-JOUKNAL-PATRIOT. NORITB ^EISB&O, M. C. EI6! 'Kuni^ m. K-^‘ > whim; . ^iSr twff-^fi»5>I3Sfe>9j -D»T- 'ain*. c»iwiji^tsi»«iB : y'i'VP-. trd, IS.- 9teryx it»- unt shot'la ^a^erdar'i artoli eonfuMk 9t’% hold* |||DotlDc, duteld^ and a 'plot,.Jira3 in'^^rltical ji^Ut a^^M>tun . Chief Isdnrard H(U& said mmti told him he wm ehot hr. Btauhld T. Cameroo, )S-]^ear-oId OUKK AtflON j fl«d J ill Kau Clalra^,' ;’' ^th, linked tSe tbae element attl^ttlfh lie^ found almost 15 milas airay, shot to death In his car In a cemetery> only deepened today when Unt verelty of Wisconsin ■ballistics re ported the bullet taken from his body did not match those from Oouiieron’s pistol. , jitieiher development, from an ^tOVey by Coroner Dr. J. A. Kelly, was that Cameron died from a sbot«un blast, not a pis tol chOTKe. Casporon was pursued to his l4l(*'^I^lssota cottage home by ppdice, after the Redard station bpidup In which two others also arare wounded. The cottage con- talnlPf the four family members began burning shortly after Cam eron ran into the garage and shot btmself, Holts said. Reconstructing, police were handicapped by lack of an ap parent motive, and puzzled fur ther by $100 missing from Bren dan’s person and evidence of a kidnaping plot never attempted. Holtz disclosed that he found a ransom note addressed to “Mr. - 1 Unton’’ In Cameron’s pocket. De- 8-room apartment I $40,000 and warning recent- “marked money means death your boy,” it was believed by Holtz to have been Intended for Arthur Linton, head of the Eau ]laire Citizens Loan and Invest ment company. Linton has an 11- year-old grandson, Donald. Win _ !«SWH Foolbdl Rates: Ic AWord Hike To )Mi4r>ralbeiry Karly, Saturday morning, sev eral Scouts of ’Troop $6 'hiked down to Camp Mulberrv. immedi ately the boyo eleam^ the grounds of brush which lay a- rbuhd on the grounds in abund- aace. This was all burnt In two large bonfires before cooking lunch. A can pit was excavated for the fast accumulating food cans. On project number five of the Camp Oontest^a forty foot flag pole was cut and stripped of bark. Boy Scouts present were Effner Eller, Thomas Gllreath; itoobbalt party^ ^ilkeaboro high >iKb^ s^^oyi/sil^chee, officials «a n d T^hds was held ’Thursday night at the high school^ building. Among tikdeb pi^nt'tor the party, which was described as very enjoyable, were members of the sanad, their ~ girl . J^nds, cheer, leaders. Coach JaolT ^ sey, Robert Taylor and Mfiw Lll- yan Miller,, faculty advisors, Oiir. and Mrs. W. J. Bason, i Blair Owyn, Ri4iard Johnston and Roy Forhand. Those preeepit were served hamhnrgers, ice cream and delic ious coconut cake donated by Pat Woodard. Buster Rush, Rob- j Mrs, Claude Gentry and Mrs. C. ert Davis and Hill Carlton. Late jc. Faw. Following the party in the afternoon three of the boys j thoee ipresent enjoyed a movie at left for home. Tommy Gilreath, | the Oiphenm ’The'vtre. Effner Elller and Pat Woodard partVii^-theHj®o«Xn^ the Uite#?«(Kwb’' of : the -Ualked; States Martgs |M^«icii^ by the Marines aTe A new recfulUng" !'am^ charge ot,.Sergeaat Jnd Donald kSs |ukt been opendd in the Watson Bnildliv at 12d T-r West SyesmoTW ^Street, Green#* boro, Mi 0., and any young i^aa Interested should prssent biina^t (Each hiflsH$em) (mNTMHM (WASGE Me) FOR RENT ■OR RE\T: Two fumlsbed apartments, three rooms and Rath. Also one Bed Room for girls. Phone 205-M. It-pd ■OB REXT: •wKh bath, steam heat hr redecorated, close in, suit able for couple. Phoue 25E. It FOR SALE FOR S-VI,E: Pour Ilegisterei smooth-haired fox terrier dogs, with black and white mark ings; eight weeks old. Ideal Christmas gift. H. P. Jones, North Wilkesboro, N. C. It-pd ■RDIT CWKES, 80 per cent fruits 50c p.'^r pound. Please let me have your order early. Phone Kt5, Mrs. W. M. DeBerry, North Wllkesboro, N. C. It-pd ratrSUAL B.ARGAINS in good used cars and trucks, several makes and models. Wilkes Mo tor company, two miles west Mi Boone Trail. 10-2-tf Stoves, Heaters, and Heatrolas >-Rhodes-Day is the place to buy hem. Prices to suit your pocket- hok. Rhodes-Day Furniture Oo. 10-0-tr FOR S.^LE: I h»ve a Remington typewriter for sale. In good eonditlon, a bargain for quick sale, for cash. Call W. G. Har- rhgon a t Steele’s Jeweler, •hone 384. 9-4-tf If It is anything you need in Me stove or heater line, bo sure t# see ns. We have a wide selec- •h>n.—Rhodes-Day Furniture Co. 10-0-tt ■OR S.'ILE: International T-20 Crawler Tractor, one year old No. 25 Caterpillar. 