>^.v »; ‘ *. ^ IBS KAMIE SOCKI^Elii, Editor TftlsphoiM 21B ^2??* Grorgre ParKer •rtertains Piano Class Mr». George Parller entertained •tt© mem^rs of her piano class at • ^®liKhtful Easter party at her In Wllkesboro Thu,rsday aftarnoon. Por the first part of ^fca pJlemoon the pupils played ViUK> solos, those playing were B«Tt>ara Ann Moore, Virginia ■^®rf>urfie. Prances Harris, Joye BttDer, Betty Mc*Lain, Patsy Pope, ft^^ca Hayes. Peggy Harris, Aanie Jean Garwood, and Carol gave a reading on Mozart’s Me. Allowing the program the dhtldren enjoyed some outdoor #uiOB and an. ^g hunt, in which ■frhrwooa won the prize. toCreahments were ser\'ed at the doee of the afternoon. Mrs. O. K. Stephens Is Y. W. A. Host^ Mrs. O. K. Stephens was hos- loaa to the members of the Y. W. A. of the Wilkesboro Baptist church, of which she is counselor, at ji^ h^e on Monday evening. MBas Goldie Erickson led the de- ▼otional period and was in charge of a very .interesting Easter pro- .arMr'wUh several memb*ers tak- part. One new member. Mrs. Biaygaret Joines. was welcomed Imto the circle. A social hour and r^reahxnents were enjoyed at the close of the meeting. versary. Fifteen little boys and girls came to celebrate the occas ion with Bebtie Chloe and were entertained with .an Easter egg hunt indoors, in which Anne Smith received a prize for find ing the moat. The children were served Ice cream and cake. A yellow and green motif was emphasized in the decorations of the home as well as the birthday cake. The honoree received lots of nice gifts, and her favors for the guests were attractive Easter baskets. Social Calendar The Rendesvoae Moiihtala Chapter of the Iwuig^ters of the Amerlcaa Hevolutlon will meet Tuesday afternoon at 4 o’clock at the home of Mr t T. B. Finley and Miss Elizabeth. Finley. Mrs. Russell G. Hodges will have charge of the pro gram. jouQuils and some potted plants made lovely decorations for the home. Ml'S, E. N. Phillips Is Missionary Society Hostess “Steadfast in the Homeland’’ was the theme of the program presented at the monthly meet ing of the Wilkasboro Baptist Missionary Society which was iield at the home of Mrs. E. N, Phillips Thursday afternoon. Mrs. (). K. Whittington gave the pro gram and Miss Myrtle Venable, of Spartanburg. S. C.. who is a hou.seguest of Mrs. G. T. Mitch7 ell. gave the Bible study. Mrs. W. A. Stroud, the presi dent, occupied the chair during the busine.^s part of the meeting, which was largely attended. Re freshments and a social hour were enjoyed at the close. Bettie Chloe Payne Is Feted At Birthday Party Little Miss Bettie Chloe Payne, small daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ira Payne, was honored at a de lightful birthday party by her Mother at their home on Fifth | Street Wednesday afternoon cele brating her third birthday anni- j — Come on boys and get 'em. We got plenty of all kinds of seeds | for you, Save money by bujing from U.S. PKARSON BKOTlIKK.s. Tea and Topics Culb Met With Mrs.^J. Q. Adams With Mrs. J. Q. Adams as hos tess the members of the Tea and Topics club and two additional guests were delightfully enter- laiiK'd at the .Adams home on F Stre^'t Friday evening. Rook was played for awhile, after which .Mrs. -Adam.s assisted by IWrs. E. H. Helms served tempting re freshments, Prizes in the game for high and low scores were a- wardtd to .Mr.s. I. E. Pear.son and .Mrs. Ira Payne. \ isitors of the chilt were .Mrs. Helms and Mrs. .Muri/hy Hunt. profusion of Wilkesboro Woman’s Club Held Monthly Meeting The Garden Department of the Wilkesboro Woman’s club, of which Mrs. George Kennedy is chairman, presented an unusually interesting program at the month ly meeting of the club which w'as held at the home of Mrs. E. N. Phillipj Friday afternoon with Mrs. P. W. Edwards and Mrs. W. E. Reins as associate hostesses. Mrs. Rdward.s made a most en- thnsia-tic talk on “Planting Flowering Shrubs in Landscap ing" describing three types