THE /OUlWALrPAtRJOT HAS BLAMED THE^ TRAa OF PROGRjpS ,IN vTHE‘OTATB Of WHJKES^^ „ir t.iii a.i*t A. &' mo ^ Drade ToQoseSaturdays At Seven O’CIo^ v;!>- ,«■ ■ Hor __ wm^ .ymvw 'i^N^bbldr of Kt Cnrottila. ri&Ro jMiitr of NofeHiweat^ Iroitli Eariy Clounc Hour Will Not Go Into Effect Until ; " Saturday, May 18 VOL. XXXIII, No. 35 Published Mondays and Thargdaya.__NGRTH WILKESBORO, N. C MON]^Y;_A^^ijSiLj940_jt^ STA1^-|2^00^OUT^^ THE STA^ At an enthusiastic meeting of the merchants 'bureau of the North Wllkesboro Commerce Bu reaus held Thursday night in the city hall it was voted almost unanimoir iy _to close the stores of the city (not including drug stores and grocery stores) at 7 p. m. o’clock on Saturdays. W. O. Gabriel, 'director of the bu reau, presided. After discussion of the mat- Both Parties To Have Contests In / -t' ter by the various merchants present, and after bearing a re port of tb. survey made by W. P. Kelly, bureau secretary, which re sulted In 48 merchants express ing the desire to clObe on Satur days at 7 p. m., II willing to co operate, and S against the clos ing hour, the motion to close at the hour mentioned and to abide by the majority vote, those pres ent voted 15 to 3 for the closing hour w'hlch will take effect on the third Saturday night in Jlay, May 18. There was very little opposition to the 'movement to establish the closing hour for the merchants expressed at the meeting and a committee composed of J. 11. Mc Cartney. John K. Blackbiiru and Carl \V. Steele was appointed to promote an advertising campaign to thoroughly acquaint the pub lic of the approaching change for closing the stores on Saturday nights. Money Allocated For Highway 268 Taken By Death A King at Play Survey Of Route From Wilkesboro Westward Made Wilkes’ Share Of Highway Improvement Fund To Be Used On 268 Begin To Widening Projects King Ananda Mahidol of ThaUsnd I (Siam) romps with his mother and ^ « ; a toy rabbit at Lausanne, gwltser- land, where the young king attends school. A council of regents roles ThsUand during his minority. f Work Slated To Get Under Way On Widening 421 East Of Wilkesboro Two surfacing jobs on highway | widening projects on highway | 421 arr; scheduled to get under way within the ne.xt tew days. Workmen, have teen waiting on .oondition tv> become more 4>^ofe aMiylBg i>la^ teg cnrfnfo «a wW^ijg^glr^ higlnray 49f from' this’city west to Millers i^reek. By means of a WPA project the roadbed had been widened and crushed stoue has been applied three feet on each side of the con crete pavement and up to six feet on inside of curves. The concrete pavement o n highway 421 of Wilkesboro will also be widened and work is slated to get under way this week. It will also be carried out as a WPA project with the state high way commission as sponsor. A strip of concrete four feet wide will be added to the present pavement. Rock cor concrete work is being mined in a quarry on the Windy Gap road. Wilkes Second In Number Farms On Soil Program Load Limits On Exceeded In Number Farms Signed Up Only By -iviWiaiwL in the state in ntimber of farms participating in the soil pro gram for 1940, Lawrence Miller, clerk and secretary of the Triple .X organization in Wilkes, said today. As the date for signing up for the farm program closed. Wilkes county was nearing the 5,000 mark in number nf signatures and already had passed 1.900. Mr. Miller said that according to his information Johnson is the only county in the state to exceed that figure. Wilkes was fourth In number participating last year. Township committeemen have contacted practically all the farm ers of the county within the last few weeks and promised coopera tion wit)- the program has been almost 100 per cent. Engineers are engaged in .mak ing a survey of highway 268 from W’ilkesboro to the Caldwell cgMinty line and work on a portion of that highway is expected to get under way soon, it was learn ed today from the highway divis ion office here. Highway Commissioner J. G. Hackett said that Wilkes county’s part of the money from the fund allocated by Governor Hoey