lit te News Of ^ToU l^^jVKWLtii LDNCt TBlklf '''. ->m;[elgh.—The sUte •apreme oMTt, In &ni opinion which ha4 th* ofloct of u'piM>ldiug more than % a score of local laws passed by the last legislature, ruled Wed nesday that the term of, the Har nett county reglstar' of deeds did not wcptre until Speeificlal- ly, the court declared constitu tional a 1939 law extending the - terns of the Harnett register, ^cioM in 1938, from two to four yean*. PROVroE i PAYMENTS - Washington. — The Senate knocked a big dent In the con- greeslonal economy program Wednesday with a 63-to-19 vote approTlng a 3212.090.000 appro priation for “parity payments" to .farmers. Administration senators and others from farming areas overwhelmed the economy forces. The debate found Senator Taft (R), Ohio, 'subjected to a sharp Democratic cross-examination on ^fes fiscal views. The parity pay- wPent item was added to the an nual appropriation bill for the the Agriculture Department which the Se.iate is expected to -Sks today. FARLEY 1N~RACE Boston. — Posunhster General James A. Parley planted himself solidly in the fight for the Dem ocratic presidential nomination Wednesday, asserting without reservations whatsoever that his name would be presented to the Democratic national convention at Chicago. The very posltiveness of his statement magnified Its political significance in view of his previous silence over his of ficial entrance tu the Massachus etts presidential primary and be cause of the widespread specula tion as to whether President Roosevelt “would seek a third term. SAa HhAZES Of ram wm IBM KJ-; VOL; xixm. No. 28 PubU^ Meet|N% March % or INscnsskm Oi Celeimition Herr Civic Leaders To Hear Of Plans For 50th Anniver-'- sary Pageant A meeting of North Wilkes- boro’s Commerce Bureaus, civic leaders and all others interested for the purpose of discussing plans for celebration of North Wllkesboro’s fiftieth anniversary wUl be held at the city hall here on Thursday, March 28, 7:30 p. m., according to an announce ment by W. P. Kelly, executive secretary of the Commerce Bu reaus. It Is earnestly desired that all memtbers of the bureaus, repre sentative groups from all the civic organisations, city officials and other persons Interested in the movement be present at the meeting. Myron Calvin, a representative of J. B. Rogers Producing com pany, will be present to outline preliminary plans for the anni versary celebration, which may be in the form of a pageant. Preliminary plans as outlined by Mr. Calvin suggest a three or four day celebration. It is expect ed that all civic organizations and the entire citizenship of the city will back the movement and make the celebration an outstanding event for 1940 in northwestern North Carolina. [ Mr ''Sttiiial ' ih# tittfflDR Itoriinffitoa a,' SciipiEl Me^og’ I**,- m w “Gone With The Miss Ruby Jones Mfins Title Of “Miss Scarlett O’- p Hara” For City In a colonial setting of spring blossoms and candleholders Miss Ruby Jones, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Jone.s. of this city, W'’S presented as Miss Scarlett .O'G.ra, of the Wilkesboros, by 4|bohard G. Finley, who was Mas ter of Ceremonies, at the "Gone Wtth the Wind" hall which was held at the Woman’s Club house on Trogdon Street Tuesday eve- lljjing from eight until twelve o’- whclock. The ball, which was spon sored by both the Sen^r and Junior clubs of North Wiikesiboro, was quite a success from every Standpoint. • Miss Scarlett was picked from a group of twelve girls. Miss Ruby Jones, Miss Jane Jones, Mrs. Jay Morgan, Miss Lilyan Miller, Miss Margaret Gourley. Miss Grace Frank Kilby, Miss Billy Barnes. Miss Arlee Bumgarner, Miss Wan da Kerley, and Miss Ruth Ahsher, of North Wilkeeboro. and Mrs. Paul Osborne and Miss Eva Lee Guthrie, of WilkesL)oro. from the Liberty theatre stage Monday eve ning by a representative from M. O. M. Around fifty girls had been measured by a group of the club members, aad from this number the twelve were chosen that represented' Miss Scarlett oeuMt In measurements. Ivan D. Anderson, manager of the Lib erty > Theatre, also