of land.scaping. formal, picturesque, and naiunil. Mrs. R. E. Prevette played a piano solo, “The Palms”: Miss Ruth Wright sang a solo, “Spirit of Prayer," after which Miss Myrtle Venable led in pray er. The meeting opened with the group joining in singing “The Star Spangled Banner. Mrs. J. B. Henderson, the president, presid ed for the usual business session, during w'hich time the club voted to support the girl scout move ment, as a troop has been orgaa- ized in Wilkesboro. Refreshments were «erved dur ing the social hour that followed the meeting. A large number M'ere present including two visitors, Mi.ss Venable and Mrs. M. B. Phil lips. of Dalton, mother of Mrs. G. T. Mitchell. RIDIN*, ROPIN', SHOOTIN*—Errol Flynn has his most glorious screen adventure in ''Virginia City*', Warner Brothers mighty pic- turization of a roaring chapter from the history of the west in gold- rush days. Virginia City” Coming To New Orpheiun Theatre This Week The Mhrch * rarian ■ Falls Hom«» Uon Club met Wednesday ooon, March 20tb. la tha hovie' of Mrs. R. A. Greer with Mrs. C. F. Pretholl as joint hostess. Mrs. W. R. Hlx opened the meeting with a scripture rea4Q|[^ ^hich was In keeping with the* Easter season. Mrs. S. C. Stewart In an impressive manner told the sim ple, though inspiring, etory of “Christ and the Doctor." In coi^- nection with the narrative shq showed the famous picture “Christ in the Temple" painted by Heinrich Hofmann, renowned for his true portrayul of biblical events. The president, Mrs. C. F. Bretholl, presided over the busi ness session. Mrs. W. C. Scroggs, secretary, gave the report of the previous meeting and called the roll. The roll was answered by each member giving her favorite vegetable. Plans were discussed for attending the meeting of the County Council, April 20th. A comniitiee composed of Mrs. B. M. Pardue, Mrs. H. A. Greer and Mrs. V/. C. Scrogg.s was selected to meet with a committee from the Boomer club on Monday. April 1st. The object of this meeting is to plan the food to be served at the meeting on May 2:ird of the Third Federation Dis trict o f Home Demonstration Clubs which covers the counties of Caldwell, Alexander, Allegh any, Avery, Watauga and Wilkes. For the demonstration feature of the month, Miss Harriet Mc- Googan, Home Demonstration a- gent, discussed mantle arrange ment, furniture arrangement and picture hanging. She moved the Myers-Rudd Engagement Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Myers, for mer residents of this city now lo cated ill Elkin, have announced the engagemeut of their daugh ter. Amy Kathryn, to Mr. Clyde Rudd, of Henderson. The mar riage will take pla(*e in midsum mer. Presb} terian Auxiliary Holds Monthly Meeting At Hut Forty-four members were pres ent for the monthly meeting of the Presbyteriaa Auxiliary which was held at the church hut Tues day afternoon. This meeting marked the annual one at which tiiiK? tile secretaries of the differ ent cau.ses gave fine reports of the year’s work, these reports taking the place of a program. Mi.s. (k I). Col'K'y, Jr.. 1.1 t^iiietl for llu* ’onsines.s session and led tile devotional period. Tlie following chairmen were appoiiiied lor atioihin- year: Xo. 1. .Mrs. H. H. Morton; Xo. 2. .Mrs. H. H. .^mith; No. 2, .Mrs, Walt Cooper; No. 4, Miss Norma Stevenson: No. f>. Miss Janie Mc- Diarmid: Ntr *>. Mrs. Hoyle Huuliens; am! No. 7. tlie home circle. Mrs. .A. A. t'ashion. Secretaries o f causes were elected as follows: foreign mis- .’