■iVriitrr iliaKfii5rr'liilifii *^ot-has-:bla2ed ^.r^:'-TitAa.- ™: og;^ Sti rjw? jiitw*. rJ.’li.- 1‘t t -f Is 5oici(fe :a .;^,fi,.„i>ia t,'- •^’tA- ?»? 1 .} 1:^11 'V; P6r ftata|| '»dvantemi laNoffCh ,■ rf NMtlCa tndiiir liWMteni' ■i'i 1 (I WUl Higglas, ase 73, ended h: own life this attenioon 't>7 slaeb.- iac Ills throat wRh a raior, Coro ner I. M. Myera Mid following an InTeatigation of the death. Membera of the family at the home two miles southweet of WUhesb|oro said that Higgins went from his house to the gran ary to teed the chickens and aft er feeding them slewhed his throat. He had taken his eon’s raaor from the house. His body was found by his son. Coroner Myers said the lacera tion was deen enough to puncture the Jugular vein and the larnyx. He fell on his face and died al most instantly. Xo cause was given for the act but relatives told the coroner that only recently Higgins had taken a number of strychnine tablets and said he was going to die. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Mary L. Milam Higgins, and four children; Harrison Higgins, Bland, Va.; Lester Higgins, V'il- kesboro; Mrs. Worth Church, Mo- -^,ravian Falls: C. J. Higgins, Wil- kesboro. Funeral arrangements had not been completed late today. i^OL. XXXin, No. 88 Published 1040 IN TBB STAT^-4p.btf OUT OF THE STATE FBishop Purcell / Is Speaker At Crusade Rally % Young People Of Elkin Methodist District Hold Meeting In This City \ f Bishop Clare Purcell, of Char lotte. delivered an inspiring mess age here Thursday night before a Youth Crusade Rally of the El kin Methodist district. The Bishop’s subject was divid ed into three part.-: “Know your Methodism. Ix)ve Your Method ism, Sen-e Your Methodism.” For the service th§ church was filled to capacity with young peo ple from churches in all parts of the district, which i.s composed of Wilkes, Surry, Davie, Ashe, Wa- 'U^ga, Alleghany and Yadkin ‘counties. The program opened with a hymn, a prayer by Miss Louise Laffoon. of Elkin, music by the. boy’s quartet, of Boone, and a song, “Just For Today.” by Miss Iva Faw. of North Wilkesboro, accompanied by Miss Ellen Rob inson. Bishop Purcell wa.s introduced by District Superintendent J. S. ^ Hiatt. wA Following the sermon special music was rendered by I^ena Sale and Peggy Royall. M. Teague Hipps. of Salisbury, director of the young people s work in. the Western North Car olina Conference, spoke briefly, telling about young people’s ac tivities scheduled for the coming summer. The rally was described as one of the most successful gatherings of young people ever held in this city. Regional B. T. U. Convention Will Convene In City Baptists Of Twelve Associa tions To Gather Here Fri day and Saturday Announcement was made here f.o^y of a regional B. T. U. con vention to be held at the First Baptist church in this city on Fri day and Saturday, April 12 and 13. ’The theme of the convention will be "The New Testament Pat tern of Church Membership.’’ The first session will open Fri day afternoon at three o’clock. The highlight of the session will be a discussion by Miss Josephine 'Turner on "Facing Our Training Needs In Region Seven.” Friday evening’s session will open at seven o’clock. Dr. O. R. Mangum. of Lenoir, will s-peak on the subject. “My Church.” Rev. J. C. Caiiipe. of Boone, win conduct a sunrise service Sat urday morning at 6:30. The Saturday morning session will have many interesting num bers, including an :Midie.ss by I. r ' iif Mills G Greer, superintendent of Mills Home. ThomasvUle. The final session will begin Saturday afternoon Baptist associations in region Alexander. Alleghany, Ashe. Ave ry Brier Creek, Brushy Moun tain. Caldwell, Elkin. Stone Mountain, Stony Fork, Three Forks and Yadkin. Mi. Wade GUbiert, constable of Blk township, was a North Wll- kasboro visitor today. The above picture was taken Friday evening at the birthday party given by the Senior Woman s club of North Wilke^ro celebriating the Golden Jubilee