THE JOURNAL-PATRIOT. NORTH WlMSBOtlO. Ni C. Ti iA.mi—iifa—iiiniiimi^ff I. :SS MAMTE 80CKWEIX, TelephoM 21B Mfs. D. L. Crook Gave fturty For Her Sisters To honor her two sisters, Mrs. ■T. P. Cridlebaugh, of Washing- toB, D. C., and Mrs. Carl Sechler, •( High Point. Mrs. D. 1^. Crook •Btertalned at bridge and rook •t her home on Memorial Ave- Bne Wednesday evening. A color •eheme of pink and white was curled out in the decorations, uid the refreshments which pre- eccded the game. The hostess was •Misted in the serving by Miss Kettle Ruth Wilmoth and Mrs. Pressley Myers. Three tables were made up for bridge with the high score prize doing to Mrs. Frank Tomlinson and the traveler’s prize to Mrs. Xthel Moore. The top score a- ward in the rook game, which was played at two tables, was won by Mrs. Murphy Hunt. Both of the honorees were remember ed with gifts. Mrs. Charles Howard Is Bible Class Hostess An Interesting meeting of the Ila Holman Bible of the Wllkesboro Baptist church was held with Mrs. Charles Howard having seventeen members and six visitors present. The meeting opened by singing “Help Some body Today’’ after which Mrs. R. It. Wellborn gave the devotionals ncing as her theme “Some of the Ways of Higher Living.” For the program Mrs. J. B. Doughton gave a reading “Some body Needs Your Sympathy,” Mrs. F. T. Colvard gave “Life Is What We Make It,” Mrs. Tom Foster’s "Life’s Lesson,” and Mrs. J. W. Neal and Mrs. A. G. Brinegar talks on “Judging.” Miss Cynthia Rhodes of Winston- Salem, and a niece of Mrs. How ard, gave a reading “He Is the King of Love.” In contests held during the social hour Mrs. Neal and Mrs. Doughton were winners of prizes. In serving refreshments and hos tess was assisted by her daugh ters and Miss Rhodes. Mrs. Bob Turner presided for the business session. S.S. Clas.s to Have Swimming Party and Picnic Supper The Philathea class of the North Wilkesboro Methodist church will have a swimming party and picnic supper at the swimming pool of Mr. C. P. Walter at the tannery Wednes- gt the home of the day afternoon at 5:30 o'clock, iiougp was decorated with baskets All who want to go in tor a swim come at this hour. The supper will he served at of summer flowers. The dining room table was covered with a 6:43. lace cloth and centered with a The party is being sponsored by gUver basket of mixed flowers. Phipps-Jones A wedding characterized by dignity and simplicity was solem nized Saturday afternoon at 5 o’clock at the Methodist church in Wilkesboro when Mrs. Eileen Phipps became the bride of Mr. Jay Franklin Jones with only a small group of most intimate friends attending. The pulpit was attractively decorated with floor baskets and vases of white and pink gladoli and tube roses with Malden Hair fern. White cathedral tapers on seven branched candelabra shed a soft light over the nuptial scene. Prior to the ceremony a musi cal program was rendered by Mrs. Verne Biackwelder of Le noir, consisting of Romanje by Schnman. Venetian Love Song by Nevein. To A Wild Rose by Mc Dowell was softly played during the ceremony. The wedding march from Wagner’s Lohengrin was used as a processional and Mendelssohn’s Wedding March for the recessional. The bride and groom entered the church togeth er unattended and were met at the chancel by Rev. W. A. Lynch, the bride’s pastor, who officiated. The bride was becomingly gowned in blue and white chiffon with matching accessories. She wore a corsage of roses and liliies of the val'ey. Mrs. Biackwelder wore an ensemble of blxie and white with corsage of pink roses. Immediately after the cere mony an informal tea wa.s held bride. The Social Calendar Annual picnic of the FidelIs class of the First Baptist church will be hdld Tne:^y, August 22, 6:80 o’clock at the home of Mrs. C. O. McNeill. It is hoped that all members and honorary members will attend. Florida Visitors Honored At Picnic Luncheon Schools At MiDers Creek Open 28th Change Made In Bus Route To Accomodate Greater Number Of Children The Millers Creek central school and district schools will open Monday, August 28. There xvill be a teachers’ meet ing held Saturday, August 26, at 8 a. m. in the Millers Creek school for both the central school and district teachers. Patrons of' the Millers Creek the loosing side in an interesting contest, which has been running in the class since Easter Sunday. NEVER BEFORE .