cooperated the el«b» in the choosing of Miss Scarlett. Mrs F. C. I\>rester, president of the Senior club, presented Scarlett with a number of Ptaautlfnl gifts from the following lock! firms; Spainhours, Belks, Jean Shop, Steele’s Jewelry, Dean’s Jewelry, Rexall Drug Store, Brame Drug Store, and the Ideal Beauty Parlor. Miss Scarlett, who was lovely la her drop-shoulder “Gone With the Wind” dress of white, trimmed In bunches, of different colored flowers and black velvet ^ ribbon, and Mr. Finley, master of ceremonies, led the grand march to music furnished by a local or- • chestra, which Is composed of # Mias Lois Scroggs. pianist Emmet C Johnson, W. P. Grier. Jr Jack K MMSoy, Thomas Du la, Thomas P McLaughlin. N. W. Green. Jr., r. and Luke Leonard- ' -The town is very proud of this i«w swing orchestra, who so ciously donated their talent> le success of the bbll. naring the evening punch was .rv^rom the dining ta.ble. ^cb was covered with a lace jntu and decorated with yellow oaqnlls. ^ ^ G.O.P, Nominee Official^ (M rTeiii Giimties To Kt' North Coroli^ Of Municipalities Fonn a^f* islative Program 'off * fi Hygiene Classes Now l^onsoredBy Wilkes Red Cross Three Courses For 6-Weeks Being Conducted By Three Home Hygiene classes operated by the Wilkes county chapter of the American Red Cross are now being conducted in Wilkes schools, chapter offici als said today, Mrs. S. T. Colvard, of Wil- ke.siboro. a trained Red Cross nurse, is instructor for the three classes. Two are in Wilkeshoro school and the other at Lincoln Heights. The course will continue for six weeks and following comple tion certificates will be awarded a 1 1 students attaining certain standard .s. The same cou.-ae will be offer ed in other schools next fall, Red Cross chapter ffoicials announced. •Sponsors today expressed ap preciation for the cooperation shown by many individuals and firms and especially to the Wilkes hospital and Gray Brothers Furni ture store for use of furnishings and supplies for the course. Several Donate To Finns Relief County Chairman Asks Ear ly Action On Part Of Peo ple Who Can Gii{e A. S. Cassel, Wilkes chairman for Finnish Relief, sqid today that a number of contributions have been made during the past week but that the various town ship chairmen who turned in the contributions failed to give the names of the individual donors and a complete report was not available today. Mr. Cassel said that the need for food, clothing and medical supplies in war-torn Finland is acute and urged that those who will make their contributions as early a.s possible in order that there will he no delay in provid ing relief for suffering war vic tims and dependents. He said that contributions may be handed to any township chair man which he appointed several days ago or sent to him at North Wilkeshoro. Baseball Meeting On Friday Night All persons interested in the formation of a baseball team for North Wilkeshoro are asked to attend a meeting to be held at the city hall here on Friday night, 7:30 p. m.. It was announced to day. Preliminary plans call for the formation of a good ama.teur team here at an early date and practice la slated to begin next week. P. D. B. Harding, 35, of Yad- kinville, Republican nominee for House of Representatives, 8th N. C. District, Is a graduate of Yad- kinville high school and Univers ity of N. C., A. B. 1925, and stu died law at University law school; served as principal of Yadkin- vllle high school; practiced law in Yadkinville since 1929; is past master Yadkin .Masonic I>odge; member Clvitan Club; served three terms as Mayor of Yad kinville; is now prosecuting at torney Yadkin County criminal court; Is a son of the late Dr. T. R. Harding, former member leg islature; is teacher of adult S. S. class Methodist church; is mar ried and has one daughter, 3. lan rails um Tuesday Night Ben Shorter Dies Suddenly; Effortk To Locate Rela tives Are Futile County, city and town officials of ten counties will gather In this city on Wednesday, March 27, for a regional meeting of the North Carolina League of Mu- nlcipaUtles Jointly with the