•^i-- jY^ AUGUST 21, 1939 THB JOURNAL-PATRIOT, NORTH WILKESBORO. iV. C. NBiS •Mr. P. E. Dancy, of Mulberry] Miss Ruth Laws, of Charlotte, township, was a business visitor j spent the week-end with her mo- to the 2lty today. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. ’Eller re turned Thursday from a few days vacation. They visited rela tives of Mrs. Eller at Warsaw and also spent a few days at Car olina Beach. Mrs. J. L. Clements announces that her kindergarten will open ~ - ■■■ ’ -r-yy^MT,! ’W Dellaplane and Roaring River Route 2 News Clifford Church Held In Death Of His Wife on Monday. September 11th Prospects are bright for another ! gross last class, Mrs. ther, Mrs. Ada Laws, at Moravian Falls. Attorney Eugene Trivette at- good kindergarten tended superior court at Lenoir Miss Ruth Hubbard is enjoying elements states today. a ten-days’ vacation from her position with the Bank of North i Miss Nancy Caudill and Mrs. Mr. T. W. Ferguson, was a-1 Wilkesboro. ! Claude C. Caudill have returned to their home on North Wllkes- Mrs. Earl Meadows, who holds oolite 1 after attending sum- a position with Carter-Hubhard ,,,.^001 at Lenoir-Rhyne Col- Publishing company, is on tlon this week. I I Mrs. B. B. Banner and son, B. Mr. A. R. Miller, well known g _ jj. _ ^f Galax, Va., are spend- Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Church and citizen of Vannoy. was in this i g relatives in Wil- daughtar. Peggy, of Wilkesboro. Saturday looking after bus-j b. B.. Jr., underwent a iness matters. tonsil operation this morning at Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cook, of jWHkes hospital. High Point, spent the week-end | g^d Mrs. Cecil Kilby re- wiih ^Trs. Cook’s parents. Dr. and , several days ago from a Mrs. W. A. Taylor. A successful revival was in pro week at Cranberry mong those here for several hours today. Mrs. George Parlier, of Wil- kesboro, is a pa dent of The Wilkes Hospital. are visiting relatives and friends in Ric'jmond, Va. Mr. George S. Forester and family, of this city, left Friday to spend ten days at Myrtle Beach, S. C. Mr. A. R. Miller, well known Rev. J. T.. A. Bumgarner, of Mi!Ier« Creek, is assisting bis resident of Vannoy nostoffice. i (s Bumgarner, is was a North M ilkeshoro business ■ ^ series of revival services at viid‘. r today. 1 Stanton.sburg this week. j vacation trip to Virgini.a Beach. While away they visited Mrs. Kil by’s sister. Mrs. Otto Church, in Richmond, Va. church. The pastor,- Rev. L. T. Younger, was assisted by Rev. N.| Sunday night, July 23. West Jefferson, Aug. 18.—In a hearing here today before Magis trates H. C. Tucker and Paul Williams. Clifford Church was bound over to the October term of the Ashe Superior court on a first degree murder charge of shooting and killing his wife on Sale Of Fiirestones At Central Service T. Jarvis and Rev. J. B. Ray. Mrs. Leonard Harris has been very 111. A successful revival was held two weeks ago at Antioch church. The pastor. Rev. Ed O. Miller, was assisted by Rev. J. B. Ray and other ministers. Mr. Alvin Sturdivant and fa ther-in-law, Mr, Caldwell, both of Wilkesboro; Mr. Sturdivant's uncle-in-law, Mr. Paul Morris, of Ohio; a small son of Mr. Sturdi vant; and Miss R'jth Linney, of this neighborhood, spent Monday of last week in Watauga county at Boone. Deep Gap, Grand View and other points and were the dinner guests of a Mrs. Grier, t: and Mrs. .T. H. Somers and children, of Wilkesboro, left yes-; terday to spend the week at Pauley’s Island, S. C. I Mrs. E. G. Hulse and daughter, Mi.ss Irene Hulse. of Durham, are spending this week with Mrs. Hiilse’s sister. Mrs. J. C. Critcii- er. Sr., at Moravian Falls. