JORO; N. C .TflURSnAV, FEB. 8, 1940 $t60 rNTHESTAI mr OF THE STATE ^ Sbviet Gun$ I b»- ^^•daM to t« STBOAsium t' st«er«4 on nnotk' (e achedule hu not riK.Aecn>BNT fy*. 7.—Rlobmond . 23, ot CMftr Moun- r .kUWl tUa ior>nili« in ^^ocdident in th« Angnr B«: OMttim. of ««9er Traasytmur i^Obanty. TToilliu -with tiro i odiMuionB mwinc horry tldM>ers th« edce of a amaH ereek, gaon wraa ^laaod baneath a loc that forced him Into "ike creek, and rolled on him. atrlklas kie head and hodr- RUSSIANS BOMB PRISONS Halataki. m. 7.—Soriet Rub- , ala% air fleet, in a tonr-hour raid ^almed at ^|^in« Pinnlih mor ale, todar homhed a. prieon tun of . t Rwaiiaa prieoners of war 'while 1^ hai' anaiee of the iethmug pound ed asaln 'at the Mannerh^m line, reokleee of losses -which Finnish milltaiT oheerrers placed at 20,- 000 dead and wounded in the past week. COULDN’T FIND GOD Murphy, Fob. 7.—An official search of Cherokee county for I 6od resulted in the sheriff at- he conld not 'be found. An eccentric woman’s will left part of her estate to God. In an saj^Mtuor to settle the estate, a ‘ filed In court and God named a party. On the aum- lalflt the sheriff made the re- C>anae: “After due and diligent seMCh, God cannot be found in Otaerokee county.’’ ^^!%a regular-meeting of the city Mard ' of. ooiuniMteBers, eom- ~if iriiilrtiiii I I H. M. ^urdirai^ J. Btaley, all pre^r>? with-Maytor R. T. HcMIel i«aiil8t«g,' «as featured by tha jppsarance of a delegatloa of local clUsans which reeuested the property known flHr f”* hn all-year^', round piiiyground. ’The delegation which appeared before the Ward represented practically erery ci-ric oiphaisa- tloa in the dty-, and after bearing a number of the ciUSena on the " sobject, the hoard took the mat ter under conaideration and will meet again next week at the call of Mayor McNiel to try to work out a proposition that will bS: satlstamory to the adwooatea of the playgronnd and fair offiotals who hare the property leaMd for two more years for two iteiAs lu September. The board also took under ad- rlsement the matter making improremeats to the city’s sewer age system and this subject will also claim the attention of the board at the meeting next week. ■The board emiiloyed Attorney Harold Burke to represent the city in the litigation brought by Henry T. Blair against the city and state for alleged damages caused by the construction of the new road to Elkin. Mr. Blair's property is located in the north ern part of the city. The bogrd also pa'>sed a resolu tion for the Greyhound lines which Is petitioning for a fran chise to operate buses over the Blue Ridge Parkway. Before adjournment, the board transacted the uaital routine buslv; ness. Executive Committee To Meet On Feb. 17 RecCTre Jo^TliniN.Y.A A recent survey of local NYA activities for the past five months revealed a total of twenty-elx boys and girls receiving private employment. Mrs. Maude Miller, Cifanty Supervlcor, said today ouii«nric.oi, saiu luuu.j'. Following m a list Of exe A^roximately two thirds of this committees for the various pro- nstthor' would never have been able to obtain the necessary ex 's ftesM aal Mw spoil ef war firaa 'iho I Inat. A Moeat Sevlet dl^tGh tiff am aaa wi ■ awwuw^ W—- a i - •seisrc var ea fMaad arteoa ttat uioairy iMorsBil al anndliaas aaterial t^ick *e had OMliaei. WMsaro repsrto* is ha^ tataa great stoak ef aanauaWou aa* siher war ilMwi ftwBi ft* Hi Dunocratk Committee Names jState Repubficans For Ste YEAR FOR G. BL NeiW Tork, f’ob. 7.