North Carolina County Commis sioners’ Association, according to an announcement' of 0>fflclals of. ^ two state organlzatltMis. - The counties In the region to have Its meeting here are Wilkes, Alexander, Alleghany, Ashe, Ave ry, Caldwell, Iredell, Watauga, Surry and Yadkin. R. T. McNIel, mayor of North Wilkeshoro, said today that North Wilkeshoro Is glad of the oppor tunity to play the part of host to the visiting officials and that the meeting will ’be held in the cUy hall. Twelve regional meetings are being held throughout the state for the purpose of discussing and forming a legislative program and the two organizations are meeting jointly because they "see eye-to-eye on most state-wide leg islative matters,’’" according to the executive committees who met recently in Raleigh. Among other things it is ex pected that the discussions In the regional meetings -will In- highway funds, road-side beauti fication and control, and county zoning; (2) local government fi nance, including state restrictions on sources of revenues; f3) a retirement system for local gov ernment employes; (_4) home rule. Tlie body of Ben Franklin Shorter, age about 4.’>, who died suddenly in this city about 8:30 Tuesday night, is being held at the funeral home while efforts were being made today to locate any relatives. Shorter, who hal been work ing about the oremi-es of Queen Trucking company, was suddenly stricken and died in the office of Gie firm. Coroner I. M. Myers made an investigation of the death but did not hold an inquest. He said tlat death was due to a heart attack probably caused by acute indigestion. Shorter had been here .sever al months. Efforts to locate any relative .so far have proven futile. Lot Graded For New Building Here Workmen today began the task of excavation for a new building in North Wllkesboro’s business district. Attorney Kyle Hayes is having his lot on Ninth street graded in preparation for the erection of a three-story brick building be tween Rhodae-Day Furniture com pany and the Central Electric and Telephone company building. Queen Trucking contpany’s grading shovel has 'been making rapid headway On the excavation today. County Election Board k Named E. **. Inscore, C. C. Staley end J. C. Grayson Com- pose Wilkes Board The state board of elections In meeting in Raleigh Saturday ap pointed the boards of elections for the 100 counties in the state! Following recommendations of the chairmen of the two parties, F, P. Inscore, C. C. Staley and J. C. Grayson were named to the Wilkes board. Inscore and Staley are Democrats and' Grayson Is the Republican member. The state hoard passed a reso lution requiring precinct officials to keep records of voters receiv ing assistance In marking ballots and a record of those who gave such aid. Chairman W. A. Lucas said the resolution was passed In order for further compliance with the 1939 law which drastically limited the use of markers. However, the board's action today excepted near relatives. The Wilkes county board elections will meet Saturday in Teachers Millers Creek District ' To Meet Saturday Teachers of the Millers Creek district are requested to attend a district teachers’ meeting to be held at Millers Creek high school on Saturday, March 23, 10 a. m. The champion speller from each school in the district will he present to compete for the district championship and the district winner will represent the district In the county contest to be held soqn. Committeemen Meet Saturday Duke Poweir Company To Be Cosed Monday Duke P0|vri^ conqpany office will he ciosed'on Easter Monday, krhlch Is a generally recognized national holiday. ■ In the center An4 beaiiBi I*F* deroen, who wo* the titW of Aho««ty contest hdd Atj^ liberty jlWMw Mfl*jny nli^tAad who wffl resent North Wttfessboro in the stetw €0BM «t Rtow^ the left is Miss Both Garris, s*^coad placo wbum* and on tqe right is Miss Thetas Kilhyi third. • Legion Cmitest For 5th Dis^ct Will Be Saturday Ronda Girl Will Represent Wilkes In Oratorical Con test At Courthouse Fifth district ittoerioan Legion iohsTlB Saturday afternoon, March 23, two o’clock, Frank E. Johnson, Legion Americanism chairman, said today. The fifth district is composed of Wilkes, Ashe, Alleghany, Alex ander and Iredell counties. The winner for the district will cojnpete in the regional contest to lie held In Lexln.gton Thurs day, March 28. 