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Canter visit ed Mrs. Canter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H, Wingate, at In- ^pendence, Va., Sunday. ^t-vHss Loui.se Campbell, of Mo-'^^f- Nate F1nle>. ravian Falls, is spending tending the M orld s ht.ir. week in Boone with her aunt. Mrs. J. O. Cannon. Mrs. S. P. Mitchell and son. Phil, are spending two J; | the city from Manteo New ^ork City visiting her sis-!,. „ , „ and at- , ^ ... near Deep Cap. It was this cor- Mr. ann Mrs. P’ J-'- ^ | respondent’s first -isit to Wa tauga county, though her mother, the former Laura Martin, and her uncle. Julius C. Martin, taught at Cove Creek 50 years ago. Miss Ella Mae Staley, who had been staying with Mrs. Laura I.inney, Is staying with her aunt- in-law, Mrs. T..eonard Harris, who has been \e:'y ill. as their guests last week Mrs. Cook’s two sisters, Mrs. T. P. Cridlebaugh, of Washington, D I C.. and Mrs. Carl Sechler, of ; High Point. I Misses Vania .Anderson, Bessie I Lee Anderson. Marcella Pendley, and William Carrington have re- N. C., where they witnessed a presentation of "The Lost Col- onv.” Mrs. W. r. Scroggs and daugh ter. Mi.ss Breta Scroggs. of Mo ravian Kails. .Motored to Greens boro Saturday. Miss Kayte Laws r-'-nirned m her home at Moravian Falls Sal- urday after spending s -veral days with friends at HendersoiivilL'. Mrs. G. .s. Winters. I.i'.tle Miss Dottie and Masier Jiniinie Win ers, of 1 ,aarinhurg. ar^' sn.*r.d ng a week 'aith .Mr.-. Winters’ mn'h- er. Mrs. 1>. G. Wiles. Judge and Mrs. J. , Rous seau and children have returned Mrs. Sherman .\ndorson. Mrs. Dot Hendren. and Miss I.aiira Reynolds, of this I from Asheville, where they made day on a vatat.on , P • . • their home for six weeks while Beach. >. C. | was presiding A.shcville and I Judge Rousseau Mr ami Mrs. Maiirire Walsh I over courts at returned to the city several days ^ nearby towns. ago from a vacation trip to, Lnetlle Sernggs returned points of int.gv.s- aronr.d Ashe-1 ' I Saturday after spending .le past Mr E T TTacknev left yester- | week with friends in Greenshnro day for Now York Ciiv where liO|,and Manteo. will p'lri’haso fall merchandise f''f Hackney * Harris, While away aiKi winrer ] attended Patti Green’s play, ■h- firm of i F.o-t Colony." she 'The i l\irs. .1. rBIG SPEC1.4L ! ( R • /. • Pern (> ! (1 r o'-vlay and Wednesday u e vi-c Shamniii'. linger U .1 e. I 'ai ial and Mani.ii‘1' for ■Ri 'll M \TEKI U..-' 1 VR VNTKKl) WORK ) ) ) ) $1.00) ) $1.00 $1.50 $3.50 A1‘^: T, .illi-' ilineli’or of Air. niul Mr?. Erl Grv of ■n’il- i roc'iv' riM'-' nii-oly from an Op"T ■a'ion fii r ■ir'ipfiidici- •i-5 ;ir D.i 1 vi Ho!’!t-.il 1,'ist A'- -^. J \V. AVii’.- A'l--:, Jii'i i" !- tt-l'-’t’ :*vt! -•Ill r'r llll'"!!, Xi'H. T’. uMy ■1.1 .1 • 'in, r.f \Vin:’''i'i>t'o. ?:,v in D, • -.vi-ii Alr-i. I'. If’ H ' r* !• • ;i'nl fa niiiy. A t : „ r t r’- H-i’r'':-.r ,1 r.'liirnod -.1 ]\--V h’ I’r. ‘ in S:i!i-t oir'.' .-inultiv nftt’T vi' 1* irij • Inn- I'l r;i’ul'':iri’TiI. M”. HTlll M ■' v.-. i: I'-iiii'Mr.l, !'t M trovi.i r. K.ii 1-. for H r-ViTLll day-. 'M- ;ir ! V: -'ni ti : H-inipIn i«' , J Iv- n r-’’irr.-. 