Anniversary of the Federation of Wonwn s clubs. Club leaders as shown in the picture are, left to right: Mrs. A. B. Johnst^ chauman of build ing committee, and second vke-president-. Mrs. W. E. Jones, first vice-president; Bbs. Cj,H. Cowles, of Wilkestoro, chairman of dlatrict three; Mrs. F. C. Forester, president of the club; Mr& T, B. Fiuey, k past president; Mrs. Emmett C. Johnson, president of Junior club; Mrs. Ivey Moore, finance chairman; and Mrs. W. R. Absher, historian. Registrars And Judges Appointed For Precincts Board Sections Met On Saturday To Name Officials Is A Candidate Birthday Party By Woman’s Gub Is Held In City william Ben Pennell, 22-year- old resident of near Wilkesboro, was almost Insdantly killed and anssel Brooks, of Wilkesboro route 2, was itadly Injured In an automobile accident near Moravi an Falls on highways 16 and 18 Sunday night abont 7:16 o’clock. According to Information gain ed by Carlyle Jordan, state high way patrolman who Investigated the accident, Pennell was driv ing his car, a light roadster, to ward Moravian Palls when It overturned on the highway and landed -bottom side up. Both occupants were . uncon scious when placed In an ambu lance and carried to the Wllkea hospital. Pennell died wKhln a few minutes after he arrived at the hosplUl. There were several wounds on his head and bruises on his arms and shoulders. His Activities Of ■ Organizatimi Outlined In Gathering Hedd Friday Night New Registration Called; All Who Vote This Year Must Register Wilkes county board of elec tions In meeXing SatWHlasr. ome ning appointed precinct officials for the primary to he held on May 25. i Officials named .’or each pre cinct were a registrar. Democratic judge and Republican judge. The first named for each town- j ship is the registrar, the second i.s the Democratic judge and the third is the Republican judge: Antioch—R. G. Mathis, Charlie F'oster and Mansfield Jarvis. Beaver Creek—L. F. Walsh. A. J. Foster and G. H. Walker. Boomer — Willard Williams, Earl German and Elisha Fergu son. I Brnsliy Mountain—Coy Parker. Christy Tedder and R. L. Mea dows. Edwards No. 1—Clyde Burch- ette. Ernest Edwards and Hugh Hanks. Edwards .Vo. 2—Conrad Dur ham, I,ewis Church and Clifton Prevette. Edwards No. 3—Paul Newman, J. J. .Myers and Eli Smith. Elk No. 1—Philo Blanken.shlp, Burwin Shell and S. F. Miller. Elk .No. 2—W. E. Horton, Fred McNeill and W. F. Green. Jobs Cabin No 1—D. F. Be- shears. Odell Beshearr and Glen Wat.-'on. Jobs Cabin No. 2—Doughton Foster, J. M. A. Adkins and R. S. Church. Lewis Fork—G. C. Walsh, J. .M. Shepherd and E. C. Foster. Lovelace—Mrs. E. P. Iiiscore. Andrew Johnson and Andrew Souther. Moravian Falls—Mrs. W. S. Reavls. June Pearson and Ed Jennings. Mulberry No 1—Miss Vernle Hayes, Crom Owens and J. F. Bumgarner. Mulberry No. 2—Grady F. .Miller, IV. E. Brewer and Wil liam Harrold. New Castle—Richard Pardue, Bob Calloway and Hubert Rob erts. North Wilkesboro—Eftner Bil ler, Glenn Cox and E. R. Eller. Reddies River—Cecil Vannoy, Troy Eller and Quince Kilby. Rock Creek—F. C. Johnson, Bob Johnson and Eli Sebastian. Somers—Albert Myers, T. Y. Inscore and H. C. Somers. Stanton—Vernon Eljer, Clar ence VVhitiington and H. O. Par sons. Traphill No. 1—Rich F. Gen try, iS'. A. Lyon and Glenn Cas- stevens. Traphill No. 2—^Vance John son, Jesse L. Holloway and H. N. Kennedy. Union—Thornton Staley, B. F. Staley and Pete Dancy. Walnut Grove No. 1—Willie Holbrook, J. C. Johnson and Lun- die Holbrook. (Continued on page eight) (’. ). Mc.Viel, cliairiiian of tile »likes eoiiiily Hoard of eiUieatioii and secretai-y of the Wilkes county Denioenitie e\- eeiilive committe*. Iia-s filed notice of candidacy foi’ another term On the boaiul of education. McNeil Files As A MemberOfCounty Board Education lucumbent Chairman Board Seeks Party’s Endorse ment In The Primary C. O. McNiel, chairman of the Wilkes county board of education for the past several years, filed notice of his candidacy