for improvement of state highways will be spent on highway 268 west of Wilkesboro. The fund allocated by Gover nor Hoey was $5,000,000 for the state. Of this amount about $1,- 100,000 will be used for bridges and equipment and $4,000,000 will be divided for improvement of state highways and county roads. Wilkes’ share of the part for state highways will be used on highway 268. Highway 268 follows a west ward course from Wilkesboro a- jlong the Yadkin Valley, recogniz ed as one of the best agricultural sections of the county. A hard- SmitheyRe-elected y-» TV • Date For Filing Of TV rM • uaie ror riimg in G.ChP. Cfeoirman Notice Ca^acy CfmTeiitioD At Conrtboiise h Wilkesboro Today ‘Miss Print’ Delegates Named To Con ventions; Roliert H. Mc Neill Is Speaker .Attorney J. M. Brown, prom inent member of the WUkes I'lir, iviio (lied earlj this mom- iiig. J. Mack Brown Succumbs Today; Funeral Tuesday Well Known Lawyer Dies Early This Morning Af ter Attack Pneumonia John (McKinley (Mack) Brown, !8, prominent Wilkes attorney, died at one a. m. today in a Statesville hospital. Me bad been ill for several Wilkes county Republicans. In convention today unanimously re-elected N. B. Smlthey, widely prominent merchant and .business man, as chairman of the party in the county and expressed con fidence that "1940 is a Republi can year.” Precinct meetings were held throughout the county Saturday for election of executive commit tee members and delegates to the county convention today. All preejnets were represented by delegates In the convention. Following the business of the convention, which included per fecting the county organization and election of delegates to the state convention i n Charlotte Wednesday and the congressional convention In Lexington Tuesday, Robert H. McNeill, a candidate for the Republican nomination for governor, delivered a force ful address, in which he stoutly condemned the fiscal policies of national and state administra tions. N. B. Smlthey, chairman, open ed the conventlpd tod^iy and call- RepaUicans and Democrat# Have Contests For Legis- latmre NMnination. List of candidates who bad filed with the Wilkee county board of elections prior to six o’ clock Saturday evening showed that there will be .primary con tests for the Democratic nomina tion for the legislature and state senate while the Republicans will have contests for nomination to the legislature and for register ot deeds. ■at— gasaa Shaw, moat phot^ graphed model, is crowned "HiaS Print" by fflnstrator McClelland Barclay at a New York banquet. Mbs £haw’s regal robe is a pasts* np of adyertising lllnstrationa . B. T. U. Regional Meetii^ Is Held Friday, Saturday For legislature the Republican candidates are T. B. Story, former Wilkesboro school principal and now an attorney, and A. Caudill, of Hays, who was a candidate for the nomination two years ago. The Democratic candidates for legislature are H. A. Cranor, of Wilkesboro, who a few years ago was the first Democrat elect ed to the legislature from Wilkes In 56 years, and A. A. Cashion, prominent oil dealer in this city. For ®tate senate the Demo cratic candidates are J. B. McCoy, of this city, who filed Saturday, and F. C. (Tom) Forester, who filed a week ago. The Republican nomination for the 2 4th district composed of W'ilkes, Yadkin and Davie will be from Yadkin thU Inspiring Program Carried Out In Two-Day Gather- Here year. For register of deeds there are two Republican candidates, C. C. Bidden, of Joynes, a mem ber ot the present board of com missioners, and Carl Church, of Caldwell line a few years ago. Highway 268 from Wilkesboro to the Caldwell line at present is an ordinaiy, graveled road and is very crooked. Residents of the communitie salong the route have pressed their claims for a hard surfaced highway for several years. Allocation ot Wilkes’ part of the funds for state highways to construction on highway 268 will not affect the road Improvement program for county roads, which Aill continue throughout the county. Funeral ssr^fciP^l Tuesday afternoon, three o’clock, at the