1 lo It.r’ir hOTii*’ iij C1-. il r'V;l' 1'". Fla,, tod.ay ( Mayflower .aiiiy Shoppe — Phone ISy— s. Jake Church, Owner .lit- r visiting P'l.itivo.; and friends ar Mnravi. n Fails f ’l' the past few days. Mr. fl. \V. W. B. Gwyn, of this cd Friday from a s va.-atii'M trip >v'v Franklin. Highland G'.vvn and son •ry. rettirn- v.-ral days' . nillshoro. Brevard. E. Hulse and children. Marv, of Durham, are I spending this week with Mrs. llnlse’s mother, Mrs. W. V. Wil- I liaiiis. Mr, Hulse accompanied [ them lip for the week-end. rc- •tiiTiiing to Durham Stitulay. Mrs, John D. Hones and little jdaiigtiter. Beth, returned to Win ston-Salem last week after spend- ’iig two weeks with her parents, ^!r. and Mrs. I.. T. Barnard, of Cricket, while h( r iitts'iatid, Cap- , lain .Tnl’.n D. Hines, w: s in camp at Fort McAtloan, .Vmi'ston, s\’a- hama. Mrs. ,T. A. Johnston and son. .Tohniiie. Misses fjassie Mint.or and Esther Weiidland, of th.s city, motored to Boone today t.) meet Mrs. Johnston’s daughter. Mrs. Kent Johnson, of K.'iusas ! City, Kansas. Mrs. John.s.m is ^Ir. ' pleasantly remeinhered hern as Miss MabtW Johnston. and o' tO' Carol itia tdac in woso rn .Vorla ma ARE GLAMOUR GIRLS MADE OF? This "Inside” Story Tells You! Mr. Eugene Pardne arrived Saturday from Chapei Hill to visit his parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1’. Pardne. at Roaring River, lie received his B. S. degree at the fniversity in June and will re turn til re on Feiitt'inlier 1 to resume .study for liis M. -A. de gree. i Mrs. D. Tr' el'e at .. daugh ter. Miss Kio.anor Triw to. and Mrs. Julia Cox, of Greens'oro. w'-re guest- for a ft w days last week in tlie home of M.'_ am' Mr.s. r. E. .Rnkii.s, Sr. Tliey c.ii'.e np (..speciiiilv for iho party viiicii was given for Miss Trivette '.rhursday afternoon iiv ^tr.s. .Dnk.ns .and Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, Ir. BROWN JAMS BPYAN Manhg HUNT Mary Bath HUGHH • Ost.i BAYIS Jr, PirKlsd !>V S. SnVAN StMON 5am ZImSaUST —.s H c 'v ; ’ thur?d.a y lira -,vood s Red-H'?.Rded ■ Girl in A Siory Of ^■H..Tr.in2 Youth! NOW SHOWING mh ^jjGJunlS technicolor -YOl'U THEATRE— libfrty COMING S(K)N Smiley In Person On Stage ‘Frog” Special Offer Oil Burnins? Heaters F.ir the retna i.'Ai'r r,‘ this tnonth tl’.e Ma’*I.'-Dn*..’ti i'n ’ni nr- Comnanv is offrrin ' ' h gallons of oG tree will! cpfh pure'ase of .V'- er Coleman’s tel hnrn- ing heal Tile I'l'P' rtii cs 11 at you may make a small di 'vn , ynif-n , ’itov .''•id gi’t advantage af tti'' fn '• oR nl'fer. an.l pa.v the h.aln .ce wlieii the heater is icstalled. Till- offer, th.. mar iremept of •lie Mark-Do-.'I states, is good only d'lring lie- t-ioi th of August, so if you are i’la uiing 1o buy om of these new oil InTler.s for tlii.s winter's tmo y(>n will g->t 1h” aO gallon.s of oil fre ‘ of cd costs '.y iinyiiig before tlio nid of the monlli. Local Peotjle See Bali Game In Washiitplon gevera' )oci,I in - -'le • ined v.'it’i other North Caroiinia s on thr j excursion opt rai- d fr m ( liar- I lotto to Wash’ gton. It. C. o er .the week ei d. Toe excursion wes ! in connecl'o^' with a douhl i-hea.- ! er ball game pi -end b-^weei the i Boston Red Sox and the 4/ash-i inglon iterators. I I Those going from this city i ; were Mr. and Mr.s. I. II. M-;Neill. Jr., Miss Myrtle Norris, Messrs. I Harley Ellis, Gwyn Kilby, W. Q. '"anhenship, C. S. Hudson, Grady Church and Bill Johnson. GOING CP ,1. T. Daniel, Oxfoi-d. I! made !'