Saturday for primary endorsement as a member of the board for another term. I nder the present law the term of one member of the board ex pires every two years. The mem bers of the board whose terms do not expire next year are K. R. Church and D. F. Shepherd. Mr. McNiei. a member of one of the most prominent families in noithwestern North Carolina, has for several years been very active in public life and in the Democratic party, being secre-. tary of the county executive com mittee. His notice of candidacy was filed Saturday with E. P. Inscore, chairman of the county board of elections. To celebrate the Golden Jubi lee Anniversary of the Federation of Woman’s clubs, the members of the Senior Woman’s club of North Wilkesboro entertained at a lovely birthday .party at the clubhouse on Tfogdon Street Fri day evening. Mrs. F. C. Forester, president of the club, n.-eslded throughout the evening, ^during •wlUcIi tfih^an’'fiitire»tlng pro gram was given, being followed Hy a dance. The spacious room of the club house was attractively decorated with a variety of spring flowers, while on the birthday table was a large white cake, topped with fifty tiny yellow candles, on each side of which was bowls of the yellow jonquils and white spirea. To open the program John Kermit Blackburn, accompanied at the piano by Miss Lois Scroggs, sang “l,ove Sends a Little Gift of Roses’’ and “0 Promise Me.’’ after which .Mrs. Forester wel comed the group and presented Mrs. C. H. Oowles, of Wilkesboro, chairman of district three, who made a -most interesting talk on the Golden Jubilee. Since tlie North Wilkesboro Senior dub wa. organized in Oc tober 1920 the following have .served as presidents; Mesdames T. B. B'inley, W. J. Bason, R. G. Finley, Palmer Horton, J. C. Reins. John Tait, and Mrs. For ester. The achievements during their term of office was related I by a number of these women. In I which the building of the club house wgs an outstanding ac complishment. Mrs. George Forester sponsored the organization of the Junior es. club in October 1934, and Its Bridal Couple, Age 73, Visitors Here Mr. and Mrs. Wallace E. Day, of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, who were married In November 1939 and have been spending a four- months’ honeymoon in Florida, were week-end guests of Mrs. Marlon Shell, a granddaughter of Mrs. Day. Mr. and Mrs. Day were 73 years of age sach at the time of their marriage but had known each other for more than 60 years. Mrs. Day is a sister of the first wife of Mr. Day. ization of the local senior club, sented by President Johnston. which was of much Interest. In present, the club was- organized, and enrolled a membership of 98. In the election of the officers Mrs. J. C. Smoot was chosen as president; Mrs. T. B. Finley, vice president: Mrs. E. C. Willis, sec the first presiaent oi ciun in — - j: service. The department chair- mU on the curb mar- ,Wilkes Youth b FataOy Injur^ h Auto Mishap Willifun B. P«niidl Is Killod Almost Initwtljr When Car Orertumed Dr. Hiibhard Predderd Of Hospital Association Is Bected At It A Candidate neck was broken. Brooks soon regained consci ousness and his condition today was not considered critical, al though there *were a number of severe l.icerations and biruises. Cause of the accident was not immediately determined. Pennell is survived by his mother, Mrs. Geneva Pennell: three brothers, Elbert, Lee and Glenn Pennell of Wilkesboro, Route 2; and two sisters. Mrs. Tyre Johnson of Statesville, and Mrs. Enoch Staley of Wilkes boro, Route 2. Funeral service will be held some time Tuesday at Moravian Falls Methodist church. Chas. C. Pearce Adifre^ses Lions On Friday Night Member Anti-Trust Division Department Of Justice Is Heard Here Charles C. Pearce, attorney of the United States Department of Justice now engaged in alleged violations of the anti-trust act by fertilizer companies, told the North Wilkesboro Lions Club Fri day night about the anti-trust ai