.uots. Mrs. Paul Cragan; As- ’eni.Iilys Home Missions. Mrs. C. tilths. Jr.; Religious Plducation, C. Faw; Christian Education and Ministerial Relief, Mrs. Robert .Miss Jeannie Ogilvie: Synodical and Presbyterial Home- Missions, Mi.ss Lucy Shook; development of Spiritual Life. Mrs. E. G. Finley: Litoralnre. Mrs. E. A. Shook: Ciirisliaii Social Service. Mrs. .M. .A. Vickery; Pastor’s Aid. Mrs. Archie Ogilvie: Social Activities. Mr.s. it. G. Finley; Schools and Colleges. Mrs .Lincoln Spainhonr; Barium Springs Orphanage, Mrs. Gordon Finley; White Cross, Mrs. Boyd Stout. At the close of the business session the incoming officers* w'ere installed in a very impress ive service by Mrs. T. B. Finley. —PLUS— Latest Picture News of the World Private Life of Your Favorite Movie Stars and Color Cartoon Today-Tuesday ^OUR ENTERTAINMENT CENTER” New Orpheam Theatn : Methodist Mission Study Cla-ss To Be Held Tuesday All members of the Woman’s Auxiliary of the North Wilkes boro Methodist church are urged to attend the spring mission study class which is to be held at the church hut Tuesday afternoon from two until five o'clock. A short intermission will be held in between classes during which time light refreshments will be served. Tho textbook, “Homeland Harvest” will be taught by Miss Esther Lee Cox, a member of the city school faculty, and Mrs. Pal mer Horton. Since this is to he the only ses sion of the class it is hoped that everyone will make a special ef fort to be present. Due to this meeting neither one of the Bible classes will meet this month, but the memb'ers of. the Woman’s Bi ble class are requested to bring thoir dues. Eastern Star Meeting Regular meeting Wilkes chap ter number 42, 0. E. S., will be held 'Thursday night, 7:30, in the lodge hall. All members are urged to be present. Ada. get attratioii—and reiiiha* The New Orpheiim Theatre wMll continue its new season I’arade of film liits so aiispicioin-ly I with “Hrolher Rat and a Pal»v’* and “The Fighting fiOth." 'h “Virginia City," starring hrrol Flynn. Miriam Hopkins and Itan- dolph Scolt. The film, which rbings to the screen one of the most .stiiTing chapters in the west’s unwritten fiistory. will have its local opening on Wed nesday. “Wes) of Dodge City thece’s no law" was a byword in i!ie old west. .And west of Dodge City, there was Virginia City, a city of gold, ruled by lead. Sprung up overnight, after tho discovery of the Comstock Lode and other gold and silver mittes had brought ihonsands of prospectors to Ne vada. Virginia Ci'.y was as color ful a.s the void tliat broir-’lit it iiii) existence, and just as nn- l»e(‘ding of law and order. It is tlii- Ijaekgrimml against which Warner Bro.«. liave set their ex- riling new film, in the stormy days a! the chise of tlie (Mvil War. Southern sympathizers in Vir ginia f’ity liave baiulel together and rai.sed some five million dol lars wliich is to lie sninggied out ami seni it» tin* Con’federate Annv. Flynn, as a Fnion iiitel- ligi'iici* nrni*r. gei.s wiml of the plan, and sf»ts nut for Virginia t'iiy wilii .some plans of hi.s own. On the stagecoach journey, he meets Julia (.Vliriain Hopkins), wlio is the new singing and danc ing star at tlie famous Sazerac Cafe in Virginia City. This marks the begintiing of a hectic romance which has as many ups and downs as the terrain of Nevada. IMtled against Flynn in hi.s iiattle to divert the gold to the rnion Army is Randolph Scott, a> a ronfeflerale officer, and John Murrell (Humphrey Bo gart). notorious liighwayinan, who intends to divert the gold to his own uses. From this situation emerges as lusty and action-pack ed a story as the most ardent thrill-fan could desire, even more exciting than “Dodge City’’ in which Flynn starred last esason. Critics who have previewed “Virginia Olty’’ on the We.st Coast, cill Miriam Hopkins’ per formance the surprise of the year. As the spitfire queen of the dancehall, a complete change from the dramatic roles she has been playing, she is said to turn in a performance that rings the bell from every angle. Flynn, in the reckless, dashing type of role, is said to do one of his best characterizations, with Ran dolph Scott as a worthy contender for hero honors. Besides the head-liners, the fine supporting cast includes Frank McHugh, Alan Hale, Guinn “Big Boy" Williams, John Lltel, Moroni Olsen, Russell Hicks, uickie Jones, Doaiglas Dumbrille and a host of others. 