rAL-pJ ■gASgfflUSifeD tSK TRAJL'bF PR0d;^SIN«.TBE “STATB MiHii*—»»»»»% Idif j^wsOf : St^NaHon TM-Briefly »>#»»»# YOUTH KILLS GIRL Abington, Pa.—A lovestruck Gleaslde youth confessed last night, authorities announced, the ambush slaying of pretty 16-year- oid Edith Snyder, Abington High School student, because she had 'transferred her attentions to an other 'boy. Robert Heineman, 16- year-old son of a Temple Univers ity physical education instructor. h-1 I 9^ i” OVHS 'MIRlT - TW 1""' msaui- » - - -VOL, xxxni, No. 39 Published Mondays and Thursdays. NORTH WII^ESBORO, N. MOKD^l ‘w-i to. ■ m' A ■ f.-‘ V'*- - foP adrantagr do huyladr in Norths Wllkeaboro, the trading center of IfctfHlWttitem North Carolina. M OUT OF THE STATF admitted he shot the gdrl Thurs- A,^day night as she sat studying in ■ the living room of her home, As- “sistant District Attorney David E. Groehens of Montgomery county said. 0 4 BURNED TO DRATH Reidsvllle.—Mrs. Lucy Trollin- ger, 22, wife of Homer Trollinger of Ruffin, died Friday morning at 2:30 o’clock at Memorial Hos pital here of burns she suffered March 18 in an explosion at her home. Mrs. 'Trollinger was ser iously burned about the face, arms and body when an explosion resulted from a mixture of gaso line and kerosene thrown on a fire in the home. Her two sons. Spencer, nine months, and Jerry, two years, were also burned. Spencer received hospital treat ment, but Jerry was only slightly Injured. ARABS “DELIGHTED” Damascus, Syria.—The Arabs are watching Europe’s struggle with oriental calm and reflection, and In many cases with hopes that it will mean the decline of western civilization. The more radical Arabs think such a decline would be the best thing that could happen for the Ar?.t> world, for they believe it would open the way for its union, independence and revived greatness. This hope ful waiting is one reason why strife has diminished on the Arabian peninsula since the start of the war. Another reason, of course, is that Britain and France have many troops here, and they have made it plain that they will stand for no Arab agitation. Lions Planning For Anniversary Night on Friday Dr. J. S. Hiatt Will Be the Speaker at Banquet Meet of Club Dr. J. S’. Hiatt. Methodist dis trict superintendent, of Elkin, will be the speaker at North Wilkesboro Lions Club Annivers ary and Ladies night to be held Friday evening. May 3. seven o’ clock, at the Woman’s clubhouse on Trogdon street. An enjoyable evening is anti cipated and several clubs from other cities and towns in North western North Carolina will . be represented. On the program committee for the banquet meeting are L. L. Carpenter, E. C. Johnson and E. S. FMnley. The arrangements' com mittee is compo.sed of Blair Gtwyn, Richard Johnston and Paul Cash- ion. Rivers Gels Out Of Congress Race Withdrawal of Boone Man Leaves Doughton Unop posed in Ninth Puppet Premier Head of the newly formed puppet group In Norway is Major Vldknn Quisling, Fascist leader, who an nounced a new government to re place that of Premier Johann Ny- gaardvold. Secret Service Operative Talks At Kiwanis Meet Erwin to Speak ; At' Wilkesboro i Finals Nazi Invasibh Endangers*’Three Crowns Forty-Five to Get Diplomas In Final Commencement* Program at School Statesville. April 27.—Jim Riv ers of Boone, while visiting friends here today, made formal announcement that he is with drawing his name as candidate for nomination for Cjongress in the Ninth district, makin.g the significant statement that his withdrawal is not "surrender” 'but "retreat.” The statement, released by Mr. Rivers, follows in full: "I am today requesting the State Board u EHeetions to with- for Lewis O. Padgett Tells Club About Work of the Secret Service Department Wilkesboro high school will close the 1939-40 term on Tues day night with an \Vdress by Clyde Erwin, state superintendent of public instruction, .and presen tation of diplomas to a class of 45 seniors. The high s^ljool commencement began on Thb+sday night with a recital by Mrs. R. E. Prevette’s music classes, followed by a sec ond recital on Friday night. In ’noth programs the music pui^Ts acquitted themselves well and performed before appreciative au diences. Dr, Walter L. Lingle, president of Davidson college, delivered the baccalaureate sermon Sunday aft ernoon. He delivered an inspiring message. The commencement will con tinue with, a unique class day pro gram tonight and graduation Tuesday night, eight o’clock. The senior class roll this year is as follows: John Ellis, presi- Frlday after noon at 4:45 o’clock when his car left the Taylorsville highway, three miles from Statesville, and turned over five times, landing in a wheat field 42 yards from the paved road. Randall, driving his own automobile, accompanied by Charles Henry Mes-sick, 26, were returning from Stony Point, where they had been target shoot ing, when the car went off the left sid^ of the road, hit a con crete culvert and wa.