THE JOtTKNAL-PATiRIOT. ioRG» k;c.’ m Casli Premiums Offered By Northwestern Fair Sept. 12-16 (Cintbmed from page two) n Old Birds, 12.50; $1.50; 76c. $100; Section 7—.Amy Other Breed Cock, $1.00: 76c: 50c. Cockerel, $1.00 : 75c; 50c. Hen, $1.00; 75c; 50c. Pullet, $1.00; 75c; 50c. Pen Young Birds, $2.50; $1.50; 75c. Pen OH Birds, $2.50; $1.50; 75c. Grand Champion Bird Sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7, Champion Ribbon. Section 8—Capons Best Matured my breed, $2.00; $1.00; 75c. Section 9—^Turkeys Bronze Tom, $1.25; 75c; 50c. Bronze Hen, $1.25; T5c; 60c. Bourbon Tom, $1.2.5; 75c; 50c. Section 10—i>ucks Bourbon Hen, $1.25: 75c: 50c. Pair Indian Runner.s, $1.00; 75c; 50c. Pair Any Other Breed, 75c; 50c. Section 11—Geese ^'Lcr, Any Breed, $1.00; 75c if Section 112—Eggs Best Dozen White Eggs, 75c; 50c; 25c. Best Dozen Brown Kggs, 75e; 50c; 25c. Section 13—Rah' its Best Display, any and all breed.- 75c; 50c; 25c. Best Pair Seniors. 75c' 50c; 25c. f Best Pair Juniors. 7.5c; 50c; 25c Department D—Boys and Girls 4-H Club Work SECTION 1—UVEr-TOCK Jerseys Female.s, Junior C.ilf (r'-oiv'' Jan, 1, 1939, to June :'.0. 1939. tr. elusive). $5.00: $3.00; $2.00. Females, Senior t ali' c dropped July 1, )9;1S, CO Ilee. 31, 5>19.>S, in clusively). $5.00; $2.00. F’emalcs, Junior V.'ur:ir.g (drop ped Jan. 1. 192S to .lune 20, 193ti. inclusive), $0.00; $4.u0; $3.0". Females, Senior Y--arling dropp ed July 1, 1927. to Dee. 31. 193' . inclusive), ?6.00: $-1."": $3.W. Females, Cow or ileifer (dropp ed July 1, 1936, to .Uir.e 30, 19:!6, inclu.'ive). $6.00: $!.('0; > ■.('■'. Female, Cow (dropped previous to July 1. 19361, $6.00; $4.00: $:•!. Junior Champion, $5.00. Senior Champion, $5.(HI. Grand Champion. $5.00. Guernseys Female, Junior Calf (droppeO Jam 1, to June 30. 1939) $.-..00; $3.00: $2.00. Female Senior Calf, (dropi.e.i July 1. to Dee. 31, 193S), $5.00: $.3.00; $2.00. Cow (dropped Prior to July 1. 1936), $6.00; $4.00; $3.06. P.eef Cattle Light Weight F.U Steer or Heifer. $10.00: $5.00; $2.00. Heav-y ^Veight Steer or Heiiei, $10.00: $5.00; $2.00. Swine Best Sow Pig. six month.s or North Wilkeshoro Route 2 News NOTICE OF SALE -•'North Carolina Wilkes County. In The Superior Court Before The Cler’s Under ami by v;rtuc of an or der of the Superior Court of Wilke.s county, made in the soeeial proreedtT'.g entdled. Cora E- Reid, Admina-tratrix, et, al. -v- Thoma.s KoM, o'. ;.i. '.He .sarno boing N’o. ''“1 ' p in t ;e spec: d proi'oeding lio'-'set N >. 1. ol sa..i court, the '.ipdoi'Signi'.l con'.mis- will, on the ’iO'.h dav of .Augu.-t 19::9, at 12 o'elook -M.. at tho courliiou-^e door in ilkesboro, Wilkes county, Nh rtC:i"o!ina. of fer for .s.'de to tae itiehe-t hahier for th:it ■.erttrn tract of land lying and t>eit.g in M likes eountv, # North Carolina, u'djoiimig the hind'- ,)f .1. 55. Motu'e, James .An- dcrs(in, .A. I.. Marhov. Wilson M'lore and 5V. R. Johnson and others, and more particularly de- scriiHMi as follows, to wit; FIRST TR.ACT; - Situated in Lovelace township W'ilke.s county. North Carolina, and adjoining the lands of J. W. Moore, James An derson, .A. L. Marlow, and Lean- der Moore and others, and contain ing 10 acres more or less. _ For further reference see Book 159 in the Register of Deeds office at page 311. SECOND TRACT:-^Situated in Lovelace township, Wilkes county. North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Wilson Moore described and defined as follows; Lying and b6in^ in I^ovelo-cc tow*nsh.ipt Wilkt'S county, North Carolina, and ad joining the lands of 55’ ilson Moore heirs, 55’. R- Johnson and the heirs of John Johnson and con taining 61 acres more or less^ For further reference see Book 159 at ' page 310 in the Register of Deeds office. This July 29, 1939. F. J. McDUFFIE, Commissioner. 