7:30 p. m. ■.Miss Ina Lee White, student of Ronda high school, won in tjie Wilkes county contest held Sat urday and was awarded the medal given by the Wilkes post and will represent Wilkes in the district contest Saturday. Subject of the orations in the contest is "How the United States constitution benefits America and its citizens.’’ Game Protector TeOs Of Seasons Trout Fishing WHl ^ Per- mlss&ble After April 15; Others June 10 Sunrise Service At St. Paul’s Church Sunday, 6:00 A. M. Public Invited To Annual Service At St, Paul’s In WOkesboro .’Rts annu^ Eastc^,,^ .-L-... r-i-. , iL-aV ueoffne'^ #ttave^-0p Tptaliahip AppointmenU S*t . J, Fcf IfondayrTmeeday atal Wednesday Next Week .- Mbndaj^ Tnssdsy and Wedam 2B, 26 and 27. tave ibOm^f^talgnatod as dates for lojraitthl me^lhgs for the pen- of gtrlBg ;WUkes. fa*a^. sa opodirtintlty^to sl|^ op for the 1940 farm pregram, LewrasM MDter, clerk of the Trtple A or ganization, said today. He explained thet many hav^- already Btfned up for the progrrias this ytat bnt there are also maa*. who have not signed and the form Is reqnired it a pajiVM** for eoaB^Uance this year ia to he r^vad. ' A roprasentative of the TripSa A otfloe WUI be at the foUowi** plaoea in the townshlpe of the .oohhtjr, On the dates designated ahd thl^ets who have not signed are fadeaeted to meet the re^w- sentatlTa and sign at that tUno: AhtiMhi Dellaplane Monday, saitrftvee’ store Tneeday. Beaver Creek: Walsh’a Store Monday, Ferguson Tuesday. Boomer: Boomer, Greer’s store MMday aad Tuesday. Brushy MonnUin^ Morris Hen- dren’i store Monday, Gllreath postoftlcS Tuesday. Edwards: .Pardee’s Cafe Mon day, Benbam school Tuesday, I»- max ,postoffice Wednesday. Elk: Ferguson Monday, Darby postofflce Tuesday. Jobs Cabin; Virgil Church’s store Monday, Woodie’s store Tuesday, Lee J. Church’s store Wednesday. Lewis Fork: Forester's store Monday, Adkins Shop Tuesday. Lovehsce: E. P. Inscore’s store Wedaeeday. tcopat’ church on Eaeter Day at sunrise, 6:00 a. m. This service in St. Paul’s has 'Ween an annual affair for the past several years and each year more interest is manifested not only by the congre gation hut by the whole commun ity as well. Prior to the service in the church, a vested choir, ac companied by flute and clarinet, will render Easter music In the cemetery of the church grounds. From there the choir -ivlll march in procession, led by the crucifer, Louis Dul:t, to the chancel of the church where the Ante-Comraun- lon will be read from the sanc tuary by the Rector, Reverend li. M. Lackey, who will be served by Dick Underwood, a c ti n g as acolyte. Then will follow the ser mon, after which the Holy Com munion will be celebrated. "The service will begin at 0:00 a. m. The public is cordially in vited to attend and with St. Paul’s congregation commemor ate that most wonderful event, the Resurrection of our Blessed Lord. Again the public Is invited 'to attend,” the announcement of the service said. With the advent of spring and resultant longing to try for the elusive fish, Homer Brookshire, Wilkes county game protector, to day gave out some Information for anglers In Wilkes county. First of all waa the good news thAt some of the county’s streams have 'been well stocked. Elk of Greek, best hass fishing stream elections in in this Immediate section of the the office of the clerk of court in state, will fpmlsh many a the courthouse. man’s thrill this sumnser. The season will open June 10. Dugger, Basin, Garden and; Bullhead creeks have Ween stock ed with trout and the trout sea son will open on Apr!' 15. Mr. Brookshire said that all fishermen must first ■'quip thera- Dr. Dougherty Will Address selves with fishing license, which Friday night, March 22, 7:JU ° ‘ in standard first aid courses now clock. It was announced here to- ^ nrogress In North