\T THESE PRICES! on the sensational new safety tire II. S. ROYAL v^lth “RRAKE-AGTiON" nLV\J) ox E.VCH TIKE See How Much You Save On Each I i> SIZE >avim; - From I.i"t >I/,K Fr*rt c.2.5 d; Sio.o.i :,50-lt) S t.S3 7..5i--h: S.20 '1.25-!0 II 7.00-if. 6.17 iliiO-’. il 'l.'i 7.110-1,5 6.;J0 5.50-17 Save $40.12 WITH YOUR OLD TIRE 193 ^’s Quicker Stopping Safety Device Endorsed By Car Engineers ®015CKER STOFFINO ‘BR.AKE-.ACTION” TR 1 i) . . . 2500 extra ^rippio^ cd^es opefl up the instant brak .s arc appE ‘d.. - grip and hold the road.. .stt pcar.i quicker, strailhter, on even the slipperiest of wet pavc^>‘Tis. ®38?? MORE NON-SKID TKE.AD MILES • CHOSEN FOR AMERICA’S FINEST 1940 CARS • ENGINEERED TO MATCH NEW CAR PERFORMANCE pgurP ONE - MINUTE DEMONSTRATK).N r K Sl bL proves SAFETY ADVANTAGES AT ^fSE OTHER MONEY SAVING OPPORTUfimfS 1 Sandwiches, ice cream and cake were served. Shortly afterwards the bridal couple left for a trip through the Mountains of West ern North Carolina. The bride is the attractive daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Calloway Hubbard. She is a grad uate of North Wilkesboro high school and Draugbon’s Business College in Winston-Salem. For the past two yea"s she has held a position of trust in the office ni Lenoir Furniture. Corporation. Lenoir. N. C. Mr. Jonc.s is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert t,. Jones, of Oak- woods, N. C. lie rereived bis edii- catioa in Ibe Wilke-'b-oro high school and holds a responsihlo position witli tile Oak Furnitnie company. !Mis; Eli’anor Trivette Feted At l.ovely Pnrty Miss Eleanor Trivette, popular 1,ride-elec' of Greensboro, was liorored at a lovely bridge parivl liere Thnrsday afternoon by her | aunt. Mrs. Charles E. Jenkins, j Sr., and Mrs, Charles E. Jenkins. Jr.! at the home of the former on Memorial Avenne. The hon- oiu'e 's to be wed to William Rob ert Kuenzel, ,lr., of Detroit. Michigan, on Saturday evening. September !t, at seven o’clock in a formal ceremony at the West Market Street Methodist church in Greensboro, and is having ytrs, Jenkins. Jr., as one of her bridesmaids. Roses and other cut flowers made a festive setting for the gnosis at six tanles of bridge and foie of rof:k. while the tallies iwere in liridal and wedding bell LMis. Winners for the top I score prizes were Mrs. Joseph Whicker. .Jr., in liridge and Mrs. .loi' E. Johnson in rook. Honor gift for Miss Trivette was a Sheffield tray and to Mrs. Whicker, a bride of Julv, the 'lostessos prcsenteii individual steiling silver salt containers, Mrs. Whicker is the former Miss Miriam Durrett, of Greenwood. Miss. Refreshments in two courses were served at the conclusion of play with the ices in a green and white heart motif. As a courtesy to Mr. and Mrs. Fred L. Shoemaker, of Miami, Florida, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Nichols entertained around fifty members of the family of the late James M. and Lottie Hayes Stout.a^e requested to please at a picnic luncheon and dinner,«‘art all ‘h»'Jren of school age at their home at Purlear Sunday, a'^ool the first day. The co- August ?nth operation of parents in this mat- ‘ Brothers and sisters present;‘er will enable each child to get were: Mr. J. R. Stout, of North an even start with other mern- Wilkesboro: Mr. H. T. Stout, Wil kesboro, Route 1; Mrs. Lou Mc Neill, Wilkesboro, Route 1; Mrs. N. S. Forester, Sr., and Mrs. T. C. Caudill, of North Wilkesboro: Mrs. L. L. McNeill and Mrs. W. H. Nichols, of Purlear: and Mrs. Shoemaker, from Miami. One brother, C. J. Stout