—Big Gen eral Motors corporation today re- partoA-indlcaced not prorits of $^,81,000 for the final three .Jfc^of 1S89, eoual after pre- *Med dMdende to 81.66 a com- niJfn and the . largest eam- Iqr any December quarter in b|4)oyy. With the exception of laae gnariler three yearn ear- they wwo the biggest for aay three months period rfnce the Jana quarter of 1889. HOUSE FILENG FEE $« Web. 7.—'The attorney fsmmid’s ^>Ulce jraled today that candidate for the legislatare shwSM pay a ?0 fWag f«»—1 Per ceiri of the MOary for a session of the general assembly. IT. S. Pagw, 1»2» fopreeentatlve from BtadOD county. . requested the rulfac,- also held that each candidate for a position paid by fboa should pay a minimum 15 filiag fee, nnless the incum bent received more than $500 in the preeeedlng year. In that case, Mio toe would' be I per cent of that amount.' * FAX I4ENS nLED ^ FA. 7.—The goT- "tbday fUed Inctmae tax ,|2,6S4,»M against ion, the apeotaeu- ■ who helped cre- ^^cawtiBg, bUlioa-doUar I and Btoctric syn- q( hla relatlTes orations he person- The Uen against u_a mountalnousi j giab who oaee shrugg- lold a aenate InyestlBat- "you have me m for 828i,»*7 rep- I for 1*34 and ^ jfflaPIHWBT FINNS 7.—.Britain un- wupport 5t>r Fln- . Russia today with an iuitrt**^T ^tat Tixtsally every active adlUary that Fl*- r.WW^ bO- 1-wers Pythiaii-DokiesTo Hold Ladies’ Night Banquet To Take Place At Hotel Wilkes On Friday Evening 7:30 P. M. Ladles’ Night will be observed by the local orders of Knights of Pythlans and D. O. K. K. at Ho tel Wilkes tomorrow evening at 7:30 o’clock. An Interesting pro gram has been planned for the occasion. The various committees In charge of the Ladies’ Night event are actively engaged in making final plans for one of the most enjoyable events of the season. ’The Pythlans and Dokies will have as their guests their wives and friends and a large num'ner of people are expected to attend the annual banquet affair. Those wishing to make reser vations may get In touch with W. K. Sturdivant, Vaughn Jennings and Presley Myers, members of the attendance committee. The program, committee, it is understood, has planned a sur prise program for the evening. Group AuthoruuAChainnuk JUn Furluf io Sot Date For Rfoat !Many Repdbficaiis Myers To Vacate IlkCoy Property Will Continae To Oporate Rooming and Boarding House, However Mrs. I. M. Myers, who has been operating a rooming house in the J. B. MoCoy property on B street, will vacate the property the first of the month, it waa> learned here today. Mrs. Myera, however, will eontinue to operate her rooming and boarding house next door to the E. L. Hart residence. Mrs. Myers is giving up her rooming house wl'.lch Is owned by J. B. MoCoy so that the house ■may be tom down and the lot graded for a new service station, It is stated. It is understood that MV. Mo- .Ooy has leased or sold bis prop erty to the Standard OU Oom- iwaiy ae-a site for a new service station. Work is expected to start soon after the property ia vacated by Mrs. Myers. Whshihgton, Feb. 6—The Dem ocrats chose Chicago, a center of pro-third term activity, as their 1940 convention city todsur and left it to National Chairman James A. Farley to get the date, (reeumably after he learns when the Republicaae will meet. Theee decisions were reached dt an- excHed ai^ 'stJtoetlmes ^r--^ bnlent meeting of the party's na tional committee, which saw Houston, Texas, in Vice Presi dent Garner’s o-wn state, vainly offer 8200,000 for the