home of his brother. Ex- Sheriff P. E. Brown, in Wllkes- horo- and Burial will be in Mt. Zion cemetery in Mulberry town ship. Two Roads Will Get Treatment ra in 1 W. Thomas Nichols I Parts Of Highway 421 and Roads Removed ^ claimed By Death X Limits Placed On Black Top Roads In February Taken Off Today ¥ Ix>ad limits were removed from all highways in this division ex cept sections of three roads to day, highway- division engineers here said. The load limits on black top surfaced highways went into ef fect on February 7 to prevent damage to the roads following unusually severe winter weather. The three sections of roads on which the load limits will remain in effect for some time are high way 16 from Millers Creek north ward to the intersection with number 88. highway 66 in For syth county and the Bunker Hill road In For.>^'th county. Load limits were placed on seventeen roads, engineers said. ■\Viley Thomas Nichols. 76- vear-old citizen ot the Pleasant ome community neur Millers Creek, died Sunday morning at his home. Funeral service will he held Tuesday, 11 a. ni., at Pleasant Home Baptist church. Ministers to take part in the service will be Rev. L. B. .Murray, Rev. F. C. Watts and Rev. A. W. Eller. Surviving Mr. Nichols are his widow, Mrs. Sarah Jane Nichols, and four children: Parks, Lizzie Mae and Walter Gwyn Nichols, of Wilkesboro route 1. and Mrs. W. C. Caudle, of Greensboro. Two sections ot highways in Wilkes county will he treated this year before the end of the fiscal year June 30, it was learn ed today from the state highway division office here. Highway 421 from Millers Creek to the Watauga county line and highway 268 from Elkin to Roaring River are on the year’s program tor treatment. Other treatment work to be done in the county will be deter mined when the road work pro gram for the fiscal year begin ning July 1 is mapped o.ut, high way engineers said. He was born on May 17, 1901, a son of the late Millard Brown and Mrs. Brown, who survives. He received his A. B. degree from the University of North Carolina in 1923 and in 1924 jraduateti from the "Wake Forest College law school. After complet ing the course at Wake Forest he begpn practicing law here and was recognized in legal circles as a brilliant attorney. During the past several years he was asso ciated with John R. Jones in the law firm of Jones and Brown. He had since youth taken a most active iiart in political af fairs, being a leader in the Re publican party in the co^unty and state. He served as secretary of the party in Wilkes county for a few years until he was elected chairman, in which capacity he served six years. He was a mem ber of the congressional Repub lican committee and in 1936 was the Eighth district’s delegate to the national convention. He was married to Miss Edith Foster, who with one daughter, Nancy Brown, survives. Other surviving members of his Imme diate family are his mother, one brother, Ex-Sheriff P. E. Brown, and one sister, Mrs. J. W. Neal. Laws, secretary. fftory,' Paul Brewer and Dhvlght Nichols were named secretaries for the con vention and the temporary or ganization was made permanent. Chairman Casey delivered a brief keynote add.ress. in which he forecast sweeping victories for the Republicans in November. The convention stood in silent tribute to the memory of J. Mack Brown, a former party chairman in the county who died a few hours before the convention open ed. Lloyd Griffin Is Club Speaker! Erwin To Speak At High Finals Commencemwt At Ronda Sihool Jasper Billings Is Taken By Death Secretary School Commis* sion Gives Many Facts About Public Education Jasper Billings, age 21, son of Mr. and Mrs. Grover C. Billings, of Edwards township, died ea.'iy Friday at his home. Funeral serv ice was held Saturday, 11 o’clock, at Pleasant Home church. Surviving are his parents and the following brothers and sis ters: Weaver Billing.s, North Wil- Itesboro: Tom, G. C„ and Andrew Billings, Roaring River: Miss Irene Billings. WIns’on-Salera; Georgia, Dicie Lou and Mary Anne Billings, of Roaring River. WOBKSTOCK Since a