« demolished. One of the guns was fired as a re sult of the crash, the entire load of shot going throu.gh back win dow. Randall, with neck broken, 'ikull fractured and other injur ies, was dead when admitted to the Davis Hospital. % .TO FAST -A-ND PR-AY Atlantic City. N. J.—^The gen eral conference of the Methodist ch’.rch yesterday called upon iis 7,156.000 members in the United S «.tes to do without Sunday din ner on June 2 and pray for "speedy termination of war.” The 7 6 conference delegates resolv ed to set the example 'by doing likewise this Sunday and con tributing the money they would have spent to a fund “for the re lief of human suffering.” “The first Sunday in June.’’ their reso lution read, "is hereby designat ed as a day of self-denial, fast ing and prayer throughout the Methodist Church. . . • We urge that every Methodist follow the example of the general conference In making a sacrificial offering. We regard this period of fasting ... as a preparation for further sacrifices to be made during the continuation of this period of critical human need.’’ l.v $100 Stolen b a Robbery Uearby Ca*h RegUter and Money Taken From EatablUh- ment on Gordon Hill kt Officers have been searching for clues which might lead to the identity and apprehension cf one or more persons who broke into Phillip Yates’ establishment In the new brick building on Gor don Hill west of this city Friday night. The thieves took the cash reg ister, which Is said to have con tained about $100 In cash, and a pinboard. The cash register. >irhieh had been robbed of Its con tents, was found where it . siignidoned by the robbers. was ,'irinth North Oarollna district. My decision, based on a thorough study of the political situation In this region, was the hardest I ever made. “The~e is little need for a pros pective office-holder to keep from friends or foe thtf thing or things that determine his course. So, in the following paragraphs. I’m confessing. “All surface indications lead me to believe that, despite en couraging reports from followers in each of these nine counties, I wouldn’t have enough votes on the night of May 25 to ‘salt a- way’ the nomination. And, frank ly, I never desired to run just for the e.xercise afforded by a race. “Mr. Doughton. the incumbent congressman, has served the dis trict for 30 years. National tribu lations and internal bickerings of recent weeks make it apparent that voters in these parts desire him to continue in office during the coming two years. Frankly, Jliey’re pretty well sold on the idea that experience in times like these is far more to be de sired than the promises of a po litical new-comer. "Endowed with just average intelligence. I can’t help but take note of those trends, and there Is little use of waiting until primary day to concede that which today appears inevitable. “To use an old mountain ex pression, ‘the sign ain’t right.’ I shall retain my ammunition for a scrap with less formidable foes in 1942. This is not surrender. It’s retreat. "Being a Democrat, I look for ward with confidence to a fall campaign devoid of the friction which might be engendered by a bitter primary struggle. And from the bottom of my heart I express sincere appreciation to the ho.st of good friends who have stood so loyally by me during this, my first public effort.’’ Superior Court Term Is Opened April term of Wilkes superior court for trial of civil cases be gan in W ilkesboro this morning with Judge Wm. H. Bobbitt, of Charlotte, presiding. A calendar of many cases, in cluding some which originated several years ago but have not reached trial, has been arranged for the term, which will be in progress two weeks. Miss Frances Crawford spent the week-end in Lenoir 'with Miss Frances Reins.. Lewis O. Padgett, Secret Serv ice Department Investigator, ad dressed the North Wilkes'boro Ki wanis Club Friday noon and told many Interesting facts aibout that branch of the United States Gov ernment. The program was in charge of R. G. Finley, who Introduced the- speaker. Mr. Padgett's subject was “Counterfeit