J0\ KAmS SOCKWKIs Editor HI Mta,}. a . ' At Cttttt At yinaBts Hotel An lAterootlnc lodal erent ot ^he week mw tke Cottee ciTen by Mtm. J. B. HoCoy at the WUkee Hotel Batnrday after&ooh compli- mentlnc hw daaffhter, Miaa Emi ly McCoy, aad her gveet Miss ▲niie Pritchett, ot Oharlottearille, 'Vh., who are schoolmatee at Sal em CoUege la Wlnstoa-ealem; IMaa Jalla Finley, a popular brtde-eleet of the month; and Mrs. Carl^ B. VanDeman, a bride oit Jthe summer. The hours were from S:30 to 6:30. Chriatmae greens, and red and green candles made colorful dec orations fmr the lobby with its open tire, the messanine floor, and the dining room. Greeting guests at the lobby door were Mrs. R. Q, Finley and Mise Nor ma SteTensoh and at the foot of lobby stairs were Mrs. Andrew Kilby and Miss Toby 'Turner while Mrs. Gordon Finley and Mrs. J. L. Clements stood at the head of the stairs. Mrs. €. D. Coffey, Jr., present ed the callers to the receiving line, which was composed ot Mrs. McCoy and the guests ot honors, and welcoanlng the guests in the dining room were Mrs. T. A. Fin ley and Mrs. Henry Landon. Mrs. Watt H. Cooper and Mrs. 0. Bry an Higgins poured coffee at a long table, which was beautifully appointed in the greens of Christ mas while the green and red can dles burned in numerous candle- labras. A dessert course preceded the coffee, which was served with cheese straws and nuts. As sisting with the serving were Miss Lara Coffey, Miss Sue Moring Clements, Miss Margaret Faw, Miss Harriett McOoogan, and Mias Jane Greer, of Statesville. Good-ihyes were spoken to Mrs. P. M. Williams, and Mrs. C. C. Faw. home of Mt*. Bdd F. Gardner s- hmg with the ngtUar,d monthly meeting. Mjta. Waiter Mo^|, oo-hoeteaa .'with Mm , Ga^er, and at the eloae of the e^ftg they sened deildons^ mfimh- ments to'the twenty-five mem bers attmdtng. Mrs. Gardner led the dseott^ ale and also preMded for the Ineee semlon, Mrs. WUIttU low gave the leaflet. "(Hftrtor the World Wide Miestope." end- a couple of hymns eomplfitad the program. The dining room was attrac tively decorated with holly and red csndlea, while the gifts for each other were placed about on aMaeaH|asB53pB==a Fnend'7 Ocde Met mta. Boy Reece Mrp»aMoy Reece ww iHietees to the members of the Friendly cir cle of the WUkeilioro Methodist church in. their monthly meeting. iWd Tneeday^evening. Mn. Kyle Bayes ocoupled the chair during the btMuesa pei%>d and Miss Eva iLee^ Guthrie was devotional lead- T^^A playlet on misekme made dp the prbgnm, in whleh a nmn- Vtir the membere took part.. Mrs. George Parlier waa named as president ot the circle tor an Gardner Circle Hdd Annual Christmas Party The annual Christmas party of the Gardner circle of the North Wilke^boro Methodist church was refreshments were served the dining table, the names fo{ an exchange of gifts having been drawn at a previous meeting. Mrs. William Cranor was a visttor ot the circle. the hoai.e ot her parent Mr.' Mrs. R. Bjj Pharr. _ Tbjee^ ne^: men^rs were recetvoAiuto t .ctulb, Edith BihodM, Lyura Kath erine Glass, end '^IllaM Church. The olab eonnsdtor, B. Prevette, dlreetid the pragMOlt Piano ,« ntunberB^ Were played by Doris Honi^, CaroHhe Outvie',' Betsy Barber, Elisabeth Cariton, BIoIm Pardue, Lentwe Ltvlii^ ston, Elisabeth Pharr, Opal Mill er, aiur^rttt SteeIhUh. MfiiifaSl readings were glven..4v Rosemond Donghtott end Blani^e Ltving- A BSt Too Late other yoer. The meeUng was “ton. Laura ItathwldA Glass saa^i hugely attended and at,the close «»• Brahms Lullaby. AU the mem refre^mento were serred. Mi». Joe E. Johnson Is Auxiliary Hostess The Installation ot offleers fea tured the 'business session of the Episcopal Auxiliary meeting which was held Tuesday after noon at the home of Mrs. Joe E. Johnson. With the president, Mrs. William Barber, in the chair the following were Installed: Mrs. L. B. Dula, president; Mrs. Joe Barber, vice president; Mrs. George Forester, secretary; and Mrs. Htll Carlton, treasurer. Mrs. H. M. Scott, of