conven tion, 860,000 more than Chica go’s bid. Chicago’s nearest competitor, in fact, was Philadelphia, which also offered 8160,000. For a mo ment, It appeared that Philadel phia might win, but then mem bers from western elates who had cast their votes for San Francis co and, in some cases for Hous ton, switched to the Illinois city. Ttie final count was Chicago 48, Philadelphia 38, Skn Francisco 7 and Houston 2. One of the last t-wo votes was cast by Garner himself. After the meeting, Farley told newspapermen that he under stood President Roosevelt himself favored taking the' convention to Chicago. He .Indicated he would announce the date for the big party meeting after the Repub lican national committee selects' Its time and city at a meeting here on February 16. Chicago, the scene ot Presidenit Roosevelt’s original preBidenttal nomination in 1932', is also the home of the powerful Kelly-Naah Democratic organisation which has taken a foremost position in the move to draft Mr, Roosevelt for an additional term. Today’ll meeting -was. notable, too, for a warm exchange of fe licitations between Farley, who Is widely regarded aa a presidential Oeittnined on page 4) From Attend Dinner '* ' Greensboro, Feb. 6.—Worth D. Henderson, Greensboro attorney and chalranan of Guilford county Republican executive committee, has been named toastmaster for the 11th annual IAucoIb ^y^dlur ML u t..,. - periehce had not the National Tooth Administration provided the opportunity. ITtere are five local work pro jects in operatjon in Wilkes coun ty at the present time giving em ployment to one-hundred, seven ty-five youths. Clerical, constmc- tlon, wood-working shop, lunch rooms and home making projects offer work experience and train ing. The NYA deserves the sympa thies and support of ail people who desire to make the on-com ing generation worthy and intel ligent citizens of a great democ racy—BO that we may have in deed and truth, “Aimerica, the Beautiful.’’ Hioee In charge of making «r- rangsments for attendance at the Lincoln Day Dinner ^bi*^ be held In Greensboro Monday night, February 19to, report^ MoravianNational Farm Loan Asso. To Meet Feb. 24fb Membera of the Moravian Na- nlght. Februyy 1.^. wmor^ Loan -A.«ie*stlo»-^SihUlnnin; J. J.' Myers, 'today tmW»'-^%ii^wi»Wber wlU hold their annual meeting on retary; Milt Windsor and P publicans from Wilkes county will be present ■'■for the party’s confab. Those not havlpg means of transportation are requested ■to meet at the courthouse by twelve o’clock noon on Monday and a way will be 'provided. If any RopublicaiC In the coun ty desires any further informa-- tlon he is requested to get .■ in toaoh with the committee com posed of Paul Osborne, S. R. Laws, Claude Kennedy, J. H. Somers, and Max Fqpter.- _ ' • A—; CommisaoUHrs In Session Routine Buaineas Matters Are Triwoiirtferff Sevewa Allowed Help •. 'The bo«r4'.of county eoaimhH sioners, compoeed- ot'if. F.-Ab- aher^ chafir^^ W. R. a^ mei 'Miinday at- ,jke:.ecprth»u*!».. ' Several- persons were allowed 'help, as "f(dt*WB:. ilv ;P. NkhoW, bt Millers CreA, 82;0>: Ben iHiw, of North WlikeiBboro, 88-OD- C. O, Poindexter, county uc- oouutaat, was dfdewd 'to'^ relm- but^ 'W. W.' GniilblU for penaS- ttes over 8 per cent In North WU- kei^o twniifei®. . , . Tilie board ordered that tjie office of conatable In Mulberry I township be vacated. VanDemanRe day night, ^bruary 12, at King Cotton hotel, with Senator Rob ert A. Taft, of Ohio, as principal speaker. ’The dinner