5*' ■?-' 'JBr.-'. LT, JUWE:18. im Maro Bwrr »d ehHdr«B. and DeVare; of AalwTllle, g]>«adlBK coma days at the of Mrs. Berry’s brother, her Bamgrarner. and Mrs. Howard L. Can- of Winston-Salem, with their son, Billy, were gneets Sun- |ln the home of Mrs. Cannon’s Bts, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. hgarner. They returned by of Salisbury, accompanied Irs. Bnmgarnei on a visit to and Mrs. J. K. Prevette. The rettee have a daughter, Mary ,_hhces, horn July T. r^r. James Bumgarner, who position with the Fuller aenial Cream b O U ■ * U D Tht Crrim sted by hsKM.' 'tigr md icrta •tan. Vout mirrac wll show rcMilU. I tMdt hoiMi fiW .the . Dr. John tu B«B«wraeri vfcd raaVally couyMdd ;hb medicfi' eoBsae at the Medleal iCotla8».^ot Virginia, to now an iBtame,:.in Baroaaas Briaager - Hoap 11 a 1, Chattancoga, TeaBaWaa. Rot. Albert Welltwia. who has a pastorate at Beaaaiaer City, to at hoBie this week , with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gaither. l: Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Jennings, and Mr. Jennings' mother, of Pores Knob, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. K. Bum garner last Sunday afternoon. Plans are being made to fur nish the Millers Creek eohool with an adequate supply of water. It is hoped the deeperate situation of the past year will not have to be repeated. As the Pharaohs Saw Things. Paintings From the Tombs of Ancient Egypt Which Picture for Modern Eyes the Land of the Nile in the Time of the Great Egyptian Rulers. See These Col orful Reproductions In The Amer ican Weekly Magazine, with Next Sunday’s Times-Herald, now on sale. REPORT OF CONDITION OF lANK OF NORTH WILKESBORO North WHkesboi'o in the State of North Carolina at the close of business on June 30th, 1939. ASSETS iT.d discounts (Including no overdrafts) $ 862,246.99 (Tnited States Government obligations, direct and guar- bligations of State.s ;md political subdivisions kther bonds, notes, and debentures Corporate stocks (including None stock of Federal Reserve bank) sh, balances with other banks, including reserve bal ances, and cash items in process of colle'tion nk premises owned $43,750.()0, furniture and fixtures $1,875.00 —. -- 45,625.00 (Bank premi.ses owned are subject to None liens not assumed by bank) eal estate ovned other than bank premises fivestments and other assets indirectly representing bank premises or other real estate — |ustomers’ liability to this bank on acceptance outstand ing Ither assets — 192,426.64 262,302.06 49,969.39 3,000.00 389,070.56 1.00 None None 3,755.36 TOTAL ASSETS $1,808,397.00 A LIABILITIES Snd deposits of individuaLs. partnerships, and cor porations $ 682,636138 |ime deposits of individuals, partnerships, and corpora tions Jeposits of United States Government (including postal leposits of States and political subdivisions 742,264.85 830.77 121,297.98 None None 111,700.00 90,000.00 13,336.56 9,940.71 leposits of banks •— None [ther deposits (certified and officers’ checks, etc.)— 9,552.81 TOTAL DEPOSITS $1,556,582.79 kills payable, rediscounts, and other liabilities for bor- ** rowed money Noiie lortgages on other liens, None on bank presimes and None on other real estate Lcolptances executed by or for account of this bank and outstanding [Ither liabilities 26,836.94 TOT.AL LIABILITIES (not including subordinated ^obligations shown below $1,583,419.73 C.APITAL ACCOUNTS [Capital* — arplus [rndivkied profits erves (and retirement account for preferred capital TOTAL CAPITAL ACCOUNTS — 224,977.27 TOTAL LIABILITIES and CAPITAL ACCOUNTS $1,808,397.00 •This bank’s oapital consists of None of capital notes and debentures', first preferred stock with total par value of $61,700.00, total retirable value $61,700.00; second preferred stock with total par value of None total retirable value None; and com mon stock with total par value of $50,000.00. MEMORANDA ledged assct.s (and securities loaned (book value): (a) U. S. Government obligations, direct and guar- . anteed, pleriged to secure deposits and other 0 liabilities - ■ 91.781.69 (b) Other assets pieiiicl to secure deposits and other liabilities (including