanis club^- Ihe - Ljcilu club and other civic organisailhM here this week. ' ' '— , X'.. Union Chinch Revival' Rev. A. W. 'LyiUz engaged this week in 'WntOfttOt rerival servioea at UatoB Martin dist church west df this , Services are bripg held at ten a. m. and ,7:39 p.’’ m. The piihlle ' M* a cordial Invitation to dny and all the serv^ge- . -Hr- rShoold oa* attempt to sUtetrartc ntb to gate m* trte.nd,^> ^ *' to te** two b*tt«r -