Sweetwat er, Tenn., led an impressive de votional period. A social hour and at the held Tuesday evening at the close of the afternoon. “For Beauty, Tone, and Performance, I Choose The PNiLce mtio FOR 1940” Says Miss Florence Rogers, noted economist and lec turer, who will conduct the Joumal-Patricft’s Cook ing ^bool at the Woman’s Club Building Thursday and Friday, December 14-15th, at 2 p. m. MISS FLORENCE ROGERS Home Elconomist and Lecturer *• Came/n... SELECT YOURS NOW FROM 50 MODELS $9.95 “ $200 Thrill the whole family with a new 1940 Philco. Choose from the wdde (election of beantifnl models. Anni versary Specials that bring yon finer performance, new convenience and striking beauty ... at the lowest prices in Philco's 10 yean of leader ship. And remember . . . only Philco, with the Boilt-in Super Aerial Sys tem, gives you ALL 3 . . . “Ping In and Play” Convenience ... New Purity of Tone .... Super-Power. Every 1940 Philco Is Built to Receive TELEVISION SOUND...tfie WirolessWay! PHILCO 195XX. One of a great variety of lovely new consoles. Has Built-in Super Aerial System! Plug in anywhere and enjoy powerful American and Foreign reception and rich, pure tone. Electric Push-Button Tuning. Inclined Sounding Board. Hand- $QQ.95 some Walnut cabinet. SPIC\M , ranco^if!0i!!iwn.2s Easy Tenn SwFt fcMma kake. W Uta eakioet. " Wssl gUtl Cooper’s Radio Service Go. 8 A. M- to 8 P!ii M.—Guarknteed Radio Service . Tdiophono Door to liberty Theatre ^Oae of o«rbiC• _ value Christ mas Phfleos! Built-In Super Asrial System. Flag i* ottr- where and enjoy pnro, clear toee. Forein and American reecotion, PnaUBnttae fus ing with 'Tdevistaa Button. Corgooos eahfaiet. y. . ENfflCIMt A fMjmOB-ll CImmm* hommmirmodrk Mh» Sue Morhig Oements Hostess'^At Luncheon Mtos Sue Mmdng Clements en tertained at a lovely luncheon at her home on Sixth Htreet Satur day hont^ng Miae Jnlla Finley, who ie to be married the 39th of thia month to Rev. Chalmen Frtmr MoCutchen, o f Point Pleasant, W. Va. Sharing honors with Mies Finley were Mrs. Carl B. VanDem^ who prior to her nuptiale during the summer was Miss Ann McLau^lin, of Char lotte; Mrs. J. H. Whicker, Jr., the former Miss Miriam Durett, of Greenwood, Miss.; Miss Anne Pritchett, of Charlottesville, Va., houseguest of Miss Ehnily McCoy; and Mise Jane Greer, of States ville, houseguest of Miss Clem- ments. Miss Pritchett and Mlsa MoCoy are schoolmates at Salem College In Winston-Salem. A three-course luncheon .was served at one o’clock with coven laid for twenty-four in a festive setting In which iblue and silver were the predominant colors. The place cards were in wedding hell designs. To Miss Finley the hos tess presented silver in her wed ding pattern and the other special guests were remembered with beautiful gifts. ben joined in siiging thefr “Music Clah Song." DeUoioas re freshments were served by Eliza- heth and her mother, assisted 1^ Maiy Dale, guest of the club. Hie December me^ng .wRll he held with Dorothy Rhodes and Don Reins. — Home Economics Club Has Initiation Meet On November 23 tne Home Economics club ot North Wllkes- boro high school held Its form al initiation ceremony in the school auditorium. The spirit of Home Economics, who was Miss Evelyn Sharpe, the advisor, explained the creei ot the club which was. represented by six rainbow colored candles symbolizing character, wisdom, health, beauty, service, and home. The officers are, president, Alice Wells; vice president, Ma- hie Kilby; secretary, Mary Moore Hix; treasurer, Catherine Brewer. Members initiated into the club were: Annie Ruth Blankenship, Catherine Brewer, Joyce Breiver, Dare Bumgarner, Lucille Casey, Peggy Finley, Catherine Hall, Blanche Hall, Mary Moore Hix, Frances Kennedy, Mable Kilby, Bertha Gene Myers, Miriam Phil lips, Clariece iSnelaon, Gladys Templeton, and Alice Wells. Holbrot^c-Burcham Marriage Is Announced Miss Amalie Holbrook and Frederick Bnrcham were united In marriage