high-grade Jack was placed on the farm of N. H. Per ry of Erwin. Harnett county farm ers have exhibited greater inter est In raising their own work- stock. North Wilkesboro Kiwanis club held an interesting meetiig Fri day noon, featured by an address by Lloyd Griffin, secretary of the state school commission. Program chairman C. 0. Mc Neil asked John Sikes to intro duce the sp: -ker, Lloyd Griffin, of Raleigh, and executive secre tary of the State School Commis sion. He addressed the club on the topic of “Maintaining the Schools of North Carolina.” He pointed out certain history indi cating that the strip of North Carolina from the Virginia line to the Lincoln county line the length of the state would have been the State of Granville had the court decision of long ago been in favor of Lord Granville instead of the Moravians and oth- (Ckmtmoed on pace eicht) Connbnencement Procram At Wilkesboro Schools For Term Outlined Dr, Amos Abrams Will De liver Commencement Ad- . dress On April 25 Clyde Erwin, state superinten dent of public Instruction, will deliver the address at Wilkesboro high school finals on Tuesday night, April 30. Dr. Walter Lingle, president of Davidson college, will deliver the baccalaureate sermon on Sunday afternoon, three o’clock, April 28. Class night exercises will he held on April 29. There are about 50 seniors In the class this year. (XIMMITTEE A special Pitt county farmer committee has been appointed to make a careful study of practices and methods that farmers might use to produce cotton more eco nomically. Commencement season at Ron da high school will open on April 16 with the senior play and close on April 25 with gradua tion exercls'es and an address by Dr. Amos Abrams, of A. S. T. C. On April 21 Rev. Eph Whlsen- jhunt. pa.stor of the First Baptist church of Elkin, will deliver the commencement sermon. Class night ■will be held on April 23 and seventh grade fin als will be on April 25. North Wilkesboro Will Play Boone North Wllkeabloro high school baseball team will play Its first home game of the season here Tuesday afternoon, 3:30, with Boone furnishing the opposition. A good game is anticipated and loial fans are Invited to see the contest. I Chairman Casey appointed J. H. Whicker, Kyle Hayes and T. R. Bryan as a resolutions commit tee and the committee appointed to prepared lists of delegates and alternates to the conventions was composed of J. B. Norris, F. J. McDuffie and J. W. Robbins. Following the re-election of N. B. Smlthey as chairman for another two years, H. C. Kilby and Miss Frances Somers were elected members of the state Re publican executive committee. The convention elected the members of the county executive committee as reported by the delegations, from all the pre cincts. The executive committee members as elected are: Antioch, B. M. Jarvis: Beaver Creek, G. H. ■Walker; Brushy Mountain, Alon zo Anderson; Boomer, R- F. Eller; Elk number 1, S. F. Miller; Elk numiber 2, J. D. Tnplett; Ed wards nuni'bef 1, M. C. Jones; Ed wards number 2, .C. C. Alexander; Edwards nuimber 3, M. L. Petty john; Joibs Cabin number 1, W. A. Payne, Jobs Cabin namber 2. Lou Beshears: Lovelace, R. V. Wright; Lewis Fork. Dr. W. R. Triplett; Moravian Palls, Perry Lowe; Mulberry number 1, R. E. Sebastian; Mulberry number 2, C. M. Elledge; New Castle, C. M. Wellborn: North Wilkesboro, Max Foster; Reddies River, W. H. Nichols; Rock Creek, L. W. Wood; Stanton; J. C. Church: Somers, J. W. Robbins; Traphill number 1, I>. B. Swarlngen; Trap- hill number 2. G. W. Brown; Union, A. R. Miller; Walnut Grave number 1, W. W. Gamiblll; Walnut Grove number 2, W. C. Hule; Wilkesboro numiber 1, C. G. Bumgarner; Wilkesboro num ber 2, Dave Mink. The convention endorsed the action ot the senatorial conven tion held in Yadklnville In nom inating Miles Shore, prominent Yadkin county dairyman, as the Republican candidate for state the 24th district com posed of Yadkin, Davie and WUkes counties. According to custom, Yadkin county furnishes the nominee this year. T. R. Bryan very appropriately (Contlnaed cm pag« dfM) .