of Boone, was unable to attend. An enjoyable feature of the afternoon was the singing by the choir from Purlear Baptist church and a quartet composed of Mr. D. C. Whittington, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Hayes and Mr. J. F. Hayes. Guests attending from a dist ance were Mr. and Mrs. Jim Shoemaker and Mrs. Ernest Mc Guire and little daughter, Jo .Anne, from Banners Elk, and Miss Goff from Winston-Salem. Mr. and Mrs. Shoemaker left Monday morning for their homo in Miami. Sunbeam C’ass Had A Picnic Wednesday The Sunbeam clas.s of the First Baptist church, with their leader, Mrs. J, Q. Adams, held a most en joyable picnic on the church grounds Wednesday afternoon. A- round twenty-five children were present. hers of his or her class. This co-operation on the part of parents will help princi pals and teachers to make certain neces.sary adjustments In the en rollment classification and trans portation of students which should be made as early in the first week of school as possible. Extensions on school bus routes have been made as fol lows: Bus number 12 makes a loop from the Rendezvous Moun tain road westward by C. C. Hayes’ residence and hack to Pxirlear postoffice. Bus number 38 leaves highway 421 just west of North Wilkes- horo and goes by Tomlinson’s brick yard to Union School. Bus number 39 will operate on the Tumbling Shoals road on the north hank of Reddies river be tween the shorl-fnrn bridge and the Whittington bridge ahova. Contract lines will extend to Sherman school and Oak Grove School. Mrs. W. R. Absher Is Hostes.s At Rook Party Mr-. W. R. Absher w ;s hos tess at a delightful dessi rt-rook pai'ty at her home “M isterwyn * on Memorial Avenue Friday eve ning at which time she had giirst.s sufficient for four tables. The high and low score awards in tin. game wenl to Mrs. Frank Tomlinson and Mrs. Ethel Moore. The decorations and refreshments emr'liasizffl a color note of pink and green. Elkin Man Fatally Injured In Accident Kins'on. Ang. 20. — R. W. James. 30, of Elkin, was killed, and Viggo C. Jenson, of Conway, S. C., was proiiahly fatally in jured in an antomohile oollision mar here tonight. Five other persons were injur ed. .All were expected to recover. They are T-ee Luther Staton, 25. of Rocky Mount. L'on Deans. 21. of Kinston, and Harry and Jack Malone ami Frerl Odom, of Graingers, mar here. THE SCOUT REPORTER By David Hill Carlton, Jr. ScriI>o of Troop 35 SPECIAL saving TUBES 25% OFF 'lonev Saving Value The U. S. Tire Now As Low As $5.85 GOOD USED TIRE Trade ins—Only and i.p $.,00 Gaddy Motor Co. Tenth Street North Wilkesboro, N. C. ■'Tig. Rrv.on Gilrentb Flntevthinod For Bride Mrs. Rrvan Gilr''ath enter-nin- e! at a tleligh'fiil bridge party at lief Itom'* on 11 Street Eridav night announcing the marriage iif Itn- niece. Miss Ressic Cliloe Rltodes and Shoun Keri'ntigh. whhh took r'3f'^‘ a -'■''f"' (lav. Font- tahles wort- arrangeil for i't't !gi‘ in a col.irful setting of ■'.ar.l'.- f;n\vr-r-'. witich the place cav.'s liof' the initials of the In-hla! rfiui'l-' and tlie date of their •uarri'ige. rvhhdi was .Au gust 21. Au ice course fol lowed yday. Aliss Gwemlolyn TIuhbard was •he w = i 11 V t'f tiie top score prize, and (o I lie honoree tll.n hostess prpsrn'Xe* a lovely gift. Air. and Mrs. Kerhangh are on flie;f we.’di.'g trip this week, wliieh iiu-liides places in AVestern Noi'lti Caroiiisa and Tennessee. Annual Picnic of Cia.'is and Circle To Bo Held Tuesday The anntial picnic of the Franklin circle and the Aonng Ladies Bible class of the North ' Wilkesboro Methodist church jwill he held Tuesday evening at j six o’clock on the lawn of the j homo of Mr. and Mrs. Frank ■ Johnson. Tin; INGREASE IN MFArBER- SMfl’ OP TROOP «.'