and how it is designed to protect the masses of unorganized con sumers against organized mo nopoly. The program was in charge of Hadley Hayes and Phillip Brame. Mr. Hayes Introduced the speaker. Mr. Pearce was strong In his con demnation of monopoly and as serted that the anti-trust act makes void any contracts or a- greements which are in restraint of trade. Free fixing, he said, is a form of taxation. Following his address Judge Johnson J. Hayes, a guest at the meeting, spoke briefly concerning the public interest In some recent court decisions on anti-trust tas- President Richard Johnston an- presidents have been Mrs. Frank nounced that the International Blair, Jr„ Miss Lois Scroggs, Mrs. convention of Lions Clubs will be held in Havana. Cuba, on July 24 and 26 and asked that as 23 W. K. Sturdivant, Mrs, W. F. Ab sher, and Mrs. E, ■ C. Johnson, .-o, — — Several of the junior ipresldents many members of the local club were introduced and told about as nossible make plans to at- the activities of the club under their leadership. Mrs. W. R. Absher, historian, gave a brief sketch of the organ tend. Ira W. Day and D. V. Deal were received into the club as new members and buttons were pre- L. L. Carpenter, E. C. Johnson WlllCU *» v/a w. r-—- —— October 1920 Miss Adelaide Fries, and Edward Finley are the pro of Winston-Salem, was invited gram committee for Anniversary here to speak to the women of and Ijadies’ night April 19. Blair the town in regards to the or- Gwyn and Paul Cashion were ganizatlon of a club. At this named as a committee meeting, which was presided over rangements. by Mrs. Absher, 100 women were' on ar- Curb Mart Meet On Tuesday Night Mi3s Harriet McOoogan» Wilkes home demonstration agent, has president: Mrs. E. C. wiiiis sec- ^ „,etlng for the retary and treasurer Mrs. Smwt planning re-opening presided over the first meeting of the club, but becauw of Illness in the court in her family was unable to serve Tuesday night immediately further, so Mrs. Finley becanse j jj j _ jjjg nranee meeting the first president of club in f®“o . men were also elected at this othen. Interested are meeting. The Civic League of , , nroaont which Mrs. Absher was president, ® ^ ^ and the Associated Charities, headed bly Mrs. Smoot, gave a lovely tea following the organiza tion of the club to honor the guest oii speaker. (Continued on page eiglit) Grange To Meet wilkesboro Grange will meet ’Tuesday nighf, 7:39, at the courthouse. All members ire asked to attend, i .: :r> P. OL (Tool) Forester, for maiijr years prominent in the DeznocraUc party in the state, is a candidate for the Demo cratic iMnnination for state sen ator in this district. F. C. Forester Is A Candidate For The State Senate Prominent Democratic Lea der Files Notice Of Can didacy Saturday Floyd C. (Tom) Forester, inde pendent oil dealer and for many years a leader in the Democratic party, Saturday filed notice of candidacy for the Democratic nomination for State Senate in the Twenty-fourth district, com posed of Wilkes, Yadkin and Davie counties. Mr. Forester has been promi- party in Wilkes county and state He was elected chairman of the county executive committee in 1912 and was Head of the party in Wilkes for 16 years. He has been a member of the State Dem ocratic executive co,mmittee for several years, and in 1932 was a delegate from the Eighth con gressional district to the Demo cratic National convention in Chicago, at which time Franklin D. Roosevelt was nominated for President. Due to an agreement for rota tion of candidates in this dis trict, thlg, year is Wilkes’ time for a Democratic candidate. Two ye’ars ago Dr. T. W. Shore, Yad kin county Democrat, was' defeat ed by Charles H. Cowles, Wilkes Republican, by only about 100 votes. MeetmgHeldIn Wmston-Salem Highway Accident Hoqyital* nation Bill Again Spon sored By Group.... Dr. Fred C. Hubbard, ohtof o« Staff of the Wilkes HospttalUwaa elected president of -Kortk Carolina Hospital Asso^tlon at its meeting held In Wlaston-Sali- em Wednesday night..