notes and bills re discounted and securities sold under iopu> ba.se agreement) — Assets pledged to qualify for exercise of fiduciary or corporate pow*ers, and for pui'poses other than to secure liabilities (d) Securities loaned None (e) T'OTAL 197,817.31 aitU preferred liabilities: (a) Deposits secured by pledged assets pursuant to requirements of law (b) Borrowings secured by pledged assets (includ ing rediscounts and repurchase agreements)— (e) TOTAL 131.962.67 jin&ted ohlig’Stions: (a) Unpaid dividends on preferred stock and unpaid interest on capital notes and debentures, ac crued to end of last dividend or interest period, not included in liabilities or reserves above—... Other obligations not included “ (c) 106,065.62 None 131,062.67 None None (b) liabilities ■which are subordinated to claim of depositors and other creditors (a) On date of report the required legal reserve against deposits of this bank was (b) Assets reported above which were eligible legal reserve amounted to — None 157,589.98 389,070.56 •faMBM of B. V.‘D. „ body, who faa't ^ ^ ^ ^ ttmt tho ddly welcome vtoite. * Mr. Fayette Ferto ^ m SrfefI WlLEimBOTN. C* th* m •lUtip lm^Tto^!.^||o Bjrsjt^aee They met Bud ponred ceButtt walks last week. They are to put out over- Atfaiirja euBBli I&mo'iHM' •i^'B,^demo». nyan ■yrilO hu beOB i for sroeoe on the church, lawn this FRIDAY MORNING! Linen Finish 52x52 Beautiful Hand Decorated Linen Table Cloths. An outstanding val ue at First Floor waeks, to ebk to Wnk lidlk otBla. toll. An'Interesting revlVBl to to pro-1 The attendance at Sunday giess at Ronda Baptist ehnrch this school the last three Sundsys has week. Rev. C. C. Holland of Stony been over a hundred Come out Point, Is doing the preaching. | and help as make It a hundred Mrs. Tilda Howell of Maple and fifty. Springs was the guest of “Uncle ’The Home Demonstration club 'Dick” Walker and Mu. Vetra' meet with Mrs. Nora Eller Thurs- 9oyd last Sunnday. jday. Seventeen membera were Mrs, Nancy Walker returned’ home Sunday from a three days visit with her father, Mr. Fayette Pardue who has been very ill for several months. Misses Mattie and Armisa Sale had bs their luncheon guests last Sunday, Mrs. Lee Uorxender and Mrs. Carrender, their daughters, Misses Saunana and Sevora of Motney, Mrs. Pearl Mathis of Cranberry, Mr. Smith Anderson | and Mrs. Anderson of Millsboro, Kentuck.v, Mrs. W. G. Church and Miss Delight Church of Elkin; Mrs. John Saq>penfield and her little daughter, Sara Anne, of Winston-Salem: Mr. D. L. Kelly and Mrs. Kelly and their childrra,! David and Patricia, of Yadkin- ville. Hester Racket and Bessie Sale prepared and served the lunch. In the afternoon Mr. Worth Sale and Mrs. Sale, Mrs. R. S. Walker, Mr. Hubert Vicus, Mr. Geo.* H. Sale, Mrs. Sale and their little daughter Barbara Jean joined the party. The clan had never all been together before. Everyone enjoyed the occasion im mensely. Mr. Martin Paruue and family intend to go .to Banon in Yadkin count, next Sunday to the Bran- on reunion. They attended this clan meetiiLg last year. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Branon celebrated their golden wedding on that occasion. Mr. Johnny Foster and Mrs. Foster c-imounce the birth of a girl July 4. Mrs. Sneed Gentry of Burch, Mrs. Johnny Foster’s mother, is spending this week with her daughter. There is singing at Brier Creek church every Sunday afternoon at 2:30. Mr. Griham Myers and Mrs. Myers and their little son, David Worth, came to see her parents late in the p. m. of the Fourth. They had just returned from Roar ing Gap I*ake where they witness ed the pathetic finding of Prof. Howard McCann, who "was drown ed in the lake Saturday night about nine o’clock. Prof. McCann and Mrs. McCann, with a party of four others, -were in a motor boat when it capsized. He helped his wife get hold of the boat with the four others. It was thought he was stnjck on the back of the head when the boat overturned. A rescue party from Winston-Saletn drug the lake fo*" H'® bouy night and day till they found it. It was about one hundred feet from where the accident occurred in 40- foot water. Prof. McCann was Supt. of