Money.” He said that counterfeit money has been one of the evils which tj>« jEoronUShnt has bad to con-{. its history. Counterfeiting was a most prevalent crime, he said, following the 1937 panic and also sollowing the War Between the States. The Secret Service began to function in 1864 and its major work was in running down coun terfeiters. Following^ the assassination of i*resident McKinley the Secret Service assumed the duty of ren dering protection to the presi dent. Following his talk he showed to the club a reel of motion pic tures showing work in the en graving department. Charlie Barber, lieutenant gov ernor of Kiwanis Division Three, made a short talk to the club on the subject of “Personal Service.” Guests at Friday's meeting were: Tom Story with Robert S. Gibbs; Tom Holloway with W. D. Halfacre; J. T. Brame, J. M. An derson and D. M. Stone with J. B. Williams; Blair Gwyn, Miss Anne Duncan, John Walker, Miss Ruth Colvard, Miss Hallie Waugh, Miss Lillian Stafford, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis O. Padgett with R. G. Finley. dent; James Ritchie, vice presi dent; Nell Martin, secretary; Mildred ReavIs, treasurer; Helen Roberta, valedictorian; Ruth Ad ams, Lucinda Anderson, EJvelyn Broyhill, Grace Broyhill, Mary Carlton, Peggy Church, Dorothy Clark, Ethel Combs, Jewel Fergu son, Gienna Greene, Ina Hayes, Gena Hlx, Mildred Holman, Hel en Irvin, Marie Joines, Ruth Joines, Ruth Johnson, Grace Kil by, Louise McLain, I aullne Reid, Marie Richardson, Blanche Stvoud, Rena Walsh, Jerry Wy att, Claude Bentley, Joel Bent- I e y, Warren Craven, James Hemphill, Wade Howard, Noah James, Ralph Miller, John Reid, Germany’s lightning invasion of Dfnmark and Norway struck deep at the traditional autonomy of the Soaudtoavian countrieo and periled the crowns of three monarchs. Pictured here are (left) Kiug Haakon of Norway, (center) K’r.g Gustav of Sweden and King Christian of Den- • - ’ Vakpll to O’" na*’nns. Officers Course Is Resumed Here D. S. Hostetter, a Special Agent of the FBI, Has Charge This Week 8 Enumerators Complete Task Hope to Complete the Job of Counting Noses in Wilkes County In Few Days Eight of the 34 census enume rators have completed the task of taking the decennial census In their respective territories, A. S. Cassel, county census supep'isor, seid today. Several others are expected to complete their jobs tomorrow, the last day of the month, but some have found it impossible to finish by the end of the month. So far there has been but lit tle complaint from enumerators a>bout people refusing or being reluctant to give the information asked iby Uncle Sam in the' nose counting task. Mr. Cassel said, and coopera-tion on the part of the public is urgently requested in order that the census may- be completed within a tew days in the county. U.-ITTLE agent of the State College ;^en> Sion fferrice. "til Sam Smmkr'vKTl Souther, Ray Stroud, Ralph Tedder, Dempsy Walker and Mward Kimball. Pupils appearing In the music recital Thursday night were: Faye Hendren, Eldlth Roberts, Ruth Moseley, Robert Dennis, Carol Glass, Laura Katharine Glass, EMith Rhodes, Don Reins, Dorothy Rhodes, Doris Howard, Lenora Livingstone, Elizabeth Carlton, Blanche Livingstone, Britt Steelman, Betsy Barber, Elizabeth Pharr, Opal Miller, Car oline Ogilvie, Rena ‘Walsh, Elolse Pardue, Rosemond Doughton, Barbara Ogilvie, 'Virginia Ander son, Hilda Dennis,^ Caroline Byrd. Sylvia Moore, Bar'bara Ann Wall, Frances ‘Smlthey, and the junior chorus. In the recital on Friday night were: James Ritchie, Gozelle An drews, Nancy Lee Yates, Margaret Miller, Eloise Minton, John Wright, Louise Kennedy, Helen Roberts, Hoke Steelman, Dorothy Lenderman, Mary Gage Barber, Ray Stroud, Helen Phillips, Mary Sue Williams, Jewel Howard, Frances Kennedy, Mary Wiles, Gena Hix, Justus Brewer, Barbara Ogilvie and the high school chor us. Composers represented on the two programs were Bedthoven, Brahms, Schubert, Schumann, Liszt, Chopin, Chamlnade, Mac- Dowell, Grieg, Llchner, Godard, Bohm, Spindler, Donizette, Pol- dini, De Koven, Nevln. Beach Gaynor, Mozart, Clement!, and others. V. F. W. Post Is To Get Charter State Commander ChandAer Will Preaent Charter Here Friday Night The ten-days school for law en forcement officers of Wilkes and adjoining counties was resumed here this afternoon with D. S. Hostetter, special agent of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, in charge. The courses opened on Monday' of last week with a discourse by Edward