8-21-4t (m) over, $5.00; $3.00: $2.00. Best Boar Pig, six months or over, $5.00: $3.00; $2.00. Best Barrow, or gtiilt, six mon ths or over, $5.00; $3.00; $2.00. SECTION 2—CORN For ten best ears single ear va riety, white, $2.00; $1.00; 75c. For ten best ears prolific varie ty, white, $2.00; $1.00; 75c. For ten best ears single ear va riety, yellow, $2.00; $1.00: 76c. For ten beat ears prolific varie ty, yellow, $2.00: $1.00; 76c. SECTION 3—POULTRY Pen of Barred' or Plymouth Rocks, $2.00; 11.00; 50c. Barred Plymouth Rock Cock erel, 75c; 25c; R. Bari-ed Plymouth Rock Pullet, 75c I 25c’ R. W'hite Rocks, Pen, $2.00; $1.00; 50c. j 5Vhite Rock Cockerel, 75c; 25c; R. 55'hite Rock Pullet, 75c; 25c; R. Rhode Island Reds, Pen, $2.00; $1.00: 50c. Rhode Island Red Cockerel, 75c; 25c; R. Kliode Island Red Pullet, 75c; 25c; R. White Leghorns, Pen, $2.00; $1.00; 50c. 5\' [.cghorn Cockerel, 75c: 25c; R. White Leghorn Pullet, 75e: 25c; K. i)ozen Bro%vn Eggs, 50c; 25c; R. Dozen White Eggs, 50c; 25c; K. .''EtTiON 1—ROO.M l.M- PROVavIE.Vl' j Best Bed Spi'c.ul, $2.60; ; . ■ Best Pail' Bedroom Curtams.l $2.00; $1.00: R SECTION :> —CLOT 111N(1 Junior Girls—12 to 14 tears Two Hand or Tea Towels, mad', entirely by hand, 75c; 50c; 25c. Best .Apron (made entirely bi exhibitor) 75c; 50c; 25c. Senior Girls—14 to 20 Years Cotton oi Suit, $1.50; $1.00; 75c. Woolen Drcs.s or Suit, $2.00; $1.00: 50c. .silk l>res.s or Suit. $2.00; $1.00; 50c. Costume Sli[) or Gown, $1.00; 75c; 50c. House Coat or Pajamas, $1.00; 75c: 50c. .SEITION 6—FOOD PRESER VATION (Juarts Best ja" vegetable or soup mix ture. 75c; 50c; R. Best jar fruit. 7.5c; 50c, K. Rints Best jar preserves (any kind) 75c; .50c I K. Best j-i.r jelly (any kind) 75c; 50e; R. Department E—Culinary, House Furnishings and Clothing SECnON 1—C.V.VNEU FRUITS, VEGETABLES AND .MILVTS Ouart Jars Berrie.s (any kind), $1.00; 50c; R. (’herries( sour), $1.00; 50c; R. Peaches (halve.- or sliced) $l.()i): .56c; K. I’ears. $1.0i); 50c: R. t'aiTi'ts (whole, diced or sliceiD, ■•iiiK; .5((e; R. .Asparagus, $1.00; oOc; R. TomatiX's (whole) $1.00; 50c: R. .-.lip I .iio';'. $i.Uii: 59c; R. Sauer Kraut, $1.00; 5' c: R. .s.iing iH'aiis. iii'actical pack, .$!.60: aiK; R. Green I’e:;-, $1.60: aOe; R. l irti leut or type) $l.()t); •vi.-, i;. l,:n-,:i Beans. >:'..()(); .50r; K. li'a'a I whole or cut) $1.66; 5Ue; The revival meeting closed at Arbor Grove church Sunday with three addition to the church. The pastor. Rev. J. S. Bryant, was as sisted by Rev. Mr. Curry, Mr. Lensy Carpenter has re covered from an appendicitis op eration performed at the Wilkes Hospital recently. Miss Bernice Johnson, of Win ston-Salem, !s spending this week with her cousin, Miss Helen Se bastian. Mrs. Betty Ward, of Jonesvllle, 1s visiting friends and relatives in this community. Mr. and Mrs. Rush Carpenter and family, of Indiana, are visit ing Mr. Carpenter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noah Carpenter. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Gentry and Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Gentry and family, of Elkin, were din ner gueals of Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Sebastian. Sunday. PWA Administrator Orders Cut In Rolls Washington. Aug. 16.—^John M. Carmody. federal works ad ministrator, ordered today that PW.A’s personnel total here and in field offices be cut in half. The reduction. Carmi'dy sai" will be started September 1 and continued—with cut.s every two weeks in suecesslve pay days— until the present enrollment of 10.417 persons has been brought down to about 5,200. The order affeets 2.4 7 2 Wash ington employes and T.Olo em ployes. rarninrly annonm- d nt Oi" ssno- I ill!" rOi:solid-‘t ion of regions 6 and 7, eomliining the San Pnnoisp.'i and Porlland. ('r. .. offii-os with tieadquarters in San Franeisco. Trucking Of Gasoline Held Public Menace Charlotte, Aug. 16. — The Meckleni-urg county grand jury reported today that transporta tion of gasoline In motor tanks on the highways of the state was a menace to public safety and mu nicipalities should enact ordi nances prohibiting transportation of the inflammable product through the business districts and densely populated areas of all cities. Judge Don Phillips commend ed the grand jury for its report and ordered copies of It scat to city and county officials In this vicinity. Tho value of poultry :ii(d egi;-- produced in ttie United States in Itl.lS was nearly a liillion dol lars. or about 12 tier cent of the toial farm income. A total of 3.50 cotton improve ment group.s had been approved by August 10 for free classifica tion of their 11)39 crop as com pared with only three for the 1938-39 ginning season. By sprinkling acid phosphate every few days on manure piles around his dairy barns, A. C. Barefoot, a MarncU county farm er. has practically eliminated flies about his place. t'ellcctions W'gctabic and Fruit. 1-2 qu.uG, $19.09: .$T.()(): $4.90. l’ickle.s Ui'r.i'Ction I’ccsctwc.'- 3 Pints (3 v-iicGis) .$3.60; $2.v9. $1.00. Uo’kcticn Jam--;: Pints (3 va- riv.iv.s(, $'!.00; $2.00: $1.00. Collection Jelly—Three 6 oz. glas-scs (3 varieties), $3.00; S2.00; .>1.99. Collection Piekle.s—3 Pints (3 varieties) $.3.00: $2.00; $1.00. Canned .Meats (juart Jars Beef, any cut, $1.50: $1.00. P..'i’k, anv t'.'ne. $1.;)0; $1.00. Chicken, *$ 1.50; $1.00. Cured Meat Ham. $5.00; $2..50. Bbouidcr, $'!.00; $2.00. .S.cip of b' le or Bacon, $2.00; $1.00. .SECTION 2—BREAD, CAKES, ETC. Bread Graham, whole wheat or white yeast loaf bread, $1.00: 75c. Rolls, white, 1 dozen, SI.00; 75c. Corn Meal Mulfins, 1-2 dozen, 75c; 50c. Baking Powder Bi.scuits, 1-2 dov. 75c: 50c. Cakes and Cookies Pound Cake oi .Marble Cake, .$2.00; $1.00. Sponge Cake, $2.00; $1.00; U. Angel Food Cake, $2.00; $1.00; U. Liver Cake, 2-3 layers, any type filling, .$2.00: $1.00; R. Devil’s Food Cake, any type filling, $2.00; $1.00; K. Ice Box Cookies (1-2 dozen), $1.00; 75c; R. Spi'U' Coo'kIcs (1-2 doz.), $1.()0. 75c; K. Filled Cookies (1-2 doz.). $1.00; 7.5c: R. Doughmits—C.ike type, .