'Based on an original screen play by Robert Buckner, the film was made under the direction of Michael Curtiz, whose genius for handling pictures of epic sweep was so ably demonstrated with such outstanding films as “The Adventures of Robin Hood” and “Dodge City.”^ plietp of mtfalnate ajUTi iende. £he strewed the ioaport- 40toe;'0f usie^ ct^rful ot ohini^ potteiT* and pr^ dnee color accent, ‘She^ recom mended the use of coire^Kmdlac floi^ prints in groups tq .^ldpo- rate problem ' wall ^spa^ urged that original and indtrlAlial ideai^ be used in decorating fatV er than conforming to a set rule 6f decoration. At the close of the meeting the hostesses served cakes, tea and mints which carried out the col ors and snggestlons of Easter. While the refreshments were he- irtg eaten the members Informal ly discussed the books which had been distributed at the last meet ing. The work on the community house is progressing nicely. With in the next month it is the aim to have the house finished com pletely on the outside. However, the Interior work will more than likely proceed more slowly. It Is a source of pride and satisfac tion to the citizens of the’village to see the work on thl.-? building being carried along with such fine public spirit and cooperation. Roaring Gap Club March Meeting The Roaring Gap Home Dem onstration club held its regular monthly meoting at the home of Mrs. f4. A. Lyons near Doughton. with 12 members pre.sent. Mrs. J. 1C. De.Journette. president, was in charge of the meeting. -Mis. J. .X’. Gentry cojiducted tlie devotional. Her .subject. “The -Mo>iih of March." March means more than the month. It is a challenge to move forward. Show- j ing how we can make it apply to i our Home Demonstration club. | Next offered prayer and followed i with Teiinison’s “Lady Clare.’’ I -Mi.ss Salle Woodruff, wlio has i charge of ilio picture .study, gave an inif^re-tlng talk on the picture. ' "Clirisi and the Doctors" hv the • I German artist. Hoffman. This is a picture of great beauty, for ^ theie is no beauty so appealing | as beauty of the clean life, the pure heart, the alert mind. Here they an* conihtned in one supreme character, the character of Jesus. Hie Clirist. Mrs. W. \\. Calloway the sec retary. ica»l the minutes of the last jiu'etinu. Each inomber an swered )’iie roll call with the iiaine of l:er favorite vegetable. IMans were discussed for tlu* district meeting to he lield ar ^ North Wilkeslmro in May. ’ The demonstration on furni-1 ture arrangement by Xliss Me-! Googaii was very interesting and [ helj fu). She demonstrated formal | and informal l>alance and stress-1 ed having only u.seful and com-1 fortable furnishing, to eliminate everything that is not fundament-; al to the comfort and happiness ! of the home. She also di?trihuted j literature on daily food essentials and the vegetable and fruit cann ing budget. During the social hour the ho.s- tess, assisted by Mrs. Dan Haye.^ and daughter. Janie, served de- liclou.s refreshments. WILKES’ FINEST I Now Showing GEORGE RAFT JOAN BENNETT Liberty. SPRING SHOWER OF HITS ^T^he HOUSE ACROSS the K>Y LLOYD NOLAN TgLADYS GEORGE and WALTER PIDGEON Mr. ‘Shoun Kerha'^irh. tudent of the University of Nor^h Car olina at Chapel Hill, has been spending the spring holidays with home folks here. Sale Of Assoited RoseBushes Sale Starts Tuesday, Mucli 20th and Continues Until Entire Stock Is Sold lOc 500 ROSE BUSHES FROM SOUTHLAND NURSERIES, each (Sold In Lots Of Ten) BEIK’S DEPARTMENT STORE “NORTH WILKESBORO’S SHOPPING CENTER”. ipwp DWARF TRKES Agriculiursl experiment sta tions In many States and foreiga countries are conducting experi ments to develop a dwarfed va riety of apple tree, which would simplify spraying and harvesting. FAltMERS, be sure to see us for your seeds. We have a com plete stock—seed potatoes, oiiXs, beans, lespedeza, etc. PEARSON BROTHERS. 2-26-tf

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