Mountain Park accredited high school last year. He was popular and his going matks the end of a- prominent leadership. Mrs. Vetral Boyd, who has been very sick is again able to be up some, her friends are glad to learn. All who are interested in the up keep of Brier Creek cemetery are invited to be on hand July .1? with a tool of some kind to join^ in the “working.” Come early. Rev. N. T. Jarvis “just the other day” called on Rev. R. R- Crater at his home in Ronda and gave him a happy surprise. Mrs._ Laura Martin Linney had sent him a nice 7x9 Linoleum rugget. Rev. Mr. Crater said it was ex actly what he needed for his stu dy. He sure did appreciate it. Misses Polly and Kate Pardue called on Miss T. Armisa Sale yes- tei-day evening and brought her aj gallon of nice tender snap beans and quart of pickled cucumVjrs. Messrs Gar.field Cheeks anJ Paul Hemric of near Elkin were at Hol ly Hill looking over the timber the 5th. I Mr. Worth Sale and Mrs. Salci were in North Wilkesboro shop-^ ping last Saturday. Misses Mae Boyd and Francis Roberts were afternoon callers at Hollv Hill yesterday. l k tew weeks. ■■ Miu 6 posltloi^ Bt BB4‘j|r«. iohB EOkr. - r -= Mr. W. B. ,-jnefebw bUI* drbn. Will, John B^ , have moved to tkelr’ de#>^1l^mii near where the tots Mr. was rsarad. ■- ■ •>♦-* Mr. and Mrs. Htll a tew dara with her pnVeBtib ' and Mfe' Jfn. yin and fdlUa tale«i_)MTatt(Bt» of thto Bhman belngt ean ’contract TB^h fever (Tntaremia) ' from stora than 20 animato other timo' Lenoir, N. C. Second Week of Drastic Price Cuts In Spayumr s JULY BE HERE EARLY FOR THESE ‘DOOR CRASHERS’ ( FRIDAY MORNING SPECIAL GROUP RAYON & SILK 'Values to $1.00 Yard This lot consists of solids in Navy Blue, Brown, Black, Green and many pastel shades. Lengths of 1-4 yd. to 5 yd. pieces—Yard . Basement ( FRIDAY MORNING! I^adies’ 50c Value Rayon TAFFETA SLIPS Colors Of Tea Rose, Plain Or Lace Top. Sizes 34 to 44 ( Basement ★ One Group Finely Tailored DRESSES LIGHT WEIGHT CHAMBRAY NOVELTY COTTONS One Group $4.95 $9.48 Values—Now — im One Group $7.95 $9.98 Values—Now V One Group $12.95 $fi.48 Values—Now O —MAIN FLOOR— ★ Group Crepe Dresses Values $10.95 to $17.95 $5.64 One Lot—Values to $19.95—Now $7.64 One Lot Hats Super Special Clearance Values To $4.95—Light and Dark Colors —all otie price— 50c MAIN FLOOR SUPER SPECIAL Further Reductions On Ladies’ Shoes F^ Friday and Saturday One Big Rack Black, Blue, Japonica and White. Values up to $5.00 $1.00 —pair— —Main Floor— ★ Grottp Evening DRESSES IN MOIRE CREPE AND CHIFFON $4.95 Values— ’ $0,48 $5.95 Values— $0.98 Now iU $6.95 Values— $9.48 Now ' O —MAIN FLOOR— ★ EXTRA SPECIAL! One Lot of Irregulars of Bates up to $4.95 SPREADS —BASEMENT— Down Go The Prices On Spainhour's Entire Stock Of Cotton and Silk Yard Goods T R W. Gwyn. cashier, of the above-named bank do solemn y t^t the above statement is true, and that it fully and ents the true state of the several matters he-em contained and h to the best of my knowledge land belief. ' R. W. GWYN, Cashier Ckirrect.—Attest: E. M. BLACKBURN, R. G. FINLEY, J. R. HIX, Directors S North Carolina, County of Wilkes, ss; Sworn to and sdhscribed before me this life day 1^’ V liMvbv certify that I am not an officer or director of this bank. [ I hereby cermy uiaz g^NNETH BROOKS. Notary Public. ^ OB uqiina Pabraitr) A Thief Who Stole $180.000.-j 000 a Year. Read About the i Alarming Crimes of the Rat and | His Family of 123.000.000 Gang-; sters and How They Exact Enor-j mous Tribute From Uncle Sara,, j the Farmer and You. An IIlus-|| (rated Feature In The American | Weekly Magazine, with Next Sun- j day’s Times-Herald, now on sale. I| ELP: £$er>lhioK froM Smip W NnU ^ *oul4 dlt«n l«0 9ond» tf toad One Rack Ladies* SHEER VOILE ■ ^ Lower Than Today’s Wholesale Costs 35^0# DRESSES —on all— Formerly Sold Up To $1.00 Rm] sSnrP3n9 —all one price— Ji o ^ l/vU K/|llv(lUO Jacquards or Chenille These Spreads range in price ^from $2.98 to $14.95 and in every color in the rainbow —BABEaCEMT— 4 —BASEMENT— ,..v-V . ■ - AouU dgtijr. Wbco pou Ml hm rich f’x>'!i or «fa«i m •» chew pcjily--9Qor ftenu^ moch fluid. Yoar tooi I Mn ooi m m4 m ttMl* kUde UbUU .1 ‘ "