> Th«' .summer membership of Troop 35 Is better than it has ever iteen. In the summer there are many other activities that take some of the hoys’ interest awa.v lot’ regartlless, 30 regular members are written in tbe troop books as Roy Scouts of Troop 3.J. At this same time last year only 2'J members were registered. Tile leaders of Troop 35 expect the meniltership to pick up to wards fall and Troop 3 5 will un doubtedly he lar.ger in the winter of into. There are several hoys j who liavp honorable discharges, to wtirk this summer who will rejoin wlien school starts. Troop 35, tile Flying Eagle Troop is di vided into three patrols—tlie Flaming Arrow' Patrol, the iloh AVhile Patrol and the Senior P:- 'rol. Following .ire the members of Troop 35: Scnutma.ster Isaac Duncan and .Assistant Scoutma: tor Effner Ell''r. Fiaming .Arrow Patrol; leader Billy Wade Estes, Glass Seont; .Assistant i'ad' r Billy Wade E.-tes, Glass Scout: .Assistant leader Bon Blakewood, RODV OF \( nDKXT VlGTIAl IS RKING SEN T TO KTiKIX Elkin. Aug. 2 .—News was re ceived here late today of the death of Robert AV. James, 3fl. Elkin man. who was instantly killed in an an'ornobile areiden’ near Kinston today. He was en- 'gag'd as an engiueer with tlie slate bigb’voy c' limission and was feinporarily located at Rocky Mount at tlie time of his death. His ijody was iieinc sent to El kin tonight for i'lirial. Funeral will i>e held at Elkin Monday afien .)on at 4 o'clock. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Grace Snow James; two sons, 11IIII11II11 i 'I' Patrol Firs I’atrel First Patrol Secord Glass Seoul: Palmer Horton Jr.. Tenderfoot Scout; Tal Rimes, ,Ir.. Tenderfoot Sc Hit: Hill GaF- tcM. Jr., Star Scout; Thomas Gil- r ath, Second Class ScoiU; .toe Jlinit. Tenderfoot Scout; Alvin Sturdivant. First Glass Scoct: Mirold Sturdivant, Tcndcvfc;.l Scout: Gurliss Welhourue. To:i- derfoot Scout; David AAel’Ourne. Tcnil'^rfoot Scout. Rob Whi’o Patrol: Pat.' ! I..': d- ev Henry Waugii. Firat Glass Scout: A.ssistant I’atrol Leadp' Lewis Tlill Jenkins, Second Class Scout: Ruster Bush, Tcndei-foi.t Scout: Robert Dennis. First G''ss Scout; .lack Hadley, Second^ Scout; Jay Johnson, Jr., Sccoii.J Scout; Joe Kelly, Tender foot Scout: Lomax Killiy, Second Glass Scout: Edwin Long, Second Class Scout; Ed Caudill. Tender foot Scout; Tommy Whicker. Tenderfoot Scout. Senior Patrol: Patrol Lea lei Wayne Caudill, Life Scout; Lo max Crook, Life Scout; Wayne Gentry, Star Scout and Ralph ■Wliittlngton, Star Scout. of of Bobble and his-mother, Mrs. C. F: Jame« of J Alrrd Mt. Airy; ajjFol^or, X, C. J^ies, I Usg the. edverlttiB^ coiuiKi»P^, of Elkin, (dster, MwV B. I this paper as your «n0ppinx:]W§**'* _ ^ ur—I ericanBeauty bU-aatonut^ electric iron The best iron made Buy Ah Iron bocow* » !• your work •oiluf, qulchur md boHK tand lost longer. And becauw despite Its slightly higher oHee, ■ will cost less to own and use. Special Offer — For a Limited Time I We Will Allow You $1.00 for Your Old Iron on your purchase of the new Tlmeiican Beauty” electric iron (Ekjnlppad wlfli oord-«ni>pozt) Tarma as Low M 95o Down — ^len $1.00 pet Month. % -9 DUKE POWER COMPANY. } 1 To School ecials . • • Two Velvet Pencils For 5c 6 Packages Note Book Paper Eor 2Sc Six lbs. Scratch Pads Good For Arithmetic and Spelling 25c Pen Staff and Paint 5c Regular 25c Note Book Covers with 2 Pkgs. Note Book Paper Spec al W^hile They Last——Elach 19c One Lot Good Note Book Covers —each— f 8c \ j3 Sheets Construction Paper All Colors—Package Use the advertising columns of ^ this paper as your shopping guide.,, O'igitul i^reenpiur C, ilONARD 5PlOfiCAbS «»U CHA#llS OBAtSON ^ by CHARLES LAMONT • a.mkC - AfKhxar. KEN GOLDSMITH • A NEW UNP/fMAl P1CTUFE , TriURj:DAY—FRIDAY ROi RA R liiGGEX r AND REST SHOW. r.OPBY BREEN .SALI.Y BLANE I ALi^H MORGAN HALi. JOHNSON CHOIR — in— By Down South’ TUESDAY ONLY “COOLEST SPOT IN TOWN’ i Bags—Wil each— §1,60 ORPHEUM M ■ M ■ ■ li ai n n Ai:d Inks, Paste, Mucilage, Eras- rs, Chalk, Colored Chalk, Hec tograph Supplies and Mimeo graph Supplies. Carter-Ksibbard Publishing Co. Telephone 70 North Wilkesboro, N. C. t

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