is spopaored each year by the North Carolina Young Rebublicans and the state presi dent, 'Eidwln M. Stanley, ot Greensboro, made the announce ment of the selection of the toast- maeter yesterday. ’The Lincoln day dinner will bring to:, a close two dhFa of Re publican activities in the city. The first session will be held Sunday night at O. Henry hotel' when the state execntive committee of the Young Republicans meets. The anon^ state convention of the organtution will be jtiild .Monday morning at O. Henry boteh The North Carottpa Republi can executive ccqunittes will meet Monday afternoon at King- Cot ton hotel -wbere the dtnnef‘"#lU be held tiiat nllihYf" Hr. Henderson, who also la chainman ot the arrangements committee for the d-tr 'cr, eald reservations this year have brok en all former records and are still fKMirUig In. A record prowd Is ex pected and mopajutidps are bo- Ipg made to take oar*: of aA-*va«s- flow crowd ■with a'poblle address system. iMasle for the dlpnqr Wttl.. H famished by the GiuAnhiMo cdo* cert orcheetra and Mrs. H. E. Armstrong, of Qreensboro^. Bing a o5d nnh*ef. Idweatlwi (Continued pn page four) MustHavdfj^f „ T« B«rjY-Trali^: will bold their annual meeting on Saturday, PAruary 24 th, at the new Town Hall In North Wllkee- horo. It is announced by Mr. P. B. Dancy, President. • At this meeting complete and detailed reports of the asaocla- Uoa’s operations for the past year wfil be maiio by the secretary- treasurer, Mr. O. H. Bracey, and the other officers. yhe meeting will also provide the members with an opportunity genia Beshears, vice chidrmay; to.el^.two directors for the en- shing year. Preaiding at the meeting will be Mr. P. E. Dancy, president, who is also a member of tihe board Of diyectors. bare ot the board are B. L. Johnson, Roaring River; B. C. Price, Pores Knob; J. N. Gentry, Donghton; and J. R. Eller, Pnr- lew. ’The Moravian National Farm Walsh. Loan Afleoclation Is a cooperative organisation through which farm ers obtain long-term farm loans from the Federal Land Bank of Columbia. Mr. Dancy said that it was hoped that every member , of the association would 'be present at the annual mMting. Wai GatlMr Im Ckr Hallr Hour Set 2 M. J. A. RWuseeau, chairman, aai C. O. McNlel, secretary, have liy - sued a call for a meeting of the county Democratic Execntive Committee to meet on Satmrdv. Febrnaiy 17th, at 2 p. m. in tlie city hall in North Wllkesboro. Following le a list of executive cincts of the countv: Antioch: T. M. .Insets, «hair- man; Mrs. PArl Mathis, r vioe chairman; Chester Mqjthto,,MetiK tary; R. G. Mathis, J. 4."lKkrdaia Beaver Creek: G. C.':' -Hrihs. chalmun; Mrs. S. J. WWsk^4^ chalmiaa; T. W. Ferguson, sec retary; R. c. Walsh, W, C. Mftt- ton. Boomer: e. T. Walsh, dutfr- mah; 'Yirflala Lee Craft, vie# chairman and secretary; Tom Greer, Don Russel, and W.^.R, Craft. BruAy Mountain; M. V. Rob inson, chairman; Mrs. Christie Tedder, vice chairman; C. J. Hea- dren, secretary; Bill Terepaugh, and H. R. Queen. Edwards No. l: C. A. Burch ett, chairman, Mrs. Marvin Walls, vice chairman; Ralph Martin, sec retary; Hobson Blacltburn and J. A. Poplin. , „ . Edwards No. 2; W. W. Hairia, chairman; Mrs. W. K. Parks, vice chairman; E. J. DarhaiPtAee- retary; R. V. Garris end -*1W1, Jolly. Edwards No. 3: J. C. Newman, chairman; .Mrs. A. . T. Gentry, retary; Milt Windsor and P. I*. Boyd. Elk No. 1; Mrs. Dessie Burch- ette, vice chairman; Dallas Trip lett, secretary; W.” O. Bamstt and Green Shell. t; -. Elk No. 2; W. E. Horton, chairman; 'Mrs. W. A. Proffft; vice chairman; B, F. Welsh, eee- retary; Philo ’Triplett and F. W. McNeil. JA’s Cabin No. 1: Mrs. Bn- W. Church, secretary; Dv -F, Beshears and H. L. Beahears. JA’s Cabin No.'