-vdihai in'ttffs’city 'Friday and Saturday to attend the Seventh Region Baptist Training Union conven tion held at the first Baptist church. The convention opened Friday afternoon with Albert S. Hale, of Mount Airy, presiding. Miss Jose phine Turner, of Raleigh, field secretary of B. T. U. for the Baptist state convention, direct ed many of the activities ot the convention. About 100 delegates attended the sessions and the prbgrain was carried out as previously an nounced. Officers elected for the region were as follows: Miss Lucy Thompson, of Stony Point, direc tor; Rev. Zeb Caudill, of Lenoir, associate director; .Miss Elsie Nichols, of North Wilkesboro. secretary; Miss Hazel Brannock. of Mount Airy, junior leader; Miss Valeria Robinson, of Lenoir, intermediatae leader; Mrs. Eph Whlsenhunt, of Elkin, young peo ple’s leader; Rev. J. D. Whisnant, of Stony Point, adult leader: Dr. O. R.' Mangum, of Lenoir, pa.stor advisor. Highlights in the eprogram of the convention were addres-ses by Miss Turner, Dr. Mangum, of Ben)lr, ,Dr. J. C. Canipe, of B>onp.. and, I. O. Greer, superin tendent of Mills Home vhiB.‘f' WiiniDf Pleasant 7tb Grade Finals Field day and seventh grade graduation kt Mount Pleasant high school will be held on Satur day,*' April 20, according to an nouncement by A. V. Nolan, dis trict principal. The day’s program will begin at nine a. m. and continue until three p. m. Students of all the schools in the district are expect ed to participate in the events. The full program for the day ■will be published in Thursday’s issue ot this newspaper. No contests derelol^ej^air': Ination for commisSiOcers'':|a'V.4 either party. The candidates by districts are; district 1—C. B. Lenderman, Democrat, and Dave Mink, Republican: district 2—V. T, Walsh, Democrat, and G. C. Hamby, Republican; district 3—* W. W. Harris. Democrat, and M. F. .^bsher. Republican and pres.- ent chairman of the board. Earl Caudill. Republican in- ciinihent surveyor, is unopposed for the Kepublican nomination and no Democratic candidate fil ed. C. 0. McNiel. incumbent chair man of the county board of edu cation, filed tor another term as a member of the .board and H. G. Duncan filed as his Republican opponent. Democratic candidates filing for justice of peace were: Elk, W. M. Minton; Moravian Falls, R. C. Jennings; North Wilkes- .boro, J. C. Mc'Diarmid; Beaver Creek, T. W. Ferguson. Rerpublican candidates for jus tice of peace are: Wilkesboro, Ed yCrsel; Rock Creek, Harrison Felts; Mulberry, W. H. Sebastian; Somers, J. W. Robbins; Union, L. L. Little. Democratic candidates for constable are; North Wilkesboro, M. E. Miller; Moravian Palls, Buhman Jarvis: Lewis Fork, H. W. Elledge: Stanton. Weaver Byers; Edwards. R .L. Spencer; Elk, Wade Gilbert. Republican candidates for con stable; Lewis Fork. 'Theodore Fairchilds; Mulberry, J. P. Rob erts; Reddles River, Moody Par- due: Edwards, Boss Blackburn, H. M. Wiles and Earl S. Edwards. Thomas- Mulberry School To Close Friday Progyaon Will Be Carried Out Thursday and Fri day Nights This Week Miss C. P. Haynes Funeral On Sunday Funeral service was held Sun day at Liberty Grove church for Miss Cleo P. Haynes, age 56, resi dent of North Wilkesboro route 2 whd died Thursday. Rev. A. B. Hayes conducted the service, as sisted iby Rev. Lloyd Pardue. Surviving brothers and sisters are J. H. Haynes, Knottville; I. N. Haynes, North Wilkesboro route 2; Mrs. L. D. Campbell. Commencement exercises a t Mulberry school will be held oU’,! Thursday and Friday nights of this week, Grady Miller, principal, announced today. The Thursday night prognuu- will consist of two parts, an. operetta by the first, second and, third grades, and another by fourth, fifth and sixth. On Friday night the seveatll'i grade graduation exercises will'* be held. Diplomas will be pr sented by C. B. Eller, count; superintendent of schools, and an’’ address by Judge- Johnson 1,' Hayes. ’The programs each nl.qh Clements; Mrs. R. L. Church and Mrs. W., L. Foster, North WUkes-1 will begin at eight o’clock boro route 2. , 1 the public U Inytted. .