Friday, December 1, 1939, In Hlllaville, Va. The serv ice, markedl by |B4in|pl!clty, was perfonmed by Rev. R. B. Randall, uslpg the ring ceremony. The bride was becomingly at tired in navy tailored suit with wine accessories. Mrs. Burcham i#the daiughter of Mr. and Mrs. Billie Holbrook, of Traphlll. She received her education at Trap- bill High School, graduating in 1937. She later attended Hlnshaw Beauty Culture School at North Wilkeiaboro, and has recently been employed at the Dainty Lady Beauty Shop in Elkin. Mr. Burenam is tne son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burcham, of Ben- ham. He graduated at Trajpbill high school in 1937, and now bolds a position with the Chat ham Manufacturing Company In Elkin. Mr. and Mrs. Burcham will make their home at Benham for the present. Kgw Orleana, Dec. 4.—^Hnnlw No. 1 ^n't 'kaow a tamer had asked tanter No. f to kill an all- ing ’horse, so he iwopsid to con- eluslona wbmi JUh cocnpaiiitHi aad- deiUp shot the animal.^ The praokleb eaeautloner noted Ms friend's . astonishment and aUld. darkly; - .■ ■ ' .-C hone utd now i^vgnA-'to] man" jy ^The bidding JMte raptly when No 1. No. 2 with a welbaimed Explanations, and' came uuer after the pr covered oonaciodsneea Let the advwtMnf this newspaper be ponr imopjfWmi gnide. * ^Adii. get attentioo—and imdtil St. Cecilia Juveniles In Monthly Meeting The members of the St. Cecilia Juvenile Music Club were delight- fully entertained Wednesday afternoon by Elizabeth Pharr at!C.). The Millers Creek Music Club Meets The music students of the Mil lers Creek high school organized a music club and elected officers. They are president, Doris Tul hurt: secretary, Bronda Bumgar ner; and program committee, Pauline Maxiwell. The club meets each Wednesday at 2:35 and talks over any business matters which might concern the mem bers of the club. Wivh Miss Hannah Teichman for teacher, this is expeetd' to be the most successful year of music. The cluib will draw names this week and plans to have a Christ- • mas party. Each member is ex pected to cooperate by exchang ing gifts. The party is scheduled to be at! Doris Tulburt’s home on Wednes day afternoon, December 13th. The members of the cluib are as follows: Alda Whittington, Lu cille Baker, Doris Tulburt, Pau line Maxwell, Bronda Bumgarner, EMna Whittington, Bonnie Ruth Lovette, and Helen Bumgarner. The name of the club is, “Mil lers Creek Music Club, (M. C. M. “jfdnVAflord To Take I Glances With My Appearance On The Stage,” saya Miss Florence Rogers Home Economiit at the Cooking School MISS FLORENCE ROGERS - Horae Economist and Lecturer “I f.'nd it pays in the end to have all beauty work done by experts who use only the best of ma terials. “I do think the women of this community, are indeed fortunate in having the quality work found in your salon.” Thank you, MISS ROGERS, we are proud to have won your approval. THE CHRISTMAS SEASON is almost here, so we suggest that you call for an appo'ntment now for your beauty work . . . then you will avoid the late Christmas rush, and also be assured of hav ing your work done just like we always strive to please you. Ask us about our Cosmetic Gifts for Christmas —Perfunies, Bath Powders, Toilet Water, m fact anything in the cosmetic line—all wrapped in the beautifull Christmas colors. Emily’s Beauty “THE NEW AND BETTER BEAUTY SHOP.” Phone 168 Next Door to Steele’s Jewelry Store Miss Florence Rogers NOTED HOME ECONOMIST AND LECTURER Endorses The Leader for 1940 THE “I drive thousands of miles each year and have foUmd from actual ex perience that ray Ford V-8 excels in ECONOMY, SAFEfTY and COM FORT,” says MISS ROGERS. “You will make no mistake when you buy the FORD V-8 FOR 1940 with the SENSATIONAL^ GLIDE-MDE.” >1089 FLORENCE R€ Why Not Give TheJ^ajlily A NewFordFor ChrBt^? Motor Co:, IM ^ NINTH STREET ford—-MillCURY—LINCOLN ZEPHYR — TELEPHONE 60 NORTH WILKESBORO, N. C.

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