-2: Hill Ham by, ohainman; Mrs. Judd Prof- fit, vice chairman; Sam ’Triplett, Other mem- secretary; Mose ’Thompson and Doughton Poster. Lewis Pork: Bob Walsh, chair man; Mrs. T. O. .Minton, vice chairman; Conrad Jones, secre tary; D. P. Shepherd and T. C. ‘ r ' ^r/, Local Library To Be Closed Fr^y t: idin BasM Horton, llhguiaBr ees that the loeal IMuy closed tomorrour aftafttoon; Intereating' Report Preabiited At Animal MeqHiif Of Fmit Growtra Much progreas tis# been made in experimental work in apple orchards In Wilkes tod. adjoining counties, according to the report read at the annnal meeting of the Brushy Mountalit Fiuit Grow ers by Carl E yajiDaman, who ia In charge of toe aidjjle research laboratory looatod near the Wilkes - Ale; >tader county line. Mr. YanDeman’s reporf, in fall, is aa follows: iBWMt aad Mmasat OaUfVt . 'Ibe -1*39 seoeon prsved to' be a very satistactory ona tor ^ Aid- ling moth life Mdtavy studies. A total of sixty tveas .^ju. toivoreh ards were scraped 'tmt May. More than six Umm» codling these lirviito we’^ 'pldced lit small rearing cageT. bung In trees 'ih the same orchards in which they were collected. Only Bye per cent County Fire Waman avion '-rTtplett, of Wllkflfi^, b«* *»- Boy Scout Week ^ Bemg Observed Woek Febroiury 8 Through 14th; DiaiilaiFs fai Stores Of North Wflkeaboro Boy fioont 1*10008 of the Wll- ifiOros an observing the weA Febpdary 8th throng the 14th l^itfwal BOy Scout Week.' TTtoop 88, orwhich^Isaac Duncan In Scoutmaster, has placed at- ftoetbte dlaplayB in the -windows tf B^’s and North Wllkesboro Drug Company. UndOr the directloh of the lo- ijal Scout council and Scootmaet- Lovelace: E. P. Inscore, chair man; Miss Pansy Johnson, vlea chairman; G. H. Hayes, secre tary; Smith Johnson and Leonanl Souther. Moravian f’alls: Joe Pearsoa. chairman; Mrs. L. B. Walsh, vtoe chairman; Cecil Howell, secre tary; Sam Greer, Sam Pennal, and Clarenn Gilreatb. Mulberry No. 1: Mrs. Oimm- Owens, vice ohairman; N. C. Van- noy, F. P. ’Taylor, and Ira Sha- mate.. ^ Mutoeyry No. 2; Mrs. ' Glenat-' Dhncy, vice chairman; W. S. Brewer, E. M. Hutchinson, amd. Thorman Adams. ^ New Castle: Mrs, Jamm Par- due, Vice chairman; M. E Gray, (Continued ea Page 8) Enpneft’ Road of the larvae died. Nearly half of|®“«* a Wf^hg ■ lirs nweh progress has been made ittg the snnaner, 90 per cent of theee within two and a half weeks from the date they were put la cages. Neariy 1600 larva* ate overwintering in dagea and wHl change to moths in the spring Of 1940. The ton. orchards iji whicb life kjstory sf«lle* -trarrimM4 during to*. pMt qeason as*t ■ dba axd, :'Mf. Ittolman's, uppw orAard naar H. ^. of fibs -Br^k orchards, Jfer. oil’s lUlAer and lower o ntog February 1st , fitt - en ^ June 16th. Permits may be itot^nad at; Services the office of ClOrtt 0- 4^ from the county ftp* iwrden and from the various td|nalil» dons. - “ Proper part of the peopj^y^. reduce loee hj ttsr Tdu. will Be proteetlm- At E|)iscopal Church Serr^St will W held every Fri-; Ti indrirati' iiitnir r ' st. , V. Stewart In "cutijfe Last Week Per ReasI ^ Builders Haa^g, . Z. V. Stowart, eig^to 'diyki^' engineer, returned • Fi^dv ***^^’ Chicago' where he Sttobded 4kr' annual meeting of^tbe Road Buflders’ AssoeiitfloB'^ met; in thsg city for