• bnslicis if ' deiiionstralion m uul tliis ye,-.r. farnrabl - wi-aih 'i . make 123 huslioi". Use the advertising columns of this paper as your shopping guide. By agreement ■with attorneys for both sides. Church was giv en the privilege of being released from Jail by giving certified bond of $5,000. 'Witnesses testified during the hearing here this morning that Mrs. Church was shot and died Instantly in the bedroom of her home in Warrens- vllle. There were no eye xfltnesses to the shooting except the de fendant, who did not take the stand. Dr. D. E. Peeves, co’inty coroner, said that when he reach ed the Church home about an hour after the shooting occurred he found the woman’s body lying on the bed with a bullet through her right eye and her head lying in a pool of blood. Church, he said, was in an intoxicated con dition and was pacing the floor and crying. He quoted the de fendant as saying his wife had committed suicide. Sheriff Ed Miller testified that there was no pistol In the room and that Church refused to tell him what had been done with the gnn. S. K. Baldwin, of Lansing, said that he found a pistol the next dav under the house and that the Mrs. Frank Sparks, son, Rex. j gun hart been firert one time. A and some granrtehildren. have j fingerprint expert. F. A. Dotson, heen spending a few days with ; of Galax, Va., s-wnre that he Mrs. Sparks’ mother, Mrs. Ida found seven dlstlnet prints on the Call. I pistol and that all of them cor- Miss Pauline Sparks has heen i responded with those of the do- staylng with Mrs. Laura I.tnney. fondant. Others testifying were Mr. Bob Edminsfon in sawing nr. Manly Blevins. W. M. Greer, near the old Tilley mill. | who declared that the Churches Mrs. D, S. Lane. Mrs. Virginia , had been quarreling that day. Lane Mobley. Miss Mary Lane, and Mrs. Turner Cbtireh. all of North Wilkesboro, spent Thurs day with Rev. N. T. Jarvis and Mrs. Lois Roberts and attended services at Cranberry. Air. L. M. Jarvis and son. L. M, Jr., of the Cranberry vicinity allended the mass meetin.g at the courthouse Tue.sday night. Mr. Jack Hoots, from the other side of tlie 3'adkin. also attended it. Airs. Turner Church, a nurse at the AS'ilkes TTosuilai. win was on her vacation, visited her sis ter, Airs. Gwyn AValkir. i. Ei- kin. and h.er father. Rev. X. T. .larvis, in the Cranlierry -ettle- ment last week. Airs. J. L. Alastin staid with All's. I.nis Roberts last week and helped her with her ’ ouse-vork during the Cranlierry n ' ival when Airs. Rnlierls had iranv guests. Rev. N. T. Jarvis visited Rev. .1. N. Binkley at Harmony re cently. Rev. Air. Binklev, though Hie age of Air. Jarvis and a vet eran minister in the lati sixties, can read without glasses. Mrs. T.aura Linney eonld also read withoet glasses before siiff Ting two strokes of paralysis the past year. Xn etiange seems to tie noted in the coudi.ion of Airs. T.aura Linney. who has been very ill for four and a lialf months, since her -eeiuid stroke. Alareli 27. .