1939 Buick 41 and 61 Sedans. 1939 Ford DeLuxe Station Wagon. Henk- •I’s, Statesville, N. C. 12-28-9t WANTED WilfIT TO Bl!Y a gotnl hor.se, 1200 or 1300 pounds. See R. A. Greer at Moravian Falls or Phone 35-F-30. It-pd WANTED: To do yonr radio re pair work on all makes and models. Expert repairmen. Sat- Mfactloi luaranteed. — Day Electric >.,0., Phone 328. 8-10-tf WANTED; Typewriter, Adding machine. Cash Register and computing scale repairing and rebuilding, call for W,. G. Har rison at Carl W. Steele. Jewel- », Phone 384. All work guar anteed. 9-4-tf MISCELLANEOUS Vesper Service At M. E. Church The fourth annual Christmas vesper service will be conducted at the North Wilke:iboro church on Sunday afternoon, December 17, five o’clock. It was announced today. The service will consist of a musical program by the church choir and all are invited to at tend. . First Basketball Game On Friday North Wilke.5il>oro high school will play Us first basketball game of the season on Friday night when the boys play the North Wilkesboro Lions Club team com posed of former high school and college cage stars of the city and vicinity. The game, which will be a prac tice tilt for both teams, will be sponsored by the junior class of the high school and a large at tendance of basketball fans is an ticipated. 'The contest will begin at eight o’clock on the high school gymnasium court. spent the night In their new bunka Campaign For Boy’s Life The Scout Troops of North Wllkesboro are making an exten sive drive to place this interest ing magazine. Boy’s Life In the hands of all wlde-awm’e boys, whether Scouts or not. Get it for Christmas. It is well worth the small price of one dollar and fifty cents per year. Anyone In terested, please see a Scout at once. Frankie and Johnny were Sweethearts. Pound—the lady who claims to be the heroine of the old barroom ballad, and who wants $200,000 because, she says, a movie of one of the twenty-odd versions of the historic saga “De famed Her Character, Invaded Her Privacy” and wronged her all over again. One of the many Illus trated features In The Aunerican Weekly Magazine with next Sun day’s Washington Times-Herald, now On sale here. Birthday Cdebration The home of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Jarvis, near Adley, wae the ev.ene of a happy birthday cele bration when mem.berB of the Jar vis fainlly 'gathered several days ago to celebrate the third birth day of Master Roy Gilbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Gilbert. Those present were Mr. and Mrs. Everett Jarvis and son, Buster, Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Jarvis and lit tle daughter. Hazel, Mr. and Mrs. M. J. Jarvis and son, Wayne, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Jarvis, and son, Donald. .-i: Offlw ,. : i •: I to that office. ... The Marine Corps ' offers a splendid opportnhltr for, young men to see the and eon- Unne their edneatioa at the same ttane. More.than 150 corre^h- dence courses are offered tree of- charge to all Mhrines. Boyji are working on them courses now in China. Onaon, Panama, the Phil ippines, and many other interest^ log places. Reqnlrements for enlistment are that the applicant mast be a white citizen of the Ut S., between the ages of 18 and 31, of good character, sound physique and eighth grade or more education. Ez-Marlnes who reenllst with in four years will be'reappointed to their former rank and if re- enllsted within three months will receive a reenlistment allowance of one hundred dollars. Splendid opportunity for ad vancement awaits those who en list NOW. For each 1,000 enlist ed more than 800 promotions win be available. See Sergeant McDonald today. sm MONDAY, m im .Ty Vi' CURS AVAILABLE A shipping case for eggs made entirely of fiber with seven mold ed pulp trays and no center divid ing wall is now available to poul try raisers after undergoing rigid tests. Let the advertising columns of this newspaper be your shopping guide, Lady, Do You Drive? Are you a female menace 'on wheels, mad- ame, or just a misunderstood martyr who really drives as well as a man—or perhaps even a lit tle better? There’s a simple test that will tell what kind of a driv er you are In The American Weekly Magazine with next Sun day’s Washington Times-Herald, now on sale here. Gasoline Taxes At Billion Mark New York, Dec. 10.