^ ,• Other officers elects‘ wer^ J. Lyman Melvin of Ro!lp> ifopot, president elect, whiy - geeg the group next year, ana Sample B. Forbns, Watts 3f6s|>lt§l,'’j^tai>' ham, re-elected seOTetaiy-triiss urer. Dr. Vance P. Peeryj. Rl«e- ton, retiring president, and Or. Harry L. Brockman, of High Point, were elected directors tor three-year terms. They snceeed br. Molr S. Martin, of' Mount Airy, and Dr. B. C. Wlllto, of Rocky Mount. The meeting Wednesday night was a prelude to The Carolinas- Vlrglnias Hospital Conferenee which was in session ’Thursday through Saturday, which Dr. Hubbard also attended. The North Carolina Hospital Association In meeting Wednes day night, about 150 ^rong, greed to sponsor again the North Carolina highway accident hos pitalization bill which failed pass age in the last session of the legislature by only five votes on final reading. 'The bill would add 50 cents to the price of each auto tag sold, and thlg fund would be «MZk.tlt:''|lay-Uu’ae-:doimr»"per day on the hospital bill of any vic tim of an auto accident in the state. The body also adopted by unan- mous vote a new constitutiou and bylaws which was set up as model by the American Hos- nent and active in the Democratic pital Association. There is little Merchants To Set Saturday Closing Hours At Meeting To Be Held At North Wilkes boro City Hall On Thurs- ’ day Night, 7:30 ifference between the old and new documents, it was pointed out. A lengthy dtstu.ssion on the workmen's compensation law as it affects hospitals was held, fol lowed by the decision that the as sociation recommend to the in dustrial commission that a hos pital advisory committee be set- lip to handle hospital claims. McNeill Speaker For G.O.P. Meet Candidate For Governor To Address County Conven tion On Monday A meeting of all merchants in North Wilkesboro will be held on Thursday night. April 11, at the city hall for the purpose of setting Saturday evening closing htfuirs for the imercantl'.e estab lish menu in the city, W. P. Kel ly, executive secretary of North Wllkesboro’s Commerce Bureaus, said today. The proposal to close stores at seven o’clock Saturday evenings was discussed at a previous meet ing but action was deferred un til a complete canvass of the bus iness firms could be made and another meeting called. AU merchants of the city, re gardless of whether or not they are members of the Merchants* Bureau, are Invited and urged to attend the meeting Thursday night. Charlie Monroe At Mt. Pleasant Attorney Robert H. McNeill, a candidate for the Repiiblicau nomination for governor of North Carolina, will speak at the Wllkea county Reepublican convention to be held in Wilkesboro on Monday, April 15, ten a. m. Announcement that Attorney McNeill, a native of Wilkes and tor many years a nationally prom inent attorney in Washington. D. C., will speak at the convention was made today by Attorney T. R. Bryan, who Is manager of Mr. ■McNeill’s canvpaign in Wilkes. Pastors’ Meeting ToBeThur^y Monthly Meeting Of. Baptist Preachers To Be ' Reins-Sturdivaiit * Charlie Monroe, one . of the famous Itonroe Brothers, and his party of . “Kentucky Partners,” iriil renier, a program at Mount PidtAaakf school on. , 'rb«wdsy> April session of the WlIkM county Baptist Pastors’ ence will he held on Thursday, > April ll, at Re!n8-Stnrdi»nt chapel in this city, according- to an announcement today by .Rev. Eugene Olive, secretary. The program will open at ten a. m. with devotional by Rev. W,, H. Houck. Rev. C. C. Holland will conduct the Bible study'sn4 Rev. F. C. Watts will deliver tha sermon. At 1:16 P- hi. Rev. C. M. Caa-, dill win conduct the devotional, followed by a discussion led Rev. Eugene Olive .on “The Min ister as a Local cHuroh Leader.” The concluding.nnmW»r on tka. program ' will Da W address by . Rev. S. I. Wafts on, ‘Tce^rtnf For A Reviv«)J.'”—. M

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