‘-lie i- ‘ nutivo. linwov^'r. All-s Until Linney spent a few iii’liutes Aloiidav of last week with her eousin, Aliss Lillian Linney. a student of the summer session of A. K. T. C., Boone. A.IS. Dick Sale, of Winston- Salem. has lieeii visiting her p ir- eiifs. Mr. and Mrs. L. AT. Jarvis, itid attending the Cranberry re vival. .She also attended the mass meeting at Wilkesboro. Aiiss Rutli Linney wa- among tiiostr from this part of the coiin- j ty a'lending the mass meeting at Hie court house last Tuesday I iiiglit. The Central Service Station an- nouncee today a big Labor" Day tire sale which will contlnne through September 4th. Standard tirea are being sold during this sale at one-half price. The proprietor of the Central Service Station, Mr. H. P. Eller, Invites yon to come around an4; take advantage of this one-haC price tlre'sale. GAJRl) OF THANKS ■We wish to express our heart- felt griiUtude tor the sympatby and k^id deeds during the sick ness and death of our beloved wife and mother. W. M. HOLDER AND FAMILY. Ads. get attention—tad resaltat Travel Between.... Statesville, North Wilkes boro and Sparta In A New 12-Pa$sei^er Plymouth Bus -SCHEDULE Leave North Wilkesboro for Sparta at 9 A. M., and 3:45 P. M. Leave Sparta For North Wilkesboro and Statesville at 10:15 A. M. and 5:00 P. M. Leave North Wilkesboro for Statesville at 12:30 P. M. and 7:05 P. M. Leave Statesville for North Wilkesboro and Sparta at 2:30 P. M. and 8:15 P. M. S. N. & S. Lines North Wilkesboro, N. C. Jamboree Sale Thoroughly Reconditioned Used Cars Trucks N Our Big Jamboree Used Car Sale has been going along good and will continue during the remainder of the month. During the past several days, however, we have received a number of excellent used cars that have been traded in on the new 1939 Chevrolet. Some of these have low mileage and will be found to be in almost perfect me- rchanical condition. But in addition to these better cars, we l ave a used car to suit the pocketbook of everybody, all fairly priced to give you much more service than you‘pay for. Come to see us durrig this special August sale, especially while we are in position to sell most any type of car or truck you need at unusually low August Sale prices. Do Your ^a:ch and Clock Re pair Work Also Jewelry Repairing Is A Specialty With Us. REASONABLE PRICF.S These Cars Will Give You Entire Satisfaction 1—1937 Chevrolet Coupe 1—1938 Chevrolet To'wn Sedan 1—1935 Chevrolet Coach 1—1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1—1936 Chevrolet Coupe 1—1936 Chevrolet Coach 1—1936 Ford Fordor Sedan 1—1935 Ford Coach 1—1935 Ford Cou^ o 1—1935 Chevrolet Coach 1—1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1—1935 Chevrolet Sedan 1—1936 Dodge Coupe 1—1933 Che'vrolet Sedan 1 1937 Chexn-olet ToAvn Sedan 1—1937 Ford Coach 1 1936 Chevrolet 4-Door Sedan 1 1933 Cheyrrolet Town Sedan ' 1 1936 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1—1937 Ford Coach 1—1937 Chevrolet Town Sedan 1—1934 Plymouth Coupe 1—1935 Cheyrrolet Coach These Trucks Will Haul Your Load For You: 1—1938 Chevrolet Truck, six wheel unit —good body—ready to go. 1—1933 Chevrolet Truck—Good condi tion—priced to move quick. 1—1937 Chevrolet Truck—Good tires— a real bargain for quick sale. 1—1937 Ford Truck—Reconditioned motor—good tires—a real buy. 1—1937 GMC Pickup—Awfully good Va ton unit—a bargain. 1—Doodle Bug—A good farm unit iZTi'937~Chevrolet Pickup—Looks like new—must be sold. 1—1935 Ford Truck—A good buy— service good—priced cheap. 1—1937 Chevrolet 3-4 Ton Pickup— Stake body—almost new—see this to day. DON’T BUY A USED CAR, PICKUP, OR TRUCK UNTIL YOU HAVE VISITED OUR USED CAR LOT Gaddy Motor Co. Used Car Department TENTH STREET NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.

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