—Federal and state gasoline taxes next week will ring up the flrist $1,- 000,000,000 total In any . year since revenue collectors dlsrover'i ed the golden prospects of motor fuel, the American Petroleum institute said today. The Institute scheduled 11 a. m. Friday, December 16, as a $1,000,000,000 "breathless ' mo ment” when motorists and gaso line-station dealers in many plac es will observe the arrival of gas oline tax receipts at the billlon- doUar mark. Statisticians, the in stitute said, figure the total wll! be reached approximately at that time. BIG CHRISTMAS WAGON SALE $1.00 Size 89c $1.75 Size —. $1.39 $2.50 Size $1.98 CARLTON’S Reading the ads. get yon for less money; try it ■OUND at Skating Rink: Class ling Owner may have ring by describing and. paying for this ad. Ray Haynes. Box 104, North Wilkesboro, N. C. Route 2. It-Pd «BT YOUR DOG in trim for the Hunting Season. Give him a treatment of Cain’s Dog Rem edy now. T. E. Cain at City Barber Shop. 12-21-4t-pd VB ABE PREPARED to furnish you kerosene andj fuel oil at wholesale prica *t apy time and any quantity. We deliver. Red dies River Service Station, J. H. Joines, Phone 686. li-9-tf iNjji 'T BE MiSLhii?. mere are ’ 'millions of clrcalatilig beaters, hut" only one -Genalne Blstate Beatrola. Look for the name Heatrola. It appears on no Oth-jj^Jy person, except those drawing hr cabinet except an Estate.— ' ■bodes - Day Farnfture Co., North Wllkesboro, N. C. McNutt Chosen As Feature Speaker Jackson Day Meet John D. Larkins, Jr., state di rector of the current Jackson Day Campaign, announces that Paul V. McNutt has been invited to speak at the Jackson Day Dinner in Raleigh on January 8th. Mr. McNutt is recognized a-S one of the leading candidates for the Democratic presidential nom ination next year. A former gov ernor of Indiana, a former nation al commander of the American Legion at d former Commissioner of Hie Phillipines, Mr. McNutt was greatly in demand for such engagements as this even without the added zest of his potential candidacy. Governor McNutt is one of the handsomest men In Aimerican public life, and Director John Larkins, who is no slouch among the ladle® himself, expects the presence of the ruddy-faced Indi anan to add much charm to the dinner by boosting attendance of r the womenfolks. Heretofore the I Jackson Dinner ijueats have been •predominantly male; but let the ! old man try to argue the wife and [daughter put of coming to this one! Besides the McNutt speech, the program will ■include presentation of a trophy to Rutherford county for being the first to reach its quora, and another trophy to the county reporting the largest .per centage over the amount or quota assigned to it. Elarly fears that the Hatch Act might bar federal employees from attending have been entirely dis sipated by official ruling that COMMISSIONER’S SALE OF Valuable Estate To Settle The Estate 01 Milton McNeiD I Will Sell 25 Choice Homesites JUST OFF MAIN STREET IN THE WESTERN PART OF WILKESBORO, N. C. ADJOINING THE PROPERTY OF 0. F. BLEVINS AT AUCTION ON EASY TERMS Monday, December ~|aRT,I. Htadid Ptwao to re- nfllble party-who wRl as- »• payments-of $1.75 per A. Write I. C. Church. Wil- coih'Pensa/tlon from relief funds might contribute to the party war chest and attend party rallies. THESE BEAUTIFUL HOMESITES: Are on a nice high ele vation with a wonderful view .•'verlotdting one of the fastest growing residential sections, where new homes can be seen all around. And remember this sale is to settle the estate of Milton McNeill and must he sold to the HigUest Bidder. MR. HOMESEEKER, MR* BUIITIER AND MR. INVESTOR Do you know what th’s means to you ? It means ^At this is an opportunity you may'never have offered again. When real estate is advancing in price aJl over the country and^ with hcmies in big ,demand in Wilkesboro that you can buy property of thiskuid Monday, December 18, at 2.00 P« M. :AT your own PRICE—ON EASY TERMS: DRIVE OUT! SEE THIS PROPERTY TODAY, PICK WHAT YOU WANT, THEN ATTEND THE SALE AND BUY IT WHERE YOU MAKE THE PRICE. N. Q. 12-14-4t: I weather is Just ahead. Be ed by letting u# InstaU one gtore# or Seaters tor coal id, or as ofl-bwnlng beat* PanUzue Oo* ,r^4UK>d«i-Day - BIG CHRISTMAS WAGON SALE ’ $3.25 Size $3.00 Size $1.00 Size .. $2.89 .. $2.49 ..89c m FREE ONE CHOICE LOT GIVEN A WAY, ABSOLUTELY FREE —AND A— FLOCK OF CHRISTMAS TURKEYS - Amvointed to Sell th» Flirty by the Cleric of the'Superior Court Of Wilkes, County, North ****..„:. ■ .- V*.'3, Bank.of North Wilkeil^

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