Scheldt, who has charge of the Charlotte office of the FBI. Other sessions were held on Tues day and Wednesday afternoons with G. W. Carlson, G-Man spec ialist on firearms, giving demon strations on the use ot firearms and in technique of making ar rests. ial Agent RMletter each after noon, two to five o’clock, through Friday of this week and the school will end Friday evening with a barbecue given by Wilkes officers and an address 'by a prominent official. The subjects to be discussed In On Friday, May 3, all members ot the WlVkes county post ot Vet erans of Foreign Wars are asked to meet at the city hall in North Wilkesboro at 7:30 p. m., at which time a charter will be granted the post, and officers for the remainder of this year will be installed. State commander Chandler, of Greensboro, will be in charge of thexmeetlng and will be assisted by the Chief of Staff Crosby, of Hickory. All members that have ^ald their dues and have their applications on file are requested to “be there and bring some one with you.” To be eligible for mem- bershlp lajhis organization, the si^nieant ikhstTatiB an hononrtife discharge showing that he has served in the armed forces of the United States in war on foreign soil, or in some campaign that congress has recognized by grant ing a campaign 'bar. This organi zation "was started in 1899, and- today numbers nearly one million the sessions this week will in-j members. It is made up of the elude fingArrlnting, identifica tion, moulage, casting,, crime scene searches, testimony in court and other Interesting subjects. The course is open to all law enforcement officers, -municipal, county, state and federal, in northwestern North Carolina. The school was arranged with cooperation of the FBI through efforts- of J. E. Walker,’ North Wilkesiboro nolice chief, and C. T. Doughton, Wilkes sheriff. No charge is made for attendance at any of the sessions. Another Cripple Clinic Announced For Ninth Of May . Dr. A. J. Eller, Wilkes county health officer, announced today that the next crippled clinic will be held here on Thursday, May 9. ’i’he clinic will 'be conducted by Dr. O. L. Miller, orthopedic sur geon, of Charlotte, and no charge will be made for examination. A clinic Is held here each month with the health depart ment and the North 'Wllkes'boro Kiwanis club as co-sponsors. Newkirk Flies Army Plane Here Madison county farmers are planning to bring in improved beef cattle from other sections so. as to 'bi'oaden their cattU Ikdua- try, reports P. R. Elam, Ithe-U. S. iilr..corps.^gniil.j|8. voir • Ed Newkirk, who used to pro vide plenty of aerial thrills when he was flying at the North Wil kesboro airport, visited this city on Friday with a high speed U. S. Arimy pursuit plane. ’■Newkirk, who, had been flying on a mail route,' has ' enlisted in stntloned at TuscalooM, .AlaMms, Inatrnctor.; ,4' z-..r -’f-vr-v. i; Attend Furniture Show In Chicago ■Three North Wilkesboro Furni ture manufacturers are represent ed at the midseason furniture ex position opening in Chicago to day. They are: .Tack Quinn, ot Home Chair company; N. O. Smoak, of Forest Furniture company; and John E. Justice, Jr., ot Oak Fur niture company. Mrs. Clarence Call, of Greens boro, spent the week-end In this city with her daughters, Mrs. John E. Justice, Jr., and Mrs. J- B. Carter. men that have followed the flag to four the corners of the earth and on the seven seas. Their Creed today In brief is, “For him that has borne the battle, his widow and his orphan." Every service man is urged to attend this meeting and htear more of this service man’s organ ization. For any information see any mem'ber. A list of the mem- ■bers will be published next week in Veterans ot Foreign Wars notes. Norman Howard Hold Ui Bond for Fatal Aeeidiiil^'^^ Near Pmon Caanp Eli Combs, 48, resi(^aat of thJa city, died in the Will.eEr hospital early Sunday from Injuries'^" de ceived when hit by a car on the highway 'hear the lower Yadkin Inldge hefe about 12:15 a. m. Sunday, Norman Howard, 17, ot Roar ing River, driver ot the car, was jailed and placed under bond of $2,000. Patrolman Sergeant Carlyle In gle, with Deputies Oscar Felts and Bret Cothren, met Howard’s car one mile east of Wilkesboro and signaled it to because only one headlight w^s burning. When the car failed iL stop the officers turned and gave, chase, overhauling Howard’s car in n short distance on old highway 6#. Howard stopped, officers sai^ , and they informed him that oiM^ light was out. He said