Wilkeshoro, are now on sale by several deal er in the county. School Committeemen Of Wilkes County A county-wide meeting o f school committeemen has been called to be held at the Wilkes- boro school building on Saturday, March 23; two o’clock, C. B. Eller, Wilkes superintendent schools, said today. nr^T^^B Dour bVuV Ridge Parkiray lends . In program vrill ^ Dr. B. B. Dou,^- ^ adjoining counties. erty, president of A. S. ir, C Dodge s|ld that new Boone, who will speak on Qual- ^ highly, acenrate and not Ificatlons of A Go^ TBMher. the' iocatioa of laads Various phases of the duties of ^ ® New Parkway Maps Furnished County ^ Major J. P. Dodge, of the state highway commission, has just de livered to the Wilkes register of deeds’ rfflce a new sot of mapo of me : , ^ a*. a school commltteenlan will he discussed at the meeting. ' acquired by tho' goTemment for parkway and park purposes but also show location of holdings of adjoining propmdy owners. The 'nwipe ‘were fttrnlfhed the ednnty A ten-iponnd daughter ,was ib{»ii to Mr.'and Mrs. Jack i BIl- t— — — - more, .of Knottvllle, on tMonday ; without coot and-eaey be inivect^ night. . ' -ed by any IntereiS^ partly Claaa To Render Enterti^- ing Program At Mountain View Friday Ngiht ■The adult education class will render, a program of entertain ment at Mountain View school on Friday night, March 22, 7:30 o’- day ; The program will consist of recitations, declamations, read ings, spelling, instrumental and vocal music. Features of the program by the class will ibe supplemented by num-bers by the Southern Har- monizers, well known radio per formers. and sponsors assure all who will attend an interesting evening. Proceeds from a small admis sion charge will be used to pur- ( chase supplies and defray other expenses of the adult, education class. Mulberry: Halls Mills poetof- flce Monday, A. R. Myers’ store Tuesday, Mulberry school Wed nesday. New Castle: Green’s store Mour day and Tuesday, Mathis’ stores Wednesday. North Wiikesiboro: J. W. Jones’ store Monday. Reddies River: Millers Creek postofflce Monday, Congo post- office Tuesday, Cricket po.stoffice Wednesday. Rock Creek: Hays postofflce Tuesday, Knottvllle postofflce Wednesday. Somers: Myers' store Monday, R. C. Jarvis store Tuesday. C. L, Comers’ store Wednesday. Stanton: New Hope school Monday and Tuesday. Traphill: Charlie Miles’ store Monday. J. Z. Adams’ store Tues day, Thurmond Wednesday. Union: Wilbar postofflce Mon day. A. R. Miller’s store Tuesday. Vannoy postofflce Wednesday. Walnut Grove: Holbrook’s store Monday, 0. C. Rhoades’ store Tbiesday, W. W. Gambill’s store Wednesday. Wilkeshoro: county agent’s of fice Monday, Tuesday and Wed nesday. Adult Education Program Planned Two First Aid Classes In Cify Red CroM First Aid Chai man Says Mach Interest Being Shown In Classes 'Much interest is being sho'wn Marriage Licenses . y .'t. , Only two license to wed have been issued in Wilkes daring the past two weeks. On March 11 a license was issned by OU Wiles, Wilkes register of deeds, to Mont NelsoCjtod Polly Darnell, both of miis ifniB. on March 20 a llOitaS^^ tirta Jseaed Ito Ruaael .CataTi^ Rtada, and Irene Day, ■’i^b^inkin, ^ L- ^ -V V -J. In progress In North Wilkeshoro, Isaac Duncan, first aid chairman for the Wilkes chapter of the Red Cross said today. Two courses are now under way in this city. Mack Reavhj and Oren B. Triplett, Red Cross first aid examiners, are conducting a course for dinployes of the Duke Power company. Miss Pansy Fer guson and Effner Eller are coin- ducting a course for Wilkes Hos iery Mills employes. Both claasea are well attended. There Is a growing Interest In first aid training in Wllkee and Mr. Duncan said that he will be glad to talk over plans with any organization desiring to conduct first aid courses for their em ployes. The WUkee chapter, Mr. Dun can said, la fortqnate In having a number of qualified first aid examiners, who gladly volunteer their servfeee to ttie Red Cross to henduct these coaises. I .. Mr, and.lfna Gycle. spoit liondar In title cttT^ loekl^ after traslneN matter*. x-'-SSi-;