$1.25; 7.5c: R. By Cnildren Und-T 16 Years Half dozen baking powder bis cuits. $75c; 50c; R. Liycr Cake, any type filling, $1..50l 7.5e; R. .Angel I'ooil or S|ionge Cake (not iced), $1.50; 75c; R. Cookies, any type (1-2 doz.) $1.00; 7.5c; R. SECTION :t—CLOTHING Women’s Clothing Best Apron from Chop Sack, $1.00; 50c; R. Best House Diess (cotton), $2.00; $1.00; R. Best General Wear (any material) $2.00: $1.00: R. Knitted and Crocheted Goods Best Knitted Suit, 2 pieces or more (any type yarn), $2.00: $1.00; R. Best Table Runner or Cen’er- piece (crocketed), $1.00; 75c: R. Sample Crocheted Trimm ing: $1.00; 75c; K. Needle Work Best Display Cutwork, two or more pieces, $1.00; 75c. Best Display Satin Stitched Embroidery, $1.00; 7.5c. Best Display Hand Hemstitch ing; $1.00; 75c. Best Display Plain Embroidery, $1.00; 75c. Old Ladies Work—Made by Person Not Under 65 Years of Age Any Article of Hand Work made in last 5 years, $2.00: $1.00 SECTION 4—HOUSE FUR NISHING Best Home Made Rug, $2.00; $1.00. Best Quilt, patch work or appli que, $2.00; $1.00. Best (5uilt, 50 years old or older, any type, $2.00; $1.00. Best Bed Spread, crocheted or plain woven, $2.00; $1.00. Best Bed Spread, tufted, or candlewick, $2.00; 51.00. Best Bed Spread, woven, 50 years or over, $2.00; $1.00. Reading the r.da get von mor. 'or leas money. Try ft Others Get WeD—So Can You Have you stomach, heart, liver, kidney, bowel, or fe' ’sie trouble? Have you rheumatism, catarrh, asthma, paraly- Rii, dyspep.'ua, constipation, diabetes, gas on stomach or a constant headache? Do you have some organic trouble keeping your vitality low and making you sick? The results are tvonderful. Try Chiropractic. My methods not only stimulate, but eliminate |he cause, thus permitting nature to perform her work. Dr. E. S. COOPER :CHIROPRACTOR: n.OSED EACH THURSDAY AFTERNOON Telephone 205-R Office Next Door to Reina-Sturdfrant, lac. i £ \%ale ends SEPT. tiA k7t Tir4$tone standard S IZE ► Price For The UtTire Next Tire 50% Dttconnt Price For 2 Tirol YOU SAVE 4.40-21 f 4.50- 21 S 4.75-19 / 5.00- 19 ( 4.50- 20 ( 5.00- 20 ( 5.25- 17 1 5.50- 17 ) 5.25- 18 ( 5.50- 18 \ 6.00- 18 57.20 7.45 7.60 9.50 8.65 10.35 $3.60 3.73 3.80 4.75 4.33 5.18 $10.80 11.18 11.40 14.25 12.98 15.53 $3.60 3.72 3.80 4.75 4.32 5.17 50% DISCOUNT ALSO APPLIES TO TKE PURCHASE r iriB • • mk m w aw TirGStonc champion Tirc$toti HIG )H SP CED n resto ne c SIZE Price For The ItfDre Next Tire 50% Dlieoeet Price For 2 Tires YOU SAVE SIZE Price For The 1st Tire Next Tire 50% Dliceeat Price For 2 Tire* YOU SAVE SIZE Price For The lit Tire Next Tire 50% Diseeeet Price For 2 Tire* YOU SAVE 5.25- 17 1 5.50- 17 5 6.00-16.. 6.25- 16.. 6.50- 16.. 7JW-16. $14.65 15.95 17.95 19.35 21.95 $ 7.33 7.98 8.98 9.68 10.98 $21.98 23.93 26.93 29.03 32.93 $7.32 7.97 8.97 9.57 10.97 4.75-J9. » 5.00-19..f 5.25- I7. 1 5.50- 17. i 5.25- 10 .1 SA0-18..J B.OO-16... E.25-16.) 6.50- 16.) $10.30 13.20 12.00 14.35 17.40 $6.15 8.60 6.00 7.18 8.70 $15.45 19.80 18.00 21.53 26.10 $5.15 6.60 6.00 7.17 8.70 4.4S-21..) 4.50- 21.1 4.75-19 .1 5.00- 19.. I 5.25- 17.. 1 5.50- 17..) 5.25- 18.1 5.50- 18..) 6.00- 16.... $8.35 8.60 11.00 10.00 11.95 $4.18 4.30 5.50 5.00 5.98 $12.53 12.90 16.50 15.00 17.93 $4.17 4.30 5.50 5.00 5.97 ABOVE PRICES INCLUDE YOUR OLD T IRE OTHER SIZES PROPORTIONATELY LOW. E GUARANTEE NO TIWE OR MILEAGE LIMIT See Firestone Tires made in the Firestone Factory and Eihibitira Building at New York World’s Fair. Also visit the Firestorm Eihibrt at the Golden Gate International Exposition at San Francisco. Listen to the Voice of Firestone with Richard Croofcj, Morgaret Speoki and the Firestone Symphony Orche^a, under Wallensteini Monday evenings, over Nationwule N. B. C. Red Network. Firechief Gasoline and Havoline Motor Oils We SpeciaUze In Washing, Polishing, Waxing, and MARFAX LUBRICATION liilrai H. P. ELLER, Proprietor Phone 27 North Wilkeshoro, N. C. “Your Texaco Dealer For Six Years’’