that he did not know that it was out and the officers further informed him that It was 'broken out. He then confessed, officers said, to bitting’ a man on the highway and they Immediately returned toward this city and found Combs on the highway directly In front of the prison camp. They carried him to the hospital, where examination revealed that both legs wert broken and his skull was frac tured. He died about eight a.;m. Sunday. Howard said did not see Combs until hi[S'''Md '#«s with-' in a few feet of %im and that he was on the pavement as he was meeting another car. Harrison Johnson, Guy Blevins and Clyde Dlmmette, who were with How ard, were released under bondisjli of $500 each. •^CdtSbs la surrived ■by Mrs. Caroline Combs, four’chil dren, James L., Pauline, Eari end Geraldine Combs and his father, /ames Combb. He had been making bis home near Millers Creek and only re cently had moved to this city, where he worked at Home Chair company. Funeral service will be held Tuesday, two p. m. at the Penta- costal Holiness church in this city. W. M. A. Jarvis Is Claimed By Death William Matthew Alonzo Jar vis, 81, well known citizen of Somers township, died Sunday at his home. Funeral service was held this afternoon, 2:30, at Shady Grove church with Rev. Grady White in charge. Surviving are four 'brothers and two sisters: Richard, Joe and C. Jarvis, Mrs. W. L. Lunsford, Miss Mlnda Jarvis and Mrs. N. M. Felts. Millers Creek Finals Tuesday Dr. Amos Abrams to Speak Tuesday Night; Large Class of Graduates Dr. Noracella McGuire and Miss Nlmmo Gyser, of Sylvs, spent the week-end with Dr. Car olyn Taylor. Morrison Fountain Pens Going Fast To Subscribers of Journal - Patriot The fourth shipment of Morrl- sou fountain pens to be given to nei^ or renewal subscribers of The Journal-Patriot has arrived aid the pens are being given out rapidly. Since The Journal-Patriot an nounced only a- few weeks ago that a' genuine Morrison pen with a lifetime service guarantee would 'be given each new or re newal subscription many have tak en advantage of the offer and have obtained these fine pens. We urge that all subscribers whose subscriptions are ' not al- all wno wish to begin new aub- scrlptlons to,The Journal-Patriot to act as early as possible while we are still able to sechra these high quality peas and give them qway. J '• The pens are purchased by The jonnud-Patriot direct tit/oi • thm ot, : gnalfty Morrison pens. This is an intro ductory offer by the manufactur ers in order to introduce the peils In this territory. Heretofore they have been sold only In a few key cities in the north and the advertising offer through which The Journal-Patriot has se cured them makes It i^ossible to give one with each subscription at the regular rates of only $1.50 per year In the state and $2.00 per year outside of North Caro lina. -It it is not convenient to bring your remittance to The Journal- ready paid well in advance ' attcP Patriot piall it and a pen ivUl be sent through the mails. ■ .The pens are offered In two at tractive styles, gen'.lemen’s and ladies’. 7 All who have received the pens have fovad them to 'be exactly as represented and satisfactory Ja every respect. May we give you puet ■ . s Final program of Millers Creek high school commencement will take place on Tuesday night when diplomas will be presented to the largest class of graduates In the history of the school and the com mencement address will he deliv ered by Dr. Amos Abrams, pro fessor of English in A. S. T. C., Boone. (Seventh grade district finals were held at the school on Friday and on Sunday afternoon Rev. Paul Townsend pastor ot the Boone Methodist church, deliver ed the baccalaureate sermon in the presence of a large audience. The commencement will con tinue with class night tonight and graduation Tuesday night. Task Registering Voters Is Started! Books Opened Saturday; Toi| Close on Saturday, May Eleventh regrJ Books for the new registration ot voters in Wilkes county open- I ed on Saturday, April 27, and re-j ports from several precincts la-1 dlcate that registration on op«B-| ing day was very light. Due to the fact that a new istration of all voters was aalledj In Wilkes, all who vote in the| primary May 25 must register, gardless of whether or not the have registered for previous marles or elections. Registration 'hooks will open^ at the poUiag plpe^. the varlone precincteon^ more Saturdaysj, May and TO* booiftm prl-1

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